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China's Foreign Aid (2014)

China's Foreign Aid (2014)



(July 2014, Beijing Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China) (2014年7月 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室)

Contents 目录

I. Developing Foreign Assistance Cause Steadily 一、稳步发展对外援助事业
II. Helping Improve People's Livelihood 二、推动民生改善
III. Promoting Economic and Social Development 三、促进经济社会发展
IV. Foreign Assistance under Regional Cooperation Mechanism 四、区域合作机制下的对外援助
V. Participation in International Exchanges and Cooperation 五、参与国际交流合作
Conclusion 结束语
Preface 前言
China is the world's largest developing country. In its development, it has endeavored to integrate the interests of the Chinese people with people of other countries, providing assistance to the best of its ability to other developing countries within the framework of South-South cooperation to support and help other developing countries, especially the least developed countries (LDCs), to reduce poverty and improve livelihood. China has proactively promoted international development and cooperation and played a constructive role in this aspect. 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家。在发展进程中,中国坚持把中国人民的利益同各国人民的共同利益结合起来,在南南合作框架下向其他发展中国家提供力所能及的援助,支持和帮助发展中国家特别是最不发达国家减少贫困、改善民生。中国以积极的姿态参与国际发展合作,发挥出建设性作用。
When providing foreign assistance, China adheres to the principles of not imposing any political conditions, not interfering in the internal affairs of the recipient countries and fully respecting their right to independently choosing their own paths and models of development. The basic principles China upholds in providing foreign assistance are mutual respect, equality, keeping promise, mutual benefits and win-win. 中国提供对外援助,坚持不附带任何政治条件,不干涉受援国内政,充分尊重受援国自主选择发展道路和模式的权利。相互尊重、平等相待、重信守诺、互利共赢是中国对外援助的基本原则。
In recent years, China's foreign assistance has kept growing. The following is an introduction of China's foreign assistance from 2010 to 2012. 近年来,中国对外援助规模持续增长,对外援助事业稳步发展。这里,就2010年至2012年的对外援助情况作一介绍。
I. Developing Foreign Assistance Cause Steadily   一、稳步发展对外援助事业
The scale of China's foreign assistance kept expanding from 2010 to 2012. Besides complete projects and goods and materials, which were the main forms of China's foreign assistance, technical cooperation and human resources development cooperation also saw remarkable increases. Asia and Africa were the major recipient areas of China's foreign assistance. To promote the realization of Millennium Development Goals, China directed most of its assisting funds to low-income developing countries. 2010年至2012年,中国对外援助规模持续增长。其中,成套项目建设和物资援助是主要援助方式,技术合作和人力资源开发合作增长显著。亚洲和非洲是中国对外援助的主要地区。为促进实现千年发展目标,中国对外援助资金更多地投向低收入发展中国家。
1. Financial Resources for Foreign Assistance (一)援助资金
From 2010 to 2012, China appropriated in total 89.34 billion yuan (14.41 billion U.S. dollars) for foreign assistance in three types: grant (aid gratis), interest-free loan and concessional loan. 2010年至2012年,中国对外援助金额为893.4亿元人民币。对外援助资金包括无偿援助、无息贷款和优惠贷款三种方式。
Grant is mainly offered to help recipient countries build small or medium-sized social welfare projects, and to fund human resources development cooperation, technical cooperation, material assistance and emergency humanitarian aid. In the three years, China provided 32.32 billion yuan of grants, accounting for 36.2 percent of the total assistance volume. 无偿援助重点用于帮助受援国建设中小型社会福利项目以及实施人力资源开发合作、技术合作、物资援助和紧急人道主义援助等。三年中,中国对外提供无偿援助323.2亿元人民币,占对外援助总额的36.2%。
Interest-free loan is mainly used to help recipient countries construct public facilities and launch projects to improve people's livelihood. In the three years, China offered 7.26 billion yuan of interest-free loans, taking up 8.1 percent of its foreign assistance volume. 无息贷款主要用于帮助受援国建设社会公共设施和民生项目。三年中,中国对外提供无息贷款72.6亿元人民币,占对外援助总额的8.1%。
Concessional loan is mainly used to help recipient countries undertake manufacturing projects and large and medium-sized infrastructure projects with economic and social benefits, or for the supply of complete plants, machinery and electronic products. In the three years, the concessional loans China provided to other countries amounted to 49.76 billion yuan, or 55.7 percent of its total assistance volume in the same period. 优惠贷款主要用于帮助受援国建设有经济社会效益的生产型项目、大中型基础设施项目,提供较大型成套设备、机电产品等。三年中,中国对外提供优惠贷款497.6亿元人民币,占对外援助总额的55.7%。
Foreign assistance budget is put under the unified management of the Ministry of Finance in line with the budget and final accounts system. Concessional loans are raised by the Export-Import Bank of China on the market. As the loan interest is lower than the benchmark interest released by the People's Bank of China, the difference is made up by the state as financial subsidies. 援外预算资金由财政部按预决算制统一管理。优惠贷款本金由中国进出口银行通过市场筹措,贷款利率低于中国人民银行公布的基准利率,由此产生的利息差额由国家财政补贴。
2. Distribution of Foreign Assistance (二)援助分布
From 2010 to 2012, China provided assistance to 121 countries, including 30 in Asia, 51 in Africa, nine in Oceania, 19 in Latin America and the Caribbean and 12 in Europe. Besides, China also provided assistance to regional organizations such as the African Union (AU). 2010年至2012年,中国共向121个国家提供了援助,其中亚洲地区30国,非洲地区51国,大洋洲地区9国,拉美和加勒比地区19国,欧洲地区12国。此外,中国还向非洲联盟等区域组织提供了援助。
3.Forms of Foreign Assistance (三)援助方式
From 2010 to 2012, China provided foreign assistance mainly in the following forms: undertaking complete projects, providing goods and materials, conducting technical cooperation and human resources development cooperation, dispatching medical teams and volunteers, offering emergency humanitarian aid, and reducing or exempting the debts of the recipient countries. 2010年至2012年,中国对外援助方式主要包括援建成套项目、提供一般物资、开展技术合作和人力资源开发合作、派遣援外医疗队和志愿者、提供紧急人道主义援助以及减免受援国债务等。
Complete projects. In total, China undertook the construction of 580 such projects in 80 countries, with infrastructure and agriculture as the focus. 援建成套项目。中国共在80个国家建设成套项目580个,重点集中于基础设施和农业等领域。
Goods and materials. China provided 96 countries and regions with 424 batches of goods and materials, including mainly office supplies, mechanical equipment, inspection equipment, transport vehicles, articles for daily use, medicine and medical devices. 提供一般物资。中国共向96个国家和地区提供物资援助424批,主要包括办公用品、机械设备、检测设备、交通运输工具、生活用品、药品以及医疗设备等。
Technical cooperation. China completed 170 technical cooperation projects in 61 countries and regions, mainly covering industrial production and management, agricultural planting and breeding, culture and education, sports and physical training, medical and health care, clean energy development, and planning and consultation. 开展技术合作。中国共在61个国家和地区完成技术合作项目170个,主要涉及工业生产和管理、农业种植养殖、文化教育、体育训练、医疗卫生、清洁能源开发、规划咨询等领域。
Human resources development cooperation. China held 1,951 training sessions for officials and technical personnel and on-the-job academic education programs in China, training a total of 49,148 people from other developing countries. 开展人力资源开发合作。中国在国内举办1951期培训班,其中包括官员研修班、技术人员培训班、在职学历教育项目等,为其他发展中国家培训人员49148名。
Medical teams. China dispatched 55 teams composed of 3,600 medical personnel to 54 countries to provide stationed or touring medical services, treating nearly seven million patients. 派遣援外医疗队。中国向54个国家派遣55支援外医疗队,共计3600名医护人员,开展定点或巡回医疗服务,诊治患者近700万人次。
Volunteer programs. China sent about 7,000 young volunteers and volunteer Chinese language teachers to over 60 countries. 派遣志愿者。中国向60多个国家派遣青年志愿者和汉语教师志愿者近7000名。
Emergency humanitarian aid. China extended 1.5 billion yuan worth of materials and cash assistance in emergency humanitarian aid to more than 30 countries. 提供紧急人道主义援助。中国向30余个国家提供紧急人道主义援助,包括物资和现汇援助,价值约15亿元人民币。
Debt relief. China relieved nine LDCs and heavily indebted poor countries, namely, Tanzania, Zambia, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Togo, Benin, Cote d'Ivoire and Sudan, from 16 mature interest-free loans totaling 1.42 billion yuan. 减免受援国债务。中国免除坦桑尼亚、赞比亚、喀麦隆、赤道几内亚、马里、多哥、贝宁、科特迪瓦、苏丹等9个最不发达国家和重债穷国共计16笔到期无息贷款债务,累计金额达14.2亿元人民币。
II. Helping Improve People's Livelihood   二、推动民生改善
One of the important objectives of China's foreign assistance is to support other developing countries to reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of their peoples. China prioritizes supporting other developing countries to develop agriculture, enhance education level, improve medical and health services and build public welfare facilities, and provide emergency humanitarian aid when they suffer severe disasters. 支持其他发展中国家减少贫困和改善民生,是中国对外援助的主要内容。中国重点支持其他发展中国家促进农业发展,提高教育水平,改善医疗服务,建设社会公益设施,并在其他国家遭遇重大灾害时及时提供人道主义援助。
1. Promoting Agricultural Development (一)促进农业发展
Agricultural development is crucial to poverty reduction in developing countries. Through establishing agricultural technology demonstration centers, dispatching agricultural experts to provide consultations and conduct technical cooperation, and training technical and managerial personnel on agriculture in other developing countries, China has taken proactive efforts to help other developing countries raise their agricultural productivity to effectively cope with food crises. From 2010 to 2012, China assisted 49 agricultural projects, dispatched over 1,000 agricultural experts to recipient countries, and provided them with a great quantity of machinery, improved varieties of grain, fertilizers and other agricultural materials. 农业发展对发展中国家减少贫困至关重要。中国通过援建农业技术示范中心、派遣农业专家提供咨询和开展技术合作、培训农业技术和管理人员等方式,积极帮助其他发展中国家提高农业生产能力,有效应对粮食危机。2010年至2012年,中国对外援建49个农业项目,派遣1000多名农业技术专家,并提供大量农业机械、良种、化肥等农用物资。
Assisting the establishment of agricultural technology demonstration centers. Such centers provide an important platform for China's foreign assistance in agriculture. From 2010 to 2012, China-assisted agricultural demonstration centers were completed in 17 countries, including Benin, Mozambique, Sudan, Liberia, Rwanda, Laos, and East Timor. China passed on advanced and applicable production technologies to local farmers through experiment, demonstration and training. The demonstration center in Liberia promoted hybrid rice and corn planting in areas of nearly 1,000 hectares, and trained over 1,000 local agricultural researchers and farmers. The demonstration center in Rwanda researched, experimented on and demonstrated the adaptability of paddy rice and fungi in the context of the local traditional agriculture, and provided technical training to women's associations, paddy rice growers' associations and other organizations in Rwanda. 援建农业技术示范中心。农业技术示范中心是中国在农业领域开展对外援助的重要平台。2010年至2012年,中国在贝宁、莫桑比克、苏丹、利比里亚、卢旺达、老挝、东帝汶等17国援建的农业技术示范中心陆续竣工。中国通过试验、示范、培训等多种方式,将先进适用的农业生产技术推广给当地民众。利比里亚农业技术示范中心推广杂交水稻和玉米种植面积近千公顷,培训当地农业科研人员和农民千余人次。卢旺达农业技术示范中心开展菌草、稻谷等种类的适应性研究、试验和示范工作,注意结合当地传统农业,并将技术培训推广至卢旺达妇女协会、稻谷种植协会等机构。
Dispatching senior agricultural experts and expert teams. Chinese agricultural experts took an active part in the agricultural planning of the recipient countries. The expert team dispatched to Benin provided expertise to the drafting of the country's Agricultural Law and Agricultural Administration Law. The expert teams sent to Botswana and Guinea-Bissau participated in the formulation of the two countries' agricultural development plans. Chinese experts assisted recipient countries in promoting their agricultural development. The expert team helped Lesotho with its application to the World Health Organization for FMD (foot-and-mouth disease) free membership. The expert team to Mauritania assisted the country in drawing up the plan for building its central laboratory for agricultural comprehensive analysis and testing. Chinese experts actively disseminated easy-to-learn agricultural techniques suited to the conditions of recipient countries. The expert team to Botswana promoted the use of plastic mulch in crop production. The expert team to Mali devised and promoted the use of iron harrows as a means of intensive cultivation in the paddy fields. 派遣高级农业专家和农业技术组。中国向其他发展中国家派遣的农业专家,积极参与受援国农业规划工作,援贝宁专家组协助起草该国《农业法》和《农业管理法》,援博茨瓦纳、几内亚比绍专家组分别参与编写两国的《农业发展规划》。协助受援国完成促进农业发展工作,援莱索托专家组协助该国向世界卫生组织申请无口蹄疫国家地位,援毛里塔尼亚专家组协助制定农业综合分析测试中心实验室建设方案。积极推广简单适用的农业技术,援博茨瓦纳专家组推广地膜覆盖种植技术,援马里专家组设计推广稻田铁制水耙,帮助当地农民进行精耕细作。
Training technical and managerial personnel on agriculture. Taking the characteristics and actual needs of agricultural development in developing countries into consideration, China provided nearly 300 research and training programs of various forms for almost 7,000 agricultural officials and technicians from the recipient countries. These programs covered a wide range of sectors, including management of crop cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, national policymaking on rural development and poverty reduction, food security, and agricultural cooperation among developing countries, and issues concerning the agricultural chain, such as technology dissemination and the processing, storage, marketing and distribution of agricultural products. 开展农业管理与技术培训。中国结合发展中国家农业发展特点和实际需要,举办近300期形式多样、内容丰富的研修和培训项目,培训了近7000名农业官员和技术人员。农业培训项目领域广泛,既涵盖种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业等农业管理领域,也涉及农村发展与减贫、粮食安全、农业南南合作等宏观政策制订问题,同时关注农业技术推广、农产品加工、储藏、销售与流通等产业链发展议题。
2. Improving the Level of Education (二)提高教育水平
From 2010 to 2012, China continuously intensified its efforts of foreign assistance in education by way of constructing and maintaining school buildings, providing teaching facilities, training teachers, offering more government scholarships for foreign students to study in China, and assisting with the development of vocational and technical education, for the purpose of helping other developing countries improve their educational level and support their balanced and equitable development in education. 2010年至2012年,为帮助其他发展中国家提升教育水平,支持其教育均衡、公平发展,中国通过援建维修校舍、提供教学设备、培养师资力量、增加来华留学政府奖学金名额、支持职业技术教育发展等,不断加大教育援助力度。
Improving teaching and learning conditions. China assisted over 80 projects in relation to educational facilities, including the construction and maintenance of primary and secondary schools, universities and colleges as well as libraries, and has effectively improved the teaching and learning conditions in the recipient countries. China provided large amounts of free educational facilities and materials to the recipient countries, including computers, teaching tools, stationery and sports equipment, and established university online education networks and distance education systems. In this way, China facilitated the efforts of recipient countries to diversify their means and expand the coverage of education. 改善教学条件。中国援助了80余个教育设施项目,包括援建或维修中小学校、大学院校、图书馆等,有效改善了受援国的教学环境。中国为受援国无偿提供计算机、教学用具、文体用品等大批教学设备物资,帮助受援国建设大学网络平台和远程教学系统,为受援国丰富教学方式、扩大教学覆盖面创造了条件。
Training teachers. In the three years, China trained over 1,000 educational officials, principals and faculty members from other developing countries by holding over 30 educational training programs, including those for senior administrators of colleges and universities, for higher education management, for vocational education management, for principals and teachers of primary and secondary schools, and for distance education. 培养师资力量。中国举办了30多期院校高级管理人员培训班、高等教育管理培训班、职业教育管理培训班、中小学校长和教师研修班、现代远程教育研修班等,为发展中国家培训千余名教育官员、校长和教职人员。
Supporting vocational and technical education. Thousands of local people have been trained in the China-assisted Friendship Vocational Training Center in Omdurman. To increase its enrolment, China started the upgrading and expansion project of the center. China took active steps to help the recipient countries develop vocational and technical education. From 2001 to 2012, China dispatched over 400 teachers to Ethiopia to train the local teachers working in agricultural vocational and technical education. A total of 1,800 teachers from agricultural vocational schools and 35,000 agricultural technicians received training. 支持职业技术教育。中国在苏丹援建的恩图曼友谊职业培训中心累计为苏方培训学员数千名,为进一步扩大招生规模,中国已启动该中心的改扩建工程。中国积极帮助受援国发展职业技术教育。2001年至2012年,中国与埃塞俄比亚联合开展农业职业技术教育培训,累计向埃方派出400余人次教师,培训当地农业职业院校教师1800名、农业技术人员35000名。
Increasing government scholarships to foreign students. From 2010 to 2012, the Chinese government assisted 76,845 foreign students to study in China. To promote regional development, China has continuously increased government scholarships to African students and augmented assistance for students from the ASEAN countries and the Pacific island countries to help under-developed countries in these regions develop their human resources. 增加来华留学政府奖学金名额。2010年至2012年,中国政府共资助76845名留学生来华学习。为促进地区发展,中国不断扩大非洲国家来华留学政府奖学金名额,加大对东盟国家以及太平洋岛国等来华留学的支持,帮助上述地区欠发达国家培养人才。
3. Improving Medical and Health Services (三)改善医疗卫生条件
Medical and health care is a major field where China directs its foreign assistance. From 2010 to 2012, China helped recipient countries improve their medical and health services, raise their disease control and prevention ability, and enhance their public health capacity by constructing hospitals, providing medicine and medical equipment, dispatching medical teams, training medical workers and conducting exchanges and cooperation on disease prevention and treatment with other developing countries. 医疗卫生是中国对外援助的重点领域之一。2010年至2012年,通过援建医院、提供药品和医疗设备、派遣医疗队、培训医疗人员、与发展中国家共同开展疾病防治交流合作等形式,中国支持受援国进一步改善医疗卫生条件,提高疾病防控水平,加强公共卫生能力建设。
Constructing medical facilities and providing free medical equipment. China assisted about 80 construction projects of medical facilities, including general hospitals, mobile hospitals, health centers, specialist clinics, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) centers, which have effectively alleviated the shortage of medical and health facilities in recipient countries. Moreover, China provided them with about 120 batches of medical equipment and medicine, including color Doppler ultrasound machines, CT scanners, automatic biochemical analyzers, maternal and infant monitors, critical surgical instruments, ICU monitors, and MRI scanners as well as drugs against diseases such as malaria and cholera. 援助设施和设备。中国援建约80个医疗设施项目,其中包括综合性医院、流动医院、保健中心、专科诊疗中心、中医中心等,有效缓解受援国医疗卫生设施不足的问题。同时,中国向受援国提供约120批医疗设备和药品物资,包括多普勒彩超仪、CT扫描仪、全自动生化仪、母婴监护仪、重要手术器械、重症监护检测仪、核磁共振仪等高端医疗设备,以及防治疟疾、霍乱等疾病的药品。
Dispatching medical teams. China dispatched 55 medical teams with 3,600 medical workers to nearly 120 medical centers in recipient countries. They trained tens of thousands of local medical staff, which has relieved to a certain extent the shortage of medical services in recipient countries. The training was carried out through demonstrations, lectures, technical courses and academic exchanges, covering such topics as the prevention and treatment of malaria, AIDS, schistosomiasis and other infectious diseases, patient care, the treatment of diabetes and rheumatism, as well as the TCM of acupuncture application, naprapathy, health care methods and Chinese medicines. From 2010 to 2012, more than 100 Chinese medical workers were conferred medals by the recipient countries for their outstanding contributions. 派遣医疗队。中国对外派遣55支援外医疗队,累计3600名医护人员,在受援国近120个医疗点开展工作,培训当地医护人员数万人,一定程度上缓解了受援国医疗服务供需矛盾。在援外医疗工作中,医疗队员通过观摩示范、专题讲座、技术培训和学术交流等方式积极培训当地医务人员,内容涉及疟疾、艾滋病、血吸虫病等传染病防治,病人护理以及糖尿病、风湿病治疗等领域,针灸、推拿、保健、中医药等中国传统医学。三年中,100多名中国医疗队员因贡献突出获得受援国颁发的勋章。
Carrying out Brightness Trip activities. Brightness Trip program was actively carried out in both governmental and non-governmental channels to help other developing countries in the treatment of eye diseases. From 2003, China started to send medical teams to provide free surgery for patients with eye diseases in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Pakistan and other Asian countries. In November 2010, a Chinese Brightness Trip medical team arrived in Africa for the first time and carried out operations for over 1,000 cataract patients in countries including Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and Sudan. 开展“光明行”活动。中国通过政府与民间渠道并进的方式积极开展“光明行”活动,帮助其他发展中国家治疗更多眼病患者。从2003年起,中国先后派医疗队赴朝鲜、柬埔寨、孟加拉国、越南、巴基斯坦等亚洲国家,为当地眼科疾病患者免费实施治疗。2010年11月,中国“光明行”医疗队首次赴非洲,为津巴布韦、马拉维、莫桑比克、苏丹等国千余名白内障患者进行治疗。
Assisting the prevention and control of infectious diseases. From 2010 to 2012, China provided 60 batches of antimalarial medicine, H1N1 influenza vaccine and cholera vaccine free of charge to other developing countries and held training in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, the expenditure for this purpose accumulating to RMB200 million. In 2007, China and the Comoros launched a cooperation program of treating malaria with an artemisinin compound, an effective antimalarial drug, which helped the Comorian island of Moheli reduce its incidence of malaria by 90%. From 2010 to 2012, while making further progress in Moheli, China started promoting the program on the Comorian island of Anjoyan. 提供传染病防控援助。三年中,中国向其他发展中国家无偿提供了60批抗疟药、甲流疫苗及霍乱疫苗,并开展传染病防治培训,以上援助项目累计金额近2亿元人民币。2007年,中国与科摩罗启动青蒿素复方快速控制疟疾合作项目,使科摩罗莫埃利岛的疟疾发病率较同期下降90%。2010年至2012年,在进一步巩固已开展灭疟项目成效的同时,中国在科摩罗昂儒昂岛推广灭疟项目。
4. Building Public Welfare Facilities (四)建设公益设施
To support other developing countries in improving their people's livelihood and organizing public activities, China actively assisted the construction of urban and rural public welfare facilities, affordable housing and social activity venues, provided relevant equipment and materials, and conducted technical cooperation on operation and management. 为支持其他发展中国家改善民众生活条件、开展社会公共活动,2010年至2012年,中国积极援建城市和农村公共福利设施、民用保障性住宅以及社会活动场馆,提供相关设备及物资,并开展运营管理技术合作。
Carrying out well-drilling and water-supply projects. China undertook 29 well-drilling and water-supply projects in other developing countries, and drilled over 600 wells. Despite tough natural conditions and the threat of epidemics and terrorism, senior hydrogeologists and engineering geologists from China helped the recipient countries drill wells and undertake water-supply projects. China helped drill 200 fresh water wells in Kara and Centrale of Togo respectively and 38 wells in Darfur, Sudan and Kator of Juba, South Sudan, all of which were equipped with submersible pumps and generator sets. The China-assisted water-supply project in Zinder, Niger has solved the problem of drinking water for hundreds of thousands of local residents.

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