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Notice of the Ministry of Land and Resources on Issuing the Mineral Right Trading Rules [Expired]
国土资源部关于印发《矿业权交易规则》的通知 [失效]

Notice of the Ministry of Land and Resources on Issuing the Mineral Right Trading Rules 


(No. 7 [2017] of the Ministry of Land and Resources) (国土资规〔2017〕7号)

The competent land and resources departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government: 各省、自治区、直辖市国土资源主管部门:
For purposes of implementing the work requirements of the State Council relating to the consolidation and establishment of a unified public resource trading platform, further regulating the trading of mineral rights, and promoting the sound development of the mineral right market, the Mineral Right Trading Rules are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. 为贯彻落实国务院整合建立统一的公共资源交易平台等有关工作要求,进一步规范矿业权交易行为,促进矿业权市场健康发展,现将《矿业权交易规则》印发给你们,请遵照执行。
September 6, 2017 2017年9月6日
Mineral Right Trading Rules 矿业权交易规则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Rules are developed under the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China, the Auction Law of the People's Republic of China, the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China, the Measures for the Registration of Mineral Resource Prospecting Parcels, the Measures for the Registration of Mineral Resource Exploitation, the Measures for the Transfer of Prospecting Rights and Mining Rights, the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Work Plan for the Consolidation and Establishment of a Unified Public Resource Trading Platform, and other relevant provisions, for purposes of further regulating the trading of mineral rights, ensuring open, fair and equitable mineral right trading, and protecting the rights and interests of the state and mineral right holders.   第一条 为进一步规范矿业权交易行为,确保矿业权交易公开、公平、公正,维护国家权益和矿业权人合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》《中华人民共和国拍卖法》《中华人民共和国招标投标法》《矿产资源勘查区块登记管理办法》《矿产资源开采登记管理办法》《探矿权采矿权转让管理办法》,以及《国务院办公厅关于印发整合建立统一的公共资源交易平台工作方案的通知》等相关规定,制定本规则。
Article 2 For the purpose of these Rules, "mineral right" refers to prospecting right and mining right, and "mineral right trading" refers to the assignment of mineral rights by the land and resources departments of the people's governments at or above the county level (hereinafter referred to as "land and resources departments") or transfer of mineral rights by mineral right holders.   第二条 本规则所称矿业权是指探矿权和采矿权,矿业权交易是指县级以上人民政府国土资源主管部门(以下简称国土资源主管部门)出让矿业权或者矿业权人转让矿业权的行为。
"Assignment of mineral rights" is the act whereby a land and resources department confers, to the extent of the power of approving mineral rights, the prospecting rights on applicants by bidding, auction, listing, earlier application, agreement, or any other means, or the mining rights on applicants by bidding, auction, listing, converting prospecting rights into mining rights, agreement, or any other means. 矿业权出让是指国土资源主管部门根据矿业权审批权限,以招标、拍卖、挂牌、申请在先、协议等方式依法向探矿权申请人授予探矿权和以招标、拍卖、挂牌、探矿权转采矿权、协议等方式依法向采矿权申请人授予采矿权的行为。
"Transfer of mineral rights" is the act whereby a mineral right holder conveys his mineral right to someone else. 矿业权转让是指矿业权人将矿业权依法转移给他人的行为。
Article 3 These Rules shall apply to the assignment of mineral rights, and apply to the transfer of mineral rights as a reference.   第三条 矿业权出让适用本规则,矿业权转让可参照执行。
These Rules do not apply to the trading of mineral rights in uranium minerals and other minerals inappropriate to publicly mine as required by the State. 铀矿等国家规定不宜公开矿种的矿业权交易不适用本规则。
Article 4 "A party to mineral right trading" is an assignor, an assignee, a transferor, a transferee, a bidder, or a bid winner participating in mineral right trading by law. An assignee, a bidder or a bid winner shall comply with the qualification requirements in laws and regulations.   第四条 矿业权交易主体是指依法参加矿业权交易的出让人、转让人、受让人、投标人、竞买人、中标人和竞得人。受让人、投标人、竞买人、中标人和竞得人应当符合法律、法规有关资质要求的规定。
"Assignor" is a land and resources department assigning mineral rights. "Transferor" is a mineral right holder transferring his lawful mineral right. "Assignee or transferee" is a legal person who meets the conditions for the application for prospecting rights and mining rights or transferee conditions and who is capable to bear independently civil liability. 出让人是指出让矿业权的国土资源主管部门。转让人是指转让其拥有合法矿业权的矿业权人。受让人是指符合探矿权、采矿权申请条件或者受让条件的、能独立承担民事责任的法人。
In an assignment by bidding, auction or listing, a bidding party is a bidder; and the assignor shall determine the bid winner by the announced rules. 以招标方式出让的,参与投标各方为投标人;以拍卖和挂牌方式出让的,参与竞拍和竞买各方均为竞买人;出让人按公告的规则确定中标人、竞得人。
Article 5 "Mineral right trading platform" is a body founded by law to provide trading services for the assignment or transfer of mineral rights. Mineral right trading platforms include public resource trading platforms established by local people's governments, which have included the assignment of mineral rights, and mineral right trading bodies established by land and resources departments.   第五条 矿业权交易平台是指依法设立的,为矿业权出让、转让提供交易服务的机构。矿业权交易平台包括已将矿业权出让纳入的地方人民政府建立的公共资源交易平台、国土资源主管部门建立的矿业权交易机构等。
A mineral right trading platform shall have fixed trading venues, complete trading management systems, corresponding equipment and professional technical personnel. 矿业权交易平台应当具有固定交易场所、完善的交易管理制度、相应的设备和专业技术人员。
A mineral right trading platform may authorize a trading agency with corresponding qualifications to complete specific procedures for invitation for bid, auction, and listing. 矿业权交易平台可委托具有相应资质的交易代理中介机构完成具体的招标、拍卖、挂牌程序工作。
A mineral right trading platform shall vigorously promote the interconnection and sharing of expert resources and expert credit information and determine bid evaluation experts randomly. 矿业权交易平台应当积极推动专家资源及专家信用信息的互联共享,应当采取随机方式确定评标专家。
Article 6 A mineral right trading platform shall organize mineral right trading according to these Rules, publish trading service guides, trading procedures, trading processes, and model documents, among others, voluntarily accept the supervision and business guidance of the land and resources departments, strengthen self-discipline management, maintain market order, and ensure the openness, fairness and equity of mineral right trading.   第六条 矿业权交易平台应当按照本规则组织矿业权交易,公开交易服务指南、交易程序、交易流程、格式文书等,自觉接受国土资源主管部门的监督和业务指导,加强自律管理,维护市场秩序,保证矿业权交易公开、公平、公正。
Article 7 The assignment of a mineral right by bidding, auction, or listing shall, to the extent of the approving power, be undertaken at the mineral right trading platform at the same level, or authorized by the land and resources department.   第七条 以招标、拍卖、挂牌方式出让矿业权的,应当按照审批管理权限,在同级矿业权交易平台或者国土资源主管部门委托的矿业权交易平台中进行。
Where a mineral right subject to the power of registration of the Ministry of Land and Resources needs to be assigned by bidding, auction, or listing, the Ministry of Land and Resources shall organize and undertake the assignment, or, if the mineral right is not in oil or gas, a provincial land and resources department authorized by the Ministry of Land and Resources, shall organize a mineral right trading platform to undertake the assignment. 国土资源部登记权限需要进行招标、拍卖、挂牌出让矿业权的,油气矿业权由国土资源部组织实施,非油气矿业权由国土资源部委托省级国土资源主管部门组织矿业权交易平台实施。
Article 8 In the case of assignment of mineral rights by bidding, auction, or listing, a mineral right trading platform shall organize and undertake it according to the power of attorney or assignment brief issued by the land and resources department.   第八条 以招标、拍卖、挂牌方式出让矿业权的,矿业权交易平台按照国土资源主管部门下达的委托书或者任务书组织实施。
Where a transferor authorizes a mineral right trading platform to organize the transfer of his mineral right by bidding, auction, or listing, they shall enter into an authorization contract. The authorization contract includes: 转让人委托矿业权交易平台以招标、拍卖、挂牌方式组织矿业权转让交易的,应当签订委托合同。委托合同应当包括下列内容:
(1) names and premises of the transferor and the mineral right trading platform; (一)转让人和矿业权交易平台的名称、场所;
(2) service matters under the authorization and requirements; (二)委托服务事项及要求;
(3) service charges; (三)服务费用;
(4) liability for breach of contract; (四)违约责任;
(5) dispute resolution means; and (五)纠纷解决方式;
(6) other matters required to be stipulated. (六)需要约定的其他事项。
Chapter II Public Notice 

第二章 公告

Article 9 In the case of assignment of a mineral right by bidding, auction, or listing, a mineral right trading platform shall publish a public notice of transfer based on relevant materials provided by the assignor and produce the documents of bidding, auction or listing.   第九条 以招标、拍卖、挂牌方式出让矿业权的,矿业权交易平台依据出让人提供的相关材料发布出让公告,编制招标、拍卖、挂牌相关文件。
Article 10 A mineral right trading platform or the land and resources department shall publish a public notice concurrently at the following platforms:   第十条 矿业权交易平台或者国土资源主管部门应当在下列平台同时发布公告:
(1) The website of the Ministry of Land and Resources. (一)国土资源部门户网站;
(2) The website of the land and resources department at the same level. (二)同级国土资源主管部门门户网站;
(3) The trading hall of the mineral right trading platform. (三)矿业权交易平台交易大厅;
(4) Other necessary means. (四)有必要采取的其他方式。
Article 11 A public notice of transfer includes:   第十一条 出让公告应当包括以下内容:
(1) names and premises of the assignor and the mineral right trading platform; (一)出让人和矿业权交易平台的名称、场所;
(2) a brief introduction to the assigned mineral right, including project name, mineral type, geographic location, GPS waypoints, area, resource reserves (prospecting degree), mining height, resource exploitation and use, planned term of assignment, investment in prospecting, and the protection of the geological environment and requirements for land reclamation in mines, among others; (二)出让矿业权的简要情况,包括项目名称、矿种、地理位置、拐点范围坐标、面积、资源储量(勘查工作程度)、开采标高、资源开发利用情况、拟出让年限等,以及勘查投入、矿山地质环境保护及土地复垦要求等;
(3) eligibility requirements of bidders; (三)投标人或者竞买人的资质条件;
(4) assignment means and time and place of trading; (四)出让方式及交易的时间、地点;
(5) means to access bidding, auction or listing documents and the beginning and ending time and how to register; (五)获取招标、拍卖、挂牌文件的途径和申请登记的起止时间及方式;
(6) standards and methods to determine the bid winner; (六)确定中标人、竞得人的标准和方法;
(7) payment and disposition of earnest money; (七)交易保证金的缴纳和处置;
(8) risk warning; (八)风险提示;
(9) means to handle objection to the mineral right trading; and (九)对交易矿业权异议的处理方式;
(10) other content required in the public notice. (十)需要公告的其他内容。
Article 12 In the case of assignment of a mineral right by bidding, auction, or listing, a public notice shall be given 20 working days before the deadline for submit bids, the day of public auction, or day of the commencement of the listing.   第十二条 以招标、拍卖、挂牌方式出让矿业权的,应当在投标截止日、公开拍卖日或者挂牌起始日20个工作日前发布公告。
Article 13 A mineral right trading platform shall accept the written applications of bidders at the time and venue and in the means as specified in the public notice; and a bidder shall provide valid supporting documents proving his eligibility as a mineral right transferee and be liable for the documents' authenticity and legitimacy.   第十三条 矿业权交易平台应当按公告载明的时间、地点、方式,接受投标人或者竞买人的书面申请;投标人或者竞买人应当提供其符合矿业权受让人主体资质的有效证明材料,并对其真实性和合法性负责。
The supporting documents of eligibility of a mineral right transferee include the business license for enterprise legal person or the public institution legal person certificate, identification certificate of the legal representative, and other documents required to be submitted. 矿业权受让人资质证明材料应当包括:企业法人营业执照或者事业单位法人证书、法定代表人身份证明以及按规定应当提供的其他材料。
Article 14 A bidder who, as reviewed by the mineral right trading platform, meets the transferee eligibility requirements as prescribed in the public notice obtains such eligibility upon the written confirmation of the mineral right trading platform after paying the earnest money by the public notice.   第十四条 经矿业权交易平台审核符合公告的受让人资质条件的投标人或者竞买人,按照交易公告缴纳交易保证金后,经矿业权交易平台书面确认后取得交易资格。
Chapter III Trading Form and Process

第三章 交易形式及流程


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