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Regulation on Optimizing the Business Environment [Effective]
优化营商环境条例 [现行有效]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 722) (第722号)

The Regulation on Optimizing the Business Environment as adopted at the 66th executive meeting of the State Council on October 8, 2019, is hereby issued and shall come into force on January 1, 2020. 《优化营商环境条例》已经2019年10月8日国务院第66次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2020年1月1日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 

总 理  李克强

October 22, 2019 2019年10月22日

Regulation on Optimizing the Business Environment 


Chapter I General Provisions $

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed for the purposes of continually optimizing the business environment, continually emancipating and developing social productive forces, accelerating the building of a modern economic system, and promoting high-quality development.   第一条 为了持续优化营商环境,不断解放和发展社会生产力,加快建设现代化经济体系,推动高质量发展,制定本条例。
Article 2 For the purpose of this Regulation, “business environment” means the factors and conditions in the nature of systems and mechanisms related to enterprises and market participants in economic activities.   第二条 本条例所称营商环境,是指企业等市场主体在市场经济活动中所涉及的体制机制性因素和条件。
Article 3 The state shall continue to deepen the reform of simplifying procedures, decentralizing powers, combining decentralization with appropriate control, and optimizing services, minimize the direct allocation of market resources by the government, minimize the direct intervention in market activities by the government, strengthen and regulate interim and ex-post regulation, focus on improving government service capacity and level, effectively reduce institutional transaction costs, better stimulate market vitality and social creativity, and enhance development impetus.   第三条 国家持续深化简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革,最大限度减少政府对市场资源的直接配置,最大限度减少政府对市场活动的直接干预,加强和规范事中事后监管,着力提升政务服务能力和水平,切实降低制度性交易成本,更大激发市场活力和社会创造力,增强发展动力。
People's governments at all levels and their departments shall adhere to open and transparent government, routinize public disclosure, make exceptions for non-disclosure, and comprehensively advance the public disclosure of decision-making, implementation, management, services, and results. 各级人民政府及其部门应当坚持政务公开透明,以公开为常态、不公开为例外,全面推进决策、执行、管理、服务、结果公开。
Article 4 For optimizing the business environment, the principles of marketization, rule of law, and internationalization shall be adhered to, the needs of market participants shall be centered around, the profound transformation of government functions shall be the core, systems and mechanisms shall be innovated, coordination and interaction shall be strengthened, the protection by the rule of law shall be improved, and international advanced level shall be the benchmark so as to create a stable, fair, transparent, predictable, and sound environment for various market participants to invest in and prosper business.   第四条 优化营商环境应当坚持市场化、法治化、国际化原则,以市场主体需求为导向,以深刻转变政府职能为核心,创新体制机制、强化协同联动、完善法治保障,对标国际先进水平,为各类市场主体投资兴业营造稳定、公平、透明、可预期的良好环境。
Article 5 The state shall accelerate the establishment of a unified and open modern market system for orderly competition, promote the free flow of various production factors in accordance with the law, and protect the fair participation of all market participants in market competition.   第五条 国家加快建立统一开放、竞争有序的现代市场体系,依法促进各类生产要素自由流动,保障各类市场主体公平参与市场竞争。
Article 6 The state shall encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public economy and stimulate the vitality and creativity of the non-public economy.   第六条 国家鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展,激发非公有制经济活力和创造力。
The state shall further expand opening, vigorously promote foreign investment, and equally treat various market participants, including Chinese-funded enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises. 国家进一步扩大对外开放,积极促进外商投资,平等对待内资企业、外商投资企业等各类市场主体。
Article 7 People's governments at all levels shall strengthen the organizational leadership of the work on optimizing the business environment, improve policies and measures to optimize the business environment, establish or improve the mechanisms related to coordinating the advancement and supervising the implementation of the work on optimizing the business environment, and promptly coordinate and resolve the major issues in optimizing the business environment.   第七条 各级人民政府应当加强对优化营商环境工作的组织领导,完善优化营商环境的政策措施,建立健全统筹推进、督促落实优化营商环境工作的相关机制,及时协调、解决优化营商环境工作中的重大问题。
The relevant departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the division of duties, effectively conduct work related to optimizing the business environment. A local people's government at or above the county level may designate a department to oversee the work on optimizing business environment according to the actual circumstances. 县级以上人民政府有关部门应当按照职责分工,做好优化营商环境的相关工作。县级以上地方人民政府根据实际情况,可以明确优化营商环境工作的主管部门。
The state shall encourage and support all regions and departments in vigorously exploring original and differentiated measures to optimize the business environment within the framework of the rule of law and based on the actual circumstances; and if an error or deviation arising in the exploration meets the prescribed conditions, liability may be exempted or mitigated. 国家鼓励和支持各地区、各部门结合实际情况,在法治框架内积极探索原创性、差异化的优化营商环境具体措施;对探索中出现失误或者偏差,符合规定条件的,可以予以免责或者减轻责任。
Article 8 The state shall establish and improve a business environment assessment system centering around the satisfaction of market participants and the public and cause business environment assessment to play a role in leading and supervising the optimization of the business environment.   第八条 国家建立和完善以市场主体和社会公众满意度为导向的营商环境评价体系,发挥营商环境评价对优化营商环境的引领和督促作用。
A business environment assessment shall neither affect the normal work of any region or department nor affect the normal production and operation activities of any market participant or aggravate the burden on the market participant. 开展营商环境评价,不得影响各地区、各部门正常工作,不得影响市场主体正常生产经营活动或者增加市场主体负担。
No entity may seek benefits by using a business environment assessment. 任何单位不得利用营商环境评价谋取利益。
Article 9 A market participant shall abide by the laws and regulations, observe social morality and business ethics, be honest and trustworthy, engage in fair competition, fulfill its statutory obligations in all aspects including safety, quality, protection of laborers' rights and interests, and protection of consumer rights and interests, and respect internationally accepted rules in international economic and trade activities.   第九条 市场主体应当遵守法律法规,恪守社会公德和商业道德,诚实守信、公平竞争,履行安全、质量、劳动者权益保护、消费者权益保护等方面的法定义务,在国际经贸活动中遵循国际通行规则。
Chapter II Protection of Market Participants 

第二章 市场主体保护

Article 10 The state shall adhere to the equality of rights, opportunities, and rules and ensure equal legal protection of economy under all types of ownership.   第十条 国家坚持权利平等、机会平等、规则平等,保障各种所有制经济平等受到法律保护。
Article 11 A market participant shall have operating autonomy according to the law. No entity or individual may intervene in any matter on which market participants may make independent decisions.   第十一条 市场主体依法享有经营自主权。对依法应当由市场主体自主决策的各类事项,任何单位和个人不得干预。
Article 12 The state shall protect various market participants in their lawful and equal use of the various production factors and public service resources, such as funds, technology, human resources, and land use rights and other natural resources.   第十二条 国家保障各类市场主体依法平等使用资金、技术、人力资源、土地使用权及其他自然资源等各类生产要素和公共服务资源。
The state's policy in support of development shall equally apply to all market participants. The government and its relevant departments shall, in arrangement of government grants, land supply, tax and fee reductions, qualification and license, development of standards, declaration of a project, professional title evaluation, human resources policies, etc., treat all market participants equally and lawfully and abstain from developing or implementing discriminatory policies and measures. 各类市场主体依法平等适用国家支持发展的政策。政府及其有关部门在政府资金安排、土地供应、税费减免、资质许可、标准制定、项目申报、职称评定、人力资源政策等方面,应当依法平等对待各类市场主体,不得制定或者实施歧视性政策措施。
Article 13 Bid tendering and government procurement shall be open, transparent, fair, and equitable, and a market participant under any type of ownership, from any region, shall be treated lawfully and equally, without being restricted or excluded by unreasonable conditions, product's place of origin, or otherwise.   第十三条 招标投标和政府采购应当公开透明、公平公正,依法平等对待各类所有制和不同地区的市场主体,不得以不合理条件或者产品产地来源等进行限制或者排斥。
The relevant departments of the people's governments at all levels shall strengthen the regulation of bid tendering and government procurement and correct, investigate and punish the violations of laws and regulations. 政府有关部门应当加强招标投标和政府采购监管,依法纠正和查处违法违规行为。
Article 14 The state shall protect the property rights and other lawful rights and interests of market participants and the personal and property safety of enterprise operators in accordance with the law.   第十四条 国家依法保护市场主体的财产权和其他合法权益,保护企业经营者人身和财产安全。
The imposition of administrative compulsory measures, such as seizure, freezing, and impoundment on the property of a market participant or the personal property of an enterprise operator in violation of the statutory authority, conditions and procedures shall be strictly prohibited; and if the law requires any of the aforesaid administrative compulsory measures to be imposed, they shall be imposed to the extent of necessity. 严禁违反法定权限、条件、程序对市场主体的财产和企业经营者个人财产实施查封、冻结和扣押等行政强制措施;依法确需实施前述行政强制措施的,应当限定在所必需的范围内。
The requirement that a market participant makes financial, material, or manpower contribution without authority of the laws and regulations shall be prohibited. A market participant has the right to deny any form of such contribution. 禁止在法律、法规规定之外要求市场主体提供财力、物力或者人力的摊派行为。市场主体有权拒绝任何形式的摊派。
Article 15 The state shall establish a punitive damages system for infringement of intellectual property rights, promote the establishment of a fast-track coordinated protection mechanism for intellectual property rights, improve the diversified resolution mechanism for disputes over intellectual property rights and the assistance mechanism for enforcement of intellectual property rights, and increase efforts to protect intellectual property rights.   第十五条 国家建立知识产权侵权惩罚性赔偿制度,推动建立知识产权快速协同保护机制,健全知识产权纠纷多元化解决机制和知识产权维权援助机制,加大对知识产权的保护力度。
The state shall continue deepening the reform to facilitate trademark registration and patent application and improving the efficiency of examination of trademark registration and patent applications. 国家持续深化商标注册、专利申请便利化改革,提高商标注册、专利申请审查效率。
Article 16 The state shall intensify the protection of the rights and interests of minority investors, improve the mechanism to protect their rights and interests, safeguard their right to know and participate, and facilitate their enforcement of their lawful rights and interests.   第十六条 国家加大中小投资者权益保护力度,完善中小投资者权益保护机制,保障中小投资者的知情权、参与权,提升中小投资者维护合法权益的便利度。
Article 17 Unless otherwise provided by any of the laws and regulations, a market participant has autonomy in deciding to join or withdraw from an industry association, chamber of commerce, or any other social organization, free from intervention by any entity or individual.   第十七条 除法律、法规另有规定外,市场主体有权自主决定加入或者退出行业协会商会等社会组织,任何单位和个人不得干预。
Unless otherwise provided by any of the laws and regulations, no entity or individual may compel, directly or in disguise, a market participant to participate in an appraisal, compliance, commendation, training, evaluation, examination, or any activity akin thereto, or charge a market participant, directly or in disguise, by using any such activity. 除法律、法规另有规定外,任何单位和个人不得强制或者变相强制市场主体参加评比、达标、表彰、培训、考核、考试以及类似活动,不得借前述活动向市场主体收费或者变相收费。
Article 18 The state shall promote the establishment of a nationwide unified service platform for market participants' enforcement of rights to provide efficient and readily accessible right enforcement services for market participants.   第十八条 国家推动建立全国统一的市场主体维权服务平台,为市场主体提供高效、便捷的维权服务。
Chapter III Market Environment 

第三章 市场环境

Article 19 The state shall continue to deepen the reform of the commercial system, harmonize the standards for enterprise registration business, data standards, and platform service interfaces, and use unified social credit codes for registration administration.   第十九条 国家持续深化商事制度改革,统一企业登记业务规范,统一数据标准和平台服务接口,采用统一社会信用代码进行登记管理。
The state shall promote the reform of “separating permits from business licenses,” continue to simplify enterprise-related business licensing items, and put all enterprise-related business licensing items under classification-based management, by adopting direct cancellation of approval, substitution of filing for approval, implementation of notification and undertaking, optimization of approval services, etc., so as to facilitate enterprises in conducting related business activities after obtaining a business license. Except in a specific field as specified by laws and administrative regulations, no enterprise-related business licensing item shall be used as a prerequisite for enterprise registration. 国家推进“证照分离”改革,持续精简涉企经营许可事项,依法采取直接取消审批、审批改为备案、实行告知承诺、优化审批服务等方式,对所有涉企经营许可事项进行分类管理,为企业取得营业执照后开展相关经营活动提供便利。除法律、行政法规规定的特定领域外,涉企经营许可事项不得作为企业登记的前置条件。
Relevant government departments shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state, simplify the procedures required to be initiated from application for the establishment of an enterprise to its fulfillment of general business conditions. Each region shall fix and publicly disclose a specific processing time, to the extent of the time limit for the establishment of an enterprise as specified by the state. 政府有关部门应当按照国家有关规定,简化企业从申请设立到具备一般性经营条件所需办理的手续。在国家规定的企业开办时限内,各地区应当确定并公开具体办理时间。
If an enterprise applies for domicile and other related modification registration, the relevant department shall process the application in a timely manner, in accordance with the law and without imposing restriction. Except as otherwise provided by any of the laws, regulations, and rules, a relocated enterprise which holds a valid permit is not required to apply for a new one. 企业申请办理住所等相关变更登记的,有关部门应当依法及时办理,不得限制。除法律、法规、规章另有规定外,企业迁移后其持有的有效许可证件不再重复办理。
Article 20 The state shall continue to relax market access and implement a national unified market access negative list system. Any field not on the market access negative list may be entered by various market participants lawfully and equally.   第二十条 国家持续放宽市场准入,并实行全国统一的市场准入负面清单制度。市场准入负面清单以外的领域,各类市场主体均可以依法平等进入。
A region or department shall not separately develop a negative list in the nature of market access. 各地区、各部门不得另行制定市场准入性质的负面清单。
Article 21 Relevant government departments shall increase their efforts to take anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition enforcement actions, effectively prevent and stop monopolistic actions, unfair competition, and abuse of administrative power to exclude or restrict competition, and create a market environment for fair competition.   第二十一条 政府有关部门应当加大反垄断和反不正当竞争执法力度,有效预防和制止市场经济活动中的垄断行为、不正当竞争行为以及滥用行政权力排除、限制竞争的行为,营造公平竞争的市场环境。
Article 22 The state shall establish and improve a unified and open human resources market system of orderly competition, eliminate urban and rural, regional, and industry segregation and discrimination based on identity, gender, and the like, and promote the orderly flow and reasonable allocation of human resources.   第二十二条 国家建立健全统一开放、竞争有序的人力资源市场体系,打破城乡、地区、行业分割和身份、性别等歧视,促进人力资源有序社会性流动和合理配置。
Article 23 The government and its relevant departments shall improve policies and measures, strengthen innovation services, encourage and support market participants in expanding innovation space, continue to advance innovation in products, technologies, business models, management, and the like, and maximize the role of market participants in boosting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.   第二十三条 政府及其有关部门应当完善政策措施、强化创新服务,鼓励和支持市场主体拓展创新空间,持续推进产品、技术、商业模式、管理等创新,充分发挥市场主体在推动科技成果转化中的作用。
Article 24 The government and its relevant departments shall strictly implement the tax and fee reduction policies of the state, promptly research and solve the specific problems in their implementation process and ensure that the tax and fee reduction policies fully and promptly benefit market participants.   第二十四条 政府及其有关部门应当严格落实国家各项减税降费政策,及时研究解决政策落实中的具体问题,确保减税降费政策全面、及时惠及市场主体。
Article 25 Government-managed funds, enterprise-related administrative charges, and enterprise-related security deposits shall be imposed with the justification of the laws and administrative regulations, or with the approval of the State Council. Government-managed funds, enterprise-related administrative charges, enterprise-related security deposits, and government-fixed charges for commercial services shall be put under list-based management and disclosed to the public, and unless on the list, such charges and security deposits may not be levied. The substitution of financial institution bonds for cash in paying enterprise-related security deposits shall be promoted.   第二十五条 设立政府性基金、涉企行政事业性收费、涉企保证金,应当有法律、行政法规依据或者经国务院批准。对政府性基金、涉企行政事业性收费、涉企保证金以及实行政府定价的经营服务性收费,实行目录清单管理并向社会公开,目录清单之外的前述收费和保证金一律不得执行。推广以金融机构保函替代现金缴纳涉企保证金。
Article 26 The state shall encourage and support financial institutions by increasing support for private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises so as to reduce their comprehensive financing costs.   第二十六条 国家鼓励和支持金融机构加大对民营企业、中小企业的支持力度,降低民营企业、中小企业综合融资成本。
Financial regulatory authorities shall improve the regulatory evaluation and incentive mechanism for financial institutions, such as commercial banks, encourage and guide their increasing credit extensions to private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, reasonably build up the support of medium and long-term loans and fiduciary loans, and raise the efficiency of loan approval. 金融监督管理部门应当完善对商业银行等金融机构的监管考核和激励机制,鼓励、引导其增加对民营企业、中小企业的信贷投放,并合理增加中长期贷款和信用贷款支持,提高贷款审批效率。
A commercial bank or any other financial institution may not impose unreasonable conditions for credit or discriminatory requirements on private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises. A commercial bank or any other financial institution shall charge in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the State, and shall not impose unreasonable charges on service recipients in violation of provisions. A commercial bank shall disclose service standards, fee rates, and processing time limits for opening business accounts to the public. 商业银行等金融机构在授信中不得设置不合理条件,不得对民营企业、中小企业设置歧视性要求。商业银行等金融机构应当按照国家有关规定规范收费行为,不得违规向服务对象收取不合理费用。商业银行应当向社会公开开设企业账户的服务标准、资费标准和办理时限。
Article 27 The state shall promote the well-regulated and sound development of multi-level capital markets, broaden the financing channels of market participants, support qualified private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises in issuing stocks, bonds, and other financing instruments according to law and expand the scale of direct financing.   第二十七条 国家促进多层次资本市场规范健康发展,拓宽市场主体融资渠道,支持符合条件的民营企业、中小企业依法发行股票、债券以及其他融资工具,扩大直接融资规模。
Article 28 A water, electric, gas, heat, or any other utility enterprise or public institution shall disclose service standards, fee rates, and other information to the public and provide safe, convenient, stable, and reasonably priced services for market participants, and may neither force market participants to accept unreasonable conditions for services nor charge unreasonable fees under any pretext. Each region shall optimize the procedure for applying for a connection and fix and publicly disclose the specific processing time to the extent of the time limit for the application as specified by the state.
   第二十八条 供水、供电、供气、供热等公用企事业单位应当向社会公开服务标准、资费标准等信息,为市场主体提供安全、便捷、稳定和价格合理的服务,不得强迫市场主体接受不合理的服务条件,不得以任何名义收取不合理费用。各地区应当优化报装流程,在国家规定的报装办理时限内确定并公开具体办理时间。

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