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Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Norms for Writing Adjudicative Documents in Foreign-related Commercial and Maritime Cases [Effective]
最高人民法院关于印发《涉外商事海事裁判文书写作规范》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Norms for WritingAdjudicative Documents in Foreign-related Commercial and Maritime Cases 


(No. 67 [2015] of the Supreme People's Court) (法〔2015〕67号)

The higher people's courts of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Court of the PLA; and the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: 各省、自治区、直辖市高级人民法院,解放军军事法院,新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院生产建设兵团分院:
In order to further standardize and unify the writing standards of adjudicative documents in foreign-related commercial and maritime cases, and improve the quality of adjudicative documents, the Supreme People's Court has researched and developed the Norms for Writing Adjudicative Documents in Foreign-related Commercial and Maritime Cases, which are hereby issued for your conscientious compliance and implementation. All problems encountered during the application of these Norms shall be reported to the Supreme People's Court in a timely manner. 为进一步规范和统一涉外商事海事裁判文书写作标准,提高裁判文书质量,最高人民法院研究制定了《涉外商事海事裁判文书写作规范》,现予印发,请认真遵照执行。在适用本规范过程中有何问题,请及时报告最高人民法院。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
March 16, 2015 2015年3月16日
Norms for Writing Adjudicative Documents inForeign-related Commercial and Maritime Cases 涉外商事海事裁判文书写作规范
An adjudicative document shall record the trial process and the judgment basis, reasons and results in a comprehensive and accurate manner. The writing of an adjudicative document shall feature complete elements, integrate structures, rigorous logics, well-organized arrangements, standardized statement, and appropriate separation of the complicated circumstances from the simple ones. In order to further regulate and unify the writing standards of adjudicative documents in foreign-related commercial and maritime cases, and improve document quality, the following opinions on standardizing the writing of adjudicative documents on foreign-related commercial and maritime cases are hereby offered. 裁判文书应当全面、准确地记载案件的审理过程和裁判的依据、理由与结果。撰写裁判文书应当做到要素齐全、结构完整、逻辑严谨、条理清晰、语句规范、繁简得当。为进一步规范和统一涉外商事海事裁判文书的写作标准,提高文书质量,现就涉外商事海事裁判文书的写作提出如下规范意见。
I. The initial part of an adjudicative document shall respectively specify the title of the document, case number, the basic information on the parties and their legal representatives (or representatives) and entrusted agents and the causes of action in the case and the trial process, among others.   一、裁判文书的首部应当分别写明文书标题、案号、当事人及其法定代表人(或代表人)和委托代理人的基本情况以及案件由来、案由和审理过程等。
(1) The title of an adjudicative document shall be generally expressed as “Written Civil Judgment (Mediation Document or Written Ruling) of the Supreme People's Court.” The title of the adjudicative document of a maritime court is not required to contain the word “people's.” (一)裁判文书标题一般表述为“中华人民共和国××××人民法院民事判决书(调解书、裁定书)”。海事法院裁判文书标题中法院前不需冠以“人民”字样。
(2) Where the parties to cases do not include foreigners, stateless persons, or foreign enterprises or organizations, the court names in the titles of the adjudicative documents made by the people's courts at all levels, excluding the adjudicative documents make by the Supreme People's Court, do not need to contain the words “People's Republic of China.” (二)案件当事人中如果没有外国人、无国籍人、外国企业或组织的,除最高人民法院制作的裁判文书外,其他各级人民法院制作的裁判文书标题中的法院名称无需冠以“中华人民共和国”字样。
(3) The name of a court shall be consistent with that printed by the court. The titles of the adjudicative documents of the basic people's courts and the intermediate people's courts, excluding maritime courts, shall contain the names of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. (三)法院名称应当与院印文字一致。除海事法院外,基层人民法院、中级人民法院的裁判文书标题应当冠以省、自治区、直辖市的名称。
II. An adjudicative document shall accurately specify the litigation status, names or titles and domiciles of the parties.   二、裁判文书应当准确列明当事人的诉讼地位、姓名或名称及其住所地。
(1) A second-instance adjudicative document shall, while specifying the litigation status of the parties of the second instance, indicate their litigation status of the first instance (such as the plaintiff of the first instance and the defendant of the first instance) in brackets. Where a party of the second instance is neither an appellant nor an appellee, the litigation status of the first instance thereof shall be specified directly. (一)二审裁判文书在列明当事人二审诉讼地位的同时,亦应用括号注明其一审诉讼地位(例如一审原告、一审被告等)。既非上诉人、亦非被上诉人的二审当事人,直接列明其一审诉讼地位。
(2) An adjudicative document in a retrial petition case or a retrial case shall respectively specify the status of the parties in the process of retrial petition or retrial, and, at the same time, indicate in brackets their litigation status of the first instance and the second instance. Where a party is neither a retrial petitioner nor a respondent, its litigation status of the first instance and of the second instance shall be specified directly. An appealing organ in an appeal case shall be specified. (二)申请再审或再审案件的裁判文书应当分别列明当事人在申请再审过程中或再审诉讼中的地位,同时用括号注明其一、二审诉讼地位。既非再审申请人、亦非被申请人的,直接列明其一、二审诉讼地位。抗诉案件应当列明抗诉机关。
(3) Where a party is a natural person, his or her name, gender, nation, date of birth, occupation and domicile shall be specified; and where his or her occupation is unclear, it may not be indicated. The party's identity certificate number shall be generally indicated, and his or her citizen identification number shall be indicated if his or her resident identification card of the People's Republic of China is submitted. (三)当事人是自然人的,写明其姓名、性别、民族、出生日期、职业、住所地,职业不明确的,可以不表述;对于其身份证件号码一般应予注明,提交中华人民共和国居民身份证的应注明其公民身份号码。
The domicile of a natural person shall be the address specified in the legal and valid identity certificate. Where the domicile is inconsistent with the habitual residence, and the habitual residence of the party needs to be specified as required by the trial of the case, the habitual resident ascertained in accordance with the law shall be specified. 自然人的住所地以其提交的合法有效的身份证件载明的地址为准;住所地与经常居住地不一致,且根据案件审理的需要需明确当事人经常居住地的,写明经依法查明的经常居住地。
(4) A natural person is no longer required to undergo the notarized certification and other formalities for the passport, two-way pass to Hong Kong and Macao, Mainland permit for Taiwan residents and other certificates he or she submits to prove his or her identity. (四)自然人为证明其身份提交的护照、往来港澳通行证、台湾居民来往大陆通行证等证件,无需再办理公证认证等证明手续。
(5) The nationality of a foreign natural person shall be specified, and such information of a stateless person shall also be indicated. (五)外国自然人,应当写明其国籍,无国籍人亦应予以注明。
The nationality information of a resident from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region or the Taiwan region shall also be indicated. 港澳台地区的居民亦应予以注明。
(6) The name and domicile of a legal person or any other organization, among others, shall be the contents as recorded in its registration documents. (六)法人或其他组织的名称、住所地等,以其注册登记文件记载的内容为准。
(7) The registration documents submitted by an overseas enterprise or organization to prove its qualification need to undergo the notarized certification and other certification formalities. Where any certification document is in any foreign language, a Chinese translation shall be attached thereto. (七)境外企业、组织提交的证明其主体资格的注册登记文件,需依法办理公证认证等证明手续;证明文件是外文的,应当附有中文译本。
(8) For a foreign party, his or its Chinese name or title and domicile translated shall be specified at the initial part of the adjudicative document, and his or his foreign name or title and domicile shall be indicated in the brackets after his or its Chinese name or title and domicile. (八)对于外国当事人,在裁判文书首部应当写明其经过翻译的中文姓名或名称和住所地,并在中文姓名或名称和住所地后括号中注明其外文姓名或名称和住所地。
(9) Where the name or title of a party changes, the changed name or title shall be specified at the initial part of the adjudicative document, and the name or title before change is not required to be specified herein. The fact that the name or title changes may be specified in the part of “causes of action” or “ascertained facts” as needed. (九)当事人姓名或名称变更的,裁判文书首部应当列明变更后的姓名或名称,变更前姓名或名称无需在此处列明。对于姓名或名称变更的事实可根据需要在案件由来或者查明事实部分写明。
(10) A colon shall be placed after the title of the litigation status of a party. Where a party is a company, enterprise or any other organization, a full stop shall be placed after its title, and a colon shall be placed after its “domicile.” Where a party is a natural person, a comma shall be placed after his or her name, and a full stop shall be placed after the statement of the basic information. (十)当事人诉讼地位的称谓后面使用冒号。当事人为公司、企业、其他组织的,其名称后面使用句号,“住所地”后面使用冒号。当事人为自然人的,其姓名后均使用逗号,基本信息阐述完毕后使用句号。
(11) Where there are foreign parties or stateless persons among the parties, the country names or statelessness information of the Chinese and foreign parties shall be respectively specified when domiciles are indicated. The full name of the country of a party shall be used. (十一)当事人中有外国当事人或无国籍人的,表述住所地时应当分别写明中外当事人的国别名称或无国籍情况。当事人国别名称应当使用全称。
Where there is no foreign party or stateless person among the parties, the words “People's Republic of China” shall be omitted when the domiciles of the domestic parties are indicated. 没有外国当事人或无国籍人的,表述国内当事人住所地时省略“中华人民共和国”字样。
(12) When the domicile of a party from Hong Kong or Macao is indicated, the full name of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be used. (十二)表述港澳地区当事人住所地时,应当使用香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的全称。
When the domicile of a party from Taiwan region, “xx City of Taiwan region” shall be specified, and such expressions as “Taiwan Province” or “Taiwan” shall not be used. 表述台湾地区当事人住所地时,应当写明“台湾地区xx市……”,不应使用“台湾省”或“台湾”等表述。
(13) Where the domiciles and agents of the parties are the same, such information shall be specified separately, and the expression of “here and below” shall not be used. (十三)当事人住所地、代理人情况相同的,应当各自列明,不应当使用“情况同上”进行表述。
III. Where a legal person or any other organization is a party, its legal representative or representative and the identity information thereof shall be specified.   三、法人或其他组织作为当事人的,应当写明其法定代表人或代表人及其身份信息。
(1) A colon shall be placed after a legal representative, and the name and position of the legal representative shall be specified. (一)法定代表人后面使用冒号,写明法定代表人的姓名及其职务。
(2) Where a party is any organization without the legal person status, its “representative” shall be specified, and the representative shall not be expressed as “person-in-charge” or “entrusted representative.” (二)当事人为不具备法人资格的其他组织的,应当写明其“代表人”,不应表述为“负责人”或“授权代表人”。
(3) Where an enterprise or organization from a foreign country or from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan region is a party, the expression of “representative” shall also be used. (三)外国或者港澳台地区的企业、组织作为当事人的,亦应使用“代表人”的表述。
IV. An adjudicative document shall specify the names and identity information of the agents.   四、裁判文书中应当写明代理人的姓名及其身份信息。
(1) Where a party entrusts any staff member of its entity to act as an agent, the agent shall be listed in the first place; or where the party entrusts any staff member not in its entity or a lawyer to act as an agent, the agent shall be listed at the second place. (一)当事人委托本单位工作人员担任代理人的应当列在第一位,其委托外单位的人员或者律师担任代理人的列在第二位。
(2) Where a party entrusts any staff member of its entity to act as an agent, the identity information thereof may be expressed as “staff member of the company (or the institution, such as the committee or plant, among others).” (二)当事人委托本单位人员作为代理人的,其身份信息可表述为“该公司(或该机构如该委员会、该厂等)工作人员”。
(3) Where a lawyer or basic-level legal service worker acts as an agent, the identity information thereof shall be expressed as “lawyer of XX Law Firm” or “legal worker of XX Legal Service Office.” (三)律师、基层法律服务工作者担任代理人的,其身份信息表述为“XX律师事务所律师”或“××法律服务所法律工作者”。
(4) Where a close relative of any party or a citizen recommended by the party's community, entity or relevant social group acts as an agent, the name, gender, date of birth, nation, occupation and domicile of the agent shall be specified. Where the agent is a close relative of a party, the relationship between the agent and the party shall also be indicated after the domicile. (四)当事人的近亲属或者其所在社区、单位以及有关社会团体推荐的公民担任代理人的,写明代理人的姓名、性别、出生日期、民族、职业、住所地。代理人是当事人近亲属的,还应当在住所地之后注明其与当事人的关系。
(5) Where an agent changes, only the agent changed shall be listed in the initial part of an adjudicative document. The fact that the agent changes may be indicated in the part of “causes of action” or “ascertained facts” as needed. (五)代理人变更的,裁判文书首部只列写变更后的代理人。对于代理人变更的事实可根据需要在案件由来或者查明事实部分写明。
V. A case shall accurately reflect the nature of the civil legal relationship involved in the case, and the causes of action in the case shall be consistent with that as listed in the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Causes of Action in Civil Cases.   五、案由应当准确反映案件所涉及的民事法律关系的性质,并应当与最高人民法院《民事案件案由规定》中所列案由相一致。
Where a court of second instance or court of retrial deems upon trial that the causes of action in the case listed in the original adjudicative document are improper, the second-instance or retrial adjudicative document shall specify the causes of action in the case finally determine upon trial, and make explanations in the part of the “judgment's reasoning.” 二审法院或再审法院经审理认为原审裁判文书所列案由不当的,二审或再审裁判文书中应当写明经审理后最终确定的案由,并在裁判理由部分予以说明。
VI. An adjudicative document shall specify the causes of action and the trial process .   六、裁判文书应当写明案件的由来以及开庭审理过程。
(1) According to the differences in the procedures of the first instance trial, the second instance review and the retrial, the parties' prosecution, appeal, remand for retrial or petition for retrial, ordered retrial, bringing the case to trial and other information shall be briefly stated in the part of “causes of action.” A first-instance adjudicative document shall specify the time when the party initiates the action. (一)根据一审、二审或再审程序的不同,在案件由来部分简要写明当事人起诉、上诉、发回重审或者申请再审、指令再审、提审等情况。一审裁判文书应当写明当事人起诉的时间。
(2) In the statement of this part, the shortened form of a party shall be indicated in the brackets after the full name of the party. A shortened form shall be clear and proper, so as to avoid ambiguities. The title of the litigation status of the party (such as the plaintiff, appellant, respondent, etc.) or Party A or Party B, among others, shall not be used as the shortened form of the party. (二)此部分叙述时可在当事人全称后面括号注明其简称。简称要清楚、得当,避免引起歧义,不应以当事人诉讼地位的称谓(如原告、上诉人、答辩人等)或甲方、乙方等作为其简称。
(3) It is not required to specifically state the information on the members of the collegial bench. However, if any member of the collegial bench is required to be withdrawn or changes, such circumstance shall be stated in this part. (三)合议庭组成成员的情况不必具体表述,但如果合议庭成员有回避、变更情况的,应当在此部分写明。
(4) Where court sections are held multiple times to try a case, a brief instruction of the information on the court sessions shall be made respectively to fully reflect the trial process. Where evidence exchange is organized or a pre-trial conference is convened before a court session, the relevant circumstances shall also be elaborated. (四)经过多次开庭审理的,应当分别简述开庭情况,以充分体现开庭审理的经过。开庭审理前组织证据交换、召集庭前会议的,亦应将相关情况予以阐述。
(5) Where a party does not appear in court to respond to a lawsuit or leaves the courtroom during a court session, the information on “the party refuses to appear in court without any justifiable reason after being subpoenaed by this court” or “leaves the courtroom during a court session without the permission of the court” shall be specified. (五)当事人未到庭应诉或者中途退庭的,写明“经本院传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭”或者“未经法庭许可中途退庭”的情况。
(6) Where the trial of a case is resumed after the action is suspended or under any other circumstance, the process thereof shall be stated in this part. (六)存在中止诉讼后又恢复审理等情况的,应当在此部分写明过程。
VII. An adjudicative document shall specify in turn the parties' complaints (including claims) and defenses, the statements of third parties and other information, and specify the litigation claims of the parties and the facts and grounds on which they are based.   七、裁判文书应当依次写明当事人的起诉(包括诉讼请求)、答辩、第三人陈述等情况,写明当事人的诉讼主张及其所依据的事实、理由。
(1) When retelling the facts or grounds of a party's filing of an action or defense, the relatively long written complaints and answers shall be extracted and summarized, and the wrong sentences and typos therein shall be corrected, and the restatement shall be accurate, comprehensive and loyal to the original intention, with no key point omitted. (一)转述当事人起诉、答辩的事实、理由时,应当对较长的起诉状、答辩状进行提炼、归纳,对其病句、错字进行修正,同时注意准确全面,忠实原意,不得遗漏要点。
(2) Where the plaintiff changes his or its claims during trial or puts forward new claims, and the defendant fails to make a written statement of defense or the third party fails to submit the written opinions, but makes an oral defense or statement during trial, or supplements the original written defense or statement opinions, it shall be expressed in this section. (二)原告庭审时变更诉讼请求、提出新的诉讼请求,被告未作书面答辩或第三人未提交书面意见,但在庭审中进行口头答辩或陈述以及对原书面答辩或陈述意见予以补充的,应当在此节中予以表述。
(3) Where the defendant files a counterclaim, the counterclaim, the facts and grounds on which the counterclaim is based and the defense of the other party shall be briefly introduced in this part. (三)被告提出反诉的,亦应在此部分概述其反诉请求、依据的事实、理由以及对方的答辩情况。
(4) The information concerning the appeal and defense of the parties of the second instance, among others, shall be briefly stated after the restatement of the results of the first-instance judgment, and be extracted, summarized and expressed in accordance with the requirements of the aforesaid Items (1) and (2). (四)二审当事人的上诉、答辩等情况,在转述一审判决结果后进行概述,并应当按照前述第(一)、(二)项的要求进行提炼、归纳和表述。
VIII. A first-instance adjudicative document shall specify the name of the evidence submitted by the parties, objectives of proof, the cross-examination opinions of all parties, and the people's court shall, in consideration of the proof and cross-examination opinions of the parties, analyze the authenticity, relevance and legality of the evidence submitted by the parties in accordance with the relevant laws and judicial interpretations, to finally determine whether the evidence shall be admitted and the probative force of the evidence and expressly illustrate the certification opinions of the people's court.

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