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France-China Joint Fact Sheet on 2nd High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue
  • Signatory: France
  • Area: Economic
  • Category of treaties: Others
  • The place of signing: Paris
  • Signing Date: 09-15-2014

France-China Joint Fact Sheet on 2nd High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue



(September 15th, 2014, Paris) (2014年9月15日,巴黎)

Promoting a close and durable Sino-French economic and financial strategic partnership 主题:推进紧密持久的中法经济财金战略伙伴关系
The France-China High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue (HED) is an important platform for bilateral communication and policy coordination on strategic, overarching and long-term issues in the economic and financial fields. During Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to France in March 2014, President Hollande and President Xi Jinping reaffirmed their willingness to further deepen and expand the economic bilateral cooperation based on the principles of mutual benefit and promoting common development, in the framework of the HED. 中法高级别经济财金对话是就中法经济财金领域的战略性、全局性、长期性问题进行双边沟通和政策协调的重要平台。2014年3月中国国家主席习近平访法期间,习近平主席与奥朗德总统重申愿在中法高级别经济财金对话(HED)机制框架下根据互利和共同发展原则,进一步深化、扩大双边经济领域合作。
Chinese Vice-Premier Ma Kai and French Finance and Public Accounts Minister Sapin co-chaired the 2nd HED on September 15, 2014 in Paris. They were joined by a high-level delegation of senior officials from both countries. France and China welcomed the growth of bilateral economic relations since the establishment of official diplomatic relations 50 years ago. The two countries emphasized the importance of implementing the consensus reached by the two heads of state and promoting a close and durable Sino-French economic and financial strategic partnership. France and China reaffirm that the two sides will strengthen macro-economic policy coordination, intensify financial interaction and regulation cooperation, expand bilateral trade and investment opportunities, enhance global economic governance, and support domestic and global recovery and growth. 中国国务院副总理马凯和法国财政和公共账目部长萨班于2014年9月15日在巴黎共同主持第二次对话,来自两国政府的高级官员参加。双方欢迎中法建交50年以来双边经济关系取得的进展,强调落实两国元首共识、推进紧密持久的中法经济财金战略伙伴关系的重要性。双方重申将加强宏观经济政策协调,深化金融交流与监管合作,拓展双边贸易投资机会,推进全球经济治理,支持两国经济及全球经济复苏与增长。
During this Dialogue, the two sides reached consensus on the following: 对话期间,双方达成以下共识:
I. Macro-economic situations, policies and global economic governance   一、宏观经济形势、政策与全球治理
1. The current global economic situation remains challenging. Although the recent recovery momentum is improving, the overall recovery process is still sluggish, fragile, uncertain and multispeed. Growth is improving in advanced economies, while the emerging market economies continue to be an important driving force of the global growth. However, the level of unemployment has remained unacceptably high for too long in many countries. Furthermore, negative shocks, including escalating geopolitical conflicts and tensions on financial and energy markets, could strongly penalize growth. In this context, macro-economic policy communication and coordination among major economies is required to support growth and job creation. Monetary normalization has started in some economies in accordance with the strength of their respective recoveries. France and China remain mindful of the potential challenges related to changes in the settings of these policies and call for a clear communication and carefully calibrated approach in this regard. Both sides support credible medium-term fiscal strategies, flexible enough to be adjusted to economic conditions while placing government debt on a sustainable path. They agree on the need to implement well-designed structural policies to improve fundamentals, and further reduce imbalances, as well as increase resilience and strengthen financial systems in both advanced and emerging economies. Both sides call for a more representative, stable, resilient and inclusive international monetary system. 1.当前全球经济形势依然面临挑战。尽管经济复苏势头近期有所改善,但总体复苏进程仍然缓慢、脆弱且充满不确定性,复苏步伐参差不齐。发达经济体状况有所好转,新兴经济体仍然是全球增长的重要推动力。然而,很多国家失业率长期处于无法接受的高位。此外,地缘政治冲突升级、金融和能源市场紧张等负面冲击可能严重影响增长。在此背景下,主要经济体应加强宏观经济政策沟通与协调以支持增长和创造就业。随着复苏势头增强,一些经济体已经启动了货币政策正常化进程。中法双方对上述政策调整所带来的潜在风险保持警惕,呼吁有关政策变化应谨慎实施并清晰沟通。双方支持可信的中期财政战略,在保持足够的灵活性以便根据经济状况进行调整的同时保持政府债务的可持续性。双方一致认为,发达和新兴经济体应设计并实施良好的结构性政策,以改善经济基本面、进一步减少不平衡并增强抗冲击能力和强化金融体系。双方呼吁一个更具有代表性、更加稳定、更有韧性、更具包容性的国际货币体系。
2. Both sides are committed to implement ambitious structural reforms as well as appropriate macro-economic policies in order to put growth on a strong, sustainable and balanced path. Currently, the Chinese authorities coordinate the relations among stabilizing growth, promoting reforms, making structure adjustments, improving people's livelihood and preventing risks in a comprehensive manner, ensure the continuity and stability of the macro-economic policy, make timely and appropriate pre-cyclical fine-tuning, and focus on targeted and ranged macro management to keep economic development on a proper track. At the same time, in accordance with the master plan of comprehensively deepening reform, Chinese government makes great efforts to push economic structure adjustment and transformation of the economic development model to ensure the quality and performance of economic growth. The French government is implementing an ambitious and consistent set of structural reforms, in order to boost growth and employment while putting the debt ratio on a downward trend in the medium term. Special attention is being given to fairness and social dialogue, in this comprehensive strategy that aims at (i) reducing labour tax wedge and corporate's taxation to boost our competitiveness and employment, (ii) supporting households' purchasing power, (iii) maintaining productive investment, (iv) increasing markets' efficiency while reducing unjustified rents and (v) comprehensively reducing administrative burden and red-tape. French economy has been resilient to the European recession. Strengthening the recovery and reducing unemployment remain French government's top priority. 2.双方承诺实施宏大的结构性改革和适当的宏观经济政策,以促进经济强劲、可持续和平衡增长。中国政府统筹处理稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生和防风险的关系,保持宏观经济政策的连续性和稳定性,适时适度预调微调,在坚持区间调控中更加注重定向调控,保持经济运行在合理区间;同时,按照全面深化改革的总体部署,大力推进经济结构调整和经济发展方式转变,确保经济增长的质量与效益。法国政府正在实施一揽子雄心勃勃的、具有连续性的结构改革措施以促进增长和增加就业,同时在中期降低债务率,这一全面战略特别关注公平和社会对话。这一全面战略的目标是:(1)减少劳动力税和公司税以提高竞争力、促进就业;(2)支持居民购买力;(3)保持生产性投资;(4)提高市场效率并减少不合理租金;(5)全面减轻行政负担,简化程序。法国经济在欧洲经济衰退的过程中表现出了韧性。法国政府的首要工作重点仍然是强化复苏和减少失业。
3. Considering the challenges facing the global economy and the fragile recovery, both sides are committed to strengthen economic policy coordination, and in particular to promote growth, increase employment and maintain an open and strong world economy. France and China support the role of the G20 as the premier forum for international economic cooperation in this coordination process. They reaffirmed the critical importance to ensure the global recovery and their commitments made in Sydney Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in February 2014 to participate to the G20 collective ambition to lift G20 collective GDP by more than 2% above the trajectory implied by current policies over the coming 5 years. In the G20 Brisbane Summit, France and China will present comprehensive growth strategies with macro-economic policies, including measures to ensure fiscal sustainability, and structural reforms; that will greatly contribute to the G20 collective ambition, as assessed by discussion among peers. Both sides encourage all their G20 partners to also develop ambitious, concrete and comprehensive growth strategies in order to achieve the G20 collective ambition in a coordinated fashion. 3.鉴于全球经济面临的挑战和复苏的脆弱性,双方承诺加强宏观经济政策协调,特别是共同促进增长、增加就业并支持开放和强劲的世界经济。在此协调过程中,中法两国支持二十国集团(G20)作为国际经济合作主要论坛的作用。双方强调保持全球经济复苏进程的极端重要性,重申2014年2月悉尼G20财长和央行行长会议的有关承诺,将与G20成员一道将未来5年整体GDP规模比现有政策条件下的预期水平提高至少2%。在G20布里斯班峰会上,中法双方将提交全面经济增长战略,通过宏观经济政策,包括确保财政可持续性以及结构改革措施,为实现G20的共同目标做出重要贡献,并与G20各国一道参与相互评估。双方鼓励所有G20成员都制定宏大且具体的全面增长战略,以协同实现G20的共同目标。
4. Both sides support G20 play an instrumental role both in handling short-term issues and in setting lasting strategic orientations for the global economy. Both sides look forward to strengthening their collaboration on areas of common concerns such as international finance architecture reform and climate change. 4.双方支持G20在处理短期问题和确定全球经济长期战略方向方面都发挥关键作用。双方期待着在国际金融体系改革和气候变化等共同关切的领域加强合作。
5. The two sides welcome the implementation of the G20 commitments to ensure that all financial institutions, markets and participants are appropriately regulated and subject to oversight in an internationally consistent and non-discriminatory way. Both sides will continue to strengthen their co-operation on financial sector reform in multilateral fora and through enhanced bilateral dialogue at technical and political levels. The two sides jointly encourage competent international organizations and standard setting bodies to assess the impact of financial regulatory reforms on global growth and on the availability of long-term financing for investment. France and China share the view that the G20 agenda on financial regulation must be prolonged after 2014 and must be addressed both at a technical and at a political level. Both sides welcome the ongoing work which is consistent with the roadmap agreed by leaders in St. Petersburg. However, France and China consider that it is critical to prevent risks from shifting to less regulated parts of the financial system and to ensure that ongoing financial reforms do not lead to new sources of systemic risk. Developments beneficial to the long-term financing of the economy should be preserved, including the development of a sound and sustainable market for securities backed by assets as a diverse and resilient source of market-based finance. France and China intend to continue following up very closely the proper implementation of the IOSCO principles for the regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets, and also look forward to progress being made toward the transparency and integrity of the assessments provided by Price Reporting Agencies (PRA), for which the proper implementation of the IOSCO PRA principles is a first step. France and China are also committed to the implementation the IOSCO principles for financial benchmarks. 5.双方欢迎落实G20有关承诺,确保所有金融机构、市场和参与者都受到监管并处于一致和非歧视的国际监管之下。双方将继续通过多边论坛和双边对话在技术和政治层面就金融改革加强合作。双方共同鼓励相关国际组织和标准设立主体就金融监管改革对世界经济增长和长期投融资可获得性的影响开展评估。双方一致认为,G20关于金融监管的议程必须延长至2014年后,必须在政治层面和技术层面都得到解决。双方欢迎继续推进实施匹兹堡峰会领导人达成的路线图。但双方认识到,关键是要避免风险转移到金融系统监管较为宽松的领域,确保金融发展改革不会导致新的系统性风险。有利于为经济提供长期融资的金融发展应该得到保留,包括资产证券化市场的健康和可持续发展,作为以市场为基础的多元化和具有韧性的融资渠道。中法双方将继续密切跟踪国际证监会组织(IOSCO)关于大宗商品衍生品市场有关监管原则的适当落实情况,期待在提高价格报告机构(PRA)评估的透明度和完善性方面取得进展,适当落实IOSCOPRA原则是在这方面的第一步。中法双方也致力于落实IOSCO关于金融基准的原则。
6. France and China commit to actively participate in the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group, and to actively participate in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing in the FATF (Financial Action Task Force). 6.中法双方承诺积极参与G20反腐败工作组,并在金融行动特别工作组(FATF)中积极参与反洗钱和打击恐怖分子融资活动。
7. Both sides attach the highest priority to the IMF governance and quota reform. The IMF governance should better reflect the current global economy. France and China are committed to continuing strengthening their cooperation in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and G20, improving the IMF's quota and governance structure, ensuring the completion of the 15th general quota review in time, reaching a final agreement on a new quota formula, and further enhancing the voice of dynamic emerging markets and developing countries. They urge all members who have yet to ratify the 2010 reforms to do so without delay. The two sides reaffirm the importance of maintaining a strong and adequately resourced IMF and stress that quota should remain the primary source of resources for the IMF. 7.双方高度重视国际货币基金组织(IMF)治理和份额改革。IMF治理应更好地反映全球经济现状。中法两国承诺继续在IMF和G20机制下加强合作,完善IMF的份额和治理结构,确保及时完成第15次份额总检查并形成新的份额公式,进一步提高有活力的新兴市场和发展中国家的发言权。双方敦促所有尚未批准2010年改革方案的成员不再拖延、立即批准该方案。双方重申维持强有力的、具有充足资金的IMF的重要性,并强调份额应是基金组织的主要资金来源。
8. France and China agree to strengthen exchange and cooperation on sovereign debt issues within the G20 and IMF framework. France welcomes China to continue participating in relevant meetings and activities of the Paris Club. 8.中法双方愿意在G20、IMF框架下加强主权债务领域的对话与合作,法方欢迎中方继续参与巴黎俱乐部的相关会议和活动。
9. Long-term financing for infrastructure, at the national or regional level, is a prerequisite to ensure strong, sustainable and balanced growth. The two sides agree that multilateral development institutions should continue their efforts in the development field, including by strengthening their lending capacity, optimizing the use of existing resources and increasing their financial leverage where possible without weakening their financial soundness. Both parties call for regional and multilateral banks to work in a coordinated and harmonized manner to contribute to fair and sustainable development. 9.国家或地区层面的基础设施长期融资是确保强劲、可持续和平衡增长的前提。双方同意多边开发机构应继续推进在发展领域的相关工作,包括增强其贷款能力,优化使用现有资源,在不损害其财务稳健性的情况下提高其财务杠杆等。双方呼吁区域和多边银行以和谐的方式协调运作,以促进公平和可持续的发展。
10. Both sides reiterate the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol is the main channel for international cooperation on climate change. Under that framework, France and China, in accordance with the principles of the Convention, in particular the principles of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities, Equity and Respective capacities, jointly and with others push forward the international climate change negotiation, with the view to adopting a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention applicable to all Parties at COP 21 / CMP 11 in December 2015 in Paris. France and China welcome the decisions taken in Durban, Doha and Warsaw conferences. 10.双方重申《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》是气候变化国际合作的主渠道,中法双方将根据公约原则,尤其是“共同但有区别的责任”原则、公平原则和各自能力原则,共同并与其他国家一道推动国际气候变化谈判,以在2015年12月联合国气候变化巴黎会议通过一项在公约下适用于所有成员国的议定书、其他法律文书或有法律效力的议定成果。中法双方欢迎德班、多哈和华沙会议的决定。
11. Following the China EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for cooperation, both sides stress the importance of an open and fair trade and investment relation, based on reciprocal and mutual benefits, recognizing its importance for growth and job creation. Both sides underline the need of a rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive multilateral trading system, agree on extending its scope where appropriate and favor the effective enforcement of its rules. Both sides oppose protectionism in various forms by implementing G20's commitment to prolong the period of not adopting new trade and investment protection measures to the end of 2016. They support all the efforts and the initiatives towards greater multilateral liberalization and underline the need to address the issue of further improve the business climate in order to create a level playing field.

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