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Regulation on the Safety Administration of Explosives for Civilian Use [Revised]
民用爆炸物品安全管理条例 [已被修订]

Order of the State Council 


(No. 466)

The Regulation on the Safety Administration of Explosives for Civilian Use, which was adopted at the 134th executive meeting of the State Council on April 26, 2006, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of September 1, 2006.

Premier Wen Jiabao
总 理  温家宝

May 10, 2006

Regulation on the Safety Administration of Explosives for Civilian Use

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Regulation is formulated in order to intensify the safety administration of explosives for civilian use, prevent any blasting accident and safeguard the safety of the lives and properties of citizens as well as the public security.   第一条 为了加强对民用爆炸物品的安全管理,预防爆炸事故发生,保障公民生命、财产安全和公共安全,制定本条例。

Article 2 The present Regulation shall apply to the production, sale, purchase, export and import, transport, blasting operation and storage of explosives for civilian use and apply to the sale and purchase of ammonium nitrate.   第二条 民用爆炸物品的生产、销售、购买、进出口、运输、爆破作业和储存以及硝酸铵的销售、购买,适用本条例。

The term “explosives for civilian use” as mentioned in the present Regulation refers to the powders, dynamites and the relevant products thereof as well as the igniting and detonating facilities such as detonators and blasting fuses for non-military purposes that have been listed into the Table of the Names of Explosives for Civilian Use.

The Table of the Names of Explosives for Civilian Use shall be formulated and publicized by the administrative department of science, technology and industry for national defense under the State Council in collaboration with the public security organ under the State Council.

Article 3 The state applies a licensing system to the production, sale, purchase, transport and blasting operation of explosives for civilian use.   第三条 国家对民用爆炸物品的生产、销售、购买、运输和爆破作业实行许可证制度。

In the absent of permission, no entity or individual may produce, sell, purchase or transport any explosive for civilian use or engage in any blasting operation.

It is strictly prohibited to transfer, lend, lend to a third party, pledge, donate, privately hide or unlawfully hold any explosive for civilian use.

Article 4 The administrative department of science, technology and industry for national defense shall take charge of the safety supervision and administration of the production and sale of explosives for civilian use.   第四条 国防科技工业主管部门负责民用爆炸物品生产、销售的安全监督管理。

The public security organ shall take charge of the public safety administration of explosives for civilian use, safety supervision and administration of the purchase, transport and blasting operations of explosives for civilian use as well as the supervision and control of the flow of explosives for civilian use.

The administrative department of work safety supervision, railway, transport and civil aviation shall, according to the provisions of the laws and administrative regulations, do a good job in the safety supervision and administration of explosives for civilian use.

The administrative department of science, technology and industry for national defense, public security organ and administrative department for industry and commerce shall, according to their functions and duties, take charge of punishing the unlawful production, sale, purchase, storage, transport, post mail and utilization of explosives for civilian use.

Article 5 The principal of an entity that engages in the production, sale, purchase, transport or blasting operation of explosives for civilian use (hereinafter referred to as the practicing entity of explosives for civilian use) shall be the person-in-charge of the safety administration of explosives for civilian use in the entity, and shall assume the overall responsibilities over the safety administration of explosives for civilian use.   第五条 民用爆炸物品生产、销售、购买、运输和爆破作业单位(以下称民用爆炸物品从业单位)的主要负责人是本单位民用爆炸物品安全管理责任人,对本单位的民用爆炸物品安全管理工作全面负责。

The practicing entities of explosives for civilian use shall be regarded as the focus in the work of security and safeguard, which shall, according to law, establish a security and safeguard organ or employ security and safeguard staffs, install the relevant technical protection facilities so as to prevent the loss, larceny or robbery of any explosive for civilian use.

A practicing entity of explosives for civilian use shall establish a safety administration system as well as a post safety responsibility system, formulate the relevant safety protection measures and emergency reserve plans, establish a safety administration organ or have full-time safety administration personnel.

Article 6 A person who has no capacity for civil disposition or has a limited capacity for civil disposition or a person who has been given a criminal punishment for committing any crime shall not engage in the production, sale, purchase, transport or blasting operation of any explosive for civilian use.   第六条 无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人或者曾因犯罪受过刑事处罚的人,不得从事民用爆炸物品的生产、销售、购买、运输和爆破作业。

A practicing entity of explosives for civilian use shall intensify the safety-related education, legal education and on-the-job technical trainings of its practitioners. A practitioner shall pass the relevant examination before engaging in any operation. As to any post that requires a qualification, the relevant qualified personnel shall be employed.

Article 7 The state establishes an information administration system for explosives for civilian use so as to apply a mark administration of explosives for civilian use and to supervise and control the flow of explosives for civilian use.   第七条 国家建立民用爆炸物品信息管理系统,对民用爆炸物品实行标识管理,监控民用爆炸物品流向。

An entity that engages in the production, sale or blasting operation of explosives for civilian use shall establish a registration system of explosives for civilian use and save in the computer-based system the relevant varieties, quantity and flow of the explosives for civilian use it has produced, sold, purchased, transported, stored or utilized.

Article 8 Any entity or individual has the right to tip off violations of any provision on the safety administration of explosives for civilian use. The administrative department or public security organ that has received a tip-off shall make an immediate investigation, keep confidential the relevant informer and award anyone who has contributed a lot to tip-off.   第八条 任何单位或者个人都有权举报违反民用爆炸物品安全管理规定的行为;接到举报的主管部门、公安机关应当立即查处,并为举报人员保密,对举报有功人员给予奖励。

Article 9 The state encourages the practicing entities of explosives for civilian use to adopt new technologies that may elevate the safety performances of the explosives for civilian use and encourage the development of a business model featured by the unification of production, distribution and blasting operation of explosives for civilian use.   第九条 国家鼓励民用爆炸物品从业单位采用提高民用爆炸物品安全性能的新技术,鼓励发展民用爆炸物品生产、配送、爆破作业一体化的经营模式。

Chapter II Production 

第二章 生产

Article 10 The principles of overall planning and reasonable allocation shall be upheld in the establishment of any entity that engages in the production of explosives for civilian use.   第十条 设立民用爆炸物品生产企业,应当遵循统筹规划、合理布局的原则。

Article 11 An entity that applies for engaging in the production of explosives for civilian use shall meet the following requirements:   第十一条 申请从事民用爆炸物品生产的企业,应当具备下列条件:

(1) Meeting the state planning of industrial structure as well as industrial technical standards; (一)符合国家产业结构规划和产业技术标准;

(2) The design, structure, building materials, safety distance of its plants and special warehouses as well as its facilities for fire-proof, explosion-proof, lightning-proof, static-proof and other safety facilities conforming to the relevant state criteria and norms; (二)厂房和专用仓库的设计、结构、建筑材料、安全距离以及防火、防爆、防雷、防静电等安全设备、设施符合国家有关标准和规范;

(3) Its production equipments and work techniques meeting the relevant technical standards and procedures for work safety; (三)生产设备、工艺符合有关安全生产的技术标准和规程;

(4) Having special technicians, personnel for work safety administration and operators with the relevant qualification; (四)有具备相应资格的专业技术人员、安全生产管理人员和生产岗位人员;

(5) Having a sound administration system for work safety as well as a sound post safety responsibility system; and (五)有健全的安全管理制度、岗位安全责任制度;

(6) Meeting any other requirement as provided for by the relevant laws or administrative regulations. (六)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。

Article 12 An entity that applies for engaging in the production of explosives for civilian use shall submit an application, a feasibility report as well as the relevant materials that may certify its conformity to the provisions of Article 11 of the present Regulation with the administrative department of science, technology and industry for national defense under the State Council. The administrative department of science, technology and industry for national defense under the State Council shall, within 45 days as of the day when it accepts an application, conduct an examination and shall issue a License for the Production of Explosives for Civilian Use to an entity that meets the relevant requirements, and shall not issue any License for the Production of Explosives for Civilian Use to an entity that fails to meet the relevant requirements, and in the latter case an explanation shall be given to the applicant in written form.   第十二条 申请从事民用爆炸物品生产的企业,应当向国务院国防科技工业主管部门提交申请书、可行性研究报告以及能够证明其符合本条例第十一条规定条件的有关材料。国务院国防科技工业主管部门应当自受理申请之日起45日内进行审查,对符合条件的,核发《民用爆炸物品生产许可证》;对不符合条件的,不予核发《民用爆炸物品生产许可证》,书面向申请人说明理由。

Where an entity that engages in the production of explosives for civilian use carries out any alteration or expansion in order to adjust its production capacity and varieties, it shall apply for a License for the Production of Explosives for Civilian Use according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 13 An enterprise that has acquired a License for the Production of Explosives for Civilian Use shall, after the infrastructure construction is completed, apply for a work safety license with the administrative department of science, technology and industry for national defense under the State Council. The administrative department of science, technology and industry for national defense under the State Council shall, according to the provisions ofthe Regulation on Work Safety Licenses, carry out an inspection thereon and mark work safety permission onto the relevant License for the Production of Explosives for Civilian Use. An entity that engages in the production of explosives for civilian use shall, upon the strength of the License for the Production of Explosives for Civilian Use that has been marked with a work safety permission, go through the registration in the administrative department for industry and commerce before conducting any production of explosives for civilian use.   第十三条 取得《民用爆炸物品生产许可证》的企业应当在基本建设完成后,向国务院国防科技工业主管部门申请安全生产许可。国务院国防科技工业主管部门应当依照《安全生产许可证条例》的规定对其进行查验,对符合条件的,在《民用爆炸物品生产许可证》上标注安全生产许可。民用爆炸物品生产企业持经标注安全生产许可的《民用爆炸物品生产许可证》到工商行政管理部门办理工商登记后,方可生产民用爆炸物品。

An entity that engages in the production of explosives for civilian use shall, within 3 days as of completing the formalities for registration in the administrative department for industry and commerce, go to the public security organ of the local people's government at the county level for archival filing.

Article 14 An entity that engages in the production of explosives for civilian use shall carry out its production in strict accordance with the varieties and production capacity as verified in the License for the Production of Explosives for Civilian Use as well as conduct its operations in strict accordance with the provisions on the procedures for safety operation.   第十四条 民用爆炸物品生产企业应当严格按照《民用爆炸物品生产许可证》核定的品种和产量进行生产,生产作业应当严格执行安全技术规程的规定。

Article 15 An entity that engages in the production of explosives for civilian use shall have warning marks and registration marks on the explosives for civilian use and number detonators. The warning marks, registration marks and detonator numbering rules of explosives for civilian use shall be formulated by the public security department in collaboration with the administrative department of science, technology and industry for national defense under the State Council.   第十五条 民用爆炸物品生产企业应当对民用爆炸物品做出警示标识、登记标识,对雷管编码打号。民用爆炸物品警示标识、登记标识和雷管编码规则,由国务院公安部门会同国务院国防科技工业主管部门规定。

Article 16 An entity that engages in the production of explosives for civilian use shall establish and improve a product inspection system so as to guarantee that the quality of the explosives for civilian use meet the relevant standards. The packing of explosives for civilian use shall meet the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations as well as the relevant standards.   第十六条 民用爆炸物品生产企业应当建立健全产品检验制度,保证民用爆炸物品的质量符合相关标准。民用爆炸物品的包装,应当符合法律、行政法规的规定以及相关标准。

Article 17 Any testing or trial-production of explosives for civilian use shall be carried out in a special place or special laboratory. It is highly prohibited to conduct any testing or trial-production of explosives for civilian use in a workshop or warehouse.   第十七条 试验或者试制民用爆炸物品,必须在专门场地或者专门的试验室进行。严禁在生产车间或者仓库内试验或者试制民用爆炸物品。

Chapter III Sale and Purchase 

第三章 销售和购买

Article 18 An entity that applies for engaging in the sale of explosives for civilian use shall meet the following requirements:   第十八条 申请从事民用爆炸物品销售的企业,应当具备下列条件:

(1) Meeting the relevant requirements for the planning of entities that engage in the sale of explosives for civilian use; (一)符合对民用爆炸物品销售企业规划的要求;

(2) Its sales places and special warehouses meeting the relevant state standards and criterion; (二)销售场所和专用仓库符合国家有关标准和规范;

(3) Having the relevant personnel with corresponding qualification for safety administration and warehousing administration; (三)有具备相应资格的安全管理人员、仓库管理人员;

(4) Having a sound safety administration system as well as a sound post security responsibility system; and (四)有健全的安全管理制度、岗位安全责任制度;

(5) Meeting any other requirement of the relevant laws and administrative regulations. (五)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。

Article 19 An entity that engages in the sale of explosives for civilian use shall submit an application and feasibility report as well as the relevant materials that may certify its conformity to the provisions of Article 18 of the present Regulation with the administrative department of science, technology and industry for national defense under the State Council. The administrative department of science, technology and industry for national defense under the State Council shall, within 30 days as of the day when it accepts an application, conduct an examination on such operating facilities as the sales place and special warehouses of the applicant entity and shall issue a License for the Sale of Explosives for Civilian Use to an entity that meets the relevant requirements, and shall not issue any License for the Sale of Explosives for Civilian Use to an entity that fails to meet the relevant requirements, and in the latter case an explanation shall be given to the applicant in written form.   第十九条 申请从事民用爆炸物品销售的企业,应当向所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府国防科技工业主管部门提交申请书、可行性研究报告以及能够证明其符合本条例第十八条规定条件的有关材料。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府国防科技工业主管部门应当自受理申请之日起30日内进行审查,并对申请单位的销售场所和专用仓库等经营设施进行查验,对符合条件的,核发《民用爆炸物品销售许可证》;对不符合条件的,不予核发《民用爆炸物品销售许可证》,书面向申请人说明理由。

An entity that engages in the sale of explosives for civilian use shall, upon the strength of the License for the Sale of Explosives for Civilian Use, go through the registration in the administrative department for industry and commerce before selling any explosives for civilian use.

An entity that engages in the sale of explosives for civilian use shall, within 3 days as of completing the formalities for registration in the administrative department for industry and commerce, go to the public security organ of the local people's government at the county level for archival filing.

Article 20 An entity that engages in the production of explosives for civilian use may, upon the strength of a License on the Production of Explosives for Civilian Use, sell the explosives for civilian use as produced by itself.   第二十条 民用爆炸物品生产企业凭《民用爆炸物品生产许可证》,可以销售本企业生产的民用爆炸物品。

Where an entity that engages in the production of explosives for civilian use sells any of the explosives for civilian use it has produced, it shall not overstep the verified varieties and production capacity.

Article 21 Where an entity that utilizes explosives for civilian use applies for purchasing any explosive for civilian use, it shall file an application with the public security organ of the local people's government at the county level and submit the following materials:   第二十一条 民用爆炸物品使用单位申请购买民用爆炸物品的,应当向所在地县级人民政府公安机关提出购买申请,并提交下列有关材料:

(1) A Business License or a Legal Person License of a Public Institution; (一)工商营业执照或者事业单位法人证书;

(2) A License for Blasting Operation Entities or any other legally-applied certification; (二)《爆破作业单位许可证》或者其他合法使用的证明;

(3) The name, address and bank account of the purchasing entity; and

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