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Administrative Provisions on the Qualifications of Project Supervising Enterprises (2018 Amendment PKULAW Version) [Effective]
工程监理企业资质管理规定(2018修正) [现行有效]

Administrative Provisions on the Qualifications of Project Supervising Enterprises 


(Issued by Order No.158 of the Ministry of Construction on June 26, 2007, and effective as of August 1, 2007; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Amending the Provisions on the Administration of the Qualifications of Real Estate Development Enterprises and Other Departmental Rules by Order No.24 of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on May 4, 2015; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Amending Eleven Departmental Rules Including the Provisions on the Administration of Certified Survey and Design Engineers by Order No.32 of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on September 13, 2016; amended for the third time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development to Amend the Provisions on the Administration of Qualifications of Enterprises in the Construction Industry and Other Departmental Rules by Order No. 45 of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China on December 22, 2018) (二○○七年六月二十六日建设部令第158号发布 自2007年8月1日起施行 根据2015年5月4日住房和城乡建设部令第24号《住房和城乡建设部关于修改<房地产开发企业资质管理规定>等部门规章的决定》第一次修正 根据2016年9月13日住房和城乡建设部令第32号《住房城乡建设部关于修改<勘察设计注册工程师管理规定>等11个部门规章的决定》第二次修正 根据2018年12月22日中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部令第45号《住房城乡建设部关于修改<建筑业企业资质管理规定>等部门规章的决定》第三次修正)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purpose of strengthening the administration of the qualifications of project supervising enterprises, regulating the supervision activities over construction projects and maintaining the order of the construction market, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China, the Construction Project Quality Control Regulation and other laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了加强工程监理企业资质管理,规范建设工程监理活动,维护建筑市场秩序,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《中华人民共和国行政许可法》、《建设工程质量管理条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions apply to conducting supervision activities over construction projects, applying for the qualifications of project supervising enterprises and supervising and administering the qualifications of project supervising enterprises within the borders of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事建设工程监理活动,申请工程监理企业资质,实施对工程监理企业资质监督管理,适用本规定。
Article 3 An enterprise engaging in construction project supervision activities shall obtain the corresponding qualification for project supervising enterprises in accordance with these Provisions, and conduct project supervision activities within the scope authorized by the project supervising enterprise qualification certificate (hereinafter referred to as qualification certificate).   第三条 从事建设工程监理活动的企业,应当按照本规定取得工程监理企业资质,并在工程监理企业资质证书(以下简称资质证书)许可的范围内从事工程监理活动。
Article 4 The competent department of housing and urban-rural development under the State Council shall take charge of the supervision and administration of the qualifications of project supervising enterprises throughout the whole nation. The administrative departments under the State Council in charge of railway, traffic, water conservancy, information industry and civil aviation shall cooperate with the competent department of housing and urban-rural development under the State Council in carrying out such supervision and administration work.   第四条 国务院住房城乡建设主管部门负责全国工程监理企业资质的统一监督管理工作。国务院铁路、交通、水利、信息产业、民航等有关部门配合国务院住房城乡建设主管部门实施相关资质类别工程监理企业资质的监督管理工作。
The competent departments of housing and urban-rural development of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall take charge of the supervision and administration of the qualifications of project supervising enterprises within their respective jurisdictions. The relevant departments in charge of traffic, water conservancy and information industry under the people's governments shall cooperate with the competent departments of housing and urban-rural development at the same level in carrying out such supervision and administration work. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府住房城乡建设主管部门负责本行政区域内工程监理企业资质的统一监督管理工作。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通、水利、信息产业等有关部门配合同级住房城乡建设主管部门实施相关资质类别工程监理企业资质的监督管理工作。
Article 5 The project supervision industrial organization shall strengthen the self-discipline administration of the project supervision industry.   第五条 工程监理行业组织应当加强工程监理行业自律管理。
The state encourages project supervising enterprises to join in the industrial organization. 鼓励工程监理企业加入工程监理行业组织。
Chapter II Qualification Grades and Business Scopes 

第二章 资质等级和业务范围

Article 6 Qualifications of project supervising enterprises may be classified into the comprehensive qualification, the specialized qualification and the firm qualification. In particular, the specialized qualification can be further classified for different project categories according to the nature and technical features of each project category.   第六条 工程监理企业资质分为综合资质、专业资质和事务所资质。其中,专业资质按照工程性质和技术特点划分为若干工程类别。
The comprehensive qualification and the firm qualification are not graded. The specialized qualification is classified into Grade-A and Grade-B, and, in particular, Grade-C for building construction, water conservancy, electricity, highway and city utility. 综合资质、事务所资质不分级别。专业资质分为甲级、乙级;其中,房屋建筑、水利水电、公路和市政公用专业资质可设立丙级。
Article 7 Standards for the qualification grades of project supervising enterprises are as follows:   第七条 工程监理企业的资质等级标准如下:
1. standards for the comprehensive qualification (一)综合资质标准
a. having the independent legal person status and the assets that comply with the relevant provisions of the state; 1、具有独立法人资格且具有符合国家有关规定的资产。
b. the technical principal of the enterprise shall be a certified supervising engineer and have worked in the engineering field for 15 years or more or have a senior engineering title; 2、企业技术负责人应为注册监理工程师,并具有15年以上从事工程建设工作的经历或者具有工程类高级职称。
c. having the Grade-A specialized project supervision qualification for five or more project categories; 3、具有5个以上工程类别的专业甲级工程监理资质。
d. having 60 or more certified supervising engineers, 5 or more certified cost engineers, and 15 or more Grade I certified constructors, Grade I certified architects, Grade I certified structural engineers and/or other certified engineers in prospective design; 4、注册监理工程师不少于60人,注册造价工程师不少于5人,一级注册建造师、一级注册建筑师、一级注册结构工程师或者其它勘察设计注册工程师合计不少于15人次。
e. having a perfect organization structure, a perfect quality control system, and a sound technical/archival management system; 5、企业具有完善的组织结构和质量管理体系,有健全的技术、档案等管理制度。
f. having necessary project testing devices; 6、企业具有必要的工程试验检测设备。
g. having not committed any behavior prohibited by Article 16 of these Provisions within the year prior to applying for the project supervision qualification; 7、申请工程监理资质之日前一年内没有本规定第十六条禁止的行为。
h. having not born any liability for any gross quality accident within the year prior to applying for the project supervision qualification; and 8、申请工程监理资质之日前一年内没有因本企业监理责任造成重大质量事故。
i. having not born any liability for any gross quality accident of Grade III or above or two or more safety accidents of Grade IV within the year prior to applying for the project supervision qualification. 9、申请工程监理资质之日前一年内没有因本企业监理责任发生三级以上工程建设重大安全事故或者发生两起以上四级工程建设安全事故。
2. standards for the specialized qualification (二)专业资质标准
A. Grade-A 1、甲级
a. having the independent legal person status and the assets that comply with the relevant provisions of the state; (1)具有独立法人资格且具有符合国家有关规定的资产。
b. the technical principal of the enterprise shall be a certified supervising engineer and have worked in the engineering field for 15 years or more or have a senior engineering title; (2)企业技术负责人应为注册监理工程师,并具有15年以上从事工程建设工作的经历或者具有工程类高级职称。
c. the total number of certified supervising engineers, certified cost engineers, Grade I certified constructors, Grade I certified architects, Grade I certified structural engineers and/or other certified engineers in prospective design shall be not less than 25, in particular, the number of certified supervising engineers of the applied specialty shall satisfy the requirements of the List of the Numbers of Certified Supervising Engineers with Specialized Qualifications to Be Manned (Attached List I), and the number of certified cost engineers shall be at least two; (3)注册监理工程师、注册造价工程师、一级注册建造师、一级注册建筑师、一级注册结构工程师或者其它勘察设计注册工程师合计不少于25人次;其中,相应专业注册监理工程师不少于《专业资质注册监理工程师人数配备表》(附表1)中要求配备的人数,注册造价工程师不少于2人。
d. having independently supervised three or more Grade II projects of the category corresponding to its specialty within the recent two years, but enterprises having the Grade-A design qualification or the general contracting qualification of Grade I or above may be exempt from this requirement when applying for the Grade-A specialized qualification for that project category; (4)企业近2年内独立监理过3个以上相应专业的二级工程项目,但是,具有甲级设计资质或一级及以上施工总承包资质的企业申请本专业工程类别甲级资质的除外。
e. having a perfect organization structure, a perfect quality control system, and a sound technical/archival management system; (5)企业具有完善的组织结构和质量管理体系,有健全的技术、档案等管理制度。
f. having necessary project testing devices; (6)企业具有必要的工程试验检测设备。
g. having not committed any behavior prohibited by Article 16 of these Provisions within the year prior to applying for the project supervision qualification; (7)申请工程监理资质之日前一年内没有本规定第十六条禁止的行为。
h. having not born any liability for any gross quality accident within the year prior to applying for the project supervision qualification; and (8)申请工程监理资质之日前一年内没有因本企业监理责任造成重大质量事故。
i. having not born any liability for any gross quality accident of Grade III or above or two or more safety accidents of Grade IV within the year prior to applying for the project supervision qualification. (9)申请工程监理资质之日前一年内没有因本企业监理责任发生三级以上工程建设重大安全事故或者发生两起以上四级工程建设安全事故。
B. Grade-B 2、乙级
a. having the independent legal person status and the assets that comply with the relevant provisions of the state; (1)具有独立法人资格且具有符合国家有关规定的资产。
b. the technical principal of the enterprise shall be a certified supervising engineer and have worked in the engineering field for 10 years or more; (2)企业技术负责人应为注册监理工程师,并具有10年以上从事工程建设工作的经历。
c. the total number of certified supervising engineers, certified cost engineers, Grade I certified constructors, Grade I certified architects, Grade I certified structural engineers and/or other certified engineers in prospective design shall be not less than 15, in particular, the number of certified supervising engineers of the applied specialty shall satisfy the requirements of the List of the Numbers of Certified Supervising engineers with Specialized Qualifications to Be Manned (Attached List I), and the number of certified cost engineers shall be at least one; (3)注册监理工程师、注册造价工程师、一级注册建造师、一级注册建筑师、一级注册结构工程师或者其它勘察设计注册工程师合计不少于15人次。其中,相应专业注册监理工程师不少于《专业资质注册监理工程师人数配备表》(附表1)中要求配备的人数,注册造价工程师不少于1人。
d. having a perfect organization structure, a perfect quality control system, and a sound technical/archival management system; (4)有较完善的组织结构和质量管理体系,有技术、档案等管理制度。
e. having necessary project testing devices; (5)有必要的工程试验检测设备。
f. having not committed any behavior prohibited by Article 16 of these Provisions within the year prior to applying for the project supervision qualification; (6)申请工程监理资质之日前一年内没有本规定第十六条禁止的行为。
g. having not born any liability for any gross quality accident within the year prior to applying for the project supervision qualification; and (7)申请工程监理资质之日前一年内没有因本企业监理责任造成重大质量事故。
h. having not born any liability for any gross quality accident of Grade III or above or two or more safety accidents of Grade IV within the year prior to applying for the project supervision qualification. (8)申请工程监理资质之日前一年内没有因本企业监理责任发生三级以上工程建设重大安全事故或者发生两起以上四级工程建设安全事故。
C. Grade-C 3、丙级
a. having the independent legal person status and the assets that comply with the relevant provisions of the state; (1)具有独立法人资格且具有符合国家有关规定的资产。
b. the technical principal of the enterprise shall be a certified supervising engineer and have worked in the engineering field for 8 years or more; (2)企业技术负责人应为注册监理工程师,并具有8年以上从事工程建设工作的经历。
c. the number of certified supervising engineers of the applied specialty shall satisfy the requirements of the List of the Numbers of Certified Supervising engineers with Specialized Qualifications to Be Manned (Attached List I); (3)相应专业的注册监理工程师不少于《专业资质注册监理工程师人数配备表》(附表1)中要求配备的人数。
d. having a necessary quality control system and corresponding rules and regulations; and (4)有必要的质量管理体系和规章制度。
e. having necessary project testing devices. (5)有必要的工程试验检测设备。
3. standards for the firm qualification (三)事务所资质标准
a. having obtained the partnership business license and having a written cooperation agreement; 1、取得合伙企业营业执照,具有书面合作协议书。
b. three or more partners shall be certified supervising engineers, and all partners shall have worked in the engineering field for 5 years or more;

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