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The Suzhou Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries [Effective]
中国—中东欧国家合作苏州纲要 [现行有效]

The Suzhou Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries



On 24 November 2015, the 4th Summit of China and Central and Eastern European Countries (hereinafter referred to as "CEECs") was held in Suzhou, China. Premier Li Keqiang of the People's Republic of China, President Andrzej Duda of the Republic of Poland, Prime Minister Edi Rama of the Republic of Albania, Chairman of the Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov of the Republic of Bulgaria, Speaker of Parliament Josip Leko of the Republic of Croatia, Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka of the Czech Republic, Prime Minister Taavi Roivas of the Republic of Estonia, Prime Minister Orban Viktor of Hungary, Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma of the Republic of Latvia, Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius of the Republic of Lithuania, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of the Republic of Macedonia, Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic of Montenegro, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic of the Republic of Serbia, Prime Minister Miro Cerar of the Republic of Slovenia, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Commerce and Relations with the Business Environment Costin Borc of Romania and Deputy Prime Minister Lubomir Vazny of the Slovak Republic attended the meeting. They expressed appreciation and gratitude to China for the efforts it had made as the host country to ensure the success of the meeting. 2015年11月24日,第四次中国-中东欧国家领导人会晤在中国苏州举行。中华人民共和国国务院总理李克强和波兰共和国总统安杰伊·杜达、阿尔巴尼亚共和国总理埃迪·拉马、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那部长会议主席戴尼斯·兹维兹迪奇、保加利亚共和国总理博伊科·博里索夫、克罗地亚共和国议会议长约西普·莱科、捷克共和国总理博胡斯拉夫·索博特卡、爱沙尼亚共和国总理塔维·罗伊瓦斯、匈牙利总理欧尔班·维克多、拉脱维亚共和国总理莱姆多塔·斯特劳尤马、立陶宛共和国总理阿尔吉尔达斯·布特克维丘斯、马其顿共和国总理尼古拉·格鲁埃夫斯基、黑山总理米洛·久卡诺维奇、塞尔维亚共和国总理阿莱克桑达尔·武契奇、斯洛文尼亚共和国总理米罗·采拉尔、罗马尼亚副总理兼经贸和商业环境部长科斯汀·博尔克、斯洛伐克共和国副总理卢博米尔·瓦日尼出席会晤。出席会晤的领导人对中国作为东道国为会晤成功所作努力表示赞赏和感谢。欧盟、奥地利、欧洲复兴开发银行等应邀派代表作为观察员与会。
Representatives of other parties, including the EU, Austria and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, were present as observers.
Participants at the meeting (hereinafter referred to as "the Participants") commended the substantial progress that had been made in the past year in the cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (hereinafter referred to as "16+1 cooperation"), in particular in the implementation of the Belgrade Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (see Annex), welcomed and supported the important agreement between the Chinese and EU leaders on establishing the China-EU Connectivity Platform, as well as on developing synergies between the Belt and Road initiative of China and the Investment Plan for Europe, and between 16+1 cooperation and China-EU relations. The Participants expressed their readiness to seize these opportunities and work together to further advance 16+1 cooperation.
The Participants jointly formulated and issued, on the theme of "New Beginning, New Domains, New Vision" , the Suzhou Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries. 与会各方围绕“新起点 新领域 新愿景”主题,共同制定和发表《中国-中东欧国家合作苏州纲要》。
1. The Participants support Latvia in hosting the 5th China-CEEC Summit in 2016.   一、支持拉脱维亚承办2016年第五次中国-中东欧国家领导人会晤。
2. The Participants welcome the Medium-Term Agenda for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries issued during the 4th China-CEEC Summit, and are ready to implement it in light of their respective realities, needs and priorities.   二、欢迎会晤期间发表《中国-中东欧国家合作中期规划》,愿结合自身特点、需求和优先方向加以落实。
3. 16+1 National Coordinators' Meetings will be held in China and Latvia respectively in 2016.   三、2016年将分别在中国和拉脱维亚举办中国-中东欧国家合作国家协调员会议。
4. The Participants support the establishment of a mechanism of quarterly meetings between the Secretariat for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (hereinafter referred to as "the Secretariat"), its member organizations and CEEC embassies in China. The Participants support more efficient use of the Secretariat's website.   四、支持建立中国-中东欧国家合作秘书处及其成员单位与中东欧国家驻华使馆季度例会机制。支持对秘书处网站加以更有效利用。
5. Cooperation on Connectivity   五、互联互通合作
(1) The Participants note that the cooperation document on the Belt and Road initiative was signed between the governments of China and Hungary and that there is an interest to have similar documents between China and other CEECs, with a view to enhancing cooperation on regional connectivity. (一)注意到中国和匈牙利签署政府间“一带一路”合作文件,中国同其他中东欧国家有意向签署类似文件,促进区域互联互通合作。
(2) The Participants welcome the commencement of the regular express cargo railway transit from China to Poland. The Participants encourage and support similar links between China and other CEECs and appreciate the efforts assuring possibility that the goods could be transported in both directions. The Participants support the further development of the Eurasian Land Bridge and welcome the establishment of logistic centers in CEECs. (二)欢迎中国和波兰开通定期快速铁路货运中转班列,鼓励和支持中国和其他中东欧国家开通类似班列,赞赏为确保货物双向运输所作努力。支持继续建设亚欧大陆桥,欢迎在中东欧国家设立物流中心。
(3) The Participants appreciate the major progress that has been made in the modernization of the railway line connecting Budapest and Belgrade and welcome the joint efforts of the relevant parties for early completion of the project. (三)赞赏匈塞铁路项目取得重要进展,欢迎相关方共同努力,早日完成相关项目。
(4) The Participants welcome China, Hungary, Serbia and Macedonia in organizing the 2nd working group meeting and a workshop under the Framework Agreement on Cooperation in Facilitating Customs Clearance Among the Chinese, Hungarian, Serbian and Macedonian Customs in Budapest in 2016, streamlining customs clearance procedures for goods in transit and means of transport and increasing cooperation on customs clearance facilitation for the China-Europe Land-Sea Express Line. (四)欢迎中国、匈牙利、塞尔维亚和马其顿等相关国家2016年在布达佩斯举行海关通关便利化合作框架协议第二次工作组会议及专家研讨会,简化过境货物和运输工具通关手续,推动中欧陆海快线通关便利化合作。
(5) More CEEC customs are encouraged to take part in the third phase of the China-EU Smart and Secure Trade Lanes Pilot Project. (五)鼓励更多中东欧国家海关加入安全智能贸易航线试点计划第三阶段工作。
(6) The Participants welcome and support Serbia in leading the efforts to establish a China-CEEC association on transport and infrastructure cooperation and welcome the participation of relevant Chinese and CEEC institutions, businesses and organizations on a voluntary basis. (六)欢迎并支持塞尔维亚牵头组建中国-中东欧国家交通基础设施合作联合会,欢迎中国和中东欧国家相关机构、企业和团体根据自愿原则参与。
(7) The Participants welcome and support Latvia in leading the efforts to establish a China-CEEC secretariat on logistics cooperation and welcome the participation of relevant Chinese and CEEC institutions, businesses and organizations on a voluntary basis. (七)欢迎并支持拉脱维亚牵头组建中国-中东欧国家物流合作联合会,欢迎中国和中东欧国家相关机构、企业和团体根据自愿原则参与。
(8) The Participants welcome the relaunch of direct flights between Beijing and Budapest and the launch of direct flights between Beijing and Prague in addition to existing Beijing-Warsaw connection. The Participants support deepening civil aviation cooperation between China and more CEECs. (八)除北京-华沙直航航线外,欢迎北京-布达佩斯直航航线恢复、北京-布拉格直航开通。支持中国和更多中东欧国家深化民航领域合作。
(9) The 1st China-CEEC Transport Ministers' Meeting will be held in Riga, Latvia, in 2016. (九)2016年在拉脱维亚里加举行首届中国-中东欧国家交通部长会议。
6. Economic and Financial Cooperation   六、经贸金融合作
(1) The 2nd China-CEEC Ministerial Meeting on Promoting Trade and Economic Cooperation will be held in Ningbo, China, in June 2016. (一)2016年6月在中国宁波召开第二次中国-中东欧国家合作经贸促进部长级会议。
(2) The China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo will be held in Ningbo, China, in June 2016 during the China International Consumer Goods Fair. (二)2016年6月在中国宁波中国国际日用消费品博览会期间举办中国-中东欧国家投资贸易博览会。
(3) The 3rd Meeting of the China-CEEC Investment Promotion Agencies Contact Mechanism will be held in China in 2016. (三)2016年在中国召开中国-中东欧国家投资促进机构联系机制第三次会议。
(4) The Participants welcome and support Romania's initiative of setting up a Center for Dialogue in energy-related projects. The 1st meeting of the Center will be organized in Romania in 2016. (四)欢迎和支持罗马尼亚提出的能源项目对话与合作中心倡议,并于2016年在罗马尼亚举行首次会议。
(5) The Participants welcome and support the participation of Chinese and CEEC SMEs in the China International Small and Medium Enterprises Fair 2016. (五)欢迎和支持中国和中东欧16国中小企业参加2016年中国国际中小企业博览会。
(6) China will attend the Brno International Engineering Fair in the Czech Republic in 2016 as a partner country. (六)2016年中国以伙伴国身份参加捷克布尔诺国际机械博览会。
(7) The China Investment Forum will be held in the Czech Republic in 2016. (七)2016年在捷克举办中国投资论坛。
(8) The Participants welcome and support the organization of an economic forum focused on infrastructure, tourism and industrial capacity cooperation between China and CEECs, to be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the first half of 2016. (八)欢迎和支持2016年上半年在波黑萨拉热窝举行经贸论坛,重点探讨16+1基建、产能和旅游合作。
(9) Qualified CEEC financial institutions are welcomed to apply to be indirect participants in the RMB Cross-border Inter-bank Payment System (Phase One). (九)欢迎符合条件的中东欧境内金融机构申请成为人民币跨境支付系统(一期)的间接参与者。
(10) The Participants welcome the ongoing work leading to the signing of a statement of cooperation on crisis management between the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Czech National Bank and the signing of an MoU on regulatory cooperation between the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. (十)欢迎中国银监会同捷克中央银行适时签署跨境危机管理合作协议,并与波兰金融监管局重新签署银行监管合作谅解备忘录。
7. Agricultural and Forestry Cooperation   七、农林合作
(1) The 11th China-CEEC Agrotrade and Economic Cooperation Forum will be held in China in 2016, in conjunction with the 2nd meeting of the China-CEEC Association on Promoting Agricultural Cooperation. (一)2016年在中国举办第十一届中国与中东欧国家农业经贸合作论坛,同期召开中国-中东欧国家农业合作促进联合会第二次会议。
(2) An exhibition area will be set aside for top-quality CEEC agro-products at the 14th China International Agricultural Trade Fair to be held in Yunnan Province, China, in the second half of 2016. (二)2016年下半年在中国云南举办的第十四届中国国际农产品交易会上设立中东欧国家精品农产品展区。
(3) The Chinese side will create a free-of-charge exhibition space for top-quality CEEC wines and spirits at the National Agriculture Exhibition Center. (三)中方将在全国农业展览馆内设置中东欧国家精品葡萄酒和烈性酒展区,并免费提供场地。
(4) The Participants welcome the signing or the work leading to the signing of the relevant protocols on quarantine of animal and animal-originated products to be exported to China between China and Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Poland and Estonia respectively. The Participants support China and more CEECs in expanding trade of agro-products and food. (四)欢迎中国与塞尔维亚、马其顿、斯洛文尼亚、立陶宛、波兰、爱沙尼亚签署有关动物及动物源性产品输华检疫议定书。支持中国与更多中东欧国家进一步扩大农产品和食品贸易。
(5) The Participants support Slovenia in leading the efforts to establish a China-CEEC coordination mechanism for forestry cooperation. The 1st China-CEEC High-Level Meeting on Cooperation in Forestry will be held in Slovenia in May 2016. (五)支持斯洛文尼亚牵头组建中国-中东欧国家林业合作协调机制。2016年5月在斯洛文尼亚召开第一次中国-中东欧国家高级别林业合作会议。
(6) The Participants welcome China and CEECs in signing agreements on strengthening cooperation in water resources and agricultural irrigation. (六)欢迎中国同中东欧国家签署加强水资源、农业灌溉等领域合作协议。
8. Cooperation on Science, Technology and Health   八、科技卫生合作
(1) The 3rd China-CEEC Seminar on Innovation, Technology Cooperation and International Technology Transfer will be held in China in 2016.

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