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The Implementing Rules for the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (Agriculture Part) (2011 Revision) [Revised]
中华人民共和国植物新品种保护条例实施细则(农业部分)(2011修订) [已被修订]

The Implementing Rules for the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (Agriculture Part)



(Promulgated by Decree No. 5 of the Ministry of Agriculture on September 19, 2007; amended in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture on Revising Certain Rules and Regulatory Documents on December 31, 2011) (2007年9月19日农业部令第5号公布,根据2011年12月31日《农业部关于修订部分规章和规范性文件的决定》修订)

CHAPTER I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国植物新品种保护条例》(以下简称《条例》),制定本细则。
Article 2 New varieties of agricultural plants shall cover those of food crops, cotton, oil crops, bast-fiber plants, sugar crops, vegetables (including watermelon and mask melon), tobacco, mulberries, tea plants, fruit trees(except for dry fruits), ornamental plants (except ligneous plants), grasses, green manure, herbaceous medicinal plants, edible fungi, protonemata, rubber tree and other plants.   第二条 农业植物新品种包括粮食、棉花、油料、麻类、糖料、蔬菜(含西甜瓜)、烟草、桑树、茶树、果树(干果除外)、观赏植物(木本除外)、草类、绿肥、草本药材、食用菌、藻类和橡胶树等植物的新品种。
Article 3 In accordance with Article 3 of the Regulations, the Ministry of Agriculture shall be the authority for the examination and approval of the right in new varieties of agricultural plants (hereinafter referred to as the “variety right”), and shall grant such right in light of the provisions of the Regulations.   第三条 依据《条例》三条的规定,农业部为农业植物新品种权的审批机关,依照《条例》规定授予农业植物新品种权(以下简称品种权)。
The Office for Protection of New Varieties of Agricultural Plants under the Ministry of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as “the Office for Protection of Varieties”) shall undertake the tasks of receiving and examination of application for variety right, and shall be responsible for organizing the testing of new plant varieties and the storage of the propagating materials 农业部植物新品种保护办公室(以下简称品种保护办公室),承担品种权申请的受理、审查等事务,负责植物新品种测试和繁殖材料保藏的组织工作。
Article 4 No variety right shall be granted to any new variety of plants that is detrimental to public interest and the ecological system.   第四条 对危害公共利益、生态环境的植物新品种不授予品种权。
CHAPTER II Contents and Ownership of Variety Right 

第二章 品种权的内容和归属

Article 5 The “propagating materials” referred to in the Regulations means planting materials or other parts of the body of a plant that can propagate plants including seeds and fruits as well as roots, stems, seedlings, buds and leaves.   第五条 《条例》所称繁殖材料是指可繁殖植物的种植材料或植物体的其他部分,包括籽粒、果实和根、茎、苗、芽、叶等。
Article 6 Any entity or individual applying for variety right shall be generically designated as applicant for variety right; and any entity or individual to whom a variety right is granted shall be generically designated as holder of variety right.   第六条 申请品种权的单位或者个人统称为品种权申请人;获得品种权的单位或者个人统称为品种权人。
Article 7 Job-related breeding accomplished by any individual in undertaking tasks of the entity to which he belongs as referred to in Article 7 of the Regulations shall mean any of the following:   第七条 《条例》七条所称执行本单位任务所完成的职务育种是指下列情形之一:
(i) breeding accomplished in the course of performing his duty; (一)在本职工作中完成的育种;
(ii)( breeding accomplished in execution of any task other than his own duty, which was assigned to him/her by the said entity; and (二)履行本单位交付的本职工作之外的任务所完成的育种;
(iii)( breeding accomplished within three years after his/her resignation, retirement or change of work, where the breeding relates to his/her own duty in or to the tasks assigned to him/her by the entity to which he/she previously belonged. (三)退职、退休或者调动工作后,3年内完成的与其在原单位承担的工作或者原单位分配的任务有关的育种。
The facilities of the entity referred to in Article 7 of the Regulations shall mean the financial resources, instruments and equipment, and testing sites of the entity as well as the breeding materials and technical data owned by the entity, of which the disclosure to the public is not yet permitted. 《条例》七条所称本单位的物质条件是指本单位的资金、仪器设备、试验场地以及单位所有的尚未允许公开的育种材料和技术资料等。
Article 8 The person who has accomplished the breeding of new varieties as referred to in Article 8 of the Regulations shall mean any entity or individual who has accomplished the breeding of new varieties (hereinafter referred to as “variety breeder”).   第八条 《条例》八条所称完成新品种育种的人是指完成新品种育种的单位或者个人(以下简称育种者)。
Article 9 The person who has accomplished the breeding of new varieties (hereinafter referred to as “breeder”) shall mean any person who has made creative contributions to the breeding of new varieties. Those who are responsible only for organizational and managerial work, who provide access to facilities or perform other auxiliary functions shall not be considered as breeders.   第九条 完成新品种培育的人员(以下简称培育人)是指对新品种培育作出创造性贡献的人。仅负责组织管理工作、为物质条件的利用提供方便或者从事其他辅助工作的人不能被视为培育人。
Article 10 For any identical new plant variety, only one variety right shall be granted.   第十条 一个植物新品种只能被授予一项品种权。
Where two or more applicants apply separately, on the same day, for variety right of an identical plant variety, they shall hold consultations among themselves to decide the person or persons who shall be entitled to file the application. Where the consultation fails to reach consensus, the Office for Protection of Varieties may require the applicants involved to provide, with in the specified time limit, evidence to prove that it or he is the first to accomplish the breeding of the variety concerned. Where no evidence is provided within the said time limit, the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. Where the evidence provided is insufficient to serve as the basis for making judgment, the Office for Protection of Varieties shall reject the application. 一个植物新品种由两个以上申请人分别于同一日内提出品种权申请的,由申请人自行协商确定申请权的归属;协商不能达成一致意见的,品种保护办公室可以要求申请人在指定期限内提供证据,证明自己是最先完成该新品种育种的人。逾期未提供证据的,视为撤回申请;所提供证据不足以作为判定依据的,品种保护办公室驳回申请。
Article 11 If a Chinese entity or individual wishes to assign to a foreigner the right to file an application for a new plant variety or the variety right of anew plant variety bred in China, such assignment shall be subject to the examination and approval by the Ministry of Agriculture.   第十一条 中国的单位或者个人就其在国内培育的新品种向外国人转让申请权或者品种权的,应当向农业部申请审批。
Where the right to apply for variety right or the variety right is assigned, the parties concerned shall conclude a written contract and register it with the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture shall announce the assignment. The assignment shall take effect as of the date of the announcement. 转让申请权或者品种权的,当事人应当订立书面合同,向农业部登记,由农业部予以公告,并自公告之日起生效。
Article 12 The Ministry of Agriculture may decide to grant a compulsory license to exercise variety right in any of the following circumstances:   第十二条 有下列情形之一的,农业部可以作出实施品种权的强制许可决定:
(i) where it is for the needs of national or public interests; (一)为了国家利益或者公共利益的需要;
(ii)( where the variety right holder has no justified grounds neither to exploit the variety himself, nor to authorize others to exploit it under reasonable conditions; (二)品种权人无正当理由自己不实施,又不许可他人以合理条件实施的;
(iii)( where, in respect of the variety of important crops, although the variety right holder has already exploited it, the exploitation obviously cannot meet the demands of the domestic market, and the variety right holder does not intend to authorize its exploitation by others under reasonable conditions. (三)对重要农作物品种,品种权人虽已实施,但明显不能满足国内市场需求,又不许可他人以合理条件实施的。
Anyone who requests for compulsory license shall submit the request to the Ministry of Agriculture. It or he shall state the grounds thereof, and provide supporting documents each in two copies. 申请强制许可的,应当向农业部提交强制许可请求书,说明理由并附具有关证明文件各一式两份。
The Ministry of Agriculture shall make a decision within 20 work days from the date on which it receives the request. Where it needs to organize experts for survey and appraisal, the time limit for such survey and appraisal shall not exceed three months. Where a request for compulsory license is approved, the Ministry of Agriculture shall notify the variety right holder and the person who made the request, and the decision shall be announced; where the request for compulsory license is rejected, the Ministry of Agriculture shall notify the person who made the request and state the reasons thereof. 农业部自收到请求书之日起20个工作日内作出决定。需要组织专家调查论证的,调查论证时间不得超过3个月。同意强制许可请求的,由农业部通知品种权人和强制许可请求人,并予以公告;不同意强制许可请求的,通知请求人并说明理由。
Article 13 Any party who, under paragraph two of Article 11 of the Regulations, requesting the Ministry of Agriculture for the adjudication of the exploitation fees, shall file a request to that effect, and provide supporting documents to testify the failure of reaching an agreement. The Ministry of Agriculture shall make a decision within three months from the date of receipt of the request and shall notify the parties concerned accordingly.   第十三条 依照《条例》十一条第二款规定,申请农业部裁决使用费数额的,当事人应当提交裁决申请书,并附具未能达成协议的证明文件。农业部自收到申请书之日起3个月内作出裁决并通知当事人。
CHAPTER III Conditions for the Grant of Variety Right 

第三章 授予品种权的条件

Article 14 In accordance with the provisions of Article 45 of the Regulations, the Ministry of Agriculture may grant variety right to any variety that is included in the list of protected genera and species of plants, provided that in respect of which an application for variety right is filed within one year from the date of the releasing of the said list , and the propagating materials of the said variety, with the consent of the variety breeder, had been on sale for less than four years within the territory of China prior the date of the application, and that the requirements for distinctness, uniformity, stability and the denomination are complied with.   第十四条 依照《条例》四十五条的规定,列入植物新品种保护名录的植物属或者种,从名录公布之日起1年内提出的品种权申请,凡经过育种者许可,申请日前在中国境内销售该品种的繁殖材料未超过4年,符合《条例》规定的特异性、一致性和稳定性及命名要求的,农业部可以授予品种权。
Article 15 Any of the following circumstances shall be regarded as the sale as referred to in Article 14 of the Regulations:   第十五条 具有下列情形之一的,属于《条例》十四条规定的销售:
(i) transfer to others, in a form of sale, the propagating material of a variety in respect of which an application for variety right is filed; (一)以买卖方式将申请品种的繁殖材料转移他人;
(ii)( transfer to others, in a form of barter, the propagating materials of a variety in respect of which an application for variety right is filed; (二)以易货方式将申请品种的繁殖材料转移他人;
(iii)(transfer to others, in a form of buying shares, the filed; @ a variety in respect of which an application for variety right is filed; (三)以入股方式将申请品种的繁殖材料转移他人;
(iv)conclude a production agreement in respect of the propagating materials for which an application for variety right is filed ; and (四)以申请品种的繁殖材料签订生产协议;
(v) any other forms of sale. (五)以其他方式销售的情形。
Any of the following circumstances shall be regarded as the sale with the consent of the variety breeder as referred to in Article 14 of the Regulations: 具有下列情形之一的,视为《条例》十四条规定的育种者许可销售:
(i)sale by the variety breeder itself/himself; (一)育种者自己销售;
(ii)( sale by the interior institutions of the variety breeder; (二)育种者内部机构销售;
(iii)(sale by the enterprises in which the variety breeder is the sole or one of the stock holders ; (三)育种者的全资或者参股企业销售;
(iv)any other sales as prescribed by the Ministry of Agriculture. (四)农业部规定的其他情形。
Article 16 “Variety known prior to the filing of the application” as referred to in Article15 of the Regulations shall cover those that are announced as qualified after the preliminary examination, those that have passed the variety examination and approval appraisal, or those that are already spread for use.   第十六条 《条例》十五条所称“已知的植物品种”,包括品种权申请初审合格公告、通过品种审定或者已推广应用的品种。
Article 17 The “relevant features or characteristics” as referred to in Article16 and 17 of the Regulations shall cover at least those features or characteristics that are used for the examination of distinctness, uniformity and stability, or for the description of the variety when going through the granting procedures   第十七条 《条例》十六条、第十七条所称“相关的特征或者特性”是指至少包括用于特异性、一致性和稳定性测试的性状或者授权时进行品种描述的性状。
Article 18 None of the following may be used for the denomination of a new variety:   第十八条 有下列情形之一的,不得用于新品种命名:
(i) those consisting of numbers only; (一)仅以数字组成的;
(ii)( those in violation of national laws or social morals, or having the nature of ethnic discrimination; (二)违反国家法律或者社会公德或者带有民族歧视性的;
(iii)(those using names of countries; (三)以国家名称命名的;
(iv) those using names of places of administrative districts at county level or above, or the names of well-known places in foreign countries; (四)以县级以上行政区划的地名或者公众知晓的外国地名命名的;
(v) those using the same or similar identifying names of intergovernmental international organizations, or famous international or national organizations; (五)同政府间国际组织或者其他国际国内知名组织及标识名称相同或者近似的;
(vi)those that are liable to mislead as to the features or characteristics of the new variety of plant, or as to the identity of the variety breeder; (六)对植物新品种的特征、特性或者育种者的身份等容易引起误解的;
(vii) those that are the known denominations of the same or similar genera or species of plants; and (七)属于相同或相近植物属或者种的已知名称的;
(viii)those constituting exaggerated advertising. (八)夸大宣传的。
For any varieties that have passed the examination and approval or species any genetically modified plant varieties that have obtained the Safety Certificate for Agricultural Genetically Modified Organism (nonreproductives), if the denomination of the variety conforms to the provisions for the denomination of a new plant variety, the denomination of the variety in respect of which variety right is applied for shall be in conformity with the denomination used for variety examination and approval appraisal or for safety examination for agricultural genetically modified organism. 已通过品种审定的品种,或获得《农业转基因生物安全证书(生产应用)》的转基因植物品种,如品种名称符合植物新品种命名规定,申请品种权的品种名称应当与品种审定或农业转基因生物安全审批的品种名称一致。
CHAPTER IV Application for Variety Right and Receipt Thereof 

第四章 品种权的申请和受理

Article 19 Where Chinese entities or individuals apply for variety right, they may file an application with the Office for Protection of Varieties directly or through a representative agency.   第十九条 中国的单位和个人申请品种权的,可以直接或者委托代理机构向品种保护办公室提出申请。
Where any foreigner, foreign enterprise or foreign organization with no habitual residence in China apply for variety right with the Office for Protection of Varieties, it shall appoint an agency to act as his or its agent. 在中国没有经常居所的外国人、外国企业或其他外国组织,向品种保护办公室提出品种权申请的,应当委托代理机构办理。
Where an applicant who appoints an agency to apply for variety right or to handle related matters, he or it shall sign a power of attorney with the agency, specifying the matters and the scope of the power entrusted. The agency, when filing applications with the Office for Protection of Varieties shall submit at the same time the power of attorney. The Office for Protection of Varieties shall contact directly the agency in the process of receiving and examination of the above-mentioned applications. 申请人委托代理机构办理品种权申请等相关事务时,应当与代理机构签订委托书,明确委托办理事项与权责。代理机构在向品种保护办公室提交申请时,应当同时提交申请人委托书。品种保护办公室在上述申请的受理与审查程序中,直接与代理机构联系。
Article 20 Where applying for variety right, the applicant shall file with the Office for Protection of Varieties a request, a specification and photograph(s)of the varieties each in duplicate. He or it shall, at the same time, submit the electronic version of the request and the specification.   第二十条 申请品种权的,申请人应当向品种保护办公室提交请求书、说明书和品种照片各一式两份,同时提交相应的请求书和说明书的电子文档。
The request and the specification shall be in the forms as prescribed by the Office for Protection of Varieties. 请求书、说明书按照品种保护办公室规定的统一格式填写。
Article 21 The specification as submitted by the applicant shall include:
   第二十一条 申请人提交的说明书应当包括下列内容:

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