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Measures for the Administration of Contingency Plans for Work Safety Accidents (2019 Amendment) [Effective]
生产安全事故应急预案管理办法(2019修正) [现行有效]

Measures for the Administration of Contingency Plans for Work Safety Accidents 


(Promulgated by Order No.88 of the Order of the State Administration of Work Safety on June 3, 2016; and amended by Order No.2 of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Emergency Management to Amend the Measures for the Administration of Contingency Plans for Work Safety Accidents on July 11, 2019) (2016年6月3日国家安全生产监督管理总局令第88号公布,根据2019年7月11日应急管理部令第2号《应急管理部关于修改<生产安全事故应急预案管理办法>的决定》修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to regulate the administration of contingency plans for work safety accidents, and rapidly and effectively handle work safety accidents, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on Emergency Responses to Work Safety Accidents and other laws and administrative regulations as well as and the Measures for the Administration of Emergency Response Plans (No. 101 [2013], General Office of the State Council).   第一条 为规范生产安全事故应急预案管理工作,迅速有效处置生产安全事故,依据《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》《中华人民共和国安全生产法》《生产安全事故应急条例》等法律、行政法规和《突发事件应急预案管理办法》(国办发〔2013〕101号),制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the preparation, review, issuance, recordation, implementation, supervision and administration of contingency plans for work safety accidents (hereinafter referred to as “contingency plans”).   第二条 生产安全事故应急预案(以下简称应急预案)的编制、评审、公布、备案、实施及监督管理工作,适用本办法。
Article 3 The administration of contingency plans shall observe the principles of territorial priority, hierarchical responsibility, classified guidance, comprehensive coordination and dynamic administration.   第三条 应急预案的管理实行属地为主、分级负责、分类指导、综合协调、动态管理的原则。
Article 4 The Ministry of Emergency Management shall be responsible for the comprehensive coordination and administration of the contingency plans throughout the country. Other departments under the State Council assuming the functions of work safety supervision and administration shall take charge of the administration of contingency plans in the relevant industries and fields according to their respective functions.   第四条 应急管理部负责全国应急预案的综合协调管理工作。国务院其他负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门在各自职责范围内,负责相关行业、领域应急预案的管理工作。
The local emergency management departments under the people's governments at or above the county level shall take charge of the comprehensive coordination and administration of the contingency plans within their respective administrative regions. The other departments under the people's governments that are responsible for the supervision and administration of work safety at or above the county level shall take charge of the administration of contingency plans in the relevant industries and fields according to their respective functions. 县级以上地方各级人民政府应急管理部门负责本行政区域内应急预案的综合协调管理工作。县级以上地方各级人民政府其他负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门按照各自的职责负责有关行业、领域应急预案的管理工作。
Article 5 The primary persons in charge of production and business entities shall take charge of organizing the preparation and implementation of the contingency plans, and be responsible for the authenticity and practicality of the contingency plans. The specific persons in charge shall implement the functions as prescribed in the contingency plans according to the division of functions.   第五条 生产经营单位主要负责人负责组织编制和实施本单位的应急预案,并对应急预案的真实性和实用性负责;各分管负责人应当按照职责分工落实应急预案规定的职责。
Article 6 The contingency plans of production and business entities shall be classified into comprehensive contingency plans, special contingency plans and on-site disposal plans.   第六条 生产经营单位应急预案分为综合应急预案、专项应急预案和现场处置方案。
“Comprehensive contingency plans” means the comprehensive working plans developed by production and business entities in response to various work safety accidents, and the master plans for the overall working procedures, measures and contingency plan systems developed by these entities in response to work safety accidents. 综合应急预案,是指生产经营单位为应对各种生产安全事故而制定的综合性工作方案,是本单位应对生产安全事故的总体工作程序、措施和应急预案体系的总纲。
“Special contingency plans” means the special working plans developed by production and business entities in response to a certain type or diversified work safety accidents or for the purpose of preventing work safety accidents with respect to important production facilities, major hazard sources and important events. 专项应急预案,是指生产经营单位为应对某一种或者多种类型生产安全事故,或者针对重要生产设施、重大危险源、重大活动防止生产安全事故而制定的专项性工作方案。
“On-site disposal plans” means the emergency disposal measures developed by production and business entities for specific sites, equipment or facilities according to different types of work safety accidents. 现场处置方案,是指生产经营单位根据不同生产安全事故类型,针对具体场所、装置或者设施所制定的应急处置措施。
Chapter II Preparation of Contingency Plans 

第二章 应急预案的编制

Article 7 The preparation of contingency plans shall observe the principles of being people-oriented, complying with the laws and regulations, being practical and paying attention to actual effects; and, with the core of “emergency disposal,” specify the contingency functions, regulate contingency procedures and detail the guarantee measures.   第七条 应急预案的编制应当遵循以人为本、依法依规、符合实际、注重实效的原则,以应急处置为核心,明确应急职责、规范应急程序、细化保障措施。
Article 8 Contingency plans shall be prepared:   第八条 应急预案的编制应当符合下列基本要求:
(1) according to the relevant laws, regulations, rules and standards; (一)有关法律、法规、规章和标准的规定;
(2) in light of the actual circumstances of the work safety of the regions, departments or entities; (二)本地区、本部门、本单位的安全生产实际情况;
(3) on the basis of the risk analysis results of the regions, departments or entities; (三)本地区、本部门、本单位的危险性分析情况;
(4) with clear division of the functions of contingency organizations and persons and specific implementation measures; (四)应急组织和人员的职责分工明确,并有具体的落实措施;
(5) with specific contingency procedures and disposal measures in match with the emergency response capabilities of the regions, departments or entities; (五)有明确、具体的应急程序和处置措施,并与其应急能力相适应;
(6) with clear emergency guarantee measures which meet the contingency work requirements of the regions, departments or entities; (六)有明确的应急保障措施,满足本地区、本部门、本单位的应急工作需要;
(7) with complete basic elements, and with accurate information provided in the annexes thereto; and (七)应急预案基本要素齐全、完整,应急预案附件提供的信息准确;
(8) in consistency with the relevant contingency plans. (八)应急预案内容与相关应急预案相互衔接。
Article 9 An entity shall form a working group for the preparation of its contingency plan, and assign the relevant person-in-charge of the entity to serve as the group leader, and absorb the persons of the relevant functional departments and entities related to the contingency plan and the persons who have experience in on-site disposal.   第九条 编制应急预案应当成立编制工作小组,由本单位有关负责人任组长,吸收与应急预案有关的职能部门和单位的人员,以及有现场处置经验的人员参加。
Article 10 Before preparing a contingency plan, an entity shall conduct accident risk identification and assessment and investigation into emergency resources.   第十条 编制应急预案前,编制单位应当进行事故风险辨识、评估和应急资源调查。
“Accident risk identification and assessment” means the process of identifying the existing dangerous and hazardous factors according to different types and characteristics of accidents, analyzing the direct consequences possibly caused by the accidents and secondary and derivative consequences thereof, and evaluating the dangerousness and the scope of influence of various consequences, and putting forward the measures for preventing and controlling accident risks. 事故风险辨识、评估,是指针对不同事故种类及特点,识别存在的危险危害因素,分析事故可能产生的直接后果以及次生、衍生后果,评估各种后果的危害程度和影响范围,提出防范和控制事故风险措施的过程。
“Investigation into emergency resources” means the comprehensive investigation into the status of emergency resources available for transfer and utilization by the entities and the status of emergency resources available for requests for assistance within cooperation regions, and the development of emergency response measures in consideration of the accident risk identification and assessment conclusions. 应急资源调查,是指全面调查本地区、本单位第一时间可以调用的应急资源状况和合作区域内可以请求援助的应急资源状况,并结合事故风险辨识评估结论制定应急措施的过程。
Article 11 Emergency management departments of local people's governments at all levels and other departments responsible for the supervision and administration of work safety shall, in accordance with the laws, regulations and rules and the emergency plans of the people's government at the same level, the emergency administrative department of the people's government at the next higher level and other departments responsible for the supervision and administration of work safety, and in light of the actual work circumstances, organize the preparation of their corresponding departmental contingency plans.   第十一条 地方各级人民政府应急管理部门和其他负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门应当根据法律、法规、规章和同级人民政府以及上一级人民政府应急管理部门和其他负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门的应急预案,结合工作实际,组织编制相应的部门应急预案。
“Departmental contingency plans” shall, in light of the actual circumstances of local areas and the departments, specify information reporting, response hierarchy, transfer of commanding rights, alert and evacuation and other contents. 部门应急预案应当根据本地区、本部门的实际情况,明确信息报告、响应分级、指挥权移交、警戒疏散等内容。
Article 12 Production and business entities shall, according to the relevant laws, regulations, rules and relevant standards, and in light of the organization and management systems and scales of production of these entities, the characteristics of the potential accidents, and ensuring the compatibility of the relevant plans, establish contingency plan systems of their own, and prepare corresponding contingency plans which reflect their own characteristics and mutual rescue and advance emergency disposal.   第十二条 生产经营单位应当根据有关法律、法规、规章和相关标准,结合本单位组织管理体系、生产规模和可能发生的事故特点,与相关预案保持衔接,确立本单位的应急预案体系,编制相应的应急预案,并体现自救互救和先期处置等特点。
Article 13 Production and business entities that may encounter various risks or suffer diversified potential accidents shall organize the preparation of comprehensive contingency plans.   第十三条 生产经营单位风险种类多、可能发生多种类型事故的,应当组织编制综合应急预案。
Comprehensive contingency plans shall provide for emergency organizations and institutions and their functions, contingency plan systems, accident risk descriptions, early warning and information reporting, emergency response, guarantee measures, contingency plan administration and other contents. 综合应急预案应当规定应急组织机构及其职责、应急预案体系、事故风险描述、预警及信息报告、应急响应、保障措施、应急预案管理等内容。
Article 14 With respect to a certain type or diversified accident risks, production and business entities may prepare corresponding special contingency plans, or include the special contingency plans in comprehensive contingency plans.   第十四条 对于某一种或者多种类型的事故风险,生产经营单位可以编制相应的专项应急预案,或将专项应急预案并入综合应急预案。
Special contingency plans shall provide for the emergency response command institutions and their functions, disposal procedures and measures and other contents. 专项应急预案应当规定应急指挥机构与职责、处置程序和措施等内容。
Article 15 For places, equipment or facilities with great dangerousness, production and business entities shall prepare on-site disposal plans.   第十五条 对于危险性较大的场所、装置或者设施,生产经营单位应当编制现场处置方案。
On-site disposal plans shall provide for emergency functions, emergency disposal measures, precautions and other contents. 现场处置方案应当规定应急工作职责、应急处置措施和注意事项等内容。
Production and business entities with single risks and low dangerousness may only prepare on-site disposal plans. 事故风险单一、危险性小的生产经营单位,可以只编制现场处置方案。
Article 16 The contingency plan of a production and business entity shall contain the contents reported to the emergency administrative agency at a higher level, the contact information of the emergency organization and persons, the list of the reserved emergency resources and other attached information. In case of any change of the attached information, it shall be updated in a timely manner, so as to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the relevant information.   第十六条 生产经营单位应急预案应当包括向上级应急管理机构报告的内容、应急组织机构和人员的联系方式、应急物资储备清单等附件信息。附件信息发生变化时,应当及时更新,确保准确有效。
Article 17 Production and business entities shall, in the process of organizing the contingency plans, solicit the opinions of the relevant emergency rescue teams, citizens, legal persons or other organizations in accordance with the laws, regulations and rules or in light of the actual needs.
   第十七条 生产经营单位组织应急预案编制过程中,应当根据法律、法规、规章的规定或者实际需要,征求相关应急救援队伍、公民、法人或者其他组织的意见。

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