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International Convention Against Doping in Sport [Effective]
反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约 [现行有效]

International Convention Against Doping in Sport



The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, hereinafter referred to as "UNESCO", meeting in Paris, from 3 to 21 October 2005, at its 33rd session, 

Considering that the aim of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science and culture, 鉴于教科文组织之宗旨在于通过教育、科学及文化来促进各国间之合作,对和平与安全作出贡献;
Referring to existing international instruments relating to human rights, 参考了有关人权的现有国际文件;
Aware of resolution 58/5 adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 3 November 2003, concerning sport as a means to promote education, health, development and peace, notably its paragraph 7, 了解到联合国大会于2003年11月3日通过了有关体育运动促进教育、健康、发展与和平的决议58/5,特别是其第七款的内容;
Conscious that sport should play an important role in the protection of health, in moral, cultural and physical education and in promoting international understanding and peace, 意识到体育运动应当为保护健康,为道德教育、文化教育和体育,以及为促进国际理解与和平发挥重要作用;
Noting the need to encourage and coordinate international cooperation towards the elimination of doping in sport, 注意到为消除在体育运动中使用兴奋剂的现象,需要鼓励和协调国际合作;
Concerned by the use of doping by athletes in sport and the consequences thereof for their health, the principle of fair play, the elimination of cheating and the future of sport, 对运动员在体育运动中使用兴奋剂,以及由此对他们的健康、公平竞赛的原则、消除欺骗行为及对体育运动的未来的影响表示关注;
Mindful that doping puts at risk the ethical principles and educational values embodied in the International Charter of Physical Education and Sport of UNESCO and in the Olympic Charter, 注意到使用兴奋剂问题危及教科文组织的《国际体育运动宪章》以及《奥林匹克宪章》体现的道德原则和教育价值观;
Recalling that the Anti-Doping Convention and its Additional Protocol adopted within the framework of the Council of Europe are the public international law tools which are at the origin of national anti-doping policies and of intergovernmental cooperation, 忆及在欧洲委员会框架内通过的《反对使用兴奋剂公约》及其附加议定书,是在各国反兴奋剂政策以及政府间开展合作的基础上制定的国际公法文件;
Recalling the recommendations on doping adopted by the second, third and fourth International Conferences of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport organized by UNESCO at Moscow (1988), Punta del Este (1999) and Athens (2004) and 32 C/Resolution 9 adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO at its 32nd session (2003), 还忆及教科文组织分别于莫斯科(1988年)、埃斯特角(1999年)和雅典(2004年)组织召开的第二届、第三届和第四届国际体育部长和高官会议通过的关于反对使用兴奋剂的建议书,以及教科文组织大会第三十二届会议(2003年)通过的第32 C/9号决议;
Bearing in mind the World Anti-Doping Code adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency at the World Conference on Doping in Sport, Copenhagen, 5 March 2003, and the Copenhagen Declaration on Anti-Doping in Sport, 铭记2003年3月5日在哥本哈根举行的“反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂世界大会”上世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA )通过的《世界反兴奋剂条例》,以及《反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂哥本哈根宣言》;
Mindful also of the influence that elite athletes have on youth, 注意到优秀运动员对青少年的影响;
Aware of the ongoing need to conduct and promote research with the objectives of improving detection of doping and better understanding of the factors affecting use in order for prevention strategies to be most effective, 意识到为了改进兴奋剂检查工作,以及更好地了解影响使用兴奋剂的各种因素,以便找到最有效的预防措施,目前需要开展并促进相关的研究;
Aware also of the importance of ongoing education of athletes, athlete support personnel and the community at large in preventing doping, 也意识到坚持对运动员、运动员辅助人员以及一般民众开展预防使用兴奋剂教育的重要意义;
Mindful of the need to build the capacity of States Parties to implement anti-doping programmes, 注意到需要提高缔约国实施反兴奋剂计划的能力;
Aware that public authorities and the organizations responsible for sport have complementary responsibilities to prevent and combat doping in sport, notably to ensure the proper conduct, on the basis of the principle of fair play, of sports events and to protect the health of those that take part in them, 还意识到公共管理当局和负责体育运动的组织有责任相互配合,预防和反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂,尤其要依照公平竞赛的原则,确保在体育赛事中端正操守,保护参赛运动员的健康;
Recognizing that these authorities and organizations must work together for these purposes, ensuring the highest degree of independence and transparency at all appropriate levels, 还认识到这些管理机构和组织应当为此共同努力,确保各相关层面的工作具有最大的独立性和透明度;
Determined to take further and stronger cooperative action aimed at the elimination of doping in sport, 决心进一步加强合作,消除体育运动中的使用兴奋剂现象;
Recognizing that the elimination of doping in sport is dependent in part upon progressive harmonization of anti-doping standards and practices in sport and cooperation at the national and global levels, 还认识到要消除在体育运动中使用兴奋剂的现象,部分取决于体育运动中的反兴奋剂标准与具体作法逐步走向协调一致,也取决于各国国内和国际间的合作;
Adopts this Convention on this nineteenth day of October 2005. 本公约于2005年10月19日获得通过。

I. Scope 第一章 范围

 Article 1– Purpose of the Convention   第一条 《公约》的宗旨
The purpose of this Convention, within the framework of the strategy and programme of activities of UNESCO in the area of physical education and sport, is to promote the prevention of and the fight against doping in sport, with a view to its elimination. 本公约的宗旨是,在教科文组织体育运动领域的战略框架和活动计划框架内,促进预防并反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂,最终消除这一现象。
 Article 2– Definitions   第二条 定义
These definitions are to be understood within the context of the World Anti-Doping Code. However, in case of conflict the provisions of the Convention will prevail. 以下定义是根据《世界反兴奋剂条例》的内容做出解释的。如有相左之处,应以本公约为准。
For the purposes of this Convention: 在本公约中:
1. "Accredited doping control laboratories" means laboratories accredited by the World Anti Doping Agency. (一)“获得认证的兴奋剂控制实验室”是指获得世界反兴奋剂机构认证的实验室。
2. "Anti-doping organization" means an entity that is responsible for adopting rules for initiating, implementing or enforcing any part of the doping control process. This includes, for example, the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee, other major event organizations that conduct testing at their events, the World Anti-Doping Agency, international federations and national anti-doping organizations. (二)“反兴奋剂组织”是指负责为启动、实施或执行兴奋剂控制过程中任何环节的工作而制定规则的实体。例如包括国际奥林匹克委员会、国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会、其他在其赛事中实施兴奋剂检查的重大赛事组织机构、世界反兴奋剂机构、各国际单项体育联合会以及国家反兴奋剂组织。
3. "Anti-doping rule violation" in sport means one or more of the following: (三)在体育运动中“违反反兴奋剂规则”是指出现一项或多项下列情况:
(a) the presence of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers in an athlete's bodily specimen; 1.在运动员体内采集的样品中,发现禁用物质或它的代谢物或标记物;
(b) use or attempted use of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method; 2.使用或企图使用某种禁用物质或禁用方法;
(c) refusing, or failing without compelling justification, to submit to sample collection after notification as authorized in applicable anti-doping rules or otherwise evading sample collection; 3.接到依照反兴奋剂规则授权的检查通知后,拒绝样品采集、无正当理由未能完成样品采集或者其他逃避样品采集的行为;
(d) violation of applicable requirements regarding athlete availability for out-of-competition testing, including failure to provide required whereabouts information and missed tests which are declared based on reasonable rules; 4.违反运动员接受赛外检查的义务,包括未按规定提供行踪信息,并错过根据合理规则通知的检查;
(e) tampering, or attempting to tamper, with any part of doping control; 5.篡改或企图篡改兴奋剂控制过程中的任何环节;
(f) possession of prohibited substances or methods; 6.持有禁用物质或禁用方法;
(g) trafficking in any prohibited substance or prohibited method; 7.从事任何禁用物质或禁用方法的交易;
(h) administration or attempted administration of a prohibited substance or prohibited method to any athlete, or assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, covering up or any other type of complicity involving an anti-doping rule violation or any attempted violation. 8.对任何运动员施用或企图对其施用某种禁用物质或禁用方法,或者协助、鼓励、资助、教唆、掩盖使用禁用物质与方法的行为,或其他类型的违反反兴奋剂规则的串通行为或任何企图违规的行为。
4. "Athlete" means, for the purposes of doping control, any person who participates in sport at the international or national level as defined by each national anti-doping organization and accepted by States Parties and any additional person who participates in a sport or event at a lower level accepted by States Parties. For the purposes of education and training programmes, "athlete" means any person who participates in sport under the authority of a sports organization. (四)就实施兴奋剂控制而言,“运动员”是指任何参与国际级或国家级(以每个国家反兴奋剂组织确定的,并为缔约国所接受的定义为准)体育运动的人,以及任何其他参与被缔约国选定的较低水平体育运动或赛事的人。就教育与培训活动而言,“运动员”是指任何参与某个体育组织所管理的体育运动的人。
5. "Athlete support personnel" means any coach, trainer, manager, agent, team staff, official, medical or paramedical personnel working with or treating athletes participating in or preparing for sports competition. (五)“运动员辅助人员”是指同运动员一起工作,或辅助运动员参加或准备体育比赛的任何教练、体能教练、领队、经纪人、运动队工作人员、官员、医疗或医护人员。
6. "Code" means the World Anti-Doping Code adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency on 5 March 2003 at Copenhagen which is attached as Appendix 1 to this Convention. (六)《条例》是指世界反兴奋剂机构于2003年3月5日在哥本哈根通过的《世界反兴奋剂条例》(已列为本公约的附录1)。
7. "Competition" means a single race, match, game or singular athletic contest. (七)“比赛”是指一场单一的各类比赛或单一的运动竞赛。
8. "Doping control" means the process including test distribution planning, sample collection and handling, laboratory analysis, results management, hearings and appeals. (八)“兴奋剂控制”是指包括兴奋剂检查分布计划的制定、样品的采集、样品的保存、实验室检测、检查结果管理、听证和上诉的整个过程。
9. "Doping in sport" means the occurrence of an anti-doping rule violation. (九)“在体育运动中使用兴奋剂”是指发生违反反兴奋剂规则的事件。
10. "Duly authorized doping control teams" means doping control teams operating under the authority of international or national anti-doping organizations. (十)“获得正式授权的兴奋剂控制组”,是指在国际或国家反兴奋剂组织领导下开展活动的兴奋剂控制组。
11. "In-competition" testing means, for purposes of differentiating between in-competition and out-of-competition testing, unless provided otherwise in the rules of an international federation or other relevant anti-doping organization, a test where an athlete is selected for testing in connection with a specific competition. (十一)就区别赛内检查和赛外检查而言,除非某国际单项体育联合会或其他相关反兴奋剂组织另有规定,“赛内”检查是指在一次特定的比赛中挑选受检运动员进行兴奋剂检查。
12. "International Standard for Laboratories" means the standard which is attached as Appendix 2 to this Convention. (十二)《国际实验室标准》是指巳列为本公约附录2的标准。
13. "International Standard for Testing" means the standard which is attached as Appendix 3 to this Convention. (十三)《国际反兴奋剂检查标准》是指已列为本公约附录3的标准。
14. "No advance notice" means a doping control which takes place with no advance warning to the athlete and where the athlete is continuously chaperoned from the moment of notification through sample provision. (十四)“事先无通知”是指对运动员进行事先不通知的兴奋剂控制,而且从通知运动员接受检查那一刻起就有人时刻陪护,直至样品采集完毕。
15. "Olympic Movement" means all those who agree to be guided by the Olympic Charter and who recognize the authority of the International Olympic Committee, namely the international federations of sports on the programme of the Olympic Games, the National Olympic Committees, the Organizing Committees of the Olympic Games, athletes, judges and referees, associations and clubs, as well as all the organizations and institutions recognized by the International Olympic Committee. (十五)“奥林匹克运动”是指所有同意在《奥林匹克宪章》指导下,接受国际奥委会领导的组织和个人,即:列入奥运会项目的各国际单项体育联合会、国家和地区奥委会、各届奥运会的组织委员会、运动员、仲裁员和裁判员、各协会和俱乐部、以及国际奥委会承认的所有组织和机构。
16. "Out-of-competition" doping control means any doping control which is not conducted in competition. (十六)“赛外”兴奋剂控制是指非赛内进行的兴奋剂控制。
17. "Prohibited List" means the list which appears in Annex I to this Convention identifying the prohibited substances and prohibited methods. (十七)《禁用清单》是指列为本公约附件I的确定禁用物质和禁用方法的清单。
18. "Prohibited method" means any method so described on the Prohibited List, which appears in Annex I to this Convention. (十八)“禁用方法”是指任何被列入本公约附件I《禁用清单》的方法。
19. "Prohibited substance" means any substance so described on the Prohibited List, which appears in Annex I to this Convention. (十九)“禁用物质”是指任何被列入本公约附件I《禁用清单》的物质。
20. "Sports organization" means any organization that serves as the ruling body for an event for one or several sports. (二十)“体育组织”是指任何作为一项或几项体育赛事的管理机构的组织。
21. "Standards for Granting Therapeutic Use Exemptions" means those standards that appear in Annex II to this Convention. (二十一)《治疗用药豁免的标准》是指本公约附件II中所述的标准。
22. "Testing" means the parts of the doping control process involving test distribution planning, sample collection, sample handling and sample transport to the laboratory. (二十二)“检查”是指兴奋剂控制过程的组成部分,包括兴奋剂检查分布计划的制定、样品的采集、样品的保存,以及将样品运送至实验室。
23. "Therapeutic use exemption" means an exemption granted in accordance with Standards for Granting Therapeutic Use Exemptions. (二十三)“治疗用药豁免”是指根据《治疗用药豁免的标准》所批准的豁免。
24. "Use" means the application, ingestion, injection or consumption by any means whatsoever of any prohibited substance or prohibited method. (二十四)“使用”是指通过摄取、注射或其他任何方式应用禁用物质或禁用方法。
25. "World Anti-Doping Agency" (WADA) means the foundation so named established under Swiss law on 10 November 1999. (二十五)“世界反兴奋剂机构”(WADA)是指依据瑞士法律于1999年11月10日建立的以此命名的基金会。
 Article 3– Means to achieve the purpose of the Convention   第三条 实现《公约》宗旨的手段
In order to achieve the purpose of the Convention, States Parties undertake to: 为实现《公约》的宗旨,缔约国承诺:
(a) adopt appropriate measures at the national and international levels which are consistent with the principles of the Code; (一)遵照《条例》中确定的原则,在各国和国际间采取必要的行动;
(b) encourage all forms of international cooperation aimed at protecting athletes and ethics in sport and at sharing the results of research; (二)鼓励在保护运动员、促进体育道德和分享研究成果方面开展各种形式的国际合作;
(c) foster international cooperation between States Parties and leading organizations in the fight against doping in sport, in particular with the World Anti-Doping Agency. (三)鼓励缔约国与反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂领域中的主要组织,特别是与世界反兴奋剂机构开展国际合作。
 Article 4– Relationship of the Convention to the Code   第四条 本公约与《条例》的关系
1. In order to coordinate the implementation, at the national and international levels, of the fight against doping in sport, States Parties commit themselves to the principles of the Code as the basis for the measures provided for in Article 5 of this Convention. Nothing in this Convention prevents States Parties from adopting additional measures complementary to the Code. 一、为了协调各国和国际间开展的反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂的活动,缔约国承诺遵守《条例》中确定的原则,并将其作为本公约第五条中提出的各项措施的基础。本公约中任何条款均不得妨碍缔约国为配合《条例》而采取新的措施。
2. The Code and the most current version of Appendices 2 and 3 are reproduced for information purposes and are not an integral part of this Convention. The Appendices as such do not create any binding obligations under international law for States Parties. 二、《条例》以及附录2和附录3的最新文本并非本公约的组成部分,但列为本公约的附录,以供了解其内容。因此,这些附录对缔约国并不具有任何国际法的约束力。
3. The Annexes are an integral part of this Convention. 三、各附件均为本公约的组成部分。
 Article 5– Measures to achieve the objectives of the Convention   第五条 实现《公约》目标的措施
In abiding by the obligations contained in this Convention, each State Party undertakes to adopt appropriate measures. Such measures may include legislation, regulation, policies or administrative practices. 各缔约国承诺,为遵守本公约各项条款中的规定,将采取必要的措施。此类措施可能包括法律、法规、政策或实施行政管理。
 Article 6– Relationship to other international instruments   第六条 与其它国际文件之间的关系
This Convention shall not alter the rights and obligations of States Parties which arise from other agreements previously concluded and consistent with the object and purpose of this Convention. This does not affect the enjoyment by other States Parties of their rights or the performance of their obligations under this Convention. 本公约不应当影响缔约国因缔结的其他与本公约宗旨相一致的协议而享有的权利和承担的责任。这也不影响其他缔约国根据本公约应当享有的权利或应当承担的责任。

II. Anti-doping activities at the national level 第二章 国家级的反兴奋剂工作

 Article 7– Domestic coordination   第七条 国内协调
States Parties shall ensure the application of the present Convention, notably through domestic coordination. To meet their obligations under this Convention, States Parties may rely on anti-doping organizations as well as sports authorities and organizations. 缔约国应当特别注重国内的协调,确保本公约的实施。缔约国可依靠各反兴奋剂组织以及体育管理部门和组织,来履行本公约规定的义务。
 Article 8– Restricting the availability and use in sport of prohibited substances and methods   第八条 限制获得并在体育运动中使用禁用物质和禁用方法
1. States Parties shall, where appropriate, adopt measures to restrict the availability of prohibited substances and methods in order to restrict their use in sport by athletes, unless the use is based upon a therapeutic use exemption. These include measures against trafficking to athletes and, to this end, measures to control production, movement, importation, distribution and sale. 一、缔约国应当根据情况采取措施,限制获得禁用物质和禁用方法的途径,从而限制运动员在体育运动中使用它们,当然获得治疗用药豁免后使用不在此限制之列。这些措施包括打击向运动员贩卖禁用物质,为此要采取措施管制生产、运输、进口、分销和销售。
2. States Parties shall adopt, or encourage, where appropriate, the relevant entities within their jurisdictions to adopt measures to prevent and to restrict the use and possession of prohibited substances and methods by athletes in sport, unless the use is based upon a therapeutic use exemption. 二、缔约国应采取措施,或根据情况鼓励其所属的有关管理机构采取措施,防止和限制运动员持有并在体育运动中使用禁用物质和禁用方法,除非是属于在获得治疗用药豁免的基础上使用。
3. No measures taken pursuant to this Convention will impede the availability for legitimate purposes of substances and methods otherwise prohibited or controlled in sport. 三、为履行本公约而采取的任何措施,均不得妨碍出于合法目的而获得在体育运动中禁用或受控制使用的物质和方法。
 Article 9– Measures against athlete support personnel   第九条 针对运动员辅助人员的措施
States Parties shall themselves take measures or encourage sports organizations and anti-doping organizations to adopt measures, including sanctions or penalties, aimed at athlete support personnel who commit an anti-doping rule violation or other offence connected with doping in sport. 缔约国应当采取措施,或鼓励体育组织和反兴奋剂组织采取措施,处理违反了反兴奋剂规则或有其他与在体育运动中使用兴奋剂有关的违法行为的运动员辅助人员,包括给予制裁或惩罚。
 Article 10– Nutritional supplements   第十条 营养补充品
States Parties, where appropriate, shall encourage producers and distributors of nutritional supplements to establish best practices in the marketing and distribution of nutritional supplements, including information regarding their analytic composition and quality assurance. 缔约国应当根据情况鼓励营养补充品的生产商和销售商在营养补充品的市场运作和营销方面建立良好的操守,包括提供产品成分的分析信息和质量保证。
 Article 11– Financial measures   第十一条 财政措施
States Parties shall, where appropriate: 缔约国应当根据情况:
(a) provide funding within their respective budgets to support a national testing programme across all sports or assist sports organizations and anti-doping organizations in financing doping controls either by direct subsidies or grants, or by recognizing the costs of such controls when determining the overall subsidies or grants to be awarded to those organizations; (一)在各自预算内为所有运动项目的国家兴奋剂检查计划提供资金,或协助体育组织和反兴奋剂组织为兴奋剂控制工作提供资金,为此可提供直接补助或拨款,或者在确定给予这些组织的总体补助或拨款时考虑到这类工作的费用;
(b) take steps to withhold sport-related financial support to individual athletes or athlete support personnel who have been suspended following an anti-doping rule violation, during the period of their suspension; (二)对于因违反反兴奋剂规则而被禁赛的运动员或运动员辅助人员,在其禁赛期间采取扣发体育运动方面的补助的措施;
(c) withhold some or all financial or other sport-related support from any sports organization or anti-doping organization not in compliance with the Code or applicable anti-doping rules adopted pursuant to the Code. (三)对于违反《条例》的规定或依据《条例》通过的有关反兴奋剂规则的任何体育组织和反兴奋剂组织,部分或全部取消对其在财政或其他体育运动方面的支持。
 Article 12– Measures to facilitate doping control   第十二条 加强兴奋剂控制的措施
States Parties shall, where appropriate: 缔约国应当根据情况:
(a) encourage and facilitate the implementation by sports organizations and anti-doping organizations within their jurisdiction of doping controls in a manner consistent with the Code, including no-advance notice, out-of-competition and in-competition testing; (一)鼓励并促进其管辖范围内的体育组织和反兴奋剂组织根据《条例》进行兴奋剂控制,包括事先无通知的检查、赛外检查和赛内检查;
(b) encourage and facilitate the negotiation by sports organizations and anti-doping organizations of agreements permitting their members to be tested by duly authorized doping control teams from other countries; (二)鼓励并促进体育组织和反兴奋剂组织进行协商,允许其成员接受其他国家经正式授权的兴奋剂控制组的检查;
(c) undertake to assist the sports organizations and anti-doping organizations within their jurisdiction in gaining access to an accredited doping control laboratory for the purposes of doping control analysis. (三)承诺协助其管辖范围内的体育组织和反兴奋剂组织利用获得认证的兴奋剂控制实验室进行兴奋剂控制分析。

III. International cooperation 第三章 国际合作

 Article 13– Cooperation between anti-doping organizations and sports organizations   第十三条 反兴奋剂组织和体育组织之间的合作
States Parties shall encourage cooperation between anti-doping organizations, public authorities and sports organizations within their jurisdiction and those within the jurisdiction of other States Parties in order to achieve, at the international level, the purpose of this Convention. 缔约国应当鼓励其管辖范围内的反兴奋剂组织、公共当局和体育组织与其他缔约国的相应机构和组织开展合作,以便在国际范围内实现本公约的宗旨。
 Article 14– Supporting the mission of the World Anti-Doping Agency   第十四条 支持世界反兴奋剂机构的工作
States Parties undertake to support the important mission of the World Anti-Doping Agency in the international fight against doping. 缔约国承诺支持世界反兴奋剂机构在国际反兴奋剂方面开展的重要工作。
 Article 15– Equal funding of the World Anti-Doping Agency   第十五条 世界反兴奋剂机构经费的等额资助
States Parties support the principle of equal funding of the World Anti-Doping Agency's approved annual core budget by public authorities and the Olympic Movement. 各缔约国支持由各国公共当局和奥林匹克运动等额资助世界反兴奋剂机构经批准的年度核心预算的原则。
 Article 16– International cooperation in doping control   第十六条 兴奋剂控制方面的国际合作
Recognizing that the fight against doping in sport can only be effective when athletes can be tested with no advance notice and samples can be transported in a timely manner to laboratories for analysis, States Parties shall, where appropriate and in accordance with domestic law and procedures: 各缔约国认识到只有在对运动员进行事先不通知的检查,而且样品能够及时运到实验室进行分析的情况下,打击在体育运动中使用兴奋剂的行动才会有效,因此各缔约国应根据情况,并根据各自国内的法律和程序:
(a) facilitate the task of the World Anti-Doping Agency and anti-doping organizations operating in compliance with the Code, subject to relevant host countries' regulations, of conducting in- or out-of-competition doping controls on their athletes, whether on their territory or elsewhere; (一)为世界反兴奋剂机构和各反兴奋剂组织根据涉及国的规定,在该国领土上或其他地方,依照《条例》对其运动员进行赛内和赛外的兴奋剂检查提供便利;
(b) facilitate the timely movement of duly authorized doping control teams across borders when conducting doping control activities; (二)为获得正式授权的兴奋剂控制组在开展兴奋剂控制工作时提供及时出入边境的便利;
(c) cooperate to expedite the timely shipping or carrying across borders of samples in such a way as to maintain their security and integrity; (三)给予合作,及时将样品发运或携带出境,以保持样品的安全和完整;
(d) assist in the international coordination of doping controls by various anti-doping organizations, and cooperate to this end with the World Anti-Doping Agency; (四)协助各反兴奋剂组织在兴奋剂控制方面进行国际协调,并为此与世界反兴奋剂机构开展合作;
(e) promote cooperation between doping control laboratories within their jurisdiction and those within the jurisdiction of other States Parties. In particular, States Parties with accredited doping control laboratories should encourage laboratories within their jurisdiction to assist other States Parties in enabling them to acquire the experience, skills and techniques necessary to establish their own laboratories should they wish to do so; (五)促进其管辖范围内的兴奋剂控制实验室与其他缔约国的相关实验室开展合作。特别是拥有获得认证的兴奋剂控制实验室的各缔约国应鼓励其管辖范围内的实验室帮助其他缔约国获得必要的经验、技能和技术,以便使他们能够根据自己的愿望设立自己的实验室;
(f) encourage and support reciprocal testing arrangements between designated anti-doping organizations, in conformity with the Code; (六)鼓励并支持在指定的反兴奋剂组织之间依照《条例》的规定开展相互对等的检查;
(g) mutually recognize the doping control procedures and test results management, including the sport sanctions thereof, of any anti-doping organization that are consistent with the Code. (七)相互承认各反兴奋剂组织符合《条例》规定的兴奋剂控制程序和对检查结果的管理方法,包括据此做出的体育运动处罚措施。
 Article 17– Voluntary Fund   第十七条 自愿基金
1. A "Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport", hereinafter referred to as "the Voluntary Fund", is hereby established. The Voluntary Fund shall consist of funds-in-trust established in accordance with the Financial Regulations of UNESCO. All contributions by States Parties and other actors shall be voluntary. 一、设立一项“杜绝在体育运动中使用兴奋剂基金”(以下简称“自愿基金”)。自愿基金应当由根据教科文组织《财务条例》设立的信托基金组成。缔约国和其他相关方的所有捐款应当为自愿捐款。
2. The resources of the Voluntary Fund shall consist of: 二、自愿基金的资金来源包括:
(a) contributions made by States Parties; (一)缔约国的捐款;
(b) contributions, gifts or bequests which may be made by: (二)以下各方可能提供的捐款、赠款或遗赠:
(i) other States; 1.其他国家;
(ii) organizations and programmes of the United Nations system, particularly the United Nations Development Programme, as well as other international organizations; 2.联合国系统各组织和各计划署(特别是联合国开发计划署)以及其他国际组织;或
(iii) public or private bodies or individuals; 3.公共或私营机构或个人;
(c) any interest due on the resources of the Voluntary Fund; (三)自愿基金的资金所得的利息;
(d) funds raised through collections, and receipts from events organized for the benefit of the Voluntary Fund; (四)募集的资金和为自愿基金开展活动之所得;
(e) any other resources authorized by the Voluntary Fund's regulations, to be drawn up by the Conference of Parties. (五)将由缔约国大会制定的《自愿基金条例》所许可的所有其它资金。
3. Contributions into the Voluntary Fund by States Parties shall not be considered to be a replacement for States Parties' commitment to pay their share of the World Anti-Doping Agency's annual budget. 三、缔约国向自愿基金捐助的款项不得被视为取代缔约国承诺支付的其世界反兴奋剂机构年度预算中的份额。
 Article 18– Use and governance of the Voluntary Fund   第十八条 自愿基金的使用与管理
Resources in the Voluntary Fund shall be allocated by the Conference of Parties for the financing of activities approved by it, notably to assist States Parties in developing and implementing anti-doping programmes, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, taking into consideration the goals of the World Anti-Doping Agency, and may serve to cover functioning costs of this Convention. No political, economic or other conditions may be attached to contributions made to the Voluntary Fund. 自愿基金的资金应当由缔约国大会划拨,用于资助大会批准的活动,特别是考虑到世界反兴奋剂机构的目标,并依照本公约的规定,帮助缔约国制定和实施各项反兴奋剂计划,也可用于支付本公约的运作费用。对自愿基金的捐款不得附带任何政治、经济或其它条件。

IV. Education and training 第四章 教育与培训

 Article 19– General education and training principles   第十九条 教育与培训的总体原则
1. States Parties shall undertake, within their means, to support, devise or implement education and training programmes on anti-doping. For the sporting community in general, these programmes should aim to provide updated and accurate information on: 一、缔约国应当承诺,在其力所能及的范围内,支持、制定和实施反兴奋剂教育和培训计划。对于一般体育运动参加者,这些计划应提供有关以下方面最新的准确资料:
(a) the harm of doping to the ethical values of sport; (一)使用兴奋剂对体育运动道德价值观的损害;
(b) the health consequences of doping. (二)使用兴奋剂对健康造成的后果。
2. For athletes and athlete support personnel, in particular in their initial training, education and training programmes should, in addition to the above, aim to provide updated and accurate information on: 二、对于运动员和运动员辅助人员,尤其是在他们的初期训练中,教育和培训计划除了提供上述资料,还应当提供有关以下方面最新的准确资料:
(a) doping control procedures; (一)兴奋剂的控制程序;
(b) athletes' rights and responsibilities in regard to anti-doping, including information about the Code and the anti-doping policies of the relevant sports and anti-doping organizations. Such information shall include the consequences of committing an anti-doping rule violation; (二)运动员在反兴奋剂方面的权利与义务、与《条例》有关的信息,以及有关体育组织和反兴奋剂组织的反兴奋剂政策,包括违反反兴奋剂规则行为的后果;
(c) the list of prohibited substances and methods and therapeutic use exemptions; (三)禁用物质和禁用方法清单,以及治疗用药豁免;
(d) nutritional supplements. (四)营养补充品。
 Article 20– Professional codes of conduct   第二十条 职业行为准则
States Parties shall encourage relevant competent professional associations and institutions to develop and implement appropriate codes of conduct, good practice and ethics related to anti-doping in sport that are consistent with the Code. 缔约国应当鼓励有关职业协会和机构,根据《条例》的规定,制定和实施关于反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂的适当的行为准则、良好操守和道德准则。
 Article 21– Involvement of athletes and athlete support personnel   第二十一条 运动员和运动员辅助人员的参与
States Parties shall promote and, within their means, support active participation by athletes and athlete support personnel in all facets of the anti-doping work of sports and other relevant organizations and encourage sports organizations within their jurisdiction to do likewise. 缔约国应当促进,并在其力所能及的范围内支持运动员和运动员辅助人员积极参与体育组织和其他有关组织反兴奋剂的各方面工作,并鼓励其管辖范围内的体育组织也采取此种做法。
 Article 22– Sports organizations and ongoing education and training on anti-doping   第二十二条 体育组织和持续的反兴奋剂教育与培训
States Parties shall encourage sports organizations and anti-doping organizations to implement ongoing education and training programmes for all athletes and athlete support personnel on the subjects identified in Article 19. 缔约国应当鼓励各体育组织和反兴奋剂组织持续地对所有运动员和运动员辅助人员开展第十九条所确定内容的教育和培训。
 Article 23– Cooperation in education and training   第二十三条 教育与培训方面的合作
States Parties shall cooperate mutually and with the relevant organizations to share, where appropriate, information, expertise and experience on effective anti-doping programmes. 缔约国应当相互合作并与有关组织合作,根据情况分享关于有效反兴奋剂计划的信息、专门知识和经验。

V. Research 第五章 研究

 Article 24– Promotion of research in anti-doping   第二十四条 促进反兴奋剂研究
States Parties undertake, within their means, to encourage and promote anti-doping research in cooperation with sports and other relevant organizations on: 缔约国承诺在其力所能及的范围内,鼓励和促进与体育组织和其他有关组织合作开展有关以下方面的反兴奋剂研究:
(a) prevention, detection methods, behavioural and social aspects, and the health consequences of doping; (一)使用兴奋剂的预防和检测方法、兴奋剂使用者的行为及相关社会问题,以及使用兴奋剂对健康的影响;
(b) ways and means of devising scientifically-based physiological and psychological training programmes respectful of the integrity of the person; (二)制定科学的、尊重人的全面发展的生理和心理训练计划的方式方法;
(c) the use of all emerging substances and methods resulting from scientific developments. (三)科学发展带来的各种新的物质和方法的使用问题。
 Article 25– Nature of anti-doping research   第二十五条 反兴奋剂研究的性质
When promoting anti-doping research, as set out in Article 24, States Parties shall ensure that such research will: 在根据第二十四条规定促进反兴奋剂研究时,缔约国应当确保这种研究:
(a) comply with internationally recognized ethical practices; (一)符合国际公认的伦理道德;
(b) avoid the administration to athletes of prohibited substances and methods; (二)避免在运动员身上使用禁用物质和禁用方法;
(c) be undertaken only with adequate precautions in place to prevent the results of anti-doping research being misused and applied for doping. (三)只有在采取了充分完备的预防措施后才进行,以防止反兴奋剂研究的成果被滥用和应用于兴奋剂的使用。
 Article 26– Sharing the results of anti-doping research   第二十六条 分享反兴奋剂研究的成果
Subject to compliance with applicable national and international law, States Parties shall, where appropriate, share the results of available anti-doping research with other States Parties and the World Anti-Doping Agency. 在遵守各国适用的国内法和国际法的前提下,缔约国应当根据情况与其他缔约国和世界反兴奋剂机构分享反兴奋剂研究成果。
 Article 27– Sport science research   第二十七条 体育科学研究
States Parties shall encourage: 缔约国应当鼓励:
(a) members of the scientific and medical communities to carry out sport science research in accordance with the principles of the Code; (一)科学和医疗部门遵照《条例》的原则开展体育科学研究;
(b) sports organizations and athlete support personnel within their jurisdiction to implement sport science research that is consistent with the principles of the Code. (二)其管辖范围内的体育组织和运动员辅助人员应用符合《条例》所述各项原则的体育科学研究成果。

VI. Monitoring of the Convention 第六章 《公约》实施情况的监督检查

 Article 28– Conference of Parties   第二十八条 缔约国大会
1. A Conference of Parties is hereby established. The Conference of Parties shall be the sovereign body of this Convention. 一、兹设立缔约国大会。缔约国大会为本公约的最高权力机构。
2. The Conference of Parties shall meet in ordinary session in principle every two years. It may meet in extraordinary session if it so decides or at the request of at least one third of the States Parties. 二、缔约国大会原则上每两年举行一次常会。如若大会做出决定或至少有三分之一的缔约国提议,也可以召开特别会议。
3. Each State Party shall have one vote at the Conference of Parties. 三、每个缔约国在缔约国大会均享有一票表决权。
4. The Conference of Parties shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure. 四、缔约国大会应当通过自己的议事规则。
 Article 29– Advisory organization and observers to the Conference of Parties   第二十九条 缔约国大会的咨询机构和观察员
The World Anti-Doping Agency shall be invited as an advisory organization to the Conference of Parties. The International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee, the Council of Europe and the Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport (CIGEPS) shall be invited as observers. The Conference of Parties may decide to invite other relevant organizations as observers. 应当邀请世界反兴奋剂机构作为缔约国大会的咨询机构。还应当邀请国际奥林匹克委员会、国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会、欧洲委员会、政府间体育运动委员会(CIGEPS)作为观察员。缔约国大会也可以决定邀请其他相关组织作为观察员。
 Article 30– Functions of the Conference of Parties   第三十条 缔约国大会的职能
1. Besides those set forth in other provisions of this Convention, the functions of the Conference of Parties shall be to: 一、除了本公约其它条款规定的职能外,缔约国大会应当:
(a) promote the purpose of this Convention; (一)宣传本公约的宗旨;
(b) discuss the relationship with the World Anti-Doping Agency and study the mechanisms of funding of the Agency's annual core budget. States non-Parties may be invited to the discussion; (二)讨论与世界反兴奋剂机构的关系,研究世界反兴奋剂机构年度核心预算的资助机制。可以邀请非缔约国参加讨论;
(c) adopt a plan for the use of the resources of the Voluntary Fund, in accordance with Article 18; (三)按照第十八条的规定,通过自愿基金资金的使用规划;
(d) examine the reports submitted by States Parties in accordance with Article 31; (四)审议各缔约国根据第三十一条的规定提交的报告;
(e) examine, on an ongoing basis, the monitoring of compliance with this Convention in response to the development of anti-doping systems, in accordance with Article 31. Any monitoring mechanism or measure that goes beyond Article 31 shall be funded through the Voluntary Fund established under Article 17; (五)依照第三十一条的规定,不间断地审议对遵守《公约》情况的监督检查工作,以适应反兴奋剂管理体制的发展。超出第三十一条规定的任何监督机制或措施均应由根据第十七条规定所设立的自愿基金提供资金;
(f) examine draft amendments to this Convention for adoption; (六)审议本公约修正草案,以供批准;
(g) examine for approval, in accordance with Article 34 of the Convention, modifications to the Prohibited List and to the Standards for Granting Therapeutic Use Exemptions adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency; (七)根据《公约》第三十四条的规定,审议世界反兴奋剂机构通过的《禁用清单》和《治疗用药豁免标准》修正案,以供批准;
(h) define and implement cooperation between States Parties and the World Anti-Doping Agency within the framework of this Convention; (八)确定并实施各缔约国与世界反兴奋剂机构在本公约框架内的合作;
(i) request a report from the World Anti-Doping Agency on the implementation of the Code to each of its sessions for examination. (九)要求世界反兴奋剂机构向缔约国大会每届会议提交关于《条例》实施情况的报告,供审议。
2. The Conference of Parties, in fulfilling its functions, may cooperate with other intergovernmental bodies. 二、缔约国大会可以与其他政府间机构开展合作,履行其职能。
 Article 31– National reports to the Conference of Parties   第三十一条 向缔约国大会提交国家报告
States Parties shall forward every two years to the Conference of Parties through the Secretariat, in one of the official languages of UNESCO, all relevant information concerning measures taken by them for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Convention. 各缔约国应当每两年一次,以教科文组织的一种官方语言,通过秘书处向缔约国大会提交其为遵守本公约的规定所采取措施的所有相关信息。
 Article 32– Secretariat of the Conference of Parties   第三十二条 缔约国大会秘书处
1. The secretariat of the Conference of Parties shall be provided by the Director-General of UNESCO. 一、教科文组织总干事应当为缔约国大会提供秘书处服务。
2. At the request of the Conference of Parties, the Director-General of UNESCO shall use to the fullest extent possible the services of the World Anti-Doping Agency on terms agreed upon by the Conference of Parties. 二、应缔约国大会的要求,教科文组织总干事应当根据与缔约国大会商定的条件,尽最大可能充分利用世界反兴奋剂机构所能提供的各种服务。
3. Functioning costs related to the Convention will be funded from the regular budget of UNESCO within existing resources at an appropriate level, the Voluntary Fund established under Article 17 or an appropriate combination thereof as determined every two years. The financing for the secretariat from the regular budget shall be done on a strictly minimal basis, it being understood that voluntary funding should also be provided to support the Convention.

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