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Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performance (2017 Revision) [Revised]
营业性演出管理条例实施细则(2017修订) [已被修订]

Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performance



(adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Culture upon deliberation on August 5, 2009 and shall come into force as of October 1, 2009; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Culture on Repealing and Modifying Some Regulatory Documents (Order No.57 of the Ministry of Culture) issued on December 15, 2017) (2009年8月5日文化部部务会议审议通过,自2009年10月1日起施行 根据2017年12月15日发布的《文化部关于废止和修改部分部门规章的决定》(文化部令第57号)修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Detailed Rules for the Implementation are formulated according to the Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performance (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).   第一条 根据《营业性演出管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),制定本实施细则。
Article 2 The term "commercial performances" as mentioned in the Regulation refers to the public performance activities as held by the following ways for the purpose of making profits:   第二条 《条例》所称营业性演出是指以营利为目的、通过下列方式为公众举办的现场文艺表演活动:
1. Selling tickets or being sponsored; (一)售票或者接受赞助的;
2. Paying or remunerating the performance entities or individuals; (二)支付演出单位或者个人报酬的;
3. Using the performance as a medium for advertising publicity or sales promotion of products; and (三)以演出为媒介进行广告宣传或者产品促销的;
4. Organizing performance in any other profit-making form. (四)以其他营利方式组织演出的。
Article 3 The state protects the legitimate rights and interests of commercial performance entities, performers and audience, and prohibits any unfair competition in commercial performance.   第三条 国家依法维护营业性演出经营主体、演职员和观众的合法权益,禁止营业性演出中的不正当竞争行为。
Chapter II Business Operators of Commercial Performance 

第二章 营业性演出经营主体

Article 4 The term "commercial artistic-cultural performance groups" refers to the business entities that meet the requirements as prescribed in Article 6 of the Regulation and undertake various kinds of artistic-cultural performance activities.   第四条 文艺表演团体是指具备《条例》六条规定条件,从事文艺表演活动的经营单位。
Article 5 The term "performance brokerage agencies" refers to the business entities that meet the requirements as prescribed in Article 6 of the Regulation and engage in:   第五条 演出经纪机构是指具备《条例》六条规定条件,从事下列活动的经营单位:
1. Such operating activities as the organization, making and marketing of performances; (一)演出组织、制作、营销等经营活动;
2. Such brokering activities as the intermediacy, agency and commission of performances; and (二)演出居间、代理、行纪等经纪活动;
3. Such brokering activities as signing, promoting and representing performers. (三)演员签约、推广、代理等经纪活动。
Article 6 The term "business entities of commercial performance places" refers to the business entities that meet the requirements as mentioned in Article 7 of the Regulation and provide places and professional services for commercial performances.   第六条 演出场所经营单位是指具备《条例》七条规定条件,为演出活动提供专业演出场地及服务的经营单位。
Article 7 A legally registered cultural and artistic performance group that applies for engaging in commercial performance activities shall submit the following documents to the culture administrative department:   第七条 依法登记的文艺表演团体申请从事营业性演出活动,应当向文化主管部门提交下列文件:
(1) an application form; (一)申请书;
(2) its business license and the type of art to be engaged in; (二)营业执照和从事的艺术类型;
(3) the identity certificate of the legal representative or the primary person-in-charge; (三)法定代表人或者主要负责人的身份证明;
(4) a certificate of a performer's art performance ability; and (四)演员的艺术表演能力证明;
(5) a written statement on the performance facilities and equipment necessary for business operations. (五)与业务相适应的演出器材设备书面声明。
A certificate of a performer's art performance ability as mentioned in Item 4 could be: 前款第四项所称演员的艺术表演能力证明,可以是下列文件之一:
1. A graduation certificate in the major of art performance of a technical secondary school or above; (一)中专以上学校文艺表演类专业毕业证书;
2. A professional title certificate; (二)职称证书;
3. A performer's competence certificate issued by the art performance association; or (三)演出行业协会颁发的演员资格证明;
4. Any other valid certificate. (四)其他有效证明。
Article 8 A legally registered performance brokerage institution that applies for engaging in commercial performance activities shall submit the following documents to the culture administrative department:   第八条 依法登记的演出经纪机构申请从事营业性演出经营活动,应当向文化主管部门提交下列文件:
(1) an application form; (一)申请书;
(2) its business license; (二)营业执照;
(3) the identity certificate of the legal representative or the primary person-in-charge; and (三)法定代表人或者主要负责人的身份证明;
(4) the qualification certificates of performer brokers. (四)演出经纪人员的资格证明。
Where a legal person or any other organization applies for additionally establishing a performance brokerage institution for business operations, it shall submit the documents as prescribed in items (1) and (4) of the preceding paragraph. 法人或者其他组织申请增设演出经纪机构经营业务的,应当提交前款第(一)项、第(四)项规定的文件。
Article 9 A legally registered entity operating performance sites shall, within 20 days after obtaining the license or certificate, undergo the recordation formalities with the local culture administrative department at the county level upon the strength of the license or certificate and the relevant firefight and hygienic approval documents. The local culture administrative department at the county level shall issue a recordation certificate, the format of which shall be designed by the Ministry of Culture and printed by the culture administrative department at the provincial level.   第九条 依法登记的演出场所经营单位,应当自领取证照之日起20日内,持证照和有关消防、卫生批准文件,向所在地县级文化主管部门备案,县级文化主管部门应当出具备案证明。备案证明式样由文化部设计,省级文化主管部门印制。
To apply for handling the archive-filing formalities at the county-level administrative department of culture at the place of registered permanent residence or actual permanent residence, an individual performer shall hold his individual identity certificate and a competence certificate for performers as mentioned in Paragraph 2 of Article 7 of these Detailed Rules, while an individual performance broker shall hold his individual identity certificate and a competence certificate for performance brokers. The administrative department of culture shall issue a filing certificate the format of which shall be designed by the Ministry of Culture and printed by the provincial administrative departments of culture. 个体演员可以持个人身份证明和本实施细则第七条第二款规定的艺术表演能力证明,个体演出经纪人可以持个人身份证明和演出经纪人员资格证明,向户籍所在地或者常驻地县级文化主管部门申请备案,文化主管部门应当出具备案证明。备案证明式样由文化部设计,省级文化主管部门印制。
Article 10 A performance brokerage institution legally registered in the form of a Chinese-foreign equity or Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture that applies for engaging in commercial performance activities shall submit the following documents in addition to those as prescribed in Article 8 of the Detailed Rules:   第十条 依法登记的中外合资经营、中外合作经营的演出经纪机构申请从事营业性演出经营活动,除了提交本实施细则第八条规定的文件外,还应当提交下列文件:
(1) a feasibility study report, a contract, and the bylaws; (一)可行性研究报告、合同、章程;
(2) the Approval Certificate for a Foreign-Funded Enterprise; (二)外商投资企业批准证书;
(3) a name list of the candidates for the chairman, deputy chairman or directors of the board of directors, or the director, deputy director, and members of the joint managerial committee as determined through consultation by all parties to the performance brokerage institution in the form of an equity or contractual joint venture, and the identity certificates thereof; and (三)合资、合作经营各方协商确定的董事长、副董事长、董事或者联合管理委员会主任、副主任、委员的人选名单及身份证明;
(4) other documents legally required to be submitted. (四)其他依法需要提交的文件。
The chairman of the board of directors of or the director of the joint managerial committee of a joint venture or contractual performance brokerage agency shall be assumed by a Chinese representative and the Chinese representatives shall constitute a majority number of the board of directors or the joint managerial committee. 中外合资、合作经营演出经纪机构的董事长或者联合委员会的主任应当由中方代表担任,并且中方代表应当在董事会或者联合委员会中居多数。
Article 11 An entity operating performance sites legally registered in the form of a Chinese-foreign equity or Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture that applies for engaging in performance site operation activities shall submit the following documents:   第十一条 依法登记的中外合资经营、中外合作经营的演出场所经营单位申请从事演出场所经营活动,应当提交下列文件:
(1) an application form; (一)申请书;
(2) its business license; (二)营业执照;
(3) a feasibility study report, a contract, and the bylaws; (三)可行性研究报告、合同、章程;
(4) the Approval Certificate for a Foreign-Funded Enterprise; (四)外商投资企业批准证书;
(5) a name list of the candidates for the chairman, deputy chairman or directors of the board of directors, or the director, deputy director, and members of the joint managerial committee as determined through consultation by all parties to the performance brokerage institution in the form of an equity or contractual joint venture, and the identity certificates thereof; and (五)合资、合作经营各方协商确定的董事长、副董事长、董事或者联合管理委员会主任、副主任、委员的人选名单及身份证明;
(6) other documents legally required to be submitted. (六)其他依法需要提交的文件。
The chairman of the board of directors of or the director of the joint managerial committee of a joint venture or contractual business entity of performance places shall be assumed by a Chinese representative and the Chinese representatives shall constitute a majority number of the board of directors or the joint managerial committee. 中外合资、合作经营演出场所经营单位的董事长或者联合委员会的主任应当由中方代表担任,并且中方代表应当在董事会或者联合委员会中居多数。
Article 12 A performance brokerage agency of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region may, upon approval, set up branch offices in the Mainland and these branches shall not have the corporate status.   第十二条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的演出经纪机构经批准可以在内地设立分支机构,分支机构不具有企业法人资格。
A branch office in the Mainland set up by a performance brokerage agency of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region may undertake the intermediary or agent activities of commercial performance but may not engage in any other performance business operation. A performance brokerage agency of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region shall bear civil liabilities for the business operations of its branch offices. 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区演出经纪机构在内地的分支机构可以依法从事营业性演出的居间、代理活动,但不得从事其他演出经营活动。香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的演出经纪机构对其分支机构的经营活动承担民事责任。
A performance brokerage agency of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region that establishes any branch office in the mainland shall designate a person in charge of the said branch in the Mainland and shall appropriate funds necessary for the business operations of the branch office. 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的演出经纪机构在内地设立分支机构,必须在内地指定负责该分支机构的负责人,并向该分支机构拨付与其所从事的经营活动相适应的资金。
Article 13 A performance brokerage institution wholly funded by and legally registered in the Chinese mainland by an investor from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region that applies for engaging in commercial performance activities shall submit the following documents in addition to those as prescribed in Article 8 of these Detailed Rules:   第十三条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的投资者在内地依法登记的独资经营的演出经纪机构申请从事营业性演出经营活动,除提交本实施细则第八条规定文件外,还应当提交下列文件:
(1) a feasibility study report; (一)可行性研究报告;
(2) an investor's identity certificate; (二)投资者的身份证明;
(3) the Approval Certificate for an Enterprises Funded by Investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao; and (三)台港澳侨投资企业批准证书;
(4) other documents legally required to be submitted. (四)其他依法需要提交的文件。
Article 14 An entity operating performance sites wholly funded by and legally registered in the Chinese mainland by an investor from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region that applies for engaging in performance site operation activities shall submit the following documents:   第十四条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的投资者在内地依法登记的独资经营的演出场所经营单位申请从事演出场所经营活动,应当提交下列文件:
(1) a written application; (一)申请书;
(2) its business license; (二)营业执照;
(3) a feasibility study report and the bylaws; (三)可行性研究报告;
(4) the legal representative's identity certificate; (四)法定代表人的身份证明;
(5) the Approval Certificate for an Enterprises Funded by Investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao; and (五)台港澳侨投资企业批准证书;
(6) other documents legally required to be submitted. (六)其他依法需要提交的文件。
Article 15 Paragraph 1 of Article 10 and paragraph 1 of Article 11 of these Detailed Rules shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the application of a performance brokerage institution or an entity operating performance sites in the form of an equity or contractual joint venture as legally registered in the Chinese mainland by an investor from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region for engaging in commercial performance activities or performance site operation activities.   第十五条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区投资者在内地依法登记的合资、合作经营的演出经纪机构申请从事营业性演出经营活动,香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区投资者在内地依法登记的合资、合作经营的演出场所经营单位申请从事演出场所经营活动,参照本实施细则第十条第一款、第十一条第一款的规定办理。
Article 10 and Article 11 of these Detailed Rules shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the application of a performance brokerage institution or an entity operating performance sites in the form of an equity or contractual joint venture as legally registered in the Chinese mainland by an investor from Taiwan Region for engaging in commercial performance activities or performance site operation activities. 台湾地区的投资者在大陆依法登记的合资、合作经营的演出经纪机构申请从事营业性演出经营活动,台湾地区的投资者在大陆依法登记的合资、合作经营的演出场所经营单位申请从事演出场所经营活动,参照本实施细则第十条、第十一条的规定办理。
Chapter III Performance Administration 

第三章 演出管理

Article 16 Anyone that applies for holding a commercial performance shall, at least 3 days before the performance, submit the application materials to the administrative department of culture in charge of the examination and approval thereof.   第十六条 申请举办营业性演出,应当在演出日期3日前将申请材料提交负责审批的文化主管部门。
Anyone that applies for holding a foreign-related or Hong Kong- or Macau-related commercial performance shall, at least 20 days before the performance, submit the application materials to the administrative department of culture in charge of the examination and approval. 申请举办营业性涉外或者涉港澳台演出,应当在演出日期20日前将申请材料提交负责审批的文化主管部门。
Article 17 Anyone who applies for holding a commercial performance shall submit the documents as prescribed by Article 16 of the Regulation to the administrative department of culture upon the strength of the commercial performance license or archive-filing certificate.
   第十七条 申请举办营业性演出,应当持营业性演出许可证或者备案证明,向文化主管部门提交符合《条例》十六条规定的文件。

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