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Announcement of the National Energy Administration on Requesting for Public Comments on the Energy Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft)

Announcement of the National Energy Administration on Requesting for Public Comments on the Energy Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft) 


Since 2017, under the guidance of the former Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Justice, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration have organized the formation of an expert panel and a special work team to further amend the revised draft of the Energy Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft for Review) and developed the new Energy Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft), on which public comments are hereby requested once again. 2017年以来,在原国务院法制办、司法部的指导下,国家发展改革委、国家能源局组织成立了专家组和工作专班对《中华人民共和国能源法(送审稿)》修改稿进一步修改完善,形成新的《中华人民共和国能源法(征求意见稿)》,现再次向社会公开征求意见。
Relevant entities and the public may offer comments and recommendations on the Energy Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft) by e-mail (yijian@nea.gov.cn) before May 9, 2020. 欢迎有关单位和社会各界人士在2020年5月9日前,以电子邮件的方式(yijian@nea.gov.cn),就《中华人民共和国能源法(征求意见稿)》提出宝贵意见建议。
Thank you for your participation and support. 感谢您的参与和支持!
Annexes: 附件:
1. Energy Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft) 1. 《中华人民共和国能源法(征求意见稿)》
2. An Explanation of Drafting the Energy Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft) 2. 《中华人民共和国能源法(征求意见稿)》起草说明
National Energy Administration 国家能源局
April 3, 2020 2020年4月3日
Annex 1 附件1
Energy Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft) 《中华人民共和国能源法(征求意见稿)》
Contents 目录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Energy Strategies and Plans 第二章 能源战略和规划
Chapter III Energy Exploitation, Processing and Conversion 第三章 能源开发与加工转换
Section 1 General Provisions 第一节 一般规定
Section 2 Fossil Energy 第二节 化石能源
Section 3 Non-fossil Energy 第三节 非化石能源
Chapter IV Energy Supply and Consumption 第四章 能源供应与使用
Chapter V Energy Market 第五章 能源市场
Chapter VI Energy Security 第六章 能源安全
Chapter VII Scientific and Technological Progress 第七章 科技进步
Chapter VIII International Cooperation 第八章 国际合作
Chapter IX Supervision and Administration 第九章 监督管理
Chapter X Legal Liability 第十章 法律责任
Chapter XI Supplemental Provisions 第十一章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 [Legislation Purpose]   第一条 〔立法目的〕
This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of regulating energy exploitation, utilization, supervision and administration, guaranteeing energy security, optimizing the energy structure, enhancing energy efficiency, and promoting high quality energy development. 为了规范能源开发利用和监督管理,保障能源安全,优化能源结构,提高能源效率,促进能源高质量发展,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 2 [Scope of Application]   第二条 〔适用范围〕
This Law shall apply to energy exploitation and utilization within the territory and other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China and the supervision and administration thereof. 在中华人民共和国领域和管辖的其他海域内从事能源开发利用及监督管理活动,适用本法。
Where energy exploitation and utilization and the supervision and administration thereof are otherwise provided for in any other law, its provisions shall apply. 其他法律对能源开发利用及监督管理另有规定的,适用其规定。
Article 3 [Strategies and Systems]   第三条 〔战略和体系〕
Energy exploitation and utilization shall conform to the construction of ecological civilization, innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development concepts shall be implemented, the development orientation of promoting consumption revolution, supply revolution, technological revolution, institutional revolution and all-round enhancement of international cooperation shall be observed and promoted, the energy development strategy characterized by giving priority to energy conservation, relying on domestic resources, green, low-carbon and innovation-driven development shall be implemented, and a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system shall be built. 能源开发利用应当与生态文明相适应,贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享发展理念,遵循推动消费革命、供给革命、技术革命、体制革命和全方位加强国际合作的发展方向,实施节约优先、立足国内、绿色低碳和创新驱动的能源发展战略,构建清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系。
Article 4 [Structure Optimization]   第四条 〔结构优化〕
The state shall adjust and optimize the energy industrial structure and consumption structure, give priority to the development of renewable energy, develop nuclear power in a safe and efficient manner, increase the proportion of non-fossil energy, and promote the clean and efficient utilization and low-carbon development of fossil energy. 国家调整和优化能源产业结构和消费结构,优先发展可再生能源,安全高效发展核电,提高非化石能源比重,推动化石能源的清洁高效利用和低碳化发展。
Article 5 [Scientific and Technological Innovation]   第五条 〔科技创新〕
The state shall develop economic policies on energy technologies, conduct economic evaluation on new technology routes, encourage and support the research, development, popularization and application of energy science and technology, and promote the independent innovation and industrialization of energy science and technology. 国家制定能源技术经济政策,开展新技术路线的经济性评价,鼓励、支持能源科学技术的研究、开发和推广应用,促进能源科学技术的自主创新和产业化。
Article 6 [Emergency Capacity and Emergency Response]   第六条 〔安全储备和应急〕
The state shall establish and improve the rules for energy emergency capacity, effectively manage and control the development of strategic energy resources, improve the measures for the construction of strategic channels for energy transport and security protection, improve the energy forecast, early warning and emergency response mechanism, and enhance energy security and emergency response capabilities, so as to guarantee energy security. 国家建立和完善能源安全储备制度,有效管控战略能源资源开发,完善能源运输战略通道建设和安全保护措施,完善能源预测预警与应急处置机制,增强能源保障和应急处置能力,保障能源安全。
Article 7 [Work Safety]   第七条 〔安全生产〕
The energy work safety administration shall be people-oriented and adhere to safe development. The guiding principles of “safety first, giving priority to prevention, and comprehensive treatment” shall be adhered to, the primary responsibility for work safety shall be reinforced and implemented, work safety rules and regulations shall be established and improved, work safety supervision and administration shall be strengthened, the responsibilities of territorial regulation and department regulation shall be implemented, and input for work safety shall be guaranteed, so as to prevent and reduce work safety incidents. 能源安全生产管理应当以人为本,坚持安全发展。坚持安全第一、预防为主和综合治理的方针,强化落实安全生产主体责任,建立健全安全生产规章制度,加强安全生产监督管理,落实属地监管和部门监管责任,保障安全生产投入,预防和减少生产安全事故。
Article 8 [Regulation of Activities]   第八条 〔活动规范〕
Those engaging in energy planning, exploration, design, construction, production, processing and conversion, storage, transport, trading, supply, use and other activities shall comply with this Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, improve the conditions for energy exploitation and utilization, produce energy in a safe and efficient manner, use energy in a scientific and rational manner, and enhance energy use efficiency. 从事能源规划、勘查、设计、建设、生产、加工转换、储存、输送、交易、供应和使用等活动,应当遵守本法和有关法律、行政法规,改善能源开发利用条件,安全高效生产能源,科学合理使用能源,提高能源利用效率。
Article 9 [Construction Land]   第九条 〔建设用地〕
In energy construction, cultivated land shall be effectively protected and economy shall be practiced in land use. Compensation and resettlement shall be provided in accordance with the law if land expropriation or requisition is required. 能源建设应当切实保护耕地,节约用地。需要征收、征用土地的,依法予以补偿、安置。
Article 10 [Specialized Services]   第十条 〔专业服务〕
Entities and individuals providing specialized services for energy exploitation and utilization shall provide professional technological and management services in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and standards of practice, and shall be responsible for their service results. 为能源开发利用提供专业服务的单位和个人,依照法律、行政法规和执业准则提供专业技术、管理服务,并对服务结果负责。
Article 11 [Industry Associations]   第十一条 〔行业协会〕
Relevant industry associations shall provide relevant entities and individuals with such services as energy technologies, information and training in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, and articles of association, and exert their role of industry self-regulation. 有关行业协会依照法律、行政法规和章程,为相关单位和个人提供能源技术、信息和培训等服务,并发挥行业自律作用。
Article 12 [Universal Services]   第十二条 〔普遍服务〕
The state shall improve the universal energy service mechanism to ensure that citizens obtain basic energy supply and services. 国家健全能源普遍服务机制,保障公民获得基本能源供应与服务。
Article 13 [Supporting Energy in Rural Areas]   第十三条 〔扶持农村能源〕
The state shall, under the principles of making overall planning on urban and rural development, adopting measures suitable to local conditions, complementation of multiple energies, comprehensive utilization, and improving services, develop policies to support energy development in rural areas, increase the supply of clean and quality energy in rural areas, and improve energy services. 国家按照统筹城乡、因地制宜、多能互补、综合利用和提升服务的原则,制定政策扶持农村能源发展,增加农村清洁优质能源供应,提高能源服务水平。
The state shall support the exploitation of energy resources in rural areas, promote the utilization of renewable energy in light of local conditions, improve farmers' conditions for energy consumption for cooking, heating and other purposes, enhance energy consumption efficiency in rural production and daily life, and increase the proportion of clean energy in rural energy consumption. 国家支持农村能源资源开发,因地制宜推广利用可再生能源,改善农民炊事、取暖等用能条件,提高农村生产和生活用能效率,提高清洁能源在农村能源消费中的比重。
Article 14 [Energy Marketization]   第十四条 〔能源市场化〕
The state shall insist on maximizing the decisive role of market in resource allocation, establish a market structure and market mechanism featuring effective competition, form a mechanism in which energy price is mainly determined by the market in competitive fields, and establish an effective energy regulatory system. 国家坚持发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,构建有效竞争的市场结构和市场机制,在竞争性领域形成主要由市场决定能源价格的机制,建立有效的能源监管体系。
Investors, operators and managers engaging in energy exploitation and utilization activities shall have fair competition, and their lawful rights and interests shall be protected by law. 从事能源开发利用活动的投资、经营和管理主体应当公平竞争,其合法权益受法律保护。
Article 15 [Supply Guarantee]   第十五条 〔供应保障〕
The state shall support energy infrastructure construction and enhance energy guarantee capability, so as to ensure stable, reliable and effective energy supply and satisfy rational demand for energy consumption. 国家支持能源基础设施建设,提高能源保障能力,保证能源稳定、可靠和有效供给,满足合理的能源消费需求。
Article 16 [Supervision and Administration]   第十六条 〔监督管理〕
The energy department of the State Council shall conduct the supervision and administration of energy exploitation and utilization activities nationwide according to the duties provided for by this Law and the State Council. 国务院能源主管部门依照本法和国务院规定的职责对全国能源开发利用活动实施监督管理。
The energy departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall conduct the supervision and administration of energy exploitation and utilization activities within their respective administrative regions according to the duties provided for by this Law and people's governments at the same level. 县级以上地方人民政府能源主管部门依照本法和本级人民政府规定的职责,对本行政区域内能源开发利用活动实施监督管理。
The relevant departments of the State Council shall, according to the duties provided for by this Law, other relevant laws, administrative regulations and the State Council, conduct the supervision and administration of energy exploitation and utilization activities in relevant industries and fields within the scope of their respective duties. The relevant departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall, according to their respective duties prescribed by this Law, other relevant laws, administrative regulations and people's governments at the same level, conduct the supervision and administration of energy exploitation and utilization activities in relevant industries and fields within the scope of their respective duties. 国务院有关部门依照本法和其他有关法律、行政法规以及国务院规定的职责,在各自职责范围内对有关行业、领域的能源开发利用活动实施监督管理;县级以上地方人民政府有关部门依照本法和其他有关法律、行政法规以及本级人民政府规定的职责,在各自职责范围内对有关行业、领域的能源开发利用活动实施监督管理。
Article 17 [Standardization]   第十七条 〔标准化〕
The standardization administrative department of the State Council, the energy department of the State Council, the departments in charge of relevant industries, and other departments shall actively develop advanced energy standards, improve the energy standard system, and enhance energy standardization. 国务院标准化行政主管部门、国务院能源主管部门和有关行业主管部门等部门应当积极制定先进能源标准,完善能源标准体系,提升能源标准化水平。
Article 18 [Energy Conservation]   第十八条 〔节约能源〕
The state shall take legal, economic, administrative, publicity and education and other means to ensure the economical use and efficient exploitation and utilization of energy resources, promote energy conservation in major fields and key links, and rationally control total energy consumption. 国家采取法律、经济、行政和宣传教育等手段,保障能源资源节约和高效开发利用,推进重点领域和关键环节节能,合理控制能源消费总量。
The state shall encourage entities and individuals' exploitation and utilization of renewable energy. The energy department of the State Council shall cooperate with the relevant departments of the State Council in supporting the comprehensive exploitation of energy resources. Relevant entities and individuals shall support the development of paragenetic and associated energy mineral resources. 国家鼓励单位和个人开发利用可再生能源。国务院能源主管部门和国务院有关部门应当协同支持能源资源综合开发。相关单位和个人应当支持开发共生、伴生能源矿产资源。
Energy users shall foster an awareness of energy conservation and practice economy in energy use. Users who pay energy-consuming fees with fiscal funds shall be model users of energy conservation; while other users shall reinforce energy conservation and reduce energy consumption. 能源用户应当树立节能意识,节约使用能源。以财政性资金支付用能费用的用户应当成为节能示范用户;其他用户应当加强节能降耗。
Article 19 [Environmental Protection and Response to Climate Change]   第十九条 〔环境保护与应对气候变化〕
The state shall strengthen the building of the energy industry's capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change. 国家加强能源行业减缓和适应气候变化能力建设。
The state shall strengthen the supervision of pollutants and green gas emissions in the energy industry. Energy enterprises shall strengthen the management and control of pollution sources and the prevention and control of environmental risks, reduce the damage to the ecological environment in the course of energy exploitation and utilization, and reduce pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. Energy users shall reduce pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions in the course of energy use. 国家加强对能源行业污染物和温室气体排放的监督。能源企业应当加强污染的源头管控和治理及环境风险防控,减少能源开发利用过程中对生态环境的破坏,减少污染物和温室气体排放;能源用户应当减少能源使用过程中的污染物排放和温室气体排放。
Article 20 [International Cooperation]   第二十条 〔国际合作〕
The state shall adhere to the guiding principles of equality and mutual benefit, win-win cooperation as well as coordinated guarantee, and strengthen international cooperation in an all-around manner. 国家坚持平等互利、合作共赢和协同保障的方针,全方位加强国际合作。
Article 21 [Information Disclosure, Publicity and Education]   第二十一条 〔信息公开和宣传教育〕
The state shall establish and improve rules for information disclosure in the energy field, and specify the scope, content, methods and procedures of information disclosure. Public communication and participation regarding major plans and energy projects shall be conducted in an effective manner. 国家建立健全能源领域信息公开制度,明确信息公开的范围、内容、方式和程序。重大规划和能源项目应当做好公众沟通和公众参与工作。
The state shall organize the publicity and education on energy knowledge. 国家组织开展能源知识的宣传和教育。
Chapter II Energy Strategies and Plans 

第二章 能源战略和规划

Article 22 [Status and Content of Energy Strategies]   第二十二条 〔能源战略的地位与内容〕
“National energy strategy” means the overall strategy for guiding sustainable energy development and ensuring energy security, which is the fundamental basis for developing energy plans, policies and measures. 国家能源战略是指导能源可持续发展、保障能源安全的总体方略,是制定能源规划、政策和措施的基本依据。
The national energy strategy shall be developed according to basic conditions of the state, national defense security, requirements for economic and social development, requirements for environmental protection, and energy development trends at home and abroad, among others. 国家能源战略根据基本国情、国防安全、经济和社会发展需要、环境保护需要以及国内外能源发展趋势等制定。
Environmental impact assessment shall be conducted in developing energy strategies involving the layout and arrangements on major projects, and the opinions of relevant entities, experts and the public shall be heard in appropriate forms. 涉及重大项目布局安排的能源战略在制定过程中应当进行环境影响论证,采用适当形式听取有关单位、专家和公众的意见。
The national energy strategy shall provide for such content as the strategic thoughts, strategic objectives, strategic layout and strategic priorities regarding national energy development. 国家能源战略应当规定国家能源发展的战略思想、战略目标、战略布局和战略重点等内容。
Article 23 [System of Plans]   第二十三条 〔规划体系〕
The state shall develop energy plans according to energy strategies and implement such plans, so as to guarantee the realization of the national energy strategy. 国家根据能源战略编制并实施能源规划,保障国家能源战略的实现。
Energy plans include comprehensive energy plans, energy plans for different fields, and regional energy plans, among others. Energy plans for different fields and regional energy plans shall be subject to comprehensive energy plans. Regional energy plans and energy plans for different fields shall be coordinated with each other. 能源规划包括综合能源规划、分领域能源规划和区域能源规划等。分领域能源规划和区域能源规划应当服从综合能源规划。区域能源规划与分领域能源规划应当相互协调。
People's governments at or above the county level shall include energy development in national economic and social development plans and annual plans. 县级以上人民政府应当将能源发展纳入国民经济和社会发展规划、年度计划。
Article 24 [Development and Content of the National Comprehensive Energy Plan]   第二十四条 〔全国综合能源规划的编制和内容〕
The national comprehensive energy plan shall be developed in accordance with the national economic and social development plan and the national energy strategy, and be connected with the relevant plans. 全国综合能源规划应当依据国民经济和社会发展规划及国家能源战略编制,并与有关规划相衔接。
The energy department of the State Council shall be responsible for organizing the development of the national comprehensive energy plan, and report to the State Council for approval and implementation upon the examination by the development and reform department of the State Council. 全国综合能源规划由国务院能源主管部门组织编制,经国务院发展改革部门审核后报国务院批准实施。
Article 25 [Development of National Energy Plans for Different Fields]   第二十五条 〔全国分领域能源规划的编制〕
The energy department of the State Council shall, jointly with the development and reform department of the State Council, organize the development and implementation of national energy plans for different fields based on the national comprehensive energy plan. 全国分领域能源规划由国务院能源主管部门会同国务院发展改革部门,依据全国综合能源规划组织编制和实施。
Article 26 [Development of Regional Energy Plans]   第二十六条 〔区域能源规划的编制〕
The energy department of the State Council shall organize relevant departments of relevant provincial people's governments to make corresponding regional energy plans according to the requirements for regional economic and social development, as well as energy resource endowment and characteristics of energy production and consumption. Regional energy plans shall comply with the national comprehensive energy plan and be connected with the national energy plans for different fields. 国务院能源主管部门组织有关省级人民政府的有关部门,根据区域经济社会发展需要以及能源资源禀赋情况、能源生产消费特点,编制相应的区域能源规划。区域能源规划应当符合全国综合能源规划,并与全国分领域能源规划相衔接。
Regional energy plans involving the national layout, total quantity control, and trans-provincial transmission shall be subject to approval by the energy department of the State Council after the development and reform department of the State Council makes a layout and balances the total quantity. 涉及全国布局、总量控制以及跨省输送的区域能源规划经国务院发展改革部门进行布局和总量平衡后,由国务院能源主管部门审批。
Article 27 [Development of Local Energy Plans]   第二十七条 〔地方能源规划的编制〕
The energy departments of provincial people's governments shall develop provincial energy plans based on the national comprehensive energy plan according to the requirements for economic and social development in their respective administrative regions. The provincial energy plans shall be connected with the national energy plans for different fields and the relevant regional energy plans. The comprehensive provincial energy plans shall be subject to approval by the energy department of the State Council. 省级人民政府能源主管部门,根据本行政区域的经济和社会发展需要,依据全国综合能源规划编制省级能源规划。省级能源规划应当与全国分领域能源规划和相关区域能源规划相衔接。其中,省级综合能源规划由国务院能源主管部门审批。
Article 28 [Public Participation]   第二十八条 〔公众参与〕
In developing energy plans, the opinions of relevant entities, experts and the public shall be requested and scientific demonstration shall be conducted. If energy plans shall be subject to environmental impact assessment in accordance with the law, such plans shall be implemented within the scope approved by the State Council. 编制能源规划应当征求有关单位、专家和公众的意见,进行科学论证。能源规划依法应当进行环境影响评价的,依照国务院批准的范围实施。
Energy plans shall be published in a timely manner, except for the content which shall be kept confidential as provided for by the state. 能源规划应当及时公布,国家规定需要保密的内容除外。
Article 29 [Supervision and Inspection of Plans]   第二十九条 〔规划的监督检查〕
The energy department of the State Council and provincial people's governments shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of energy plans. 国务院能源主管部门和省级人民政府应当加强对能源规划实施情况的监督检查。
Article 30 [Assessment and Revision of Plans]   第三十条 〔规划的评估和修订〕
The departments developing energy plans shall organize the assessment of the implementation of energy plans, revise energy plans at appropriate time as required or based on assessment results, and report to the authority that approves the original plan for approval before the implementation of such plans. 能源规划编制部门应当组织开展能源规划实施情况评估,根据需要或者评估结果对能源规划适时修订,报经原规划审批机关同意后实施。
Chapter III Energy Exploitation, Processing and Conversion 

第三章 能源开发与加工转换

Section 1 General Provisions 

第一节 一般规定

Article 31 [Basic Principles]   第三十一条 〔基本原则〕
Energy exploitation, processing and conversion shall follow the principles of reasonable layout, structure optimization, economical and efficient use, and clean and low carbon development. 能源开发与加工转换应当遵循合理布局、优化结构、节约高效和清洁低碳的原则。
The state shall encourage entities and individuals to invest in energy exploitation, processing and conversion projects in accordance with the law, and protect investors' lawful rights and interests. 国家鼓励单位和个人依法投资能源开发和加工转换项目,保护投资者的合法权益。
Article 32 [Optimization of Energy Structure]   第三十二条 〔优化能源结构〕
The state shall encourage the efficient and clean exploitation and utilization of energy resources, support the priority exploitation of renewable energy, reasonable exploitation of fossil energy resources, and development of distributed energy according to local conditions, promote the replacement of fossil energy with non-fossil energy and the replacement of high-carbon energy with low-carbon energy, and support the exploitation and application of new fuels and industrial raw materials that replace petroleum and natural gas. 国家鼓励高效清洁开发利用能源资源,支持优先开发可再生能源,合理开发化石能源资源,因地制宜发展分布式能源,推动非化石能源替代化石能源、低碳能源替代高碳能源,支持开发应用替代石油、天然气的新型燃料和工业原料。
Article 33 [Administration of Exploitation and Conversion]   第三十三条 〔开发转换管理〕
The state shall strengthen the supervision and administration of energy exploitation, processing and conversion activities. The energy department shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments, regulate the order of energy exploitation, processing and conversion, and protect energy resources. 国家加强对能源开发和加工转换活动的监督管理,能源主管部门会同有关部门规范能源开发和加工转换秩序,保护能源资源。
Where administrative licensing shall be obtained in order to engage in energy exploitation, processing and conversion activities as provided for by any law, administrative regulation or the State Council, such provisions shall apply. 法律、行政法规或者国务院规定从事能源开发和加工转换活动需要取得行政许可的,依照其规定。
Article 34 [Work Safety, Environmental Protection and Response to Climate Change]   第三十四条 〔安全生产、环境保护和应对气候变化〕
Entities and individuals engaging in energy exploitation, processing and conversion activities shall comply with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations on work safety, occupational health and environmental protection, strengthen work safety administration, reduce resource consumption, control and prevent pollution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the ecological environment. 从事能源开发、加工转换活动的单位和个人应当遵守法律、行政法规有关安全生产、职业健康、环境保护的规定,加强安全生产管理,降低资源消耗,控制和防治污染,减少温室气体排放,保护生态环境。
Energy exploitation, processing and conversion construction projects shall be subject to relevant assessment in accordance with the law. The energy conservation and environmental protection facilities, occupational health protection facilities and safety facilities of construction projects shall be designed, constructed, and put into production or use with the main projects at the same time. 能源开发和加工转换建设项目,应当依法进行相关评价。建设项目的节能环保设施、职业健康防护设施、安全设施应当与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投入生产或者使用。
Entities and individuals engaging in energy exploitation, processing and conversion activities shall perform their obligations of pollution treatment, ecological protection or land reclamation in accordance with the law. 从事能源开发和加工转换活动的单位和个人应当依法履行污染治理、生态保护或者土地复垦的义务。
Article 35 [Ecological Compensation for Energy Exploitation and Utilization]   第三十五条 〔能源开发利用生态补偿〕
People's governments at all levels shall develop plans and measures for pollution treatment, ecological restoration and land reclamation regarding major construction projects for energy exploitation, processing and conversion, and improve the relevant ecological protection compensation mechanism. 各级人民政府应当制定能源开发和加工转换重大建设项目的污染治理、生态恢复和土地复垦等规划和措施,完善相关生态保护补偿机制。
Article 36 [Rules for Taxes and Fees]   第三十六条 〔税费制度〕
The state shall establish and improve energy-related rules for taxes and fees, promote energy resource conservation, guide the rational exploitation of energy resources, and guide the development of clean and low-carbon energy such as non-fossil energy. 国家建立和完善能源相关税费制度,促进能源资源节约,引导能源资源的合理开发,引导发展非化石能源等清洁低碳能源。
Section 2 Fossil Energy 

第二节 化石能源

Article 37 [Exploration of Fossil Energy]   第三十七条 〔化石能源勘查〕
The state shall strengthen the exploration of fossil energy such as coal, petroleum and natural gas, and exploit fossil energy in a rational manner. 国家加强煤炭、石油和天然气等化石能源的勘查,对化石能源实行合理开发。
Article 38 [Principles for Fossil Energy Exploitation]   第三十八条 〔化石能源开发原则〕
The exploitation, processing and conversion of coal, petroleum and natural gas shall follow the principles of safe, green, intensive and efficient use, and the recovery rate of resources as well as the clean and efficient exploitation and utilization level shall be enhanced. 煤炭、石油和天然气的开发和加工转换应当遵循安全、绿色、集约和高效的原则,提高资源回采率和清洁高效开发利用水平。
Article 39 [Coal Exploitation and Utilization]   第三十九条 〔煤炭开发利用〕
The exploitation and utilization of coal shall adhere to the principles of uniform planning, overall exploration, orderly exploitation, and clean and efficient utilization. The state shall optimize coal exploitation layout and production structure, promote safe and green coal mining, encourage the development of circular economy in mining areas, promote clean and efficient utilization of coal, and properly develop coal-based fuels and chemical raw materials. 煤炭开发利用坚持统一规划、整体勘察、有序开发、清洁高效利用。国家优化煤炭开发布局和生产结构,推进煤炭安全绿色开采,鼓励发展矿区循环经济,促进煤炭清洁高效利用,适当发展煤制燃料和化工原料。
The state shall conduct the protective mining of special and rare kinds of coal and encourage the preferential mining of coal bed methane and the pumping and utilization of coal mine gas. 国家对特殊、稀缺煤种实行保护性开采,鼓励煤层气的优先开采和煤矿瓦斯的抽采利用。
Article 40 [Oil and Gas Exploitation]   第四十条 〔油气开发〕
Equal importance shall be attached to land and sea exploitation of petroleum and natural gas, and the exploitation of offshore oil and gas fields shall be accelerated. Petroleum and natural gas production enterprises shall adopt advanced technologies. The state shall encourage the economical and effective exploitation of unconventional and low-grade oil and gas resources such as tight oil and gas, shale oil, shale gas and coal bed methane, and encourage new theoretical research on the exploration and exploitation of petroleum and natural gas, research and development of new technologies and reserves. Under the premise of protective exploitation, market players meeting the access requirements are allowed to participate in oil and gas exploration and exploitation. 石油、天然气开发坚持陆上与海上并重,加快海上油气田开发。石油、天然气生产企业应当采用先进技术。国家鼓励致密油气、页岩油、页岩气、煤层气等非常规、低品位油气资源的经济有效开发,鼓励石油、天然气勘探开发的新理论研究和新技术研发与储备。在保护性开发的前提下,允许符合准入要求的市场主体参与油气勘查开采。
The state shall encourage large-scale, advanced and intensive forms of petroleum processing and conversion and optimize the industrial layout and structure of petroleum processing and conversion. 国家鼓励规模、先进和集约的石油加工转换方式,优化石油加工转换产业布局和结构。
Article 41 [Utilization of Natural Gas]   第四十一条 〔天然气利用〕
The energy department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments of the State Council, take measures to develop natural gas in an active and reasonable manner, optimize the structure of natural gas utilization, and increase the proportion of natural gas in primary energy consumption. 国务院能源主管部门会同国务院有关部门采取措施,积极合理发展天然气,优化天然气利用结构,提高天然气在一次能源消费中的比重。
Article 42 [Development of Thermal Power]   第四十二条 〔火电开发〕
The energy department shall take measures to develop clean, safe and efficient thermal power generation and relevant technologies, enhance energy efficiency, reduce the emission of pollutants, optimize the thermal power generation structure, and develop combined heat and power stations, combined heat, power and cooling stations, and combined heat, power and coal gas supply stations, among others, in line with local conditions.

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