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The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Johannesburg Action Plan(2016-2018) [Effective]
中非合作论坛—约翰内斯堡行动计划(2016—2018年) [现行有效]

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Johannesburg Action Plan(2016-2018)




1. Preamble 1、序言

1.1 The Johannesburg Summit and the 6th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) were held in Johannesburg from 3 to 5 December 2015. Heads of State and Government, Heads of Delegation, the Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission and Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers in charge of economic cooperation from China and 50 African countries (hereafter referred to as "the two sides") attended the Summit and Ministerial Conference respectively.   1.1 2015年12月3日至5日,中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会暨第六届部长级会议在南非约翰内斯堡召开。来自中国和50个非洲国家(以下简称“双方”)的国家元首、政府首脑、代表团团长、非洲联盟委员会主席以及外交部长和负责经济合作事务的部长分别出席了峰会和部长会。
1.2 The two sides reviewed with satisfaction the development of relations between China and Africa and applauded the positive contribution FOCAC had made over the past 15 years since its inception in advancing the comprehensive and in-depth development of China-Africa relations, and agreed that FOCAC had become both a key platform for collective dialogue between China and African countries, and an effective mechanism for practical cooperation.   1.2 双方满意地回顾了中非关系发展历程,高度评价中非合作论坛成立15年来为推动中非关系全面、深入发展作出的积极贡献,认为论坛是中非开展集体对话的重要平台和进行务实合作的有效机制。
1.3 The two sides share the view that, as China works for the Two Centenary Goals and as Africa implements Agenda 2063 and its First 10-Year Implementation Plan, the current development strategies of China and Africa are highly compatible. The two sides shall make full use of their comparative advantages to transform and upgrade mutually beneficial cooperation focusing on better quality and higher efficiency to ensure the common prosperity of our peoples.   1.3 双方认为,中国正在致力于“两个一百年”奋斗目标,非洲正在落实《2063年议程》及其第一个十年规划,中非发展战略高度契合。双方应充分发挥比较优势,推动互利合作提质增效,确保共同繁荣。
1.4 The two sides are satisfied with the effective implementation of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2013-2015) adopted at the 5th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC, and decide, in the spirit of the Johannesburg Declaration of the Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, to jointly establish and develop comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership between China and Africa featuring political equality and mutual trust, economic cooperation for win-win results, exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and African civilizations, mutual assistance in security affairs, as well as solidarity and cooperation in international affairs.   1.4 双方对中非合作论坛第五届部长级会议通过的《中非合作论坛-北京行动计划(2013-2015年)》得到有效落实感到满意,决心本着《中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会宣言》精神,共同建立并发展政治上平等互信、经济上合作共赢、文明上交流互鉴、安全上守望相助和国际事务中团结协作的全面战略合作伙伴关系。
1.5 In order to implement the outcomes of the Summit and the Conference, and chart the course of China-Africa friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation in all fields in the next three years under the theme of "China-Africa Progressing Together: Win-Win Cooperation for Common Development", the two sides jointly formulate and adopt with consensus this Action Plan.   1.5 为落实会议成果,围绕“中非携手并进:合作共赢、共同发展”这一主题,规划今后3年中非各领域友好互利合作,双方共同制定并一致通过本行动计划。

2. Political Cooperation 2.政治合作

2.1 High-level Visits and Dialogue   2.1 高层互访与对话
The two sides will continue to encourage high-level mutual visits and dialogue in order to consolidate traditional friendship, enhance political mutual trust and deepen strategic consensus and coordination. 将继续鼓励高层互访与对话,巩固传统友好,增进政治互信,深化战略共识和协调。
2.2 Consultation and Cooperation Mechanisms   2.2 磋商与合作机制
2.2.1 So as to enhance the planning and implementation of relations and cooperation between China and African countries, the two sides agree to improve and encourage mechanisms such as bilateral joint commissions, strategic dialogues, foreign ministries' political consultations, and joint/mixed commissions on economic and trade cooperation. 2.2.1 为加强中非关系与合作的规划和落实,双方同意完善并鼓励中国与非洲国家双边委员会、战略对话、外交部政治磋商、经贸联(混)合委员会等机制建设。
2.2.2 The two sides will continue to strengthen the mechanism of regular political consultations between Chinese and African Foreign Ministers. 2.2.2 不断增强中非外长定期政治磋商机制作用。
2.3 Exchanges between Legislatures, Consultative Bodies, Political Parties and Local Governments   2.3 立法机关、协商机构、政党、地方政府交往
2.3.1 The two sides will enhance exchanges and cooperation between the National People's Congress of China and African national parliaments, regional parliaments, the Pan-African Parliament and the African Parliamentary Union, to consolidate the traditional China-Africa friendship and promote mutually beneficial cooperation. 2.3.1 加强中国全国人民代表大会与非洲国家议会、地区议会、泛非议会、非洲议会联盟的交流与合作,巩固中非传统友谊,促进互利合作。
2.3.2 The two sides will expand and enhance exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and African national parliaments, regional parliaments, the Pan-African Parliament and the African Parliamentary Union. 2.3.2 扩大和加强中国人民政治协商会议与非洲国家议会、地区议会、泛非议会和非洲议会联盟的交流与合作。
2.3.3 The two sides will deepen exchanges between the China Economic and Social Council, the AU Economic, Social and Cultural Committee, and the economic and social councils and other relevant institutions in African countries. 2.3.3 深化中国经济社会理事会与非盟经济社会文化理事会及非洲各国经济社会理事会等相关机构的交往。
2.3.4 The two sides will increase the frequency of high-level contacts between political parties, enhance cooperation on personnel training, deepen bilateral and multilateral political dialogues, and increase experience sharing on governance and national development. 2.3.4 加大政党高层交往频率,提升干部培训合作水平,深化双边和多边政治对话,加强治国理政和发展经验交流。
2.3.5 The two sides will promote exchanges and cooperation between local governments, and support the establishment of more sister provinces/cities relationships, as well as the institutionalization of the China-Africa Forum on Cooperation between Local Governments. 2.3.5 加强地方政府交流与合作,支持双方建立更多的友好省市关系,支持“中非地方政府合作论坛”机制化。
2.4 China and the African Union and the African Sub-Regions   2.4 中国与非洲联盟及非洲次区域组织
2.4.1 The two sides recognize the important role of the African Union in safeguarding peace and stability in Africa, promoting the development of Africa, and advancing the integration process of Africa. The two sides, furthermore, acknowledge with appreciation the efforts and contributions made by China to support Africa's peaceful and stable development and integration. 2.4.1 认识到非盟在维护非洲和平与稳定、促进非洲发展、推动非洲一体化进程方面发挥的重要作用。双方赞赏中方为支持非洲和平稳定发展和一体化所作的努力和贡献。
2.4.2 The two sides appreciate the comprehensive development of relations between China, sub-regional and pan-african organizations and the African Union, agree to maintain the momentum of high-level exchanges, continue to improve the strategic dialogue mechanism, and enhance strategic mutual trust and practical cooperation. 2.4.2 赞赏中国与次区域、泛非组织和非盟关系全面发展,同意保持双方高层交往势头,继续完善战略对话机制,加强战略互信和务实合作。
2.4.3 China appreciates the adoption of Agenda 2063 and its First 10-Year Implementation Plan by the African Union, and will continue to support the African Union in its efforts to build a united, integrated and prosperous Africa that is at peace with itself and the world. 2.4.3 中方赞赏非盟通过《2063年议程》及其第一个十年规划,将继续支持非盟为建设一个联合、一体化和繁荣的非洲,实现非洲自身和世界的和平所作努力。
2.4.4 The Chinese side appreciates the positive role of the African Union Commission since it became a member of the FOCAC, and will also continue to strengthen cooperation with and support for the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). 2.4.4 中方赞赏非盟委员会加入中非合作论坛以来发挥的积极作用,将继续加强并支持中非合作论坛与“非洲发展新伙伴计划”的合作。
2.4.5 The two sides agree to actively implement the Memorandum of Understanding on the Promotion of China-Africa Cooperation in the Fields of Railway, Highway, Regional Aviation Networks and Industrialization, making good use of existing cooperation mechanisms such as the Joint Working Group of Transnational and Trans-regional Infrastructure Cooperation in Africa, and to promote practical cooperation between China and the African Union in priority fields. 2.4.5 积极落实《关于促进中国与非洲开展铁路、公路和区域航空网络和工业化领域合作的谅解备忘录》,用好非洲跨国跨区域基础设施合作联合工作组等现有合作机制,推进中国与非盟在重点领域的务实合作。
2.4.6 The African Union appreciates the establishment of the Mission of China to the AU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. China invites the African Union to establish a representative office in Beijing at an early date. 2.4.6 非盟赞赏中方在埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴设立中国驻非盟使团。中方邀请非盟尽快在北京设立代表处。
2.4.7 The Chinese side will further support the capacity building of the African Union and sub-regional organizations in Africa in various forms, such as through human resources development. 2.4.7 中方将继续通过人力资源开发等多种方式,进一步支持非盟和非洲次区域组织的能力建设。
2.4.8 The Chinese side will establish and improve mechanisms of economic and trade cooperation with regional and sub-regional organizations in Africa, enhance economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa at regional and multilateral levels. The Chinese side welcomes and supports African initiatives regarding the creation of free trade zones and will study the possibility of establishing free trade zone cooperation. 2.4.8 中方将与非洲区域和次区域组织建立健全经贸合作机制,加强区域和多边经贸合作。中方鼓励并支持非洲自贸区倡议,将探讨启动自贸区合作的可行性。

3. Economic Cooperation 3.经济合作

3.1 Agriculture and Food Security   3.1 农业与粮食安全
3.1.1 The two sides agree that realizing agriculture modernization in Africa by strengthening China-Africa agricultural cooperation is an important way to contribute to food security in Africa, and should be given priority in the context of China-Africa cooperation projects. The cooperation will enhance agricultural transformation and upgrading, increase agricultural production, processing and income, and safeguard food security in Africa bearing in mind the prevailing regulatory requirements. 3.1.1 认为加强中非农业合作,助推非洲实现农业现代化是帮助非洲实现粮食安全的重要途径,应列入中非合作的优先领域。该领域合作将根据现行规则要求,推动非洲农业转型升级,提高农业产量、加工水平和收入,促进粮食安全。
3.1.2 The two sides will continue to strengthen cooperation in the fields of agricultural policy consultation, planning and design, and support the implementation of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) through assisting to build agriculture technology demonstration centres, sending professionals for technical cooperation, and training agricultural technicians. In this regard, the African side appreciates the support already rendered by the Chinese government for African countries to implement the CAADP. 3.1.2 继续加强农业政策磋商、规划设计等领域合作,通过援建农业技术示范中心、派遣农业专家开展技术合作、培训农业技术人员等方式,支持非洲国家实施“非洲农业综合发展计划”。非方赞赏中方为推动实施该计划给予非洲国家的支持。
3.1.3 The Chinese side will carry out agricultural demonstration projects in Africa, build or upgrade agricultural technology demonstration centres, make effective use of such centres focusing on agricultural research, demonstration and training, expanding training, transferring breeding and plantation technologies and cooperate with African countries to increase agricultural unit productivity. 3.1.3 中方将在非洲实施农业示范项目,建设或升级援非农业技术示范中心,有效发挥示范中心在农业研究、示范、培训等方面的作用,扩大培训,传授育种和种植技术,支持非洲国家提高农业单位产量。
3.1.4 The Chinese side will continue to send 30 teams of senior agriculture experts and teachers to provide vocational education to African countries, as well as to increase the number of African personnel trained in agro-technology and administration in China, in order to improve overall agricultural technology and management. 3.1.4 中方将继续向非洲国家派遣30批高级农业专家组,提供农业职业教育培训,扩大为非洲国家在华培训农业技术和管理人员,提升农业整体技术与管理水平。
3.1.5. The Chinese side will help African countries develop water conservancy and irrigation projects, implement the project of "Agriculture Leads to Prosperity" in 100 African villages, provide African countries with emergency food assistance. 3.1.5 中方将帮助非洲国家建设农田水利设施,在非洲100个乡村实施“农业富民工程”,向非洲国家提供紧急粮食援助。
3.1.6 The two sides will actively cooperate in agricultural project designing, financing and management under the framework of the CAADP, as implemented through the AU and NEPAD, and offer support to feasibility studies on agricultural infrastructure construction. 3.1.6 参照非盟和“非洲发展新伙伴计划”做法,积极推进在“非洲农业综合发展计划”框架下的项目设计、融资和管理等合作,为农业基础设施建设项目的可行性研究提供支持。
3.1.7 The Chinese side will continue to work with African countries to jointly implement high quality and high yield agricultural demonstration projects, encourage and guide China's agro-science research organizations and enterprises to work with their African counterparts to carry out experimental demonstrations for high-quality and high-yield agriculture, establish "10+10" cooperative mechanism among China-Africa agro-science research institutions, focus on facilitating joint research on breeding and the production of seeds as well as plant protection, specifically focusing on increasing outputs of grain, cotton and other key crops in African countries. 3.1.7 中方将继续同非洲国家共同实施农业优质高产示范工程,鼓励与引导中国农业科研单位、企业等同非洲国家共同开展农作物优质高产试验示范,建立中非农业科研机构“10+10”合作机制,重点推动在育种制种、植物保护等领域开展联合研究,提高非洲国家粮食、棉花和其他重点农作物的产量和质量。
3.1.8 The Chinese side will encourage and support Chinese enterprises to invest in agriculture in Africa; implement cooperation projects focusing on technical support in grain planting, storage, sanitary and phytosanitary requirements, animal husbandry, agro-processing capacity, forestry, and fisheries to create a favourable environment for African countries to realize long-term food security supported by national agricultural production and processing. 3.1.8 中方将鼓励并支持中国企业在非洲开展农业投资,在粮食种植、仓储、卫生和植物检疫、畜牧养殖、农产品加工、林业、渔业等领域实施合作项目,提供技术支持,为非洲国家实现以本国农业生产和加工为支撑的长期粮食安全创造有利条件。
3.1.9 The two sides will encourage the trade of agricultural products, improve trade policies, assess methods to promote agricultural trade, and continuously scale up the trade of agricultural products between China and Africa. 3.1.9 鼓励农产品贸易,完善贸易政策,评估促进农产品贸易的方式,不断扩大中非农产品贸易规模。
3.1.10 The Chinese side will continue to strengthen agricultural cooperation with Africa under the framework of the UNFAO "Special Programme for Food Security", and explore prospects of working with other institutions and countries to realise further agricultural cooperation with Africa. 3.1.10 中方将继续加强在联合国粮农组织“粮食安全特别计划”框架内同非洲国家加强农业合作,探讨与其他组织和国家共同开展对非农业合作。
3.1.11 The African side pledges to cooperate with the Chinese side in key fields such as exchanges on agricultural policies, agricultural infrastructure improvement, development of systems of agricultural support services, modern agricultural development capacity building, and investment in the complete value chain of agriculture to improve Africa's agricultural production and strengthen its capability to ensure food security. It will create an enabling environment for Chinese enterprises to invest and trade in agriculture in Africa, and offer support that includes preferential policies in agriculture, land, agricultural infrastructure, fiscal financing and insurance service, in accordance with local laws. 3.1.11 非方承诺在农业政策交流、农业基础设施改善、农业支持服务体系发展、现代农业发展能力建设及农业全产业链投资等重点领域同中方开展合作,提高非洲农业产量,增强非洲粮食安全保障能力,并根据当地法律为中国企业在非开展农业投资及贸易营造良好环境,在农业、土地、农业基础设施、财政金融、保险方面提供包括优惠政策等在内的支持。
3.2 Industry Partnering and Industrial Capacity Cooperation   3.2 产业对接与产能合作
3.2.1 The two sides believe that industrialization is an imperative to ensure Africa's independent and sustainable development. There are mutual needs for industry partnering and industrial capacity cooperation between China and Africa. Both sides enjoy respective advantages and will bring opportunities to each other. The two sides are ready to combine China's competitive industries and high-quality industrial capacity with Africa's industrialization and economy diversification to promote bilateral cooperation aimed at comprehensive transformation and upgrading. 3.2.1 认为工业化是非洲实现自主可持续发展的必然途径,中非开展产业对接与产能合作互有需要、互有优势、互为机遇,双方愿将中国优势产业和优质产能同非洲实现工业化和经济多元化紧密结合起来,推动双方合作全面发展。
3.2.2 The two sides commit to following a balanced approach to interests and principles, win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, market-based cooperation, and will actively carry out industry partnering and industrial capacity cooperation, while never pursuing development at the cost of the long-term interests and environments of their host countries. 3.2.2 本着义利并举、合作共赢、开放包容、市场运作的原则,积极开展产业对接与产能合作,绝不以牺牲当地的生态环境和长远利益为代价。
3.2.3 The two sides will make full use of the existing multilateral and bilateral cooperation mechanisms, enhance planning, policy coordination and industry partnering, and promote the mutually beneficial development of industrial capacity. 3.2.3 充分发挥现有多双边合作机制的作用,加强规划、政策协调和产业对接,促进产能互利发展。
3.2.4 The Chinese side is willing to give priority to Africa in industrial partnering and industrial capacity cooperation. The African side welcomes the transfer of labour-intensive competitive industrial capacities of China to Africa in an orderly way, assisting Africa to increase employment, taxation and foreign exchange, and achieving technology transfer and common development. The two sides agree to select several African countries to set up pilot and demonstration programmes, jointly establish or upgrade a number of industrial parks and support the development of infrastructure and public services facilities to accumulate experience, explore effective methods and offer a cooperation model for driving forward China-Africa industrial partnering and industrial capacity cooperation in a comprehensive and orderly fashion. 3.2.4 中方愿将非洲作为产业对接和产能合作的优先对象。非方欢迎中方优质劳动密集型产能向非洲有序转移,帮助非洲增加就业、税收和外汇,实现技术转让和共同发展。双方同意优先选择几个非洲国家打造先行先试示范点,合作新建或升级一批工业园区,并提供基础设施和公共服务设施建设支持,为全面、有序推进中非产业对接和产能合作积累经验,探讨有效途径,提供合作样板。
3.2.5 The Chinese side will set up a China-Africa production capacity cooperation fund, with an initial pledge of US$10 billion, to support China-Africa industry partnering and industrial capacity cooperation. 3.2.5 中方将设立首批资金100亿美元的“中非产能合作基金”,支持中非产业对接与产能合作。
3.2.6 The Chinese side will send senior government experts and consultants to Africa countries to offer advice and assistance on industrialization layout, policy planning, operation and management. 3.2.6 中方将向非洲国家派遣政府高级专家顾问,提供工业化规划布局、政策设计、运营管理等方面的咨询和帮助。
3.2.7 African countries will continue to improve laws, regulations and infrastructure, introduce preferential policies and improve government services wherever possible, so as to create enabling conditions and an environment to attract investment by Chinese companies and support industries and industrial capacity from China, where mutually beneficial. 3.2.7 非洲国家将继续尽力完善法律法规和基础设施、出台优惠政策、提供高效务实的政府服务,为吸引中国企业投资、承接中方产业和产能创造良好条件和环境,实现双方互利。
3.3 Infrastructure Development   3.3 基础设施建设
3.3.1 The two sides agree that underdeveloped infrastructure is one of the bottlenecks hindering independent and sustainable development of Africa. The two sides will take concrete measures and give priority to encourage Chinese businesses and financial institutions to expand investment through various means, such as Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), to support African countries and the African flagship projects, in particular the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa and the Presidential Infrastructure Championing Initiative, in their efforts to build railroad, highway, regional aviation, ports, electricity, water supply, information and communication and other infrastructure projects, support African countries in establishing 5 transportation universities and facilitate infrastructure connectivity and economic integration in Africa. 3.3.1 认为基础设施滞后是制约非洲实现自主可持续发展的主要瓶颈之一。决心采取切实举措,优先鼓励中国企业和金融机构采取“公私合营”或“建设-经营-转让”等多种形式,扩大投资规模,支持非洲国家和非洲的旗舰项目,尤其是“非洲基础设施发展计划”和“总统优先基础设施倡议”,支持铁路、公路、区域航空、港口、电力、供水和信息通信等基础设施项目建设,支持非洲国家建设5所交通大学,促进非洲基础设施互联互通和经济一体化进程。
3.3.2 According to the plan of building transnational and trans-regional infrastructure in Africa, the two sides will explore and cooperate on the planning and construction of projects to achieve sub-regional connectivity and integration. The two sides will combine the national development demands and the projects' economic benefits, and drive Africa's infrastructure construction in a balanced and orderly way. 3.3.2 根据非洲跨国跨区域基础设施建设规划,深入探讨并推进非洲次区域互联互通和一体化项目的规划和建设合作。同意兼顾国家发展需要和项目经济效益,平衡、有序推进非洲基础设施建设。
3.3.3 The two sides will enhance planning and coordination on the construction and renovation of highway networks in Africa, in particular promoting construction of transnational highway networks in Africa. 3.3.3 就非洲公路网建设和改造加强规划与协调,尤其是共同推进非洲国家之间高速公路网建设。
3.3.4 The two sides will jointly formulate the China-Africa Railway Cooperation Action Plan (2016-2020), promoting the construction of railway networks in Africa. 3.3.4 共同制定《中非铁路合作行动计划(2016-2020年)》,推进非洲铁路网建设。
3.3.5 The two sides will implement the China-Africa regional aviation cooperation programme, actively supporting the establishment of transnational regional aviation networks linking African countries, and enhancing coordination and cooperation in standards, planning consultation, special training, improving aviation infrastructure, operating joint venture airlines, and offering regional civil airlines, taking into consideration local employment, sourcing, human capacity building and the transfer of technology. 3.3.5 落实中非区域航空合作计划,积极支持非洲国家之间的区域航空网建设,并在非洲国家适航标准、规划咨询、专项培训、完善航空基础设施建设、开展合资航空运营、提供民用支线客机等方面加强协调与合作,充分考虑当地就业、当地采购、人员能力建设和技术转移。
3.3.6 The two sides will support each other on aviation market access, encourage and support more flights and shipping links between China and Africa by their airlines and shipping companies. The two sides encourage and support investment by competitive Chinese enterprises in ports, airports, and airline companies in Africa. 3.3.6 在航空市场准入方面相互支持,鼓励和支持双方空运、海运企业建立更多连接中国与非洲的航线。鼓励和支持有实力的中国企业投资非洲港口、机场和航空公司。
3.3.7 The Chinese side will explore the possibility of establishing a China-Africa civil aviation school in Africa, build infrastructure for aviation ground services, and enhance training of African civil aviation professionals, including technology transfer. 3.3.7 中方将探讨在非洲设立中非民航学院,建设地勤服务设施,加强非洲民航专业人员培训和技术转让。
3.3.8 The two sides encourage and support the participation of Chinese businesses in investment, construction and operation of power projects in Africa through multiple means, including expanded cooperation in water resources, coal-fired power, solar energy, nuclear energy, wind power, biomass power generation, power transmission and transformation, and grid construction and maintenance. 3.3.8 鼓励和支持中国企业通过多种方式参与非洲电力项目的投资、建设和运营,包括扩大双方在水电、火电、太阳能、核电、风电、生物能发电、输变电、电网建设和维护等领域的合作。
3.3.9 The two sides will enhance exchanges and cooperation between departments in charge of information, communications, radio and television, and will increase personnel training in the information field, share experiences of development in information and communication, and work together to safeguard information security. 3.3.9 加强信息通信和广播电视主管部门的交流合作,增加信息领域人才培训,分享信息通信发展经验,共同维护信息安全。
3.3.10 The two sides encourage Chinese enterprises to assist African countries' efforts to put in place digital radio and TV broadcasting systems, to promote digitalization of radio and TV services, and to benefit more people in the rural areas in Africa. 3.3.10 鼓励中国企业帮助非洲国家建设广播电视数字化播放系统,助力广播电视数字化,扩大非洲农村受益面。
3.3.11 The two sides encourage and support the participation of competitive Chinese enterprises of information, communication, radio and TV in building information infrastructure in Africa, such as cable networks and interconnection networks, and their involvement in mutually beneficial construction, operation and offering of services with African businesses in order to assist Africa to build information networks covering the whole continent. 3.3.11 鼓励和支持有实力的中国信息通信和广播电视企业参与非洲国家光缆网和互联互通网络等信息基础设施建设,并在建设、运营、服务等方面同非洲企业开展互利合作,帮助非洲建设覆盖整个大陆的信息网络。
3.3.12 The two sides will actively explore and push forward cooperation in information and communication technology, help African countries to build "Smart Cities", and enhance the roles of information and communication technology in safeguarding social security, and fighting against terrorism and crime. 3.3.12 积极探讨和推进信息通信技术合作,帮助非洲国家建设“智能城市”,提升信息通信技术在维护社会治安、反恐和打击犯罪等方面的作用。
3.3.13 The two sides will cooperate with international organizations such as International Telecommunication Union, narrow the digital divide in Africa, and promote the building of an information society in Africa. 3.3.13 与国际电信联盟等国际组织合作,缩小非洲数字鸿沟,推进非洲信息社会建设。
3.4 Energy and Natural Resources   3.4 能源和自然资源
3.4.1 In view of the strong complementarity and cooperation potential between China and Africa in energy and natural resources, the two sides will encourage cooperation in the exploitation of resources, and support joint development and proper use of the energy and natural resources of the two sides, including beneficiation at the source. 3.4.1 注意到中非在能源、自然资源领域具有很强的互补性和合作潜力,鼓励双方开展资源开发合作,支持双方共同开发和合理利用能源和自然资源,包括惠及资源当地。
3.4.2 The two sides will enhance African countries' capacity for intensive processing of energy and natural resource products during their cooperation, ensuring increased local employment and value addition of primary products, while protecting the local eco-environment. 3.4.2 决心在合作中提高非洲国家能源和自然资源产品深加工能力,增加当地就业和初级产品附加值,保护当地生态环境。
3.4.3 The two sides will encourage energy and resources cooperation, support Chinese and African enterprises and financial institutions to conduct mutually beneficial cooperation, in particular encouraging these enterprises to assist the African side with beneficiation technologies through technology transfer and capacity building, thus helping African countries to translate their energy and natural resources potential into real socio-economic development.
 3.4.3 鼓励能源资源合作,支持中非企业和金融机构开展互利合作,尤其鼓励企业通过技术转移和能力建设帮助非洲从中受益,帮助非洲国家将能源和自然资源潜能转化为实实在在的经济社会发展。

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