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Regulation on the Implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国行政复议法实施条例 [现行有效]

Order of the State Council 



The Regulation on the Implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China was adopted at the 177th executive meeting of the State Council on May 23, 2007, is hereby adopted and shall be effective as of August 1, 2007.

Premier Wen Jiabao
总 理  温家宝

May 29, 2007

Regulation on the Implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to give full play to the functions of the administrative reconsideration system in the settlement of administrative disputes, the building of a government ruled by law, and the structuring of a harmonious socialist society, this Regulation has been made in accordance with the Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China (the “Administrative Reconsideration Law”).   第一条 为了进一步发挥行政复议制度在解决行政争议、建设法治政府、构建社会主义和谐社会中的作用,根据《中华人民共和国行政复议法》(以下简称行政复议法),制定本条例。

Article 2 The administrative reconsideration organs at all levels shall duly perform their responsibilities for administrative reconsideration, lead and support their legal affairs departments (the “administrative reconsideration departments”) to legally handle matters for administrative reconsideration, and equip, supplement and allocate specialized personnel for administrative reconsideration according to relevant provisions to ensure the consistency of the case-handling capabilities and working tasks of the administrative reconsideration departments.   第二条 各级行政复议机关应当认真履行行政复议职责,领导并支持本机关负责法制工作的机构(以下简称行政复议机构)依法办理行政复议事项,并依照有关规定配备、充实、调剂专职行政复议人员,保证行政复议机构的办案能力与工作任务相适应。

Article 3 Besides performing the responsibilities set forth in Article 3 of the Administrative Reconsideration Law, the administrative reconsideration departments shall also perform the following responsibilities:   第三条 行政复议机构除应当依照行政复议法三条的规定履行职责外,还应当履行下列职责:

(a) Forwarding the relevant administrative reconsideration applications pursuant to Article 18 of the Administrative Reconsideration Law; (一)依照行政复议法十八条的规定转送有关行政复议申请;

(b) Handling the administrative compensation and other matters set forth in Article 29 of the Administrative Reconsideration Law; (二)办理行政复议法二十九条规定的行政赔偿等事项;

(c) Prompting the acceptance of administrative reconsideration applications and the execution of administrative reconsideration decisions, according to their powers and duties; (三)按照职责权限,督促行政复议申请的受理和行政复议决定的履行;

(d) Handling matters on the statistics of cases of administrative reconsideration and administrative lawsuits and the archiving of major administrative reconsideration decisions; (四)办理行政复议、行政应诉案件统计和重大行政复议决定备案事项;

(e) Handling or organizing the handling of matters on administrative lawsuits directly filed without going through the administrative reconsideration; and (五)办理或者组织办理未经行政复议直接提起行政诉讼的行政应诉事项;

(f) Studying the problems found in the administrative reconsideration work, timely making improvement suggestions to the relevant authorities, and timely reporting major problems to the administrative reconsideration organs. (六)研究行政复议工作中发现的问题,及时向有关机关提出改进建议,重大问题及时向行政复议机关报告。

Article 4 The specialized personnel for administrative reconsideration shall possess the qualities, expertise and capabilities that are appropriate for performing their responsibilities for administrative reconsideration, and shall have obtained relevant qualifications. The specific rules shall be made by the legislative affairs department of the State Council in conjunction with the relevant authorities of the State Council.   第四条 专职行政复议人员应当具备与履行行政复议职责相适应的品行、专业知识和业务能力,并取得相应资格。具体办法由国务院法制机构会同国务院有关部门规定。

Chapter II Administrative Reconsideration Applications 

第二章 行政复议申请

Section I Applicant 

第一节 申请人

Article 5 An applicant shall be a citizen, legal person or any other organization that applies for administrative reconsideration in accordance with the Administrative Reconsideration Law and this Regulation.   第五条 依照行政复议法和本条例的规定申请行政复议的公民、法人或者其他组织为申请人。

Article 6 Where a partnership enterprise applies for administrative reconsideration, the enterprise approved and registered shall be the applicant, and the partner managing the partnership affairs shall represent this enterprise to participate in the administrative reconsideration; where any other partnership organization applies for administrative reconsideration, the partners shall jointly apply for administrative reconsideration.   第六条 合伙企业申请行政复议的,应当以核准登记的企业为申请人,由执行合伙事务的合伙人代表该企业参加行政复议;其他合伙组织申请行政复议的,由合伙人共同申请行政复议。

Where any organization other than the one referred to in the preceding paragraph without legal person status applies for administrative reconsideration, the principal person in charge of this organization shall represent this organization to participate in the administrative reconsideration; or any other member jointly elected shall represent this organization to participate in the administrative reconsideration in the absence of a principal person in charge.

Article 7 Deeming that a specific administrative action taken by an administrative organ infringes the legal right or interest of the enterprise, the shareholders meeting, shareholder representatives meeting, or board of directors of a shareholding enterprise may apply for administrative reconsideration in the name of the enterprise.   第七条 股份制企业的股东大会、股东代表大会、董事会认为行政机关作出的具体行政行为侵犯企业合法权益的,可以以企业的名义申请行政复议。

Article 8 Where the number of applicants for a same administrative reconsideration exceeds five, one up to five representatives shall be elected to participate in the administrative reconsideration.   第八条 同一行政复议案件申请人超过5人的,推选1至5名代表参加行政复议。

Article 9 Where, during the administrative reconsideration, the administrative reconsideration department believes that a citizen, legal person or any other organization other than the applicant has a material interest in the specific administrative action being heard, it may notify it to participate in the administrative reconsideration as a third party.   第九条 行政复议期间,行政复议机构认为申请人以外的公民、法人或者其他组织与被审查的具体行政行为有利害关系的,可以通知其作为第三人参加行政复议。

During the administrative reconsideration, a citizen, legal person or any other organization other than the applicant that has a material interest in the specific administrative action being heard may apply to the administrative reconsideration department for participating in the administrative reconsideration as a third party.

The nonparticipation by a third party in the administrative reconsideration shall not affect the hearing of the administrative reconsideration case.

Article 10 An applicant or third party may engage one or two attorneys to participate in the administrative reconsideration. An applicant or third party engaging an attorney shall submit to the administrative reconsideration department the power of attorney. The power of attorney shall expressly state the matters concerned, powers and term. A citizen may orally retain an attorney under special circumstances of inability to retain an attorney in writing. If the retaining is made orally, the administrative reconsideration department shall verify it and record it on file. An applicant or third party rescinding or modifying the retaining of an attorney shall file a written report with the administrative reconsideration department.   第十条 申请人、第三人可以委托1至2名代理人参加行政复议。申请人、第三人委托代理人的,应当向行政复议机构提交授权委托书。授权委托书应当载明委托事项、权限和期限。公民在特殊情况下无法书面委托的,可以口头委托。口头委托的,行政复议机构应当核实并记录在卷。申请人、第三人解除或者变更委托的,应当书面报告行政复议机构。

Section II Respondent 

第二节 被申请人

Article 11 Where a citizen, legal person or any other organization applies for administrative reconsideration against a specific administrative action taken by an administrative organ in accordance with the Administrative Reconsideration Law and this Regulation, the administrative organ taking the specific administrative action shall be the respondent.   第十一条 公民、法人或者其他组织对行政机关的具体行政行为不服,依照行政复议法和本条例的规定申请行政复议的,作出该具体行政行为的行政机关为被申请人。

Article 12 Where an administrative organ and an organization authorized by any law or administrative regulation jointly take a specific administrative action, the administrative organ and organization authorized by the law or administrative regulation shall be co-respondents.   第十二条 行政机关与法律、法规授权的组织以共同的名义作出具体行政行为的,行政机关和法律、法规授权的组织为共同被申请人。

Where an administrative organ and any other organization jointly take a specific administrative action, the administrative organ shall be the respondent.

Article 13 Where a subordinate administrative organ takes a specific administrative action with the approval of the superior administrative organ in accordance with the law or administrative regulation or rule, the approving authority shall be the respondent.   第十三条 下级行政机关依照法律、法规、规章规定,经上级行政机关批准作出具体行政行为的,批准机关为被申请人。

Article 14 Where a dispatched office, internal office or any other organization of an administrative organ externally takes a specific administrative action in its own name without authorization by any law or administrative regulation, the administrative organ shall be the respondent.   第十四条 行政机关设立的派出机构、内设机构或者其他组织,未经法律、法规授权,对外以自己名义作出具体行政行为的,该行政机关为被申请人。

Section III Time Limits for Applying for Administrative Reconsideration 

第三节 行政复议申请期限

Article 15 The time limits for applying for administrative reconsideration as provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Administrative Reconsideration Law shall be calculated as follows:   第十五条 行政复议法九条第一款规定的行政复议申请期限的计算,依照下列规定办理:

(a) For a specific administrative action taken on the spot, the time limit shall be calculated as of the date of taking the specific administrative action; (一)当场作出具体行政行为的,自具体行政行为作出之日起计算;

(b) For a legal document stating a specific administrative action to be directly served, the time limit shall be calculated as of the date of the addressee signing the acknowledgement of service; (二)载明具体行政行为的法律文书直接送达的,自受送达人签收之日起计算;

(c) For a legal document stating a specific administrative action to be served by post, the time limit shall be calculated as of the date of the addressee's signing the postal acknowledgement of receipt; or as of the date of the addressee's signing the acknowledgement of service in the absence of the postal acknowledge of receipt; (三)载明具体行政行为的法律文书邮寄送达的,自受送达人在邮件签收单上签收之日起计算;没有邮件签收单的,自受送达人在送达回执上签名之日起计算;

(d) For a specific administrative action to be notified to the addressee by announcement according to law, the time limit shall be calculated as of the date of expiry of the period set forth in the announcement; (四)具体行政行为依法通过公告形式告知受送达人的,自公告规定的期限届满之日起计算;

(e) Where an administrative organ fails to notify a citizen, legal person or any other organization at the time of taking a specific administrative action but later notifies the same, the time limit shall be calculated as of the date of receipt of the late notice from the administrative organ by the citizen, legal person or any other organization; or (五)行政机关作出具体行政行为时未告知公民、法人或者其他组织,事后补充告知的,自该公民、法人或者其他组织收到行政机关补充告知的通知之日起计算;

(f) Where the respondent can prove that a citizen, legal person or any other organization knows a specific administrative action, the time limit shall be calculated as of the date of knowing the specific administrative action by the citizen, legal person or any other organization as proved by the evidential materials. (六)被申请人能够证明公民、法人或者其他组织知道具体行政行为的,自证据材料证明其知道具体行政行为之日起计算。

Where an administrative organ taking a specific administrative action shall serve but fails to serve a legal document on the relevant citizen, legal person or any other organization according to law, the citizen, legal person or any other organization shall be regarded as not knowing the specific administrative action.

Article 16 Where a citizen, legal person or any other organization applies for an administrative organ to perform its statutory responsibility pursuant to Article 6 (viii), (ix) or (x) of the Administrative Reconsideration Law, and the administrative organ fails to perform as required, the time limit for applying for administrative reconsideration shall be calculated as follows:   第十六条 公民、法人或者其他组织依照行政复议法六条第(八)项、第(九)项、第(十)项的规定申请行政机关履行法定职责,行政机关未履行的,行政复议申请期限依照下列规定计算:

(a) Where there is a prescribed period of performance, the time limit shall be calculated as of the date of expiry of the period of performance; or (一)有履行期限规定的,自履行期限届满之日起计算;

(b) In the absence of a prescribed period of performance, the time limit shall be calculated as of the 60th day after the administrative organ receives the application for performance. (二)没有履行期限规定的,自行政机关收到申请满60日起计算。

Where a citizen, legal person or any other organization requests, in case of an emergency, an administrative organ to perform its statutory responsibility for protecting personal or property rights, and the administrative organ fails to perform, the time limit for applying for administrative reconsideration shall not be governed by the preceding paragraph.

Article 17 Where a specific administrative action taken by an administrative organ is likely to produce an adverse effect on the right or obligation of a citizen, legal person or any other organization, the administrative organ shall notify the citizen, legal person or any other organization of the right to apply for administrative reconsideration, the administrative reconsideration organ and the time limit for applying for administrative reconsideration.   第十七条 行政机关作出的具体行政行为对公民、法人或者其他组织的权利、义务可能产生不利影响的,应当告知其申请行政复议的权利、行政复议机关和行政复议申请期限。

Section IV Lodging an Application for Administrative Reconsideration 

第四节 行政复议申请的提出

Article 18 An applicant may lodge a written application for administrative reconsideration in person or by post, fax or other means.   第十八条 申请人书面申请行政复议的,可以采取当面递交、邮寄或者传真等方式提出行政复议申请。

A qualified administrative reconsideration department may accept an application for administrative reconsideration lodged by e-mail.

Article 19 In the written application for administrative reconsideration, an applicant shall state the following matters:   第十九条 申请人书面申请行政复议的,应当在行政复议申请书中载明下列事项:

(a) Basic information on the applicant, including the name, gender, age, I.D. number, workplace, residence and postal code of a citizen; or the name, residence, postal code, and name and title of the legal representative or principal person in charge of a legal person or any other organization; (一)申请人的基本情况,包括:公民的姓名、性别、年龄、身份证号码、工作单位、住所、邮政编码;法人或者其他组织的名称、住所、邮政编码和法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、职务;

(b) Name of the respondent; (二)被申请人的名称;

(c) Administrative reconsideration claims, and major facts and reasons for applying for administrative reconsideration; (三)行政复议请求、申请行政复议的主要事实和理由;

(d) Signature or seal of the applicant; and (四)申请人的签名或者盖章;

(e) Date of application for administrative reconsideration. (五)申请行政复议的日期。

Article 20 An administrative reconsideration department shall record on the spot the administrative reconsideration application lodged orally by an applicant in light of the matters set forth in Article 19 of this Regulation, deliver the recorded application to the applicant for check or read it to the applicant, and the applicant shall confirm the recorded application by signing it.   第二十条 申请人口头申请行政复议的,行政复议机构应当依照本条例第十九条规定的事项,当场制作行政复议申请笔录交申请人核对或者向申请人宣读,并由申请人签字确认。

Article 21 An applicant shall provide evidential materials, under any of the following circumstances:
   第二十一条 有下列情形之一的,申请人应当提供证明材料:

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