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Regulation of Shanghai Municipality on Advancing the Construction of a Scientific and Technological Innovation Center [Effective]
上海市推进科技创新中心建设条例 [现行有效]

Announcement of the People's Congress of Shanghai Municipality 


(No. 13) (第十三号)

The Regulation of Shanghai Municipality on Advancing the Construction of a Scientific and Technological Innovation Center, as adopted at the 3rd Session of the Fifteenth People's Congress of Shanghai Municipality on January 20, 2020, is hereby issued and shall come into force on May 1, 2020. 《上海市推进科技创新中心建设条例》已由上海市第十五届人民代表大会第三次会议于2020年1月20日通过,现予公布,自2020年5月1日起施行。
Presidium of the 3rd Session of the Fifteenth People's Congress of Shanghai Municipality 上海市第十五届人民代表大会第三次会议主席团
January 20, 2020 2020年1月20日
Regulation of Shanghai Municipality on Advancing the Construction of a Scientific and Technological Innovation Center 上海市推进科技创新中心建设条例
(Adopted at the 3rd Session of the Fifteenth People's Congress of Shanghai Municipality on January 20, 2020) (2020年1月20日上海市第十五届人民代表大会第三次会议通过)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of profoundly implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, expediting the construction of a scientific and technological innovation center of global influence, and comprehensively improving the development level and core competitiveness of the city, this Regulation is developed in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations and based on the actual conditions of the city.   第一条 为了深入实施创新驱动发展战略,加快建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,全面提升城市能级和核心竞争力,根据有关法律、行政法规,结合本市实际,制定本条例。
Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to the work related to advancing the construction of a scientific and technological innovation center within the administrative area of the city.   第二条 本市行政区域内推进科技创新中心建设的相关工作,适用本条例。
Article 3 The city will, according to the national strategic arrangements, build up Shanghai into a comprehensive and open, scientific and technological innovation center of global influence, with active innovators, clustering innovation talents, prominent innovation capabilities, and an excellent innovation ecology, the important cradle of scientific and technological innovation, a strategic highland for independent innovation, and an integral pivot of the global innovation network so as to provide important support for China to build a world science and technology power.   第三条 本市按照国家战略部署,将上海建设成为创新主体活跃、创新人才集聚、创新能力突出、创新生态优良的综合性、开放型具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,成为科技创新重要策源地、自主创新战略高地和全球创新网络重要枢纽,为我国建设世界科技强国提供重要支撑。
Article 4 When advancing the construction of the scientific and technological innovation center, the city shall adhere to deepening the reform of systems and mechanisms and furthering and safeguarding scientific and technological innovation with institutional innovation; adhere to being oriented to cutting-edge science and improving the original innovation capability; adhere to demand orientation, the direction of industrialization, and arranging the innovation chain around the industry chain; adhere to creating a good innovation ecology and environment and fully animating innovation in whole society; adhere to a global perspective and leading innovation with openness; and adhere to that scientific and technological innovation serve the improvement of people's livelihood and the governance of mega cities.   第四条 本市推进科技创新中心建设,应当坚持深化体制机制改革,以制度创新推进保障科技创新;坚持面向科学前沿,提升原始创新能力;坚持需求导向和产业化方向,围绕产业链部署创新链;坚持营造良好的创新生态环境,充分激发全社会创新活力;坚持全球视野,以开放引领创新;坚持科技创新服务民生改善,服务超大城市治理。
Article 5 The city shall establish a discussion and coordination mechanism for the construction of the scientific and technological innovation center to holistically coordinate major issues in the construction process according to national strategic arrangements and as required by the city's advancement of the construction process.   第五条 本市建立科技创新中心建设议事协调机制,根据国家战略部署和本市推进科技创新中心建设需要,统筹协调科技创新中心建设的重大问题。
The Municipal People's Government shall strengthen its leadership over the city's advancement of the construction of a scientific and technological innovation center and establish a construction advancement agency to holistically coordinate the advancement of the construction process. 市人民政府应当加强对本市推进科技创新中心建设工作的领导,设立科技创新中心建设推进机构,统筹协调科技创新中心建设的推进工作。
A district people's government shall establish and improve a corresponding comprehensive coordination mechanism and effectively advance and implement the relevant work within its administrative area. 区人民政府应当建立健全相应的综合协调机制,做好本行政区域内相关工作的推进和落实。
Article 6 The municipal development and reform authority shall be responsible for coordinating the reform of the major systems and mechanisms, formulation of comprehensive policies, major investments and regional interaction, etc., in the city's center construction.   第六条 市发展改革部门负责协调推进本市科技创新中心建设的重大体制机制改革、综合政策制定、重大投资以及区域联动等工作。
The municipal science and technology authority shall be responsible for coordinating the organization of the scientific research, technological innovation, commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, dissemination of science and technology, and other work in the city and advancing the building of an innovation system and the reform of scientific and technological systems and mechanisms in the city. 市科学技术部门负责协调组织本市科学研究、技术创新、科技成果转化与科学技术普及等工作,推进本市创新体系建设和科技体制机制改革。
The municipal education authority shall be responsible for guiding the higher education institutions in the city in training innovative talents and enhancing their innovation capabilities and promote the interaction between the discipline construction and scientific research of higher education institutions and industry development. 市教育部门负责指导本市高等院校培养创新人才、提升创新能力,推动高等院校学科建设、科学研究与产业发展联动。
The municipal economy and informatization authority shall be responsible for guiding the city's industrial technology innovation, boosting the development of emerging industries, and advancing the deep integration of production, education, research, and use. 市经济信息化部门负责指导本市产业技术创新,推动新兴产业发展,推进产学研用深度融合。
The municipal commerce, finance, human resources and social security, zoning and resources, health, agriculture and rural affairs, market regulation, financial regulation, state-owned asset supervision, justice administration, and intellectual property, etc., shall strengthen collaboration and cooperation to the extent of their respective functions and jointly advance the work related to the city's construction of the scientific and technology innovation center. 市商务、财政、人力资源社会保障、规划资源、卫生健康、农业农村、市场监管、金融监管、国有资产监管、司法行政、知识产权等部门在各自职责范围内加强协作配合,共同推进本市科技创新中心建设的相关工作。
Article 7 The Municipal People's Government shall organize the preparation of a scientific and technological innovation center construction plan and incorporate it into the city's national economic and social development plan. The scientific and technological innovation center construction plan shall specify the strategic arrangements, milestones, specific work measures, and the responsible entities for advancing the construction. The district people's governments may propose specific goals and requirements for the work related to the center construction in its administrative area and incorporate them into its own national economic and social development plan.   第七条 市人民政府组织编制科技创新中心建设规划,并纳入本市国民经济和社会发展规划。科技创新中心建设规划应当明确推进建设的战略部署、阶段目标以及具体的工作措施和责任主体。区人民政府提出本行政区域开展科技创新中心建设相关工作的具体目标和要求,并纳入本区国民经济和社会发展规划。
The Municipal People's Government shall strengthen overall coordination and holistically lay out major strategic projects, major infrastructure works, and major scientific and technological infrastructure; and based on regional positioning and development advantages, improve the urban spatial layout for the construction of the scientific and technological innovation center. 市人民政府应当加强统筹协调,整体布局重大战略项目、重大基础工程、重大科技基础设施;根据区域定位及其发展优势,完善本市科技创新中心建设的城市空间布局。
Article 8 Municipal and district people's governments shall increase their financial investment in science and technology year by year, focus on supporting scientific and technological innovation activities, such as basic research, research on major common key technologies, research on technology for public good, and commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, and optimize and improve the funding and use mechanism. Municipal and district people's governments shall encourage social forces to engage in the construction of the scientific and technological innovation center.   第八条 市、区人民政府应当逐年加大财政科技投入,重点支持基础研究、重大共性关键技术研究、社会公益性技术研究、科技成果转化等科技创新活动,优化完善经费投入和使用机制。鼓励社会力量投入科技创新中心建设。
Municipal and district people's governments shall strengthen the overall planning and joint management of fiscal investment in science and technology, optimize and integrate special funds for fiscal investment in science and technology, and improve the efficiency of fund use. The Municipal People's Government shall build a unified management and public disclosure platform for information on fiscal investment in science and technology, implement the performance appraisal of investment in science and technology, and accept public supervision and auditing supervision. 市、区人民政府应当加强财政科技投入的统筹与联动管理,优化整合财政科技投入专项资金,提高资金使用效益。市人民政府应当建设统一的财政科技投入信息管理和信息公开平台,实施科技投入绩效评价,接受公众监督和审计监督。
Article 9 The city shall strengthen all-round, multi-level, and wide-ranging international exchanges of and cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, create a good environment conducive to the cross-border movement of innovation elements, and actively integrate into the global scientific and technological innovation network.   第九条 本市加强全方位、多层次、宽领域的国际科技创新交流合作,营造有利于创新要素跨境流动的良好环境,积极融入全球科技创新网络。
The city shall, as required by the national strategy for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region, establish a coordination and cooperation mechanism and build a regional innovation community; and strengthen extensive cooperation and development in coordination with other regions of the country in the field of scientific and technological innovation. 本市根据长江三角洲区域一体化发展国家战略的要求,建立协调合作机制,构建区域创新共同体;加强与国内其他地区在科技创新领域的广泛合作与协同发展。
Article 10 The Municipal People's Government shall report regularly to the Municipal People's Congress or its Standing Committee on the construction of the science and technology innovation center and the achievement of milestones.   第十条 市人民政府应当定期向市人民代表大会或者其常务委员会报告科技创新中心建设工作情况以及阶段目标实现情况。
The scientific and technological innovation center construction advancement agency shall, in conjunction with relevant authorities, regularly release reports on the center construction, covering information in innovators, innovation talents, innovation capability, innovation ecology, and other aspects. 科技创新中心建设推进机构应当会同相关部门定期发布本市科技创新中心建设情况报告,公布创新主体、创新人才、创新能力、创新生态等方面的情况。
Chapter II Innovator Building 

第二章 创新主体建设

Article 11 Enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, individuals and other innovators shall be encouraged to actively participate in the construction of the scientific and technological innovation center and conduct innovation and entrepreneurship activities.   第十一条 鼓励企业事业单位、社会组织、个人等各类创新主体积极参与科技创新中心建设,开展创新创业活动。
Municipal and district people's governments and their relevant departments shall provide corresponding policy support according to the functional positioning of different innovators and protect various innovators' equal access to scientific and technological innovation resources and fair participation in market competition in accordance with the law. 市、区人民政府及其有关部门应当根据不同创新主体的功能定位提供相应政策支持,依法保护各类创新主体平等获取科技创新资源、公平参与市场竞争。
Article 12 Municipal and district people's governments and their relevant departments shall support the scientific and technological innovation activities of enterprises by cultivating high-tech enterprises, providing research and development grants, implementing accelerated depreciation of research and development equipment, weighted deduction of research and development expenses, and income tax credits for high-tech enterprises, etc.   第十二条 市、区人民政府及其有关部门通过实施高新技术企业培育、提供研发资助,落实研发设备加速折旧、研发费用加计扣除和高新技术企业所得税优惠政策等方式,对企业的科技创新活动给予支持。
The city shall promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in scientific and technological innovation by optimizing enterprise public service platforms, arranging special funds, and improving government procurement policies, etc. 本市通过优化企业公共服务平台、安排专项资金、完善政府采购政策等方式,推动开展科技创新的中小企业发展。
Municipal and district people's governments and their relevant departments shall establish and improve their scientific and technological innovation evaluation and assessment mechanisms for state-owned enterprises and increase their efforts to evaluate the scientific and technological innovation of the persons in charge of state-owned enterprises. Qualified state-owned technology-based enterprises shall be encouraged to give equity and dividend incentives to their important technicians and management. 市、区人民政府及其有关部门应当建立健全国有企业的科技创新考核评价机制,加大对国有企业负责人科技创新考核的力度。鼓励符合条件的国有科技型企业对重要技术人员和经营管理人员实施股权和分红激励。
Article 13 Higher education institutions, research institutes, medical and health care institutions, and other public institutions engaged in scientific research activities (hereinafter collectively referred to as "scientific research institutions") may have greater autonomy in employment, staffing, professional title evaluation, wages and salaries, organizational structure, approval of scientific research projects, equipment procurement, and dealing with achievements, etc., in accordance with the provisions issued by the state and the city.   第十三条 高等院校、科研院所、医疗卫生机构以及其他从事科研活动的事业单位(以下统称科研事业单位),可以按照国家和本市规定,扩大选人用人、编制使用、职称评审、薪酬分配、机构设置、科研立项、设备采购、成果处置等方面的自主权。
Project funds acquired by a scientific research institution by means of market-oriented commissioning may be used as required by the commissioning party or by contract as long as the funds are placed under the unified financial management of the scientific research institution. 科研事业单位以市场委托方式取得的项目经费,在纳入本单位财务统一管理的前提下,可以按照委托方要求或者合同约定的方式使用。
All districts and industry authorities may make overall use of public staffing in their respective districts or systems to support scientific research institutions in introducing outstanding scientific and technological innovation talents. 各区和行业主管部门可以在本区或者本系统统筹使用事业编制,支持科研事业单位引进优秀科技创新人才。
Article 14 The city shall support the development of new research and development institutions with diversified investors, market-oriented operating mechanisms, and modern management mechanisms. The relevant departments of the municipal and district people's governments shall innovate their funding support and management methods for qualified new research and development institutions.   第十四条 本市支持投资主体多元化、运行机制市场化、管理机制现代化的新型研发机构发展。市、区人民政府有关部门对符合条件的新型研发机构,应当创新经费支持和管理方式。
For new research and development institutions, an application for registration may be directly filed, and the requirements for the proportion of state-owned assets may be appropriately relaxed, in accordance with relevant regulations; policies related to scientific research institutions may be applied in project application, professional title evaluation, talent training, and so on; and the pilot program of the mixed-ownership reform may be launched by introducing social capital, employee stock ownership, and other means. 新型研发机构按照有关规定,可以直接申请登记并适当放宽国有资产份额的比例要求;可以在项目申报、职称评审、人才培养等方面适用科研事业单位相关政策;可以通过引入社会资本、员工持股等方式,开展混合所有制改革试点。
Article 15 Individuals and teams with scientific and technological innovations shall be supported in their innovation and entrepreneurship matters so as to promote the conversion of innovations into products or services. Various innovation and entrepreneurship vehicles, such as incubators and maker spaces, shall be encouraged to provide individuals and teams with venues and facilities for research and development, entrepreneurship counseling, promotion, and so on. Old commercial facilities, unused buildings, and existing industrial properties shall be encouraged to be converted into vehicles of innovation and entrepreneurship.   第十五条 支持拥有科技创新成果的个人和团队创新创业,推动创新成果转化为产品或者服务。鼓励孵化器、众创空间等各类创新创业载体,为个人和团队提供研发场地、设施以及创业辅导、市场推广等服务。鼓励老旧商业设施、闲置楼宇、存量工业房产转型为创新创业载体。
The active professional technicians of scientific research institutions may, with the consent of their employers, use the scientific and technological innovations related to their professions to establish enterprises. The specific conditions, rights, and obligations with respect to establishing enterprises by active professional technicians shall be provided by an employer or stipulated by the employer and its professional technicians. 科研事业单位的专业技术人员经所在单位同意,可以利用与本人从事专业相关的科技创新成果在职创办企业。在职创办企业的具体条件和权利义务,由单位规定或者与专业技术人员约定。
Article 16 Municipal and district people's governments shall actively cultivate scientific and technological service institutions and guide scientific and technological service institutions in serving various innovators by scientific and technological innovation coupons.   第十六条 市、区人民政府应当积极培育科技服务机构,通过科技创新券等方式引导科技服务机构为各类创新主体服务。
Various scientific and technological service institutions shall be encouraged to innovate their service models, extend their service chains, and provide specialized services, such as research and development, technology transfer, inspection and testing, certification and accreditation, intellectual property, and scientific and technological consulting for scientific and technological innovation and industry development. 鼓励各类科技服务机构创新服务模式,延伸服务链,为科技创新和产业发展提供研究开发、技术转移、检验检测、认证认可、知识产权、科技咨询等专业化服务。
Article 17 Social organizations, such as industry associations and societies, shall be encouraged to participate in preparation of related plans, formulation of technical standards, commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, scientific dissemination, and other activities.   第十七条 鼓励行业协会、学会等社会组织参与相关规划编制、技术标准制定、科技成果转化、科学普及等活动。
Municipal and district science and technology associations shall play a positive role in academic exchanges and cooperation, scientific dissemination, self-regulation and management of scientific researchers, protection of the lawful rights and interests of scientific researchers, and so on. 市、区科学技术协会应当在学术交流合作、科学普及、科研人员自律管理、维护科研人员合法权益等方面,发挥积极作用。
Article 18 Various innovators shall be encouraged to strengthen coordinated innovation, conduct joint research in cutting-edge science and technology, major common key technologies, and promote the shaping of a cooperation mechanism of complementary advantages, achievement sharing, and risk sharing.   第十八条 鼓励各类创新主体加强协同创新,在前沿科技、重大共性关键技术研究等方面开展联合攻关,推动形成优势互补、成果共享、风险共担的合作机制。
Various innovation alliances shall be brought into play in scientific research, technological innovation, development of technical standards, preparation of industrial plans and technology roadmaps, patent sharing, and achievement commercialization, etc., so as to gain competitive advantages of clusters. 发挥各类创新联盟在科学研究、技术创新、技术标准制定、产业规划与技术路线图编制、专利共享和成果转化等方面的作用,培育集群竞争优势。
Chapter III Building of Innovation Capability 

第三章 创新能力建设

Article 19 The city shall, oriented to the cutting-edge science and technology, major national needs, and the main fields of the national economy, improve the layout of scientific research, optimize the policy orientation, development mechanism, and environmental conditions of scientific research, and enhance the capability of commencing scientific and technological innovation.   第十九条 本市面向世界科技前沿、面向国家重大需求、面向国民经济主战场,完善科学研究布局,优化科学研究政策导向、发展机制和环境条件,提高科技创新策源能力。
Scientific research public institutions shall strengthen basic research and applied research to enhance their original innovation capabilities. Enterprises and social forces shall be encouraged to increase their investment in basic research. Enterprises and scientific research institutions shall be encouraged to jointly establish research and development institutions and joint laboratories to carry out applied research oriented to common industry issues.

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