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Provisions on the Administration of Programs for Minors [Revised]
未成年人节目管理规定 [已被修订]

Order of the National Radio and Television Administration 


(No. 3) (第3号)

The Provisions on the Administration of Programs for Minors, which were adopted upon deliberation by the executive meeting of the National Radio and Television Administration (“NRTA”) on February 14, 2019, are hereby issued and shall come into force on April 30, 2019. 《未成年人节目管理规定》已经2019年2月14日国家广播电视总局局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2019年4月30日起施行。
Director of the NRTA: Nie Chenxi 局长:聂辰席
March 29, 2019 2019年3月29日
Provisions on the Administration of Programs for Minors 未成年人节目管理规定
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Provisions are developed in accordance with such laws and administrative regulations as the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors, and the Regulations on Broadcasting and Television for the purposes of regulating the programs for minors, protecting minors' physical and mental health, guaranteeing minors' lawful rights and interests, educating and guiding minors, fostering and promoting the core socialist values.   第一条 为了规范未成年人节目,保护未成年人身心健康,保障未成年人合法权益,教育引导未成年人,培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观,根据《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》《广播电视管理条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the production and dissemination of the programs for minors.   第二条 从事未成年人节目的制作、传播活动,适用本规定。
For the purpose of these Provisions, “programs for minors” include radio and television programs and online audio-visual programs with minors as the main participants or the main recipients. 本规定所称未成年人节目,包括未成年人作为主要参与者或者以未成年人为主要接收对象的广播电视节目和网络视听节目。
Article 3 The production and dissemination of the programs for minors shall focus on cultivating a new generation that can shoulder the mission of national rejuvenation, take fostering and promotion of the core socialist values as the fundamental task, carry forward fine traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture, adhere to innovation-driven development and enhance original innovation capacity, consciously protect minors' lawful rights and interests and respect the law of juvenile development and growth so as to support them in growing up healthily.   第三条 从事未成年人节目制作、传播活动,应当以培养能够担当民族复兴大任的时代新人为着眼点,以培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观为根本任务,弘扬中华优秀传统文化、革命文化和社会主义先进文化,坚持创新发展,增强原创能力,自觉保护未成年人合法权益,尊重未成年人发展和成长规律,促进未成年人健康成长。
Article 4 The administration of the programs for minors shall follow the correct guidance, pay attention to the protection and respect of minors' privacy, personal dignity and other lawful rights and interests, continue to emphasize both education and protection, carry out social co-governance, and prevent the programs for minors from becoming commercialized, adult-oriented and over-entertaining.   第四条 未成年人节目管理工作应当坚持正确导向,注重保护尊重未成年人的隐私和人格尊严等合法权益,坚持教育保护并重,实行社会共治,防止未成年人节目出现商业化、成人化和过度娱乐化倾向。
Article 5 The administrative department of radio and television under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the programs for minors nationwide.   第五条 国务院广播电视主管部门负责全国未成年人节目的监督管理工作。
The administrative departments of radio and television under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the programs for minors within their respective administrative regions. 县级以上地方人民政府广播电视主管部门负责本行政区域内未成年人节目的监督管理工作。
Article 6 Industrial organizations of radio and television and online audio-visual programs shall, based on their own characteristics, develop the industrial self-discipline regulations on the programs for minors according to law, strengthen the education of professional ethics, earnestly fulfill social responsibilities, promote business exchange and safeguard their members' lawful rights and interests.   第六条 广播电视和网络视听行业组织应当结合行业特点,依法制定未成年人节目行业自律规范,加强职业道德教育,切实履行社会责任,促进业务交流,维护成员合法权益。
Article 7 The administrative departments of radio and television shall, according to the relevant provisions, commend and reward the outstanding programs for minors in terms of fostering and promoting the core socialist values, encouraging positive education, keeping closer to daily life, creating new contents and forms, and making good social effects, as well as the organizations and individuals that have made remarkable contributions to the production and dissemination of the programs for minors.   第七条 广播电视主管部门对在培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观、强化正面教育、贴近现实生活、创新内容形式、产生良好社会效果等方面表现突出的未成年人节目,以及在未成年人节目制作、传播活动中做出突出贡献的组织、个人,按照有关规定予以表彰、奖励。
Chapter II Program Standards 

第二章 节目规范

Article 8 The state supports and encourages the production and dissemination of the programs for minors that contain the following contents:   第八条 国家支持、鼓励含有下列内容的未成年人节目的制作、传播:
1. fostering and promoting the core socialist values; (一)培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观;
2. carrying forward the fine traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture; (二)弘扬中华优秀传统文化、革命文化和社会主义先进文化;
3. guiding the establishment of a correct worldview, outlook on life and values; (三)引导树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观;
4. upholding the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and establishing good family customs; (四)发扬中华民族传统家庭美德,树立优良家风;
5. complying with the law and characteristics of juvenile's physical and mental growth; (五)符合未成年人身心发展规律和特点;
6. protecting the minors' lawful rights and interests and their emotions, and representing human care; (六)保护未成年人合法权益和情感,体现人文关怀;
7. reflecting minors' healthy life and positive attitude; (七)反映未成年人健康生活和积极向上的精神面貌;
8. spreading the knowledge of natural and social sciences; and (八)普及自然和社会科学知识;
9. other contents that comply with the state's supporting and encouraging policies. (九)其他符合国家支持、鼓励政策的内容。
Article 9 The programs for minors shall not contain the following contents:   第九条 未成年人节目不得含有下列内容:
1. promoting violence, bloodiness or terror, abetting crimes, or imparting crime-committing methods; (一)渲染暴力、血腥、恐怖,教唆犯罪或者传授犯罪方法;
2. sex-related topics or images other than those for health and scientific sex education; (二)除健康、科学的性教育之外的涉性话题、画面;
3. affirming and appreciating minors' puppy love; (三)肯定、赞许未成年人早恋;
4. defaming, distorting, or expressing the fine traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture in an improper manner; (四)诋毁、歪曲或者以不当方式表现中华优秀传统文化、革命文化、社会主义先进文化;
5. distorting national history or national historical figures, distorting, vilifying, defaming and denying the deeds and spirit of heroic martyrs; (五)歪曲民族历史或者民族历史人物,歪曲、丑化、亵渎、否定英雄烈士事迹和精神;
6. promoting, beautifying and worshiping countries, events and figures that once launched a war of aggression or carried out colonial rule against China; (六)宣扬、美化、崇拜曾经对我国发动侵略战争和实施殖民统治的国家、事件、人物;
7. promoting cults, superstitions, or negative and decadent ideologies; (七)宣扬邪教、迷信或者消极颓废的思想观念;
8. promoting or affirming an undesirable view of family, marriage, love, or interest; (八)宣扬或者肯定不良的家庭观、婚恋观、利益观;
9. excessively emphasizing or manifesting wealth, family background, and social status; (九)过分强调或者过度表现财富、家庭背景、社会地位;
10. introducing or displaying suicide, self-mutilation or other dangerous behavior and games programs from which minors are apt to imitate; (十)介绍或者展示自杀、自残和其他易被未成年人模仿的危险行为及游戏项目等;
11. manifesting drug abuse, abuse of narcotics, psychotropic drugs and other illicit drugs; (十一)表现吸毒、滥用麻醉药品、精神药品和其他违禁药物;
12. manifesting smoking, tobacco sales and alcoholism; (十二)表现吸烟、售烟和酗酒;
13. manifesting bad behavior and conducts that violate social morality and disrupt social order; (十三)表现违反社会公共道德、扰乱社会秩序等不良举止行为;
14. promoting various ceremonies of gangs and underworld organizations; (十四)渲染帮会、黑社会组织的各类仪式;
15. promoting and introducing online games that are not conducive to minors' physical and mental health; and (十五)宣传、介绍不利于未成年人身心健康的网络游戏;
16. other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations. (十六)法律、行政法规禁止的其他内容。
Where it is required to include one of the above contents in the programs produced and disseminated for the purpose of spreading scientific knowledge, providing education and sending warnings to minors, images or sounds shall be applied to clearly prompt minors according to the program contents, with an express reminder set in an eye-catching position, and corresponding pictures and sounds shall be properly processed to avoid excessive display. 以科普、教育、警示为目的,制作、传播的节目中确有必要出现上述内容的,应当根据节目内容采取明显图像或者声音等方式予以提示,在显著位置设置明确提醒,并对相应画面、声音进行技术处理,避免过分展示。
Article 10 It is prohibited to produce or disseminate non-advertising programs that use minors or the roles of minors for promotional activities.   第十条 不得制作、传播利用未成年人或者未成年人角色进行商业宣传的非广告类节目。
The production and dissemination of singing contest programs, reality show programs, interviews or talk shows involving minors shall comply with the requirements of the administrative department of radio and television under the State Council. 制作、传播未成年人参与的歌唱类选拔节目、真人秀节目、访谈脱口秀节目应当符合国务院广播电视主管部门的要求。
Article 11 Radio and television broadcasters, online audio-visual program service providers, and program producers shall, according to the physical and mental development status of minors at different ages, produce and disseminate corresponding programs for minors, and images or sounds shall be applied to prompt them.   第十一条 广播电视播出机构、网络视听节目服务机构、节目制作机构应当根据不同年龄段未成年人身心发展状况,制作、传播相应的未成年人节目,并采取明显图像或者声音等方式予以提示。
Article 12 Inviting minors to participate in the production of programs shall be subject to the prior consent of their legal guardians. Minors shall not be forced or induced to participate in the production of programs in the ways of intimidation, coaxing or buying off.   第十二条 邀请未成年人参与节目制作,应当事先经其法定监护人同意。不得以恐吓、诱骗或者收买等方式迫使、引诱未成年人参与节目制作。
The production of the programs for minors shall guarantee the personal and property safety of minors involved therein, as well as ample time for them to study and rest. 制作未成年人节目应当保障参与制作的未成年人人身和财产安全,以及充足的学习和休息时间。
Article 13 During the production of the programs for minors, it is prohibited to disclose, or question, induce minors to disclose any privacy information of themselves and their close relatives, or require minors to express opinions beyond their judgment.
   第十三条 未成年人节目制作过程中,不得泄露或者质问、引诱未成年人泄露个人及其近亲属的隐私信息,不得要求未成年人表达超过其判断能力的观点。

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