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Rules for the Implementation of the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国矿产资源法实施细则 [现行有效]

Decree of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 152)
( 第152号)

The Rules for the Implementation of the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China are hereby promulgated and shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation.

Premier Li Peng
总理 李鹏

March 26, 1994

Rules for the Implementation of the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China

Chapter I: General Provisions 第一章 总则

Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China.   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》,制定本细则。

Article 2 The "mineral resources" refer to the natural resources formed through geologic function, which are of value for utilization, and existing in solid, liquid or gaseous states.   第二条 矿产资源是指由地质作用形成的,具有利用价值的,呈固态、液态、气态的自然资源。

The varieties of the mineral resources and their classification are listed in the "Detailed List of Mineral Resources" attached thereunder. The competent department in charge of the geology and the mineral resources under the State Council shall report any discovery related to the new varieties of the mineral resources to the State Council and make publications after approval.

Article 3 All mineral resources shall be owned by the State. The State ownership of the mineral resources, either near the earth's surface or underground, shall not change with the ownership of the land or the right to the use of the land to which the mineral resources are attached.   第三条 矿产资源属于国家所有,地表或者地下的矿产资源的国家所有权,不因其所依附的土地的所有权或者使用权的不同而改变。

The State Council shall exercise the ownership of the mineral resources on behalf of the State. The competent department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council is authorized by the State Council to exercise a centralized administration over the allocation of the mineral resources.

Article 4 The exploration and exploitation of the mineral resources within the territory of the People's Republic of China and other sea areas under its jurisdiction must comply with the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Mineral Resources Law) and these Rules.   第四条 在中华人民共和国领域及管辖的其他海域勘查、开采矿产资源,必须遵守《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》(以下简称《矿产资源法》)和本细则。

Article 5 The State shall adopt a license system for the exploration and exploitation of the mineral resources. Anyone who intends to explore mineral resources shall apply for registration in accordance with the law, draw an exploration license, obtain the exploration right. Anyone who intends to exploit mineral resources shall apply for registration in accordance with the law, draw an exploitation license, obtain the mining right.   第五条 国家对矿产资源的勘查、开采实行许可证制度。勘查矿产资源,必须依法申请登记,领取勘查许可证,取得探矿权;开采矿产资源,必须依法申请登记,领取采矿许可证,取得采矿权。

The block defined by longitude and latitude is the basic unit in determining both the scope of exploration areas and the scope of exploitation areas of the mineral resources. The specific methods shall be formulated by the competent department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council.

Article 6 The terms both in the Mineral Resources Law and in these Rules are defined as follows:   第六条 《矿产资源法》及本细则中下列用语的含义:

"Exploration right" means the right to explore the mineral resources within the scope provided by the exploration license which is legally obtained. The units or individuals that have obtained the exploration licenses are called exploration licensees.

"Mining right" means the right to exploit the mineral resources and own the products within the scope provided by the exploitation license which is legally obtained. The units or individuals that have obtained the exploitation licenses are called concessionaires.

"The special kinds of the mineral ores under protective exploitation prescribed by the State" mean those minerals which are, in view of the need for the construction of the national economy and high-technological development, or in view of their scarcity and their value, specified by the State Council, and the exploitation of which shall be authorized by the competent departments concerned under the State Council according to the State plans.

"Mining areas under the State programme" mean the areas where the mineral resources are located and zoned by the State for the construction of large or medium sized mines according to both the national construction programme and the national mineral resources programme.

"Mining areas with great value to the national economy" mean the mineral resources protection areas which are zoned by the State based on the need of the national economic development but have not been listed in the national construction programme, because the minerals there are rich in deposits, fine in quality and with a good prospect for development.

Article 7 The State allows foreign companies, enterprises and other economic organizations as well as individuals to invest for exploration and exploitation of mineral resources within the territory of the People's Republic of China and other sea areas under its jurisdiction pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.   第七条 国家允许外国的公司、企业和其他经济组织以及个人依照中华人民共和国有关法律、行政法规的规定,在中华人民共和国领域及管辖的其他海域投资勘查、开采矿产资源。

Article 8 The competent department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council is responsible for the supervision and administration over exploration and exploitation of the mineral resources throughout the country. The other competent departments concerned under the State Council shall assist the competent department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council to conduct the supervision and administration of exploration and exploitation of mineral resources according to their functions and powers granted by the State Council.   第八条 国务院地质矿产主管部门主管全国矿产资源勘查、开采的监督管理工作。国务院有关主管部门按照国务院规定的职责分工,协助国务院地质矿产主管部门进行矿产资源勘查、开采的监督管理工作。

The competent departments in charge of geology and mineral resources under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and the municipalities directly under the Central Government are responsible for the supervision and administration over the exploration and exploitation of the mineral resources within their respective administrative areas. The other competent departments concerned under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall assist the competent departments in charge of geology and mineral resources at the same level to conduct the supervision and administration of the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources.

The municipal people's governments with administrative districts and the people's governments of autonomous prefectures and the people's governments of counties as well as their departments in charge of mineral resources shall be responsible for conducting supervision and management over the State-owned mining enterprises approved by them according to law, and are also responsible for conducting supervision and administration over the collective-owned mining enterprises, the private-owned mining enterprises, individual miners as well as the units and individuals who undertake the exploration within their respective administrative areas in their respective administrative areas according to law, and shall protect the lawful rights and interests of the exploration licenses and the concessionaires pursuant to law.

The competent departments in charge of geology and mineral resources at higher levels are authorized to redress or revoke the illegal or improper administrative behaviors over the exploration and exploitation conducted by the competent departments in charge of geology and mineral resources at lower levels.

Chapter II: Registration for Mineral Exploration and Examination and Approval for Mineral Exploitation 

第二章 矿产资源勘查登记和开采审批

   第九条 勘查矿产资源,应当按照国务院关于矿产资源勘查登记管理的规定,办理申请、审批和勘查登记。
Article 9 For conducting any mineral resources exploration, the formalities concerning the application, examination, approval and the exploration registration shall be fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of the State Council on the exploration registration of the mineral resources. 

For conducting the exploration of any special kinds of mineral ores, the formalities concerning the application, examination, approval and the exploration registration shall be fulfilled according to the relevant provisions of the State Council.

   第十条 国有矿山企业开采矿产资源,应当按照国务院关于采矿登记管理的规定,办理申请、审批和采矿登记。开采国家规划矿区、对国民经济具有重要价值矿区的矿产和国家规定实行保护性开采的特定矿种,办理申请、审批和采矿登记时,应当持有国务院有关主管部门批准的文件。
Article 10 Where the State-owned mining enterprises exploit the mineral resources, they shall go through the formalities concerning the application, examination, approval and mining registration in accordance with provisions of the State Council governing mining registration. Where they want to exploit the mineral areas under the State programme, the mining areas with great value to the national economy, or the special kinds of mineral ores under protective exploitation prescribed by the State, they shall hold the approval documents from the relevant competent departments under the State Council while going through the formalities concerning the application, examination and approval and the mining registration. 

Where they want to exploit the special kinds of mineral ores, they shall go through the formalities concerning application, examination and approval and mining registration in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council.

   第十一条 开办国有矿山企业,除应当具备有关法律、法规规定的条件外,并应当具备下列条件:
Article 11 The establishment of State-owned mining enterprises shall meet the following requirements in addition to conditions prescribed by laws and regulations: 

(1) having the mineral resources exploration report required for mine construction; 

(2) having the feasibility study report required for mine construction project (including the mineral resources utilization proposal and the report on the influence on the environment within the mining areas); 

(3) having the definite scope of the mine and the mining area; 

(4) having the mine design; and 

(5) having the technical support required for production. 

The State Council, the competent departments under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, pursuant to the State provisions regarding fixed assets investment and the conditions given hereinabove, exercise examination over the application for establishment of State-owned mining enterprise and approval can be granted only after the application is formed to be duly qualified.

   第十二条 申请开办集体所有制矿山企业、私营矿山企业及个体采矿的审查批准、采矿登记,按照省、自治区、直辖市的有关规定办理。
Article 12 The application for establishing a collective-owned mining enterprise, a private mining enterprise or for an individual miners shall go through the formalities concerning the examination, approval and the mining registration prescribed by the relevant provisions issued by the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government. 

   第十三条 申请开办集体所有制矿山企业或者私营矿山企业,除应当具备有关法律、法规规定的条件外,并应当具备下列条件:
Article 13 Application for establishing collective-owned mining enterprises or private mining enterprises shall meet the following requirements in addition to the conditions prescribed by laws and regulations: 

(1) having the mineral resources exploration materials required for the mine construction and which shall also be appropriate to the mining scale; 

(2) having the definite mining scope which has been approved without dispute; 

(3) having the necessary funds, equipment and technical personnel required appropriate to the scale of the mine to be constructed; 

(4) having the feasibility study report, mine design or mining proposal appropriate to the mine to be constructed, also in line with the State industrial policies and the technical regulations; and 

(5) having a mine chief equipped with basic knowledge regarding to the mining production, safety control and environmental protection. 

   第十四条 申请个体采矿应当具备下列条件:
Article 14 Where individuals apply for mining, they shall meet the following requirements: 

(1) having the definite mining scope which has been approved without dispute; 

(2) having the necessary funds, equipment and technical personnel required appropriate to the scale of mine to be constructed; 

(3) having necessary mineral resources exploration materials required and the mining proposal that has been approved; and 

(4) having the necessary conditions and proper measures required for safety production and for environmental protection. 


第三章 矿产资源的勘查

Chapter III: Mineral Exploration   第十五条 国家对矿产资源勘查实行统一规划。全国矿产资源中、长期勘查规划,在国务院计划行政主管部门指导下,由国务院地质矿产主管部门根据国民经济和社会发展中、长期规划,在国务院有关主管部门勘查规划的基础上组织编制。

Article 15 The State shall programme in a unified manner the exploration of mineral resources. The competent department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council shall organize and map out the national medium and long term programmes over the mineral exploration under the guidance of the competent department in charge of planning under the State Council, in accordance with the national medium and long term economic and social development programmes, and on the basis of the exploration programmes adopted by the relevant competent departments under the State Council. 

The national annual mineral exploration plan and the annual mineral exploration plan of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be made respectively by the competent department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council and the competent departments in charge of geology and mineral resources under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Governments with other competent departments concerned, in accordance with the national medium and long term exploration programmes. The said plans shall be approved by the competent departments in charge of planning under the people's governments at the same level, and then be carried out.

Where laws provide otherwise as to the authority of examination and approval upon the exploration programmes, the provisions in the laws shall prevail.
   第十六条 探矿权人享有下列权利:

Article 16 The exploration licenses are granted the following rights: (一)按照勘查许可证规定的区域、期限、工作对象进行勘查;

(1) conducting exploration operations in the areas, within the terms and on the proper objects prescribed by the exploration license.; (二)在勘查作业区及相邻区域架设供电、供水、通讯管线,但是不得影响或者损害原有的供电、供水设施和通讯管线;

(2) erecting electricity power, water supply pipes and communication lines in the exploration area and in the neighboring areas, but they shall not affect or damage the original electricity power, water supply facilities and the communication lines; (三)在勘查作业区及相邻区域通行;

(3) passing through the exploration areas and the neighboring areas; (四)根据工程需要临时使用土地;

(4) using the land temporarily according to the need of exploring project; (五)优先取得勘查作业区内新发现矿种的探矿权;

(5) priority in obtaining the exploration right to explore any newly discovered minerals within the exploration areas; (六)优先取得勘查作业区内矿产资源的采矿权;

(6) priority in obtaining the mining right to exploit the minerals within the exploration areas; (七)自行销售勘查中按照批准的工程设计施工回收的矿产品,但是国务院规定由指定单位统一收购的矿产品除外。

(7) selling the mineral products recovered during the exploration operation in accordance with the project design that has been approved, except for those minerals products which shall be sold to the designated units only as prescribed by the State Council. 

When exercising their rights provided hereinabove, the exploration licensees shall abide by other laws and regulations which require them to obtain approval or go through other formalities.
   第十七条 探矿权人应当履行下列义务:

Article 17 The exploration licensees shall fulfill the following obligations: (一)在规定的期限内开始施工,并在勘查许可证规定的期限内完成勘查工作;

(1) starting the exploration operation within the time limit prescribed, and completing the exploration within the time limit prescribed by the exploration license; (二)向勘查登记管理机关报告开工等情况;

(2) reporting to the exploration registration authorities the situation relating to the start of exploration, etc.; (三)按照探矿工程设计施工,不得擅自进行采矿活动;

(3) conducting the exploration in accordance with the exploration construction designs, and refraining from any unauthorized exploitation;

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