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Measures for the Administration of the Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone [Effective]
中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区管理办法 [现行有效]

Order of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government 


(No. 19) (第19号)

The Measures for the Administration of the Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone as adopted at the 60th executive meeting of the Municipal Government on July 30, 2019 are hereby issued and shall come into force on August 20, 2019. 《中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区管理办法》已经2019年7月30日市政府第60次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2019年8月20日起施行。
Mayor: Ying Yong 市长 应勇
August 12, 2019 2019年8月12日
Measures for the Administration of the Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 (Purposes and Basis)   第一条 (目的和依据)
For the purposes of advancing the construction of the Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, boosting all-round and high-level opening at a more profound level, in a wider field, with greater efforts, and building a special economic functional zone with more influence and competitiveness in the international market, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Framework Plan for the Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and relevant laws and regulations. 为了推进中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区建设,在更深层次、更宽领域、以更大力度推进全方位高水平开放,打造更具国际市场影响力和竞争力的特殊经济功能区,根据《中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区总体方案》和有关法律、法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 (Scope of Application)   第二条 (适用范围)
These Measures apply to the Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Lin-gang Special Area") established with the approval of the State Council. 本办法适用于经国务院批准设立的中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区(以下简称新片区)。
The Lin-gang Special Area shall be established to the south of the Dazhi River in the city, to the east of Jinhuigang, in Xiaoyangshan Island and to the south of Pudong International Airport. In accordance with the principle of "overall planning and step-by-step implementation," Nanhui New City, Lingang Equipment Industry Zone, Xiaoyangshan Island, the southern part of Pudong International Airport, and other areas shall be launched in the first instance. 在本市大治河以南、金汇港以东以及小洋山岛、浦东国际机场南侧区域设置新片区。按照“整体规划、分步实施”原则,先行启动南汇新城、临港装备产业区、小洋山岛、浦东国际机场南侧等区域。
Article 3 (Functions of Area)   第三条 (区域功能)
The Lin-gang Special Area shall be benchmarked against the most competitive free trade parks recognized in the international arena, implement opening policies and systems relatively competitive in the international market, on the basis of applying all the opening and innovative measures of pilot free trade zones, strengthen risk stress testing for the open economy, and achieve investment and operating facilitation, free inbound and outbound movement of goods, facilitative flow of cash, highly opened transport, free practice of personnel, and quick and easy transmission of information between the Lin-gang Special Area and overseas regions. 新片区对标国际上公认的竞争力最强的自由贸易园区,在适用自由贸易试验区各项开放创新措施的基础上,实施具有较强国际市场竞争力的开放政策和制度,加大开放型经济的风险压力测试,实现新片区与境外投资经营便利、货物自由进出、资金流动便利、运输高度开放、人员自由执业、信息快捷联通。
Article 4 (Integration of Industries into City)   第四条 (产城融合)
The Lin-gang Special Area shall encourage fine international capital to enter public service fields such as education, medical care, elderly care, culture, sports, park construction, and urban operation, strengthen the construction and management of various infrastructure, enhance high-quality and internationalized urban service functions, and build a modern new city that is open and innovative, intelligent and eco-friendly, with industries integrated into the city, and suitable for business and living. 新片区鼓励国际优质资本进入教育、医疗、养老、文化、体育、园区建设、城市运行等公共服务领域,加强各类基础设施建设管理,提升高品质国际化的城市服务功能,打造开放创新、智慧生态、产城融合、宜业宜居的现代化新城。
Chapter II Administration System 

第二章 管理体制

Article 5 (Administration Authority)   第五条 (管理机构)
The Administration Commission of the Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Administration Commission"), as the dispatched agency of the Municipal People's Government, shall be responsible for the specific implementation of all the tasks for pilot programs of reform in the Lin-gang Special Area, undertake the duties for economic management in the Lin-gang Special Area, and holistically manage and coordinate the relevant administrative affairs of the Lin-gang Special Area. 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区管理委员会(以下简称管委会)作为市人民政府的派出机构,负责具体落实新片区各项改革试点任务,承担新片区经济管理职责,统筹管理和协调新片区有关行政事务。
Article 6 (Duties of Authority)   第六条 (机构职责)
The Administration Commission shall perform the following duties according to these Measures: 管委会依照本办法履行以下职责:
(1) Organizing the implementation of development plans, policies and measures respecting the Lin-gang Special Area and formulating relevant government administration systems. (一)组织实施新片区发展规划和政策措施,制定有关行政管理制度;
(2) Responsible for investment, trade, financial services, planning and resources, and other relevant government administration work. (二)负责投资、贸易、金融服务、规划资源等有关行政管理工作;
(3) Leading or coordinating the relevant government administration work of resident agencies and establishing a working mechanism for cooperation, coordination and linked law enforcement with resident agencies and relevant authorities. (三)领导或者协调驻区机构有关行政管理工作,与驻区机构、有关部门建立合作协调和联动执法工作机制;
(4) Holistically advancing the development and construction of the Lin-gang Special Area, holistically guiding industry distribution and functional cultivation in the Lin-gang Special Area, and coordinating the advancement of the construction of major investment projects. (四)统筹推进新片区开发建设,统筹指导新片区内产业布局和功能培育,协调推进重大投资项目建设;
(5) Implementing the requirements for "a versatile website," fully implementing "Internet plus government services," and providing guidance, advice and services for enterprises and related institutions in the Lin-gang Special Area. (五)落实“一网通办”要求,全面实行“互联网+政务服务”,为新片区内企业和相关机构提供指导、咨询和服务;
(6) Leading and managing Nanhui New Town, coordinating the economic management affairs of other towns in the Lin-gang Special Area, and cooperating with relevant custom district in coordinating and managing social affairs in the Lin-gang Special Area. (六)领导、管理南汇新城镇,统筹新片区其他镇的经济管理事务,协同相关区做好新片区内社会事务的协调和管理;
(7) Performing duties otherwise assigned by the Municipal People's Government. (七)履行市人民政府赋予的其他职责。
Article 7 (Administrative Approval and Administrative Punishment)   第七条 (行政审批和行政处罚)
The Lin-gang Special Area shall implement systems and mechanisms for comprehensive approval and relatively centralized administrative punishment, and the Administration Commission shall exercise the city's relevant power of administrative approval and administrative punishment in a centralized manner. The specific matters that the Administration Commission implements administrative approval and administrative punishment shall be separately prescribed by the Municipal People's Government. 新片区实行综合审批、相对集中行政处罚的体制和机制,由管委会集中行使本市有关行政审批权和行政处罚权。管委会实施行政审批和行政处罚的具体事项,由市人民政府另行规定。
Article 8 (Independent Reform and Innovation)   第八条 (自主改革创新)
The Administration Commission shall make the most of the independent development, reform, and innovative management authority the state grants to the Lin-gang Special Area and independently conduct innovative business that meets market demand under the premise of risk controllability. 管委会应当充分运用国家赋予新片区的自主发展、自主改革、自主创新管理权限,在风险可控的前提下自主开展适应市场需求的创新业务。
Article 9 (Other Administrative Affairs)   第九条 (其他行政事务)
The relevant departments of the city and the people's governments of relevant districts shall strengthen cooperation, support the reform and innovation of the Lin-gang Special Area and all the work of the Administration Commission and undertake other administrative affairs beyond the remit of the Administration Commission in accordance with their respective duties. 市有关部门和相关区人民政府应当加强协作,支持新片区改革创新和管委会的各项工作,并按照各自职责,承担管委会职责范围之外的其他行政事务。
Article 10 (Pilot Program of Empowered Agencies)   第十条 (试点赋权机构)
In the Lin-gang Special Area, specialized institutions authorized by law shall be established on a pilot-program basis to undertake public services, decision-making advice, risk assessment, and other matters, so as to improve the level of public services and the quality of administrative decisions of the Lin-gang Special Area. 在新片区试点设立依法授权的专业机构,承担公共服务、决策咨询、风险评估等事务,提高新片区公共服务水平和行政决策质量。
Chapter III Investment and Operating Facilitation 

第三章 投资经营便利

Article 11 (Opening of Key Fields)   第十一条 (重点领域对外开放)
The Lin-gang Special Area shall establish an open framework of systems, increase efforts to open telecommunications, insurance, securities, scientific research and technical services, education, health, and other key fields, relax restrictions on registered capital, investment methods, and the like, promote fair competition among various market participants, and facilitate the clustering of integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, aerospace, new energy vehicles, high-end smart equipment, and other industries. 新片区建立开放型制度体系,在电信、保险、证券、科研和技术服务、教育、卫生等重点领域加大对外开放力度,放宽注册资本、投资方式等限制,促进各类市场主体公平竞争,推动集成电路、人工智能、生物医药、航空航天、新能源汽车、高端智能装备等产业集聚。
The Lin-gang Special Area shall continue to expand opened fields, contents of pilot programs, and corresponding measures for innovation in systems according to the advancement of pioneering and development needs. 新片区根据先行先试推进情况和发展需要,不断扩大开放的领域、试点内容以及相应的制度创新措施。
Article 12 (Business Registration Confirmation System)   第十二条 (商事主体登记确认制)
The Lin-gang Special Area shall implement a business registration confirmation system on a trial basis. The registration authority shall conduct formal examination of the registration materials submitted by an applicant, grant confirmation of registration immediately after the examination has been passed, and issue a business license. 新片区试行商事主体登记确认制。登记机关对申请人提交的登记材料实行形式审查,审查通过后即时予以登记确认,核发营业执照。
The applicant shall perform the obligation to authentically, completely and accurately apply. An enterprise name shall comply with the relevant provisions issued by the state, and may not prejudice the state interest or the public interest, violate the public order and good customs, or have any other adverse effect. 申请人应当履行真实、完整和准确申报的义务。企业名称应当遵守国家有关规定,不得损害国家、社会公共利益,不得违背公序良俗或者有其他不良影响。
For registration obtained by providing false materials, giving a false undertaking, deceit, bribery, or any other illicit means, the registration authority shall revoke the registration according to the law. 对提供虚假材料、作出虚假承诺以及通过欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得登记的,登记机关应当依法撤销登记。
Article 13 (Resolution of Civil and Commercial Disputes)   第十三条 (民商事争议解决)
A well-known overseas arbitration and dispute resolution institution may, after having made registration with the municipal justice authority and a filing to the justice department of the State Council, establish a business institution in the Lin-gang Special Area to conduct arbitration business with respect to civil and commercial disputes arising in international commercial, maritime, investment, and other fields. 境外知名仲裁及争议解决机构经市司法行政部门登记并报国务院司法行政部门备案后,可以在新片区内设立业务机构,就国际商事、海事、投资等领域发生的民商事争议开展仲裁业务。
Chapter IV Trade Freedom 

第四章 贸易自由

Article 14 (Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone)   第十四条 (洋山特殊综合保税区)
A physically fenced zone shall be established in the Lin-gang Special Area, the Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone shall be established according to the law, and on the basis of fully implementing the comprehensive bonded zone policy, supervisory, licensing and procedural requirements for trade shall be optimized to implement policies and systems for higher-level trade liberalization and facilitation. 在新片区内设立物理围网区域,依法建立洋山特殊综合保税区,在全面实施综合保税区政策的基础上,优化贸易监管、许可和程序要求,实施更高水平的贸易自由化便利化政策和制度。
Overseas goods arriving in or leaving the physically fenced zone shall be subject to a supervisory mode that focuses on safety supervision and reflects a higher level of trade liberalization and facilitation. 对境外抵离物理围网区域的货物,实施以安全监管为主、更高水平的贸易自由化便利化监管模式。
Article 15 (New Types of International Trade)
   第十五条 (新型国际贸易)

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