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Measures for the Investigation and Punishment of Illegal Acts Related to Online Food Safety [Revised]
网络食品安全违法行为查处办法 [已被修订]

Order of the China Food and Drug Administration 


(N0. 27) (第27号)

The Measures for the Investigation and Punishment of Illegal Acts Related to Online Food Safety, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the China Food and Drug Administration on March 15, 2016, are hereby issued for implementation and shall come into force on October 1, 2016. 《网络食品安全违法行为查处办法》已于2016年3月15日经国家食品药品监督管理总局局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2016年10月1日起施行。
Director General: Bi Jingquan 局长:毕井泉
July 13, 2016 2016年7月13日
Measures for the Investigation and Punishment of Illegal Acts Related to Online Food Safety 网络食品安全违法行为查处办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of investigating and punishing illegal acts related to online food safety in accordance with the law, strengthening the supervision and administration of online food safety, and ensuring food safety, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations.   第一条 为依法查处网络食品安全违法行为,加强网络食品安全监督管理,保证食品安全,根据《中华人民共和国食品安全法》等法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the investigation and punishment of violations of food safety laws, regulations or rules or food safety standards committed by the providers of third-party online food trading platforms and the food producers and traders engaging in trade through the third-party platforms or self-built websites (hereinafter referred to the “food producers and traders admitted to platforms or websites”) within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内网络食品交易第三方平台提供者以及通过第三方平台或者自建的网站进行交易的食品生产经营者(以下简称入网食品生产经营者)违反食品安全法律、法规、规章或者食品安全标准行为的查处,适用本办法。
Article 3 The China Food and Drug Administration (“CFDA”) shall be responsible for supervising and guiding the investigation and punishment of illegal acts related to online food safety nationwide.   第三条 国家食品药品监督管理总局负责监督指导全国网络食品安全违法行为查处工作。
Local food and drug administrations at or above the county level shall be responsible for the investigation and punishment of illegal acts related to online food safety within their respective administrative regions. 县级以上地方食品药品监督管理部门负责本行政区域内网络食品安全违法行为查处工作。
Article 4 The providers of third-party online food trading platforms and the food producers and traders admitted to platforms or websites shall fulfill the obligations prescribed by food safety laws, regulations and rules.   第四条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者和入网食品生产经营者应当履行法律、法规和规章规定的食品安全义务。
The providers of third-party online food trading platforms and the food producers and traders admitted to platforms or websites shall be responsible for the authenticity of the online food safety information. 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者和入网食品生产经营者应当对网络食品安全信息的真实性负责。
Article 5 The providers of third-party online food trading platforms and the food producers and traders admitted to platforms or websites shall cooperate with food and drug administrations in the investigation and punishment of illegal acts related to online food safety, and provide relevant online food trading data and information as required by food and drug administrations.   第五条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者和入网食品生产经营者应当配合食品药品监督管理部门对网络食品安全违法行为的查处,按照食品药品监督管理部门的要求提供网络食品交易相关数据和信息。
Article 6 The providers of third-party online food trading platforms and the food producers and traders admitted to platforms or websites shall be encouraged to disseminate food safety laws, regulations, standards, and knowledge.   第六条 鼓励网络食品交易第三方平台提供者和入网食品生产经营者开展食品安全法律、法规以及食品安全标准和食品安全知识的普及工作。
Article 7 Any organization or individual may report illegal acts related to online food safety to the food and drug administration.   第七条 任何组织或者个人均可向食品药品监督管理部门举报网络食品安全违法行为。
Chapter II Online Food Safety Obligations 

第二章 网络食品安全义务

Article 8 The provider of a third-party online food trading platform shall, within 30 working days after obtaining approval of the competent department of communications, undergo the recordation formalities with the provincial food and drug administration at the place where it is located, and obtain the recordation number.   第八条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者应当在通信主管部门批准后30个工作日内,向所在地省级食品药品监督管理部门备案,取得备案号。
The food producer or trader engaging in trade through its self-built website shall, within 30 working days after obtaining the approval of the competent department of communications, undergo the recordation formalities with the food and drug administration at a city or county level at the place where it is located, and obtain the recordation number. 通过自建网站交易的食品生产经营者应当在通信主管部门批准后30个工作日内,向所在地市、县级食品药品监督管理部门备案,取得备案号。
The food and drug administration at the provincial, city or county level shall disclose the recordation information to the public within seven working days after completing the recordation. 省级和市、县级食品药品监督管理部门应当自完成备案后7个工作日内向社会公开相关备案信息。
The recordation information shall include domain name, IP address, telecommunication business permit, enterprise name, name of the legal representative or the person in charge, and registration number, among others. 备案信息包括域名、IP地址、电信业务经营许可证、企业名称、法定代表人或者负责人姓名、备案号等。
Article 9 The provider of a third-party online food trading platform or a food producer or trader engaging in trade through its self-built website shall have technologies such as data backup and failure recovery to guarantee the reliability and security of online food trading data and information.   第九条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者和通过自建网站交易的食品生产经营者应当具备数据备份、故障恢复等技术条件,保障网络食品交易数据和资料的可靠性与安全性。
Article 10 The provider of a third-party online food trading platform shall establish the systems for the examination and registration of the food producers and traders admitted to the platform, self-inspection on food safety, stopping and reporting of illegal acts related to food safety, shutoff of platform services for serious illegal acts, and handling of complaints and reports involving food safety, among others, and publicly disclose the relevant systems on the online platform.   第十条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者应当建立入网食品生产经营者审查登记、食品安全自查、食品安全违法行为制止及报告、严重违法行为平台服务停止、食品安全投诉举报处理等制度,并在网络平台上公开。
Article 11 The provider of a third-party online food trading platform shall examine, faithfully record and update in a timely manner the documents such as the food production and trade permits of the food producers and traders admitted to the platform as well as the production permits of the food additive producers admitted to the platform   第十一条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者应当对入网食品生产经营者食品生产经营许可证、入网食品添加剂生产企业生产许可证等材料进行审查,如实记录并及时更新。
The provider of a third-party online food trading platform shall register, faithfully record and update in a timely manner the information such as the business licenses of the producers and traders of edible farm produce admitted to the platform, the business permits of the food additives producers admitted to the platform, as well as the ID card numbers, addresses, and contact information of the individuals admitted to the platform for trading edible farm produce. 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者应当对入网食用农产品生产经营者营业执照、入网食品添加剂经营者营业执照以及入网交易食用农产品的个人的身份证号码、住址、联系方式等信息进行登记,如实记录并及时更新。
Article 12 The provider of a third-party online food trading platform shall maintain files for the food producers and traders admitted to the platform, so as to record the information including the basic information on such food producers and traders and the information on food safety management personnel.   第十二条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者应当建立入网食品生产经营者档案,记录入网食品生产经营者的基本情况、食品安全管理人员等信息。
Article 13 The provider of a third-party online food trading platform or a food producer or trader engaging in trade through its self-built website shall record the food trading information, and preserve such information for a period of no less than six months after the expiration of the shelf life of such products; or such information shall be preserved for a period of no less than two years for products without a clear shelf life.   第十三条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者和通过自建网站交易食品的生产经营者应当记录、保存食品交易信息,保存时间不得少于产品保质期满后6个月;没有明确保质期的,保存时间不得少于2年。
Article 14 The provider of a third-party online food trading platform shall establish a specialized online food safety administration organization or designate full-time food safety management personnel to inspect the food trading acts and information on the platform.   第十四条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者应当设置专门的网络食品安全管理机构或者指定专职食品安全管理人员,对平台上的食品经营行为及信息进行检查。
Where the provider of a third-party online food trading platform discovers any illegal act related to food safety, it shall stop the illegal act in a timely manner, and report the illegal act to the food and drug administration at the county level at the place where it is located. 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者发现存在食品安全违法行为的,应当及时制止,并向所在地县级食品药品监督管理部门报告。
Article 15 Where the provider of a third-party online food trading platform discovers that a food producer or trader admitted to the platform commits any of the following serious illegal acts, it shall stop providing online trading platform services to the food producer or trader:   第十五条 网络食品交易第三方平台提供者发现入网食品生产经营者有下列严重违法行为之一的,应当停止向其提供网络交易平台服务:
(1) Being under formal criminal investigation after a case is docked or subject to a public prosecution instituted for the suspected food safety crime; (一)入网食品生产经营者因涉嫌食品安全犯罪被立案侦查或者提起公诉的;
(2) Being sentenced to a criminal punishment by the people's court for food safety-related crimes; (二)入网食品生产经营者因食品安全相关犯罪被人民法院判处刑罚的;
(3) Being detained or given other public security punishments by the public security authority for illegal acts related to food safety; and (三)入网食品生产经营者因食品安全违法行为被公安机关拘留或者给予其他治安管理处罚的;
(4) Being revoked its permit, ordered to cease production or operations, or otherwise punished by the food and drug administration. (四)入网食品生产经营者被食品药品监督管理部门依法作出吊销许可证、责令停产停业等处罚的。
Article 16 The food producer or trader admitted to a platform or website shall obtain a permit according to the law. The food producer admitted to a platform or website shall sell food within the scope of the permitted categories, and the food trader admitted to a platform or website shall engage in food trade within the permitted business scope, except for those which are not required to obtain a production and trade permit as provided by any law or regulation.   第十六条 入网食品生产经营者应当依法取得许可,入网食品生产者应当按照许可的类别范围销售食品,入网食品经营者应当按照许可的经营项目范围从事食品经营。法律、法规规定不需要取得食品生产经营许可的除外。
The food producer with a food production permit which intends to sell the food produced by it online is not required to obtain a food trade permit. The food trader with a food trade permit which intends to sell the food processed by it online is not required to obtain a food production permit. 取得食品生产许可的食品生产者,通过网络销售其生产的食品,不需要取得食品经营许可。取得食品经营许可的食品经营者通过网络销售其制作加工的食品,不需要取得食品生产许可。
Article 17 No food producer or trader admitted to a platform or website shall engage in any of the following acts:   第十七条 入网食品生产经营者不得从事下列行为:
(1) Publishing online the name of food, a table of ingredients or components, the place of origin, the shelf life, the storage requirements, or the name or address of the producer, or any other information that is inconsistent with that on the label or identification of food; (一)网上刊载的食品名称、成分或者配料表、产地、保质期、贮存条件,生产者名称、地址等信息与食品标签或者标识不一致;
(2) Publishing online the information of non-dietary supplements, expressly or impliedly, claiming to have health protection functions; or publishing online the information of the registration certificate or recordation voucher of dietary supplements that is inconsistent with the registration or recordation information;

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