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Implementing Regulations of the Law of Technology Contracts of the People's Republic of China [Expired]
中华人民共和国技术合同法实施条例 [失效]

Decree of the State Science and Technology Commission



(No. 4)

Implementing Regulations of the Law of Technology Contracts of the People's Republic of China, as approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China on February 15, 1989, is hereby Promulgated.

Chairman Song Jian

主任 宋健

March 15, 1989

Implementing Regulations of the Law of Technology Contracts of the People's Republic of Chin




第一章 总则

Article 1 The regulations are formulated in compliance with the provisions of Article 54 of The Law Technical Contracts of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "Technical Contract Law").   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国技术合同法》(以下简称技术合同法)第五十四条的规定,制定本条例。

Article 2 "Legal persons" referred to in Article 2 of the Technical Contract Law means corporate bodies of government institutions, people's organizations and enterprises.   第二条 技术合同法二条所称的法人,是指机关法人、事业单位法人、社会团体法人和企业法人。

"Citizens" referred to in the same article mean those who hold the citizenship of the People's Republic of China.

Joint venture partners and other economic organizations of a legal person may conclude technical contracts as a party.

Article 3 "Technical results" referred to in the Technical Contract Law mean technical schemes for products, technological processes, materials and the improvement upon them, worked out by using scientific and technological knowledge, information and experiences.   第三条 技术合同法所称的技术成果,是指利用科学技术知识、信息和经验作出的产品、工艺、材料及其改进等技术方案。

Article 4 "The tasks performed for one's unit" referred to in Article 6 of the Technical Contract Law mean:   第四条 技术合同法六条所称的执行本单位的任务是指:

(1) research projects and technological development undertaken by on- the-job personnel within a work unit or the duties on the posts; or (一)在职人员承担本单位的科学研究和技术开发课题或者履行本岗位的职责;

(2) research projects and technological development undertaken by people within one year after their retirement or transference to other jobs or the duties they perform on their original posts. (二)退休、离休、调动工作的人员在离开原单位一年内,继续承担原单位的科学研究和技术开发课题或者履行原岗位的职责。

"The material and technical conditions" referred to in Article 6 of the Technical Contract Law mean funds, equipment, supplies, and technical information and data not yet made public provided by a unit. But the material and technical conditions which are repaid in money or in user charge according to agreement are not included.

The technical results achieved by a person who is transferred from one unit to another should reasonably be shared by the two units if the research project belongs to the original unit but the technical and material conditions are provided by the unit to which the person is transferred.

Article 5 "The right to the use and assignment of non-patent technical results" referred to in Article 32 of the Technical Contract Law means the right to the use and assignment of non-patent technical results obtained according to law or to a contractual agreement between the given contracting parties. "The right to use" refers to the right to the non-patent technical results for the purpose of production or business; "the right of assignment" refers to the right to provide or assign to others the non-patent technical results by signing technical contracts.   第五条 技术合同法三十二条所称的非专利技术成果的使用权、转让权,是指特定的当事人之间依据法律规定或者合同约定所取得的使用、转让非专利技术成果的权利。使用权是指以生产经营为目的使用该项非专利技术成果的权利;转让权是指通过技术合同向他人提供和转让该项非专利技术成果的权利。

Article 6 "Non-patent technology" referred to in Article 34 of the Technical Contract Law include:   第六条 技术合同法三十四条所称的非专利技术包括:

(1) technical results for which applications for patent are not filed; (一)未申请专利的技术成果;

(2) technical results to which patents have not been granted; and (二)未授予专利权的技术成果;

(3) technical results to which patents are not granted according to the provisions of The Patent Law. (三)专利法规定不授予专利权的技术成果。

Article 7 "The individual who has accomplished a technical result" mentioned in Article 6 of the Technical Contract Law refers to a person who has completed a technical result single-handedly and made creative contributions to it. It does not include those who have only provided funds, equipment, materials and experiment conditions, or those who have done organizational and management work, or other service personnel who have helped with the drawing, the sorting out of data and translation of literature.   第七条 技术合同法六条所称的完成技术成果的个人,是指对技术成果单独作出或者共同作出创造性贡献的人。不包括仅提供资金、设备、材料、试验条件的人员,进行组织管理的人员,协助绘制图纸、整理资料、翻译文献等辅助服务人员。

"The technical result documents" mentioned in the same article mean patent applications, applications for scientific and technological awards and registration forms for scientific and technological achievements, which confirm the identity of the accomplishers of technical achievements or confirm the conferring of certificates and documents of honor.

Article 8 The signing of technical contracts which concern national security or major interests and need keeping secret should be handled according to the law and relevant state regulations after they are examined and classified by the relevant departments in charge of science and technology secrets.   第八条 就涉及国家安全或者重大利益需要保密的技术订立技术合同,由有关科学技术保密机关核定密级后,按照法律和国家有关规定办理。

Article 9 "Non-patent technical achievements of major importance" mentioned in Article 7 of the Technical Contract Law refer to technical achievements which promise great economic returns or social benefits and meet the requirements for the first-class invention award or the first- class award for scientific and technological advance as determined by the State Science and Technology Commission.   第九条 技术合同法七条所称的具有重大意义的非专利技术成果,是指具有重大经济效益或者社会效益、经国家科学技术委员会核准符合发明一等奖或者科学技术进步一等奖条件的技术成果。


第二章 技术合同的订立、履行、变更和解除

Article 10 Technical contracts should be deemed concluded after agreement is reached between the parties concerned.   第十条 订立技术合同应当经当事人协商一致。

The contracting parties may conclude a written agreement on keeping secret the technical information and data they exchange before signing the contract. The validity of the agreement on secret-keeping shall not be affected even if the contracting parties can not reach agreement on the signing of the contract.

Article 11 The contracting parties may conclude a general contract for several inter-related technological projects or for several categories of technical contract. They may also sign several sub-contracts.   第十一条 当事人可以就相互关连的几个科技项目或者几类技术合同合订为一个合同,也可以分订成几个合同。

Article 12 For technical contracts signed by legal persons, the legal representatives or persons authorized by the legal persons shall put their signatures or seals to the documents, together with the official seals or special contract seals of the legal persons.   第十二条 法人订立技术合同,有法定代表人或者授权的人员在合同上签名或者盖章,并加盖法人的公章或者合同专用章。

For contracts signed by citizens, they should be signed or sealed by the citizens in person.

Article 13 The approval of the institutions concerned should be obtained or necessary formalities should be observed before signing the following technical contracts:   第十三条 订立下列技术合同应当经过有关机关批准或者履行必要的手续:

(1) the contracts for important scientific and technological projects listed in the plans of the state, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, which require the approval of the departments in charge under the State Council or departments in charge under provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities; (一)就列入国家计划或者省、自治区、直辖市计划的重要科技项目订立的合同,由国务院主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市主管机关审批。

(2) the contracts for technology concerning national security or vital interests and therefore needing secrecy, which should be approved by secret classifying institutions; (二)就内容涉及国家安全或者重大利益需要保密的技术订立的合同,由核定密级的机关审批。

(3) the contracts for assigning patent right and patent application right by units of public ownership, which require the approval of the department in charge at a higher level; the contracts for the assignment of patent application right and patent right, which are valid only after they are registered with and announced by the Patent Office of the People's Republic of China; and (三)全民所有制单位转让专利权、专利申请权的合同,由其上级主管机关审批。专利申请权转让合同、专利权转让合同经中国专利局登记和公告后生效。

(4) the contracts for highly risky projects that involve inflammable and explosives, high voltage and high altitude operations, killer toxicants, construction, medicine, health and radiation or projects involving personal safety and public interests, which must be handled in accordance with the related state regulations. (四)就易燃、易爆、高压、高空、剧毒、建筑、医药、卫生、放射性等高度危险或者涉及人身安全和社会公共利益的项目订立的合同,按照国家有关规定办理。

The contracts mentioned above become valid after they are signed and sealed by the contracting parties if they are approved by related institutions or necessary formalities are completed before the signing. If such contracts are not approved or the necessary formalities are not completed before the signing, the contracts become valid only when they are approved by the related institutions or the necessary formalities are completed.

Article 14 The price, remuneration and usage fees of technical contracts must be determined through consultation by the contracting parties in accordance with the economic returns and social benefits, the cost for the research and development of the technology and its commercial value as well as the rights and interests and obligations of the contracting parties.   第十四条 技术合同的价款、报酬和使用费,由当事人根据技术成果的经济效益和社会效益、研究开发技术的成本、技术成果的工业化开发程度、当事人享有的权益和承担的责任,协商议定。

The price, remuneration and usage fees, which contain non-technical cost, should be computed separately.

Article 15 The mode of payment for prices, remuneration and usage fees of the technical contracts should be determined through consultation by the contracting parties. It may be a single settlement and a single payment, or a final account and installment payment. It may also be payment with deduction or payment with deduction plus additional advanced fees for mastering the technology.   第十五条 技术合同价款、报酬和使用费的支付方式由当事人协商议定,可以采取一次总算、一次总付或者一次总算、分期支付,也可以采取提成支付或者提成支付附加预付入门费的方式。

If the payment with deduction is agreed upon, the amount of deduction may be computed according to a certain proportion of the prices of products, the output value, profits and volume of sales added after the patent is applied for and the non-patent technology is used or by other methods. The proportion of deduction may be fixed, increased or reduced on an annual basis.

If the payment with deduction is agreed upon, the contracting parties should agree in the contract on the method of checking relevant accounts.

Article 16 The contracting parties to a technical contract may agree on advance payment. If the party who makes the advance fails to perform the contract, it is not entitled to ask the payment back; If the party accepting the advance fails to perform the contract, it should repay double the amount of the advance. After the contract is performed, the advance payment should be returned or used as payment of prices, remuneration or usage fees.   第十六条 技术合同当事人可以约定给付定金。给付定金的一方不履行合同的,不得要求返还定金;接受定金的一方不履行合同的,应当双倍返还定金。合同履行后,定金应当返还或者将定金抵作价款、报酬或者使用费。

Article 17 The contracting parties to a technical contract may agree on property mortgage. If the mortgagor fails to perform the contract, the mortgage may have the priority in compensation from the mortgaged property or from selling off the mortgaged property. Mortgaged property should be returned when the contract is performed.   第十七条 技术合同当事人可以约定财产抵押。抵押人不履行合同的,抵押权人可以从抵押财产中或者将抵押财产变卖、折价后优先获得清偿。合同履行后,所抵押的财产应当返还。

The property whose circulation is restricted by law and regulations is not allowed to be used as mortgage.

Article 18 For a technical contract with the third party as the guarantor, a guarantee article should be included in the contract or a separate guarantee contract may be concluded.   第十八条 由第三人作保证人的技术合同,可以在合同中约定保证条款,也可以另行订立保证合同。

A contract agreed upon to have a guarantee article becomes valid after the contracting parties and the guarantor sign and seal it. A contract with a guarantee contract attached becomes valid after the guarantor and the guaranteed sign and seal it.

A guarantor is the person bound up with the guaranteed in performing the contractual obligations. If the guaranteed fails to perform the contractual obligations, the guarantor should undertake the performance of the contract or bear the joint and several liability to compensate for the losses. However, the guarantor is only liable to the part guaranteed. The guarantor has the right to claim for compensation after performing the contract or compensating for the losses.

A unit or an individual that lacks sufficient property at their disposal or the power to perform a contract is not allowed to act as a guarantor.

Article 19 A "power of attorney" mentioned in Article 13 of the Technical Contract Law should include the following contents: name of the attorney, attorneyship, terms of reference, time limit as the attorney and other related matters.   第十九条 技术合同法十三条所称的委托书应包括以下内容:代理人的姓名或者名称、代理业务、委托权限、期间和其他有关事项。

Article 20 A "medium organization" mentioned in Article 14 of the Technical Contract Law refers to an organization which provides services for the commercialization of technical achievements.   第二十条 技术合同法十四条所称的中介机构,是指为技术成果商品化提供服务的组织。

A medium organization may, by signing technical medium contract, make contract and introduce a party to the third party for signing a technical contract and push the full performance of the contract; organize or participate in the industrial and commercial development of technical achievements; act as an agent in signing contracts, medicate in disputes over contracts, offer legal advice and technical consultations, carry out market surveys and provide information and other services.

Article 21 The contracting parties should discuss and agree on clauses of technical contracts in reference to the relevant provisions of Article 15 of the Technical Contract Law and the present regulations.   第二十一条 当事人应当参照技术合同法十五条和本条例的有关规定约定技术合同的条款。

If the acceptance standards, time limit and place of performance are not clearly defined in the contract, they should be settled through consultation by the parties concerned. If consultation fails to yield agreement, the following provisions are applicable:

(1) If the standards for acceptance are not clearly defined, the national standards or professional technical standards apply; in absence of such standards, the common practical standards apply. (一)技术成果的验收标准不明确的,按照国家标准或者专业技术标准履行;没有标准的,按照本行业合乎实用的一般要求履行。

(2) If the time limit of performance is not clearly defined, the obligator should be ready to perform obligations to the obligated; the obligated may put the obligator under an obligation at any time, but should give the obligator the necessary time for preparation. (二)履行期限不明确的,承担义务的一方可以随时向另一方履行义务,享有权利的一方也可以随时要求另一方履行义务,但应当给另一方必要的准备时间。

(3) If the place of performance is not clearly defined, the contract, if involving research and development, should be performed at the place where the party responsible for research and development is located. If the contract involves technology transfer, the location of the technology receiver should be the place of performance. The technical consultation contract should be performed in the place where the technical advisor is located. The technical service contract should be performed in the place where the trustee is located. (三)履行地点不明确的,技术开发合同在研究开发方所在地履行,技术转让合同在受让方所在地履行,技术咨询合同在顾问方所在地履行,技术服务合同在委托方所在地履行。

Article 22 If fines for breach of contract are agreed upon by the contracting parties, the fines are regarded as the compensation for losses caused by breach of contract. After a party pays fines for breach of contract, the losses will not be computed and compensated for, except the case with a special agreement that the losses caused by the breach of contract by one party to the other exceed the amount of fines. The exceeded amount should be made good by the party which breaches the contract.   第二十二条 当事人约定违约金的,违约金视为技术合同的损失赔偿额。违反合同的一方支付违约金以后,不再计算和赔偿损失。但是,合同特别约定一方违反合同给另一方造成的损失超过违约金时,应当补偿违约金不足部分的情况除外。

If there is no clause about fines for breach of contract, or method for computing compensation for losses in a contract, the amount of compensation should be computed according to the actual losses as the result of breaching the contract by one party to the other. The losses should amount to the reduction of income or increase in expenditure for the party which suffers the losses.

The amount of fines for breach of contract prescribed in a contract should not exceed the total of the price of the contract plus remuneration or usage fees. The method of calculating compensation for losses should not be bluntly unfair.

Article 23 If one party infringes upon the other party's patent right, the patent application right, patent execution right, the right to use non-patent technology and the right of assignment, or reputes its obligations on secrecy, that party should stop infringement, adopt remedies and compensate for the losses apart from undertaking the responsibility for breach of contract as prescribed in Article 22 of these regulations. The amount of compensation should be the equal amount of the illegal income of the violating party during the period of infringement or the actual losses of the victim party during the same period.   第二十三条 当事人一方侵害另一方专利权、专利申请权、专利实施权、非专利技术使用权和转让权或者违反保密义务的,除按本条例第二十二条的规定承担违反合同的责任外,应当停止侵害、采取补救措施并赔偿损失。该赔偿额应当相当于侵权人侵权期间的非法所得或者被侵权人被侵权期间的实际损失。

Article 24 The "force majeure" mentioned in Article 20 of the Technical Contract Law refers to the natural factors that can not be anticipated, avoided and overcome by the parties concerned or an objective situation caused by social factors. The contracting parties may define the scope of force majeure in the contract.   第二十四条 技术合同法二十条所称的不可抗力,是指当事人不能预见、不能避免和不能克服的自然因素或者社会因素引起的客观情况。当事人可以在合同中约定不可抗力的范围。

If one party is unable to perform the contract due to force majeure, that party should be excused from the responsibility for non-performance of contract. But if the force majeure is responsible for only part of non-performance of the contract, the party concerned will not be excused from the obligation in performing the remaining part of the contract.

The party concerned which can not perform the contract due to force majeure should notify the other party in good time, produce a certificate for non-performance of the contract within a reasonable length of time, and take proper measures to mitigate losses.

Article 25 The implications of nullification of a technical contract mentioned in Article 21 of the Technical Contract Law include:   第二十五条 技术合同法二十一条有关技术合同无效的各项含义是:

(1) "Violation of law and regulations" means that the signing of the contract or the activities carried out according to the contract are acts prohibited in explicit terms by the laws and su-blaws. (一)“违反法律、法规”,是指订立合同或者依据合同所进行的活动是法律、法规明文禁止的行为。

"Impairing the interests of the state and the communities" means that the purposes of signing the contract or the consequences arising from the performance of the contract cause serious pollution of the environment, damage of valuable resources and ecological balance and jeopardize national security and social and public interests.

(2) "Illegally monopolizing technology and hampering technological advances" means that one party restricts the other party through contractual clauses from carrying out new research and development on the basis of the objective technology through other channels or impedes the other party from fully executing the patent right or using non-patent technology in response to market demand and by reasonable methods. (二)“非法垄断技术,妨碍技术进步”,是指通过合同条款限制另一方在合同标的技术的基础上进行新的研究开发,限制另一方从其他渠道吸收技术,或者阻碍另一方根据市场的需求,按照合理的方式充分实施专利和使用非专利技术。

(3) "Infringing the legitimate rights and interests of others" refers to acts that infringe upon the patent rights, the patent application rights, patent execution rights, the rights to use and assign non-patent technology or invention rights, discovery rights and the rights to other technical achievements of the other party or a third party. (三)“侵害他人合法权益”,是指侵害另一方或者第三方的专利权、专利申请权、专利实施权、非专利技术使用权和转让权或者发明权、发现权以及其他科技成果权的行为。

Article 26 For technical contracts belonging to one of the cases listed in Article 21 of the Technical Contract Law, the parties concerned or the parties of interests may request the industrial and commercial administrative institutions to declare the contract invalid.   第二十六条 属于技术合同法二十一条所列情况之一的技术合同,当事人或者利害关系人可以请求工商行政管理机关宣布合同无效。当事人或者利害关系人也可以请求人民法院宣布合同无效。

The industrial and commercial administrative institutions have the right to investigate and handle the cases found to belong to one of the cases mentioned in the preceding article. But, if the contract is found to involve the illegal monopoly of technology, hindrance of technological advance and infringement of the rights to technology, the industrial and commercial administrative institutions should entrust local science and technology committees to make the final verdict before handling the mater; if the contract is found to involve the infringement of patent right, the case should be handled after the patent control institutions pass the judgment.

Article 27 If a technical contracts is declared invalid by the Administration for Industry and Commerce or the people's court, the party responsible for nullifying the contract should compensate for the losses of the other party caused by the nullification of contract. If the contracting parties are both responsible for nullifying the contract, they should bear their respective responsibilities.   第二十七条 工商行政管理机关或者人民法院宣布技术合同无效后,对合同无效负有责任的一方应当赔偿因合同无效给另一方造成的损失,当事人对合同无效均负有责任的,各自承担相应的责任。

Article 28 If a technical contract is declared invalid for infringement of other's patent rights, patent application rights, patent execution rights, the rights to use and assign the non-patent technology or invention right, discovery rights and the right concerning other technological achievements, the violator should be made to stop the infringement acts, apologize, eliminate the consequences and compensate for the losses.   第二十八条 因侵害他人专利权、专利申请权、专利实施权、非专利技术使用权和转让权或者发明权、发现权以及其他科技成果权被宣布无效的技术合同,应当责令侵权人停止侵害、赔礼道歉、消除影响、赔偿损失。

If a contract is declared invalid for infringing upon other's patent rights, patent application rights and patent execution rights, the contract should not be performed if performance has not started and the performance must be terminated if the performance is in process.

If a contract is declared invalid for infringing upon other's rights to use and assign non-patent technology, the party obtaining the non-patent technology may continue to use it but should pay a reasonable amount of usage fees to the assigner.

When a contract is declared part of the clauses invalid for infringement upon other's invention right, discovery right and the right of those who have made technological achievements, the remaining clauses are not affected and are still valid.

Article 29 The party concerned has the right to request the people's court or arbitration organizations to alter or cancel the technical contract in one of the following cases:   第二十九条 发生下列情况之一的,当事人一方有权请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以变更或者撤销技术合同:

(1) The party concerned has major misunderstanding of the object of the contract or of the right concerning the technological achievements; or (一)当事人对合同标的或者技术成果权属有重大误解的;

(2) The prices, remuneration or usage fees are apparently unfair. (二)价款、报酬或者使用费显失公平的。

Article 30 The contracting parties should reach a written agreement on the clauses added or reduced or altered and on the way of handling the losses caused thereby if they agree to alter their technical contract.   第三十条 当事人协商一致变更技术合同,应当就所增加、减少或者修改的合同条款和因此所引起的损失的处理办法达成书面协议。

If the contracting parties agree to cancel their contract, they should reach a written agreement on the date of the termination of the contract and the method of handling the losses caused thereby.

If the contract is approved by related institutions, its alteration and cancellation should have the approval of the institutions of approval; If the technical contract has been registered, its alteration or cancellation should also be registered with the original registry institution for record.

Article 31 A party has the right to cancel a contract in one of the case listed in Article 24 of the Technical Contract Law that has rendered the performance of the contract unnecessary or impossible, but the party should notify the other party and terminate the performance of the contract on the date of service of the notification.   第三十一条 发生技术合同法二十四条所列情况之一的,致使技术合同的履行成为不必要或者不可能时,当事人一方有权解除合同,但应当通知另一方,并自通知发出之日起终止履行合同义务。

The notice cancelling a contract should be in writing, clarifying the actual circumstances that have made the implementation of the contract unnecessary or impossible and producing evidence.

Article 32 When a technical contract is altered or cancelled, the party in default should compensate for the losses incurred thereby on the other party; if both parties are in default, they should undertake their respective responsibilities.   第三十二条 技术合同变更或者解除时,有过错的一方应当赔偿另一方因此所受到的损失;双方都有过错的,各自承担相应的责任。

Article 33 A technical contract is terminated as the result of the following cases:   第三十三条 技术合同由于下列原因终止:

(1) all the obligations are fulfilled; (一)合同义务履行完毕;

(2) the contract is declared invalid or cancelled; (二)合同被宣布无效或者撤销;

(3) the contract is terminated; or (三)合同解除;

(4) the contract is terminated because of other factors. (四)因其他原因终止合同。

When a technical contract is terminated, the parties concerned may reach agreement that one party or both parties are obliged to keep the relevant technical information and data in secrecy for a given period of time. Should any party violate the secrecy agreement, it should compensate for the losses caused thereby to the other party.

Article 34 If one party to a technical contract assigns partially or totally the right and obligations of the contract to a third party, that party should have the prior approval of the other party and is not allowed to make illegal profits therefrom.   第三十四条 技术合同当事人一方将合同的权利、义务部分或者全部转让给第三人的,应当取得另一方的同意,并且不得通过转让合同的权利和义务非法牟取利益。


第三章 技术开发合同

Article 35 The new technology, new products, new technological processes, new materials and new systems mentioned in Article 27 of the Technical Contract Law mean the technological schemes for products, technology, materials and systems not yet mastered by the contracting party at the time when the contract is concluded, except those for modifying the non-renovated existing products, altering the technological processes, making changes in the formula of materials and for the testing, trial operation and use of technical achievements.   第三十五条 技术合同法二十七条所称的新技术、新产品、新工艺、新材料及其系统,是指当事人在订立技术合同时尚未掌握的产品、工艺、材料及其系统等技术方案,但在技术上没有创新的现有产品改型、工艺变更、材料配方调整以及技术成果的检验、测试和使用的除外。

Article 36 In signing technology development contracts, there must be necessary funds for research and development, infrastructure facilities, technological information and data and other conditions, necessary feasibility studies and development plans chosen so as to avoid duplication.   第三十六条 订立技术开发合同,应当有必要的研究开发经费、基础设施、技术情报资料等条件,进行必要的可行性论证,选择适当的研究开发方案,避免重复研究和开发。

In signing technology development contracts on projects included in state plans, the requirements by the plans and for the projects must be met; in signing contracts for other projects, the technical policies on the relevant projects must be followed.

Article 37 A technology development contract should contain the following clauses:   第三十七条 技术开发合同一般应当具备下列条款:

(1) project name; (一)项目名称;

(2) the contents, forms and requirements of the objective technology; (二)标的技术的内容、形式和要求;

(3) research and development plan; (三)研究开发计划;

(4) funds for research and development or amount of investment in the project and the mode of payment and settlement; (四)研究开发经费或者项目投资的数额及其支付、结算方式;

(5) owner of the property rights of equipment, supplies and data procured with the funds for research and development; (五)利用研究开发经费购置的设备、器材、资料的财产权属;

(6) the length of time, place and mode of performance; (六)履行的期限、地点和方式;

(7) secrecy of technical information and data; (七)技术情报和资料的保密;

(8) sharing of risks; (八)风险责任的承担;

(9) ownership and sharing of technological achievements; (九)技术成果的归属和分享;

(10) standards and methods for examination and acceptance; (十)验收的标准和方法;

(11) the computation of remuneration and mode of payment; (十一)报酬的计算和支付方式;

(12) method of computing fines for breach of contract and compensation for losses; (十二)违约金或者损失赔偿额的计算方法;

(13) contents of technical cooperation and technical guidance; (十三)技术协作和技术指导的内容;

(14) method for settling disputes; and (十四)争议的解决办法;

(15) interpretation of terminology. (十五)名词和术语的解释。

Contracts for scientific and technological projects listed in the state plans should have planning, task document and approval documents attached.

Article 38 The "funds for research and development" mentioned in Article 28 of the Technical Contract Law refer to the cost needed in accomplishing research and development. The entrusting party should provide such funds in full except otherwise provided in the contracts.   第三十八条 技术合同法二十八条所称的研究开发经费,是指完成研究开发工作所需要的成本。除合同另有约定的以外,委托方应当提供全部研究开发经费。

The contracting parties should agree on the mode of settlement. If the payment is agreed to be made according to actual cost, the entrusting party should make good the payment when the research and development funds provided are insufficient and the party undertaking the research and development should return what is left of the research and development funds provided. If a fixed amount is agreed upon, the surplus should be retained by the party undertaking the research and development and furnish what is short of demand. If no agreement on the mode of settlement is included in the contract, the funds should be handled according to the fixed amount.

Article 39 The "remuneration" mentioned in Article 28 of the Technical Contract Law means the charges for using research and development achievements and the subsidies for research and development personnel. If a contract stipulates that a certain percentage of research and development funds is used as usage fees and subsidies, remuneration may not be listed separately.   第三十九条 技术合同法二十八条所称的报酬,是指研究开发成果的使用费和研究开发人员的科研补贴。合同约定研究开发经费的一定比例作为使用费和科研补贴的,可以不单列报酬。

Article 40 The contracting parties may agree on one or several of the following forms for delivering research and development results, but the amount should not exceed the reasonable extent;   第四十条 当事人可以约定采取下列一种或者几种方式提交研究开发成果,但是其数量不应当超过合理的范围:

(1) in the form of technical documents, including product designs, technological processes, formula of materials and blueprints, monographs and reports; (一)产品设计、工艺规程、材料配方和其他图纸、论文、报告等技术文件;

(2) in the form of tapes, disc and computer software; (二)磁带、磁盘、计算机软件;

(3) in the form of new strains of animals or plants or microorganism strains. (三)动物或者植物的新品种、微生物菌种;

(4) in the form of sample products and machines; and (四)样品、样机;

(5) in the form of complete sets of technological equipment. (五)成套技术设备。

Article 41 The party entrusting research and development projects has the right to check the performance of contract and the use of research and development funds by the party undertaking the research and development projects under the condition that the normal operation of research and development is not hindered.   第四十一条 委托开发合同的委托方有权检查研究开发方履行合同和研究开发经费使用的情况,但不得妨碍研究开发方的正常工作。

The party undertaking research and development projects has the right to demand necessary background materials and data within the scope necessary for performing the contract.

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