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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and Other Departments on Legally Protecting Lawyers' Practicing Rights [Effective]
最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部等关于依法保障律师执业权利的规定 [现行有效]

Notice of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministryof Public Security, the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of Justiceon Issuing the Provisions on Legally ProtectingLawyers' Practicing Rights 


(No. 14 [2015] of the Ministry of Justice)


The higher people's courts, higher people's procuratorates, public securitydepartments (bureaus), state security departments (bureaus) and judicial departments(bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directlyunder the Central Government; the Military Court and the Military Procuratorateof the People's Liberation Army, and the Security Section of the GeneralPolitical Department of the People's Liberation Army; the Production andConstruction Corps Branch of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region, and the People's Procuratorate, the Public Security Bureau,the State Security Bureau, and the Bureau of Justice of Xinjiang Production andConstruction Corps:


TheProvisions on Legally Protecting Lawyers' Practicing Rights are hereby issued toyou for your conscious compliance and implementation.


SupremePeople's Court



SupremePeople's Procuratorate


Ministryof Public Security


Ministryof State Security


Ministryof Justice


September16, 2015


Provisions on Legally Protecting Lawyers' Practicing Rights


Article 1 For purposes of protecting lawyers' practicing rights in an effective manner, maximizing the role of lawyers in protecting the parties' lawful rights and interests, ensuring the correct implementation of laws, maintaining social fairness and justice, and promoting judicial justice, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.   第一条 为切实保障律师执业权利,充分发挥律师维护当事人合法权益、维护法律正确实施、维护社会公平和正义的作用,促进司法公正,根据有关法律法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 People's courts, people's procuratorates, public security authorities, state security authorities, and administrative authorities of justice shall respect lawyers, improve the rules for protecting lawyers' practicing rights, and in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law, the Civil Procedure Law, the Administrative Litigation Law and the Lawyer Law, legally protect lawyers' right to know, right to apply, right to appeal, and their practicing rights in such aspects as meeting, review of case files, evidence collection and questioning, cross-examination, and debates within the scope of their respective functions, shall not obstruct lawyers' performance of defense and representation functions in accordance with the law, and shall not infringe upon lawyers' lawful rights.   第二条 人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关、国家安全机关、司法行政机关应当尊重律师,健全律师执业权利保障制度,依照刑事诉讼法民事诉讼法行政诉讼法律师法的规定,在各自职责范围内依法保障律师知情权、申请权、申诉权,以及会见、阅卷、收集证据和发问、质证、辩论等方面的执业权利,不得阻碍律师依法履行辩护、代理职责,不得侵害律师合法权利。
Article 3 People's courts, people's procuratorates, public security authorities, state security authorities, administrative authorities of justice and bar associations shall establish and improve the practicing right relief mechanism for lawyers.   第三条 人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关、国家安全机关、司法行政机关和律师协会应当建立健全律师执业权利救济机制。
Where a lawyer is insulted, defamed, threatened, retaliated against or injured due to practice in accordance with the law, the relevant authority shall, in a timely manner, stop the conduct and handle the situation in accordance with the law, and when necessary, take measures to protect the lawyer. 律师因依法执业受到侮辱、诽谤、威胁、报复、人身伤害的,有关机关应当及时制止并依法处理,必要时对律师采取保护措施。
Article 4 People's courts, people's procuratorates, public security authorities, state security authorities, and administrative authorities of justice shall establish and improve litigation service centers, places for docketing or accepting cases, lawyers' meeting rooms, and rooms for reviewing case files, regulate the work flow, facilitate lawyers' handling of case docketing, meeting, review of case files, participation in court session, execution application and other affairs. They shall explore and establish network information systems and lawyer service platforms, so as to enhance the case handling efficiency.   第四条 人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关、国家安全机关、司法行政机关应当建立和完善诉讼服务中心、立案或受案场所、律师会见室、阅卷室,规范工作流程,方便律师办理立案、会见、阅卷、参与庭审、申请执行等事务。探索建立网络信息系统和律师服务平台,提高案件办理效率。
Article 5 When handling cases, the case handling authority shall, in accordance with the law, inform the party of the right to authorize the defender or the litigation representative. If the conditions for legal aid are met and no defender or litigation representative is authorized, the case handling authority shall, in a timely manner, inform the party of the right to apply for legal aid, and transfer application materials to the legal aid agency according to the relevant provisions. If the case handling authority finds that a criminal suspect or defendant falls under any circumstance where legal aid shall be provided in accordance with the law, it shall, in a timely manner, notify the legal aid agency to designate a lawyer to defend for the criminal suspect or defendant.   第五条 办案机关在办理案件中应当依法告知当事人有权委托辩护人、诉讼代理人。对于符合法律援助条件而没有委托辩护人或者诉讼代理人的,办案机关应当及时告知当事人有权申请法律援助,并按照相关规定向法律援助机构转交申请材料。办案机关发现犯罪嫌疑人、被告人属于依法应当提供法律援助的情形的,应当及时通知法律援助机构指派律师为其提供辩护。
Article 6 After a defense lawyer accepts authorization by a criminal suspect or defendant or designation by a legal aid agency, the lawyer shall inform the case handling authority and may, in accordance with the law, obtain from the case handling authority the information on the suspected or charged crime of the criminal suspect or defendant and the main facts on the crime that have been ascertained at that time, the compulsory measures taken against the criminal suspect or defendant and the modification and removal of such measures, the information on the investigation authority's extension of the custody period during criminal investigation, and other information, and the case handling authority shall, in a timely manner, inform the defense lawyer in accordance with the law.   第六条 辩护律师接受犯罪嫌疑人、被告人委托或者法律援助机构的指派后,应当告知办案机关,并可以依法向办案机关了解犯罪嫌疑人、被告人涉嫌或者被指控的罪名及当时已查明的该罪的主要事实,犯罪嫌疑人、被告人被采取、变更、解除强制措施的情况,侦查机关延长侦查羁押期限等情况,办案机关应当依法及时告知辩护律师。
Where the case handling authority makes a major procedural decision such as transferring the case for examination and prosecution, returning the case for further investigation, filing a public prosecution, extending the time limit for trial, holding no court session in the second instance, and pronouncement of judgment, or the people's procuratorate reports the case that is directly accepted and docketed for investigation to the people's procuratorate at the next higher level for examination and arrest decision, it shall, in a timely manner, inform the defense lawyer in accordance with the law. 办案机关作出移送审查起诉、退回补充侦查、提起公诉、延期审理、二审不开庭审理、宣告判决等重大程序性决定的,以及人民检察院将直接受理立案侦查案件报请上一级人民检察院审查决定逮捕的,应当依法及时告知辩护律师。
Article 7 Where a defense lawyer plans to meet a criminal suspect or defendant in custody at a jail, the jail shall, after checking the lawyer's practicing license, the certificate issued by the law firm, and a power of attorney or an official legal aid document, arrange the meeting in a timely manner. The jail shall arrange the meeting on the spot if it is able to do so; and if it cannot make arrangements on the spot, it shall make an explanation to the defense lawyer, and guarantee that the defense lawyer is able to meet the criminal suspect or defendant in custody within 48 hours.   第七条 辩护律师到看守所会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,看守所在查验律师执业证书、律师事务所证明和委托书或者法律援助公函后,应当及时安排会见。能当时安排的,应当当时安排;不能当时安排的,看守所应当向辩护律师说明情况,并保证辩护律师在四十八小时以内会见到在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人。
The jail shall not arrange the meeting under other additional conditions or in the disguised manner, require the defense lawyer to submit documents and materials other than those prescribed by laws, and shall not refuse to arrange the meeting of the defense lawyer with a criminal suspect or defendant on the excuse of not receiving the notice of the case handling authority. 看守所安排会见不得附加其他条件或者变相要求辩护律师提交法律规定以外的其他文件、材料,不得以未收到办案机关通知为由拒绝安排辩护律师会见。
The jail shall establish the meeting appointment platform, provide convenience for the meeting of lawyers with a criminal suspect or defendant by online appointment, phone appointment and other methods, and shall not refuse to arrange the meeting of the defense lawyer with a criminal suspect or defendant on the excuse that the lawyer fails to make an appointment. 看守所应当设立会见预约平台,采取网上预约、电话预约等方式为辩护律师会见提供便利,但不得以未预约会见为由拒绝安排辩护律师会见。
When the defense lawyer meets the criminal suspect or defendant in custody, the jail shall take necessary measures to ensure smooth and safe meeting. If the lawyer meets the criminal suspect or defendant in custody, the jail shall guarantee the meeting time and frequency required for the lawyer to perform defense functions, and coordinate the meeting with the jail's work arrangements and the investigation conducted by the case handling authority. A meeting between the defense lawyer and the criminal suspect or defendant shall not be monitored, and the case handling authority shall not assign persons to be present at the meeting. If the meeting rooms for lawyers are insufficient, the jail may, with the written approval of the defense lawyer, arrange meeting at the interrogation room, but it shall turn off the audio recording and monitoring equipment. If the criminal suspect or defendant authorizes two lawyers to serve as the defender, two defense lawyers may meet the criminal suspect or defendant jointly or separately. The defense lawyer may take an assistant lawyer to assist in the meeting. If the assistant participates in the meeting together with the defense lawyer, he or she shall show the certificate issued by the law firm and the lawyer's practicing license or the intern certificate of the person applying for the practice of law. The case handling authority shall verify the identity of the assistant lawyer. 辩护律师会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人时,看守所应当采取必要措施,保障会见顺利和安全进行。律师会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的,看守所应当保障律师履行辩护职责需要的时间和次数,并与看守所工作安排和办案机关侦查工作相协调。辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人、被告人时不被监听,办案机关不得派员在场。在律师会见室不足的情况下,看守所经辩护律师书面同意,可以安排在讯问室会见,但应当关闭录音、监听设备。犯罪嫌疑人、被告人委托两名律师担任辩护人的,两名辩护律师可以共同会见,也可以单独会见。辩护律师可以带一名律师助理协助会见。助理人员随同辩护律师参加会见的,应当出示律师事务所证明和律师执业证书或申请律师执业人员实习证。办案机关应当核实律师助理的身份。
Article 8 Where a criminal suspect or defendant in custody requests the termination of authorization, the case handling authority shall require the criminal suspect or defendant to issue written documents, and transfer them to the authorized lawyer or law firm within three days. The defense lawyer may request meeting the criminal suspect or defendant in custody and confirm the termination of authorization with the criminal suspect or defendant on the spot, and the jail shall arrange the meeting; and if the criminal suspect or defendant refuses the meeting in writing, the jail shall transfer the relevant written materials to the defense lawyer and shall not arrange the meeting.   第八条 在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人提出解除委托关系的,办案机关应当要求其出具或签署书面文件,并在三日以内转交受委托的律师或者律师事务所。辩护律师可以要求会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,当面向其确认解除委托关系,看守所应当安排会见;但犯罪嫌疑人、被告人书面拒绝会见的,看守所应当将有关书面材料转交辩护律师,不予安排会见。
Where the guardian or any close relative of the criminal suspect or defendant in custody, on behalf of the latter, terminates the authorization of the defense lawyer, with the consent of the criminal suspect or defendant, the jail shall permit the meeting with the new authorized defense lawyer, and the criminal suspect or defendant shall confirm the new authorization; and if the criminal suspect or defendant does not consent to the termination of the authorization of the original defense lawyer, the jail shall terminate the meeting with the new authorized defense lawyer. 在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的监护人、近亲属解除代为委托辩护律师关系的,经犯罪嫌疑人、被告人同意的,看守所应当允许新代为委托的辩护律师会见,由犯罪嫌疑人、被告人确认新的委托关系;犯罪嫌疑人、被告人不同意解除原辩护律师的委托关系的,看守所应当终止新代为委托的辩护律师会见。
Article 9 Where a defense lawyer requests a meeting with a criminal suspect in custody who is involved in the criminal case of endangering state security, terrorist activities or especially serious bribery during the period of investigation, the defense lawyer shall file an application with the investigation authority. The investigation authority shall, in accordance with the law, examine in a timely manner the meeting application filed by the defense lawyer, and give a written reply on whether to approve the application or not to the defense lawyer within three days, and clearly inform the defense lawyer of the contact information of the department and staff member responsible for contacting the defense lawyer. If the investigation authority approves the meeting, it shall issue a written document on the approval decision to the defense lawyer; and if it disapproves the meeting since it affects investigation or may divulge any state secret, it shall explain the reason to the defense lawyer. After the circumstance that affects investigation or may divulge any state secret disappears, the investigation authority shall approve the meeting, and notify the jail and defense lawyer in a timely manner. Before the termination of investigation of an especially serious case on bribery, the investigation authority shall permit the defense lawyer to meet the criminal suspect at least once.   第九条 辩护律师在侦查期间要求会见危害国家安全犯罪、恐怖活动犯罪、特别重大贿赂犯罪案件在押的犯罪嫌疑人的,应当向侦查机关提出申请。侦查机关应当依法及时审查辩护律师提出的会见申请,在三日以内将是否许可的决定书面答复辩护律师,并明确告知负责与辩护律师联系的部门及工作人员的联系方式。对许可会见的,应当向辩护律师出具许可决定文书;因有碍侦查或者可能泄露国家秘密而不许可会见的,应当向辩护律师说明理由。有碍侦查或者可能泄露国家秘密的情形消失后,应当许可会见,并及时通知看守所和辩护律师。对特别重大贿赂案件在侦查终结前,侦查机关应当许可辩护律师至少会见一次犯罪嫌疑人。
The investigation authority shall not construe or enlarge the scale of the three types of cases as set forth in the preceding paragraph at will to restrict the meeting of the lawyer. 侦查机关不得随意解释和扩大前款所述三类案件的范围,限制律师会见。
Article 10 As of the date when a case is transferred for examination and prosecution, a defense lawyer may verify the relevant evidence when meeting a criminal suspect or defendant.   第十条 自案件移送审查起诉之日起,辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,可以向其核实有关证据。
Article 11 A defense lawyer who meets a criminal suspect or defendant in custody may make a written record of the meeting as required, and require the criminal suspect or defendant to sign on the written record after confirming that the written record has no error.   第十一条 辩护律师会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,可以根据需要制作会见笔录,并要求犯罪嫌疑人、被告人确认无误后在笔录上签名。
Article 12 Where a defense lawyer needs an interpreter's attendance at a meeting with a criminal suspect or defendant in custody, the lawyer shall file an application with the case handling authority in advance, and submit the interpreter's identity certificate and the certificate issued by the entity employing the interpreter. The case handling authority shall conduct examination in a timely manner and make an approval or disapproval decision within three days. If the authority approves the interpreter's attendance at the meeting, it shall issue a written document on the approval decision to the defense lawyer, and notify the jail. If it disapproves the application, it shall explain the reason to the defense lawyer in writing, and notify the defense lawyer to replace the interpreter.   第十二条 辩护律师会见在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人需要翻译人员随同参加的,应当提前向办案机关提出申请,并提交翻译人员身份证明及其所在单位出具的证明。办案机关应当及时审查并在三日以内作出是否许可的决定。许可翻译人员参加会见的,应当向辩护律师出具许可决定文书,并通知看守所。不许可的,应当向辩护律师书面说明理由,并通知其更换。
The interpreter shall participate in the meeting along with the defense lawyer based on the case handling authority's written document on the approval decision and his or her identity certificate. 翻译人员应当持办案机关许可决定文书和本人身份证明,随同辩护律师参加会见。
Article 13 The jail shall, in a timely manner, deliver the letters between a defense lawyer and a criminal suspect or defendant to them. The jail may conduct necessary inspection of the letters, but it shall not withhold, copy, delete or alter the letters, and shall not provide the content of the letter to the case handling authority, unless the content of the letter involves any circumstance that compromises state security or public security or seriously endangers the personal safety of any other person or is suspected of false confession in collusion or evidence destruction.
   第十三条 看守所应当及时传递辩护律师同犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的往来信件。看守所可以对信件进行必要的检查,但不得截留、复制、删改信件,不得向办案机关提供信件内容,但信件内容涉及危害国家安全、公共安全、严重危害他人人身安全以及涉嫌串供、毁灭证据等情形的除外。

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