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Provisions on Employment Services and Employment Management [Revised]
就业服务与就业管理规定 [已被修订]

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security 



The Provisions on Employment Services and Employment Management, which were adopted at the 21st executive meeting of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on October 30, 2007, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1, 2008.

Minister: Tian Chengping
部长 田成平

November 5, 2007

Provisions on Employment Services and Employment Management

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Provisions are enacted according to the Employment Promotion Law and other laws and administrative regulations for the purpose of strengthening employment services and employment management, cultivating and improving a unified, open, competitive and orderly human resource market, and providing services for workers to seek employment and for employers to hire persons.   第一条 为了加强就业服务和就业管理,培育和完善统一开放、竞争有序的人力资源市场,为劳动者就业和用人单位招用人员提供服务,根据就业促进法等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。

Article 2 When the workers seek employment and take up an occupation, the employers hire persons, the public employment service agencies as launched by the administrative department of labor and social security and the job intermediary agencies as examined and approved by the administrative department of labor and social security provide employment services, the present Provisions shall apply.   第二条 劳动者求职与就业,用人单位招用人员,劳动保障行政部门举办的公共就业服务机构和经劳动保障行政部门审批的职业中介机构从事就业服务活动,适用本规定。

The “employers” as mentioned in the present Provisions refers to the enterprises, private economic organizations, private non-enterprise entities and other organizations, as well as state organs, public institutions and social groups that hire workers and establish a contractual relationship with them within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

Article 3 The administrative department of labor and social security at or above the county level shall implement the work on employment services and employment management within its own administrative area according to law.   第三条 县级以上劳动保障行政部门依法开展本行政区域内的就业服务和就业管理工作。

Chapter II Seeking Employment and Taking up an Occupation 

第二章 求职与就业

Article 4 Workers shall enjoy equal employment rights according to law. No worker may be discriminated against due to ethnicity, race, gender or religious belief when seeking employment.   第四条 劳动者依法享有平等就业的权利。劳动者就业,不因民族、种族、性别、宗教信仰等不同而受歧视。

Article 5 Rural workers coming into cities for employment shall enjoy the same employment rights as their counterparts in towns and cities, and no discriminatory restrictions may be set against the rural workers coming to cities for employment.   第五条 农村劳动者进城就业享有与城镇劳动者平等的就业权利,不得对农村劳动者进城就业设置歧视性限制。

Article 6 Workers shall enjoy the right to choose jobs on their own. Workers who have reached the age of 16, have the ability to work and have the willingness to be employed may seek employment upon the strength of their own identity certificates and through such means as the introduction by public employment service agencies or job intermediary agencies and the direct contact with employers by themselves.   第六条 劳动者依法享有自主择业的权利。劳动者年满16周岁,有劳动能力且有就业愿望的,可凭本人身份证件,通过公共就业服务机构、职业中介机构介绍或直接联系用人单位等渠道求职。

Article 7 When seeking employment, a worker shall faithfully produce his basic information to a public employment service agency or job intermediary agency and the employer, provide the particulars about his knowledge, skills, work experience and employment status, etc. directly relating to the post he applies for, and show relevant certificates.   第七条 劳动者求职时,应当如实向公共就业服务机构或职业中介机构、用人单位提供个人基本情况以及与应聘岗位直接相关的知识技能、工作经历、就业现状等情况,并出示相关证明。

Article 8 A worker shall build up a correct concept of career, and enhance his ability to seek employment and start up business.   第八条 劳动者应当树立正确的择业观念,提高就业能力和创业能力。

The State encourages workers to accept necessary professional education or trainings before getting jobs, and encourages high school graduates in cities and towns to get pre-job training courses before getting jobs.

The State encourages workers to start up business and seek employment by themselves. The administrative department of labor and social security at each level shall, jointly with other relevant departments, simplify procedures, enhance efficiency, and provide convenience and corresponding services for workers to start up business and seek employment by themselves.

Chapter III Employing Workers 

第三章 招用人员

Article 9 An employer shall enjoy the right to employ workers on its own. To employ workers, an employer shall provide equal job opportunities and fair employment conditions for workers.   第九条 用人单位依法享有自主用人的权利。用人单位招用人员,应当向劳动者提供平等的就业机会和公平的就业条件。

Article 10 An employer may employ workers on its own through the following means:   第十条 用人单位可以通过下列途径自主招用人员:

1. Entrusting public employment service agencies or job intermediary agencies; (一)委托公共就业服务机构或职业中介机构;

2. Participating in job fairs; (二)参加职业招聘洽谈会;

3. Entrusting newspapers, radios, televisions, internet websites and other mass media to release job information; (三)委托报纸、广播、电视、互联网站等大众传播媒介发布招聘信息;

4. Releasing job information by making use of its own place and website; and (四)利用本企业场所、企业网站等自有途径发布招聘信息;

5. Other lawful means. (五)其他合法途径。

Article 11 Where an employer entrusts a public employment service agency or job intermediary agency to employ workers, or participates in career fairs, it shall provide the employment brochure, and show its business license (duplicate) or document on approval of its formation as issued by the competent department, identity certificates of handlers as well as the power of attorney.   第十一条 用人单位委托公共就业服务机构或职业中介机构招用人员,或者参加招聘洽谈会时,应当提供招用人员简章,并出示营业执照(副本)或者有关部门批准其设立的文件、经办人的身份证件和受用人单位委托的证明。

The employment brochure shall include basic information about the employer, number of workers to be employed, types of work, qualifications for employment, labor remunerations, welfare treatments, social insurance, etc., as well as other contents stipulated in laws and regulations.

Article 12 When an employer is employing workers, it shall faithfully inform workers of the types of work, working conditions, working place, occupational harms, work safety situation, labor remunerations and other information workers require to know.   第十二条 用人单位招用人员时,应当依法如实告知劳动者有关工作内容、工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、安全生产状况、劳动报酬以及劳动者要求了解的其他情况。

An employer shall timely feed back the results about whether a worker has been employed upon request of the worker.

Article 13 An employer shall keep confidential the personal materials of workers; and shall first obtain the worker's written consent before publicizing the personal materials or information of a worker or using his technology or intellectual property.   第十三条 用人单位应当对劳动者的个人资料予以保密。公开劳动者的个人资料信息和使用劳动者的技术、智力成果,须经劳动者本人书面同意。

Article 14 No employer may:   第十四条 用人单位招用人员不得有下列行为:

1.Provide false job information or release false job advertisements; (一)提供虚假招聘信息,发布虚假招聘广告;

2.Detain identity cards or other certificates of the persons employed; (二)扣押被录用人员的居民身份证和其他证件;

3.Collect money or property from workers in the name of security, etc.; (三)以担保或者其他名义向劳动者收取财物;

4.Employ minors under the age of 16 or other persons that shall not be employed according to any state law or administrative regulation; (四)招用未满16周岁的未成年人以及国家法律、行政法规规定不得招用的其他人员;

5.Employ persons without a legitimate identity certificate; or (五)招用无合法身份证件的人员;

6.Seek improper interests or conduct other illegal activities in the name of employing workers. (六)以招用人员为名牟取不正当利益或进行其他违法活动。

Article 15 No employer may hire workers by defaming any other employer, by commercial bribery or any other unjustifiable means.   第十五条 用人单位不得以诋毁其他用人单位信誉、商业贿赂等不正当手段招聘人员。

Article 16 When an employer is employing persons, it shall not refuse females or enhance the recruiting standards for females because of gender, unless it is otherwise stipulated that females are not suitable for engaging in that kind of work or taking up that post.   第十六条 用人单位在招用人员时,除国家规定的不适合妇女从事的工种或者岗位外,不得以性别为由拒绝录用妇女或者提高对妇女的录用标准。

When an employer hires female workers, it shall not stipulate in the labor contract any content which restricts female workers from getting married or having children.

Article 17 An employer shall, when employing workers, give proper care to minority workers according to law.   第十七条 用人单位招用人员,应当依法对少数民族劳动者给予适当照顾。

Article 18 No employer may discriminate against the disabled when employing workers.   第十八条 用人单位招用人员,不得歧视残疾人。

Article 19 No employer may, when employing workers, refuse a worker because he is a pathogen carrier of an infectious disease. However, a pathogen carrier of any infectious disease shall not take up the work that easily causes the spreading of infectious disease according to state laws, administrative regulations or the provisions of the health administrative department under the State Council before he is cured upon medical appraisal or excluded from infectious suspects.   第十九条 用人单位招用人员,不得以是传染病病原携带者为由拒绝录用。但是,经医学鉴定传染病病原携带者在治愈前或者排除传染嫌疑前,不得从事法律、行政法规和国务院卫生行政部门规定禁止从事的易使传染病扩散的工作。

No employer may, when employing workers, compulsorily take the serological indicator of hepatitis B virus as the standard of physical fitness unless the work is the one that can not be done by hepatitis B pathogen carriers according to state laws, regulations or the provisions by the health administrative department under the State Council.

Article 20 No employment brochure or job advertisement as issued by an employer may contain any discriminatory content.   第二十条 用人单位发布的招用人员简章或招聘广告,不得包含歧视性内容。

Article 21 If an employer employs workers for a special type of work that involves pubic security, human health, life or property safety, etc., it shall employ persons holding a corresponding professional qualification certificate; and if it has employed a person without a corresponding professional qualification certificate, it shall organize him to attend special trainings for getting the professional qualification certificate before taking up the job.   第二十一条 用人单位招用从事涉及公共安全、人身健康、生命财产安全等特殊工种的劳动者,应当依法招用持相应工种职业资格证书的人员;招用未持相应工种职业资格证书人员的,须组织其在上岗前参加专门培训,使其取得职业资格证书后方可上岗。

Article 22 After an employer employs a resident in Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macao, it shall make archival filing at the local administrative department of labor and social security according to relevant provisions, and obtain an Employment Certificate for the Residents in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao for him.   第二十二条 用人单位招用台港澳人员后,应当按有关规定到当地劳动保障行政部门备案,并为其办理《台港澳人员就业证》。

Article 23 If an employer employs an alien, it shall, before the alien enters our country, apply for employment licensing for him at the local administrative department of labor and social security according to relevant provisions, and shall not employ him until the employment is approved and it has obtained an Employment Permit of the People's Republic of China for Aliens.   第二十三条 用人单位招用外国人,应当在外国人入境前,按有关规定到当地劳动保障行政部门为其申请就业许可,经批准并获得《中华人民共和国外国人就业许可证书》后方可招用。

The post for which an employer employs an alien shall have special requirements in terms of skills and have no suitable candidate in our country, and the employment shall not violate any relevant state provision.

Chapter IV Public Employment Services 

第四章 公共就业服务

Article 24 The administrative department of labor and social security at or above the county level shall wholly administer the public employment services within its own jurisdiction, set up and improve a public employment service system covering urban and rural areas according to the development plan as stipulated by the government.   第二十四条 县级以上劳动保障行政部门统筹管理本行政区域内的公共就业服务工作,根据政府制定的发展计划,建立健全覆盖城乡的公共就业服务体系。

A public employment service agency shall formulate its employment service plan according to the targets and tasks of employment work as determined by the government, promote the implementation of employment support policies, organize the implementation of employment service items, provide employment services for workers and employers, make survey and analysis of human resource market, and accept the authorization of the administrative department of labor and social security for implementing employment promotion and other relevant affairs.

Article 25 A public employment service agency shall provide the following services for workers free of charge:   第二十五条 公共就业服务机构应当免费为劳动者提供以下服务:

1. Offering consultation on employment policies and regulations; (一)就业政策法规咨询;

2. Announcing information about supply and demand of jobs, guiding market wages and vocational training; (二)职业供求信息、市场工资指导价位信息和职业培训信息发布;

3. Offering vocational guides and job recommendations; (三)职业指导和职业介绍;

4. Providing aid for persons who have difficulty in seeking employment; (四)对就业困难人员实施就业援助;

5. Making employment registration and unemployment registration, etc.; and (五)办理就业登记、失业登记等事务;

6. Other public employment services. (六)其他公共就业服务。

Article 26 A public employment service agency shall actively increase its service items, and provide the following services upon request of employers:   第二十六条 公共就业服务机构应当积极拓展服务功能,根据用人单位需求提供以下服务:

1. the guiding service for employing workers; (一)招聘用人指导服务;

2. the commissioned employment service; (二)代理招聘服务;

3. the trans-regional employment service; (三)跨地区人员招聘服务;

4. the enterprise's human resource management consultancy, and other professional services; (四)企业人力资源管理咨询等专业性服务;

5. the commissioned service for labor and social security affairs; and (五)劳动保障事务代理服务;

6.other employment service items developed upon request of employers. (六)为满足用人单位需求开发的其他就业服务项目。

If a public employment service agency engages in the commissioned service for labor and social security affairs, it shall first obtain approval from the administrative department of labor and social security at or above the county level.

Article 27 A public employment service agency shall strengthen occupational guidance, have part-time (full-time) persons for occupational guidance, and provide occupational guidance services for workers and employers.   第二十七条 公共就业服务机构应当加强职业指导工作,配备专(兼)职职业指导工作人员,向劳动者和用人单位提供职业指导服务。

Persons for occupational guidance shall get professional qualification trainings and pass the examination, and take up the job after having obtained a corresponding national professional qualification certificate.

A public employment service agency shall provide corresponding facilities and conditions for occupational guidance, promote occupational guidance, and strengthen the publicity of occupational guidance.

Article 28 The work of occupational guidance shall include:   第二十八条 职业指导工作包括以下内容:

1. Providing consultancy for workers and employers in connection with state laws, regulations and policies on labor security as well as the human resource market situation; (一)向劳动者和用人单位提供国家有关劳动保障的法律法规和政策、人力资源市场状况咨询;

2. Helping workers get to know the occupational situation, master job seeking methods, determine career direction, and enhance the ability to choose careers; (二)帮助劳动者了解职业状况,掌握求职方法,确定择业方向,增强择业能力;

3. Presenting training suggestions to workers, and providing relevant information about occupational trainings for them; (三)向劳动者提出培训建议,为其提供职业培训相关信息;

4. Testing the professional qualities and features of workers, and evaluating their occupational abilities; (四)开展对劳动者个人职业素质和特点的测试,并对其职业能力进行评价;

5. Providing special occupational guidance services for females, the disabled, minority people, retired soldiers and other groups of employment people; (五)对妇女、残疾人、少数民族人员及退出现役的军人等就业群体提供专门的职业指导服务;

6. Providing consultancy and services for the students in colleges and universities, secondary schools, vocational schools and craftsmen schools; (六)对大中专学校、职业院校、技工学校学生的职业指导工作提供咨询和服务;

7. Offering business advisory services for those workers who are ready to provide individual labor service or start up private enterprises; (七)对准备从事个体劳动或开办私营企业的劳动者提供创业咨询服务;

8. Providing guidance for employers to choose employment methods and determine the conditions and standards in employing workers; and (八)为用人单位提供选择招聘方法、确定用人条件和标准等方面的招聘用人指导;

9. Providing consultancy and reference for occupational training institutions to determine their training directions and curriculum set-up, etc. (九)为职业培训机构确立培训方向和专业设置等提供咨询参考。

Article 29 A public employment service agency shall, under the guidance of the administrative department of labor and social security, organize the survey of labor resources and make statistics of employment and unemployment situations.   第二十九条 公共就业服务机构在劳动保障行政部门的指导下,组织实施劳动力资源调查和就业、失业状况统计工作。

Article 30 A public employment service agency shall formulate and organize the implementation of special plans in light of different needs of different employment groups.   第三十条 公共就业服务机构应当针对特定就业群体的不同需求,制定并组织实施专项计划。

A public employment service agency shall, on the basis of the features of service objects, focus on activities and special services for different types of workers, persons having difficulty in seeking employment or employers in a certain period of time.

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