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Employment Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China [Revised]
中华人民共和国就业促进法 [已被修订]

Order of the President 


(No. 70)

The Employment Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the 29th session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 30, 2007, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1, 2008.

President of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

August 30, 2007

Employment Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China

(Adopted at the 29th session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress on August 30, 2007)


Contents 目 录

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总 则

Chapter II Policy Support  第二章 政策支持

Chapter III Fair Employment 第三章 公平就业

Chapter IV Employment Services and Management 第四章 就业服务和管理

Chapter V Vocational Education and Training 第五章 职业教育和培训

Chapter VI Employment Aids 第六章 就业援助

Chapter VII Supervision and Inspection 第七章 监督检查

Chapter VIII Legal Liabilities 第八章 法律责任

Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions  第九章 附 则

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则   

Article 1 This law is enacted to promote employment, promote positive interaction between economic development and increase of employment, and promote the harmony and stability of society.   第一条 为了促进就业,促进经济发展与扩大就业相协调,促进社会和谐稳定,制定本法。

Article 2 The state highlights the increase of employment in the development of economy and society, implements active employment policies, upholds the guiding principles of workers choosing their own jobs and the market regulating employment and the government promoting employment, and increases employment through multiple channels.   第二条 国家把扩大就业放在经济社会发展的突出位置,实施积极的就业政策,坚持劳动者自主择业、市场调节就业、政府促进就业的方针,多渠道扩大就业。

Article 3 Workers shall have the right to equal employment and to choose job on their own initiative in accordance with the law   第三条 劳动者依法享有平等就业和自主择业的权利。

Workers seeking employment shall not be subject to discrimination based on factors such as ethnicity, race, gender, religious belief etc.

Article 4 The people's governments at and above the county level shall regard the increase of employment as an important goal for the development of economy and social development, integrate it in the plan on development of national economy and society and work out medium and long term plans and annual work plans on promoting the increase of employment.   第四条 县级以上人民政府把扩大就业作为经济和社会发展的重要目标,纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,并制定促进就业的中长期规划和年度工作计划。

Article 5 The people's governments at and above the county level shall create employment conditions and increase employment by taking measures such as developing the economy, adjusting the industrial structure, regulating the market of human resources, improving the employment services, strengthening the vocational education and training, and providing employment aid, etc.   第五条 县级以上人民政府通过发展经济和调整产业结构、规范人力资源市场、完善就业服务、加强职业教育和培训、提供就业援助等措施,创造就业条件,扩大就业。

Article 6 The State Council shall establish a coordination mechanism for employment promotion work throughout the country, study the significant problems in the employment work, coordinate and push forward the employment promotion work throughout the country. The labor administrative department of State Council shall be responsible for the specific employment promotion work throughout the country.   第六条 国务院建立全国促进就业工作协调机制,研究就业工作中的重大问题,协调推动全国的促进就业工作。国务院劳动行政部门具体负责全国的促进就业工作。

The people's government of each province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, according to the needs of employment promotion work, establish a coordination mechanism for the employment promotion work, coordinate and solve the significant problems in the employment work in its own administrative area.

The relevant departments of the people's government at or above the county level shall, under their respective functions, make joint efforts to accomplish the employment promotion work.

Article 7 The state encourages workers to form correct concept of job selection, to enhance the employment and business startup capabilities, start up businesses independently and employ themselves.   第七条 国家倡导劳动者树立正确的择业观念,提高就业能力和创业能力;鼓励劳动者自主创业、自谋职业。

The people's governments at all levels and the pertinent departments shall simplify procedures and increase efficiency so as to make it easier for workers to start up businesses independently and employ themselves.

Article 8 An employer is entitled to enjoy the right to hire workers on its own initiative in pursuance of law.   第八条 用人单位依法享有自主用人的权利。

An employer shall guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of workers in accordance with this Law, other laws and regulations.

Article 9 The labor unions, communist youth leagues, women's federations, the disabled persons' federations, and other social organizations shall assist the people's governments to carry out the employment promotion work and protect the workers' working rights.   第九条 工会、共产主义青年团、妇女联合会、残疾人联合会以及其他社会组织,协助人民政府开展促进就业工作,依法维护劳动者的劳动权利。

Article 10 The people's governments at all levels and the pertinent departments shall commend and reward those entities and individuals who have made outstanding achievements in the employment promotion work.   第十条 各级人民政府和有关部门对在促进就业工作中作出显著成绩的单位和个人,给予表彰和奖励。

Chapter II Policy Support 

第二章 政策支持   

Article 11 The people's governments at and above the county level shall regard the increase of employment as their important duty and uniformly coordinate the industrial policies and employment policies.   第十一条 县级以上人民政府应当把扩大就业作为重要职责,统筹协调产业政策与就业政策。

Article 12 The state encourages various enterprises to create more jobs by launching new enterprises or expanding businesses within the range as prescribed by laws and regulations.   第十二条 国家鼓励各类企业在法律、法规规定的范围内,通过兴办产业或者拓展经营,增加就业岗位。

The state encourages the development of labor-intensive industries and service industry, support medium and small enterprises so as to increase jobs through multiple channels and by diversified means.

The state encourages, supports and directs the development of non-public economy so as to increase employment and create more jobs.

Article 13 The state develops trade both home and abroad as well as international economic cooperation so as to increase more employment channels.   第十三条 国家发展国内外贸易和国际经济合作,拓宽就业渠道。

Article 14 When the people's government at or above the county level arranges a government investment or decides an important construction project, it shall make the investment or the important construction project play the roles of driving up the employment and creating more jobs.   第十四条 县级以上人民政府在安排政府投资和确定重大建设项目时,应当发挥投资和重大建设项目带动就业的作用,增加就业岗位。

Article 15 The state implements fiscal policies which are helpful to the promotion of employment, inputs more funds and improves the employment environment so as to increase employment.   第十五条 国家实行有利于促进就业的财政政策,加大资金投入,改善就业环境,扩大就业。

The people's government at or above the county level shall, according to the employment situation and the goal of employment work, make its fiscal budget include an exclusive employment fund for employment promotion.

The exclusive employment fund shall be used as subsidies for job recommendation, vocational training, posts for public good, assessment of occupational skills, special employment policies, social insurances, etc., as guarantee fund for small loans and discounted interests on small guaranty loans for minor-profit projects, and be used for supporting the public employment services. The administrative measures for uses of the exclusive employment fund shall be formulated by the finance department and the labor administrative department of the State Council.

Article 16 The state shall establish a sound unemployment insurance system so as to ensure the basic living of the unemployed persons and promote their employment.   第十六条 国家建立健全失业保险制度,依法确保失业人员的基本生活,并促进其实现就业。

Article 17 The state encourages enterprises to create more jobs and support the unemployed persons and the disabled persons to get jobs, and offers tax preferential treatments to the following enterprises and persons:   第十七条 国家鼓励企业增加就业岗位,扶持失业人员和残疾人就业,对下列企业、人员依法给予税收优惠:

1. Enterprises that meet the requirement for offering jobs to unemployed persons who satisfy the conditions as prescribed by the state; (一)吸纳符合国家规定条件的失业人员达到规定要求的企业;

2. Medium and small enterprises set up by unemployed persons; (二)失业人员创办的中小企业;

3. Enterprises that meet the prescribed rate of offering jobs to disabled persons, or that use disabled persons in a centralized manner; (三)安置残疾人员达到规定比例或者集中使用残疾人的企业;

4. Unemployed persons engaging in individual industrial and commercial households and meeting the conditions as prescribed by the state; (四)从事个体经营的符合国家规定条件的失业人员;

5. Disabled persons engaging in individual industrial and commercial households; and (五)从事个体经营的残疾人;

6. Other enterprises and persons entitled to enjoy tax preferential treatments under provisions of the State Council. (六)国务院规定给予税收优惠的其他企业、人员。

Article 18 For the persons as mentioned in Article 17 (4) and (5) of this Law, the relevant departments shall give favorable consideration in such aspects as business site, etc. and shall exempt them from administrative fees.   第十八条 对本法第十七条第四项、第五项规定的人员,有关部门应当在经营场地等方面给予照顾,免除行政事业性收费。

Article 19 The state shall adopt financial policies helpful to the promotion of employment, increase financing channels for medium and small enterprises, encourage the financial institutions to improve financial services, give medium and small enterprises more loans, and provide, within a certain time limit, small loans to persons who start up businesses independently.   第十九条 国家实行有利于促进就业的金融政策,增加中小企业的融资渠道;鼓励金融机构改进金融服务,加大对中小企业的信贷支持,并对自主创业人员在一定期限内给予小额信贷等扶持。

Article 20 The state shall implement employment policies under an overall urban and rural plan, establish a sound system for equal employment of urban and rural workers and direct the transfer of employment of excessive labor force of rural areas in an orderly manner.   第二十条 国家实行城乡统筹的就业政策,建立健全城乡劳动者平等就业的制度,引导农业富余劳动力有序转移就业。

The local people's governments at and above the county level shall push forward the construction of small towns and accelerate the economic development of county areas, direct the excessive labor force of rural areas to find jobs at their own localities or near their own localities. When creating plans on small towns, they should regard the transfer of employment of the excessive labor force of their respective areas as an important content.

The local people's governments at and above the county level shall direct the excessive labor force of rural areas to transfer to different urban places to get jobs in an orderly manner. The people's governments of the labor force moving-in areas and moving-out areas shall cooperate with each other so as to improve the environment and conditions for employment of rural workers to enter into cities.

Article 21 The state supports the development of regional economy, encourages regional cooperation and coordinate the balanced increase of employment in different areas.   第二十一条 国家支持区域经济发展,鼓励区域协作,统筹协调不同地区就业的均衡增长。

The state backs ethnic minority areas to develop economy and increase employment.

Article 22 The people's governments at all levels shall do a good job in the employment of newly increasing urban and rural labor force, the transfer of employment of excessive labor force of rural areas, as well as the employment of unemployed persons.   第二十二条 各级人民政府统筹做好城镇新增劳动力就业、农业富余劳动力转移就业和失业人员就业工作。

Article 23 The people's governments at all levels shall take measures to gradually improve and implement such flexible labor and social insurance policies as part-time employment so as to provide help and services to employees under flexible employment.   第二十三条 各级人民政府采取措施,逐步完善和实施与非全日制用工等灵活就业相适应的劳动和社会保险政策,为灵活就业人员提供帮助和服务。

Article 24 The local people's governments and the pertinent departments at all levels shall intensify the guidance to unemployed persons in engaging in individual industrial and commercial households, and provide them with such services as policy consultation, vocational training, and instructions on start of business.   第二十四条 地方各级人民政府和有关部门应当加强对失业人员从事个体经营的指导,提供政策咨询、就业培训和开业指导等服务。

Chapter III Fair Employment 

第三章 公平就业   

Article 25 The people's governments at all levels shall create an environment for fair employment, eliminate employment discrimination and formulate policies and take measures to support and aid the people who are difficult to get a job.   第二十五条 各级人民政府创造公平就业的环境,消除就业歧视,制定政策并采取措施对就业困难人员给予扶持和援助。

Article 26 When an employer recruits employees, or when a job intermediary agency engages in job intermediary activities, it shall provide workers with equal employment opportunities and fair employment conditions and shall not have any employment discrimination.   第二十六条 用人单位招用人员、职业中介机构从事职业中介活动,应当向劳动者提供平等的就业机会和公平的就业条件,不得实施就业歧视。

Article 27 The state shall ensure that women enjoy labor rights equal to those of men.   第二十七条 国家保障妇女享有与男子平等的劳动权利。

When an employer recruits employees, it shall not refuse to recruit women or increase the thresholds for recruitment of women under the excuse of gender.

When an employer recruits female employees, it shall not stipulate in the employment contract any content, which restricts female employees from getting married or bearing child.

Article 28 Workers of all ethnic groups enjoy equal labor rights.   第二十八条 各民族劳动者享有平等的劳动权利。

When an employer recruits employees, it shall give appropriate consideration to workers of ethnic minorities.

Article 29 The state shall guarantee the employment rights of disabled persons.   第二十九条 国家保障残疾人的劳动权利。

The people's governments at all levels shall make an overall plan on the employment of disabled persons so as to create employment conditions for disabled persons.

When an employer recruits employees, it shall not discriminate disabled persons.

Article 30 When an employer recruits employees, it shall not refuse to recruit any person under the excuse that he is a carrier of an infectious disease. However, before a carrier of an infectious disease is confirmed upon medical test that he is cured or excluded from the possibility of spreading the disease, he shall not take up the jobs, in which it is likely to spread the disease and which are prohibited in laws and administrative regulations and by the health administrative department of the State Council.   第三十条 用人单位招用人员,不得以是传染病病原携带者为由拒绝录用。但是,经医学鉴定传染病病原携带者在治愈前或者排除传染嫌疑前,不得从事法律、行政法规和国务院卫生行政部门规定禁止从事的易使传染病扩散的工作。

Article 31 Rural workers who go to cities in search of employment shall enjoy labor rights equal to those of urban workers. It is prohibited to set discriminatory restrictions against rural workers seeking employment in cities.   第三十一条 农村劳动者进城就业享有与城镇劳动者平等的劳动权利,不得对农村劳动者进城就业设置歧视性限制。

Chapter IV Employment Services and Management 

第四章 就业服务和管理   

Article 32 The people's governments at and above the county level shall foster and improve uniform, open, competitive and orderly human resource markets to provide employment services to workers.   第三十二条 县级以上人民政府培育和完善统一开放、竞争有序的人力资源市场,为劳动者就业提供服务。

Article 33 The people's governments at and above the county level shall encourage all walks of life to carry out employment service activities, strengthen the guidance and supervision over the public employment services and job intermediary services and gradually improve an employment service system covering urban and rural areas.   第三十三条 县级以上人民政府鼓励社会各方面依法开展就业服务活动,加强对公共就业服务和职业中介服务的指导和监督,逐步完善覆盖城乡的就业服务体系。

Article 34 The people's governments at and above the county level shall intensify the construction of information networks and relevant facilities of human resource markets, establish a sound information service system for human resource markets and improve the rules on announcing market information.   第三十四条 县级以上人民政府加强人力资源市场信息网络及相关设施建设,建立健全人力资源市场信息服务体系,完善市场信息发布制度。

Article 35 The people's governments at and above the county level shall establish a sound public employment service system and set up public employment service agencies to provide the following gratuitous services to workers:   第三十五条 县级以上人民政府建立健全公共就业服务体系,设立公共就业服务机构,为劳动者免费提供下列服务:

1. Offering consultation on employment policies and regulations; (一)就业政策法规咨询;

2. Announcing information about supply and demand of jobs, guiding market wages and vocational training; (二)职业供求信息、市场工资指导价位信息和职业培训信息发布;

3. Offering vocational guides and job recommendations; (三)职业指导和职业介绍;

4. Offering aid to persons who are difficult to find a job; (四)对就业困难人员实施就业援助;

5. Handling the register of employment and unemployment, as well as other affairs; and (五)办理就业登记、失业登记等事务;

6. Other public employment services. (六)其他公共就业服务。

A public employment service institution shall incessantly improve the quality and efficiency of services. It shall not engage in any commercial activity.

The operating funds for public employment services shall be included in the fiscal budget at the same level.

Article 36 The people's governments at and above the county level shall, under the relevant provisions, give subsidies to job intermediary agencies, which provide public good employment services.   第三十六条 县级以上地方人民政府对职业中介机构提供公益性就业服务的,按照规定给予补贴。

The state encourages all walks of life to provide donations and aid for public good employment services.

Article 37 No local people's government or pertinent department may set up any job intermediary agency for a commercial purpose or does so jointly with others.   第三十七条 地方各级人民政府和有关部门不得举办或者与他人联合举办经营性的职业中介机构。

No fee may be charged against workers at job fairs held by local people's governments at all levels and public employment service agencies.

Article 38 The people's governments at and above the county level and pertinent departments shall strengthen the administration of job intermediary agencies, encourage them to improve the service quality and play their roles in promotion of employment.   第三十八条 县级以上人民政府和有关部门加强对职业中介机构的管理,鼓励其提高服务质量,发挥其在促进就业中的作用。

Article 39 The principle of lawfulness, good faith, fairness and openness shall be observed in engaging in job intermediary activities.   第三十九条 从事职业中介活动,应当遵循合法、诚实信用、公平、公开的原则。

When an employer recruits employees via a job intermediary agency, it shall faithfully furnish the job intermediary agency with the information about the posts it supplies. It is forbidden for any organization or individual to impair the legitimate rights and interests of workers by taking the advantage of job intermediary activities.

Article 40 To establish a job intermediary agency, the following conditions shall be satisfied:   第四十条 设立职业中介机构应当具备下列条件:

1. Having express articles of association and management rules; (一)有明确的章程和管理制度;

2. Having a fixed business site, office facilities and a certain sum of startup capital, which are essential to carry out businesses; (二)有开展业务必备的固定场所、办公设施和一定数额的开办资金;

3. Having a particular number of full time employees, who have corresponding occupational qualifications; and (三)有一定数量具备相应职业资格的专职工作人员;

4. Other conditions as prescribed by laws and regulations. (四)法律、法规规定的其他条件。

To establish a job intermediary agency, an administrative license shall be applied for in pursuance of law. A licensed job intermediary agency shall go through the registration formalities in the industrial and commercial administrative department.

Any institution without license and registration shall not engage in job intermediary activities.

If the state provides otherwise for foreign-funded job intermediary agencies and those job intermediary agencies offering overseas employment services, such provisions of the state shall prevail.

Article 41 No job intermediary agency may   第四十一条 职业中介机构不得有下列行为:

1. provide false employment information; (一)提供虚假就业信息;

2. offer job intermediary services to any employer without lawful license; (二)为无合法证照的用人单位提供职业中介服务;

3. counterfeit, alter or transfer to others its job intermediary agency license; (三)伪造、涂改、转让职业中介许可证;

4. detain workers' resident identity cards and other certificates, or charge a deposit against workers; or (四)扣押劳动者的居民身份证和其他证件,或者向劳动者收取押金;

5. conduct other acts in violation of any law or regulation. (五)其他违反法律、法规规定的行为。

Article 42 The people's governments at and above the county level shall establish an unemployment pre-warning system so as to prevent, adjust and control cases of larger scale of unemployment, which are likely to appear.   第四十二条 县级以上人民政府建立失业预警制度,对可能出现的较大规模的失业,实施预防、调节和控制。

Article 43 The state shall establish a labor force investigation and statistical system and a system of register of employment and unemployment so as to investigate into and collect statistics of resources of labor force, as well as the status of employment and unemployment, and announce the investigation and statistical results.   第四十三条 国家建立劳动力调查统计制度和就业登记、失业登记制度,开展劳动力资源和就业、失业状况调查统计,并公布调查统计结果。

When statistical departments and labor administrative departments investigate and collect statistics of labor force, and register the employment and unemployment, employers and individuals shall faithfully provide the information required for the investigation, statistics and register.

Chapter V Vocational Education and Training 

第五章 职业教育和培训   

Article 44 The state shall develop vocational education in pursuance of law, encourage vocational training and promote workers to improve their vocational skills and enhance their employment capabilities and business startup capabilities.   第四十四条 国家依法发展职业教育,鼓励开展职业培训,促进劳动者提高职业技能,增强就业能力和创业能力。

Article 45 The people's governments at and above the county level shall, according to the economic and social development and market demands, make and execute plans on the development of vocational capabilities.   第四十五条 县级以上人民政府根据经济社会发展和市场需求,制定并实施职业能力开发计划。

Article 46 The people's governments at and above the county level shall intensify the coordination under a uniform plan, encourage and support various vocational colleges and schools, job skills training institutions and employers to carry out pre-employment training, on-the-job training, re-employment training and business startup training, and encourage workers to participate in various forms of trainings.   第四十六条 县级以上人民政府加强统筹协调,鼓励和支持各类职业院校、职业技能培训机构和用人单位依法开展就业前培训、在职培训、再就业培训和创业培训;鼓励劳动者参加各种形式的培训。

Article 47 The local people's governments at and above the county level and the pertinent departments shall, according to the market demands and the direction of industrial development, encourage and direct enterprises to strengthen the vocational education and training.   第四十七条 县级以上地方人民政府和有关部门根据市场需求和产业发展方向,鼓励、指导企业加强职业教育和培训。

Vocational colleges and schools and vocational skills training institutions shall keep a close contact with enterprises, combine teaching with production, serve the economic construction and foster practical talents and skillful workers.

An enterprise shall make a provision of the operating fund for education of employees so as to offer to workers vocational skills training and continuing education.

Article 48 The state shall take measures to establish a sound labor preparation system. The local people's governments at and above the county level shall offer a certain time period of vocational education and training to junior middle school and high school graduates so as to make them obtain corresponding vocational qualification or grasp specific vocational skills.   第四十八条 国家采取措施建立健全劳动预备制度,县级以上地方人民政府对有就业要求的初高中毕业生实行一定期限的职业教育和培训,使其取得相应的职业资格或者掌握一定的职业技能。

Article 49 The local people's governments at all levels shall encourage and support the employment training, help the unemployed persons to improve their vocational skills and improve their employment capabilities and business startup capabilities. Where an unemployed person participates in an employment training, he is entitled to enjoy the government training subsidies.   第四十九条 地方各级人民政府鼓励和支持开展就业培训,帮助失业人员提高职业技能,增强其就业能力和创业能力。失业人员参加就业培训的,按照有关规定享受政府培训补贴。

Article 50 The local people's governments at all levels shall take effective measures to direct and guide the rural workers seeking jobs in cities to participate in skills training and encourage various training institutions to provide skills training to rural workers seeking jobs in cities so as to enhance their employment capabilities and business startup capabilities.   第五十条 地方各级人民政府采取有效措施,组织和引导进城就业的农村劳动者参加技能培训,鼓励各类培训机构为进城就业的农村劳动者提供技能培训,增强其就业能力和创业能力。

Article 51 The states adopts an vocational qualification license system for workers engaging in special jobs such as those relating to the public safety, personal health, safety of life and property, etc. The concrete measures shall be formulated by the State Council.   第五十一条 国家对从事涉及公共安全、人身健康、生命财产安全等特殊工种的劳动者,实行职业资格证书制度,具体办法由国务院规定。

Chapter VI Employment Aids 

第六章 就业援助   

Article 52 The people's governments at all levels shall establish a sound employment aid system, give priority to supporting and helping the persons, who are difficult to find a job, by taking such measures as exemption and deduction of taxes and fees, discount interest loans, social insurance subsidies, post subsidies, and by offering them public good posts.   第五十二条 各级人民政府建立健全就业援助制度,采取税费减免、贷款贴息、社会保险补贴、岗位补贴等办法,通过公益性岗位安置等途径,对就业困难人员实行优先扶持和重点帮助。

The term “persons difficult to find a job” refers to those persons who could not find a job for health, skill level, family factors, loss of land or any other reason, or who still could not find a job after continuous unemployment for a certain time period. The specific range of persons difficult to find a job shall be prescribed by people's government of each province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government according to the actual situation of its respective administrative area.

Article 53 For the public good posts invested in and developed by the government, the persons difficult to find a job shall be given a priority to such posts if they meet the relevant requirements. Those who are offered public good posts shall be given post subsidies under the pertinent provisions of the state.   第五十三条 政府投资开发的公益性岗位,应当优先安排符合岗位要求的就业困难人员。被安排在公益性岗位工作的,按照国家规定给予岗位补贴。

Article 54 The local people's governments at all levels shall strengthen the grassroots employment aiding services so as to lay an emphasis on the help to persons difficult to find a job and offer targeted employment services and public good post related aid.   第五十四条 地方各级人民政府加强基层就业援助服务工作,对就业困难人员实施重点帮助,提供有针对性的就业服务和公益性岗位援助。

The local people's governments encourage and support all walks of life to provide skills training, post related information and other services to persons difficult to find a job.

Article 55 The people's governments at all levels shall take special support measures to promote the employment of disabled persons.   第五十五条 各级人民政府采取特别扶助措施,促进残疾人就业。

An employer shall arrange the employment of disabled persons under provisions of the state. The concrete measures shall be formulated by the State Council.

Article 56 The local people's governments at and above the county level shall, by adopting diversified employment forms, expand the range of public good posts and develop posts so as to ensure that at least one member get a job in each urban family that needs employment.   第五十六条 县级以上地方人民政府采取多种就业形式,拓宽公益性岗位范围,开发就业岗位,确保城市有就业需求的家庭至少有一人实现就业。

For a family of urban residents in which all family members within the statutory labor age are unemployed, it may apply for employment aid to the public employment service institution of the local sub-district or community. If it is true upon verification, the public employment service institution of the local sub-district or community shall provide a proper job to at least one member of this family.

Article 57 The state encourages resource exploitation cities and independent industrial and mining areas to develop industries catering to the market demands and direct workers to change jobs.   第五十七条 国家鼓励资源开采型城市和独立工矿区发展与市场需求相适应的产业,引导劳动者转移就业。

For an area, in which there are a large cluster of persons difficult to find a job due to exhaustion of resources or economic structure adjustment, the people's government at the superior level shall give them appropriate support and help.

Supervision and Inspection 

第七章 监督检查   

Article 58 The people's governments at all levels and pertinent departments shall establish target responsibility system for promotion of employment. The people's government at or above the county level shall, under the requirements of the target responsibility system, evaluate and supervise the performances of its subsidiaries and the people's governments at the next inferior level.   第五十八条 各级人民政府和有关部门应当建立促进就业的目标责任制度。县级以上人民政府按照促进就业目标责任制的要求,对所属的有关部门和下一级人民政府进行考核和监督。

Article 59 The audit organs and finance departments shall supervise and inspect the management and use of special employment funds in accordance with law.   第五十九条 审计机关、财政部门应当依法对就业专项资金的管理和使用情况进行监督检查。

Article 60 The labor administrative department shall supervise and inspect the implementation of this Law, establish an exposure system and accept exposures of violations of this Law and timely verify and handle such violations.   第六十条 劳动行政部门应当对本法实施情况进行监督检查,建立举报制度,受理对违反本法行为的举报,并及时予以核实处理。

Chapter VIII Legal Liabilities 

第八章 法律责任   

Article 61 Where the labor administrative department or any other relevant department or any of its functionaries violates this Law by abusing his power, neglecting his duties or seeking private interests, the directly liable person-in-charge and other directly liable persons shall be given a sanction according to law.   第六十一条 违反本法规定,劳动行政等有关部门及其工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

Article 62 For anyone who violates this Law due to employment discrimination, workers may lodge a lawsuit in the people's court.   第六十二条 违反本法规定,实施就业歧视的,劳动者可以向人民法院提起诉讼。

Article 63 Where the people's government or relevant department or public employment service institution violates this Law by establishing any job intermediary agency for commercial purpose or engaging in job intermediary activities for commercial purpose or charging workers any fee, the superior administrative organ shall order it to make a correction within a time limit, refund to workers the fee illegally charged, and give a sanction to the directly liable person-in-charge and other directly liable persons.   第六十三条 违反本法规定,地方各级人民政府和有关部门、公共就业服务机构举办经营性的职业中介机构,从事经营性职业中介活动,向劳动者收取费用的,由上级主管机关责令限期改正,将违法收取的费用退还劳动者,并对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

Article 64 For anyone who violates this Law by illegally engaging in job intermediary activities without license or registration, the labor administrative department or other administrative departments shall shut it down. If it has any illegal gains, the illegal gains shall be confiscated and it shall be fined not less than 10, 000 yuan but not more than 50, 000 yuan.   第六十四条 违反本法规定,未经许可和登记,擅自从事职业中介活动的,由劳动行政部门或者其他主管部门依法予以关闭;有违法所得的,没收违法所得,并处一万元以上五万元以下的罚款。

Article 65 Where a job intermediary agency violates this Law by providing any false employment information, or providing employment intermediary services to any employer without lawful license or certificate, or forging, altering or transferring to others its intermediary agency license, the labor administrative department or other administrative departments shall order it to make a correction. If there are any illegal gains, it shall confiscate the illegal gains and fine the violator not less than 10, 000 yuan but not more than 50, 000 yuan. If the circumstance is severe, it shall revoke the job intermediary agency license.   第六十五条 违反本法规定,职业中介机构提供虚假就业信息,为无合法证照的用人单位提供职业中介服务,伪造、涂改、转让职业中介许可证的,由劳动行政部门或者其他主管部门责令改正;有违法所得的,没收违法所得,并处一万元以上五万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,吊销职业中介许可证。

Article 66 Where a job intermediary agency violates this Law by detaining the resident identity cards or other certificates of workers, the labor administrative department shall order it to return them to the workers and shall punish it in pursuance of relevant laws.   第六十六条 违反本法规定,职业中介机构扣押劳动者居民身份证等证件的,由劳动行政部门责令限期退还劳动者,并依照有关法律规定给予处罚。

Where a job intermediary agency violates this Law by charging workers any deposit, the labor administrative department shall order it to make a refund to the workers and shall fine it at a rate of not less than 500 yuan but not more than 2, 000 yuan per person.

Article 67 Where any enterprise violates this Law by failing to make a provision of the operating fund for education of employees or by misappropriating the operating fund for the education of employees, the labor administrative department shall order it to make a correction, and it shall be punished in accordance with law.   第六十七条 违反本法规定,企业未按照国家规定提取职工教育经费,或者挪用职工教育经费的,由劳动行政部门责令改正,并依法给予处罚。

Article 68 For anyone who violates this Law by impairing the legitimate rights and interests of workers and causing property losses or other damage, he shall bear civil liabilities. If any crime is constituted, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities.   第六十八条 违反本法规定,侵害劳动者合法权益,造成财产损失或者其他损害的,依法承担民事责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions 

第九章 附 则   

Article 69 This Law shall come into force as of January 1, 2008.   第六十九条 本法自2008年1月1日起施行。
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