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China-France Joint Fact Sheet on the 5th High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue
  • Signatory: France
  • Area: Economic
  • Category of treaties: Others
  • The place of signing: Beijing
  • Signing Date: 12-01-2017

China-France Joint Fact Sheet on the 5th High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue



(December 1, 2017, Beijing) (2017年12月1日,北京)

Providing new impetus for the close and durable Sino-French economic and financial strategic partnership 主题:为紧密持久的中法经济财金战略伙伴关系注入新动力
The China-France High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue (HED) is a key platform for bilateral communication and policy coordination on strategic, overarching and long-term issues in the economic and financial fields. The first, second, third and fourth Dialogue, which was held in November 2013, September 2014, September 2015 and November 2016, made an active contribution to expanding and deepening the Sino-French comprehensive strategic partnership. 中法高级别经济财金对话是就中法经济财金领域的战略性、全局性、长期性问题进行双边沟通和政策协调的关键平台。前四次对话分别于2013年11月、2014年9月、2015年9月和2016年11月举行,为拓展和深化中法全面战略伙伴关系做出了重要贡献。
At present, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China decided to remain committed to the new development philosophy, develop a modernized economy and foster a high-quality economic development, while the new French Government is dedicated to rejuvenating the French economy. This presents new opportunities to the Sino-French economic and financial cooperation. In this context, Chinese Vice-Premier Ma Kai and French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire co-chaired the 5th HED on December 1st, 2017 in Beijing. They were joined by a high-level delegation of senior officials from both countries. To constantly intensify the close and durable Sino-French economic and financial strategic partnership in an innovative manner, both sides held in-depth discussion on moving forward on macroeconomic policy cooperation and on global economic governance, on reinforcing cooperation on trade, investment and industry, on deepening China-France financial cooperation, and on tackling together the global challenges related to climate finance and infrastructure investment financing. During the 5th HED, both sides reached consensus as follows: 当前,中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会决定贯彻新发展理念,建设现代化经济体系,推动经济高质量发展,法国新政府致力于重新焕发法国经济活力,这为中法经济财金合作带来了新机遇。在此背景下,第五次对话于2017年12月1日在北京举行,由中国国务院副总理马凯与法国经济和财政部长布鲁诺·勒梅尔共同主持,双方高级官员就推动宏观经济政策合作和全球经济治理进程、加强贸易投资和产业合作、深化金融合作,以及应对气候变化和基础设施投融资相关的全球性挑战进行了深入探讨,以创新思维不断强化紧密持久的中法经济财金战略伙伴关系。对话期间,双方达成以下共识:
I. Moving forward on macroeconomic policy cooperation and on global economic governance 一、 宏观经济政策和全球经济治理
1.Both sides reaffirm that they will strengthen their communication and coordination under the G20 framework, support the critical role of the G20 as the premier forum for international economic cooperation and promote the G20 to play a more active role in global economic and financial governance. Both sides are willing to work together with other G20 members at multilateral level to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, break a new path for world economic growth, improve further the global economic and financial governance, reduce excessive global imbalances in a way that supports global growth, revitalize trade and investment as engines of growth, while striving to ensure a level playing field, in particular a favourable environment for trade and investment in this regard, make the eleventh WTO Ministerial Conference a success, promote inclusive and interconnected development and tackle further significant global challenges affecting the world economy such as inequality, digitalization, climate change, terrorism, corruption, to continue to contribute to an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy. Both sides reaffirm the importance of an open and resilient financial system with strong, effective and representative global economic and financial institutions, and of a globally fair and modern international tax system. Both sides agree on the critical role played by multilateral institutions in this regard and on the need to rally to our support other G20 partners on this approach. Both sides will work to advance international financial regulation, so that all financial markets, products and participants are regulated or subject to oversight, as appropriate. 1.双方重申将在二十国集团(G20)框架下加强沟通协调,支持G20作为国际经济合作主要论坛发挥重要作用,并推动G20在国际经济金融治理中发挥更积极的作用。中法双方愿同其他G20成员一道,在多边层面加强宏观经济政策协调,创新世界经济增长方式,进一步完善全球经济金融治理,减少过度全球失衡,以支持全球增长,重振贸易投资引擎作用,努力确保公平竞争环境,特别是建设一个有利的贸易和投资环境,推动世界贸易组织(WTO)第十一次部长级会议成功举行,推动包容和联动式发展,应对影响世界经济的其他重大全球性挑战,如不平等、数字化、气候变化、恐怖主义和腐败,继续为构建创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济做出贡献。双方重申维护开放、富有韧性的、包含强劲高效且具有代表性的全球经济金融机构的金融体系、构建公平、现代化国际税收体系的重要性。双方一致认可多边开发机构在此领域发挥的重要作用以及取得其他G20成员支持的必要性。双方将推动完善国际金融监管,使所有的金融市场、产品和参与者都能处于适当的管理或监管之下。
2.The global economic growth prospects are encouraging, though growth remains weaker than desirable. Globalization and technological change have contributed significantly to driving economic growth and rising living standards across the globe. However, globalization has created challenges and its benefits have not been shared widely enough. In this context, both sides reaffirm their commitment to proactively implementing the consensus reached at the G20 Hangzhou Summit and reaffirmed at the G20 Hamburg Summit to use all policy tools — monetary, fiscal and structural, individually and collectively, to achieve our goal of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. Both sides also reiterate the commitment to implementing the G20 Enhanced Structural Reform Agenda, and welcome the first OECD technical report on the G20's progress on structural reform as well as the new IMF pilot report on the Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth path. Both sides jointly reaffirm the importance they attach to the G20 commitments on exchange rate, including to refrain from competitive devaluation. 2.当前经济增长前景令人鼓舞,尽管增长速度仍弱于预期,全球化和技术变革为带动全球经济增长和提高人民生活水平做出了巨大贡献。然而,全球化也带来了挑战,其益处未被充分广泛共享。在此背景下,双方重申积极落实G20杭州峰会达成且在G20汉堡峰会得到重申的共识。双方承诺各自以及共同使用所有政策工具,包括货币、财政和结构性改革政策,以实现强劲、可持续、平衡和包容性增长目标。双方重申致力于实施G20加强结构性改革议程,并欢迎经济合作与发展组织(OECD)提交的关于G20结构性改革进展的第一份技术报告以及国际货币基金组织(IMF)提交的关于强劲、可持续和平衡增长的新的试点报告。双方共同重申对G20关于汇率承诺的重视,包括避免竞争性贬值。
3.China's economy has been transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development. Since the beginning of this year, the main macroeconomic indicators performance has been better than expected. In the years to come, China will remain committed to the new development philosophy, work hard for better quality, higher efficiency and more robust drivers of economic growth through reform, raise total factor productivity, and make efforts to address the prominent problems of imbalances and inadequacies in development. This will steadily strengthen the innovation capacity and competitiveness of China's economy. 3.中国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段。今年以来主要宏观经济指标好于预期。未来一个时期,中国政府将坚定不移地贯彻新发展理念,推动经济发展质量、效率和动力变革,提高全要素生产率,着力解决发展不平衡不充分的突出问题,不断增强中国经济创新力和竞争力。
4.France is promoting strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth within a rejuvenated EU Framework. The French government has been further implementing a three-pronged reform strategy that ensures the sustainability of public finances, boosts competitiveness and attractiveness, thanks to a marked improvement in the business environment, and enhances the flexibility of the labour market. This strategy also aims at combating inequalities, in particular through measures in favour of the education system and professional training. 4.法方正在振兴欧盟框架内推动强劲、可持续和平衡的经济增长。法国政府进一步从三方面推进改革战略,确保公共财政的可持续性,通过显著改善商业环境提高竞争力和吸引力,提高劳动力市场灵活性。该战略还旨在解决不平等问题,特别是通过采取支持教育体系和职业培训的相关措施减少不平等。
5.Both sides reaffirm the Paris Club's role as the international forum for restructuring official bilateral debt and support its work on sovereign debt issues. Both countries welcome further expansion of the Paris Club to other emerging creditors. China intends to continue its regular participation in Paris Club meetings and to play a more constructive role, including through further discussions on potential membership. To contain the build-up of sovereign debt in low-income countries while allowing adequate access to financing, both sides emphasise the need to promote sound and sustainable financing practices. Both sides therefore welcome the G20 Operational Guidelines for Sustainable Financing and encourage official and private creditors and debtors to implement such guidelines, taking into account national circumstances 5.双方重申巴黎俱乐部作为官方双边债务重组主要国际平台的作用和支持其在主权债务问题方面开展的工作。双方欢迎巴黎俱乐部将其成员范围扩大到新兴债权人。中方愿意继续常态性参加巴黎俱乐部会议,并发挥更具建设性的作用,包括进一步讨论潜在的成员身份问题。为在控制低收入国家主权债务增长的同时保证其获得充分的市场融资,双方强调促进合理且可持续的融资实践。鉴此,双方对《G20可持续融资操作指南》表示欢迎,并鼓励官方及私人债权人和债务人在考虑本国国情的基础上落实该指南。
6.Both sides commit to strengthening their cooperation in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and to continuing to improve the IMF's quota and governance structure. Both sides are working expeditiously towards the completion of the 15thGeneral Review of Quotas and support ongoing work to further enhance the effectiveness of its lending toolkit. Both sides reaffirm that the realignment of quota shares should result in increased shares for dynamic economies in line with their relative positions in the world economy, and hence likely in the share of emerging market and developing countries as a whole while protecting the voice and representation of the poorest. More broadly, both sides support work to further strengthen the Global Financial Safety Nets (GFSN), with a strong, quota-based and adequately resourced IMF at its center. 6.双方致力于加强在IMF框架下的合作,继续改善IMF份额及治理架构。双方正在努力争取尽早完成第15次份额总检查,并支持进一步提高IMF贷款工具的有效性。双方重申份额的再调整应使有活力的经济体占比与其在世界经济中的相对地位一致,提升新兴市场和发展中国家份额,保护最不发达经济体的发言权和代表性。更广泛地,双方支持进一步巩固强劲的、资源充足的、以份额为基础的、以IMF为中心的全球金融安全网。
7.Both sides reaffirm their commitment to comply with the anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing standards defined by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Both sides support the transformation of the FATF into a legal person, recognizing that it plays a critical and sustained role in tackling AML/CFT threats. Both sides welcome the work on a bilateral MoU of anti-money laundering between the PBoC and ACPR. Both sides agree to promote the cooperation of anti-money laundering information exchange and supervision. Both sides commit to continue cooperation within frameworks such as the G20 Anti-corruption Working Group (ACWG). 7.双方重申将严格遵守金融行动特别工作组(FATF)制定的反洗钱和反恐融资标准。双方认识到FATF在应对反洗钱和反恐融资威胁过程中起到长远且关键的作用,支持FATF向法人转型。双方欢迎中法央行即将签署的双边反洗钱谅解备忘录。双方同意推动反洗钱信息交流与监督合作。双方承诺继续在G20反腐败工作组(ACWG)等框架下开展合作。
8.Both sides agree to continuously maintain close cooperation and take measures in coping with cross-border tax evasion and avoidance. Both sides will continue to support G20 commitment on promoting tax transparency and implementing automatic exchange of information and call on all jurisdictions to comply with the internationally agreed standards of transparency and exchange of information in the tax area within the timeframe they have committed. Both sides will continue to support the OECD work aiming to keep updated a list of those jurisdictions that have not yet sufficiently progressed toward a satisfactory level of implementation of the agreed international standards on tax transparency. Defensive measures will be considered against listed jurisdictions. 8.双方同意继续保持密切合作,采取措施应对跨境逃避税。双方将继续支持G20关于提升税收透明度和落实自动情报交换的承诺,呼吁所有辖区遵从透明度国际公认标准以及按照承诺的时间交换税收信息。双方将继续支持OECD更新在落实税收透明度国际公认标准方面未能取得令人满意进展的辖区名单。并将考虑对上榜辖区采取防御性措施。
9.Both sides are working on enhancing tax certainty and with the OECD on the tax challenges raised by digitalisation of the economy. Both sides agree to continuously strengthen communication and cooperation on the implementation of G20/OECD Base Erosion Profit Shifting Action Plans. The effectiveness of the project will be determined by its widespread and consistent implementation. Both sides are committed to helping developing countries, especially low income countries, strengthen their capacity building in tax policy and administration through various forms. 9.双方将继续致力于提升税收确定性,并与OECD一同致力于应对经济数字化给税收带来的挑战。双方同意在落实G20/OECD 税基侵蚀与利润转移行动计划方面继续加强沟通合作。这一项目的有效性取决于广泛和连贯的落实。双方承诺通过多种方式帮助发展中国家,尤其是低收入国家加强税收政策和征管能力建设。
10.Both sides agree to maintain close communication and cooperation in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and commit to further align their actions with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its integral part, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, domestically and internationally, including in support of developing countries and the provision of public goods. 10.双方一致同意在落实《2030年可持续发展议程》和《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》方面保持密切沟通和合作。双方承诺进一步采取行动,在本国及国际范围落实《2030年可持续发展议程》及其组成部分——关于发展筹资的《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》,包括支持发展中国家和提供公共产品。
11.Both sides reaffirm their support to a rule-based, open, inclusive, transparent and non-discriminatory multilateral trading system with WTO at its core, and underline the political and economic necessity to ensure that international trade benefits are fairly distributed across and within countries, through the preservation of the core values and fundamental principles of the multilateral trading system, the concrete implementation of agreed disciplines, appropriate coordination of trade policies while being supported by ambitious trade adjustment fiscal policies nationally to make sure everyone benefits from globalization. Both sides commit to working together to improve the functioning of the WTO, to ensure full and transparent implementation and effective and timely enforcement of all WTO rules by all members. Both sides agree to push for the removal of all trade distorting practices. 11.双方重申支持以WTO为核心的、以规则为基础的、开放、包容、透明、非歧视的多边贸易体制。双方强调在政治上和经济上确保各国和各地区及其内部分享国际贸易红利,人人从全球化获益。为此,应维护WTO的核心价值观和基本原则,就贸易政策开展适当协调,并辅之以高雄心水平的与贸易调整相关的财政政策。双方致力于推动WTO与时俱进,敦促所有成员一道,全面、透明、有效、及时地履行WTO规则。双方同意推动取消所有贸易扭曲行为。
12.Both sides agree that improving the level of compliance by all members with WTO requirements and disciplines, especially in the field of transparency and subsidies notification, should be strengthened in order to maintain the authority and efficiency of the multilateral system. Both sides agree to work constructively with all WTO members toward balanced, meaningful and concrete results for the next WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires. 12.双方一致认为,WTO所有成员应履行WTO规则,提升贸易合规水平,尤其是在贸易透明度和补贴通告方面,应提升合规能力,维护多边体制的权威性和有效性。双方愿与其他WTO成员一道,为即将在布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的下一届部长级会议取得均衡且有意义的积极成果而共同努力。
13.Both sides agree that a common framework on officially supported export credits would participate in boosting international trade flows. Therefore, both sides reiterate their support to the International Working Group (IWG) in negotiating a new set of international guidelines for officially supported export credits. In this regard, they fully support the work of the Secretary General with the agreed authorization and welcome the invitation to participate to the technical working groups to continue achieving progress on horizontal guideline negotiation in 2018 and beyond. 13.双方同意一个共同的官方支持出口信贷框架将有利于促进国际贸易繁荣。因此,双方重申支持出口信贷国际工作组在制定一套新的官方支持出口信贷国际指导原则方面开展磋商工作。出于这一考虑,双方全力支持秘书长按照各方同意的授权开展工作,并对邀请参加技术工作小组表示欢迎,以推动一般规则磋商在2018年及以后取得持续进展。
14.Both sides recognize that subsidies and other types of support from governments or government-sponsored institutions can cause market distortions and contribute to global excess capacity in industrial sectors. Both sides welcome the results of the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacities ministerial meeting in Berlin and will take necessary actions in line with the consensus achieved in the Global Forum. Both sides reaffirm their commitment to continuing the work of the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacities under the Argentinian presidency of the G20 in order to tackle these issues. 14.双方认识到来自政府或政府资助机构的补贴或其他形式的支持将导致市场扭曲,并导致工业部门的全球产能过剩。双方欢迎钢铁产能过剩全球论坛在柏林举行的部长级会议取得的成果,并将根据全球论坛达成的共识采取必要行动。双方重申将致力于在阿根廷任G20主席国期间继续开展钢铁产能过剩全球论坛相关工作,以解决相关问题。
15.MDBs: (1) Both sides welcome MDB work on optimizing balance sheets, boosting investment in infrastructure and connectivity and crowding in private finance taking into account scarce public resources and the key role of private sector in sustainable economic development, while ensuring additionality and value for money.   15.(1)双方欢迎多边开发银行在优化资产负债表、加大对基础设施和互联互通领域的投资以及动员私人资本方面所做的工作,后者主要是考虑到公共资源的不足以及私人部门在可持续经济发展中的重要作用,同时保证资金的附加值以及物有所值。
(2) Both sides support the World Bank Group (WBG) to implement its Shareholding Review according to the agreed roadmap and principles, with the objective of achieving equitable voting power over time. (2)双方支持世界银行以逐步实现平等投票权为目标,根据既定的路线图和方针完成股权审议。
(3) Both sides agree to strengthen coordination and cooperation under the framework of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and commit to building the AIIB into a 21st century new Multilateral Development Bank together with other members. Both sides believe that the AIIB has a key role to play in fostering sustainable, low-carbon and climate-resilient economic development notably in the framework of the Paris agreement and improving infrastructure connectivity in Asia, in particular in collaboration with other MDBs and bilateral development banks such as AFD active in the region. In particular, both sides welcome the dialogue initiated between AFD and AIIB with a letter of intent signed on July 12th 2017. AIIB and AFD have mutual interest in promoting sustainable development, low-carbon and climate-resilient investments in line with the Paris Agreement on Climate and the SDGs agenda. They wish to collaborate to address the development challenges in the region more effectively and to enhance their cooperation including through co-financing operations in countries eligible to their respective financing activities and that meet their respective strategies and policies. (3)双方同意加强在亚洲基础设施投资银行(以下简称亚投行)框架下的协调与合作,与其他成员一道,共同将亚投行打造成21世纪的新型多边开发银行。双方一致认为,亚投行在促进亚洲地区实现可持续、低碳、适应气候变化的经济发展(尤其是在《巴黎协定》框架下)以及改善基础设施互联互通方面发挥着重要作用,特别是通过与在本地区开展业务的其他多边开发机构(如法国开发署)合作共同发挥作用。尤其要指出,双方欢迎亚投行和法国开发署之间的合作,两家机构已于2017年7月12日签署合作意向书。根据《巴黎协定》和可持续发展议程,亚投行和法国开发署在推动可持续发展、促进低碳及适应气候变化投资等方面具有共同利益。双方将通过在各自金融活动允许、符合各自战略及政策的国家内开展联合融资加强合作,应对地区发展挑战。
II. Reinforcing cooperation on trade, investment and industry 二、 贸易投资和产业合作
16.China and EU enjoy one of the world's biggest and most dynamic trading relationships and are both committed to liberalizing world trade while fighting against unfair trade practices and sharpening the rule-based system with WTO at its core. Both sides reiterate their attachment to free and fair trade, based on reciprocal and mutual benefits and the principle of non-discrimination. 16.中国和欧盟之间拥有世界上体量最大且最具活力之一的贸易合作关系,双方将致力于促进全球贸易自由化,推进以WTO为核心、以规则为基础的贸易体系。双方重申在互惠互利和非歧视原则基础上坚持自由公平贸易。
17.Both sides reiterate the important role that the Joint Commission on Trade and Investment plays in facilitating trade and investment, fighting protectionism, improving market access and framework conditions for companies and developing new bilateral sectoral cooperation, and look forward to its 25th session to be held in 2018. Both sides agree to continue encouraging two-way trade and to work towards finding solutions to lift obstacles to trade so as to promote exports. 17.双方重申中法经贸混委会在促进双边贸易和投资、反对贸易保护主义、为企业改善市场准入和基础条件、发展双边新领域合作的重要性。双方正在筹备2018年召开混委会第25次会议。双方同意将继续致力于提升双边贸易水平,努力清除贸易障碍,扩大出口。
18.To implement the consensus reached by the two Heads of State and further promote higher level cooperation for companies of both nations, China and France agree to launch a Sino-French Business Council, building a significant platform for top executives for companies in key cooperation areas, offering advice and suggestions, pushing forward pragmatic economic and trade cooperation through their regular participation to official visits and their involvement into the Sino-French Business Council meetings. The work of the Sino-French Business Council may be discussed during the High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue. 18.为进一步落实两国元首共识,深入推动两国企业在更高层次上合作,双方同意将建立中法企业家委员会机制,搭建重要合作领域企业家建言献策的平台,双方企业家通过定期参与正式或非正式访问、参加中法企业家委员会会议,切实推动中法经贸务实合作。中法企业家委员会的相关工作可在中法高级别经济财金对话上进行讨论商议。
19.Regarding agribusiness, following the large cooperation on both sides and the multiple exchanges of information since two years now, China commits to deliver the results of the last audits and to grant approvals before the end of the year to the compliant French pig meat and infant formula companies audited by CNCA in November 2015. Recognizing the joint interest to have access to high-quality products, both sides agreed to make French products available to Chinese operators in the feed market. France welcomes the lifting-up of the BSE embargo by China. Taking stock of this decision and recognising the high level of French animal health control system, China commits to expedite the process of effective market opening for French beef meat. 19.农产品贸易方面,过去两年来,双方就法国肉类企业及婴儿配方奶粉企业在华注册开展了大量合作和多轮信息交流。中方承诺于2017年底前提交中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会2015年11月对法国猪肉及婴儿配方奶粉企业的考察报告,并批准符合要求的企业在华注册。双方认识到开放对优质产品的市场准入符合双方利益,同意法国产品进入中国饲料市场。法方欢迎中方解除了法国疯牛病禁令。在此基础上,考虑到法国高水平的动物卫生控制体系,中方愿意加快法国牛肉输华市场准入程序。
20.Both sides agree that promoting mutually beneficial opening is critical to maintaining dynamic bilateral investment flows in the long run. Both sides reiterate the need to intensify their efforts in the ongoing negotiations towards an ambitious and comprehensive investment agreement between the China and EU, which shall include investment protection, market access and other elements further facilitating investment. 20.双方同意,加强互惠开放对促进双边长期动态的投资流动至关重要。双方重申要加紧努力就中欧之间雄心勃勃的全面投资协议进行谈判,其中包括投资保护、市场准入等进一步促进投资的因素。
21.Both sides welcome meaningful foreign direct investments that create employment and growth. China reiterates its willingness to implement meaningful steps towards market liberalization in China for foreign investors. China will comprehensively implement the pre-establishment national treatment and negative list management system, to greatly widen market access, to fairly treat all the firms registered in China, in the wake of State Council documents number 5 and 39 and the 19th Party Congress. China will host the China International Import Expo starting from 2018 and would welcome the French side to participate. 21.双方欢迎能够创造就业和促进增长的外商直接投资。中国重申愿意实施有效步骤推进市场自由化。按照中国共产党第19次全国代表大会及国务院第5号、第39号文件的精神要求,中国将全面实行准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度,大幅度放宽市场准入,凡在中国境内注册的企业,都会一视同仁、平等对待。中国将于2018年举办首届中国国际进口博览会,中方欢迎法方来华参展参会。
22.Both sides agree to further strengthen bilateral cooperation and mutual understanding in the field of intellectual property under the framework of China-France Cooperation Agreement on Intellectual Property, as well as other relevant bilateral cooperation agreements and mechanisms. This cooperation aims to build a better innovative environment and benefit the IP users and the public. 22.双方同意在《中华人民共和国政府和法兰西共和国政府关于知识产权的合作协定》以及其他相关双边合作协议和机制框架下,进一步加强在知识产权领域的双边合作和相互理解。本合作旨在创建更好的创新环境并惠及知识产权用户和公众。
Both sides will organize the Joint Committee Meeting on Patents in China in 2018 to share the best practices in intellectual property creation, utilization, protection, management and service. Both sides agree to further help the enterprises from the other side to resolve the barriers in trademark registration in the local jurisdiction accordingly with the respective laws, and to provide a sound intellectual property right environment for the bilateral economic and trade development. 双方将于2018年在华举行中法专利混委会,分享在知识产权创造、运用、保护、管理和服务方面的最佳实践。双方同意在各自辖区,依据各自法律,进一步协助对方企业解决商标注册障碍,为双方经贸发展提供良好的知识产权环境。
Both sides will continue to work together to provide better services for users of IP systems and the public from both countries. Both sides agree to help French companies protect and enforce IP in China as well as to help Chinese companies protect and enforce IP in France. 双方将继续共同努力,为两国的知识产权用户和公众提供更好的服务。双方同意帮助两国企业在对方国家保护和实施知识产权。
Both parties will cooperate to strengthen the legal protection and effective enforcement systems of geographical indications (GI) in China and France. Both sides are willing to actively promote the negotiations on the China-EU Agreement on GI. 双方将合作加强两国地理标志的法律保护和有效执法体系,双方愿意积极推动《中欧地理标志协定》的谈判。
Both sides agree to strengthen the cooperation on the protection and enforcement of IPRs. Both sides agree to strengthen exchanges about creating a digital environment based on trust by welcoming initiatives establishing online IPR protection standards. Both parties will continue to welcome initiatives with e-commerce and social media platforms and search engines to use reasonable best efforts to adopt appropriate, proactive and preventive actions against suspected IPR violations by relying on available information, technology and resources.

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