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Regulations on the Safety Administration of Dangerous Chemicals [Revised]
危险化学品安全管理条例 [已被修订]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 



The Regulations on the Safety Administration of Dangerous Chemicals have been approved at the 52 executive meeting of the State Council on Jan.9, 2002 and are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on March 15, 2002.

Premier Zhu Rongji
总理 朱镕基

Jan.26, 2002

Regulations on the Safety Administration of Dangerous Chemicals

Chapter 1 General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in order to intensify the safety administration of dangerous chemicals, to guarantee the safety of the lives and property of the people and to protect the environment.   第一条 为了加强对危险化学品的安全管理,保障人民生命、财产安全,保护环境,制定本条例。

Article 2 The production, management, storage, transport and use of dangerous chemicals and the disposition of waste dangerous chemicals must comply with the provisions of these Regulations and the laws and other administrative regulations of the State related to production safety.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内生产、经营、储存、运输、使用危险化学品和处置废弃危险化学品,必须遵守本条例和国家有关安全生产的法律、其他行政法规的规定。

Article 3 The “dangerous chemicals” as used in these Regulations shall include explosives, compressed gas and liquefied gas, inflammable liquids, inflammable solids, self-igniting articles and articles inflammable in humid environment, oxidants and organic peroxides, toxicants and corrosives, etc.   第三条 本条例所称危险化学品,包括爆炸品、压缩气体和液化气体、易燃液体、易燃固体、自燃物品和遇湿易燃物品、氧化剂和有机过氧化物、有毒品和腐蚀品等。

The dangerous chemicals shall be listed in the List of Dangerous Goods (GB12268) promulgated by the State in the standardized way; the catalog of highly toxic chemicals and other dangerous chemicals not listed in the List of Dangerous Goods shall be determined and promulgated by the department of general economic and trade administration under the State Council, jointly with the departments of public security, environment protection, quality inspection and communication under the State Council.

Article 4 The principals of the units that produce, manage, store, transport and use dangerous chemicals and dispose of waste dangerous chemicals (hereinafter referred to as the dangerous chemicals units) must guarantee that the safety administration of the dangerous chemicals of their respective units comply with the provisions of the relevant laws, regulations and rules, and the requirements of the State standards, and shall be responsible for the safety of the dangerous chemicals of their respective units.   第四条 生产、经营、储存、运输、使用危险化学品和处置废弃危险化学品的单位(以下统称危险化学品单位),其主要负责人必须保证本单位危险化学品的安全管理符合有关法律、法规、规章的规定和国家标准的要求,并对本单位危险化学品的安全负责。

The personnel of the dangerous chemicals units who are engaged in the production, management, storage, transport and use of dangerous chemicals and the disposition of waste dangerous chemicals must accept the training on the relevant laws, regulations and rules, safety knowledge, professional technology, occupational health protection and knowledge of emergency treatment, and must pass the examinations before the they take up their jobs and start operations.

Article 5 The relevant department that supervise and administrate the production, management, storage, transport and use of dangerous chemicals and the disposition of waste dangerous chemicals shall perform their duties according to the following provisions:   第五条 对危险化学品的生产、经营、储存、运输、使用和对废弃危险化学品处置实施监督管理的有关部门,依照下列规定履行职责:

1) The department of general economic and trade administration under the State Council and the departments of economic and trade administration of the people' s governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, according to the provisions of these Regulations, be responsible for the general work of the safety supervision and administration of dangerous chemicals, for the examination of the establishment of the enterprises that produce and store dangerous chemicals and the reconstruction and expansion of those enterprises, for the examining and fixing the professional production enterprises of the package and containers of dangerous chemicals (including the tanks used in the vehicles, hereinafter the same), for the issuance of license for management of dangerous chemicals, for the registration of domestic dangerous chemicals, for the organization and coordination of the emergency treatment of dangerous chemicals accidents and for the supervision and inspection of the aforesaid matters; the departments responsible for the general work of safety supervision and administration of dangerous chemicals of the people's governments at the level of cities divided into districts and the people's governments at the county level shall be determined by those people's governments at the corresponding level, and shall perform the duties according to the provisions of these Regulations. (一)国务院经济贸易综合管理部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府经济贸易管理部门,依照本条例的规定,负责危险化学品安全监督管理综合工作,负责危险化学品生产、储存企业设立及其改建、扩建的审查,负责危险化学品包装物、容器(包括用于运输工具的槽罐,下同)专业生产企业的审查和定点,负责危险化学品经营许可证的发放,负责国内危险化学品的登记,负责危险化学品事故应急救援的组织和协调,并负责前述事项的监督检查;设区的市级人民政府和县级人民政府的负责危险化学品安全监督管理综合工作的部门,由各该级人民政府确定,依照本条例的规定履行职责。

2) The departments of public security shall be responsible for the administration of the public security of dangerous chemicals, for the issuance of the purchase warrants and purchase permits for highly toxic chemicals, for the examination and issuance of the passes for road transport of highly toxic chemicals, and the supervision of the road transport safety of dangerous chemicals, and for the supervision and inspection of the aforesaid matters. (二)公安部门负责危险化学品的公共安全管理,负责发放剧毒化学品购买凭证和准购证,负责审查核发剧毒化学品公路运输通行证,对危险化学品道路运输安全实施监督,并负责前述事项的监督检查。

3) The departments of quality inspection shall be responsible for the issuance of the licenses for the production of dangerous chemicals and the package and containers thereof, for the supervision of the quality of the package and containers of dangerous chemicals, and for the supervision and inspection of the aforesaid matters. (三)质检部门负责发放危险化学品及其包装物、容器的生产许可证,负责对危险化学品包装物、容器的产品质量实施监督,并负责前述事项的监督检查。

4) The departments of environment protection shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the disposition of waste dangerous chemicals, for the investigation of major dangerous chemicals pollution accidents and incidents of ecology damages, for the emergency monitoring on the scenes of toxic chemicals accidents and the registration of import dangerous chemicals, and for the supervision and inspection of the aforesaid matters. (四)环境保护部门负责废弃危险化学品处置的监督管理,负责调查重大危险化学品污染事故和生态破坏事件,负责有毒化学品事故现场的应急监测和进口危险化学品的登记,并负责前述事项的监督检查。

5) The departments of railways and civil aviation shall be responsible for the railway and air transport of dangerous chemicals, and the safety administration and supervision and inspection of the railway and civil aviation transport units and the vehicles thereof of dangerous chemicals. The departments of communication shall be responsible for the safety administration of the road and water transport units and the vehicles thereof of dangerous chemicals, and shall supervise the safety of water transport of dangerous chemicals. And they shall also be responsible for the quality accreditation of the road and water transport units of dangerous chemicals, the drivers, shipmen, loading and unloading personnel and escorting personnel, and for the supervision and inspection of the aforesaid matters. (五)铁路、民航部门负责危险化学品铁路、航空运输和危险化学品铁路、民航运输单位及其运输工具的安全管理及监督检查。交通部门负责危险化学品公路、水路运输单位及其运输工具的安全管理,对危险化学品水路运输安全实施监督,负责危险化学品公路、水路运输单位、驾驶人员、船员、装卸人员和押运人员的资质认定,并负责前述事项的监督检查。

6) The administrative department of health shall be responsible for the appraisal of the toxicity of dangerous chemicals and the medical treatment of the injured or dead in dangerous chemicals accidents. (六)卫生行政部门负责危险化学品的毒性鉴定和危险化学品事故伤亡人员的医疗救护工作。

7) The departments of industry and commerce administration shall, based on the documents of approval or licenses of the relevant departments, verify and issue the business licenses to the units of the production, management, storage or transport of dangerous chemicals, and shall supervise and administrate the business management of the market of dangerous chemicals. (七)工商行政管理部门依据有关部门的批准、许可文件,核发危险化学品生产、经营、储存、运输单位营业执照,并监督管理危险化学品市场经营活动。

8) The departments of postage shall be responsible for the supervision and inspection of the mailing of dangerous chemicals. (八)邮政部门负责邮寄危险化学品的监督检查。

Article 6 The relevant departments that supervise and administrate the dangerous chemicals units in accordance with these Regulations may exercise the following authorities:   第六条 依照本条例对危险化学品单位实施监督管理的有关部门,依法进行监督检查,可以行使下列职权:

1) Entering the operation places of dangerous chemicals and making on-spot examinations, obtaining the relevant materials, seeking information from the relevant personnel and presenting measures for and suggestions on rectification to the dangerous chemicals units; (一)进入危险化学品作业场所进行现场检查,调取有关资料,向有关人员了解情况,向危险化学品单位提出整改措施和建议;

2) Ordering immediate elimination or elimination within limited period when finding hidden dangers of dangerous chemicals accidents; (二)发现危险化学品事故隐患时,责令立即排除或者限期排除;

3) Ordering immediate stop of use of the facilities, equipments, apparatus and vehicles that fail to meet the provisions of laws, regulations and rules and the requirements of State standards, as regarded so based on proper grounds; (三)对有根据认为不符合有关法律、法规、规章规定和国家标准要求的设施、设备、器材和运输工具,责令立即停止使用;

4) Correcting on the spot or ordering correction within limited period when finding illegal acts. (四)发现违法行为,当场予以纠正或者责令限期改正。

The dangerous chemicals units shall accept the supervision and inspection made by the relevant departments according to law, and may not refuse or hinder the supervision and inspection.

The working personnel sent out by the relevant departments shall show their certificates when making the supervision and inspection according to law.

Chapter 2 Production, Storage and Use of Dangerous Chemicals 

第二章 危险化学品的生产、储存和使用

Article 7 The State applies uniform planning, rational arrangement and strict control to the production and storage of dangerous chemicals, and applies the system of examination and approval to the production and storage of dangerous chemicals; no unit or individual may produce or store dangerous chemicals without examination and approval.   第七条 国家对危险化学品的生产和储存实行统一规划、合理布局和严格控制,并对危险化学品生产、储存实行审批制度;未经审批,任何单位和个人都不得生产、储存危险化学品。

The people's governments at the level of city divided into districts shall, according to the actual needs of the development of local economy, map out the appropriate areas specially used for the production and storage of dangerous chemicals when drawing the overall planning according to the principle of safety guarantee.

Article 8 The enterprises that produce or store dangerous chemicals must meet the following conditions:   第八条 危险化学品生产、储存企业,必须具备下列条件:

1) Having the production technic and equipment or storage methods and facilities that meet the State standards; (一)有符合国家标准的生产工艺、设备或者储存方式、设施;

2) The protection distance around the factories and storehouses meeting the State standards or the relevant provisions of the State; (二)工厂、仓库的周边防护距离符合国家标准或者国家有关规定;

3) Having the managerial personnel and technological personnel that meet the needs of production or storage; (三)有符合生产或者储存需要的管理人员和技术人员;

4) Having sound and complete systems of safety administration; (四)有健全的安全管理制度;

5) Having other conditions that meet the provisions of laws and regulations and the State standards. (五)符合法律、法规规定和国家标准要求的其他条件。

Article 9 To establish an enterprise of production or storage of highly toxic chemicals or an enterprise of production or storage of other dangerous chemicals, one shall file an application separately to the department of economic and trade administration of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government and the department responsible for the general work of safety supervision and administration of the people's government at the level of city divided into districts, and shall submit the following documents:   第九条 设立剧毒化学品生产、储存企业和其他危险化学品生产、储存企业,应当分别向省、自治区、直辖市人民政府经济贸易管理部门和设区的市级人民政府负责危险化学品安全监督管理综合工作的部门提出申请,并提交下列文件:

1) Report on feasibility study; (一)可行性研究报告;

2) Physical and chemical performance indications such as the ignition point, self-ignition point, flash point, explosion limit, toxicity, etc. of the raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products or stored dangerous chemicals; (二)原料、中间产品、最终产品或者储存的危险化学品的燃点、自燃点、闪点、爆炸极限、毒性等理化性能指标;

3) Technical requirements for package, storage and transport; (三)包装、储存、运输的技术要求;

4) Report on safety evaluation; (四)安全评价报告;

5) Measures for emergent treatment of accidents; (五)事故应急救援措施;

6) Certifications meeting the conditions as provided for in Article 8 of these Regulations. (六)符合本条例第八条规定条件的证明文件。

After receiving the application and the documents submitted, the department of economic and trade administration of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government and the department responsible for the general work of safety supervision and administration of the people's government at the level of city divided into districts shall organize the relevant experts to make examinations, and after the examination opinions are given, report to the people's government at the corresponding level for the decision on approval or not. The department of economic and trade administration of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government and the department responsible for the general work of safety supervision and administration of the people's government at the level of city divided into districts shall issue the certificate based on the decision of the people's government of the corresponding level; and shall notify the applicant in written form when approval is not granted.

The applicant shall go through the procedures for registration at the department of industry and commerce administration by the certificate.

Article 10 With the exception of filling stations, and gas stations for vehicles, the distance between the production devices of dangerous chemicals, the storage facilities of which the storage quantity constitutes major danger sources and the following places and areas must meet the State standards and the relevant provisions of the State:   第十条 除运输工具加油站、加气站外,危险化学品的生产装置和储存数量构成重大危险源的储存设施,与下列场所、区域的距离必须符合国家标准或者国家有关规定:

1) Areas with intensive population such as residential areas, business centers and parks, etc.; (一)居民区、商业中心、公园等人口密集区域;

2) Public facilities such as schools, hospitals, cinemas, stadiums (gymnasiums) etc.; (二)学校、医院、影剧院、体育场(馆)等公共设施;

3) Sources of water supply, water factories and protection zones of water source; (三)供水水源、水厂及水源保护区;

a) Stations, docks (excluding those approved to be especially engaged in the loading and unloading of dangerous chemicals according to the provisions of the State), airports, and the trunk lines of roads, railways and waterways, subway wind booths and the entrances and exits of subways; (四)车站、码头(按照国家规定,经批准,专门从事危险化学品装卸作业的除外)、机场以及公路、铁路、水路交通干线、地铁风亭及出入口;

4) Basic farmland protection zones, pasturage areas, fishery water areas, and production bases of seeds, breeders, and fries; (五)基本农田保护区、畜牧区、渔业水域和种子、种畜、水产苗种生产基地;

5) Rivers, lakes, key points of scenery interest and natural protection zones; (六)河流、湖泊、风景名胜区和自然保护区;

6) Military forbidden zones and military administered zones; (七)军事禁区、军事管理区;

7) Other areas protected as provided for by laws and regulations. (八)法律、行政法规规定予以保护的其他区域。

Where the production devices of dangerous chemicals and the storage facilities of which the storage quantity constitutes major danger sources that have been built fail to meet the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the department responsible for the general work of the safety supervision and administration of dangerous chemicals of the people's government at the level of city divided into districts of the place where the devices and facilities are located shall supervise the rectification within a prescribed period; if it is necessary to change the production, stop the production, be moved or be closed, the approval of the people's government at the corresponding level shall be obtained before the implementation.

The “major danger sources” as used in these Regulations shall refer to the cells (including places and facilities) that produce, transport, use or store dangerous chemicals or dispose of dangerous chemicals, and the quantities of the dangerous chemicals amount to or exceed the threshold quantity.

Article 11 Where enterprises of production or storage of dangerous chemicals are to be reconstructed or expanded, they must go through the examination and approval according to the provisions of Article 9 of these Regulations.   第十一条 危险化学品生产、储存企业改建、扩建的,必须依照本条例第九条的规定经审查批准。

Article 12 Enterprises of production of dangerous chemicals established according to law must apply to the department of quality inspection under the State Council for the licenses for the production of dangerous chemicals; no production shall be started unless the license for the production of dangerous chemicals is obtained.   第十二条 依法设立的危险化学品生产企业,必须向国务院质检部门申请领取危险化学品生产许可证;未取得危险化学品生产许可证的,不得开工生产。

The department of quality inspection under the State Council shall report the issuance of licenses for the production of dangerous chemicals to the department of general administration, the department of environment protection and the department of public security under the State Council.

Article 13 No unit or individual may produce, manage or use the dangerous chemicals explicitly prohibited by the State orders.   第十三条 任何单位和个人不得生产、经营、使用国家明令禁止的危险化学品。

It is prohibited to produce rat-banes and other chemical products and daily used chemicals that may enter the daily life of the people with highly toxic chemicals.

Article 14 Those producing dangerous chemicals shall attach the chemical safety technical specifications that are completely consistent with the dangerous chemicals in the package of the dangerous chemicals, and shall affix or hang on the package (including the external package) the chemical safety labels that are completely consistent with the dangerous chemicals packed.   第十四条 生产危险化学品的,应当在危险化学品的包装内附有与危险化学品完全一致的化学品安全技术说明书,并在包装(包括外包装件)上加贴或者拴挂与包装内危险化学品完全一致的化学品安全标签。

When the enterprises of production of dangerous chemicals find that the dangerous chemicals they produce have new harmful characteristics, they shall make public announcement immediately, and shall revise the safety technical specifications and the safety labels without delay.

Article 15 The production conditions of the units undertaking production by using dangerous chemicals must meet the State standards and the relevant provisions of the State, and shall obtain the corresponding licenses according to the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations of the State, and must establish and improve the rules and systems of safety control of the use of dangerous chemicals, so as to guarantee the safe use and administration of dangerous chemicals.   第十五条 使用危险化学品从事生产的单位,其生产条件必须符合国家标准和国家有关规定,并依照国家有关法律、法规的规定取得相应的许可,必须建立、健全危险化学品使用的安全管理规章制度,保证危险化学品的安全使用和管理。

Article 16 Those producing, storing or using dangerous chemicals shall, according to the categories and characteristics of the dangerous chemicals, set up the corresponding safety facilities and equipments of monitoring, aeration, protection against solarization, temperature adjusting, fireproof, fire fighting, flameproof, pressure discharging, prevention of toxicants, disinfection, neutralization, moistureproof, protection against thunder, protection against static, antisepsis, prevention of leakage, protection dams or segregated operations, and shall carry out maintenance and caring according to the State standards and the relevant provisions of the State, thus to guarantee the compliance with the requirements of safe operations.   第十六条 生产、储存、使用危险化学品的,应当根据危险化学品的种类、特性,在车间、库房等作业场所设置相应的监测、通风、防晒、调温、防火、灭火、防爆、泄压、防毒、消毒、中和、防潮、防雷、防静电、防腐、防渗漏、防护围堤或者隔离操作等安全设施、设备,并按照国家标准和国家有关规定进行维护、保养,保证符合安全运行要求。

Article 17 The units producing, storing or using highly toxic chemicals shall make the safety evaluation of the production or storage devices of their respective units once every year; the units producing, storing or using other dangerous chemicals shall make the safety evaluation of the production or storage devices of their respective units once every two years.   第十七条 生产、储存、使用剧毒化学品的单位,应当对本单位的生产、储存装置每年进行一次安全评价;生产、储存、使用其他危险化学品的单位,应当对本单位的生产、储存装置每两年进行一次安全评价。

The report of safety evaluation shall give the schemes for rectification of the safety problems existing in the production or storage devices. Where actual dangers are found in the production or storage devices during the safety evaluation, the devices shall be stopped from use immediately, be changed or repaired, and the corresponding safety measures shall be taken.

The report of safety evaluation shall be reported for record to the department responsible for the general work of safety supervision and administration of dangerous chemicals of the people's government at the level of city divided into districts of the place where the devices are located.

Article 18 The units producing, storing or using dangerous chemicals shall set up communication or alarming devices at the places of production, storage and use, and shall guarantee that the device are in the state for normal use under any circumstances.   第十八条 危险化学品的生产、储存、使用单位,应当在生产、储存和使用场所设置通讯、报警装置,并保证在任何情况下处于正常适用状态。

Article 19 The units producing, storing or using highly toxic chemicals shall record the output, stored quantities and usage of the highly toxic chemical according to the facts, and shall take necessary security measures to prevent the highly toxic chemicals from being stolen, lost, sold by mistake or misused; when finding that the highly toxic chemicals have been stolen, lost, sold by mistake or misused, the units shall report to the local departments of public security immediately.   第十九条 剧毒化学品的生产、储存、使用单位,应当对剧毒化学品的产量、流向、储存量和用途如实记录,并采取必要的保安措施,防止剧毒化学品被盗、丢失或者误售、误用;发现剧毒化学品被盗、丢失或者误售、误用时,必须立即向当地公安部门报告。

Article 20 The package of dangerous chemicals must meet the provisions of laws, regulations and rules of the State and the requirements of the State standards.   第二十条 危险化学品的包装必须符合国家法律、法规、规章的规定和国家标准的要求。

The materials, types, specifications, methods and the quality (weight) per piece of the package of dangerous chemicals shall accord with the nature and usage of the packed dangerous chemicals, and be convenient for loading and unloading, transport and storage.

Article 21 The package and containers of dangerous chemicals must be produced by the designated professional production enterprises that have passed the examinations of the departments of economic and trade administration of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and shall pass the testing and inspections made by the professional testing and inspection agencies accredited by the department of quality inspection under the State Council before they may be put into use.   第二十一条 危险化学品的包装物、容器,必须由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府经济贸易管理部门审查合格的专业生产企业定点生产,并经国务院质检部门认可的专业检测、检验机构检测、检验合格,方可使用。

The package and containers of dangerous chemicals to be reused shall be examined before the use, and records shall be made; the records of the examinations shall be kept for at least 2 years.

The departments of quality inspection shall make regular or irregular examinations of the quality of the package and containers of dangerous chemicals.

Article 22 Dangerous chemicals must be stored in special storehouses, special places or special storerooms (hereinafter referred to as the special storehouses), the forms, methods of storage and the quantities of storage must meet the State standards, and shall be managed by the personnel specially designated.   第二十二条 危险化学品必须储存在专用仓库、专用场地或者专用储存室(以下统称专用仓库)内,储存方式、方法与储存数量必须符合国家标准,并由专人管理。

The entry and exit of storehouses of the dangerous chemicals must be verified and registered. And the dangerous chemicals stored in the storehouses shall be inspected regularly.

Highly toxic chemicals and other dangerous chemicals of which the stored quantities constitute major danger sources shall be kept separately in the special storehouses, and shall apply the system of two-person dispatch and two-person keeping. The storage units shall report for record the stored quantities, storage places and the information about the managerial personnel of the highly toxic chemicals and other dangerous chemicals constituting major danger resources to the local departments of public security and the departments responsible for the general work of the safety supervision and administration of dangerous chemicals.

Article 23 The special storehouses of dangerous chemicals shall meet the requirements of the State on safety and fire control, and shall set up eye-catching signs. The storage equipments and the safety facilities of the special storehouses of dangerous chemicals shall be checked and tested regularly.   第二十三条 危险化学品专用仓库,应当符合国家标准对安全、消防的要求,设置明显标志。危险化学品专用仓库的储存设备和安全设施应当定期检测。

Article 24 The disposition of waste dangerous chemicals shall be carried out according to the law on the prevention of solid waste pollution and the relevant provisions of the State.   第二十四条 处置废弃危险化学品,依照固体废物污染环境防治法和国家有关规定执行。

Article 25 Where the units producing, storing or using dangerous chemicals change production, stop production, shutdown, or are dissolved, they shall take effective measures to deal with the production or storage equipments of dangerous chemicals, the stored products and raw materials, and shall not leave hidden dangers of accidents. The schemes for disposition shall be reported for record to the departments responsible for the general work of safety supervision and administration of dangerous chemicals of the people's governments at the level of city divided into districts of the places where the units are located, and the departments of environment protection and public security at the same level. The departments responsible for the general work of safety supervision and administration of dangerous chemicals shall supervise and inspect the disposition.   第二十五条 危险化学品的生产、储存、使用单位转产、停产、停业或者解散的,应当采取有效措施,处置危险化学品的生产或者储存设备、库存产品及生产原料,不得留有事故隐患。处置方案应当报所在地设区的市级人民政府负责危险化学品安全监督管理综合工作的部门和同级环境保护部门、公安部门备案。负责危险化学品安全监督管理综合工作的部门应当对处置情况进行监督检查。

Article 26 The dangerous chemicals handed in by the public shall be taken over by the departments of public security. The dangerous chemicals taken over by the departments of public security and other relevant departments shall be disposed of by the professional units accredited by the departments of environmental protection.   第二十六条 公众上交的危险化学品,由公安部门接收。公安部门接收的危险化学品和其他有关部门收缴的危险化学品,交由环境保护部门认定的专业单位处理。

Chapter 3 Management of Dangerous Chemicals 

第三章 危险化学品的经营

Article 27 The State applies license system to the management and sale of dangerous chemicals. No unit or individual may manage or sell dangerous chemicals without license.
   第二十七条 国家对危险化学品经营销售实行许可制度。未经许可,任何单位和个人都不得经营销售危险化学品。

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