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Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules (Order No. 240 of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China) [Partially Invalid]
海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定(中华人民共和国海关总署令第240号) [部分失效]

Order of General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 240) (第240号)

The Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Customs on May 28, 2018, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on July 1, 2018. 海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定》已于2018年5月28日经海关总署署务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2018年7月1日起施行。
Director: Ni Yuefeng 署  长  倪岳峰
May 29, 2018 2018年5月29日
Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules 海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定
According to the decisions and arrangements of the State Council on further deepening the reform of “simplification of administrative procedures, decentralization of powers, combination of decentralization with appropriate control, and optimization of services,” for purposes of further simplifying customs formalities, alleviating enterprises' burdens, and reducing institutional transaction costs, the General Administration of Customs has decided to amend 82 rules including the Administrative Provisions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on Entry and Exit Articles of Overseas Mountaineering Groups and Individuals. The specific contents are as follows: 根据国务院进一步深化“放管服”改革的决策部署,为进一步简化海关手续,减轻企业负担,降低制度性交易成本,海关总署决定对《中华人民共和国海关关于境外登山团体和个人进出境物品管理规定》等82部规章进行修改,具体内容如下:
I. The Administrative Provisions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on Entry and Exit Articles of Overseas Mountaineering Groups and Individuals (Issued by Order No. 30, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 198, GACC) are amended as follows:   一、对《中华人民共和国海关关于境外登山团体和个人进出境物品管理规定》(海关总署令第30号公布,根据海关总署令第198号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 2, “undergoing the customs declaration, security, write-off, case closure and other formalities for articles with the Customs by holding the approval document of the relevant competent department” is replaced with “undergoing the customs declaration, security, write-off, case closure and other formalities for goods with the Customs upon the strength of the approval document of the relevant competent department.” 将第二条中的“持有关主管部门的批件向海关办理物品报关、担保、核销、结案等手续”修改为“凭有关主管部门的批件向海关办理物品报关、担保、核销、结案等手续”。
II. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of Transit Goods (Issued by Order No.38, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 198, GACC) are amended as follows:   二、对《中华人民共和国海关对过境货物监管办法 》(海关总署令第38号公布,根据海关总署令第198号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Article 6 is amended to read: “An operator shall, upon the strength of the approval document of the competent department, apply to the Customs for undergoing the customs declaration registration formalities, and may not be responsible for handling the matters concerning customs declaration until it is approved by the Customs.” (一)将第六条修改为:“经营人应当凭主管部门的批准文件,向海关申请办理报关注册登记手续。经海关核准后,才能负责办理报关事宜。”
(2) In item (1) of Article 8, “(in quadruplicate)” is deleted, and item (3) thereof is amended to read: “invoice, packing list and other documents required by the Customs.” (二)删去第八条第(一)项中的“(一式四份)”,将第(三)项修改为“海关需要的发票、装箱清单等其他单证”。
III. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Transportation Enterprises Undertaking the Road Transportation of Goods under Customs Supervision within the Territory of China and the Vehicles and Drivers Thereof (Issued by Order No. 88, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 121, 227 and 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   三、对《中华人民共和国海关关于境内公路承运海关监管货物的运输企业及其车辆、驾驶员的管理办法》(海关总署令第88号公布,根据海关总署令第121号、第227号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) The name of the rule is amended to read: “Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Transportation Enterprises Undertaking the Road Transportation of Goods under Customs Supervision within the Territory of China and the Vehicles Thereof.” (一)将规章名称修改为:“中华人民共和国海关关于境内公路承运海关监管货物的运输企业及其车辆的管理办法”。
(2) “Drivers” in Articles 1, 13, 19, 23 and 30 and “and drivers thereof” in Article 29 are deleted.” (二)删去第一条、第十三条、第十九条、第二十三条、第三十条中的“驾驶员”和第二十九条中的“及其驾驶员”。
(3) In Article 2, “drivers” and “or recordation registration” are deleted. (三)删去第二条中的“驾驶员”“或者备案登记”。
(4) In Article 3, “drivers shall undergo the recordation registration formalities” is deleted. (四)删去第三条中的“驾驶员应当办理备案登记手续”。
(5) Article 4 is amended to read: “The Customs shall conduct the online computer management of transportation enterprises and vehicle registration materials.” (五)将第四条修改为:“海关对运输企业、车辆的注册登记资料实行计算机联网管理。”
(6) Article 6 is amended to read: “A transportation enterprise shall submit the Application Form for the Registration of Transportation Enterprises Undertaking the Transportation of Goods under Customs Supervision within the Territory of China to the Customs when undergoing registration formalities.” (六)将第六条修改为:“运输企业办理注册登记时,应当向海关提交《承运海关监管货物境内运输企业注册登记申请表》。”
(7) One paragraph is added to Article 7 as paragraph 2: “The valid period of a registration certificate shall be the operation period indicated on the Business License.” (七)第七条增加一款,作为第二款:“注册登记证书有效期为其营业执照上注明的营业期限。”
(8) In item (3), paragraph 1 of Article 9, “two pieces” and “4 x 3 inches” are deleted. (八)删去第九条第一款第(三)项中的“2张”“4×3寸”。
(9) One paragraph is added to Article 10 as paragraph 2: “the valid period of the registration of a vehicle shall be the time limit for its compulsory scrapping indicated on the road-worthiness certificate of the vehicle.” (九)第十条增加一款,作为第二款:“车辆注册有效期为其机动车行驶证上注明的强制报废期。”
(10) Article 11 is deleted. (十)删去第十一条。
(11) Article 15 is amended to read: “A transportation enterprise shall, when undertaking the transportation of goods under customs supervision, truthfully fill out the Register for Cargo Carried by Vehicles and submit it for checking. After the cargo are carried to the destination, it shall undergo the formalities for writing off the Register for Cargo Carried by Vehicles with the customs office at the destination.” (十一)将第十五条修改为:“运输企业在从事海关监管货物运输时,应如实填报交验汽车载货登记簿;货物运抵目的地后,必须向目的地海关办理汽车载货登记簿的核销手续。”
(12) In Article 16, “drivers” is replaced with “transportation enterprises.” (十二)将第十六条中的“驾驶员”修改为“运输企业”。
(13) In Article 24, “drivers” and “drivers or their employers” are deleted. (十三)删去第二十四条中的“驾驶员”“驾驶员或其所属企业”。
(14) In Article 25, “drivers” and “or practicing” are deleted. (十四)删去第二十五条中的“驾驶员”“或者执业”。
(15) In Article 26, “drivers” is deleted; item (3) is deleted; and “or practicing” in item (4) is deleted. (十五)删去第二十六条中的“驾驶员”,删去第(三)项,删去第(四)项中的“或者执业”。
(16) In Article 27, “vehicles” is deleted. (十六)删去第二十七条中的“车辆”。
(17) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (十七)对条文顺序作相应调整。
IV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of Goods Transited between Customs Offices (Issued by Order No.89, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 218 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   四、对《中华人民共和国海关关于转关货物监管办法》(海关总署令第89号公布,根据海关总署令第218号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Item (1) of Article 15 is deleted. (一)删去第十五条第(一)项。
One paragraph is added as paragraph 2: “In case of transportation by highway within Guangdong province, the List of Cargo Carried by the Vehicles Entering the Territory of China shall also be submitted for checking.” 增加一款,作为第二款:“广东省内公路运输的,还应当交验《进境汽车载货清单》。”
(2) Item (2), paragraph 1 of Article 20 is deleted, and “electronic or paper” in item (3) thereof is deleted. (二)删去第二十条第一款第(二)项,删去第(三)项中的“电子或者纸质”。
(3) Paragraph 1 of Article 27 is amended to read: “After the consigner of exported transit goods or the agent thereof undergoes the export customs clearance formalities with the customs office at the place of departure, the agent of the means of transportation shall undergo the customs transit formalities with the customs office at the place of departure upon the strength of the following documents: (三)将第二十七条第一款修改为:“出口中转货物,其发货人或者代理人向启运地海关办理出口通关手续后,运输工具代理人应当凭以下单证向启运地海关办理转关手续:
“(1) Declaration Document on the Goods Transited between Customs Offices Which Are to Be Exported. “(一)《出口转关货物申报单》;
“(2) Manifest of cargo respectively listing the outbound means of transport. “(二)按出境运输工具分列的舱单;
“(3) Register for Cargo Carried by Vehicles or Vessel Supervision Book.” “(三)《汽车载货登记簿》或者《船舶监管簿》。”
V. The Provisions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Declaration of Imported and Exported Goods (Issued by Order No.103, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 198, No. 218, No. 235 and No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:   五、对《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物申报管理规定》(海关总署令第103号公布,根据海关总署令第198号、第218号、第235号、第238号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 2, “in the forms of electronic data customs declaration forms and paper customs declaration forms” is replaced with “in the form of electronic data customs declaration forms or paper customs declaration forms.” (一)将第二条中的“采用电子数据报关单和纸质报关单形式”修改为“采用电子数据报关单或者纸质报关单形式”。
(2) In paragraph 1 of Article 5, “in the declaration forms of electronic data customs declaration forms and paper customs declaration forms” is replaced with “in the declaration form of electronic data customs declaration forms or paper customs declaration forms.” (二)将第五条第一款中的“采用电子数据报关单申报形式和纸质报关单申报形式”修改为“采用电子数据报关单申报形式或者纸质报关单申报形式”。
(3) Item (4), paragraph 2 of Article 12 and item (8), paragraph 1 of Article 27 are amended to read “Other import and export documents as prescribed by the General Administration of Customs.” (三)将第十二条第二款第(四)项、第二十七条第一款第(八)项修改为“海关总署规定的其他进出口单证”。
(4) Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 26 are deleted. (四)删去第二十六条第二款、第三款。
(5) Item (1), paragraph 1 of Article 29 is deleted. (五)删去第二十九条第一款第(一)项。
(6) In Article 30, “and charge costs of production as required” is deleted. (六)删去第三十条中的“并且按规定收取工本费”。
VI. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision over Express Consignments into and out of China (Issued by Order No. 104, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 147 and No. 198, GACC) are amended as follows:   六、对《中华人民共和国海关对进出境快件监管办法》(海关总署令第104号公布,根据海关总署令第147号、第198号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Article 16 is deleted. (一)删去第十六条。
(2) “(See Annex 1)” in Article 21, “(See Annex 2)” in Article 22, “(See Annex 3)” and “(See Annex 4)” in Article 23, and “(See Annex 5)” in Article 27 are deleted. (二)删去第二十一条中的“(见附件1)”、第二十二条中的“(见附件2)”、第二十三条中的“(见附件3)”“(见附件4)”、第二十七条中的“(见附件5)”。
(3) One article is added as Article 30: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (三)增加一条,作为第三十条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(4) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (四)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(5) The Annexes are deleted. (五)删去附件。
VII. The Provisions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Bonded Warehouses and the Goods Stored Therein (Issued by Order No.105, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 198, No. 227 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   七、对《中华人民共和国海关对保税仓库及所存货物的管理规定》(海关总署令第105号公布,根据海关总署令第198号、第227号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Item (3) of Article 8 is deleted. (一)删去第八条第(三)项。
(2) Item (8) of Article 9 is deleted. (二)删去第九条第(八)项。
(3) Paragraph 1 of Article 10 is amended to read: “Where an enterprise applies for establishing a bonded warehouse, it shall submit the following written materials to the competent customs office at the place where the warehouse is to be located: (三)将第十条第一款修改为:“企业申请设立保税仓库的,应当向仓库所在地主管海关提交以下书面材料:
“(1) Application Form for a Bonded Warehouse. “(一)《保税仓库申请书》;
“(2) The location map and floor plan of the bonded warehouse which the enterprise applies for establishing. “(二)申请设立的保税仓库位置图及平面图;
“(3) The maintenance agreement concluded between the operating enterprise and the foreign-funded enterprise, which is required when an application for the establishment of the bonded warehouse for consignment sales and maintenance is made.” “(三)对申请设立寄售维修型保税仓库的,还应当提交经营企业与外商的维修协议。”
(4) In Article 16, “and the annual financial accounting report” is deleted. (四)删去第十六条中的“和年度财务会计报告”。
VIII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of Containers and Carriages of Container Trucks Used for the Carriage of Goods under Customs Supervision (Issued by Order No. 110, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 198, GACC) are amended as follows:   八、对《中华人民共和国海关对用于装载海关监管货物的集装箱和集装箱式货车车厢的监管办法》(海关总署令第110号公布,根据海关总署令第198号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Articles 2, 4, 13, 17 and 32, “as prescribed by these Measures” is replaced with “as prescribed by the General Administration of Customs.” (一)将第二条、第四条、第十三条、第十七条、第三十二条中的“本办法规定”修改为“海关总署规定”。
(2) “(See Annex 1)” in Article 2, “(See Annex 4)” and “(See Annex 5)” in Article 13, “(See Annex 6 for the format)” in Article 14, “(See Annex 9)” in Article 17, “(See Annex 10 for the format)” in Article 18, and “(See Annexes 7 and 8)” in Article 25 are deleted. (二)删去第二条中的“(见附件1)”、第十三条中的“(见附件4)”“(见附件5)”、第十四条中的“(式样见附件6)”、第十七条中的“(附件9)”、第十八条中的“(式样见附件10)”、第二十五条中的“(见附件7、附件8)”。
(3) Article 6 is amended to read: “An operator or its agent shall, according to the customs provisions, transmit the electronic data on cargo manifest (manifest) to the customs office.” (三)将第六条修改为:“营运人或者其代理人应当按照海关规定向海关传输相关载货清单(舱单)的电子数据。”
(4) In Articles 8 and 26, “drivers” is deleted. (四)删去第八条、第二十六条中的“驾驶员”。
(5) Article 10 is deleted. (五)删去第十条。
(6) Article 16 is deleted. (六)删去第十六条。
(7) Article 19 is deleted. (七)删去第十九条。
(8) One article is added as Article 31: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (八)增加一条,作为第三十一条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(9) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (九) 对条文顺序作相应调整。
(10) The Annexes are deleted. (十)删去附件。
IX. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of the Small Vessels Coming from and Going to Hong Kong and Macao and the Cargo and Articles They Carry (Issued by Order No. 112, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   九、对《中华人民共和国海关关于来往香港、澳门小型船舶及所载货物、物品管理办法》(海关总署令第112号公布,根据海关总署令第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 7, “each in triplicate” in item (4) of paragraph 1, and paragraph 2 are deleted. (一)删去第七条第一款第(四)项中的“各一式三张”和第二款。
(2) Item (3), paragraph 1 of Article 9 is deleted. (二)删去第九条第一款第(三)项。
X. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of the Entry and Exit Articles for Official Use by Resident Offices (Issued by Order No. 115, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 193, No. 198 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   十、对《中华人民共和国海关对常驻机构进出境公用物品监管办法》(海关总署令第115号公布,根据海关总署令第193号、第198号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 4, “the original and” in paragraph 1 and “see Annex 1” in paragraph 2 are deleted. (一)删去第四条第一款中的“正本和”、第二款中的“见附件1”。
(2) In Articles 5 and 12, “the Customs Recordation Certificate” is deleted. (二)删去第五条、第十二条中的“《海关备案证》”。
(3) In Article 8, “see Annex 2” and “see Annex 3” are deleted; and in Article 14, “see Annex 4” is deleted. (三)删去第八条中的“见附件2”“见附件3”、第十四条中的“见附件4”。
(4) In paragraph 1 of Article 10, “and submit the Customs Recordation Certificate, the bill of lading (or shipping list), the invoice, the packing list and other relevant documents” is deleted. (四)删去第十条第一款中的“并提交《海关备案证》、提(运)单、发票和装箱单等相关单证”。
(5) In Article 15, “(see Annex 5),” “and the Customs Recordation Certificate” and “(see Annex 6)” are deleted. (五)删去第十五条中的“(见附件5)”“和《海关备案证》”“(见附件6)”。
(6) One article is added as Article 21: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (六)增加一条,作为第二十一条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(7) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (七)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(8) The Annexes 1 through 6 are deleted. (八)删去附件1至附件6。
XI. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of the Entry and Exit Articles for Personal Use of Non-Resident Permanent Passengers (Issued by Order No. 116, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 194, No. 198 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   十一、对《中华人民共和国海关对非居民长期旅客进出境自用物品监管办法》(海关总署令第116号公布,根据海关总署令第194号、第198号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In paragraph 1 of Article 4, “see Annex 1” is deleted. (一)删去第四条第一款中的“见附件1”。
In paragraph 2, “the permanent staff member other than experts shall also submit the resident office's Recordation Certificate of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for a Resident Office or the Registration Certificate of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for a Customs Declaration Entity of the foreign-funded enterprise where the staff member works” is deleted. 删去第二款中的“专家以外的常驻人员还应当提交所在常驻机构的《中华人民共和国海关常驻机构备案证》或者所在外商投资企业的《中华人民共和国海关报关单位注册登记证书》”。
(2) In Article 6, “see Annex 2” and “see Annex 3” are deleted; in Article 11, “see Annex 4” is deleted; and in Article 12, “(see Annex 5), his or her identity certificate, permanent residence permit, and Registration Certificate of a Vehicle under Supervision” and “(see Annex 6)” are deleted. (二)删去第六条中的“见附件2”“见附件3”、第十一条中的“见附件4”、第十二条中的“(见附件5)、本人身份证件、长期居留证件、《监管车辆登记证》”“(见附件6)”。
(3) One article is added as Article 18: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (三)增加一条,作为第十八条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(4) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (四)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(5) The Annexes 1 through 6 are deleted. (五)删去附件1至附件6。
XII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Enterprises of Highway Freight between the Mainland and Hong Kong/Macao and Their Vehicles and Drivers (Issued by Order No. 118, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 198, GACC) are amended as follows:   十二、对《中华人民共和国海关关于来往香港、澳门公路货运企业及其车辆和驾驶员的管理办法》(海关总署令第118号公布,根据海关总署令第198号修改)作如下修改:
(1) The name of the rule is amended to read: “Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Enterprises of Highway Freight between the Mainland and Hong Kong/Macao and Their Vehicles.” (一)将规章名称修改为:“中华人民共和国海关关于来往香港、澳门公路货运企业及其车辆的管理办法”。
(2) In Articles 1 and 29, “and drivers” is deleted; in Articles 3, 15, 16 and 24, “drivers” is deleted; in Article 18, “or drivers” is deleted; and in Article 27, “drivers or” is deleted. (二)删去第一条、第二十九条中的“和驾驶员”,删去第三条、第十五条、第十六条、第二十四条中的“驾驶员”,删去第十八条中的“或者驾驶员”,删去第二十七条中的“驾驶员或者”。
(3) Item (3) of Article 2 is deleted. (三)删去第二条第(三)项。
(4) In Article 4, “(see Annex 1)” in item (1) of paragraph 1, items (3) through (6) of paragraph 1, and paragraph 2 are deleted. (四)删去第四条第一款第(一)项中的“(见附件1)”、第(三)项至第(六)项和第二款。
(5) In Article 5, “and drivers” and “(see Annex 2)” in item (1) of paragraph 1, and “see Annex 3” and “recognized by the Customs” in item (2) thereof are deleted, and item (5) thereof is amended to read: “color photos of the vehicle meeting the requirements of the Customs (including that which is shot from an angle of 45 degrees to the left front of the vehicle and may clearly indicate the gasoline tank and the vehicle plate for traveling between Guangdong and Hong Kong/Macao, that which is shot from an angle of 45 degrees to the back side and may clearly indicate the vehicle plate for traveling between Guangdong and Hong Kong/Macao).” (五)删去第五条第一款第(一)项中的“及驾驶员”“(见附件2)”、第(二)项中的“见附件3”“海关认可的”,将第(五)项修改为“符合海关要求的车辆彩色照片(包括车辆左前侧面45度角拍摄并可明显看见油箱和粤港/澳两地车牌以及后侧面45度角拍摄并可明显看见粤港/澳两地车牌)”。
Paragraph 3 is deleted; “see Annex 4” in paragraph 4 is deleted; and paragraphs 5 and 6 are deleted. 删去第三款,删去第四款中的“见附件4”,删去第五款、第六款。
(6) Item (2) of Article 6 is amended to read: “The standards for supervision of the carriage of a container truck shall conform to the relevant provisions of the General Administration of Customs; and if the opening of a side door is in particular need, it shall be approved by the Customs, and meets the requirements of customs supervision”; item (3) thereof is deleted; and item (4) thereof is amended to read: “The equipment such as the gasoline tank and spare tire, among others, of a vehicle shall follow the configuration set when the vehicle left the factory, and none of the equipment may be modified or additionally installed without permission.” (六)将第六条第(二)项修改为“集装箱式货车的车厢监管标准应当按照海关总署的有关规定执行;如有特殊需要加开侧门的,应当经海关批准,并符合海关监管要求”,删去第(三)项,将第(四)项修改为“车辆的油箱和备用轮胎等装备以原车出厂时的标准配置为准,不得擅自改装或者加装”。
(7) Article 8 is deleted. (七)删去第八条。
(8) In Article 9, “see Annex 5,” “drivers,” “see Annex 6” and “drivers and” are deleted. (八)删去第九条中的“见附件5”“驾驶员”“见附件6”“驾驶员和”。
(9) Article 11 is amended to read: “The Customs shall implement the annual examination system for freight enterprises and vehicles. At the time of annual examination, the Customs shall focus on examining the enterprises' abidance by law in the current year.” (九)将第十一条修改为:“海关对货运企业、车辆实行年审制度。年审时,海关应当重点审核企业当年度的守法状况。”
(10) In Article 12, “(see Annex 7)” and “the original” are deleted. (十)删去第十二条中的“(见附件7)”“原件正本”。
(11) In Article 13, “drivers,” “and drivers,” “(see Annex 8)” and “the original” are deleted; and items (3) and (5) are deleted. (十一)删去第十三条中的“驾驶员”“及驾驶员”“(见附件8)”“原件正本”,删去第(三)项、第(五)项。
(12) Article 17 is amended to read: “The freight vehicle shall, according to the route designated and the time limit as prescribed by the Customs, carry the entire goods to the designated place under supervision, and guarantee that the carrying vehicle, the seal mark attached by the Customs, the customs surveillance equipment, and the containers carrying goods be in good condition.” (十二)将第十七条修改为:“货运车辆应当按照海关指定的路线和规定的时限,将所承运的货物完整地运抵指定的监管场所,并确保承运车辆、海关封志、海关监控设备及装载货物的箱(厢)体完好无损。”
(13) Paragraph 1 of Article 20 is deleted. (十三)删去第二十条第一款。
(14) Article 25 is amended to read: “The containers carried by a container tractor shall meet the standards and requirements as prescribed by the General Administration of Customs.” (十四)将第二十五条修改为:“集装箱牵引车承运的集装箱应当符合海关总署规定的标准要求。”
(15) Article 26 is amended to read: “Where, for any special reason, a vehicle needs to be replaced during its transportation of goods under customs supervision within the territory of China, the freight enterprise shall immediately report to the nearby customs office for replacement under customs supervision. The nearby customs office shall notify the replacement information to the customs offices at the place of entry of the goods and at the designated destination or the customs offices at the place of departure and at the place of exit of the goods in a timely manner.” (十五)将第二十六条修改为:“因特殊原因,车辆在境内运输海关监管货物途中需要更换的,货运企业应当立即报告附近海关,在海关监管下更换。附近海关应当及时将更换情况通知货物进境地和指运地海关或者启运地和出境地海关。”
(16) One article is added as Article 30: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (十六)增加一条,作为第三十条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(17) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (十七)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(18) The Annexes are deleted. (十八)删去附件。
XIII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of the Collection of Duties on Imported and Exported Goods (Issued by Order No.124, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 198, No. 218 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   十三、对《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物征税管理办法》(海关总署令第124号公布,根据海关总署令第198号、第218号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Paragraph 1 of Article 29 is amended to read: “When declaring the import of goods compensated at no cost, a duty payer shall submit the claim agreement signed by and between the selling and buying parties.” (一)将第二十九条第一款修改为:“纳税义务人申报进口无代价抵偿货物,应当提交买卖双方签订的索赔协议。”
Paragraph 2 is deleted. 删去第二款。
(2) Paragraph 1 of Article 30 is amended to read: “When declaring the export of goods compensated at no cost, a duty payer shall submit the claim agreement signed by and between the selling and buying parties.” (二)将第三十条第一款修改为:“纳税义务人申报出口无代价抵偿货物,应当提交买卖双方签订的索赔协议。”
Paragraph 2 is deleted. 删去第二款。
(3) Paragraph 2 of Article 45 is amended to read: “If the import of any raw materials or spare/component parts is needed for fixing the entry goods for maintenance purposes, the duty payer shall, when undergoing the import declaration formalities for the raw materials or spare/component parts, provide an import duty guarantee to the Customs, or the raw materials or spare/component parts shall subject to the administration of the Customs as bonded goods. The raw materials or spare/component parts imported shall be used exclusively for fixing the entry goods for maintenance purposes, and any of their residuals upon completion of the maintenance shall be shipped out of China along with the goods entering China for maintenance purposes.” (三)将第四十五条第二款修改为:“进境修理货物需要进口原材料、零部件的,纳税义务人在办理原材料、零部件进口申报手续时,应当向海关提供进口税款担保或者由海关按照保税货物实施管理。进口原材料、零部件只限用于进境修理货物的修理,修理剩余的原材料、零部件应当随进境修理货物一同复运出境。”
(4) Paragraph 1 of Article 46 is amended to read: “Where any entry goods for maintenance purposes as well as the residuals of the raw materials or spare/component parts imported for their maintenance are shipped out of China, the Customs shall handle the formalities for returning the duty guarantee provided by the duty payer when the goods and raw materials and spare/component parts imported for maintenance purposes enter China; and where they are administered as bonded goods, the relevant formalities shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions on the administration of bonded goods.” (四)将第四十六条第一款修改为:“进境修理货物及剩余进境原材料、零部件复运出境的,海关应当办理修理货物及原材料、零部件进境时纳税义务人提供的税款担保的退还手续;海关按照保税货物实施管理的,按照有关保税货物的管理规定办理。”
(5) Paragraph 1 of Article 49 is amended to read: “When undergoing the import declaration formalities for shipping the exit goods for maintenance back to China, a duty payer shall submit to the Customs the maintenance invoice of such goods and other relevant documents.” (五)将第四十九条第一款修改为:“纳税义务人在办理出境修理货物复运进境的进口申报手续时,应当向海关提交该货物的维修发票等相关单证。”
(6) Paragraph 1 of Article 52 is amended to read: “When undergoing the import declaration formalities for shipping the exit goods for processing purposes back to China, a duty payer shall submit to the Customs the processing invoice of such goods and other relevant documents.” (六)将第五十二条第一款修改为:“纳税义务人在办理出境加工货物复运进境的进口申报手续时,应当向海关提交该货物的加工发票等相关单证。”
(7) In item (2) of paragraph 2 of Article 58, “original duty memorandum and” is deleted. (七)删去第五十八条第二款第(二)项中的“原税款缴款书和”。
(8) Items (2) and (3), paragraph 2 of Article 59 are deleted. (八)删去第五十九条第二款第(二)项、第(三)项。
(9) Items (2) and (3), paragraph 2 of Article 60 are deleted. (九)删去第六十条第二款第(二)项、第(三)项。
(10) Article 61 is amended to read: “Where an application is filed for canceling the declaration of the export-duty-paid goods that fail to be loaded and exported for any reason, the duty payer may, within one year from the day when the duties are paid, file a duty refund application with the Customs, and submit the Duty Refund Application Form.” (十)将第六十一条修改为:“已缴纳出口关税的货物,因故未装运出口申报退关的,纳税义务人自缴纳税款之日起1年内,可以向海关申请退税,并提交《退税申请书》。”
(11) Item (2), paragraph 2 of Article 62 is deleted. (十一)删去第六十二条第二款第(二)项。
(12) Item (2), paragraph 2 of Article 63 is deleted. (十二)删去第六十三条第二款第(二)项。
XIV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of the Deep Processing Carry-over of the Goods Exiting from Export Processing Zones (Issued by Order No. 126, GACC) are amended as follows:   十四、对《中华人民共和国海关出口加工区货物出区深加工结转管理办法》(海关总署令第126号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In paragraph 1 of Article 6, “upon the strength of the official reply of the administrative committee of the export processing zone” is deleted. (一)删去第六条第一款中的“凭出口加工区管委会的批复”。
Paragraph 2 thereof is amended to read: “If the goods are transferred to any other export processing zone, bonded zone or any other area under special customs supervision, or are transferred to a processing trade enterprise outside of an export processing zone, bonded zone or any other area under special customs supervision, the recipient enterprise shall undergo the carry-over formalities in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 将第二款修改为:“对转入其他出口加工区、保税区等海关特殊监管区域的,和转入出口加工区、保税区等海关特殊监管区域外加工贸易企业的,转入企业按照前款规定办理结转手续。”
(2) In paragraph 1 of Article 10, “see Annex 1” is deleted. (二)删去第十条第一款中的“见附件1”。
In paragraph 2 thereof, “several Processing Trade Brochures” is replaced with “several copies of Processing Trade Brochures.” 将第二款中的“多本《加工贸易手册》”修改为“多份《加工贸易手册》”。
(3) In Article 12, “in triplicate” and “see Annex 2” are deleted. (三)删去第十二条中的“一式三联的”“见附件2”。
(4) One article is added as Article 19: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (四)增加一条,作为第十九条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(5) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (五)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(6) The Annexes are deleted. (六)删去附件。
XV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Collection of Fees for Delayed Declaration of Imported Goods (Issued by Order No. 128, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 218, GACC) are amended as follows:   十五、对《中华人民共和国海关征收进口货物滞报金办法》(海关总署令第128号公布,根据海关总署令第218号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 6, “fails to submit paper declaration forms and their attached documents within the prescribed or confirmed time limit” is replaced with “fails to submit declaration forms and their attached documents according to the provisions of the General Administration of Customs.” (一)将第六条中的“未在规定期限或者核准的期限内递交纸质报关单及随附单证”修改为“未按照海关总署规定递交报关单及随附单证”。
(2) Article 18 is amended to read: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (二)将第十八条修改为:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(3) The Annex is deleted. (三)删去附件。
XVI. The Interim Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Bonded Logistics Centers (Type A) (Issued by Order No.129, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 227 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   十六、对《中华人民共和国海关对保税物流中心(A型)的暂行管理办法》(海关总署令第129号公布,根据海关总署令第227号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In item (2) of Article 6, “owns the land use right of the business place. Where the entity leases any land or place from any other person for operation, the leasing term shall be not less than three years” is deleted. (一)删去第六条第(二)项中的“拥有营业场所的土地使用权。租赁他人土地、场所经营的,租期不得少于3年”。
(2) In Article 8, items (2) through (4) are deleted; and “the property right certificate of the land or place used by the logistics center or the lease agreement with the remaining lease term of not less than three years and” in item (5) and item (6) are deleted. (二)删去第八条第(二)项至第(四)项,删去第(五)项中的“所用土地、场所的产权证明或者剩余租赁期限不少于3年的租赁协议及”、第(六)项。
(3) Paragraph 3 of Article 18 is amended to read: “When an enterprise that operates a logistics center undergoes the formalities for the postponement thereof, it shall submit the Registration Certificate of Bonded Logistics Centers (Type A).” (三)将第十八条第三款修改为:“物流中心经营企业办理延期手续应当提交《保税物流中心(A型)注册登记证书》。”
XVII. The Interim Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Bonded Logistics Centers (Type B) (Issued by Order No.130, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 227 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   十七、对《中华人民共和国海关对保税物流中心(B型)的暂行管理办法》(海关总署令第130号公布,根据海关总署令第227号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Items (3) through (5) of Article 7 are deleted. (一)删去第七条第(三)项至第(五)项。
(2) In Article 12, items (2) and (3) are deleted; and “and the leasing agreement” in item (4), and item (5) are deleted. (二)删去第十二条第(二)项、第(三)项,删去第(四)项中的“及承租协议”、第(五)项。
(3) Paragraph 3 of Article 20 is amended to read: “When an enterprise that operates a logistics center undergoes the formalities for the postponement thereof, it shall submit the Registration Certificate of Bonded Logistics Centers (Type B).” (三)将第二十条第三款修改为:“物流中心经营企业办理延期手续应当提交《保税物流中心(B型)注册登记证书》。”
XVIII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Supervision and Administration of Duty-Free Shops and Goods (Issued by Order No. 132, GACC) are amended as follows:   十八、对《中华人民共和国海关对免税商店及免税品监管办法》(海关总署令第132号公布)作如下修改:
(1) Items (1) through (3) and item (6) of paragraph 1, and paragraph 2 of Article 11 are deleted. (一)删去第十一条第一款第(一)项至第(三)项、第(六)项和第二款。
(2) “(see Annex 1 for the format)” in Article 15, “(see Annex 2 for the format)” in Article 17, “(see Annex 3 for the format)” in Article 20, “(see Annex 4 for the format)” in Article 23, and “(see Annex 5 for the format)” in Article 25 are deleted. (二)删去第十五条中的“(式样见附件1)”、第十七条中的“(式样见附件2)”、第二十条中的“(式样见附件3)”、第二十三条中的“(式样见附件4)”、第二十五条中的“(式样见附件5)”。
(3) In Article 27, “(see Annex 6 for the format),” “(see Annex 7 for the format),” and “Declaration Form for Exportation of Goods” are deleted. (三)删去第二十七条中的“(式样见附件6)”“(式样见附件7)”“《货物出口报关单》”。
(4) One article is added as Article 31: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (四)增加一条,作为第三十一条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(5) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (五)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(6) The Annexes 1 through 7 are deleted. (六)删去附件1至附件7。
XIX. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Export Supervised Warehouses and the Goods Stored Therein (Issued by Order No.133, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 227 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   十九、对《中华人民共和国海关对出口监管仓库及所存货物的管理办法》(海关总署令第133号公布,根据海关总署令第227号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 10, “and certificates” is deleted; and items (2) through (6) are deleted. (一)删去第十条中的“和证件”,删去第(二)项至第(六)项。
(2) Item (5), paragraph 2 of Article 12 is deleted. (二)删去第十二条第二款第(五)项。
(3) In Article 18, “and the annual financial accounting report” is deleted. (三)删去第十八条中的“和年度财务会计报告”。
XX. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Bonded Logistic Parks (Issued by Order No.134, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 190 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十、对《中华人民共和国海关对保税物流园区的管理办法》(海关总署令第134号公布,根据海关总署令第190号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
In paragraph 2 of Article 16, “and the annual financial accounting report” is deleted. 删去第十六条第二款中的“和年度财务会计报告”。
XXI. The Measures for the Administrative License Hearing of the Customs of the People's Republic of China (Issued by Order No. 136, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十一、对《中华人民共和国海关行政许可听证办法》(海关总署令第136号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 13, “(see Annex 1)” in item (1), and item (4) of paragraph 1, and paragraph 2 are deleted. (一)删去第十三条第一款第(一)项中的“(见附件1)”、第(四)项和第二款。
(2) “(see Annex 2)” in Article 17, “(see Annex 3)” in Article 18, “(see Annex 4)” in Article 21, and “(see Annex 5)” in Article 23 are deleted. (二)删去第十七条中的“见附件2”、第十八条中的“见附件3”、第二十一条中的“(见附件4)”、第二十三条中的“(见附件5)”。
(3) One article is added as Article 41: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (三)增加一条,作为第四十一条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(4) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (四)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(5) The Annexes are deleted. (五)删去附件。
XXII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision and Administration of Shanghai Diamond Exchange (Issued by Order No. 152, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十二、对《中华人民共和国海关对上海钻石交易所监管办法》(海关总署令第152号公布)作如下修改:
(1) Paragraph 3 of Article 4 is amended to read: “For the import of diamonds for industrial use by way of general trade, namely the diamonds under the HS codes of 71022100, 71022900, 71049011 and 71051020, the customs declaration formalities are not undergone in the customs office in the Shanghai Diamond Exchange in a centralized manner, and such diamonds shall be subject to the import tariff and the import value added tax according to the law.” (一)将第四条第三款修改为:“以一般贸易方式进出口工业用钻,即税号71022100、71022900、71049011、71051020项下钻石的,不集中在交易所海关办理报关手续,依法征收关税和进口环节增值税。”
(2) In Article 5, “(see the Annex for the format text) is deleted.” (二)删去第五条中的“(格式文本见附件)”。
(3) In Article 24, “the processing trade enterprise shall, upon the strength of the approval document of the foreign trade administrative department, undergo the customs declaration formalities for the goods to be sold domestically with the customs office in the Shanghai Diamond Exchange” is replaced with “the processing trade enterprise shall undergo the customs declaration formalities for the goods to be sold domestically with the customs office in the Shanghai Diamond Exchange.” (三)将第二十四条中的“加工贸易企业凭外经贸主管部门批件,到交易所海关办理内销报关手续”修改为“加工贸易企业应当向交易所海关办理内销报关手续”。
(4) One article is added as Article 28: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (四)增加一条,作为第二十八条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(5) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (五)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(6) The Annex is deleted. (六)删去附件。
XXIII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Unit Consumption in Processing Trade (issued by Order No.155, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 218, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十三、对《中华人民共和国海关加工贸易单耗管理办法》(海关总署令第155号公布,根据海关总署令第218号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Article 17 is deleted. (一)删去第十七条。
(2) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (二)对条文顺序作相应调整。
XXIV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Zhuhai Park of Zhuhai-Macao Cross-Border Industrial Zone (issued by Order No.160, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 189 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十四、对《中华人民共和国海关珠澳跨境工业区珠海园区管理办法》(海关总署令第160号公布,根据海关总署令第189号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 20, “the photocopy of the business license of the enterprise undertaking the processing and” is deleted. 删去第二十条中的“承揽企业营业执照复印件和”。
XXV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Supervision and Administration of the Entry and Exit of Printed Matter and Audio-Visual Recordings (Issued by Order No. 161, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十五、对《中华人民共和国海关进出境印刷品及音像制品监管办法》(海关总署令第161号公布)作如下修改:
 Article 12 is amended to read: “Unless otherwise provided for by the state, the entities engaging in the import of printed matters of newspapers, periodicals and books shall undergo the import formalities with Customs upon the strength of the import approval documents issued by the press and publication department of the state, the checklist of items, relevant customs declaration documents and other documents required.” 将第十二条修改为:“除国家另有规定外,进口报纸、期刊、图书类印刷品,经营单位应当凭国家新闻出版主管部门的进口批准文件、目录清单、有关报关单证以及其他需要提供的文件向海关办理进口手续。”
XXVI. The Interim Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Bonded Port Areas (Issued by Order No.164, GACC, and Amended according to Orders No. 191 and No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十六、对《中华人民共和国海关保税港区管理暂行办法》(海关总署令第164号公布,根据海关总署令第191号、第235号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 29, “the photocopy of the business license of the enterprise undertaking the processing and” is deleted. 删去第二十九条中的“承揽企业营业执照复印件和”。
XXVII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Manifests for the Means of Transport Entering and Leaving China (Issued by Order No.172, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十七、对《中华人民共和国海关进出境运输工具舱单管理办法》(海关总署令第172号公布,根据海关总署令第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Paragraph 1 of Article 6 is amended to read: “The operator of manifest transmission, the operator of a place under customs supervision, the tally department, and the consignor of exported goods shall undergo the recordation formalities with the customs office directly under the General Administration of Customs at the place where the business is operated or the authorized subordinate customs office, and submit the Recordation Registration Form.” (一)将第六条第一款修改为:“舱单传输人、海关监管作业场所经营人、理货部门、出口货物发货人应当向其经营业务所在地直属海关或者经授权的隶属海关备案,并提交《备案登记表》。”
Paragraphs 2 through 4 are deleted. 删去第二款至第四款。
(2) Article 33 is amended to read: “The operator of manifest transmission shall, when applying to the Customs for changing a cargo or article manifest or a passenger manifest, submit an Application Form for Changing a Manifest, and a correct manifest affixed with the official seal of the operator of manifest transmission.” (二)将第三十三条修改为:“舱单传输人向海关申请变更货物、物品舱单或者旅客舱单时,应当提交《舱单变更申请表》和加盖有舱单传输人公章的正确舱单。”
XXVIII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Customs Bonded Check (Issued by Order No. 173, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十八、对《中华人民共和国海关保税核查办法》(海关总署令第173号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 7, “paper documents and electronic data submitted” is replaced with “relevant documents and materials.” (一)将第七条中的“纸质单证和报送的电子数据”修改为“有关单证材料”。
(2) Article 19 is amended to read: “If any checked party provides an auditing report issued by a professional institution with relevant qualifications and capabilities, and such report has been examined and determined by the Customs, the Customs may exempt the checked party from the bonded check. When considering it necessary, the Customs may authorize the professional institution to draw professional conclusions.” (二)将第十九条修改为:“被核查人提供具备相关资质和能力的专业机构出具的审计报告,并经海关审核认定的,海关可以对被核查人免于实施保税核查;海关认为必要时,可以委托专业机构作出专业结论。”
(3) In Article 21, “paper materials and electronic data” is deleted. (三)删去第二十一条中的“纸质资料和电子数据”。
(4) In Article 23, “(see Annex 1)” is deleted; and in Article 26, “(see Annex 2)” is deleted. (四)删去第二十三条中的“(见附件1)”、第二十六条中的“(见附件2)”。
(5) One article is added as Article 29: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (五)增加一条,作为第二十九条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(6) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (六)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(7) The Annexes are deleted. (七)删去附件。
XXIX. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision over the Entry and Exit Articles of Foreign Diplomatic Missions in China and the Staff Members Thereof (Issued by Order No. 174, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十九、对《中华人民共和国海关对外国驻中国使馆和使馆人员进出境物品监管办法》(海关总署令第174号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In paragraph 1 of Article 5, “shall undergo the recordation formalities with the competent customs office by holding the following material” is replaced with “shall undergo the recordation formalities with the competent customs office upon the strength of the following materials.” In item (1) thereof, “the original and its” is deleted; in item (2) thereof, “the sample (in quintuplicate)” is replaced with “the sample”; in item (3) thereof, “the sample (in quintuplicate)” and “the sample” are replaced with “the pattern”; and in item (4) thereof, “the original and its” is deleted. (一)将第五条第一款中的“应当持下列资料到主管海关办理备案手续”修改为“应当凭下列资料向主管海关办理备案手续”,删去第(一)项中的“原件及其”,将第(二)项中的“样本一式五份”修改为“样式”,第(三)项中的“样本一式五份”“样本”修改为“样式”,删去第(四)项中的“原件及其”。
(2) “(see Annex 1)” in Article 10, “(see Annex 2)” in Article 11, “(see Annex 3),” “photocopy of the identity card,” and “the duplicate” in Article 13, and “(see Annex 4)” in Article 16 are deleted. (二)删去第十条中的“(见附件1)”、第十一条中的“(见附件2)”、第十三条中的“见附件3”“身份证复印件”“副本”、第十六条中的“见附件4”。
(3) Article 22 is amended to read: “Where a diplomatic messenger carries diplomatic pouches (including those loaded on the same means of transport), he shall undergo the relevant formalities with the customs office upon the strength of a messenger certificate issued by the competent authority of the sending country, which specifies his identity and the number of diplomatic pouches he carries. The customs office shall release these diplomatic pouches without inspection after it confirms the certificate inerrant upon verification. (三)将第二十二条修改为:“外交信使携带(含附载于同一运输工具的)外交邮袋进出境时,必须凭派遣国主管机关出具的载明其身份和所携外交邮袋件数的信使证明书向海关办理有关手续。海关验核信使证明书无误后予以免验放行。”
(4) Paragraph 2 of Article 27 is amended to read: “When it applies for lifting the supervision, it shall submit to the competent customs office a diplomatic note, and, upon the strength of an Application Form for Lifting the Supervision over Vehicles for Official or Personal Uses of the Customs of the People's Republic of China and the Motor Vehicle License, apply to the competent customs for undergoing the formalities for lifting the supervision.” (四)将第二十七条第二款修改为:“申请解除监管时,应当出具照会,并凭《中华人民共和国海关公/自用车辆解除监管申请表》《机动车辆行驶证》向主管海关申请办理解除监管手续。”
In paragraph 3, “see Annex 6” is deleted. 删去第三款中的“见附件6”。
(5) One article is added as Article 33: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (五)增加一条,作为第三十三条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(6) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (六)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(7) The Annexes are deleted. (七)删去附件。
XXX. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Tax Reduction and Exemption for Imported and Exported Goods (Issued by Order No.179, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十、对《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物减免税管理办法》(海关总署令第179号公布,根据海关总署令第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 6, “the business license of the enterprise or” in item (2), and item (4) of paragraph 1, and paragraph 2 are deleted. (一)删去第六条第一款第(二)项中的“企业营业执照或者”、第(四)项和第二款。
(2) In Article 11, “the business license of the enterprise or” in item (2), and item (5) of paragraph 1, and paragraph 2 are deleted. (二)删去第十一条第一款第(二)项中的“企业营业执照或者”、第(五)项和第二款。
XXXI. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (Order No. 183, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十一、对《中华人民共和国海关关于〈中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例〉的实施办法》(海关总署令第183号公布)作如下修改:
Item (1), paragraph 1 of Article 7 is amended to read: “identity certificates of intellectual property right holders”; and “the trademark office” in item (2) and item (6) thereof are deleted. 将第七条第一款第(一)项修改为“知识产权权利人的身份证明文件”,删去第(二)项中的“商标局”、第(六)项。
XXXII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision of Means of Transport Entering or Leaving China (Issued by Order No. 196, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十二、对《中华人民共和国海关进出境运输工具监管办法》(海关总署令第196号公布)作如下修改:
(1) In Article 6, “electronic data and paper” is deleted. (一)删去第六条中的“电子数据和纸质”。
(2) In paragraph 1 of Article 10, “undergo the recordation modification formalities by holding the Recordation Modification Form and relevant documents with the customs office that conducts the recordation” is replaced with “undergo the recordation modification formalities upon the strength of the Recordation Modification Form and relevant documents with the customs office that conducts the recordation.” (二)将第十条第一款中的“持《备案变更表》和有关文件到备案海关办理备案变更手续”修改为“凭《备案变更表》和有关文件向备案海关办理备案变更手续”。
(3) In paragraph 1 of Article 15, “electronic data and paper” is deleted. (三)删去第十五条第一款中的“电子数据和纸质”。
(4) Item (2), paragraph 1 of Article 30 is amended to read: “checklist of materials to be added or unloaded and contracts, invoices and other relevant documents”; and item (3) thereof is deleted. (四)将第三十条第一款第(二)项修改为“添加、起卸物料明细单以及合同、发票等相关单证”,删去第(三)项。
XXXIII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of the Pipeline Transportation of Imported Energy (Issued by Order No. 204, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十三、对《中华人民共和国海关管道运输进口能源监管办法》(海关总署令第204号公布)作如下修改:
(1) Paragraph 1 of Article 4 is amended to read: “A pipeline operator shall undergo the recordation formalities with the customs office directly under the General Administration of Customs at the place where the metering station is located in accordance with the provisions of these Measures, and submit the recordation registration form for the pipeline operator.” (一)将第四条第一款修改为:“管道经营单位应当依照本办法规定向计量站所在地直属海关办理备案手续,并提交管道经营单位备案登记表。”
(2) In Article 8, “paper” is deleted. (二)删去第八条中的“纸质”。
(3) One article is added as Article 20: “The documents as prescribed in these Measures shall be developed and issued by the General Administration of Customs separately.” (三)增加一条,作为第二十条:“本办法所规定的文书由海关总署另行制定并且发布。”
(4) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (四)对条文顺序作相应调整。
(5) The Annexes are deleted. (五)删去附件。
XXXIV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Direct Return of Imported Goods (Issued by Order No.217, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十四、对《中华人民共和国海关进口货物直接退运管理办法》(海关总署令第217号公布,根据海关总署令第238号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Item (5) of Article 3 is amended to read: “The goods are damaged or fail to pass the inspection and quarantine, and the relevant inspection certification documents can be provided.” (一)将第三条第(五)项修改为“货物残损或者检验检疫不合格,能够提供相关检验证明文书的”。
(2) In paragraph 1 of Article 5, “the original customs declaration form or transit list as well as the contract, invoice, packing list, bill of lading or cargo manifest and other relevant documents and certification documents proving the actualities of the import” is deleted. (二)删去第五条第一款中的“原报关单或者转关单以及证明进口实际情况的合同、发票、装箱清单、提运单或者载货清单等相关单证、证明文书”。
XXXV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of Goods in Processing Trade (Issued by Order No. 219, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十五、对《中华人民共和国海关加工贸易货物监管办法》(海关总署令第219号公布,根据海关总署令第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Article 9 is deleted. (一)删去第九条。
(2) Item (4) of Article 12 is deleted. (二)删去第十二条第(四)项。
(3) Article 21 is deleted. (三)删去第二十一条。
(4) Article 43 is deleted. (四)删去第四十三条。
(5) Article 44 is deleted. (五)删去第四十四条。
(6) The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (六)对条文顺序作相应调整。
XXXVI. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of the Amendment and Cancellation of the Customs Declaration Forms for Imported and Exported Goods (Issued by Order No. 220, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十六、对《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物报关单修改和撤销管理办法》(海关总署令第220号公布,根据海关总署令第238号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Paragraph 2 of Article 3 is deleted. (一)删去第三条第二款。
(2) In item (4), paragraph 1 of Article 6, “and electronic data” is deleted; item (5) thereof is amended to read: “Where, under the circumstance in item (5) of Article 5, a party directly returns all or part of the goods abroad, it shall submit the Statement on the Direct Return of Imported Goods”; and item (7) thereof is deleted. (二)删去第六条第一款第(四)项中的“和电子数据”,将第(五)项修改为“符合第五条第(五)项情形,当事人将全部或者部分货物直接退运境外的,应当提交《进口货物直接退运表》”,删去第(七)项。
(3) Item (1), paragraph 1 of Article 7 is amended to read: “the contract, invoice, packing list, bill of lading, cargo manifest, and other relevant documents and certificates that can reflect the actual conditions of imported or exported goods”; item (2) thereof is amended to read: “detailed explanations and relevant certification materials”; and item (3) thereof is deleted. (三)将第七条第一款第(一)项修改为“可以反映进出口货物实际情况的合同、发票、装箱单、提运单或者载货清单等相关单证”,第(二)项修改为“详细情况说明以及相关证明材料”,删去第(三)项。
XXXVII. The Provisions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Registration of Customs Declaration Entities (Issued by Order No. 221, GACC, and Amended according to Order No. 235, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十七、对《中华人民共和国海关报关单位注册登记管理规定》(海关总署令第221号公布,根据海关总署令第235号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Article 9 is amended to read: “To apply for a registration license, a customs declaration enterprise shall submit a Registration Form of a Customs Declaration Entity.” (一)将第九条修改为:“申请报关企业注册登记许可,应当提交《报关单位情况登记表》。”
(2) Paragraph 1 of Article 16 is amended to read: “To establish a branch office, a customs declaration enterprise shall submit the Registration Form for the Information on a Customs Declaration Entity to the customs office at the place where the branch office is located.” (二)将第十六条第一款修改为:“报关企业设立分支机构应当向其分支机构所在地海关提交《报关单位情况登记表》。”
Paragraph 2 is deleted. 删去第二款。
(3) In paragraph 1 of Article 18, “the modified industrial and commercial business license or any other approval document and the photocopy thereof” is replaced with “and modification certification document and other relevant materials.” (三)将第十八条第一款中的“变更后的工商营业执照或者其他批准文件及复印件”修改为“以及变更证明文件等相关材料”。
“upon the strength of the duplicate of the modified industrial and commercial business license or any other approval document and the photocopy thereof” in paragraph 2, and “upon the strength of modification certification document and other relevant materials” in paragraph 3 are deleted. 删去第二款中的“凭变更后的营业执照副本或者其他批准文件及复印件”、第三款中的“凭变更证明文件等相关材料”。
(4) In paragraph 1 of Article 20, “and, at the same time, submit documents and materials specified in items (1) through (4), paragraph 1 of Article 9 of these Provisions. If photocopies are submitted as required by the Customs, the originals shall also be submitted for verification” is deleted. (四)删去第二十条第一款中的“同时提交本规定第九条第一款第(一)项至第(四)项规定的文件材料。依照海关规定提交复印件的,还应当同时交验原件”。
(5) Article 24 is amended to read: “To apply for registration, a consignee or consignor of imported/exported goods shall submit the Registration Form for the Information on a Declaration Entity.” (五)将第二十四条修改为:“进出口货物收发货人申请办理注册登记,应当提交《报关单位情况登记表》。”
(6) In paragraph 1 of Article 31, “the duplicate of the modified business license or any other approval document and the photocopy thereof” is replaced with “modification certification document and other relevant materials.” (六)将第三十一条第一款中的“变更后的营业执照副本或者其他批准文件以及复印件”修改为“变更证明文件等相关材料”。
In paragraph 2, “upon the strength of the modification certification document and other relevant materials” is deleted. 删去第二款中的“凭变更证明文件等相关材料”。
(7) In paragraph 1 of Article 35, “paper” is deleted. (七)删去第三十五条第一款中的“纸质”。
XXXVIII. The Interim Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Areas under Customs Supervision (Issued by Order No. 232, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十八、对《中华人民共和国海关监管区管理暂行办法》(海关总署令第232号公布)作如下修改:
(1) Item (2), paragraph 1 of Article 15 is deleted. (一)删去第十五条第一款第(二)项。
(2) In Article 19, “electronic” and “or paper release certificate” are deleted. (二)删去第十九条中的“电子”“或者纸质放行凭证”。
(3) In item (1), paragraph 1 of Article 27, “electronic” and “or paper release certificate” are deleted. (三)删去第二十七条第一款第(一)项中的“电子”“或者纸质放行凭证”。
XXXIX. The Measures for the Administration of the Inspection on Imported Vehicles (Issued by Order No. 1, State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine, and Amended according to Order No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十九、对《进口汽车检验管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第1号公布,根据海关总署令第238号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 4, “shall, by holding contracts, invoices, bills of lading (shipping lists), packing lists and other certificates and relevant technical materials” is replaced with “shall, upon the strength of contracts, invoices, bills of lading (shipping lists), packing lists and other certificates and relevant technical materials.” 将第四条中的“应持合同、发票、提(运)单、装箱单等单证及有关技术资料”修改为“应当凭合同、发票、提(运)单、装箱单等单证以及有关技术资料”。
XL. The Measures for the Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of Live Sheep Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao (Issued by Order No. 3, State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine, and Amended according to Order No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:   四十、对《供港澳活羊检验检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第3号公布,根据海关总署令第238号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Item (5) of Article 5 is amended to read: “It has established the animal health and epidemic prevention system and the breeding administration system, and meets the Animal Health and Epidemic Prevention Requirements for Sheep Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao in Transit Farms.” (一)将第五条第(五)项修改为“建立动物卫生防疫制度、饲养管理制度,并符合《供港澳活羊中转场动物卫生防疫要求》”。
(2) Article 6 is amended to read: “An applicant for the registration of a transit farm shall fill out an Application Form for the Inspection and Quarantine Registration of a Transit Farm for Live Sheep Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao, provide the plan of the transit farm, and provide the photos or video materials of key areas.” (二)将第六条修改为:“申请注册的中转场应当填写《供港澳活羊中转场检验检疫注册申请表》,并提供中转场平面图,同时提供重点区域的照片或者视频资料。”
XLI. The Measures for the Inspection, Quarantine and Administration of Live Cattle Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao (Issued by Order No. 4, State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine, and Amended according to Order No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:   四十一、对《供港澳活牛检验检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第4号公布,根据海关总署令第238号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Item (4) of Article 6 is amended to read: “It has established the animal health and epidemic prevention system and the breeding administration system, and meets the Animal Health and Epidemic Prevention Requirements for Fattening Farms of Live Cattle Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao.” (一)将第六条第(四)项修改为“建立动物卫生防疫制度、饲养管理制度,并符合《供港澳活牛育肥场动物卫生防疫要求》”。
(2) Item (4) of Article 7 is amended to read: “It has established the animal health and epidemic prevention system and the breeding administration system, and meets the Animal Health and Epidemic Prevention Requirements for Transit Warehouses of Live Cattle Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao.” (二)将第七条第(四)项修改为“建立动物卫生防疫制度、饲养管理制度,并符合《供港澳活牛中转仓动物卫生防疫要求》”。
(3) Article 8 is amended to read: “An applicant for the registration of a fattening farm or transit warehouse shall fill out an Application Form for the Inspection and Quarantine Registration of a Fattening Farm or Transit Warehouse of Live Cattle Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao, provide the plan of the fattening farm or transit farm, and provide the photos or video materials of key areas.” (三)将第八条修改为:“申请注册的育肥场、中转仓应当填写《供港澳活牛育肥场、中转仓检验检疫注册申请表》,并提供育肥场、中转仓平面图,同时提供重点区域的照片或者视频资料。”
(4) In paragraph 1 of Article 25, “have passed customs training evaluation,” and “supercargoes for railway transportation shall also hold supercargo certificates issued by foreign trade departments” are deleted. (四)删去第二十五条第一款中的“经海关培训考核合格的”“铁路运输的押运员还须持有外经贸部门颁发的押运员证书”。
XLII. The Measures for the Quarantine and Administration of Propagation Materials for Plants Entering China (Issued by Order No. 10, State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine, and Amended according to Order No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:   四十二、对《进境植物繁殖材料检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第10号公布,根据海关总署令第238号修改)作如下修改:
(1) Paragraph 1 of Article 8 is amended to read: “A plant introduction entity or individual or the agent thereof shall, before the propagation materials for plants enter China, obtain the Quarantine License for Entry Animals and Plants or the Approval Form for the Quarantine of Introduced Plant Seeds and Seedlings, and undergo the recordation formalities with the customs office directly under the General Administration of Customs at the port of entry within ten to 15 days before such materials enter China.” (一)将第八条第一款修改为:“引种单位、个人或者其代理人应当在植物繁殖材料进境前取得《进境动植物检疫许可证》或者《引进种子、苗木检疫审批单》,并在进境前10-15日向入境口岸直属海关办理备案手续。”
(2) Paragraph 1 of Article 10 is amended to read: “A plant introduction entity or individual or the agent thereof shall, after the verification and recordation of the Quarantine License for Entry Animals and Plants or the Approval Form for the Quarantine of Introduced Plant Seeds and Seedlings, report to the designated customs office for inspection upon the strength of phytosanitary certificate, certificate of origin, trade contract, invoice and other necessary documents issued by the official phytosanitary department of the exporting country (or region) within seven days before propagation materials for plants enter China.” (二)将第十条第一款修改为:“引种单位、个人或者其代理人在《进境动植物检疫许可证》或者《引进种子、苗木检疫审批单》核查备案后,应当在植物繁殖材料进境前7日凭输出国家(或地区)官方植物检疫部门出具的植物检疫证书、产地证书、贸易合同、发票以及其它必要的单证向指定的海关报检。”
(3) In paragraph 2 of Article 14, “confirmed by the customs office” is deleted. (三)删去第十四条第二款中的“经海关核准的”。
XLIII. The Measures for the Administration of the Quarantine of Entry Cultivation Media (Issued by Order No. 13, State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine, and Amended according to Order No. 196, AQSIQ, and Order No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:

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