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China-France Joint Fact Sheet on the 6th High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue
  • Signatory: France
  • Area: Economic
  • Category of treaties: Others
  • The place of signing: Paris
  • Signing Date: 12-07-2018

China-France Joint Fact Sheet on the 6th High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue



(December 7th, 2018, Paris) (2018年12月7日,巴黎)

Constructing a close and durable Sino-French comprehensive economic strategic partnership 主题:构建紧密持久的中法全面经济战略伙伴关系
The China-France High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue (HED) is a key platform for bilateral communication and policy coordination on strategic, overarching and long-term issues in the economic and financial fields. The last five rounds of Dialogue, which were held in November 2013, September 2014, September 2015, November 2016 and December 2017 respectively, have made active contribution to the expanding and deepening of the Sino-French comprehensive strategic partnership. 中法高级别经济财金对话是就中法经济财金领域的战略性、全局性、长期性问题进行双边沟通和政策协调的关键平台。前五次对话分别于2013年11月、2014年9月、2015年9月、2016年11月和2017年12月举行,为拓展和深化中法全面战略伙伴关系做出了重要贡献。
Chinese Vice-Premier Hu Chunhua and French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire co- chaired the 6th HED on December 7th, 2018 in Paris. They were joined by a high-level delegation of senior officials from broader authorities of both countries. To constantly intensify the close and durable Sino-French comprehensive economic strategic partnership in an innovative manner, both sides held an in-depth discussion on moving forward macroeconomic policy coordination and global economic governance, coordinating on environmental issues, cooperating in third markets and on connectivity, cooperating on trade and investment, promoting industry and major projects cooperation, developing agriculture and agri-food industry cooperation and deepening financial cooperation. During the 6th HED, both sides reached consensus as follows: 第六次对话于2018年12月7日在巴黎举行,由中国国务院副总理胡春华与法国经济和财政部长布鲁诺·勒梅尔共同主持,来自双方更广泛部门的高级官员就宏观经济政策协调和全球经济治理、环境领域合作、第三方市场合作及互联互通、贸易投资合作、产业与大项目合作、农业及农业食品产业合作以及金融合作等进行了深入探讨,以创新思维共同深化紧密持久的中法全面经济战略伙伴关系。对话期间,双方达成以下共识:
I. Macroeconomic policy coordination and global economic governance 一、宏观经济政策和全球经济治理
1. Both sides reaffirm that they will strengthen their communication and coordination under the G20 framework, support the critical role of the G20 as the premier forum for international economic cooperation and promote the G20 to play a more active role in global economic governance. Both sides reiterate the importance of G20 in leading world economic development, building an open world economy and combating all forms of unilateralism and protectionism by ensuring a level playing field. Both sides support G20 in promoting dialogue and cooperation in the areas of structural reform, digital economy, sustainable development, international financial architecture, anticorruption and infrastructure investment and achieving a strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth of world economy. 1.双方重申,将继续加强在二十国集团(G20)框架下的沟通与协调,支持G20作为国际经济合作主要论坛发挥重要作用,使之在全球经济治理中发挥更加积极的作用。双方重申G20对引领世界经济发展方向、构建开放型世界经济、反对各种形式的保护主义和单边主义、确保公平竞争环境等方面的重要作用。双方支持G20继续就结构性改革、数字经济、可持续发展、国际金融架构、反腐败、基础设施建设等领域进行讨论与合作,促进世界经济强劲、平衡、可持续和包容增长。
2. Both sides agree to maintain close communication and cooperation in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. They commit to further align their actions with the Agenda and its integral part, the Addis Ababa Agenda on Financing for Development, domestically and internationally, including in support of developing countries and the provision of public goods. 2.双方一致同意在落实《2030年可持续发展议程》和《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》方面保持密切沟通和合作。双方承诺进一步采取行动,在本国及国际范围内落实《2030年可持续发展议程》及其组成部分--关于发展筹资的《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》,包括支持发展中国家和提供公共产品。
3. Trade and investment are important engines of growth, productivity, innovation, job creation and development. Both sides reaffirm their support to the rule-based, non-discriminatory, open, inclusive and transparent multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core.   3.贸易与投资是增长、生产力、创新、创造就业和发展的重要引擎。双方重申支持以世贸组织为核心、以规则为基础、非歧视、开放、包容和透明的多边贸易体制。
4. France welcomes China's commitment to further improving its offer to accelerate the process of its accession to the WTO government procurement agreement, as mentioned by President Xi Jinping's speech in Bo'ao. Both sides agree that equal treatment of foreign and national enterprises with regards to public procurement is an important component of fair competition to allow for non-discriminatory access of foreign companies to public tenders 4.法方欢迎中方按照习近平主席博鳌亚洲论坛上指示,承诺进一步改进出价,以加快加入WTO《政府采购协定》(GPA)进程。双方认同,在公共采购中平等对待外国企业和本国企业是公平竞争的重要组成部分,以允许外国企业非歧视地参与公共招标。
5. In order to maintain the authority and efficiency of the multilateral trading system, we call upon all WTO members to abide by their commitments and obligations within the WTO. 5.我们呼吁所有世贸组织成员遵守其在世贸组织中的承诺和义务,以维护多边贸易体制的权威性和有效性。
6. We reaffirm the conclusions on trade of the G20 Leaders communique in Buenos Aires. We hope to see progress by the next G20 summit. Both sides will play a constructive role in the discussion of the WTO reform in order to improve the WTO to face current and future challenges. I In this regard, both sides welcome the establishment of the EU/China joint working group on WTO reform and look forward to more progress. 6.我们重申2018年G20布宜诺斯艾利斯峰会关于贸易部分的结论。我们希望到下一届G20峰会时取得进展。我们将在世贸组织改革讨论中发挥建设性作用,以改进世贸组织,帮助其迎接当前和未来挑战。在此方面,双方欢迎中欧世贸组织改革联合工作组的建立,并期待其取得进展。
7. Recalling our commitments from Hangzhou and Hamburg we welcome the concrete policy solutions developed by the global forum on steel excess capacity (GFSEC), facilitated by the OECD. We call on all members to implement the Berlin and Paris GFSEC Ministerial recommendations and commitments. We look forward to a substantive report by June 2019. 7.回顾杭州和汉堡峰会共识,我们欢迎由经合组织协助的钢铁产能过剩全球论坛制定的具体政策方案,呼吁所有论坛成员落实论坛柏林和巴黎部长级会议的建议和承诺。我们期待2019年6月前形成一份实质性报告。
8. Both sides reiterate their support to the International Working Group (IWG) in negotiating a new set of international guidelines to officially supported export credits. 8.双方重申支持出口信贷国际工作组在制定一套新的官方出口信贷国际指导原则方面开展磋商工作。
9. Both sides welcome the adoption of the IBRD capital increase resolutions, which is a critical first step towards effective implementation. We look forward to the ongoing efforts by shareholders to secure outstanding adoptions of the IFC resolutions. 9.我们欢迎批准国际复兴开发银行的增资决议,这是有效落实的关键第一步。我们期待各股东国继续努力,确保国际金融公司增资决议顺利通过。
10. Both sides will strengthen cooperation at the IMF and further complete the IMF quota and governance structure reform. Both sides support a strong, quota-based and adequately resourced IMF to preserve its role at the center of the GFSN. Both sides support the IMF to complete the 15th General Review of Quotas and agreeing on a new quota formula as a basis for a realignment of quotas shares to result in increased shares for dynamic economies in line with their relative positions in the world economy and hence likely in the share of emerging market and developing countries as a whole, while protecting the voice and representation of the poorest members. Both sides welcome broader use of SDR to further improve the resilience of the international monetary system such as using SDR as accounting unit in a wider range and issuing SDR denominated bonds. 10.双方承诺加强在国际货币基金组织(IMF)中的合作,继续完成IMF的份额和治理结构改革。双方支持一个强有力的、以份额为基础的、资源充足的、并在全球金融安全网中发挥核心作用的IMF。双方支持IMF按时完成第15次份额总检查,包括形成新的份额公式,在此基础上进行份额调整,以确保有活力的经济体的份额得到与其在世界经济中的相对地位相一致地增加,从而可能实现新兴市场和发展中国家总体份额的提升,同时保护最贫困国家的发言权和代表性。双方欢迎扩大特别提款权(SDR)的使用,以进一步增强国际货币体系的韧性,如更广泛地将SDR作为记账单位,并发行以SDR计值的债券。
11. (1) Both sides reaffirm the Paris Club's role as the principal international forum for restructuring official bilateral debt and support its work on sovereign debt issues. Both countries welcome further expansion of the Paris Club to other emerging creditors. China will continue to participate in Paris Club meetings regularly and intends to play a more constructive role, including further discussions on potential membership. France will help China to deepen understanding of Paris Club.   11.(1)双方重申巴黎俱乐部作为官方双边债务重组主要国际平台的作用,并支持其开展的主权债务工作。双方欢迎巴黎俱乐部扩展至其他新兴债权人。中国将继续常态性参加巴黎俱乐部会议,并愿意发挥更具建设性作用,包括进一步讨论潜在的成员身份问题。法方将帮助中国加深对巴黎俱乐部的了解。
(2) To contain the debt buildup of sovereign debt in developing and low income countries while allowing adequate access to financing, both sides underline the importance of ensuring transparent, sound and sustainable financing practises for both borrowers and creditors, both official and private. Both sides therefore welcome the G20 OGSF and call for their follow up. (2)为在控制发展中和低收入国家主权债务增长的同时确保其获得充分的市场融资,双方强调确保官方及私营部门债权人和债务人都采取透明、稳健和可持续融资实践的重要性。鉴此,双方对《G20可持续融资操作指南》表示欢迎,并呼吁跟进该指南。
12. Both sides agree to improve anti-money laundering and combating terrorist financing (AML/CFT) through the promotion of FATF international standards. As China holds the vice- presidency of this institution, France will make sure to support FATF in strengthening its resources, legitimacy and means. Central banks from both countries will continue to discuss the MoU on AML/CFT Supervision, endeavoring to reach an agreement on the text and complete the signing in due time. Both sides call on their Financial Intelligence Units to strengthen cooperation on the exchange of AML/CFT Intelligence. 12.双方同意通过推进金融行动特别工作组(FATF)相关国际标准,改进反洗钱和反恐怖融资工作。中方将担任FATF副主席,法方将确保支持FATF强化其资源、合法性和渠道。两国央行将继续开展反洗钱和反恐融资监管合作备忘录商签工作,争取就文本内容达成一致并适时完成签署。双方将敦促各自金融情报机构加强在反洗钱和反恐怖融资等信息交换方面的合作。
13. Both sides agree to continuously maintain close cooperation and take measures in coping with cross-border tax evasion and avoidance. Both sides are working on enhancing tax certainty and with the OECD on the tax challenges raised by the digitalization of the economy. Both sides will continue to support G20 commitment on promoting tax transparency and implementing automatic exchange of information and call on all jurisdictions to comply with the internationally agreed standards of transparency and exchange of information in the tax area within the timeframe they have committed. Both sides are committed to helping developing countries, especially low income countries, strengthen their capacity building in tax policy and administration through various forms. 13.双方同意继续保持密切合作并采取措施应对跨境逃避税。双方共同努力提高税收确定性,和OECD一起应对经济数字化带来的税收挑战。双方将继续支持G20的承诺,提高税收透明度以及落实自动税收信息交换,并且号召所有辖区遵守国际公认的透明度标准,并在承诺的时间范围内交换税收领域的信息。双方承诺帮助发展中国家,特别是低收入国家,通过各种形式强化其税收政策和征管方面的能力建设。
14. Both sides commit to promote cooperation within frameworks such as the G20 Anti-corruption Working Group (ACWG). 14.双方承诺推动在G20反腐败工作组(ACWG)等框架下的合作。
II. Cooperation on environmental issue 二、环境领域合作
15. According to the Joint Statement issued by President Emmanuel Macron and President Xi Jinping on January 9th, 2018, both sides look forward to the fruitful coordination on environmental issues, particularly on the issues of climate change and conservation of biodiversity. Both sides welcome the French Chinese Environmental Year launched on November 19th, 2018. 15.根据习近平主席和埃马纽埃尔·马克龙总统2018年1月9日发表的《联合声明》,双方期待就环境问题进行富有成效的协调,特别是在气候变化和生物多样性保护问题上。双方欢迎2018年11月19日启动的“中法环境年”。
16. Both sides reaffirm their commitment to support the adoption of a comprehensive, balanced and robust outcome of the Paris Agreement Work Program and to maintain the collective ambition that will ensure the success of the Talanoa Dialogue, the Pre-2020 Stocktake and the High Level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance during the ongoing 24th Conference of Parties (COP24) of the UNFCCC in Poland, with the aim to achieve the full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement. 16.双方重申致力于达成全面、平衡、有力度的《巴黎协定》实施细则,并在波兰举行的《联合国气候变化框架公约》第24次缔约方大会期间,成功开展关于集体雄心的塔拉诺阿对话、2020年前盘点,以及气候资金高级别部长对话,推动全面有效实施《巴黎协定》。
17. Both sides welcome the Sharm-El-Sheikh Ministerial Declaration “Investing in Biodiversity for People and Planet” issued on November 15th, 2018, during the 14th Conference of Parties of the convention on biological diversity held in Egypt. They commit to intensify their efforts in order to develop a post-2020 global biodiversity framework, with a level of ambition and practicality that will facilitate the transformational changes needed to achieve the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity and to encourage mobilization of business sector and non-State actors at the 15th Conference of the Parties on biodiversity in Beijing in 2020. 17.双方欢迎于2018年11月15日在埃及举行的《生物多样性公约》第14次缔约方大会期间发布的题为“为人类与地球投资生物多样性”的《沙姆沙伊赫部长级宣言》。他们承诺加强努力,在2020年在北京召开的第十五次缔约方大会上制定一个兼具雄心和务实性的2020年后全球生物多样性框架,以促进实现2050年生物多样性愿景所需的转型性变化,并鼓励动员商业部门和非国家行为主体的参与。
18. (1) Both sides congratulate on the successful launch of Chinese-French Oceanic Satellite(CFOSAT)at Jiuquan Launch Center on October 29th, 2018, and will actively enhance the significance of CFOSAT data in fields of monitoring global oceanic environment, disaster prevention and mitigation and climate change.   18.(1)双方祝贺2018年10月29日在酒泉发射中心成功发射中法海洋卫星(CFOSAT),并将积极提升CFOSAT数据在全球海洋环境监测、防灾减灾领域和气候变化方面的重要作用。
(2) Both sides agree, in accordance with the MoU on Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor (SVOM) project, to further promote research progress and ensure the launch by the end of 2021. (2)双方同意,根据中法天文卫星(SVOM)项目谅解备忘录,进一步推动研究进展,确保在2021年底前发射。
III. Cooperation in third markets and on connectivity 三、第三方市场合作及互联互通
19. Both sides welcome the agreement reached in Beijing on November 8th 2018, on the second-round list of priority projects in third markets. They agree to keep on developing partnerships in third markets on the basis of the economic governance principles and rules defined by the joint statement adopted by France and China on June 30th 2015. 19.双方欢迎2018年11月8日在北京就第二轮中法第三方市场合作示范项目清单达成协议。双方将根据2015年6月30日中法两国发表的联合声明中确定的经济治理原则和规则,继续发展第三方市场伙伴关系。
20. Both sides expect the Sino-French Third Market Cooperation Fund to develop projects on commercial basis and to report to the Sino-French Third Market Cooperation Steering Committee. 20.双方期待中法第三方市场基金在中法第三方市场合作指导委员会推动下,以商业原则为基础积极开拓项目。
21. France welcomes the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China. Both sides support the ongoing work between the EU and China to forge synergies between the various initiatives on connectivity, including in the field of transport infrastructure. Such cooperation should abide by the shared principles of market rules, transparency, sustainable economic development, open procurement and a level playing field for all investors, and comply with established international norms and standards, respective international obligations, as well as the law of the countries benefitting from the projects, while taking into account their policies and individual situations. 21.法方欢迎中方提出的“一带一路”倡议,支持中欧之间就多个互联互通倡议,包括在交通基础设施领域,进行对接所开展的工作。该合作应基于市场规则、透明原则、经济可持续发展,为所有投资者提供开放采购及公平竞争环境,合作也应遵循现有国际准则和标准、各自的国际责任和项目受益国的法律,同时要考虑受益国的政策和国别情况。
IV. Cooperation on trade and investment 四、贸易投资合作
22. (1) As agreed in the joint declaration between President Xi and President Macron in January 2018, China and France will continue to work actively to implement the China-EU 2020 strategic agenda for cooperation and deepen the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership in areas of mutual interests, in a spirit of mutual and reciprocal benefit.   22.(1)2018年1月中法两国领导人声明中提及,中法两国将继续积极推动落实《中欧合作2020战略规划》,并本着互惠互利精神在共同关心的领域继续深化中欧全面战略伙伴关系。
Both sides agree that free trade, fair market access and equal treatment of companies are the driving forces of bilateral trade relations. Both sides reaffirm their commitment to actively rebalance bilateral trade and investment relations by encouraging concrete cooperation. 双方同意,自由贸易、公平市场准入和企业平等待遇是双边贸易关系的推动力。双方重申鼓励基于实质合作,推动双边贸易和投资关系的再平衡。
(2) Both sides reiterate the important role that the Joint Commission on Trade and Investment plays in facilitating trade and investment, fighting protectionism, improving market access and framework conditions for companies and developing new bilateral sectorial cooperation. In the wake of President Macron's first State visit to China and following the 25th Joint Commission on Trade and Investment held in Beijing on September 14th 2018, China welcomes the French proposal to define and implement concrete actions regarding the facilitation of French companies' access to the Chinese markets and the improvement of the accompanying of Chinese investors in France. (2)双方重申中法经贸混委会在促进贸易和投资、打击保护主义、改善企业市场准入和条件、发展双边新领域合作等方面的重要性。继马克龙总统对中国进行首次国事访问和2018年9月14日在北京举行的第25次中法经贸混委会之后,中方欢迎法方提议,即共同以实际行动,便利法国企业进入中国市场,并改善中国企业在法投资环境。
23. France appreciates the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up and reiterates its eagerness to see new opening measures that will lead to new meaningful opportunities for French businesses on the Chinese market. Both sides recognize that an open market economy requires a stable, fair and transparent legal environment and fair competition. Both sides promise to avoid taking measures leading to and protect foreign investors against any form of discrimination in their day-to-day activities including licensing procedures, access to public procurement, public financing, R&D schemes and technical standards-setting. Both sides agree that licensing systems should be risk-based, transparent, timely and predictable. Both sides protect autonomous corporate decisions as the key cornerstone of corporate engagement. 23.法国对中国改革开放40年的成就表示赞赏,并重申其期待新的开放措施,为法国企业在中国市场带来新的有意义的机会。双方承认,开放的市场经济需要稳定、公平、透明的法律环境和公平竞争。双方承诺,保护外国投资者在日常活动中不受任何形式的歧视,包括许可程序、公共采购、公开市场融资、研发方案和技术标准设定。双方同意许可制度应基于风险评估、透明、及时和可预期。双方将保护企业决策的自主权作为公司治理的核心。
24. Both sides agree to maintain a dynamic and mutually beneficial bilateral relation on investments in the long run and welcome meaningful foreign direct investments that create employment and growth. Both governments commit to fostering a fair and predictable business environment based on equal treatment of foreign and national investors. 24.双方同意保持长期有活力的双边投资关系。双方欢迎能够创造就业和促进经济增长的有意义的外国直接投资。两国政府均致力于在平等对待外国和本国投资者的基础上营造公平和可预期的商业环境。
25. Both sides reiterate the need to intensify their efforts in the ongoing negotiations towards an ambitious and comprehensive investment agreement between China and the EU, which shall include investment protection, market access and other elements further facilitating investment. They welcome the first exchange of offers on market access, which shall be further improved through the negotiation with the view to reduce investment restrictions and promote investment liberalization.

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