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Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Foreign Exchanges [Revised]
中华人民共和国外汇管理条例 [已被修订]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 193)

The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Foreign Exchanges, as adopted at the 41th executive meeting of the State Council on January 8, 1996, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force from April 1, 1996.

Prime Minister: Li Peng
总理 李鹏

January 29, 1996



第一章 总则

Article 1 These regulations are hereby formulated to strengthen the management of foreign exchanges, maintain the balance of international payments, and promote the healthy development of the national economy.   第一条 为了加强外汇管理,保持国际收支平衡,促进国民经济健康发展,制定本条例。

Article 2 The foreign exchange administrations of the State Council and their branches (hereinafter referred to as the foreign exchange management administration) shall perform the duty of management of foreign exchanges in accordance with law and take charge of implementation of these Regulations.   第二条 国务院外汇管理部门及其分支机构(以下统称外汇管理机关),依法履行外汇管理职责,负责本条例的实施。

Article 3 The foreign exchanges mentioned in these Regulations refer to the following instruments of payment and assets expressed in foreign currencies that can be used for international liquidation:   第三条 本条例所称外汇,是指下列以外币表示的可以用作国际清偿的支付手段和资产:

(1) Foreign currencies including paper money and coins. (一)外国货币,包括纸币、铸币;

(2) Foreign currency pay orders including bills, bank deposits, and postal savings deposits. (二)外币支付凭证,包括票据、银行存款凭证、邮政储蓄凭证等;

(3) Foreign currency negotiable securities including government bonds, company bonds, and stocks. (三)外币有价证券,包括政府债券、公司债券、股票等;

(4) Special drawing rights and European Currency Units. (四)特别提款权、欧洲货币单位;

(5) Other foreign currency assets. (五)其他外汇资产。

Article 4 These Regulations are applicable to the foreign exchange receipt and disbursement and foreign exchange business activities of Chinese organizations and individuals, foreign representative offices in China, and foreigners coming into China.   第四条 境内机构、个人、驻华机构、来华人员的外汇收支或者经营活动,适用本条例。

Article 5 The State shall implement the system of compiling statistics and reports of international payments. All units and individuals involved in international payment activities shall compile statistics and reports of their international payments.   第五条 国家实行国际收支统计申报制度。凡有国际收支活动的单位和个人,必须进行国际收支统计申报。

Article 6 Foreign currencies shall be banned from circulation in the People's Republic of China and from being used for pricing or account settlement.   第六条 在中华人民共和国境内,禁止外币流通,并不得以外币计价结算。

Article 7 All units and individuals have the right to report and expose behaviours and activities violating rules on foreign exchange management.   第七条 任何单位和个人都有权检举、揭发违反外汇管理的行为和活动。

The units and individuals that do meritorious deeds in reporting or exposing cases of violation against rules on foreign exchange management or in assisting relevant departments in handling such cases shall be awarded and kept in secret by the foreign exchange management administration.


第二章 经常项目外汇

Article 8 The current account incomes of foreign exchange of domestic enterprises shall be brought home instead of being deposited abroad without authorization in violation of relevant State regulations.   第八条 境内机构的经常项目外汇收入必须调回境内,不得违反国家有关规定将外汇擅自存放在境外。

Article 9 The current account incomes of foreign exchanges of domestic enterprises shall be sold to designated banks in line with State Council regulations on the management of their settlement, selling and payment, or deposited into the foreign exchange bank accounts these enterprises have opened, upon approval, with designated banks.   第九条 境内机构的经常项目外汇收入,应当按照国务院关于结汇、售汇及付汇管理的规定卖给外汇指定银行,或者经批准在外汇指定银行开立外汇帐户。

Article 10 The current expenditures of foreign exchanges of domestic enterprises shall be paid with foreign exchanges bought from designated banks upon the strength of valid vouchers and commercial bills, as stipulated in State Council regulations on the management of the settlement, selling and payment of foreign exchanges.   第十条 境内机构的经常项目用汇,应当按照国务院关于结汇、售汇及付汇管理的规定,持有效凭证和商业单据向外汇指定银行购汇支付。

Article 11 Check-off procedures shall be gone through, in accordance with State stipulations on the management of the check-off of foreign exchange earnings from exports and the management of the check-off of foreign exchange expenditures for imports, for the collection of foreign exchanges by domestic enterprises from exports and their payment of foreign exchanges for imports.   第十一条 境内机构的出口收汇和进口付汇,应当按照国家关于出口收汇核销管理和进口付汇核销管理的规定办理核销手续。

Article 12 Individual owners of foreign exchanges can hold these foreign exchanges on their own accord, deposit them in banks, or sell them to banks designated to handle foreign exchange businesses.   第十二条 属于个人所有的外汇,可以自行持有,也可以存入银行或者卖给外汇指定银行。

The principle of "voluntariness to deposit, freedom to withdraw, payment of interests to bank saving deposits, and keeping secret for depositors" shall be implemented for the depositing of foreign exchanges by individuals.

Article 13 Individuals who go abroad for personal businesses can purchase foreign exchanges in prescribed amounts. If they want to purchase more than the prescribed amounts, they can apply to the foreign exchange management administration.   第十三条 个人因私出境用汇,在规定限额内购汇;超过规定限额的,可以向外汇管理机关申请。

Individuals carrying foreign exchanges with them when they come into or go out of China shall go declaration procedures with the Customs. Those going out of China who carry more than prescribed amounts of foreign exchanges shall also produce valid documents to the Customs.

Article 14 The foreign exchange pay orders, foreign exchange negotiable securities, and other forms of foreign exchange assets held by Chinese citizens residing in China shall not be carried or sent abroad without approval from the foreign exchange management administration.   第十四条 居住在境内的中国公民持有的外币支付凭证、外币有价证券等形式的外汇资产,未经外汇管理机关批准,不得携带或者邮寄出境。

Article 15 The certificate fees charged in Renminbi by foreign diplomatic and consular organizations in China can be exchanged at banks designated to handle foreign exchange businesses on the strength of relevant documents of verification if these fees should be remitted abroad.   第十五条 外国驻华外交机构、领事机构收取的以人民币支付的签证费、认证费等,需要汇出境外的,可以持有关证明材料向外汇指定银行兑付。

The legitimate Renminbi incomes of other foreign organizations in China than those specified in the preceding clause can be exchanged at banks designated to handle foreign exchange businesses on the strength of the notice on foreign exchange sale issued by the foreign exchange management administration after applying to the foreign exchange management administration on the strength of relevant documents of certification, if these incomes should be remitted abroad.

Article 16 Apart from cases described in the second clause of this article, the Renminbi salaries and other legitimate incomes of foreign experts engaged to work in domestic enterprises can be used to buy foreign exchanges from banks designated to handle foreign exchange businesses for being remitted or carried abroad after payment of taxes in accordance with law.   第十六条 应聘在境内机构工作的外籍专家的人民币工资以及其他合法收入,除本条第二款规定的情形外,依法纳税后,可以向外汇指定银行购汇汇出或者携带出境。

If the salaries and other legitimate incomes of foreigners working in foreign-funded enterprises are in foreign exchanges, these foreign exchanges can be remitted or carried abroad directly after payment of taxes in accordance with law. If they are in Renminbi, they can be exchanged, at banks designated to handle foreign exchange businesses and on the strength of valid vouchers stipulated by the foreign exchange management administration, into foreign exchanges for being remitted or carried abroad after payment of taxes in accordance with law.

Article 17 The foreign exchanges of foreign organizations and individuals residing in China received or taken from abroad can be kept by these organizations and individuals, deposited in banks, or sold to banks designated to handle foreign exchange businesses. They can also be remitted or carried abroad on the strength of valid vouchers.   第十七条 驻华机构和来华人员由境外汇入或者携带入境的外汇,可以自行保存,可以存入银行或者卖给外汇指定银行,也可以持有效凭证汇出或者携带出境。


第三章 资本项目外汇

Article 18 The capital-account foreign exchange incomes of domestic enterprises shall be brought home unless otherwise stipulated by the State Council.   第十八条 境内机构的资本项目外汇收入,除国务院另有规定外,应当调回境内。

Article 19 The capital-account foreign exchange incomes of domestic enterprises shall be deposited, in line with relevant State regulations, into bank accounts opened with banks designated to handle foreign exchange businesses. If they are sold to banks designated to handle foreign exchange businesses, approval shall be won from the foreign exchange management administration.   第十九条 境内机构的资本项目外汇收入,应当按照国家有关规定在外汇指定银行开立外汇帐户;卖给外汇指定银行的,须经外汇管理机关批准。

Article 20 In case a domestic enterprise makes investment in a foreign country, its source of foreign exchange funds shall be examined by the foreign exchange management administration before it applies to its responsible department for examination and approval. After approval, relevant remitting procedures shall be gone through in line with stipulations of the State Council on the management of foreign exchanges used for investment in foreign countries.   第二十条 境内机构向境外投资,在向审批主管部门申请前,由外汇管理机关审查其外汇资金来源;经批准后,按照国务院关于境外投资外汇管理的规定办理有关资金汇出手续。

Article 21 The borrowing of foreign loans shall be handled in accordance with relevant State regulations by the government departments approved by the State Council or the financial institutions and enterprises approved by the foreign exchange management administration.
   第二十一条 借用国外贷款,由国务院确定的政府部门、国务院外汇管理部门批准的金融机构和企业按照国家有关规定办理。

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