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Catalogue for Guiding Industry Restructuring (2011 Version) (2013 Amendment) [Expired]
产业结构调整指导目录(2011年本)(2013修正) [失效]


Catalogue for Guiding Industry Restructuring (2011 Version) (2013 Amendment) 


(Issued by Order No. 9 of the National Development and Reform Commission on March 27, 2011, and amended in accordance with the Decision of the National Development and Reform Commission on Amending the Relevant Clauses of the Catalogue for Guiding Industry Restructuring (2011 Version) issued by Order No. 21 of the National Development and Reform Commission on February 16, 2013) (2011年3月27日国家发展改革委第9号令公布,根据2013年2月16日国家发展改革委第 21 号令公布的《国家发展改革委关于修改<产业结构调整指导目录(2011年本)>有关条款的的决定》修正)


Category I Encouragement 

第一类 鼓励类

I. Agriculture and Forestry   一、农林业
1. Comprehensive improvement of low- and medium-yield fields and construction of basic farmlands with stable and high yields 1、中低产田综合治理与稳产高产基本农田建设
2. Construction of agricultural product bases 2、农产品基地建设
3. Development and application of advanced protected cultivation technologies for vegetables, melons, fruits, and flowers (including soilless cultivation) 3、蔬菜、瓜果、花卉设施栽培(含无土栽培)先进技术开发与应用
4. Development and application of high-quality, high-yield, efficient, and standardized cultivation technologies 4、优质、高产、高效标准化栽培技术开发与应用
5. Development and application of technologies for the standardized breeding of livestock and poultry on a certain scale 5、畜禽标准化规模养殖技术开发与应用
6. Prevention and control of serious plant diseases, insect pests, and animal diseases 6、重大病虫害及动物疫病防治
7. Genetic engineering of crops, livestock, poultry, aquatic animals and plants, and wildlife, as well as construction of gene pools 7、农作物、家畜、家禽及水生动植物、野生动植物遗传工程及基因库建设
8. Selection, breeding, breed conservation, and development of the fine varities of animals and plants (including wild animals and plants); biological breeding; and production, processing, storage, and appraisal of seeds 8、动植物(含野生)优良品种选育、繁育、保种和开发;生物育种;种子生产、加工、贮藏及鉴定
9. Development and application of seed (seedling) detoxification technologies 9、种(苗)脱毒技术开发与应用
10. Development and application of technologies for dry land water-saving agriculture, protective cultivation, ecological agricultural construction, arable land quality construction, and rapid fertilization of new arable land 10、旱作节水农业、保护性耕作、生态农业建设、耕地质量建设及新开耕地快速培肥技术开发与应用
11. Development and application of ecological planting (or breeding) 11、生态种(养)技术开发与应用
12. Development and application of pollution-free degradation technologies for agricultural membrane and heavy metal degradation technologies for farmland soil 12、农用薄膜无污染降解技术及农田土壤重金属降解技术开发与应用
13. Development of green and pollution-free feeds and feed additives 13、绿色无公害饲料及添加剂开发
14. Resource multiplication and protection projects of large inland lake basins 14、内陆流域性大湖资源增殖保护工程
15. Distant fishery and projects of fishery administration and fishing ports 15、远洋渔业、渔政渔港工程
16. Industrialized production of embryo (in vivo) and semen of cattle and sheep 16、牛羊胚胎(体内)及精液工厂化生产
17. Development and application of agricultural biotechnology 17、农业生物技术开发与应用
18. Arable land maintenance management and development and application of fast testing technologies for soil, fertilizer and water 18、耕地保养管理与土、肥、水速测技术开发与应用
19. Construction of conservation lands and conservation zones of germ plasm resources of agricultural, forestry and fishery species; collection, conservation, appraisal, development, and application of germ plasm resources of animals and plants 19、农、林作物和渔业种质资源保护地、保护区建设;动植物种质资源收集、保存、鉴定、开发与应用
20. Crop straw manure and comprehensive utilization (including but not limited to the development and utilization of ensile, cattle raising with ammoniated straws to realize return of straws to land, straw methane and its pyrolyzation and gasification, cultivation of edible fungus, densified biomass briquette fuel, man-made straw boards, straw cellulose fuel ethanol, and non-cereal feed resources) 20、农作物秸秆还田与综合利用(青贮饲料,秸秆氨化养牛、还田,秸秆沼气及热解、气化,培育食用菌,固化成型燃料,秸秆人造板,秸秆纤维素燃料乙醇、非粮饲料资源开发利用等)
21. Projects of comprehensive utilization and development of rural renewable resources (including but not limited to biogas projects, comprehensive utilization of “biogas, biogas slurry, and biogas residue,” and biogas filling and purification) 21、农村可再生资源综合利用开发工程(沼气工程、“三沼”综合利用、沼气灌装提纯等)
22. Recovery projects of leveling embankment for flood running and returning farmland to lake 22、平垸行洪退田还湖恢复工程
23. Cultivation of edible (medicinal) fungus 23、食(药)用菌菌种培育
24. Comprehensive harnessing projects for grassland and forest disasters 24、草原、森林灾害综合治理工程
25. Projects of returning cultivated land (or grazed field) to forest (or grassland) and restoring vegetation of natural grassland, where non-arable land is utilized 25、利用非耕地的退耕(牧)还林(草)及天然草原植被恢复工程
26. Development and application of new techniques and technologies for new diagnosis reagents and vaccines for animal epidemics and veterinary drugs with low toxin and low residue (including biological products for animals) 26、动物疫病新型诊断试剂、疫苗及低毒低残留兽药(含兽用生物制品)新工艺、新技术开发与应用
27. Artificial cultivation and processing of high-quality and high-yield forage grass 27、优质高产牧草人工种植与加工
28. Planting and production of natural rubber and eucommia 28、天然橡胶及杜仲种植生产
29. Pollution-free agricultural products and development and application of technologies for monitoring harmful elements in the environment of producing areas 29、无公害农产品及其产地环境的有害元素监测技术开发与应用
30. Development and application of technologies for the innocuous disposal of organic waste and the industrialization of organic fertilizer 30、有机废弃物无害化处理及有机肥料产业化技术开发与应用
31. Development and application of production technologies for pollution-free and green agricultural, husbandry, and fishery products 31、农牧渔产品无公害、绿色生产技术开发与应用
32. Storage, transportation, freshness maintenance, processing, and comprehensive utilization of agricultural, forestry, husbandry, and fishery products 32、农林牧渔产品储运、保鲜、加工与综合利用
33. Protection projects of natural forest and other natural resources 33、天然林等自然资源保护工程
34. Planting of carbon sequestration forest, tree planting and grass growing projects, and tree seedling projects 34、碳汇林建设、植树种草工程及林木种苗工程
35. Development and application of technologies for the comprehensive harnessing of water loss and soil erosion 35、水土流失综合治理技术开发与应用
36. Ecosystem restoration and reconstruction projects 36、生态系统恢复与重建工程
37. Construction of natural reserves including but not limited to ocean, forest, wildlife, wetland, desert and grassland and eco-demonstration projects 37、海洋、森林、野生动植物、湿地、荒漠、草原等自然保护区建设及生态示范工程
38. Shelter forest projects 38、防护林工程
39. Desertification prevention and control and sand prevention and control projects 39、石漠化防治及防沙治沙工程
40. Production of new materials for sand stabilization, water conservation, and soil improvement 40、固沙、保水、改土新材料生产
41. Cultivation of salt-tolerance and drought-enduring plants 41、抗盐与耐旱植物培植
42. Fast-growing and high-yield plantation projects, industrial raw material forest projects, cultivation of rare trees, and planting of famous, featured, high-quality, and novel economic forests 42、速生丰产林工程、工业原料林工程、珍贵树种培育及名特优新经济林建设
43. Construction of bamboo and rattan bases and development of bamboo and rattan products undergoing fine or deep processing and bamboo by-products 43、竹藤基地建设、竹藤精深加工产品及竹副产品开发
44. Projects of forest tending and improvement of low-yield forests 44、森林抚育、低产林改造工程
45. Protection, improvement, development, and utilization of wild economic forest species 45、野生经济林树种保护、改良及开发利用
46. Conservation projects of rare and endangered species of wild animals and plants 46、珍稀濒危野生动植物保护工程
47. Conservation projects of forest genetic resources 47、林业基因资源保护工程
48. Deep processing and product development of inferior and small firewoods, shrubs grown in sand, and “three residues” (felling residue, forest planting residue, and processing residue) 48、次小薪材、沙生灌木及三剩物深加工与产品开发
49. Construction of cultivation, taming and breeding bases of wild aminals and plants and development of a monitoring and early warning system of epidemic sources and diseases 49、野生动植物培植、驯养繁育基地及疫源疫病监测预警体系建设
50. Planting (breeding) of fine traditional Chinese medicine and high-quality, high-yield, endangered, or rare animal and plant medicinal materials 50、道地中药材及优质、丰产、濒危或紧缺动植物药材的种植(养殖)
51. Artificial cultivation and development of underwood species including but not limited to spices and wild flowers 51、香料、野生花卉等林下资源人工培育与开发
52. Development of technologies for wood-based composite materials and structural artificial boards 52、木基复合材料及结构用人造板技术开发
53. Production and comprehensive utilization of wood-based composite materials and bamboo construction materials 53、木质复合材料、竹质工程材料生产及综合利用
54. Constructon of turpentine orchards and deep processing of forest chemicals 54、松脂林建设、林产化学品深加工
55. Development and application of artificial rainfall and hail suppression and other weather modification technologies 55、人工增雨防雹等人工影响天气技术开发与应用
56. Development and application of digital (information-based) agricultural technologies 56、数字(信息)农业技术开发与应用
57. Development and application of agricultural environment and improvement and protection technologies 57、农业环境与治理保护技术开发与应用
58. Mariculture and deep processing of marine products and multiplication and protection of marine fishery resources 58、海水养殖及产品深加工,海洋渔业资源增殖与保护
59. Construction of ecologically-clean small watersheds and prevention and control of non-point source pollution 59、生态清洁型小流域建设及面源污染防治
60. Construction of major farm tracks (bridges) in farmlands 60、农田主要机耕道(桥)建设
61. Construction of oil tea, oil palm, and other woody foodstuff and oil bases 61、油茶、油棕等木本粮油基地建设
62. Dedicated cultivation and industrialization of bio-energy forests 62、生物质能源林定向培育与产业化
63. Popularization and application of energy-saving grain and oil drying equipment, green grain storage technologies for farmers, deratization technologies, new barns for farmers (including but not limited to color plate mixing barns, rectangle barns with a steel skeleton, steel mesh drying barns, and hot-dip zinc-coated steel barns) 63、粮油干燥节能设备、农户绿色储粮生物技术、驱鼠技术、农户新型储粮仓(彩钢板组合仓、钢骨架矩形仓、钢网式干燥仓、热浸镀锌钢板仓等)推广应用
64. Development and application of automatic pest density monitoring technologies for crops and forests 64、农作物、林木害虫密度自动监测技术开发与应用

65. Development and application of automatic fire monitoring and alarming technologies for forests and grasslands 65、森林、草原火灾自动监测报警技术开发与应用
66. Meteorological satellite projects (including but not limited to satellite research, development and manufacturing, supporting software systems, and ground receiving and processing equipment) and meteorological information services 66、气象卫星工程(卫星研制、生产及配套软件系统、地面接收处理设备等)和气象信息服务
II. Water Conservancy   二、水利
1. River dyke construction projects and river course and reservoir harnessing projects 1、江河堤防建设及河道、水库治理工程
2. Cross-basin water diversion projects 2、跨流域调水工程
3. Water supply source projects for urban and rural areas 3、城乡供水水源工程
4. Rural drinking water safety projects 4、农村饮水安全工程
5. Construction of flood storage and retention areas 5、蓄滞洪区建设
6. Construction of sea walls 6、海堤建设
7. Projects of silt clean-up in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs 7、江河湖库清淤疏浚工程
8. Risk elimination and reinforcement projects for defective and dangerous reservoirs and water gates 8、病险水库、水闸除险加固工程
9. Development and application of technologies for the monitoring and elimination of hidden risks in dykes and dams 9、堤坝隐患监测与修复技术开发与应用
10. Urban water logging early warning and flood prevention projects 10、城市积涝预警和防洪工程
11. Improvement projects of outlets to sea 11、出海口门整治工程
12. Key water harnessing projects for comprehensive utilization 12、综合利用水利枢纽工程
13. Water conservancy projects in pastureland 13、牧区水利工程
14. Warp land dam projects 14、淤地坝工程
15. Development and manufacturing of geosynthetic materials and new materials for water conservancy projects 15、水利工程用土工合成材料及新型材料开发制造
16. Improvement of irrigation areas and construction of supporting facilities 16、灌区改造及配套设施建设
17. Construction of emergency reponse facilities for preventing and controlling flood and drought 17、防洪抗旱应急设施建设
18. Popularization and application of efficient water delivery and distribution and water-saving irrigation technologies 18、高效输配水、节水灌溉技术推广应用
19. Development of automatic water condition and water quality monitoring and automatic flood control and dispatching systems 19、水情水质自动监测及防洪调度自动化系统开发
20. Infrastructure construction for hydrology emergency forecasting and drought monitoring 20、水文应急测报、旱情监测基础设施建设
21. Projects of renovation and improvment of irrigation and drainage pump stations 21、灌溉排水泵站更新改造工程
22. Water conservancy projects for bilharziasis prevention and control (by taking engineering measures to prevent and extinguish snails, such as slope protection, hydraulic reclamation, isolation ditch, water gate improvement, establishment of snail retention tanks, and lifting islets and dropping mud flats, and measures for epidemic surveillance and publicity of prevention and control) 22、水利血吸虫病防治工程(采用护坡、吹填、隔离沟、涵闸改造、设置沉螺池、抬洲降滩等防螺灭螺工程措施和疫情监测、防治宣教等措施)
23. Farmland water conservancy construction projects (construction of irrigation and drainage channels, water gates, and pump stations) 23、农田水利设施建设工程(灌排渠道、涵闸、泵站建设等)

24. Development and application of new technologies and new products for flood control and drought relief 24、防汛抗旱新技术新产品开发与应用
25. Projects of prevention and control of geological disasters from mountain torrents (construction of the monitoring, forecasting, and early warning system for mountain torrent geological disaster prevention and control areas and control of mountain torrent ditches, debris flow gullies, and landslide) 25、山洪地质灾害防治工程(山洪地质灾害防治区监测预报预警体系建设及山洪沟、泥石流沟和滑坡治理等)
26. Protection and restoration projects of the aquatic ecosystem and underground water 26、水生态系统及地下水保护与修复工程
27. Water source conservation projects (zoning of water source conservation areas, isolated protection, conservation of water and soil, protection of water resources, water ecological restoration, and development and popularization of relevant technologies) 27、水源地保护工程(水源地保护区划分、隔离防护、水土保持、水资源保护、水生态环境修复及有关技术开发推广)
28. Development and application of the automatic water loss and soil erosion monitoring and forecasting system (an integration of collection and storage of water loss and soil erosion data, intelligent transmission, data analysis and processing, scientific estimation and forecasting, and database management) 28、水土流失监测预报自动化系统(水土流失数据采集存储、智能传输、数据分析处理、科学预测预报、数据库管理一体化)开发与应用
29. Flood risk mapping technologies and their application (thematic maps of flood information in specific areas such as middle and lower reaches of great rivers, major flood control areas, and protected areas of flood control) 29、洪水风险图编制技术及应用(大江大河中下游及重点防洪区、防洪保护区等特定地区洪涝灾害信息专题地图)
30. Development of the water resources management information system (which is a comprehensive management information system based on the monitoring of key links of water resources development and utilization, including but not limited to water sources, water intake, water transmission, water supply, water use, water consumption, and water drainage, and the monitoring of administrative border control sections of great rivers and groundwater overdraft areas, depending on the national e-government network and the backbone network of the state flood control and command system and centering on the water resources business application system) 30、水资源管理信息系统建设(以水源、取水、输水、供水、用水、耗水和排水等水资源开发利用主要环节的监测及大江大河行政边界控制断面、地下水超采区监测为基础,以国家电子政务外网和国家防汛指挥系统骨干网为依托,以水资源业务应用系统为核心的综合管理信息系统)
31. Construction of infrastructure for hydrologic stations and networks and development and application of instruments and equipment for them 31、水文站网基础设施建设及其仪器设备开发与应用
III. Coal   三、煤炭
1. Coalfield geological and geophysical exploration 1、煤田地质及地球物理勘探
2. Construction of high-yield and efficient mines (including mine shafts and open-pit mines) with an annual yield of not less than 1.2 million ton and efficient coal preparation plants 2、120 万吨/年及以上高产高效煤矿(含矿井、露天)、高效选煤厂建设
3. Prevention and control of mine disasters (including but not limited to gas, coal dust, mine water, fire, wall rock, earth temperature, and rock burst) 3、矿井灾害(瓦斯、煤尘、矿井水、火、围岩、地温、冲击地压等)防治
4. Development and application of briquette coal and coal water slurry technologies 4、型煤及水煤浆技术开发与应用
5. Processing and comprehensive utilization of resources co-existing and associated with coal 5、煤炭共伴生资源加工与综合利用
6. Exploration, development and utilization of coal-bed methane and extraction and utilization of coal mine gas 6、煤层气勘探、开发、利用和煤矿瓦斯抽采、利用
7. Comprehensive utilization of fuels with low heat value, such as coal gangue, coal slurry, and middling 7、煤矸石、煤泥、洗中煤等低热值燃料综合利用
8. Coal conveyance through pipelines 8、管道输煤
9. Development and application of efficient coal washing, dressing and desulphurization technologies 9、煤炭高效洗选脱硫技术开发与应用
10. Development and application of coal dressing engineering technologies 10、选煤工程技术开发与应用
11. Control of land subsidence areas and protection and utilization of water resources in mine 11、地面沉陷区治理、矿井水资源保护与利用
12. Coal and electricity integration construction 12、煤电一体化建设
13. Development and application of coal mining methods and techniques for improving resources recovery rate 13、提高资源回收率的采煤方法、工艺开发与应用
14. Development and application of coal gangue backfilling technologies for coal mine gob areas 14、矿井采空区矸石回填技术开发与应用
15. Development and application of underground rescue technologies and special equipment 15、井下救援技术及特种装备开发与应用
16. Development and application of comprehensive monitoring technologies and equipment for the process of coal mine production 16、煤矿生产过程综合监控技术、装备开发与应用
17. Construction of large-scale coal storage and transportation centers and coal trading markets 17、大型煤炭储运中心、煤炭交易市场建设
18. Development and application of the automatic monitoring and recording system for persons entering or exiting mines 18、矿井进出人员自动监控记录系统开发与应用
19. Development and application of new equipment for risk avoidance and self-rescue of miners 19、新型矿工避险自救器材开发与应用
20. Development and application of coal mining technologies using materials such as coal gangue as fillings under buildings, railways and other infrastructure and under water 20、建筑物下、铁路等基础设施下、水体下采用煤矸石等物质充填采煤技术开发与应用
IV. Electric Power   四、电力
1. Water power 1、水力发电
2. Construction of a supercritical or ultra-supercritical power plant with a unit generating capacity of not less than 600,000 kW 2、单机60万千瓦及以上超临界、超超临界机组电站建设
3. A backpressure (extraction back-pressure) heat and electricity cogeneration unit, a heat, electricity and cooling multi-generation unit, and a heat and electricity cogeneration unit with a generating capacity of not less than 300,000 kW 3、采用背压(抽背)型热电联产、热电冷多联产、30万千瓦及以上热电联产机组
4. Construction of a large-scale air-cool power plant with a unit capacity of not less than 600,000 kW in a water-shortage area 4、缺水地区单机60万千瓦及以上大型空冷机组电站建设
5. Natural gas peak-shaving power generation projects in key power load centers in areas with sufficient natural gas 5、重要用电负荷中心且天然气充足地区天然气调峰发电项目
6. Clean coal power generation, such as power generation by circulating fluidized bed, pressurized fluidized bed, or integrated gasification combined cycle, with a generating capacity of not less than 300,000 kW 6、30万千瓦及以上循环流化床、增压流化床、整体煤气化联合循环发电等洁净煤发电
7. Power generation with a unit generating capacity of not less than 300,000 kW by using fluidized bed boilers and utilizing gangue, middling and coal slurry, among others. 7、单机 30 万千瓦及以上采用流化床锅炉并利用煤矸石、中煤、煤泥等发电
8. Direct or alternate current transmission and transformation with a capacity of not less than 500 kV 8、500千伏及以上交、直流输变电
9. Desulphurization and denitration improvement of in-service generating sets 9、在役发电机组脱硫、脱硝改造
10. Improvement and construction of grids 10、电网改造与建设
11. Development and application of relay protection technologies and grid operation safety monitoring information technologies 11、继电保护技术、电网运行安全监控信息技术开发与应用
12. Intensive design of large-scale power plants and large grid transformers and development and application of automation technologies 12、大型电站及大电网变电站集约化设计和自动化技术开发与应用
13. Development and application of inter-regional grid interconnection engineering technologies 13、跨区电网互联工程技术开发与应用
14. Popularization and application of energy-saving and environmental protection technologies for power transmission and transformation 14、输变电节能、环保技术推广应用
15. Development and application of technologies for the reduction of electric loss in the process of power transmission, transformation and distribution 15、降低输、变、配电损耗技术开发与应用
16. Popularization and application of distributed power supply and grid connection technologies 16、分布式供电及并网技术推广应用
17. Desulfuration and denitration of coal-fired power generation units and control of combined pollutants 17、燃煤发电机组脱硫、脱硝及复合污染物治理
18. Development and production of denitration catalysts for thermal power generation 18、火力发电脱硝催化剂开发生产
19. Development and application of engineering technologies for low and medium temperature water recovery measures and fish passage measures in hydropower generation 19、水力发电中低温水恢复措施工程、过鱼措施工程技术开发与应用
20. Development and application of large-capacity electricity storage technologies 20、大容量电能储存技术开发与应用
21. Charging facilities for electric automobiles 21、电动汽车充电设施
22. Power generation technologies utilizing ventilation air methane (VAM) and development and utilization 22、乏风瓦斯发电技术及开发利用
23. Complete equipment for power generation through waste incineration 23、垃圾焚烧发电成套设备
24. Distributed power supply 24、分布式电源
V. New Energy   五、新能源
1. Development and application of integrated technologies for solar thermal heating power generation systems and solar photovoltaic power generation systems and development and manufacturing of inverting control systems 1、太阳能热发电集热系统、太阳能光伏发电系统集成技术开发应用、逆变控制系统开发制造
2. Development and application of technologies for complementary wind and photovoltaic power generation systems 2、风电与光伏发电互补系统技术开发与应用
3. Design and manufacturing of components for integration of solar energy and buildings 3、太阳能建筑一体化组件设计与制造
4. Efficient solar water heaters and solar hot water projects, development of medium and high temperature utilization technologies for solar energy, and equipment manufacturing 4、高效太阳能热水器及热水工程,太阳能中高温利用技术开发与设备制造
5. Development and application of production technologies of non-cereal biomass fuels, such as biomass cellulose ethanol and biodiesel 5、生物质纤维素乙醇、生物柴油等非粮生物质燃料生产技术开发与应用
6. Development of power generation technologies by direct combustion or gasification of biomass and equipment manufacturing 6、生物质直燃、气化发电技术开发与设备制造
7. Development of collection, transportation and storage technologies for agricultural and forestry biomass resources and equipment manufacturing; and manufacturing of processing equipment of agricultural and forestry biomass briquette fuels, boilers, and furnaces 7、农林生物质资源收集、运输、储存技术开发与设备制造;农林生物质成型燃料加工设备、锅炉和炉具制造
8. Complete equipment for large-scale biogas production with raw materials such as waste of livestock and poultry farms, urban landfills, and industrial organic waste water 8、以畜禽养殖场废弃物、城市填埋垃圾、工业有机废水等为原料的大型沼气生产成套设备
9. Manufacturing of biogas power generating sets, biogas purification equipment, and complete equipment for biogas supply in pipelines and biogas filling in cylinders 9、沼气发电机组、沼气净化设备、沼气管道供气、装罐成套设备制造
10. Development of marine energy and geothermal energy utilization technologies and equipment manufacturing 10、海洋能、地热能利用技术开发与设备制造
11. Development of offshore wind turbine technologies and equipment manufacturing 11、海上风电机组技术开发与设备制造
12. Construction of offshore wind plants and equipment manufacturing 12、海上风电场建设与设备制造
VI. Nuclear Energy   六、核能
1. Geological exploration of uranium mine, uranium mining and metallurgy, uranium purification, and uranium conversion 1、铀矿地质勘查和铀矿采冶、铀精制、铀转化
2. Construction of advanced nuclear reactors and technology development 2、先进核反应堆建造与技术开发
3. Construction of nuclear power plants 3、核电站建设
4. Manufacturing of high-performance nuclear fuel elements 4、高性能核燃料元件制造
5. Post-processing of spent fuels 5、乏燃料后处理
6. Development of applied technologies of isotope, accelerator and irradiation 6、同位素、加速器及辐照应用技术开发
7. Development of advanced uranium isotope separation technologies and equipment manufacturing 7、先进的铀同位素分离技术开发与设备制造
8. Development of radiation protection technologies and manufacturing of monitoring equipment 8、辐射防护技术开发与监测设备制造
9. Development of instruments and meters for the physical protection of nuclear facilities 9、核设施实体保护仪器仪表开发
10. Decommissioning of nuclear facilities and control of radioactive waste 10、核设施退役及放射性废物治理
11. Technologies and equipment for life extension and decommissioning of nuclear power plants 11、核电站延寿及退役技术和设备
12. Technologies and equipment for emergency reponse and rescue of nuclear power plants 12、核电站应急抢险技术和设备
VII. Oil and Natural Gas   七、石油、天然气
1. Exploration and exploitation of conventional oil and natural gas 1、常规石油、天然气勘探与开采
2. Exploration and development of unconventional resources, such as shale gas, oil shale, oil sand, and natural gas hydrate 2、页岩气、油页岩、油砂、天然气水合物等非常规资源勘探开发
3. Storage and transportation of crude oil, natural gas, liquefied natural gas, and product oil and construction of pipeline transportation facilities and networks 3、原油、天然气、液化天然气、成品油的储运和管道输送设施及网络建设
4. Comprehensive utilization of resources associated with oil and gas 4、油气伴生资源综合利用
5. Development and application of technologies for improving the recovery ratio of oil-gas fields, technologies for guaranteeing work safety, and technologies for restoring ecological environment and preventing and controlling pollution 5、油气田提高采收率技术、安全生产保障技术、生态环境恢复与污染防治工程技术开发利用
6. Recycling of dumped natural gas and device manufacturing 6、放空天然气回收利用与装置制造
7. Development and application of natural gas distributed energy technologies 7、天然气分布式能源技术开发与应用
8. Development and application of volatile oil and gas recovery technologies for oil storage and transportation facilities 8、石油储运设施挥发油气回收技术开发与应用
9. Development and application of liquefied natural gas technologies 9、液化天然气技术开发与应用
VIII. Iron and Steel   八、钢铁
1. Exploration of substitute resources for ferrous metal mines and development of key exploration technologies 1、黑色金属矿山接替资源勘探及关键勘探技术开发
2. Research, development and application of advanced technologies such as coal moisture control, winnowing and moisture control, rammed-coal coking, formed-coal coking, dry coke quenching, thermal oil heat-exchange, advanced treatment and recycling of coking waste water, fine and deep processing of coal tar, purification of benzene hydrogenation, production of needle coke from coal tar pitch, tar hydrogenation processing, and high value-added utilization of coke oven gas 2、煤调湿、风选调湿、捣固炼焦、配型煤炼焦、干法熄焦、导热油换热、焦化废水深度处理回用、煤焦油精深加工、苯加氢精制、煤沥青制针状焦、焦油加氢处理、焦炉煤气高附加值利用等先进技术的研发与应用
3. Non-blast furnace ironmaking technologies 3、非高炉炼铁技术
4. Production of nuclear power pipes for advanced pressurized water reactors, pipes for million-kilowatts thermal power boilers, corrosion-, pressure-, and temperature-resistance oil well pipes, corrosion-resistance aviation pipes, and high corrosion-resistance chemical pipes 4、先进压水堆核电管、百万千瓦火电锅炉管、耐蚀耐压耐温油井管、耐腐蚀航空管、高耐腐蚀化工管生产
5. Development and application of technologies for higher-performance, high-quality, and upgrading steel products, including but not limited to high-strength automobile sheets of not less than 600 MPa, high-performance pipeline steel for oil and gas transmission, high-strength wide and thick plates for vessels, marine engineering steel, moderate thickness plates of not less than 420 MPa for buildings, bridges and other structures, steel for high-speed and heavy-haul railways, low-iron loss and high-magnetic induction silicon steel, corrosion- and wear-resistance steel, alloy resource-saving stainless steel (modern ferritic stainless steel, duplex stainless steel, and nitrogen stainless steel), special steel bars and wire rods for high-performance basic parts (high-performance gears, bolts at or above Grade 12.9, high-strength spring, and long service life bearings), and high-quality special steel forged materials (tool and mould steel, stainless steel, and steel for machinery, among others) 5、高性能、高质量及升级换代钢材产品技术开发与应用。包括 600 兆帕级及以上高强度汽车板、油气输送高性能管线钢、高强度船舶用宽厚板、海洋工程用钢、420兆帕级及以上建筑和桥梁等结构用中厚板、高速重载铁路用钢、低铁损高磁感硅钢、耐腐蚀耐磨损钢材、节约合金资源不锈钢(现代铁素体不锈钢、双相不锈钢、含氮不锈钢)、高性能基础件(高性能齿轮、12.9级及以上螺栓、高强度弹簧、长寿命轴承等)用特殊钢棒线材、高品质特钢锻轧材(工模具钢、不锈钢、机械用钢等)等
6. Application of new-generation thermal machinery control processing (TMCP) technologies with online heat treatment, online performance control, and online forced cooling 6、在线热处理、在线性能控制、在线强制冷却的新一代热机械控制加工(TMCP)工艺技术应用
7. Development and production of ultra-high power electrode with a diameter of not less than 600 mm, micropore and ultra-micropore carbon bricks for blast furnaces, special graphite (with high strength, high density, high purity, and high modulus), graphitized (graphitiferous) cathode, and lengthwise graphitization furnaces 7、直径600毫米及以上超高功率电极、高炉用微孔和超微孔碳砖、特种石墨(高强、高密、高纯、高模量)、石墨(质)化阴极、内串石墨化炉开发与生产
8. Production techniques of long-life, energy-saving, environment-friendly, and fireproof materials for coke furnaces, blast furnaces, and hot blast furnaces; and production techniques of low-carbon or carbon-free fireproof materials for refined steel and functional, environment-friendly, and fireproof materials for efficient continuous casting 8、焦炉、高炉、热风炉用长寿节能环保耐火材料生产工艺;精炼钢用低碳、无碳耐火材料和高效连铸用功能环保性耐火材料生产工艺
9. Application of online quality inspection technologies in the process of production 9、生产过程在线质量检测技术应用
10. Disposal of waste discharged to the public by utilizing iron and steel production facilities 10、利用钢铁生产设备处理社会废弃物
11. Technologies for multi-functional dry removal, including but not limite to sintering flue gas desulfurization, denitration and de-dioxin, and reutilization and recycling of by-products 11、烧结烟气脱硫、脱硝、脱二恶英等多功能干法脱除,以及副产物资源化、再利用化技术
12. Advanced techniques and technologies for the comprehensive utilization of refractory lean ores and (co-existing or) associated ores 12、难选贫矿、(共)伴生矿综合利用先进工艺技术
13. Advanced techniques and technologies for the comprehensive utilization of metallurgical solid waste (including but not limited to waste rocks and tailings in metallurgical mining and various dust, mud, residues, and iron sheets generated by steelworks) 13、冶金固体废弃物(含冶金矿山废石、尾矿,钢铁厂产生的各类尘、泥、渣、铁皮等)综合利用先进工艺技术
14. New techniques and technologies for smelting of iron alloy by utilizing low-grade manganese ores and RKEF (rotary klin – electric furnace) techniques and technologies for smelting of refined ferronickel by efficiently utilizing nickel laterite ores 14、利用低品位锰矿冶炼铁合金的新工艺技术,以及高效利用红土镍矿炼精制镍铁的回转窑-矿热炉(RKEF)工艺技术

15. Techniques and technologies and equipment for the cyclic utilization of metallurgical liquid waste (including waste water, waste acid, and waste oil) 15、冶金废液(含废水、废酸、废油等)循环利用工艺技术与设备
16. Development and application of new-generation steel recycled process techniques and technologies (on the basis of satisfatory internal recycling of the steel industry, development of horizontal and longitudinal logistics and energy flow recycling processes between the iron and steel industry and other industries, such as electricity industry, chemical industry, and equipment manufacturing industry) 16、新一代钢铁可循环流程(在做好钢铁产业内部循环的基础上,发展钢铁与电力、化工、装备制造等相关产业间的横向、纵向物流和能流的循环流程)工艺技术开发与应用
17. Dry dedusting of blast furnace and converter gas 17、高炉、转炉煤气干法除尘
IX. Nonferrous Metals   九、有色金属
1. Exploration and development of substitute resources for existing nonferrous mines and exploitation of deep and difficult-to-mine deposits of scarce resources 1、有色金属现有矿山接替资源勘探开发,紧缺资源的深部及难采矿床开采
2. Development of efficient, low-consumption, low-pollution, and new smelting technologies 2、高效、低耗、低污染、新型冶炼技术开发
3. Recovery and comprehensive utilization on a certain scale of efficient, energy-saving, and low-pollution renewable resources. (1) Recovery of waste nonferrous metals. (2) Comprehensive utilization of valuable elements. (3) Comprehensive utilization of red mud and other smelting waste residues. (4) Extraction of alumina from high-alumina fly ash 3、高效、节能、低污染、规模化再生资源回收与综合利用。(1)废杂有色金属回收(2)有价元素的综合利用(3)赤泥及其它冶炼废渣综合利用(4)高铝粉煤灰提取氧化铝
4. Production of new nonferrous materials for information and new energy. (1) Information: silicon single crystal and polished section with a diameter of 200 mm or more, compound semiconductor with a diameter of 125 mm or more in LEC method or a diameter of 50 mm or more than in horizontal growth method, large-sized and high-purity targets of aluminum, copper, silicon, tungsten, and molybdenum, Cu-Ni-Si and Cu-Cr-Zr lead frame materials and electronic solders, among others, for ultra-large-scale integrated circuits. (2) New energy: nuclear-grade sponge zirconium and zirconium materials and high-capacity, long-life, and secondary cell electrode materials 4、信息、新能源有色金属新材料生产。(1)信息:直径200mm以上的硅单晶及抛光片、直径125mm以上直拉或直径50mm以上水平生长化合物半导体材料、铝铜硅钨钼等大规格高纯靶材、超大规模集成电路铜镍硅和铜铬锆引线框架材料、电子焊料等。(2)新能源:核级海绵锆及锆材、高容量长寿命二次电池电极材料

5. Production of new nonferrous materials for transportation, high-end manufacturing, and other fields. (1) Transportation: high-strength and high-conductivity copper alloys, such as copper alloy precision strip and ultra-long wire products with compressive strength not less than 500 MPa and electric conductivity not less than 80% IACS, and new high-strength, high-tenacity, corrosion-resistance alloy materials and large-sized products for key bearing structures of means of transportation (the compressive strength of aluminum alloy is not less than 650 MPa for aviation and not less than 500 MPa for high-speed trains). (2) High-end manufacturing and other fields: biomedical materials, such as high-performance namo hard alloy cutters, large-particle hard alloy shield cutters and deep-processed products, rare earth and noble metal catalyst materials, low-module titanium alloys, and memory alloys; copper alloy and titanium alloy materials for corrosion-resistance heat exchangers; high-performance rare earth magnetic materials; hydrogen storage materials; and high-end applications 5、交通运输、高端制造及其他领域有色金属新材料生产。(1)交通运输:抗压强度不低于500MPa、导电率不低于80%IACS的铜合金精密带材和超长线材制品等高强高导铜合金、交通运输工具主承力结构用的新型高强、高韧、耐蚀铝合金材料及大尺寸制品(航空用铝合金抗压强度不低于 650MPa,高速列车用铝合金抗压强度不低于500MPa)。(2)高端制造及其他领域:高性能纳米硬质合金刀具和大晶粒硬质合金盾构刀具及深加工产品、稀土及贵金属催化剂材料、低模量钛合金材及记忆合金等生物医用材料、耐蚀热交换器用铜合金及钛合金材料、高性能稀土磁性材料和储氢材料及高端应用
X. Gold   十、黄金
1. In-depth prospecting and exploitation of gold (1,000 m underground) 1、黄金深部(1000米以下)探矿与开采
2. Recovery of gold from tailings and waste rocks 2、从尾矿及废石中回收黄金
XI. Petrochemistry   十一、石化化工
1. Development and application of refining technologies for heavy and inferior sulfur- and acid-bearing crude oil and production technologies for high-standard oil products 1、含硫含酸重质、劣质原油炼制技术,高标准油品生产技术开发与应用
2. Exploration, development, and comprehensive utilization of scarce chemical mineral resources such as sulfur, kalium, boron, and lithium; selection and utilization of low- and medium-grade phosphorite; and comprehensive utilization of resources associated with phosphorite. 2、硫、钾、硼、锂等短缺化工矿产资源勘探开发及综合利用,中低品位磷矿采选与利用,磷矿伴生资源综合利用
3. Energy-saving technologies for zero-electrode-distance, oxygen-cathode and other lonic membrane caustic soda electrolytic cells; comprehensive utilization technologies such as production of chlorine by utilizing waste hydrochloric acid; development and application of new techniques for clean production of chromium salt; production of potassium permanganate by utilizing pneumatic fluidization tower; production of phosphoric acid in total heat recovery method; and large-scale production device of defluorinated calcium phosphate 3、零极距、氧阴极等离子膜烧碱电解槽节能技术、废盐酸制氯气等综合利用技术、铬盐清洁生产新工艺的开发和应用,气动流化塔生产高锰酸钾,全热能回收热法磷酸生产,大型脱氟磷酸钙生产装置
4. Production devices for ethylene glycol of not less than 200,000 ton per year by utilizing synthesis gas, bisphenol A of not less than 100,000 ton per year in ion exchange method, propylene oxide of not less than 150,000 ton per year in direct oxidation method, propylene oxide of not less than 200,000 ton per year in common oxidation method, and adiponitrile of not less than 50,000 ton per year in butadiene method; and development and application of production technologies for ten-thousand-ton aliphatic isocyanate 4、20 万吨/年及以上合成气制乙二醇、10 万吨/年及以上离子交换法双酚A、15万吨/年及以上直接氧化法环氧丙烷、20万吨/年及以上共氧化法环氧丙烷、5万吨/年及以上丁二烯法己二腈生产装置,万吨级脂肪族异氰酸酯生产技术开发与应用
5. Production of high-quality potassium fertilizer and various specialized fertilizers and slow control release fertilizers; energy conservation, emission reduction, and raw material restructuring of nitrogenous fertilizer enterprises; development and application of comprehensive utilization technologies for ardealite; and purification and production devices of phosphoric acid with an annual capacity of not less than 100,000 ton in wet process 5、优质钾肥及各种专用肥、缓控释肥的生产,氮肥企业节能减排和原料结构调整,磷石膏综合利用技术开发与应用,10万吨/年及以上湿法磷酸净化生产装置
6. Development and production of efficient, safe, and environment-friendly new–type pesticides, new formulations of pesticides (such as water-based formulation), special midbody, and assistants (such as water-based assistants); development and application of clean production techniques such as production technique of acetochlor in methylene method, production technique of chorpyriphos by the aqueous phase process, recovery technique of chloromethane by utilizing glyphosate, production of chirality and three-dimensional-structure pesticides in directional synthesis method, and synthesis technologies of ethyl chloride; development and production of new biological pesticide products and development of new technologies for biological pesticides 6、高效、安全、环境友好的农药新品种、新剂型(水基化剂型等)、专用中间体、助剂(水基化助剂等)的开发与生产,甲叉法乙草胺、水相法毒死蜱工艺、草甘膦回收氯甲烷工艺、定向合成法手性和立体结构农药生产、乙基氯化物合成技术等清洁生产工艺的开发和应用,生物农药新产品、新技术的开发与生产
7. Production of environment-friendly and energy-saving paints such as paints for water-based wood, industrial and marine paints, and exterior wall and external thermal insulation paints with high solid, solvent free, radiation curing, and functionality; and production of titanium white chloridization with a single capacity of not less than 30,000 ton per year and with rich titanium materials containing titanium dioxide of not less than 90% (artificial rutile, natural rutile, and high titanium slag) 7、水性木器、工业、船舶涂料,高固体分、无溶剂、辐射固化、功能性外墙外保温涂料等环境友好、资源节约型涂料生产;单线产能3万吨/年及以上、并以二氧化钛含量不小于90%的富钛料(人造金红石、天然金红石、高钛渣)为原料的氯化法钛白粉生产
8. Development and production of reactive dyes with high fixation rate, high color fastness, high upgrading, high dyeing levelness, high reproducibility, low pollution, low salt, low temperature, dyeing with small bath ratio and dyeing with a wet short steaming pad; disperse dyes with high and superfine denier polyester fiber, high fastness to chemical washing, high dyeing, high fastness and low staining (nylon and spandex), and dyeing with small bath ratio; weak acid dyes without metal for dyeing of polyarmide fiber, wool, and leather; and organic pigments with good fastness and high weathering 8、高固着率、高色牢度、高提升性、高匀染性、高重现性、低沾污性以及低盐、低温、小浴比染色用和湿短蒸轧染用的活性染料,高超细旦聚酯纤维染色性、高洗涤牢度、高染着率、高光牢度和低沾污性(尼龙、氨纶)、小浴比染色用的分散染料,用于聚酰胺纤维、羊毛和皮革染色的不含金属的弱酸性染料,高耐晒牢度、高耐气候牢度有机颜料的开发与生产
9. Development and application of new technologies for clean production of dyes and dye intermediates and essential safety (including technologies such as catalysis, trioxide sulfonation, continuous nitrification, adiabatic nitration, directional chloride, synergistic combination, solvent reaction, and cyclic utilization; appropriate technologies in which such highly-toxic raw materials as phosgene are replaced; and technologies of membrane filtration and primary pulp drying) 9、染料及染料中间体清洁生产、本质安全的新技术(包括催化、三氧化硫磺化、连续硝化、绝热硝化、定向氯化、组合增效、溶剂反应、循环利用等技术,以及取代光气等剧毒原料的适用技术,膜过滤和原浆干燥技术)的开发与应用
10. Development and production of high-performance barrier resins such as EVOH and PVDC and special polyolefins such as PI and POE 10、乙烯-乙烯醇树脂(EVOH)、聚偏氯乙烯等高性能阻隔树脂,聚异丁烯(PI)、聚乙烯辛烯(POE)等特种聚烯烃开发与生产
11. Development and application of production devices of non-phosgene polycarbonate with an annual capacity of not less than 600,000 ton, production technologies of engineering plastics such as LCP and technologies of blending modification and alloying, development and production of water-absorbent resin, conductive epoxy, and degradable polymer, and development and production of new polyamides such as nylon 11, nylon 1414, nylon 46, long carbon chain nylon, and high temperature resistence nylon 11、6 万吨/年及以上非光气法聚碳酸酯生产装置,液晶聚合物(LCP)等工程塑料生产以及共混改性、合金化技术开发和应用,吸水性树脂、导电性树脂和可降解聚合物的开发与生产,尼龙11、尼龙1414、尼龙46、长碳链尼龙、耐高温尼龙等新型聚酰胺开发与生产
12. Development and application of production devices with an annual capacity of not less than 30,000 ton of butyl rubber, ethylene propylene rubber (EPR), isoprene rubber, solution polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber (SSBR), rare earth butadiene rubber, and polyacrylate rubber, as well as filling oil styrene butadience rubber with low aromatic content, and chemical modification technologies of synthetic rubber 12、3 万吨/年及以上丁基橡胶、乙丙橡胶、异戊橡胶,溶聚丁苯橡胶、稀土系顺丁橡胶、丙烯酸酯橡胶及低多芳含量填充油丁苯橡胶等生产装置,合成橡胶化学改性技术开发与应用
13. Development and production of thermal-plastic elastic materials such as PTPE, TPEE, SIS and TPU 13、聚丙烯热塑性弹性体(PTPE)、热塑性聚酯弹性体(TPEE)、苯乙烯-异戊二烯-苯乙烯热塑性嵌段共聚物(SIS)、热塑性聚氨酯弹性体等热塑性弹性体材料开发与生产
14. Development and production of modified or water-based adhesives and new hot melt glue, environment-friendly water absorbents and water treatment chemicals, efficient and environment-friendly new catalysts and assistants such as molecular sieve solid mercury and mercury-free catalysts and assistants, safe food additives and feed additives, nanometer materials, functional membrane materials, and new and fine chemicals such as ultra-clean and high-purity reagents, photoresist, electron gas, and high-performance liquid crystal materials 14、改性型、水基型胶粘剂和新型热熔胶,环保型吸水剂、水处理剂,分子筛固汞、无汞等新型高效、环保催化剂和助剂,安全型食品添加剂、饲料添加剂,纳米材料,功能性膜材料,超净高纯试剂、光刻胶、电子气、高性能液晶材料等新型精细化学品的开发与生产
15. New organosilicone monomers such as phenyl chlorosilane and vinyl chlorosilane; phenyl silicone oil, amino silicon oil, polyether modified silicone oil, and others; high-performance rubbers and hybrid materials such as phenyl siloxane rubber and phenylene silicone rubber; high-performance resins such as methylphenyl silicone resin; and serial efficient coupling reagents such as triethoxysilane 15、苯基氯硅烷、乙烯基氯硅烷等新型有机硅单体,苯基硅油、氨基硅油、聚醚改性型硅油等,苯基硅橡胶、苯撑硅橡胶等高性能橡胶及杂化材料,甲基苯基硅树脂等高性能树脂,三乙氧基硅烷等系列高效偶联剂
16. Development and application of special fluoride monomers such as perfluorinated ene ether; high-quality fluororesins such as FEP, PVDF, PTFCE, and ETFE; high-performance fluorous rubbers such as fluoroether rubber, fluorinated silicone rubber, AFLAS FEPM, and 246 high fluoride fluorine rubber; fluoride lubricating grease; substitutes of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) with zero Ozone-depleting Potentials (ODP) and low Global Warming Potentials (GWP); PFOS and PFOA and their salt substitutes and substitution technologies; fine chemicals containing fluorine and high-quality inorganic salt containing fluorine 16、全氟烯醚等特种含氟单体,聚全氟乙丙烯、聚偏氟乙烯、聚三氟氯乙烯、乙烯-四氟乙烯共聚物等高品质氟树脂,氟醚橡胶、氟硅橡胶、四丙氟橡胶、高含氟量 246 氟橡胶等高性能氟橡胶,含氟润滑油脂,消耗臭氧潜能值(ODP)为零、全球变暖潜能值(GWP)低的消耗臭氧层物质(ODS)替代品,全氟辛基磺酰化合物(PFOS)和全氟辛酸(PFOA)及其盐类替代品和替代技术的开发和应用,含氟精细化学品和高品质含氟无机盐
17. Production of high-performance radial tyres (including tubeless tyres, low-section tyres and flattened tyres (with flatness ratio lower than 55%), high-performance radial tyres for passenger cars with a large rim (with a diameter of 15 inch or more), aviation tyres, and agricultural radial tyres) and ancillary special materials and equipment; and development and application of new natural rubber 17、高性能子午线轮胎(包括无内胎载重子午胎,低断面和扁平化(低于55系列)、大轮辋高性能轿车子午胎(15吋以上),航空轮胎及农用子午胎)及配套专用材料、设备生产,新型天然橡胶开发与应用
18. Development and production of biopolymer material, padding, reagent, chip, interferon, sensor, cellulase, alkaline protease, diagnosis enzyme, and other enzymic preparation and cellulose biochemical products 18、生物高分子材料、填料、试剂、芯片、干扰素、传感器、纤维素酶、碱性蛋白酶、诊断用酶等酶制剂、纤维素生化产品开发与生产
19. Comprehensive utilization of by-products such as carbon tetrachloride, silicon tetrachloride, methyl trichloro silicane, and chlorotrimethylsilane; and capture and application of carbon dioxide 19、四氯化碳、四氯化硅、一甲基氯硅烷、三甲级氯硅烷等 副产物综合利用,二氧化碳的捕获与应用
XII. Building Materials   十二、建材
1. Disposal of industrial waste, urban sludge, and domestic garbage by utilizing the existing new dry-process cement furnaces with a daily disposal capacity of 2,000 ton or more, and power generation by purely utilizing low temperature exhaust heat; and energy-saving transformation of grinding systems 1、利用现有2000吨/日及以上新型干法水泥窑炉处置工业废弃物、城市污泥和生活垃圾,纯低温余热发电;粉磨系统等节能改造
2. Development and application of ultra-thin (less than 1.3 mm in depth) electronic industry glass, ultra-white (converted to 5 mm in thickness and transmission ratio of visible light > 90%) solar energy industry glass, on-line coated glass, low-radiation glass, and other special float glass production lines; combustion technology in pure oxygen and technology of power generation with low temperature exhaust heat adopted by the existing float glass production lines; high-grade refractory materials for glass furnaces; and process equipment and technologies for deep processing of glass 2、电子工业用超薄(1.3mm以下)、太阳能产业用超白(折合5mm厚度可见光透射率>90%)、在线镀膜玻璃和低辐射等特殊浮法玻璃生产线;现有浮法生产线采用纯氧燃烧技术、低温余热发电技术;玻璃熔窑用高档耐火材料;玻璃深加工工艺装备技术开发与应用
3. Development and production of materials such as new walling and roofing materials, insulation and deadening materials, and waterproof and airproof materials 3、新型墙体和屋面材料、绝热隔音材料、建筑防水和密封等材料的开发与生产
4. Development and application of production lines of ceramic plate which is less than 6 mm in depth with an annual capacity of not less than 1.5 million m2 and process equipment and technologies 4、150万平方米/年及以上、厚度小于6毫米的陶瓷板生产线和工艺装备技术开发与应用
5. Development and production of sitting and squatting toilet pans, water-saving urinals and water control equipment with the amount of each flush not more than 6 liter 5、一次冲洗用水量6升及以下的坐便器、蹲便器、节水型小便器及节水控制设备开发与生产
6. Technology development and production of alkali free glass fiber tank klin wire drawing and high-performance glass fiber and products with an annual yield of 50,000 ton 6、5万吨/年及以上无碱玻璃纤维池窑拉丝技术和高性能玻璃纤维及制品技术开发与生产
7. Development and production of new technologies and new products of asbestos-free friction and sealing materials using synthetic mineral fiber or aramid fiber as reinforcing material 7、使用合成矿物纤维、芳纶纤维等作为增强材料的无石棉摩擦、密封材料新工艺、新产品开发与生产
8. Production equipment technology development of high-quality artificial crystalline materials, products, and parts for fields such as information, new energy, national defense, and aerospace aviation; manufacturing technology development and production of high-purity quartz raw materials, quartz glass materials and their products; and technology development and production of special glass demanded in the field of aerospace aviation 8、信息、新能源、国防、航天航空等领域用高品质人工晶体材料、制品和器件生产装备技术开发;高纯石英原料、石英玻璃材料及其制品制造技术开发与生产;航天航空等领域所需的特种玻璃制造技术开发与生产
9. Production of nonferrous deep processing materials such as kaolin, graphite and diatomite for high-purity, superfine, modified, and other refined processing as demanded in the high-tech fields and development and manufacturing of their technical equipment 9、高新技术领域需求的高纯、超细、改性等精细加工的高岭土、石墨、硅藻土等非金属矿深加工材料生产及其技术装备开发与制造
10. Production of ultra-thin composite stones with an annual yield of not less than 300,000 m2; mechanized quarrying; and production for the comprehensive utilization of ore and sheet scraps and development of technical equipment 10、30万平方米/年以上超薄复合石材生产;机械化石材矿山开采;矿石碎料和板材边角料综合利用生产及工艺装备开发

11. Comprehensive utilization of waste rock, tailings, and construction waste 11、废矿石、尾矿和建筑废弃物的综合利用
12. Technology development and production of farm construction materials for agriculture 12、农用田间建设材料技术开发与生产
13. Development and manufacturing of new walling materials by utilizing industrial by-product gypsum and technical equipment 13、利用工业副产石膏生产新型墙体材料及技术装备开发与制造
14. Development and production of emergency settlement dwellings 14、应急安置房屋开发与生产
XIII Medicine   十三、医药
1. Development and production of new medicine with independent intellectual property right, development and production of natural medicine, development and production of new birth-control medicine (including the third-generation progestogen contraceptive), initial development and production of generic medicine that meets China's demand for prevention and control of grave and frequent diseases, development and production of new formulations and new supplementary materials, development and application of technologies in the process of medicine production such as membrane separation, supercritical extraction, new crystallization, chiral synthesis, enzymatic synthesis, biotransformation, and self-control, and development and application of energy-saving and consumption-reduction technologies in the production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and new pharmaceutical preparation technologies 1、拥有自主知识产权的新药开发和生产,天然药物开发和生产,新型计划生育药物(包括第三代孕激素的避孕药)开发和生产,满足我国重大、多发性疾病防治需求的通用名药物首次开发和生产,药物新剂型、新辅料的开发和生产,药物生产过程中的膜分离、超临界萃取、新型结晶、手性合成、酶促合成、生物转化、自控等技术开发与应用,原料药生产节能降耗减排技术、新型药物制剂技术开发与应用
2. Development and production of modern biotech medicine, vaccine and medicine for prevention and control of grave epidemic diseases, and new diagnosis reagents, development and application of large-scale cell culture and purification technologies and synthesis, fermentation, and purification technologies of large-scale therapeutic peptide and nucleic acid, and transformation of traditional production technologies by utilizing modern biotechnology 2、现代生物技术药物、重大传染病防治疫苗和药物、新型诊断试剂的开发和生产,大规模细胞培养和纯化技术、大规模药用 多肽和核酸合成、发酵、纯化技术开发和应用,采用现代生物技术改造传统生产工艺
3. Development and production of new packing materials for medicine and technologies (first-class waterproof pharmaceutical glass, degradable materials, functional materials with lucifuge, high barrier and high permeability, packing of novel drug delivery systems; and printing technique with non-benzene ink for medicine packing materials, among others) 3、新型药用包装材料及其技术开发和生产(一级耐水药用玻璃,可降解材料,具有避光、高阻隔性、高透过性的功能性材料,新型给药方式的包装;药包材无苯油墨印刷工艺等)
4. Development of artificial propagation technologies for endangered and rare medicinal plants and animals and development and production of their substitutes, application of advanced agricultural technologies in the standardized planting and breeding of traditional Chinese medicinal materials, development and application of new technologies of extraction, purification and quality control of active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine, development and application of modern formulation techniques and technologies of traditional Chinese medicine, production process control technologies and equipment, development and application of innovative technologies of traditional Chinese medicine prepared in ready-to-sue forms, and secondary development and production of traditional Chinese patent medicine 4、濒危稀缺药用动植物人工繁育技术及代用品开发和生产,先进农业技术在中药材规范化种植、养殖中的应用,中药有效成份的提取、纯化、质量控制新技术开发和应用,中药现代剂型的工艺技术、生产过程控制技术和装备的开发与应用,中药饮片创新技术开发和应用,中成药二次开发和生产
5. Development and production of ethnic medicine 5、民族药物开发和生产
6. Development and production of new medical instruments and equipment for medical diagnosis, minimal invasive surgery and interventional therapy equipment, medical first-aid and mobile medical equipment, rehabilitation engineering technology devices, domestic medical instruments, new birth-control instruments (third-generation intra-uterine device), new medical materials, artificial organs, and key components; and development and application of digital medical imaging products and medical information technologies 6、新型医用诊断医疗仪器设备、微创外科和介入治疗装备及器械、医疗急救及移动式医疗装备、康复工程技术装置、家用医疗器械、新型计划生育器具(第三代宫内节育器)、新型医用材料、人工器官及关键元器件的开发和生产,数字化医学影像产品及医疗信息技术的开发与应用
7. Standardized breeding of laboratory animals and animal experiment services 7、实验动物标准化养殖及动物实验服务
8. Improvement of the quality and production technology level of essential medicines and reduction of costs 8、基本药物质量和生产技术水平提升及降低成本
XIV. Machinery   十四、机械
1. High-speed and precision numerically-controlled machine tools with the joint action of three or more axes and supporting numerically-controlled systems, servo motors and drive devices, functional parts, tools, measuring tools, measuring instruments, and high-grade abrasive tools and abrasives 1、三轴以上联动的高速、精密数控机床及配套数控系统、伺服电机及驱动装置、功能部件、刀具、量具、量仪及高档磨具磨料
2. Distributed control systems (DCS), fieldbus control systems (FCS), and new energy power generation control systems used for major technical equipment, such as large generating sets, large petrochemical installations, and large complete metallurgical equipment 2、大型发电机组、大型石油化工装置、大型冶金成套设备等重大技术装备用分散型控制系统(DCS),现场总线控制系统(FCS),新能源发电控制系统
3. Programmable logic controllers (PLC) with 512 or more input and output points 3、输入输出点数512个以上的可编程控制系统(PLC)
4. Digital, intelligent, and networked industrial automated detection meters and sensors, in-situ online component analysis instruments, low-power intelligent sensors with wireless communication function, electromagnetic compatibility testing devices, intelligent ammeters used for intelligent grids (with functions of sending and receiving signals, self-diagnosis, and data processing), and fiber optic sensors 4、数字化、智能化、网络化工业自动检测仪表与传感器,原位在线成份分析仪器,具有无线通信功能的低功耗智能传感器,电磁兼容检测设备,智能电网用智能电表(具有发送和接收信号、自诊断、数据处理功能),光纤传感器
5. Instruments and meters used for the detection and analysis of radiation, toxicity, flammables, explosives, heavy metals, and dioxins, among others, testing instruments for water quality, flue gas and air, mass spectrometers used for drug testing with the mass number of more than 1,000 atomic mass units (amu), color-mass spectrometers, and relevant automated sampling systems and sample handling systems 5、用于辐射、有毒、可燃、易爆、重金属、二恶英等检测分析的仪器仪表,水质、烟气、空气检测仪器,药品检验用质量数大于 1000 原子质量单位(amu)的质谱仪,色质联用仪以及相关的自动取样系统和样品处理系统
6. Multi-dimensional geometric parameter measuring instruments used for scientific research with a measurement precision of micron or a more precise measurement, automated, intelligent and multi-functional material mechanics performance testing equipment, non-destructive testing equipment such as industrial CT and three-dimensional ultrasonic flaw detector, and electron microscopes used for nanometer observation and measurement with a resolution higher than 3.0 nm 6、科学研究用测量精度达到微米以上的多维几何尺寸测量仪器,自动化、智能化、多功能材料力学性能测试仪器,工业 CT、三维超声波探伤仪等无损检测设备,用于纳米观察测量的分辨率高于3.0纳米的电子显微镜
7. Technical equipment for urban intelligent visual surveillance, video analysis, and video-assisted criminal investigation 7、城市智能视觉监控、视频分析、视频辅助刑事侦察技术设备
8. Monitoring instruments and meters and systems for mine disasters (gas, coal dust, mine water, fire, and wall rock, among others) 8、矿井灾害(瓦斯、煤尘、矿井水、火、围岩等)监测仪器仪表和系统
9. Comprehensive meteorological observation instruments and equipment (ground, high altitude, and marine meteorological observation instruments, equipment and consumables, professional meteorological observation and atmospheric composition observation instruments, equipment and consumables, and weather radars, among others), mobile emergency meteorological observation systems, mobile emergency meteorological command systems, meteorological measurement checking equipment, meteorological repair and maintenance equipment, and operation monitoring systems of meteorological observation instruments and equipment 9、综合气象观测仪器装备(地面、高空、海洋气象观测仪器装备及耗材,专业气象观测、大气成分观测仪器装备及耗材,气象雷达等)、移动应急气象观测系统、移动应急气象指挥系统、气象计量检定设备、气象维修维护设备、气象观测仪器装备运行监控系统
10. Hydrological data collection instruments and equipment and hydrological instrument measurement checking equipment 10、水文数据采集仪器及设备、水文仪器计量检定设备
11. Instruments and meters for the observation of earthquakes and geological disasters 11、地震、地质灾害观测仪器仪表
12. Ocean observation, detection, and monitoring technical systems, instruments, and equipment 12、海洋观测、探测、监测技术系统及仪器设备
13. Digital multifunctional integrated office equipment (copying, printing, fax, and scanning), digital cameras, digital cinema projectors, and other modern cultural and office equipment 13、数字多功能一体化办公设备(复印、打印、传真、扫描)、数字照相机、数字电影放映机等现代文化办公设备
14. Bearings of China Railway High-Speed (CRH) trains with a speed of 200 kilometers per hour or higher, bearings of heavy haul railway wagons with an axle load greater than 30 tons, bearings of new urban rail transit with a service life of two million kilometers or more, hub bearing units of automobiles with a service life of 250,000 kilometers or more, high temperature-resistant (400℃ or above) automobile turbines, supercharger bearings, numerically-controlled machine tool bearings of Classes P4 and P2, all kinds of precision bearings used for wind turbines of two megawatts (MW) or higher, bearings of large construction machinery such as shield machines with a service life of more than 5,000 hours, high-speed and precision metallurgical rolling mill bearings of Classes P5 and P4, aircraft and engine bearings, medical CT machine bearings, and parts of the above bearings 14、时速200公里以上动车组轴承,轴重大于30吨重载铁路货车轴承,使用寿命 200 万公里以上的新型城市轨道交通轴承,使用寿命25万公里以上汽车轮毂轴承单元,耐高温(400℃以上)汽车涡轮、机械增压器轴承,P4、P2级数控机床轴承,2兆瓦(MW)及以上风电机组用各类精密轴承,使用寿命大于5000小时盾构机等大型施工机械轴承,P5级、P4级高速精密冶金轧机轴承,飞机及发动机轴承,医疗CT机轴承,以及上述轴承零件
15. Francis hydroelectric equipment with a unit capacity of 800,000 kilowatts or above (water turbines, generators, governors, excitation, and other ancillary equipment), pumped-storage hydroelectric equipment with an unit capacity of 350,000 kilowatts or above, tubular hydroelectric equipment with a unit capacity of 50,000 kilowatts or above, pelton hydroelectric equipment with a unit capacity of 100,000 kilowatts or above, and their key supporting auxiliary engines 15、单机容量80万千瓦及以上混流式水力发电设备(水轮机、发电机及调速器、励磁等附属设备),单机容量 35 万千瓦及以上抽水蓄能、5万千瓦及以上贯流式和10万千瓦及以上冲击式水力发电设备及其关键配套辅机
16. Generator circuit breakers, pumps, valves, and other key ancillary engines and parts used for supercritical and ultra-supercritical thermal power units of 600,000 kilowatts or above 16、60 万千瓦及以上超临界、超超临界火电机组用发电机保护断路器、泵、阀等关键配套辅机、部件
17. Supercritical parameters circulating fluidized bed boilers of 600,000 kilowatts or above 17、60万千瓦及以上超临界参数循环流化床锅炉
18. Gas turbine high temperature components and control systems 18、燃气轮机高温部件及控制系统
19. Rotors (forging or welding), runners, blades, pumps, valves, spindle sheaths, and other key castings and forgings used for power generation equipment of 600,000 kilowatts or above 19、60万千瓦及以上发电设备用转子(锻造、焊接)、转轮、叶片、泵、阀、主轴护套等关键铸锻件
20. High and low temperature-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and abrasion-resistant precision castings and forgings 20、耐高低温、耐腐蚀、耐磨损精密铸锻件
21. Extra-high-voltage and ultra-high-voltage alternating current and direct current power transmission equipment of 500 kilovolt (kV) and above and key parts: transformer (outlet devices, casing, and pressure switches), switching devices (arc-control devices, hydraulic operating mechanism, and large basin insulators), high-intensity post insulators and hollow insulators, suspension composite insulators, molded insulation, ultra high voltage arresters, direct current arresters, electric control and light control thyristors, converter valves (flat wave reactors and cooling equipment), control and protection equipment, and direct current field outfits, among others 21、500千伏(kV)及以上超高压、特高压交直流输电设备及关键部件:变压器(出线装置、套管、调压开关),开关设备(灭弧装置、液压操作机构、大型盆式绝缘子),高强度支柱绝缘子和空心绝缘子,悬式复合绝缘子,绝缘成型件,特高压避雷器、直流避雷器,电控、光控晶闸管,换流阀(平波电抗器、水冷设备),控制和保护设备,直流场成套设备等
22. High-voltage vacuum components and switchgears, intelligent medium-voltage switch components and outfits, insulated switch cabinets using environment-friendly medium-voltage gas, intelligent (communicable) low-voltage electrical appliances, and amorphous alloy, roll-core, and other energy-saving distribution transformers 22、高压真空元件及开关设备,智能化中压开关元件及成套设备,使用环保型中压气体的绝缘开关柜,智能型(可通信)低压电器,非晶合金、卷铁芯等节能配电变压器
23. The second-generation improved and third-generation nuclear power equipment and key parts; complete wind power machines of 2.5 megawatts or above, and control systems, converters and other key components and parts of wind power equipment of 2.0 megawatts or above; production equipment of various types of crystalline silicon and thin film solar photovoltaic cells; power generation equipment using ocean energy (tide, wave, and ocean current) 23、二代改进型、三代核电设备及关键部件;2.5兆瓦以上风电设备整机及 2.0 兆瓦以上风电设备控制系统、变流器等关键零部件;各类晶体硅和薄膜太阳能光伏电池生产设备;海洋能(潮汐、海浪、洋流)发电设备
24. Short-process molten techniques and equipment directly using blast furnace melted iron to manufacture iron castings; static pressure clay sand molding main engines; external heat blast water-cooled cupolas with a long service life and large tonnage (15 tons or more per hour); large die-casting machines (with clamping force of 3,500 tons or above); counter-pressure casting machines; automatic casting machines; and manufacture and application of special robots used for casting 24、直接利用高炉铁液生产铸铁件的短流程熔化工艺与装备;粘土砂静压造型主机;外热送风水冷长炉龄大吨位(15吨/小时以上)冲天炉;大型压铸机(合模力 3500 吨以上);差压铸造机;自动浇注机;铸造专用机器人的制造与应用
25. Application of technologies of reclamation and reuse of resin sand and casting clay sand, among others, by dry (heat) process 25、树脂砂、铸造粘土砂等干(热)法再生回用技术应用
26. High-speed precision presses (180 to 2,500 kN, and 2,000 to 750 beats/min), ferrous metal hydraulic extruders (150 mm/sec or more), light alloy hydraulic extruders (10 mm/sec or less), high-speed precision shearing machines (2,000 kN or more, 70 to 80 beats/min, and with cross slope of less than 1.50), internal high-pressure molding machines (10,000 kN or more), large bending machines (60,000 kN or more), digital sheet metal processing centers (flexible manufacturing centers/flexible manufacturing systems), high-speed power spinning machines (radial rotation pressure per round: 1,000 kN, axial rotation pressure per round: 800 kN, spindle torque: 240 kN/m, maximum spindle speed: 95 rev/min), numerically-controlled multi-station punching machines, large nominal pressure cold/warm forging presses (with effective nominal pressure stroke of 25 mm or more and nominal pressure of 10,000 kN or more), and automatically warm/hot forging presses with four or more stations (with nominal pressure of 16,000 kN or more) 26、高速精密压力机(180~2500千牛,2000~750次/分钟)、黑色金属液压挤压机(150毫米/秒以上)、轻合金液压挤压机(10毫米/秒以下)、高速精密剪切机(2000千牛以上,70~80次/分,断面斜度1.5O以下)、内高压成形机(10000千牛以上)、大型折弯机(60000千牛以上)、数字化钣金加工中心(柔性制造中心/柔性制造系统)、高速强力旋压机(径向旋压力/每轮:1000 千牛,轴向旋压力/每轮:800 千牛,主轴转矩:240 千牛·米,主轴最高转速:95转/分钟)、数控多工位冲压机、大公称压力冷/温锻压力机(有效公称力行程 25 毫米以上,公称力 10000 千牛以上)、4工位以上自动温/热锻造压力机(公称力16000千牛以上)
27. Cracked gas compressors, propylene compressors, and ethylene compressors, 400,000-ton (polypropylene, among others) extrusion granulation units, 500,000-ton synthesis gas, ammonia, and oxygen compressors, and other key equipment 27、乙烯裂解三机,40 万吨级(聚丙烯等)挤压造粒机组,50万吨级合成气、氨、氧压缩机等关键设备
28. Large wind power generation seals (with a service life of seven years or more and a working temperature from -45℃ to 100℃); nuclear main pump mechanical seals (applicable pressure ≥ 17 MPa and working temperature from 26.7℃ to 73.9℃); shield machine main bearing seals (with a service life of 5,000 hours); rotating seals for automobile power train systems and transmission systems; oil well drilling and logging equipment seals (applicable pressure ≥ 105 MPa); hydraulic support seals; high PV value rotary dynamic seals; mechanical seals with oversized diameter (≥ 2 m); seals for aerospace use (working temperature from -54℃ to 275℃ and line speed ≥ 150 m/s); high-pressure seals for hydraulic components (applicable pressure ≥ 31.5 MPa); high-precision hydraulic castings (runner size precision ≤ 0.25 mm and fatigue performance test ≥ 2 million times) 28、大型风力发电密封件(使用寿命7年以上,工作温度-45℃~100℃);核电站主泵机械密封(适用压力≥17 兆帕,工作温度26.7℃~73.9℃);盾构机主轴承密封(使用寿命5000小时);轿车动力总成系统以及传动系统旋转密封;石油钻井、测井设备密封(适用压力≥105兆帕);液压支架密封件;高PV值旋转动密封件;超大直径(≥2米)机械密封;航天用密封件(工作温度-54℃~275℃,线速度≥150 米/秒);高压液压元件密封件(适用压力≥31.5 兆帕);高精密液压铸件(流道尺寸精度≤0.25 毫米,疲劳性能测试≥200万次)
29. High-performance non-asbestos sealing materials (with a heat-resistant temperature of 500℃ and a tensile strength ≥ 20 MPa); high-performance carbon graphite sealing materials (with a heat-resistant temperature of 350℃ and a compressive strength ≥ 270 MPa); high-performance pressureless sintered silicon carbide materials (with a flexural strength ≥ 200 MPa and a thermal conductivity ≥ 130 W/m·K) 29、高性能无石棉密封材料(耐热温度500℃,抗拉强度≥20兆帕);高性能碳石墨密封材料(耐热温度350℃,抗压强度≥270兆帕);高性能无压烧结碳化硅材料(弯曲强度≥200 兆帕,热导率≥130瓦/米·开尔文(w/m·K))
30. Intelligent welding equipment; laser welding and cutting, electron beam welding, and other high-energy beam welding and cutting equipment; friction stir, composite heat sources, and other welding equipment; and digital and large capacity inverter welding power sources 30、智能焊接设备,激光焊接和切割、电子束焊接等高能束流焊割设备,搅拌摩擦、复合热源等焊接设备,数字化、大容量逆变焊接电源
31. Large (lower plate half cycle length of the stamping die > 2,500 mm, and lower plate half cycle length of the cavity die > 1,400 mm) and precision molds (precision of stamping dies ≤ 0.02 mm and precision of cavity dies ≤ 0.05 mm) 31、大型(下底板半周长度冲压模>2500毫米,下底板半周长度型腔模>1400 毫米)、精密(冲压模精度≤0.02 毫米,型腔模精度≤0.05毫米)模具
32. Large (with a furnace capacity of one ton or more) multifunctional controlled atmosphere heat treatment equipment, program-controlled chemical heat treatment equipment, program-controlled multifunctional vacuum heat treatment equipment and vacuum heat treatment equipment with a furnace capacity of 500 kg or more, and heat treatment heating furnaces with full fiber lining 32、大型(装炉量 1 吨以上)多功能可控气氛热处理设备、程控化学热处理设备、程控多功能真空热处理设备及装炉量 500公斤以上真空热处理设备、全纤维炉衬热处理加热炉
33. High-strength (level 12.9 or above), special-shaped, and titanium alloy fasteners, springs used for aviation, aerospace, and engines, among others, miniature precision transmission junction pieces (clutches), and coupling shaft for heavy mills; new types of powder metallurgical parts: high-density (≥ 7.0 g/cc), high-precision, and complex-shaped structural parts; friction devices for high-speed trains and airplanes; oil bearings; speed-changing gearboxes for China Railway High-Speed(CRH) trains, gear transmission agents with adjustable blades used for vessels, gearboxes used for wind power of 2.0 megawatts and above, and gearboxes for metallurgical and mining machinery; automobile powertrain, engineering machinery, and chains used for large agricultural machinery 33、高强度(12.9级以上)、异形及钛合金紧固件,航空、航天、发动机等用弹簧,微型精密传动联结件(离合器),大型轧机联结轴;新型粉末冶金零件:高密度(≥7.0克/立方厘米)、高精度、形状复杂结构件;高速列车、飞机摩擦装置;含油轴承;动车组用齿轮变速箱,船用可变桨齿轮传动系统、2.0兆瓦以上风电用变速箱、冶金矿山机械用变速箱;汽车动力总成、工程机械、大型农机用链条
34. Sea water desalting equipment 34、海水淡化设备
35. Robot and industrial robot integrated systems 35、机器人及工业机器人成套系统
36. Integrated excavation equipment for a mine or a thin seam with an annual yield of five million tons or more and key equipment for a large-scale open-pit mine with an annual yield of 10 million tons or more 36、500万吨/年及以上矿井、薄煤层综合采掘设备,1000万 吨级/年及以上大型露天矿关键装备
37. Supporting compressors, gas turbines, valves, and other key equipment for natural gas transmission lines with a diameter of 1,200 mm or above; supporting compressors, driven machinery, and cryogenic equipment, among others, for liquefaction of natural gas with an annual yield of 2.6 million tons or more per line; supporting oil pumps of 3,000 cubic meters or more per hour and other key equipment for large-scale oil pipelines 37、直径1200毫米及以上的天然气输气管线配套压缩机、燃气轮机、阀门等关键设备;单线260万吨/年及以上天然气液化配套的压缩机及驱动机械、低温设备等;大型输油管线配套的 3000立方米/小时及以上的输油泵等关键设备
38. Sheet-fed and multi-color offset presses (width ≥ 750 mm; printing speed: single-sided and multicolor ≥ 16,000 sheets/hour, and two-sided and multicolor ≥ 13,000 sheets/hour); commercial web offset presses (width ≥ 787 mm, printing speed ≥ 7 m/s, and overprinter precision ≤ 0.1 mm); newspaper web offset presses (printing speed: single-paper path and single-width machine ≥ 75,000 sheets/hour, double-paper path and double-width machine ≥ 150,000 sheets/hour, and overprinter precision ≤ 0.1 mm); multicolor wide flexographic presses (printing width ≥ 1,300 mm and printing speed ≥ 350 m/min); unit flexographic presses (printing speed ≥ 150 m/min); environment-friendly multicolor web photogravure presses (printing speed ≥ 300 m/min and overprinter precision ≤ 0.1 mm); inkjet digital presses (used for publication: printing speed ≥ 150 m/min and resolution ≥ 600 dpi; used for packaging: printing speed ≥ 30 m/min and resolution ≥ 1,000 dpi; used for variable data: printing speed ≥ 100 m/min and resolution ≥ 300 dpi); computer-to-plate (CTP) (imaging speed ≥ 15 sheets/hour, plate width ≥ 750 mm, repeatability of 0.025 mm, and resolution of 3,000 dpi); and shaftless numerically-controlled platen hot stamping machines (stamping speed ≥ 10,000 sheets/hour and machining precision of 0.05 mm) 38、单张纸多色胶印机(幅宽≥750毫米,印刷速度:单面多色≥16000 张/小时,双面多色≥13000 张/小时);商业卷筒纸胶印机(幅宽≥787毫米,印刷速度≥7米/秒,套印精度≤0.1毫米);报纸卷筒纸胶印机(印刷速度:单纸路单幅机≥75000 张/小时,双纸路双幅机≥150000 张/小时,套印精度≤0.1 毫米);多色宽幅柔性版印刷机(印刷宽度≥1300毫米,印刷速度≥350米/分);机组式柔性版印刷机(印刷速度≥150米/分);环保多色卷筒料凹版印刷机(印刷速度≥300米/分,套印精度≤0.1毫米);喷墨数字印刷机(出版用:印刷速度≥150米/分,分辨率≥600 dpi;包装用:印刷速度≥30米/分,分辨率≥1000 dpi;可变数据用:印刷速度≥100 米/分,分辨率≥300 dpi);CTP 直接制版机(成像速度≥15张/小时,版材幅宽≥750毫米,重复精度0.025毫米,分辨率3000 dpi);无轴数控平压平烫印机(烫印速度≥10000张/小时,加工精度0.05毫米)
39. Two- or four-wheel drive wheeled tractors and crawler tractors of 100 horsepower or above and equipped with a power shift transmission or fully-synchronized shift transmission, a bus control system, a safety cab, a power output shaft with two or more rotate speed, and hydraulic output points of not less than three groups 39、100马力以上、配备有动力换挡变速箱或全同步器换档变速箱、总线控制系统、安全驾驶室、动力输出轴有2个以上转速、液压输出点不少于3组的两轮或四轮驱动的轮式拖拉机、履带式拖拉机
40. Supporting farm machinery of tractors of 100 horsepower or above: subsoilers, combined soil preparation machines, and combined machines for soil preparation and sowing, among others, required for conservation tillage and moldboard plows with a width of share ≥ 40 cm, round disc harrows, grain drills, precision planters for cultivated crops, cultivators, non-tillage planters, and large sprayers (dusters), among others, required for conventional agricultural operations 40、100马力以上拖拉机配套农机具:保护性耕作所需要的深松机、联合整地机和整地播种联合作业机等,常规农业作业所需要的单体幅宽≥40 厘米的铧式犁、圆盘耙、谷物条播机、中耕作物精密播种机、中耕机、免耕播种机、大型喷雾(喷粉)机等
41. Key parts and components of tractors of 100 horsepower or above: power shift transmissions; front drive axles with a differential lock used for wheeled tractors; clutches, hydraulic pumps, hydraulic cylinders, various valves and hydraulic delivery valves, and other closed hydraulic systems; closed-core and load-sensing electronically-controlled hydraulic lifters, electric control systems, rims, spokes, and hydraulic steering mechanism, among others 41、100马力以上拖拉机关键零部件:动力换挡变速箱,轮式拖拉机用带差速锁的前驱动桥,离合器,液压泵、液压油缸、各种阀及液压输出阀等封闭式液压系统,闭心变量、负载传感的电控液压提升器,电控系统,轮辋及辐板,液压转向机构等
42. Crop transplanting machines: ride-on plate-soil motor high-speed rice transplanters (350 times or more per minute, 3 to 5 plants per hole, applicable line spacing of 20 to 30 cm, adjustable row spacing, and applicable row spacing of 12 to 22 cm); and plate-soil motor rice seedling transplanters (ride-on or walk-behind, applicable line spacing of 20 to 30 cm, adjustable row spacing, and applicable row spacing of 12 to 22 cm), among others 42、农作物移栽机械:乘坐式盘土机动高速水稻插秧机(每分钟插次 350 次以上,每穴 3~5 株,适应行距 20~30 厘米,株距可调,适应株距 12~22 厘米);盘土式机动水稻摆秧机(乘坐式或手扶式,适应行距为20~30厘米,株距可调,适应株距为12~22厘米)等
43. Cotton field intertillage tractors and high-clearance (minimum terrain clearance of 40 cm or more) tractors used for orchards, with matched power of 50 horsepower or above 43、配套动力50马力以上的棉田中耕型拖拉机、果园用高地隙拖拉机(最低离地高度40厘米以上)
44. Forage grass harvesting machinery: self-propelled forage grass harvesters, finger-wheel forage grass rakes, and forage grass pickup balers, among others 44、牧草收获机械:自走式牧草收割机、指盘式牧草搂草机、牧草捡拾压捆机等
45. Agricultural harvesting machinery: self-propelled grain combine harvesters (feed rate of 6 kg/sec or more); self-propelled semi-feed rice combine harvesters (four lines or more and a supporting engine of 44 kilowatts or more); self-propelled corn combine harvesters (three to six lines, snapping type, and with a peeling device and a device of crushing stalks and returning them to field or a device of chopping and collecting stalks); self-propelled harvesters of silages such as barley, grass alfalfa, corn, and sorghum (with matched power of 147 kilowatts or more, a length of chopped stems of 10 to 60 mm, and a safety device to remove stone and iron); cotton picking machines (three lines or more, self-propelled or tractor backpack, cotton picking device of a mechanical or pneumatic style, an applicable height of cotton plant from 35 to 160 cm, with seed cotton containers and an automatic cotton unloading device); potato harvesters (self-propelled or tractor-drawn, two lines or more, adjustable line spacing, with a soil-removing device and a collection device, and a maximum digging depth of 35 cm); sugarcane harvesters (self-propelled or tractor knapsack, with matched power of 58 kilowatts or more, a perennial root broken rate ≤ 18%, and a loss rate ≤ 7%); and combined machines for plastic film residue recycling and stalk crushing 45、农业收获机械:自走式谷物联合收割机(喂入量 6 千克/秒以上);自走式半喂入水稻联合收割机(4行以上,配套发动机44千瓦以上);自走式玉米联合收割机(3~6行,摘穗型,带有剥皮装置,以及茎秆粉碎还田装置或茎秆切碎收集装置);自走式大麦、草苜蓿、玉米、高粱等青贮饲料收获机(配套动力 147千瓦以上,茎干切碎长度10~60毫米,带有去石去铁安全装置);棉花采摘机(3行以上,自走式或拖拉机背负式,摘花装置为机械式或气力式,适应棉株高度 35~160 厘米,装有籽棉集装箱和自动卸棉装置);马铃薯收获机(自走式或拖拉机牵引式,2行以上,行距可调,带有去土装置和收集装置,最大挖掘深度 35 厘米);甘蔗收获机(自走式或拖拉机背负式,配套功率58千瓦以上,宿根破碎率≤18%,损失率≤7%);残膜回收与茎杆粉碎联合作业机
46. Water-saving irrigation equipment: all kinds of large and medium irrigation machines, and various types of micro-drip irrigation equipment, among others; flood control and drainage equipment (with displacement of 1,500 cubic meters/hour or more, lift of 5 to 20 meters, power of 1,500 kW or above, efficiency of 60% or above, and removable) 46、节水灌溉设备:各种大中型喷灌机、各种类型微滴灌设备等;抗洪排涝设备(排水量1500立方米/小时以上,扬程5~20米,功率1500千瓦以上,效率60%以上,可移动)
47. Biogas generation equipment: integration of biogas fermentation and storage (series of products with biogas storage capacity of 300 to 2,000 cubic meters) and equipment of pumping slag from biogas slurry (a pumping capacity of one cubic meter or more per minute), among others 47、沼气发生设备:沼气发酵及储气一体化(储气容积300~2000立方米系列产品)、沼液抽渣设备(抽吸量1立方米/分钟以上)等
48. Large construction machinery: hydraulic excavators of 30 tons or above, tunnel boring machines (TBM) of six meters or above, crawler dozers of 320 horsepower or above, loaders of six tons or above, bridging equipment of 600 tons or above (including bridge girder erection machines, girder transporting vehicles, and girder cranes), crawler cranes of 400 tons or above, all-terrain cranes of 100 tons or above, drill jumbos with a drill hole of 100 mm or above, concrete cold and hot recycling equipment of 400 kilowatts or above, and milling machines with a width of one meter or more; key components: power shift transmissions, wet drive axles, slewing bearings, torque converters, and supporting electric machines, electronic control, hydraulic motors with pressure of 25 MPa or more, pumps, and control valves for electric forklifts 48、大型施工机械:30 吨以上液压挖掘机、6 米及以上全断面掘进机、320 马力及以上履带推土机、6 吨及以上装载机、600吨及以上架桥设备(含架桥机、运梁车、提梁机)、400 吨及以上履带起重机、100吨及以上全地面起重机、钻孔100毫米以上凿岩台车、400千瓦及以上砼冷热再生设备、1米宽及以上铣刨机;关键零部件:动力换挡变速箱、湿式驱动桥、回转支承、液力变矩器、为电动叉车配套的电机、电控、压力25兆帕以上液压马达、泵、控制阀
49. Automated logistics systems and equipment; and information systems 49、自动化物流系统装备、信息系统
50. Combustion engines with high reliability, low emissions and low power used for non-road mobile machinery: life indicators: 8,000 to 12,000 hours for heavy type, 5,000 to 7,000 hours for medium type, and 3,000 to 4,000 hours for light type, emission indicators: meeting the requirements of emission indicators in Europe III A and Europe III B; and the fuel system, pressurization system, and exhaust aftertreatment system (all including electronic control system) affecting the power, economic, and environmental protection performances of combustion engines used for non-road mobile machinery 50、非道路移动机械用高可靠性、低排放、低能耗的内燃机:寿命指标(重型8000~12000小时,中型5000~7000小时,轻型3000~4000小时)、排放指标(符合欧ⅢA、欧ⅢB排放指标要求);影响非道路移动机械用内燃机动力性、经济性、环保性的燃油系统、增压系统、排气后处理系统(均包括电子控制系统)
51. Refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment and key components: heat pumps, composite heat source (air source and solar) heat pump water heaters, refrigeration and air-conditioning compressors with energy efficiency of level 2 or above, micro-channel and falling film heat transfer technologies and equipment, electronic expansion valves, and two-phase flow ejectors; and refrigeration and air-conditioning compressors using environment-friendly refrigerants (ODP is 0 and GWP value is lower) 51、制冷空调设备及关键零部件:热泵、复合热源(空气源与太阳能)热泵热水机、二级能效及以上制冷空调压缩机、微通道和降膜换热技术与设备、电子膨胀阀和两相流喷射器;使用环保制冷剂(ODP为0、GWP值较低)的制冷空调压缩机
52. Complete drilling machines such as deep drilling rigs with a depth of 12,000 m or more, polar drilling rigs, high displacement deep-well and desert drilling rigs, drilling rigs used in swamp areas difficult to enter, offshore rigs, truck-mounted drilling rigs, and drilling rigs used for special drilling techniques 52、12000米及以上深井钻机、极地钻机、高位移性深井沙漠钻机、沼泽难进入区域用钻机、海洋钻机、车装钻机、特种钻井工艺用钻机等钻机成套设备
53. Centralized processing equipment for hazardous waste (including medical waste) 53、危险废物(含医疗废物)集中处理设备
54. Large efficient two-plate injection molding machines (with a mold clamping force of 1,000 tons or more), all-electric plastic injection molding machines (with an injection volume of less than 1,000 g), energy-saving plastics and rubber injection molding machines (with energy consumption of less than 0.4 kwh/kg), high-speed energy-saving plastic extrusion units (production capacity: 30 to 3,000 kg/hour, and energy consumption: less than 0.35 kwh/kg), microcellular foam plastic injection molding machines (mold clamping force: 60 to 1,000 tons, injection volume: 30 to 5,000 g, and energy consumption of less than 0.4 kwh/kg), large twin-screw extrusion granulation units (production capacity: 300,000 to 600,000 tons/year), large para-aramid reactive extrusion units (production capacity of 14,000 tons/year or above), and carbon fiber pre-impregnated units (a production capacity of 600,000 m/year or above; and a width of 1.2 m or more) 54、大型高效二板注塑机(合模力 1000 吨以上)、全电动塑料注射成型机(注射量 1000 克以下)、节能型塑料橡胶注射成型机(能耗 0.4 千瓦时/千克以下)、高速节能塑料挤出机组(生产能力:30~3000公斤/小时,能耗0.35千瓦时/千克以下)、微孔发泡塑料注射成型机(合模力:60~1000 吨,注射量:30~5000克,能耗 0.4 千瓦时/千克以下)、大型双螺杆挤出造粒机组(生产能力:30~60 万吨/年)、大型对位芳纶反应挤出机组(生产能力 1.4 万吨/年以上)、碳纤维预浸胶机组(生产能力 60 万米/年以上;幅宽1.2米以上)
55. Nano-filtration and reverse osmosis pure water equipment used for coating 55、涂装用纳米过滤和反向渗透纯水装备
56. Safe drinking water equipment: combined-type integrated water purifiers (with a processing capacity of 100 to 2,500 tons/hour) 56、安全饮水设备:组合式一体化净水器(处理量100~2500吨/小时)
57. Air pollution control equipment: selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technical equipment for denitration of fumes from coal-fired power plants of 300 megawatts or more (nitrogen removal efficiency of 90% or above and the catalyst with a service life of 16,000 hours or more); circulating fluidized bed dry desulphurization and dedusting outfits for steel sintering fumes (calcium sulfur ratio: 1.2 to 1.3); supporting electrostatic precipitation technical equipment for ultra-supercritical units of 1,000 megawatts; electric-bag composite dust removal technical equipment (dust emission concentration < 30 mg/cubic meter); ultra-supercritical oxidative desulfurization multistage centrifugal blower units of 1,000 megawatts or above (air volume ≥ 450 cubic meters/min and boost ≥ 14,000 millimeter of water); and plasma exhaust gas purifiers (exhaust removal rate > 95%) 57、大气污染治理装备:300兆瓦以上燃煤电站烟气SCR脱硝技术装备(脱氮效率90%以上,催化剂使用寿命16000小时以上);钢铁烧结烟气循环流化床干法脱硫除尘成套装备(钙硫比:1.2~1.3);1000 兆瓦超超临界机组配套电除尘技术装备;电袋复合除尘技术装备(烟尘排放浓度<30 毫克/立方米);1000 兆瓦超超临界以上机组脱硫氧化多级离心鼓风机(风量≥450 立方米/分钟、升压≥14000毫米水柱);等离子体废气净化机(废气去除率>95%)
58. Sewage prevention and control technical equipment: urban sewage treatment outfits of 200,000 tons/day (phosphorus and nitrogen removal); sludge drying and incineration technical equipment (slag removal quantity of 90% or above); immersed membrane bioreactors (COD removal efficiency of 90 % or more); ceramic vacuum filters (vacuum degree: 0.09 to 0.098 MPa, and porosity: 0.2 microns to 20 microns); integrated wastewater treatment technical outfits for small- and medium-sized towns; and technical equipment for the treatment of high concentration organic wastewater by ultrasonic coupling and biofilm processes 58、污水防治技术设备:20万吨/日城市污水处理成套装备(除磷脱氮);污泥干燥焚烧技术装备(减渣量90%以上);浸没式膜生物反应器(COD去除率90%以上);陶瓷真空过滤机(真空度:0.09~0.098兆帕,孔隙:0.2微米~20微米);中小城镇一体化污水处理成套技术装备;超生耦合法和生物膜法处理高浓度有机废水技术装备
59. Solid waste prevention and control technical equipment: domestic garbage clean incineration technical equipment (with the amount of combustion-supporting coal of less than 20%); technical equipment for concentrated decontamination of kitchen waste (with a utilization rate of 95%); technical equipment for landfill leachate and odor treatment (with a handling capacity of 50 tons/day or above); technical equipment for domestic garbage automated sorting (with a sorting rate of 80% or more); construction waste treatment and recycling technical equipment (with a handling capacity of 100 tons/hour or more); technical equipment for industrial hazardous waste disposal and treatment (with a treatment rate of 90% or more); technologies and outfits for oilfield drilling waste disposal and treatment (with a volume reduction of 50% or more and a treatment rate of 70% or more); and technical equipment for medical waste clean incineration and thermophilic digestion decontamination (with a handling capacity of 150 kg/hour or more and combustion efficiency of 70% or more) 59、固体废物防治技术设备:生活垃圾清洁焚烧技术装备(助燃煤量20%以下);厨余垃圾集中无害化处理技术装备(利用率95%以上);垃圾填埋渗滤液和臭气处理技术装备(处理量50吨/天以上);生活垃圾自动化分选技术装备(分选率 80%以上);建筑垃圾处理和再利用工艺技术装备(处理量 100 吨/小时以上);工业危险废弃物处置处理技术装备(处理率 90%以上);油田钻井废弃物处理处置技术与成套装备(减容50%以上,处理率70%以上);医疗废物清洁焚烧、高温蒸煮无害化处理技术装备(处理量 150千克/小时以上,燃烧效率70%以上)
60. Soil remediation technical equipment 60、土壤修复技术装备
XV. Urban Rail Transit Equipment   十五、城市轨道交通装备
1. Application of urban rail transit damping and noise reduction technologies 1、城市轨道交通减震、降噪技术应用
2. Automatic fare collection systems (AFC) and systems of vehicle doors, platform screen doors, and vehicle couplers 2、自动售检票系统(AFC),车门、站台屏蔽门、车钩系统
3. Fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing systems for urban rail transit 3、城市轨道交通火灾报警和自动灭火系统
4. Digital track circuits and wireless communication-based signaling systems [including automatic train supervision system (ATS), automatic train protection (ATP) devices, and automatic train operation (ATO) devices] 4、数字轨道电路及以无线通信为基础的信号系统[含自动列车监控系统(ATS)、列车自动保护装置(ATP)、自动列车运行装置(ATO)]
5. Key components of outfits of power supply systems for direct current speed-sensitive switches and gas insulated switchgears (GIS) 5、直流高速开关、真空断路器(GIS)供电系统成套设备关键部件
6. Railway vehicle alternating current traction drive systems, brake systems, and core components (including IGCT and IGBT components) 6、轨道车辆交流牵引传动系统、制动系统及核心元器件(含IGCT、IGBT元器件)
7. Urban rail train network control systems and operation control systems 7、城轨列车网络控制系统及运行控制系统
8. Lightweight application of vehicle body, bogie, gearbox, and interior decoration materials 8、车体、转向架、齿轮箱及车内装饰材料轻量化应用
9. Urban rail train regenerative braking absorption devices 9、城轨列车再生制动吸收装置
XVI. Automobiles   十六、汽车
1. Key components of automobiles: gasoline engine turbochargers, eddy current retarders, tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS), servo headlamp systems, LED headlamps, digital instrumentation, solenoid valves used for electrical control system actuators, axles exclusively used for large low-floor buses, air suspension, energy-absorbing steering systems, inverter air conditioners for large and medium-sized passenger cars, high-strength steel wheels, and rear disc brakes for trucks 1、汽车关键零部件:汽油机增压器、电涡流缓速器、轮胎气压监测系统(TPMS)、随动前照灯系统、LED前照灯、数字化仪表、电控系统执行机构用电磁阀、低地板大型客车专用车桥、空气悬架、吸能式转向系统、大中型客车变频空调、高强度钢车轮、载重车后盘式制动器
2. Dual-clutch transmissions (DCT) and automatic mechanical transmissions (AMT) 2、双离合器变速器(DCT)、电控机械变速器(AMT)
3. Application of lightweight materials: high-strength steels, aluminum-magnesium alloys, composite plastics, powder metallurgy, and high-strength composite fibers, among others; application of advanced forming technologies: expanded application of laser tailor-welded blanks, hydroforming, ultra high strength steel hot forming, and flexible roll forming, among others; and application of environment-friendly materials: water-based paints and lead-free solders, among others 3、轻量化材料应用:高强度钢、铝镁合金、复合塑料、粉末冶金、高强度复合纤维等;先进成形技术应用:激光拼焊板的扩大应用、内高压成形、超高强度钢板热成形、柔性滚压成形等;环保材料应用:水性涂料、无铅焊料等
4. Efficient diesel engines (the power per liter for those with displacement of less than 3L is ≥ 50 kW/L, and the power per liter for those with displacement of 3L or more is ≥ 40 kW/L); post-processing systems (including particulate traps, oxidized-form catalytic converters, and reduced-form catalytic converters); electrically-controlled in-line injection pumps, electronically-controlled high pressure common rail injection systems, electronically-controlled high pressure monoblock pumps, injectors, and fuel spray nozzles 4、高效柴油发动机(3L以下升功率≥50 kW/L,3L以上升功率≥40 kW/L);后处理系统(包括颗粒捕捉器、氧化型催化器、还原型催化器);电控直列式喷油泵、电控高压共轨喷射系统、电控高压单体泵以及喷油器、喷油嘴
5. Efficient gasoline engines (the power per liter of naturally-aspirated gasoline engines is ≥ 60kW/L, and the power per liter of turbocharged gasoline engines is ≥ 70kW/L) 5、高效汽油发动机(自然吸气汽油机升功率≥60kW/L,涡轮增压汽油机升功率≥70kW/L)
6. Key parts and components of new energy vehicles: energy-type drive battery packs (energy density ≥ 110Wh/kg and cycle life ≥ 2,000 times), battery cathode materials (specific capacity ≥ 150mAh/g and a cycle life of 2,000 times without lowering than 80% of the initial discharge capacity), battery separators (thickness of 15 to 40 μm and porosity of 40% to 60%); battery management systems, motor management systems, and electronic control integration of electric vehicles; driving motors of electric vehicles (peak power density ≥ 2.5kW/kg, high-efficiency area: 65%, efficiency in working area ≥ 80%), vehicle DC/DC (input voltage of 100V to 400V), high-power electronic devices (IGBT, voltage class ≥ 600V, and current ≥ 300A); and plug-in hybrid electromechanical coupling drive systems 6、新能源汽车关键零部件:能量型动力电池组(能量密度≥110Wh/kg,循环寿命≥2000 次),电池正极材料(比容量≥150mAh/g,循环寿命2000次不低于初始放电容量的80%),电池隔膜(厚度15~40μm,孔隙率40%~60%);电池管理系统,电机管理系统,电动汽车电控集成;电动汽车驱动电机(峰值功率密度≥2.5kW/kg,高效区:65%工作区效率≥80%),车用 DC/DC(输入电压100V~400V),大功率电子器件(IGBT,电压等级≥600V,电流≥300A);插电式混合动力机电耦合驱动系统
7. On-board chargers and off-board charging equipment 7、车载充电机、非车载充电设备
8. Electric air conditioners, electric brakes, and electric power steering; and idle start-stop systems 8、电动空调、电制动、电动转向;怠速起停系统
9. Automotive electronic control systems: the engine control unit (ECU), transmission control unit (TCU), anti-lock braking system (ABS), acceleration slip regulation (ASR), electronic stability program (ESP), network bus control, on-board diagnostics (OBD), electronically-controlled intelligent suspensions, electronic parking system, automatic collision avoidance system, and electronic throttle, among others 9、汽车电子控制系统:发动机控制系统(ECU)、变速箱控制系统(TCU)、制动防抱死系统(ABS)、牵引力控制(ASR)、电子稳定控制(ESP)、网络总线控制、车载故障诊断仪(OBD)、电控智能悬架、电子驻车系统、自动避撞系统、电子油门等
10. Automotive product development, experiment and testing equipment and facility construction 10、汽车产品开发、试验、检测设备及设施建设
XVII. Vessels   十七、船舶
1. Optimization and upgrading of bulk carriers, oil tankers, and container ships to meet the requirements of environmental protection and safety; and development and construction of ships of types meeting the new international shipbuilding specifications and standards 1、散货船、油船、集装箱船适应绿色、环保、安全要求的优化升级,以及满足国际造船新规范、新标准的船型开发建造
2. Liquefied natural gas carriers with a capacity of 100,000 cubic meters or more, liquefied petroleum gas vessels with a capacity of 15,000 cubic meters or more, container ships with 10,000 containers or more, car carriers with 5,000 parking spaces or more, luxury ro-ro passenger ships, chemical tankers of IMO Tier II or above, luxury cruise ships, and other high-tech and high value-added ships 2、10万立方米以上液化天然气船、1.5万立方米以上液化石油气船、万箱以上集装箱船、5000 车位及以上汽车运输船、豪华客滚船、IMO Ⅱ型以上化学品船、豪华邮轮等高技术、高附加值船舶
3. Large distant fishing and processing vessels, trailing suction hopper dredgers with a capacity of 10,000 cubic meters or more, train ferries, scientific research ships, icebreakers, oceanographic research ships, marine supervision vessels, and other special ships as well as their dedicated equipment 3、大型远洋捕捞加工渔船、1 万立方米以上耙吸式挖泥船、火车渡轮、科学考察船、破冰船、海洋调查船、海洋监管船等特种船舶及其专用设备
4. Small waterplane area twin-hull ships, hydrofoils, ground effect ships, hovercrafts, wave-piercing ships, and other high-performance vessels 4、小水线面双体船、水翼船、地效应船、气垫船、穿浪船等高性能船舶
5. Self-elevating drilling platforms for a water depth of 120 meters or more, deep drilling ships for a water depth of 1,500 meters or more, semi-submersible drilling platforms for a water depth of 1,500 meters or more, and other mainstream mobile marine drilling platforms (vessels); floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) of 150,000 tons or above, 1,500-meter semi-submersible production platforms, spar platforms (SPAR), tension leg platforms (TLP), LNG-FPSO, marginal field floating production storage units, and other floating production systems; deep-water anchor handling towing supply vessels with horsepower of 10,000, l,500-meter large lifting pipe-laying vessels, 1,500-meter surveying vessels, high-performance seismic vessels, semi-submersible transport ships of 50,000 tons or above, offshore wind turbine installation vessels, and other marine engineering workboats and auxiliary vessels 5、120米及以上水深自升式钻井平台、1500米及以上深钻井船、1500 米及以上水深半潜式钻井平台等主流海洋移动钻井平台(船舶);15万吨及以上浮式生产储卸装置(FPSO)、1500米水深半潜式生产平台、立柱式生产平台(SPAR)、张力腿平台(TLP)、LNG-FPSO、边际油田型浮式生产储油装置等浮式生产系统;万马力水级深水三用工作船、1500米水深大型起重铺管船、1500米水深工程勘察船、高性能物探船、5万吨及以上半潜运输船、海上风车安装船等海洋工程作业船和辅助船
6. Dynamic positioning systems, FPSO single-point mooring systems, large-scale offshore platform power plants integrated systems, active power and transmission systems, drilling platform lifting systems, oil production systems, and other general and special marine engineering support equipment 6、动力定位系统、FPSO单点系泊系统、大型海洋平台电站集成系统、主动力及传动系统、钻井平台升降系统、采油系统等通用和专用海洋工程配套设备
7. Development and manufacturing of luxury yachts and supporting industries 7、豪华游艇开发制造及配套产业
8. Intelligent environment-friendly low- and medium-speed marine diesel engines and their key parts and components, large deck machinery, marine boilers, oil-water separators, desalination plants, ballast water treatment systems, shore power technologies and equipment used for vessels, liquefied natural gas marine dual fuel engines, pod propulsions, large efficient jet propulsion units, high-power medium- and high-voltage generators, marine communication, navigation and automation systems, and other key supporting marine equipment 8、智能环保型船用中低速柴油机及其关键零部件、大型甲板机械、船用锅炉、油水分离机、海水淡化装置、压载水处理系统、船舶使用岸电技术及设备、液化天然气船用双燃料发动机、吊舱推进器、大型高效喷水推进装置、大功率中高压发电机、船舶通讯导航及自动化系统等关键船用配套设备
9. Underwater vehicles, robots, and detection and observation equipment 9、水下潜器、机器人及探测观测设备
10. Application of precision management control, digital shipbuilding, unit assembly, advanced outfitting and modularization, advanced coating, and efficient welding technologies 10、精度管理控制、数字化造船、单元组装、预舾装和模块化、先进涂装、高效焊接技术应用
11. Repair and modification of high-tech and high value-added vessels and marine engineering equipment 11、高技术高附加值船舶、海洋工程装备的修理与改装
XVIII. Aviation and Aerospace   十八、航空航天
1. Development and manufacturing of aircrafts for trunk lines, regional aircrafts, and utility aircrafts and their parts and components 1、干线、支线、通用飞机及零部件开发制造
2. Development and manufacturing of aircraft engines 2、航空发动机开发制造
3. Development and manufacturing of airborne equipment, mission equipment, air traffic control equipment, and ground support equipment systems 3、机载设备、任务设备、空管设备和地面保障设备系统开发制造
4. Development and manufacturing of helicopters, rotor systems, and drive systems 4、直升机总体、旋翼系统、传动系统开发制造
5. Development and production of new materials for aviation and aerospace use 5、航空航天用新型材料开发生产
6. Manufacturing of gas turbines for aviation and aerospace use 6、航空航天用燃气轮机制造
7. Manufacturing of satellites and launch vehicles and their parts and components 7、卫星、运载火箭及零部件制造
8. Application of aviation and aerospace technologies and development and production of system software and hardware products and terminal products 8、航空、航天技术应用及系统软硬件产品、终端产品开发生产
9. Development and manufacturing of aircraft ground-based simulation training systems 9、航空器地面模拟训练系统开发制造
10. Development and manufacturing of aircraft ground repair, maintenance, and testing equipment 10、航空器地面维修、维护、检测设备开发制造
11. Satellite ground and application system construction and equipment manufacturing 11、卫星地面和应用系统建设及设备制造
12. Development and application of emergency rescue equipment exclusively used for aircrafts 12、航空器专用应急救援装备开发与应用
13. Repair of aircrafts, equipment, and parts 13、航空器、设备及零件维修
14. Development and production of advanced satellite payloads 14、先进卫星载荷研制及生产
XIX. Light Industry   十九、轻工
1. Construction of forest-paper integration production lines each with an annual production capacity of 300,000 tons or more of chemical wood pulp, an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons or more of chemi-mechanical wood pulp, or an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons or more of chemical bamboo pulp, and corresponding paper and paperboard production lines (excluding newsprint and art paper); and construction of paper pulp production lines adopting cleaner production techniques and using non-wood fiber as raw materials each with an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons or more 1、单条化学木浆30万吨/年及以上、化学机械木浆10万吨/年及以上、化学竹浆 10 万吨/年及以上的林纸一体化生产线及相应配套的纸及纸板生产线(新闻纸、铜版纸除外)建设;采用清洁生产工艺、以非木纤维为原料、单条 10 万吨/年及以上的纸浆生产线建设
2. Development and manufacturing of advanced pulping and papermaking equipment 2、先进制浆、造纸设备开发与制造
3. Development and application of techniques of elemental chlorine free (ECF) and totally chlorine free (TCF) bleaching of chemical pulp 3、无元素氯(ECF)和全无氯(TCF)化学纸浆漂白工艺开发及应用
4. Design and manufacturing of precision moulds for metalloid products 4、非金属制品精密模具设计、制造
5. Development, production, and application of biodegradable plastics and their series products 5、生物可降解塑料及其系列产品开发、生产与应用
6. Development and production of agricultural plastic water-saving equipment and functional agricultural films with a long life (three years or more) 6、农用塑料节水器材和长寿命(三年及以上)功能性农用薄膜的开发、生产
7. Production of new plastic building materials (highly airtight and energy-saving plastic windows, large-diameter drainage and sewage pipes, impact-resistant modified PVC pipes, polyethylene pipes used for ground-source heat pump systems, trenchless plastic pipes, composite plastic pipes, and plastic inspection wells); impermeable geomembrane; wood plastic composites and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene pipes and sheets with molecular weight ≥ 2,000,000 7、新型塑料建材(高气密性节能塑料窗、大口径排水排污管道、抗冲击改性聚氯乙烯管、地源热泵系统用聚乙烯管、非开挖用塑料管材、复合塑料管材、塑料检查井);防渗土工膜;塑木复合材料和分子量≥200万的超高分子量聚乙烯管材及板材生产
8. Dynamic plasticizing and plastic extensional rheology plasticizing technology application and equipment manufacturing; and plastics processing equipment adopting electromagnetic induction heating and servo drive systems 8、动态塑化和塑料拉伸流变塑化的技术应用及装备制造;应用电磁感应加热和伺服驱动系统的塑料加工装备
9. Production of special ceramics used in industry, medical science, electronics, aviation and aerospace and other fields and the development of relevant technologies and equipment; and development of ceramics cleaner production and comprehensive utilization technologies 9、应用于工业、医学、电子、航空航天等领域的特种陶瓷生产及技术、装备开发;陶瓷清洁生产及综合利用技术开发
10. Development and manufacturing of energy efficient sewing machinery (adopting embedded digital control, oil-free or micro-oil lubrication, and other advanced technologies) and their key parts and components 10、高效节能缝制机械(采用嵌入式数字控制、无油或微油润滑等先进技术)及关键零部件开发制造
11. Research, development, and manufacturing of multiple station modular machine tools used in industries such as manufacturing of writing instruments and clocks and watches 11、用于制笔、钟表等行业的多工位组合机床研发与制造
12. Development and application of high-tech digital printing technologies and high-definition platemaking systems 12、高新、数字印刷技术及高清晰度制版系统开发与应用
13. Manufacturing of supplies specially for ethnic minorities 13、少数民族特需用品制造
14. Vacuum aluminizing, spraying silicon oxide, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) coating-type films, functional polyester (PET) film, oriented polystyrene (OPS) film, paper-based multi-layer co-extruded or composite packaging materials, and other new packaging materials 14、真空镀铝、喷镀氧化硅、聚乙烯醇(PVA)涂布型薄膜、功能性聚酯(PET)薄膜、定向聚苯乙烯(OPS)薄膜及纸塑基多层共挤或复合等新型包装材料
15. Manufacturing of equipment of metal plate printing in two or more colors, matching UV curing equipment, laminating equipment, and high-speed food and beverage cans processing equipment, as well as their ancillary equipment 15、二色及二色以上金属板印刷、配套光固化(UV)、薄板覆膜和高速食品饮料罐加工及配套设备制造
16. Lithium iron disulfide, lithium thionyl chloride, and other new lithium primary batteries; lithium-ion batteries, nickel hydrogen batteries, new-structure (coiled and tubular, among others) sealed lead-acid batteries and other power batteries; lithium-ion batteries for energy storage, and new large-capacity sealed lead-acid batteries; and super batteries and super capacitors 16、锂二硫化铁、锂亚硫酰氯等新型锂原电池;锂离子电池、氢镍电池、新型结构(卷绕式、管式等)密封铅蓄电池等动力电池;储能用锂离子电池和新型大容量密封铅蓄电池;超级电池和超级电容器
17. Lithium iron phosphate and other cathode materials used for lithium-ion batteries, mesocarbon microbeads (MCMB), lithium titanate and other anode materials, single-layer and three-layer composite lithium-ion battery separators, fluorinated ethylene carbonate (FEC), and other electrolytes and additives; harmless recycling of used lead-acid batteries, and manufacturing of secondary lead process equipment system with annual recycling capacity of 50,000 tons or more 17、锂离子电池用磷酸铁锂等正极材料、中间相炭微球和钛酸锂等负极材料、单层与三层复合锂离子电池隔膜、氟代碳酸乙烯酯(FEC)等电解质与添加剂;废旧铅酸蓄电池资源化无害化回收,年回收能力5万吨以上再生铅工艺装备系统制造
18. Various types of advanced solar photovoltaic cell materials and high-purity crystalline silicon materials (conversion efficiency of monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic cells is greater than 17%, conversion efficiency of polycrystalline silicon cells is greater than 16%, conversion efficiency of silicon-based thin-film cells is greater than 7%, conversion efficiency of cadmium telluride cells is greater than 9%, and conversion efficiency of copper indium gallium selenide cells is greater than 12%) 18、先进的各类太阳能光伏电池及高纯晶体硅材料(单晶硅光伏电池的转化效率大于17%,多晶硅电池的转化效率大于16%,硅基薄膜电池转化效率大于7%,碲化镉电池的转化效率大于9%,铜铟镓硒电池转化效率大于12%)
19. Manufacturing of automated production outfits of lithium-ion batteries; and manufacturing of automated production outfits of alkaline zinc-manganese batteries with a production capacity of 600 batteries/min or more 19、锂离子电池自动化生产成套装备制造;碱性锌锰电池600只/分钟以上自动化生产成套装备制造
20. Tanning and fur processing cleaner production, development of new technologies of leather post-finishing, manufacturing of key equipment, and comprehensive utilization of leather waste; recycling of leather chrome tanning liquid waste and comprehensive utilization of trivalent chromium sludge; development, production, and application of functional chemical products such as ashless expansion (assistant) agents, ammonia-free deliming (assistant) agents, salt-free pickling (assistant) agents, high-exhaustion chrome tanning (assistant) agents, natural vegetable tanning agents, and water-based finishing (assistant) agents used for top grade leather 20、制革及毛皮加工清洁生产、皮革后整饰新技术开发及关键设备制造、皮革废弃物综合利用;皮革铬鞣废液的循环利用,三价铬污泥综合利用;无灰膨胀(助)剂、无氨脱灰(助)剂、无盐浸酸(助)剂、高吸收铬鞣(助)剂、天然植物鞣剂、水性涂饰(助)剂等高档皮革用功能性化工产品开发、生产与应用
21. Development of technologies of energy-efficient electric light sources (high and low-pressure discharge lamps and solid state lighting products), production of relevant products, and application of solid mercury production techniques; and recycling and reusing of waste and used lamps 21、高效节能电光源(高、低气压放电灯和固态照明产品)技术开发、产品生产及固汞生产工艺应用;废旧灯管回收再利用
22. Development and production of energy-efficient household appliances 22、高效节能家电开发与生产
23. Development and production of multiple-effect, energy-saving, water-saving, and environment-friendly surfactants and concentrated synthetic detergents 23、多效、节能、节水、环保型表面活性剂和浓缩型合成洗涤剂的开发与生产
24. Development and manufacturing of air conditioners using new refrigerants to replace hydrochloroflurocarbon-22 (HCFC-22 or R22), production of household appliances using new blowing agents to replace hydrochloroflurocarbon-141b (HCFC-141b), and production and application of rigid polyurethane foam using new blowing agents to replace hydrochloroflurocarbon-141b (HCFC-141b) 24、采用新型制冷剂替代氢氯氟烃-22(HCFC-22 或 R22)的空调器开发、制造,采用新型发泡剂替代氢氯氟烃-141b(HCFC-141b)的家用电器生产,采用新型发泡剂替代氢氯氟烃-141b(HCFC-141b)的硬质聚氨酯泡沫的生产与应用
25. Design and application of energy-saving and environment-friendly glass furnaces (including all-electric melting, electric boosting, and oxygen-fuel combustion technologies); and recycling of waste (broken) glass 25、节能环保型玻璃窑炉(含全电熔、电助熔、全氧燃烧技术)的设计、应用;废(碎)玻璃回收再利用
26. Development of techniques and technologies and production of lightweight glass containers (disposable small-diameter glass bottles with a lightweight degree L ≤ 1.0) and development and production of key equipment 26、轻量化玻璃瓶罐(轻量化度L≤1.0的一次性使用小口径玻璃瓶)工艺技术和关键装备的开发与生产
27. Production of water-based inks, UV-curable inks, vegetable oil inks, and other energy-saving and environment-friendly inks 27、水性油墨、紫外光固化油墨、植物油油墨等节能环保型油墨生产
28. Development of new technologies and production of natural food additives and natural flavors 28、天然食品添加剂、天然香料新技术开发与生产
29. Research, development, and manufacturing of advanced food production equipment; and research, development, and production of food quality and safety monitoring (testing) instruments and equipment 29、先进的食品生产设备研发与制造;食品质量与安全监测(检测)仪器、设备的研发与生产
30. Development and production of tropical fruit juice, berry juice, cereal beverages, herbal drinks, tea concentrates, tea powder, vegetable protein drinks, and other high value-added botanical beverages and construction of raw material processing bases; and comprehensive development and utilization of pomace and tea leaves, among others 30、热带果汁、浆果果汁、谷物饮料、本草饮料、茶浓缩液、茶粉、植物蛋白饮料等高附加价值植物饮料的开发生产与加工原料基地建设;果渣、茶渣等的综合开发与利用
31. Development and production of nutritional and healthy rice, wheat flour (tailored food rice, germinated brown rice, rice with remained germ, tailored food flour, whole wheat flour, and nutrient fortified products, among others) and their products; industrialized production of traditional staple food; and development and production of special equipment for grain processing 31、营养健康型大米、小麦粉(食品专用米、发芽糙米、留胚米、食品专用粉、全麦粉及营养强化产品等)及制品的开发生产;传统主食工业化生产;杂粮加工专用设备开发与生产
32. Development and application of key technologies for the comprehensive utilization of by-products of grain and oil processing (rice husks, rice bran, wheat bran, germs, and dregs, among others) 32、粮油加工副产物(稻壳、米糠、麸皮、胚芽、饼粕等)综合利用关键技术开发应用
33. Rapeseed oil production lines: adopting puffing, vacuum evaporation, thermal self-balancing utilization, low-consumption steam vacuum systems and other technologies, with a daily rapeseed processing capacity in the main rapeseed producing areas being 400 tons or more and with solvent consumption of less than 1.5 kg per ton (in particular, the daily rapeseed processing capacity in middle and western China is 200 tons or more, with solvent consumption of less than 2 kg per ton); peanut oil production lines: with a daily peanut processing capacity in the main peanut producing areas being 200 tons or more and with solvent consumption of less than 2 kg per ton; cottonseed oil production lines: with a daily cottonseed processing capacity in the cottonseed producing areas being 300 tons or more and with solvent consumption of less than 2 kg per ton; rice bran oil production lines: adopting decentralized rapid expansion and centralized oil making and refining technologies; corn germ oil production lines; and processing and production lines of camellia seed, walnut, and other woody oil plants and flax, sesame, sunflower seed, and other small species of oil plants 33、菜籽油生产线:采用膨化、负压蒸发、热能自平衡利用、低消耗蒸汽真空系统等技术,油菜籽主产区日处理油菜籽 400 吨及以上、吨料溶剂消耗 1.5 公斤以下(其中西部地区日处理油菜籽 200 吨及以上、吨料溶剂消耗 2 公斤)以下;花生油生产线:花生主产区日处理花生200吨及以上,吨料溶剂消耗2公斤以下;棉籽油生产线:棉籽产区日处理棉籽 300 吨及以上,吨料溶剂消耗 2 公斤以下;米糠油生产线:采用分散快速膨化,集中制油、精炼技术;玉米胚芽油生产线;油茶籽、核桃等木本油料和胡麻、芝麻、葵花籽等小品种油料加工生产线
34. Production of small species of amino acids (excluding lysine and glutamic acid) by the fermentation process and production of new enzyme preparations (excluding glucoamylase and amylase), polyhydric alcohols, and functional fermented products (functional sugars, fungal polysaccharides, functional red yeast, antioxidant and composite functional ingredients produced by the fermentation process, active peptides, and probiotics), among others 34、发酵法工艺生产小品种氨基酸(赖氨酸、谷氨酸除外),新型酶制剂(糖化酶、淀粉酶除外)、多元醇、功能性发酵制品(功能性糖类、真菌多糖、功能性红曲、发酵法抗氧化和复合功能配料、活性肽、微生态制剂)等生产
35. Potato modified starch 35、薯类变性淀粉
36. Comprehensive utilization and decontamination of bones, blood and offal of livestock and poultry and other by-products 36、畜禽骨、血及内脏等副产物综合利用与无害化处理
37. Production of high-quality low-temperature meat products using bio-fermentation technologies 37、采用生物发酵技术生产优质低温肉制品
38. Development and production of enamel electrostatic powder, pre-milled powder, and other new high-tech and new-type porcelain enamel; key equipment of electrostatic enamel; and sheet steel plate enamel of 0.3 mm or less

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