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Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in Central and Western China (2013 Revision) [Expired]
中西部地区外商投资优势产业目录(2013年修订) [失效]

Order of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce 


(No. 1)

The Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in Central and Western China (2013 Revision), approved by the State Council, is hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on June 10, 2013.The Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in Central and Western China (2008 Revision) (Order No. 4 [2008] of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce) as issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce on December 23, 2008 shall be repealed simultaneously.

According to the Provisions on Guiding the Direction of Foreign Investments (Order No. 346 [2002] of the State Council), foreign-funded projects under this Catalogue are entitled to the preferential policies for foreign-funded projects in the encouraged category. Foreign-funded projects under construction which conform to the provisions of this Category may be governed by the relevant policies of this Catalogue.

Director of the National Development and Reform Commission: Xu Shaoshi

Minister of Commerce: Gao Hucheng

May 9, 2013

Catalogue of Priority Industries for Foreign Investment in Central and Western China (2013 Revision)

Shanxi Province

1. Plantation and deep processing of pastures and forage crops 1.牧草饲料作物种植及深加工

2. Plantation of minor grain crops and potatoes, and development and production of the products thereof 2.小杂粮、马铃薯种植及产品开发、生产

3. Industrial development following such national key ecological projects as restoration of farmland to forests and grasslands and protection of natural forests 3.退耕还林还草、天然林保护等国家重点生态工程后续产业开发

4. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dryland farming and conservation tillage 4.节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作技术开发与应用

5. Projects of ecological system restoration and reconstruction in mined-out and subsidence areas of mining areas 5.采煤矿区采空、塌陷区域生态系统恢复与重建工程

6. Comprehensive utilization (excluding exploration and exploitation) of nonmetallic minerals (kaolin, limestone, silica and quartz sand) 6.非金属矿(高岭土、石灰石、硅石、石英砂)综合利用(勘探、开采除外)

7. Comprehensive development and utilization of coalbed gas and coal associated resources 7.煤层气和煤炭伴生资源综合开发利用

8. Comprehensive utilization of coke byproducts 8.焦炭副产品综合利用

9. Spinning, knitting and garment processing of high-grade cotton, fur, hemp, silk and chemical fiber 9.高档棉、毛、麻、丝、化纤的纺织、针织及服装加工生产

10. Deep processing of natural medicine, raw material medicine and Chinese traditional patent medicine (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 10.天然药、原料药、中成药的深加工(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

11. Printing of printed matters for packaging and decoration 11.包装装潢印刷品印刷

12. Technical development and production of high-grade glass products and high-tech ceramics (including industrial ceramics) 12.高档玻璃制品、高技术陶瓷(含工业陶瓷)技术开发和产品生产

13. Technical development and deep processing of high-quality float glass of special varieties (super white, super thin, online Low-E, hollow and super thick) 13.特殊品种(超白、超薄、在线Low-E、中空、超厚)优质浮法玻璃技术开发及深加工

14. Production of stainless steel products 14.不锈钢制品生产

15. New steel materials such as steel used for high speed trains and nanocrystalline materials 15.高速列车用钢、非晶带材等钢铁新材料

16. Production of aluminium alloy and the products thereof 16.铝合金材料及制品生产

17. Production of steel cord rubber conveyor belts 17.钢丝绳芯橡胶输运带生产

18. Production of hydraulic technical systems and molds 18.液压技术系统及模具生产

19. Manufacture of small- and medium-sized dryland and mountain agricultural machinery and supporting tools 19.旱地、山地中小农业机械及配套机具制造

20. Three or more axis linkage, high-speed and precision numerical control machine tools and supporting numerical control systems, servomotors and drive units, functional units, cutting tools, measuring tools/instruments, and high-grade abrasive tools and materials 20.三轴以上联动的高速、精密数控机床及配套数控系统、伺服电机及驱动装置、功能部件、刀具、量具、量仪及高档磨具磨料生产

21. Production of large-scale fully-mechanized coal mining equipment and explosion-proof electric machines 21.大型煤矿综采设备和防爆机电产品生产

22. Production of components and parts of mobile phones with the third generation and the following mobile communication systems 22.第三代及后续移动通信系统手机零部件生产

23. Electricity generation, heat supply and other comprehensive utilization of the remaining heat of middling coal and coke oven gas 23.洗中煤、焦炉煤气余热发电、供热等综合利用

24. Development and application of cloud computing, internet of things, mobile internet and other new generation information technologies 24.云计算、物联网、移动互联网等新一代信息技术开发、应用

25. Broad band and value-added telecommunication services (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 25.宽带业务和增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

26. Road passenger transport companies 26.公路旅客运输公司

27. Construction and business operation of urban fuel gas, heat power, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by the Chinese parties in cities with a population of 500,000 or more) 27.城市燃气、热力和供排水管网建设、经营(人口50万以上城市中方控股)

28. Medical and nursing service providers 28.医疗和养老服务机构

29. Art performance training, and industrial development of intermediary services and cultural supplies and equipment 29.艺术表演培训和中介服务及文化用品、设备等产业化开发

30. Protection, development and business operation of tourist areas (spots), and construction of supporting facilities thereof 30.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

1. Production and processing of green agricultural and animal products (milk, meat, hair, fur, potato and vegetable) (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 1.绿色农畜产品(乳、肉、绒、皮毛、马铃薯、蔬菜)生产及加工(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

2. Deep processing of rosin 2.松香深加工

3. Cultivation, processing and comprehensive utilization of salt lake organisms 3.盐湖生物养殖加工与综合利用

4. Industrial development following such national key ecological projects as restoration of farmland to forests and grasslands, restoration of pastures to grasslands and protection of natural forests 4.退耕还林还草、退牧还草、天然林保护等国家重点生态工程后续产业开发

5. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dryland farming, conservation tillage and medium and low yield farmland rehabilitation 5.节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作、中低产田改造等技术开发与应用

6. Fine and deep processing of beet sugar with a daily handling capacity of 3,000 tons or more of beets, and comprehensive utilization of byproducts 6.日处理甜菜3000吨及以上甜菜糖精深加工及副产品综合利用

7. Construction of high-quality wine grape bases 7.优质酿酒葡萄基地建设

8. Fine and deep processing of metals such as copper, lead, zinc and magnesium (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 8.铜、铅、锌、镁等金属精深加工(限于合资、合作)

9. Comprehensive utilization and fine and deep processing (excluding exploration and exploitation) of nonmetallic minerals (kaolin, andalusite, bentonite, dolomite, crystal graphite, perlite and zeolite) 9.非金属矿(高岭土、红柱石、膨润土、白云石、晶质石墨、珍珠岩、沸石)综合利用及精细加工(勘探、开采除外)

10. Development of hi-tech wool textile and knitting products 10.毛纺织、针织品高新技术产品开发

11. Comprehensive development and utilization of coalbed gas and coal associated resources 11.煤层气和煤炭伴生资源综合开发利用

12. Processing of the high-end applied products of rare earth 12.稀土高端应用产品加工

13. Development and utilization of downstream chemical products of natural gas (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Policies on Utilization of Natural Gas) 13.天然气下游化工产品开发和利用(列入《天然气利用政策》限制类和禁止类的除外)

14. Development and utilization of comprehensive utilization technologies for producing PVC at least 300,000 tons per year with ethylene and chlorine by the oxychlorination method and for producing chlorine with waste hydrochloric acid 14.利用乙烯与氯气通过氧氯化法生产30万吨/年以上PVC,废盐酸制氯气等综合利用技术开发及利用

15. High-performance silicone oil, silicone rubber, resin, high-quality fluoro-resin, high-performance fluorine rubber, fluorinated fine chemicals, high-quality fluorinated inorganic salt and so on 15.高性能硅油、硅橡胶、树脂,高品质氟树脂,高性能氟橡胶,含氟精细化学品和高品质含氟无机盐等

16. Silicone materials and the application thereof 16.硅材料及其应用

17. Development, protection and sustainable utilization of animal and plant medicinal resources (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 17.动植物药材资源开发、保护和可持续利用(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

18. Production of specially-needed ethnic products, handicraft articles with ethnic characteristics, packing containers and materials and glass products for daily use 18.少数民族特需用品、工艺美术品、包装容器材料及日用玻璃制品生产

19. Technical development and deep processing of high-quality float glass of special varieties (super white, super thin, online Low-E, hollow and super thick) 19.特殊品种(超白、超薄、在线Low-E、中空、超厚)优质浮法玻璃技术开发及深加工

20. Production and application of carbon fiber products 20.碳纤维产品生产及其应用

21. Manufacture of natural gas compressors (including coal bed methane compressors) 21.天然气压缩机(含煤层气压缩机)制造

22. Manufacture of complete automobiles (the proportion of foreign capital shall not exceed 50%), and manufacture of special-purpose vehicles (excluding ordinary semi-trailers, dumpers, tanker vehicles, van vehicles and stake vehicles) (the proportion of foreign capital shall not exceed 50%) 22.汽车整车制造(外资比例不高于50%),专用汽车(不包括普通半挂车、自卸车、罐式车、厢式车和仓栅式汽车)制造(外资比例不高于50%)

23. Research, development, production and application of large-scale energy storage technologies (energy storage batteries, pumping and energy storage technologies, air energy storage technologies, heat supply with wind and electric power, and heat supply after midnight) 23.大型储能技术研发与生产应用(蓄能电池、抽水蓄能技术、空气储能技术、风电与后夜供热等)

24. Manufacture of solar power generation equipment and the components and parts thereof 24.太阳能发电设备及零部件制造

25. Electricity generation, heat supply and other comprehensive utilization of the remaining heat of middling coal and coke oven gas 25.洗中煤、焦炉煤气余热发电、供热等综合利用

26. Broad band and value-added telecommunication services (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 26.宽带业务和增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

27. Road passenger transport companies 27.公路旅客运输公司

28. Construction and business operation of urban fuel gas, heat power, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by the Chinese parties in cities with a population of 500,000 or more) 28.城市燃气、热力和供排水管网建设、经营(人口50万以上城市中方控股)

29. Medical and nursing service providers 29.医疗和养老服务机构

30. Production of radio and television programs and films (limited to contractual joint ventures) 30.广播电视节目、电影的制作业务(限于合作)

31. Development, construction and business operation of eco-tourism resources such as ice,snow, forests and grassland 31.冰雪、森林、草原生态旅游资源开发、建设和经营

32. Protection, development and business operation of tourist areas (spots), and construction of their supporting facilities 32.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

Liaoning Province

1. Breeding of meat chickens, live pigs, steers and meat sheep and the deep processing of products thereof 1.肉鸡、生猪、肉牛和肉羊饲养及产品深加工

2. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dryland farming and conservation tillage 2.节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作技术开发与应用

3. Industrial development following such national key ecological projects as restoration of farmland to forests and grasslands 3.退耕还林还草等国家重点生态工程后续产业开发

4. Processing and comprehensive utilization of magnesium and zircon (relatively controlled by the Chinese parties) 4.镁、锆石加工及综合利用(中方相对控股)

5. Spinning, knitting and garment processing and manufacturing of high-grade cotton, fur, hemp, silk and chemical fiber 5.高档棉、毛、麻、丝、化纤的纺织、针织及服装加工生产

6. Deep processing of natural medicine, raw material medicine and Chinese traditional patent medicine (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 6.天然药、原料药、中成药的深加工(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

7. Production of high-performance radial tires, including radial tires without inner tubes, low-section, flat (lower than the 55 Series) and big-rim radial tires (15 inches or more) for high-performance sedans, aircraft tires and radial tires for agricultural use 7.高性能子午线轮胎的生产。包括无内胎载重子午胎,低断面和扁平化(低于55系列)、大轮辋高性能轿车子午胎(15吋以上),航空轮胎及农用子午胎的生产

8. Manufacture of metal packing, automated storage and retrieval warehouses and logistic warehousing equipment 8.金属包装、自动化立体仓库及仓储物流设备制造

9. Manufacture of automobile components and parts:automatic speed changing of six gears or more, high-power density driving bridge for commercial vehicles, head-lamp follow-Up turning control system, LED head lamp, application of lightweight materials (dead-hard steel, aluminium magnesium alloy, compound plastics, powder metallurgy and advanced fiber composites), clutch, hydraulic shock absorber, central control board assembly and chair seats 9.汽车零部件制造:六档以上自动变速箱、商用车用高功率密度驱动桥、随动前照灯系统、LED前照灯、轻量化材料应用(高强钢、铝镁合金、复合塑料、粉末冶金、高强度复合纤维等)、离合器、液压减震器、中控盘总成、座椅

10. Pilot training and aviation clubs (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 10.飞行员培训、航空俱乐部(限于合资、合作)

11. Development and production of medical equipment and key parts 11.医疗设备及关键部件开发及生产

12. Deep processing of high-precision copper, aluminium and alloy plates and strips 12.高精度铜、铝及合金板带材深加工

13. Research, development, production and application of large-scale energy storage technologies (energy storage batteries, pumping and energy storage technologies, air energy storage technologies, heat supply with wind and electric power, and heat supply after midnight) 13.大型储能技术研发与生产应用(蓄能电池、抽水蓄能技术、空气储能技术、风电与后夜供热等)

14. Broad band and value-added telecommunication services (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 14.宽带业务和增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

15. Construction and business operation of urban fuel gas, heat power, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by the Chinese parties in cities with a population of 500,000 or more) 15.城市燃气、热力和供排水管网建设、经营(人口50万以上城市中方控股)

16. Medical and nursing service providers 16.医疗和养老服务机构

17. Protection, development and business operation of tourist areas (spots), and construction of their supporting facilities 17.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

18. Fine and deep processing and alternative industry projects in resource-exhausted cities upon approval of the investment authorities of the state 18.经国家投资主管部门批准的资源枯竭型城市的精深加工和接续产业等项目

Jilin Province

1. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dryland farming and conservation tillage 1.节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作技术开发与应用

2. Breeding of meat chickens, meat gooses, live pigs, steers, meat sheep and spotted deer, and deep processing of the products thereof 2.肉鸡、肉鹅、生猪、肉牛、肉羊和梅花鹿饲养及产品深加工

3. Development and processing of featured ecological foods and drinks of Changbai Mountain such as ginseng, velvet, ussurian grape, nutlets, wild vegetables, fungus, wood frog, tussahs and honey 3.人参、鹿茸、山葡萄、果仁、山野菜、菌类、林蛙、柞蚕、蜂蜜等长白山特色生态食品、饮品的开发和加工

4. Production of natural mineral drinking water (controlled by the Chinese parties) 4.饮用天然矿泉水生产(中方控股)

5. Development and comprehensive utilization (excluding exploration and exploitation) of diatomite 5.硅藻土资源开发及综合利用(勘探、开采除外)

6. Spinning, knitting and garment processing of high-grade cotton, fur, hemp, silk and chemical fiber 6.高档棉、毛、麻、丝、化纤的纺织、针织及服装加工生产

7. Extraction of montan wax 7.褐煤蜡萃取

8. Development, protection and sustainable utilization of animal and plant medicinal resources (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 8.动植物药材资源开发、保护和可持续利用(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

9. Technical development and deep processing of high-quality float glass of special varieties (super white, super thin, online Low-E, hollow and super thick) 9.特殊品种(超白、超薄、在线Low-E、中空、超厚)优质浮法玻璃技术开发及深加工

10. Production of carbon fiber precursors and carbon fiber, and production of auxiliary materials necessary for the production of carbon fiber precursors and carbon fiber, carbon fiber composites and the products thereof 10.碳纤维原丝、碳纤维生产及其生产所需辅助材料、碳纤维复合材料及其制品生产

11. Production of high-performance radial tires, including radial tires without inner tubes, low-section, flat (lower than the 55 Series) and big-rim radial tires (15 inches or more) for high-performance sedans, aircraft tires and radial tires for agricultural use 11.高性能子午线轮胎的生产。包括无内胎载重子午胎,低断面和扁平化(低于55系列)、大轮辋高性能轿车子午胎(15吋以上),航空轮胎及农用子午胎的生产

12. Development and production of medical equipment and key parts 12.医疗设备及关键部件开发及生产

13. Manufacture of automobile components and parts:automatic speed changing of six gears or more, high-power density driving bridge for commercial vehicles, head-lamp follow-Up turning control system, LED head lamp, application of lightweight materials (dead-hard steel, aluminium magnesium alloy, compound plastics, powder metallurgy and advanced fiber composites), clutch, hydraulic shock absorber, central control board assembly and chair seats 13.汽车零部件制造:六档以上自动变速箱、商用车用高功率密度驱动桥、随动前照灯系统、LED前照灯、轻量化材料应用(高强钢、铝镁合金、复合塑料、粉末冶金、高强度复合纤维等)、离合器、液压减震器、中控盘总成、座椅

14. Manufacture of biomass power generation equipment (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 14.生物质能发电设备制造(限于合资、合作)

15. Broad band and value-added telecommunication services (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 15.宽带业务和增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

16. Road passenger transport companies 16.公路旅客运输公司

17. Auto finance services 17.汽车金融服务

18. Construction and business operation of urban fuel gas, heat power, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by the Chinese parties in cities with a population of 500,000 or more) 18.城市燃气、热力和供排水管网建设、经营(人口50万以上城市中方控股)

19. Medical and nursing service providers 19.医疗和养老服务机构

20. Animation creation and production (animation radio, TV and film production is limited to cooperative joint ventures), and development of derivative products 20.动漫创作、制作(广播影视动漫制作业务限于合作)及衍生品开发

21. Development of ice and snow tourism resources and construction and business operation of ski resorts 21.冰雪旅游资源开发及滑雪场建设、经营

22. Protection, development and business operation of tourist areas (spots), and construction of their supporting facilities 22.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

23. Fine and deep processing and alternative industry projects in resource-exhausted cities upon approval of the investment authorities of the state 23.经国家投资主管部门批准的资源枯竭型城市的精深加工和接续产业等项目

Heilongjiang Province

1. Industrial development following such national key ecological projects as restoration of farmland to forests and grasslands and protection of natural forests 1.退耕还林还草、天然林保护等国家重点生态工程后续产业开发

2. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dryland farming and conservation tillage 2.节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作技术开发与应用

3. Wood processing by using overseas resources 3.利用境外资源的木材加工

4. Production of natural mineral drinking water (controlled by the Chinese parties) 4.饮用天然矿泉水生产(中方控股)

5. Production of sugar with beets with a daily handling capacity of 3000 tons or more of beets, and comprehensive utilization of byproducts thereof 5.日处理甜菜3000吨及以上甜菜制糖及副产品综合利用

6. Deep processing of potato 6.马铃薯深加工

7. Breeding of meat gooses, meat chickens, live pigs, steers and meat sheep, and deep processing of products thereof 7.肉鹅、肉鸡、生猪、肉牛和肉羊饲养及产品加工

8. Deep processing of natural medicine, raw material medicine and Chinese traditional patent medicine (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 8.天然药、原料药、中成药的深加工(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

9. Technical development and deep processing of high-quality float glass of special varieties (super white, super thin, online Low-E, hollow and super thick) 9.特殊品种(超白、超薄、在线Low-E、中空、超厚)优质浮法玻璃技术开发及深加工

10. Silicone base and PV new materials 10.硅基及光伏新材料

11. Smelting of titanium and processing of titanium products (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 11.钛矿冶炼及钛制品加工(限于合资、合作)

12. Manufacture of cutting and measuring tools 12.切削刀具、量具、刃具制造

13. Production of high-performance radial tires, including radial tires without inner tubes, low-section, flat (lower than the 55 Series) and big-rim radial tires (15 inches or more) for high-performance sedans, aircraft tires and radial tires for agricultural use 13.高性能子午线轮胎的生产。包括无内胎载重子午胎,低断面和扁平化(低于55系列)、大轮辋高性能轿车子午胎(15吋以上),航空轮胎及农用子午胎的生产

14. Manufacture of automobile components and parts:automatic speed changing of six gears or more, high-power density driving bridge for commercial vehicles, head-lamp follow-Up turning control system, LED head lamp, application of lightweight materials (dead-hard steel, aluminium magnesium alloy, compound plastics, powder metallurgy and advanced fiber composites), clutch, hydraulic shock absorber, central control board assembly and chair seats 14.汽车零部件制造:六档以上自动变速箱、商用车用高功率密度驱动桥、随动前照灯系统、LED前照灯、轻量化材料应用(高强钢、铝镁合金、复合塑料、粉末冶金、高强度复合纤维等)、离合器、液压减震器、中控盘总成、座椅

15. Development and production of medical equipment and key parts 15.医疗设备及关键部件开发及生产

16. Manufacture of power-grid intelligent management and control system equipment 16.电网智能管理控制系统设备制造

17. Broad band and value-added telecommunication services (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 17.宽带业务和增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

18. Road passenger transport companies 18.公路旅客运输公司

19. Medical and nursing service providers 19.医疗和养老服务机构

20. Construction and business operation of urban fuel gas, heat power, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by the Chinese parties in cities with a population of 500,000 or more) 20.城市燃气、热力和供排水管网建设、经营(人口50万以上城市中方控股)

21. Animation creation and production (animation radio, TV and film production is limited to cooperative joint ventures), and development of derivative products 21.动漫创作、制作(广播影视动漫制作业务限于合作)及衍生品开发

22. Development of forest, ice and snow tourism resources and construction and business operation of ski resorts 22.森林、冰雪旅游资源开发及滑雪场建设、经营

23. Protection, development and business operation of tourist areas (spots), and construction of their supporting facilities 23.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

24. Fine and deep processing and alternative industry projects in resource-exhausted cities upon approval of the investment authorities of the state 24.经国家投资主管部门批准的资源枯竭型城市的精深加工和接续产业等项目

Anhui Province

1. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dryland farming and conservation tillage 1.节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作技术开发与应用

2. Comprehensive utilization (excluding exploration and exploitation) of coal associated resources such as kaolin, coal bed gas (gas), mine water and natural coke 2.高岭土、煤层气(瓦斯)、矿井水及天然焦等煤炭伴生资源综合利用(勘探、开采除外)

3. Comprehensive utilization (excluding exploration and exploitation) of non-metallic minerals (calcite, bentonite, kaolin, attapulgite clay, limestone and quartz sand) 3.非金属矿(方解石、膨润土、高岭土、凹凸棒粘土、石灰石、石英砂)综合利用(勘查、开采除外)

4. Spinning, knitting and garment processing of high-grade cotton, fur, hemp, silk and chemical fiber 4.高档棉、毛、麻、丝、化纤的纺织、针织及服装加工生产

5. Deep processing of natural medicine, raw material medicine and Chinese traditional patent medicine (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 5.天然药、原料药、中成药的深加工(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

6. Fine and deep processing and comprehensive utilization of non-ferrous metals such as copper, lead and zinc (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 6.铜、锌、铝等有色金属精深加工及综合利用(限于合资、合作)

7. Manufacture of top-grade seamless steel pipes and oil-well pipes 7.高档无缝钢管、石油油井管制造

8. Printing of printed matters for packaging and decoration 8.包装装潢印刷品印刷

9. Technical development and deep processing of high-quality float glass of special varieties (super white, super thin, online Low-E, hollow and super thick) 9.特殊品种(超白、超薄、在线Low-E、中空、超厚)优质浮法玻璃技术开发及深加工

10. Production of biomass liquid fuel (fuel ethanol and bio diesel) with non-grain plants such as cassava, jatropha trees and rubber seeds as raw materials 10.利用木薯、麻风树、橡胶籽等非粮植物为原料的生物液体燃料(燃料乙醇、生物柴油)生产(中方控股)

11. Production of high-performance radial tires, including radial tires without inner tubes, low-section, flat (lower than the 55 Series) and big-rim radial tires (15 inches or more) for high-performance sedans, aircraft tires and radial tires for agricultural use 11.高性能子午线轮胎的生产。包括无内胎载重子午胎,低断面和扁平化(低于55系列)、大轮辋高性能轿车子午胎(15吋以上),航空轮胎及农用子午胎的生产

12. Manufacture of automobile components and parts:automatic speed changing of six gears or more, high-power density driving bridge for commercial vehicles, head-lamp follow-Up turning control system, LED head lamp, application of lightweight materials (dead-hard steel, aluminium magnesium alloy, compound plastics, powder metallurgy and advanced fiber composites), clutch, hydraulic shock absorber, central control board assembly and chair seats 12.汽车零部件制造:六档以上自动变速箱、商用车用高功率密度驱动桥、随动前照灯系统、LED前照灯、轻量化材料应用(高强钢、铝镁合金、复合塑料、粉末冶金、高强度复合纤维等)、离合器、液压减震器、中控盘总成、座椅

13. Manufacture of complete sets of equipment for new dry-process cement 13.新型干法水泥成套设备制造

14. Development and manufacture of electric fork-lift trucks, hydraulic excavators of 30 tons or more and special-purpose vehicles, and the components and parts thereof 14.电动叉车、30吨以上液压挖掘机及零部件开发与制造

15. Integrated mining equipment for mines and thin seams with a capacity of 5 million tons/year, key equipment for glory hole with a capacity of 10 million tons/year, , and distributed control systems (DCS) for large-scale complete sets of metallurgical equipment and other major technical equipment 15.500万吨/年及以上矿井、薄煤层综合采掘设备,1000万吨级/年及以上大型露天矿关键装备;大型冶金成套设备等重大技术装备用分散型控制系统(DCS)

16. Development and production of medical equipment and key parts 16.医疗设备及关键部件开发及生产

17. Manufacture of household electrical appliances, boards used for household electrical appliances, and the components and parts thereof 17.家用电器、家电用板材及零部件制造

18. Research, development and manufacture of upstream and downstream products of semiconductor lighting materials and the relevant equipment 18.半导体照明材料上下游产品及相关设备的研发与制造

19. Production and supply of large-size, high-pressure and high-purity industrial gas 19.大型、高压、高纯度工业气体的生产和供应

20. Broad band and value-added telecommunication services (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 20.宽带业务和增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

21. Road passenger transport companies 21.公路旅客运输公司

22. Water transport companies (controlled by the Chinese parties) 22.水上运输公司(中方控股)

23. Medical and nursing service providers 23.医疗和养老服务机构

24. Animation creation and production (animation radio, TV and film production is limited to cooperative joint ventures), and development of derivative products 24.动漫创作、制作(广播影视动漫制作业务限于合作)及衍生品开发

25. Construction and business operation of urban fuel gas, heat power, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by the Chinese parties in cities with a population of 500,000 or more) 25.城市燃气、热力和供排水管网建设、经营(人口50万以上城市中方控股)

26. Protection, development and business operation of tourist areas (spots), and construction of their supporting facilities 26.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

Jiangxi Province

1. Plantation and deep processing of featured and dominant plants such as navel orange, ramie, bamboo, Chinese yam, lotus and arrowroot 1.脐橙、苎麻、竹、山药、莲、葛等特色、优势植物种植及深加工

2. Dressing of copper ore, and extraction, fine and deep processing (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) and recycling of associated elements 2.铜矿选矿、伴生元素提取及精深加工(限于合资、合作)及循环利用

3. Dressing, smelting, application and deep processing of non-metallic minerals such as kaolin, power quartz, wollastonite, sepiolite and dolomite for chemical use 3.高岭土、粉石英、硅灰石、海泡石、化工用白云石等非金属矿选冶、应用及深加工

4. Spinning, knitting and garment processing of high-grade cotton, fur, hemp, silk and chemical fiber 4.高档棉、毛、麻、丝、化纤的纺织、针织及服装加工生产

5. Deep processing with rare metallic resources outside China such as tungsten, nickel, cobalt, tantalum and columbium, and production and recycling of applied products 5.利用境外钨、镍、钴、钽、铌等稀有金属资源深加工、应用产品生产及循环利用

6. Development and utilization of comprehensive utilization technologies for producing PVC at least 300,000 tons per year with ethylene and chlorine by the oxychlorination method and for producing chlorine with waste hydrochloric acid 6.利用乙烯与氯气通过氧氯化法生产30万吨/年以上PVC,废盐酸制氯气等综合利用技术开发及利用

7. Processing of the high-end applied products of rare earth 7.稀土高端应用产品加工

8. Deep processing of natural medicine, raw material medicine and Chinese traditional patent medicine (excluding those listed in the restrictive and prohibitive categories in the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment) 8.天然药、原料药、中成药的深加工(列入《外商投资产业指导目录》限制类、禁止类的除外)

9. Research, development and production of high-tech ceramics such as studio ceramics, ceramics for daily use, industrial ceramics and special ceramics 9.艺术陶瓷、日用陶瓷、工业陶瓷、特种陶瓷等高技术陶瓷的研发与生产

10. Production of high-performance radial tires, including radial tires without inner tubes, low-section, flat (lower than the 55 Series) and big-rim radial tires (15 inches or more) for high-performance sedans, aircraft tires and radial tires for agricultural use 10.高性能子午线轮胎的生产。包括无内胎载重子午胎,低断面和扁平化(低于55系列)、大轮辋高性能轿车子午胎(15吋以上),航空轮胎及农用子午胎的生产

11. Printing of printed matters for packaging and decoration 11.包装装潢印刷品印刷

12. Manufacture of automobile components and parts:automatic speed changing of six gears or more, high-power density driving bridge for commercial vehicles, head-lamp follow-Up turning control system, LED head lamp, application of lightweight materials (dead-hard steel, aluminium magnesium alloy, compound plastics, powder metallurgy and advanced fiber composites), clutch, hydraulic shock absorber, central control board assembly and chair seats 12.汽车零部件制造:六档以上自动变速箱、商用车用高功率密度驱动桥、随动前照灯系统、LED前照灯、轻量化材料应用(高强钢、铝镁合金、复合塑料、粉末冶金、高强度复合纤维等)、离合器、液压减震器、中控盘总成、座椅

13. Development and production of medical equipment and key parts 13.医疗设备及关键部件开发及生产

14. Production of air conditioners, highly efficient and energy saving compressors and the components and parts thereof 14.空调、高效节能压缩机及零部件生产

15. Manufacture of solar power generation equipment and the components and parts thereof 15.太阳能发电设备及零部件制造

16. Research, development and manufacture of upstream and downstream products of semiconductor lighting materials and the relevant equipment 16.半导体照明材料上下游产品及相关设备的研发与制造

17. Research, development and manufacture of special-purpose equipment for producing lithium batteries and other lithium products 17.锂电池等锂产品生产专用设备的研发与制造

18. Research, development, application and manufacture of optical parts and coating techniques 18.光学部件及镀膜技术的研发、应用及制造

19. Broad band and value-added telecommunication services (within the framework of commitments upon China's accession to the WTO) 19.宽带业务和增值电信业务(需在我国入世承诺框架内)

20. Road passenger transport companies 20.公路旅客运输公司

21. Medical and nursing service providers 21.医疗和养老服务机构

22. Construction and business operation of urban fuel gas, heat power, water supply and drainage systems (controlled by the Chinese parties in cities with a population of 500,000 or more) 22.城市燃气、热力和供排水管网建设、经营(人口50万以上中方控股)

23. Animation creation and production (animation radio, TV and film production is limited to cooperative joint ventures), and development of derivative products 23.动漫创作、制作(广播影视动漫制作业务限于合作)及衍生品开发

24. Protection, development and business operation of tourist areas (spots), and construction of their supporting facilities 24.旅游景区(点)保护、开发和经营及其配套设施建设

Henan Province

1. Breeding of live pigs, beef cattles, meat sheep and small poultry 1.生猪、肉牛、肉羊、小家禽饲养

2. Industrial development following such national key ecological projects as restoration of farmland to forests and grasslands and protection of natural forests 2.退耕还林还草、天然林保护等国家重点生态工程后续产业开发

3. Development and application of technologies for water saving and irrigation, water saving on dryland farming and conservation tillage 3.节水灌溉和旱作节水技术、保护性耕作技术开发与应用

4. Fine and deep processing of magnesium and zinc (limited to equity or contractual joint ventures) 4.镁、锌精深加工(限于合资、合作)

5. Spinning, knitting and garment processing of high-grade cotton, fur, hemp, silk and chemical fiber

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