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Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Overseas Assignment of Seamen (2019 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国海员外派管理规定(2019修正) [已被修订]

Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Overseas Assignment of Seamen 


Issued by the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China on March 7, 2011, and amended in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Overseas Assignment of Seamen by the Order No. 33 [2016] of the Ministry of Transport on April 11, 2016) (2011年3月7日交通运输部发布 根据2016年4月11日《交通运输部关于修改〈中华人民共和国海员外派管理规定〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2019年11月28日《交通运输部关于修改〈中华人民共和国海员外派管理规定〉的决定》第二次修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Seamen and the laws and regulations on overseas labor service cooperation for purposes of regulating the administration of overseas assignment of seamen, improving the overall quality and international image of Chinese seamen assigned overseas, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of seamen assigned overseas, and promoting the healthy development of the cause of assigning seamen overseas.   第一条 为规范海员外派管理,提高我国外派海员的整体素质和国际形象,维护外派海员的合法权益,促进海员外派事业的健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国船员条例》和对外劳务合作等法律法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the institutions engaged in the activities of overseas assignment of seamen which are established according to law within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的机构从事海员外派活动,适用本规定。
Article 3 The Ministry of Transport shall take charge of the overseas assignment of seamen throughout the country.   第三条 交通运输部主管全国海员外派工作。
The maritime safety administration of the state shall be responsible for uniformly conducting supervision and administration of overseas assignment of seamen throughout the country. 国家海事管理机构负责统一实施全国海员外派的监督管理工作。
The maritime safety administrations directly under the Ministry of Transport shall, according to their respective functions, be responsible for specifically conducting supervision and administration of overseas assignment of seamen. 交通运输部直属海事管理机构依照各自职责负责具体实施海员外派的监督管理工作。
Article 4 The overseas assignment of seamen shall follow the principle of “whoever assigns seamen overseas is responsible for them”. An institution engaged in overseas assignment of seamen shall be responsible for the seamen it assigned, and do a good job in all guarantee work during the period when the seamen assigned overseas are serving aboard and during the course when they go on board and disembark.   第四条 海员外派遵循“谁派出,谁负责”的原则。从事海员外派的机构应当对其派出的外派海员负责,做好外派海员在船工作期间及登、离船过程中的各项保障工作。
Chapter II Qualifications of Institutions Engaged in Overseas Assignment of Seamen 

第二章 海员外派机构资质

Article 5 An institution which is engaged in overseas assignment of seamen shall meet the following conditions:   第五条 从事海员外派的机构,应当符合下列条件:
(1) It is a legal person that is legally established within the territory of the People's Republic of China; (一)在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的法人;
(2) It has fixed business premises commensurate with the size of overseas assignment; (二)有与外派规模相适应的固定办公场所;
(3) It has at least two full-time management personnel who have the qualifications of ship officers at management level of ships on international voyages and at least three management personnel who have two years or more of work experience related to overseas assignment of seamen; (三)有至少2名具有国际航行海船管理级船员任职资历的专职管理人员和至少3名具有两年以上海员外派相关从业经历的管理人员;
(4) It has the ability to make pre-job training and job skill training for seamen to be assigned overseas and the ability to handle the legal matters related to overseas assignment of seamen; (四)具有进行外派海员任职前培训和岗位技能训练及处理海员外派相关法律事务的能力;
(5) It has established seamen service quality management system, personnel and resource guarantee system, education and training system, emergency handling system, service business reporting system and other management systems on overseas assignment of seamen according to the relevant provisions of the maritime safety administration of the state; (五)按照国家海事管理机构的规定,建立船员服务质量管理制度、人员和资源保障制度、教育培训制度、应急处理制度和服务业务报告制度等海员外派管理制度;
(6) It has 100 or more self-owned seamen for overseas assignment; (六)具有自有外派海员100人以上;
(7) It has a registered capital of no less than 5 million yuan which is paid-in monetary capital. If, after the implementation of these Provisions, it is otherwise provided for by the relevant regulations on overseas labor service cooperation, such regulations shall apply; (七)注册资本不低于500万元人民币,且为实缴货币资本。本规定实施后,对外劳务合作法规另有规定的,从其规定;
(8) It has the ability to pay the reserves of 1million yuan for overseas assignment of seamen in full amount; and (八)具有足额交纳100万元人民币海员外派备用金的能力;
(9) The institution itself and its legal representative have good business reputation and have no major breach of contract or major violation of law in the latest 3 years. (九)机构及其法定代表人具有良好的商业信誉,最近3年内没有重大违约行为和重大违法记录。
Article 6 To apply for engaging in overseas assignment of seamen, an institution shall submit the following materials:   第六条 申请从事海员外派的机构,应当提交下列材料:
(1) the application document for engaging in the activities of overseas assignment of seamen; (一)从事海员外派活动的申请文书;
(2) the business license for enterprises as legal persons or certificate for public institutions as legal persons; (二)企业法人营业执照或者事业单位法人证书;
(3) the title certificate of the business premises or lease certificate of fixed premises; (三)经营场所产权证明或者固定场所租赁证明;
(4) the certification materials for having the ability to handle the legal issues related to overseas assignment of seamen and the ability to conduct pre-job training and job skill training for seamen to be assigned overseas; (四)具有处理海员外派相关法律事务能力、进行外派海员任职前培训和岗位技能训练能力的证明材料;
(5) photocopies of qualification certificates of the full-time management personnel and the evidential materials for the relevant work experience of the full-time business personnel; (五)专职管理人员任职资格证书复印件及专职业务人员相关从业经历的证明材料;
(6) explanatory documents on such information as the organizational structure, composition and duties of the institution; (六)机构的组织结构、人员组成、职责等情况的说明文件;
(7) documents of relevant management systems for overseas assignment of seamen; (七)海员外派相关管理制度文件;
(8) the roster of its self-owned seamen who may be assigned overseas, the employment contracts concluded with them and the evidential materials for payment of social insurance, etc.; (八)自有外派海员的名册及劳动合同、缴纳社会保险等证明材料;
(9) the valid certificate of having paid the reserves for overseas assignment of seamen in full amount according to the requirements of the maritime safety administration; and (九)已按照海事管理机构要求足额缴纳海员外派备用金的有效证明;
(10) other relevant evidential materials. (十)其他相关证明材料。

Article 7 Where an institution applies for overseas assignment of seamen, it shall submit an application to the maritime safety administration directly under the Ministry of Transport of the place where it handled the industrial and commercial registration, and if the place where it handled the industrial and commercial registration has no maritime safety administration directly under the Ministry of Transport, it shall submit an application to the maritime safety administration directly under the Ministry of Transport designated by the maritime safety administration of the state.   第七条 机构申请从事海员外派,应当向其工商注册地的交通运输部直属海事管理机构提出,工商注册地没有交通运输部直属海事管理机构的,应当向国家海事管理机构指定的交通运输部直属海事管理机构提出。
Article 8 The maritime safety administration directly under the Ministry of Transport shall, within 15 workdays upon acceptance of an application, complete the written examination of the application materials and on-site verification, and submit the examination opinions and information on verification together with the application materials to the maritime safety administration of the state for examination and approval.   第八条 直属海事管理机构自受理申请之日起15个工作日内完成申请材料的书面审核和现场核验,并将审核意见和核验情况连同申请材料一并报国家海事管理机构审批。
Article 9 The maritime safety administration of the state shall, upon receipt of the materials submitted, make a decision on approval or disapproval within 15 workdays according to the examination opinions and information on verification issued by the maritime safety administration directly under the Ministry of Transport and the application materials of the institution.   第九条 国家海事管理机构收到报送材料后,根据直属海事管理机构的审核意见、核验情况以及机构申请材料,于15个工作日内作出批准或者不予批准的决定。
Article 10 Where the maritime safety administration of the state decides to approve an institution to engage in overseas assignment of seamen, it shall issue a qualification certificate for institutions engaged in overseas assignment of seamen to the application institution. The qualification certificate for institutions engaged in overseas assignment of seamen shall be valid for 5 years at most.   第十条 国家海事管理机构作出准予从事海员外派决定的,向申请机构颁发海员外派机构资质证书;海员外派机构资质证书的有效期最长不超过5年。
Article 11 Where the institution's name, address, or legal representative, etc. indicated in the qualification certificate for institutions engaged in overseas assignment of seamen changes, the institution engaged in overseas assignment of seamen shall, within 30 workdays from the date on which the change occurs, handle the formalities for modification at the maritime safety administration.   第十一条 海员外派机构资质证书上记载的机构名称、地址、法定代表人等发生变更的,海员外派机构应当自变更发生之日起30个工作日内到海事管理机构办理变更手续。
Article 12 Where any overseas enterprise or institution recruits seamen within the territory of China to go abroad, it shall entrust an institution engaged in overseas assignment of seamen with the recruitment.   第十二条 境外企业、机构在中国境内招收外派海员,应当委托海员外派机构进行。
A foreign representative office in China shall not conduct the business of overseas assignment of seamen within the territory of China. 外国驻华代表机构不得在境内开展海员外派业务。
Article 13 The qualifications of institutions engaged in overseas assignment of seamen shall be subject to the annual examination system.   第十三条 海员外派机构资质实施年审制度。
The annual examination shall mainly examine the compliance of qualification conditions of the institutions engaged in overseas assignment of seamen and the situation on legal business operations and standard operation. 年审主要审查海员外派机构的资质条件符合情况及合法经营、规范运作情况。
The maritime safety administrations directly under the Ministry of Transport shall be responsible for organizing and conducting the annual examination of the qualifications of institutions engaged in overseas assignment of seamen within their respective jurisdictions from February to April each year. 交通运输部直属海事管理机构应当于每年度的2月份至4月份负责组织实施所属辖区的海员外派机构资质年审工作。
Article 14 An institution engaged in overseas assignment of seamen shall, prior to February 1 each year, apply for annual examination to the local maritime safety administration, and submit the following materials:   第十四条 海员外派机构应当于每年的2月1日前向所在辖区的海事管理机构申请进行年审,并提交下列材料:
(1) documents of application for annual examination; and (一)年审申请文书;
(2) an annual examination report, including compliance of the qualification conditions for institutions engaged in overseas assignment of seamen, effective operation of various systems and implementation of these Provisions. (二)年审报告书,包含海员外派机构资质条件符合情况、各项制度有效运行以及本规定执行情况。
Article 15 Where an institution engaged in overseas assignment of seamen passes the annual examination, the maritime safety administration shall indicate it in the column of information on annual examination of its qualification certificate for institutions engaged in overseas assignment of seamen.   第十五条 海员外派机构通过年审的,海事管理机构应当在其海员外派机构资质证书的年审情况栏中予以签注。
Article 16 Where an institution engaged in overseas assignment of seamen fails the annual examination, the maritime safety administration shall order it to make rectifications with a prescribed time limit; and if it makes rectifications on schedule, the maritime safety administration shall indicate the situation in the column of information on annual examination of the qualification certificate for institutions engaged in overseas assignment of seamen, and have it pass the annual examination; and if it fails to make rectifications within the prescribed time limit, the maritime safety administration shall timely request the maritime safety administration of the state to cancel its qualifications of institutions engaged in overseas assignment of seamen, and handle the formalities for cancellation according to law.   第十六条 海员外派机构年审不合格的,海事管理机构责令限期改正;如期改正的,海事管理机构应当在海员外派机构资质证书的年审情况栏中注明情况,予以通过年审;逾期未改正的,应当及时报请国家海事管理机构撤销其海员外派机构资质并依法办理注销手续。
Article 17 Where an institution engaged in overseas assignment of seamen is ordered by the maritime safety administration to make rectifications within a prescribed time limit during the annual examination, it shall not continue to assign seamen overseas or conclude any new ship manning agreement during the period of making rectifications, but shall still bear responsibilities for management of the seamen who have been assigned overseas.
   第十七条 年审中被海事管理机构责令限期改正的,海员外派机构在改正期内不得继续选派船员及对外签订新的船舶配员协议,但仍应当承担对已派出外派海员的管理责任。

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