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Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation (2016 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国认证认可条例(2016修正) [已被修订]

Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation 


(Adopted at the 18th executive meeting of the State Council on August 20, 2003, promulgated by the Order No. 390 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on September 3, 2003 and amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending Certain Administrative Regulations on February 6, 2016) (2003年8月20日国务院第18次常务会议通过,2003年9月3日中华人民共和国国务院令第390号公布施行 根据2016年2月6日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》第一次修正)

Chapter I General Principles 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 The present Regulations are hereby formulated for the purpose of regulating the certification and accreditation activities, improving the quality of products and services and the level of administration, as well as promoting the economic and social development.   第一条 为了规范认证认可活动,提高产品、服务的质量和管理水平,促进经济和社会的发展,制定本条例。
Article 2 The “certification” as mentioned in the present Regulations refers to the assessment activities carried out by the certification bodies to testify whether the products, services, and management systems are in conformity with the relevant technical norms and their compulsive requirements or standards.   第二条 本条例所称认证,是指由认证机构证明产品、服务、管理体系符合相关技术规范、相关技术规范的强制性要求或者标准的合格评定活动。
The “accreditation” as mentioned in the present Regulations refers to the assessment activities carried out by the accreditation bodies to recognize the capabilities and qualifications of the certification bodies, inspection organizations and laboratories, and practicing personnel engaging in such certification activities as the appraisal and examination, etc. 本条例所称认可,是指由认可机构对认证机构、检查机构、实验室以及从事评审、审核等认证活动人员的能力和执业资格,予以承认的合格评定活动。
Article 3 The present Regulations shall be observed when the certification and accreditation activities are undertaken within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第三条 在中华人民共和国境内从事认证认可活动,应当遵守本条例。
Article 4 The State shall implement a uniform certification and accreditation supervision system.   第四条 国家实行统一的认证认可监督管理制度。
The State shall apply the working mechanism on certification and accreditation under which all the relevant departments shall implement the work together under the uniform administration, supervision and comprehensive coordination of the certification and accreditation administration department of the State Council. 国家对认证认可工作实行在国务院认证认可监督管理部门统一管理、监督和综合协调下,各有关方面共同实施的工作机制。
Article 5 The certification and accreditation administration department of the State Council shall strengthen the supervision over the activities of the certification training institutions and certification consultation institutions.   第五条 国务院认证认可监督管理部门应当依法对认证培训机构、认证咨询机构的活动加强监督管理。
Article 6 The principles of impersonality and independence, openness and justice, and good faith shall be followed in carrying out the certification and accreditation activities.   第六条 认证认可活动应当遵循客观独立、公开公正、诚实信用的原则。
Article 7 The State encourages the international mutual recognition activities of certification and accreditation to be carried out on the basis of equality and mutual benefits, which shall not impair the national security and public interests.   第七条 国家鼓励平等互利地开展认证认可国际互认活动。认证认可国际互认活动不得损害国家安全和社会公共利益。
Article 8 The organizations and persons engaging in the certification and accreditation activities shall have the duty of keeping confidential for the state secrets and commercial secrets learned.   第八条 从事认证认可活动的机构及其人员,对其所知悉的国家秘密和商业秘密负有保密义务。
Chapter II Certification Bodies 

第二章 认证机构

Article 9 To be qualified as a certification body shall be subject to the approval of the certification and accreditation administrative department of the State Council, and certification activities shall be conducted within the approved scope.   第九条 取得认证机构资质,应当经国务院认证认可监督管理部门批准,并在批准范围内从事认证活动。
No entity or person may undertake certification activities without approval. 未经批准,任何单位和个人不得从事认证活动。
Article 10 For qualification as a certification body, the following conditions shall be met:   第十条 取得认证机构资质,应当符合下列条件:
(1) Having the legal person status; (一) 取得法人资格;
(2) Having a fixed location and necessary facilities; (二) 有固定的场所和必要的设施;
(3) Having management rules in conformity with the requirements of certification and accreditation; (三) 有符合认证认可要求的管理制度;
(4) Having registered capital of not less than three million yuan; (四) 注册资本不得少于人民币300万元;
(5) Having ten or more full-time certification staff members in the corresponding fields. (五) 有10名以上相应领域的专职认证人员。
Certification bodies engaging in product certification activities shall possess such technical capability for examination and inspection fitting in with the relative product certification activities in addition. 从事产品认证活动的认证机构,还应当具备与从事相关产品认证活动相适应的检测、检查等技术能力。
Article 11 To be qualified as a certification body, a foreign-funded enterprise shall meet the following conditions, in addition to those prescribed in Article 10 of this Regulation:   第十一条 外商投资企业取得认证机构资质,除应当符合本条例第十条规定的条件外,还应当符合下列条件:
(1) The foreign investor has been accredited by the accreditation body in the country or region where it is located. (一) 外方投资者取得其所在国家或者地区认可机构的认可;
(2) The foreign investor has three or more years of experience in certification activities. (二) 外方投资者具有3年以上从事认证活动的业务经历。
The application of a foreign-funded enterprise for qualification as a certification body and the approval and registration of such qualification shall also comply with the relevant foreign investment laws and administrative regulations and other relevant provisions issued by the state. 外商投资企业取得认证机构资质的申请、批准和登记,还应当符合有关外商投资法律、行政法规和国家有关规定。
Article 12 The procedures for the application for and approval of qualification as a certification body shall be as follows:   第十二条 认证机构资质的申请和批准程序:
(1) The applicant for qualification as a certification body shall file a written application with the certification and accreditation administrative department of the State Council and submit supporting documents in conformity with the conditions as prescribed in Article 10 of this Regulation. (一) 认证机构资质的申请人,应当向国务院认证认可监督管理部门提出书面申请,并提交符合本条例第十条规定条件的证明文件;
(2) The certification and accreditation administrative department of the State Council shall, within 45 days of acceptance of the application for qualification as a certification body, make a decision on whether to approve the application. If the responsibilities of the relevant departments of the State Council are involved, the opinions of the relevant departments of the State Council shall be solicited. If a decision to approve the application is made, an approval document shall be issued to the applicant; or if a decision to disapprove the application is made, the applicant shall be notified in writing of the decision with an explanation of the reasons for the disapproval. (二) 国务院认证认可监督管理部门自受理认证机构资质申请之日起45日内,应当作出是否批准的决定。涉及国务院有关部门职责的,应当征求国务院有关部门的意见。决定批准的,向申请人出具批准文件,决定不予批准的,应当书面通知申请人,并说明理由。
The certification and accreditation administrative department of the State Council shall publish a directory of enterprises legally qualified as certification bodies. 国务院认证认可监督管理部门应当公布依法取得认证机构资质的企业名录。
Article 13 A representative office established within the territory of the People's Republic of China by a foreign certification body may conduct promotional activities related to the business scope of the foreign certification body only after undergoing the registration formalities with the administration department for industry and commerce according to the law, but may not carry out any certification activity.   第十三条 境外认证机构在中华人民共和国境内设立代表机构,须向工商行政管理部门依法办理登记手续后,方可从事与所从属机构的业务范围相关的推广活动,但不得从事认证活动。
The registration of a representative office established within the territory of the People's Republic of China by a foreign certification body shall be handled under the relevant foreign investment laws and administrative regulations and the relevant provisions issued by the state. 境外认证机构在中华人民共和国境内设立代表机构的登记,按照有关外商投资法律、行政法规和国家有关规定办理。
Article 14 The certification bodies may not have interests relations of any kind with the administrative departments.   第十四条 认证机构不得与行政机关存在利益关系。
The certification bodies are prohibited from accepting any grants that may influence the impersonality and justice of the certification activities; and are prohibited from undertaking any such activities that may influence the impersonality and justice of the certification activities as the development and sale of the products, etc. 认证机构不得接受任何可能对认证活动的客观公正产生影响的资助;不得从事任何可能对认证活动的客观公正产生影响的产品开发、营销等活动。
The certification bodies may not have interests relations of any kind with the certification clients in such aspects as capital and management. 认证机构不得与认证委托人存在资产、管理方面的利益关系。
Article 15 The persons engaging in the certification activities shall practice in one certification body, and may not practice in more than two certification bodies at the same time.   第十五条 认证人员从事认证活动,应当在一个认证机构执业,不得同时在两个以上认证机构执业。
Article 16 The inspection organizations and the laboratories that issue to the public the data and results, which have the function of verification, shall possess the basic conditions and capabilities as required by the relevant laws and administrative regulations, and may carry out the relative activities after being recognized in accordance with the law. The results of the accreditation shall be publicized by the certification and accreditation administration department of the State Council.   第十六条 向社会出具具有证明作用的数据和结果的检查机构、实验室,应当具备有关法律、行政法规规定的基本条件和能力,并依法经认定后,方可从事相应活动,认定结果由国务院认证认可监督管理部门公布。
Chapter III Certification 

第三章 认  证

Article 17 The State shall popularize the certification on products, services and management systems in conformity with the requirements of the economic and social development.   第十七条 国家根据经济和社会发展的需要,推行产品、服务、管理体系认证。
Article 18 The certification bodies shall carry out the certification activities in accordance with the basic certification standards and certification rules, which shall be formulated by the certification and accreditation administration department of the State Council; in case the standards and rules have to do with the functions of the relative departments of the State Council, they shall be formulated by the certification and accreditation administration department of the State Council together with the relative departments of the State Council.   第十八条 认证机构应当按照认证基本规范、认证规则从事认证活动。认证基本规范、认证规则由国务院认证认可监督管理部门制定;涉及国务院有关部门职责的,国务院认证认可监督管理部门应当会同国务院有关部门制定。
If the certification is in a new field, and no corresponding certification rules have been formulated by the departments as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the certification bodies may make certification rules by themselves, which shall be put on records at the certification and accreditation administration department of the State Council. 属于认证新领域,前款规定的部门尚未制定认证规则的,认证机构可以自行制定认证规则,并报国务院认证认可监督管理部门备案。
Article 19 Any legal entity, organization or individual may entrust a legally established certification body of his own accord to make the certification on products, services and management systems.   第十九条 任何法人、组织和个人可以自愿委托依法设立的认证机构进行产品、服务、管理体系认证。
Article 20 No certification bodies shall refuse to provide the certification services within the business scope of their own certification bodies for the reason that the clients fail to take part in the certification consultation or certification training, etc., nor shall they put forward to the clients the requirements or restricted conditions irrespective to the certification activities.   第二十条 认证机构不得以委托人未参加认证咨询或者认证培训等为理由,拒绝提供本认证机构业务范围内的认证服务,也不得向委托人提出与认证活动无关的要求或者限制条件。
Article 21 The certification bodies shall make public such information as the basic certification standards, certification rules and charging standards, etc.   第二十一条 认证机构应当公开认证基本规范、认证规则、收费标准等信息。
Article 22 The certification bodies and the inspection organizations in relation to certification, as well as the laboratories shall, when carrying out the certification activities and inspection and examination activities in relation to certification, complete the procedures as prescribed in the basic certification standards and certification rules, so as to ensure the integrity, impersonality and truthfulness of the certification, inspection and examination, no procedures shall be increased, reduced, or omitted.   第二十二条 认证机构以及与认证有关的检查机构、实验室从事认证以及与认证有关的检查、检测活动,应当完成认证基本规范、认证规则规定的程序,确保认证、检查、检测的完整、客观、真实,不得增加、减少、遗漏程序。
The certification bodies and inspection organizations in relation to certification, as well as the laboratories shall make full records on the process of certification, inspection and examination, which shall be kept on file for future reference. 认证机构以及与认证有关的检查机构、实验室应当对认证、检查、检测过程作出完整记录,归档留存。
Article 23 The certification bodies and their personnel shall make the certification conclusions in time, and ensure the impersonality and truthfulness of the certification conclusions, which shall then be subscribed by the person in charge of the certification bodies after being signed by the certification personnel.   第二十三条 认证机构及其认证人员应当及时作出认证结论,并保证认证结论的客观、真实。认证结论经认证人员签字后,由认证机构负责人签署。
The certification bodies and their personnel shall be responsible for the certification conclusions. 认证机构及其认证人员对认证结果负责。
Article 24 In case the products, services, and the management systems are certified as in conformity with the requirements of certification by the certification conclusions, the certification bodies shall issue the certificate to the clients in time.   第二十四条 认证结论为产品、服务、管理体系符合认证要求的,认证机构应当及时向委托人出具认证证书。
Article 25 Those who have obtained the certificates shall use the certificates and certification marks within the certification scope. No entity shall, by using the product and service certificates, certification marks and the relative characters and symbols, mislead the public to believe that their management systems have passed the certification; or mislead the public to believe that their products and services have passed the certification by using the administration system certificates, certification marks and the relative characters and symbols.   第二十五条 获得认证证书的,应当在认证范围内使用认证证书和认证标志,不得利用产品、服务认证证书、认证标志和相关文字、符号,误导公众认为其管理体系已通过认证,也不得利用管理体系认证证书、认证标志和相关文字、符号,误导公众认为其产品、服务已通过认证。
Article 26 A certification body may develop its certification marks independently. The style, words or characters, or name of the certification marks developed by a certification body independently shall not violate the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, shall not be identical with or similar to the certification marks promoted by the state, shall not impede social administration, and shall not impair social morals or good social climates.   第二十六条 认证机构可以自行制定认证标志。认证机构自行制定的认证标志的式样、文字和名称,不得违反法律、行政法规的规定,不得与国家推行的认证标志相同或者近似,不得妨碍社会管理,不得有损社会道德风尚。
Article 27 The certification bodies shall implement effective following-up investigations on the products, services and management systems that have been certified by them. In case the products, services and management systems that have been certified fail to meet the requirements of the certification continuously, the certification bodies shall suspend their use and even revoke the certificates, and make that known to the public.   第二十七条 认证机构应当对其认证的产品、服务、管理体系实施有效的跟踪调查,认证的产品、服务、管理体系不能持续符合认证要求的,认证机构应当暂停其使用直至撤销认证证书,并予公布。
Article 28 In order to safeguard the national security, prevent fraudulent acts, protect the health or safety of human body, safeguard the life or health of animals and plants, and protect the environments, no products, which must be certified as prescribed by the State, may leave the factory, or may be sold, imported or used in other business activities until after being certified and labeled with the certification marks.   第二十八条 为了保护国家安全、防止欺诈行为、保护人体健康或者安全、保护动植物生命或者健康、保护环境,国家规定相关产品必须经过认证的,应当经过认证并标注认证标志后,方可出厂、销售、进口或者在其他经营活动中使用。
Article 29 The State shall unify the catalogues of products, the compulsive requirements, standards and conformity assessment procedures of the technical norms, and the marks, as well as the charging standards for those products that must be certified.   第二十九条 国家对必须经过认证的产品,统一产品目录,统一技术规范的强制性要求、标准和合格评定程序,统一标志,统一收费标准。
The uniform catalogues of products (hereinafter refers to as the Catalogues) shall be formulated and adjusted jointly by the certification and accreditation administration department of the State Council and the relevant departments of the State Council, and shall be publicized by the certification and accreditation administration department of the State Council, and implemented together with the relative departments and institutions. 统一的产品目录(以下简称目录)由国务院认证认可监督管理部门会同国务院有关部门制定、调整,由国务院认证认可监督管理部门发布,并会同有关方面共同实施。
Article 30 The products listed in the Catalogues must be certified by the certification bodies as confirmed by the certification and accreditation administration department of the State Council.
   第三十条 列入目录的产品,必须经国务院认证认可监督管理部门指定的认证机构进行认证。

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