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Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Customs Titles [Effective]
中华人民共和国海关关衔条例 [现行有效]


Order of the President of the People's Republic of China (No.85) 



Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Customs Titles, which were adopted at the 32nd Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on February 28, 2003, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on the day of their promulgation.

Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国主席 江泽民

February 28, 2003

Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Customs Titles

(Adopted at the 32nd Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on February 28, 2003)

Contents 目录

Chapter 1 General Provisions  第一章 总则

Chapter 2 Setup of Customs Titles 第二章 关衔等级的设置

Chapter 3 Conferment of Customs Titles 第三章 关衔的授予

Chapter 4 Promotion of Customs Titles 第四章 关衔的晋级

Chapter 5 Reservation, Demotion and Cancellation of Customs Titles 第五章 关衔的保留、降级、取消

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions 第六章 附则


Chapter 1 General Provisions 第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to strengthen the building of customs team, to enhance the customs functionaries' sense of responsibility, honor and discipline, and to facilitate the customs functionaries to perform their duties pursuant to law, these Regulations are enacted in accordance with the Constitution.   第一条 为了加强海关队伍建设,增强海关工作人员的责任感、荣誉感和组织纪律性,有利于海关工作人员依法履行职责,根据宪法,制定本条例。

Article 2 The customs shall apply the system of customs titles. Customs titles may be conferred on the state civil servants of the General Administration of Customs, sub-administrations of customs, accredited representative's offices, direct-affiliated customs, subordinate customs and offices.   第二条 海关实行关衔制度。海关总署、分署、特派员办公室、各直属海关、隶属海关和办事处的国家公务员可以授予海关关衔。

The smuggle-suppressing police of customs shall be subject to the system of police titles of the people's police.

Article 3 Customs titles are the titles and symbols to distinguish the ranks of and to show the identities of the customs functionaries, and are the honors the state confers on the customs functionaries.   第三条 关衔是区分海关工作人员等级、表明海关工作人员身份的称号、标志和国家给予海关工作人员的荣誉。

Article 4 Customs functionaries shall be subject to the customs titles established on the basis of post ranks.   第四条 海关工作人员实行职务等级编制关衔。

Article 5 Customs functionaries with higher customs titles shall be the superiors to those with lower customs titles. Where a customs functionary with a higher customs title is subordinate, in terms of post, to one with a lower customs title, the one with the higher post rank shall be the superior.   第五条 关衔高的海关工作人员对关衔低的海关工作人员,关衔高的为上级。当关衔高的海关工作人员在职务上隶属于关衔低的海关工作人员时,职务高的为上级。

Article 6 The General Administration of Customs (GAC) shall be in charge of the work of customs titles.   第六条 海关总署主管关衔工作。


Chapter 2 Setup of Customs Titles 第二章 关衔等级的设置

Article 7 Customs titles are classified into the following 5 ranks and 13 grades:   第七条 海关关衔设下列五等十三级:

1) Customs Commissioner, Customs Deputy Commissioner; (一)海关总监、海关副总监;

2) Customs Overseer: Grade One, Grade Two, Grade Three; (二)关务监督:一级、二级、三级;

3) Customs Supervisor: Grade One, Grade Two, Grade Three; (三)关务督察:一级、二级、三级;

4) Customs Inspector: Grade One, Grade Two, Grade Three; (四)关务督办:一级、二级、三级;

5) Customs Officer: Grade One, Grade Two. (五)关务员:一级、二级。

Article 8 Customs functionaries shall be subject to the customs titles established on the basis of the following post ranks:   第八条 海关工作人员实行下列职务等级编制关衔:

1) Chief position at the administration level: Customs Commissioner; (一)署级正职:海关总监;

2) Deputy position at the administration level: Customs Deputy Commissioner; (二)署级副职:海关副总监;

3) Chief position at the bureau level: Grade One Customs Overseer to Grade Two Customs Overseer; (三)局级正职:一级关务监督至二级关务监督;

4) Deputy position at the bureau level: Grade Two Customs Overseer to Grade Three Customs Overseer; (四)局级副职:二级关务监督至三级关务监督;

5) Chief position at the division level: Grade Three Customs Overseer to Grade Two Customs Supervisor; (五)处级正职:三级关务监督至二级关务督察;

6) Deputy position at the division level: Grade One Customs Supervisor to Grade Three Customs Supervisor; (六)处级副职:一级关务督察至三级关务督察;

7) Chief position at the section level: Grade Two Customs Supervisor to Grade Two Customs Inspector; (七)科级正职:二级关务督察至二级关务督办;

8) Deputy position at the section level: Grade Three Customs Supervisor to Grade Three Customs Inspector; (八)科级副职:三级关务督察至三级关务督办;

9) Position of staff member: Grade One Customs Inspector to Grade One Customs Officer; (九)科员职:一级关务督办至一级关务员;

10) Position of office clerk: Grade Two Customs Inspector to Grade Two Customs Officer. (十)办事员职:二级关务督办至二级关务员。


Chapter 3 Conferment of Customs Titles 第三章 关衔的授予

Article 9 Customs titles shall be conferred on the basis of the customs functionaries' current posts, demonstration of ethic and talent, time of tenancy and time of employment.   第九条 关衔的授予以海关工作人员现任职务、德才表现、任职时间和工作年限为依据。

Article 10 Where the customs admits by examination or employs customs functionaries, or transfers customs functionaries from other departments, it shall confer the corresponding customs titles to the functionaries after determining their positions.   第十条 海关招考录用海关工作人员或者从其他部门调任海关工作人员,在确定职务后授予相应的关衔。

Article 11 Conferment of customs titles shall be approved in accordance with the following limits of authorities:   第十一条 关衔按照下列规定权限批准授予:

1) Conferment of Customs Commissioner, Customs Deputy Commissioner, Grade One Customs Overseer, and Grande Two Customs Overseer shall be approved by the Prime Minister of the State Council; (一)海关总监、海关副总监、一级关务监督、二级关务监督由国务院总理批准授予;

2) Conferment of Grade Three Customs Overseer to Grade Three Customs Supervisor shall be approved by the Director of GAC; (二)三级关务监督至三级关务督察,由海关总署署长批准授予;

3) Conferment of Grade One Customs Inspector and the lower titles of the departments and agencies of GAC shall be approved by the Director of the Political Department of GAC; (三)海关总署机关及海关总署派出机构的一级关务督办以下的关衔由海关总署政治部主任批准授予;

4) Conferment of Grade One Customs Inspector and the lower titles of the direct-affiliated customs and subordinate customs shall be approved by the directors of the direct-affiliated customs. (四)各直属海关、隶属海关的一级关务督办以下的关衔由各直属海关关长批准授予。


Chapter 4 Promotion of Customs Titles 第四章 关衔的晋级

Article 12 Customs functionaries of Grade Two Customs Supervisor and the lower titles shall be promoted according to the following periods within the range of the customs titles based on their posts:   第十二条 二级关务督察以下关衔的海关工作人员,在其职务等级编制关衔幅度内,按照下列期限晋级:

From Grade Two Customs Officer to Grade One Customs Inspector, one grade every three years;

From Grade One Customs Inspector to Grade One Customs Supervisor, one grade every 4 years.

Article 13 If the customs functionaries of Grade Two Customs Supervisor and the lower titles meet the conditions for promotion upon assessment when the period for promotion expires, they shall be promoted grade by grade; promotion shall be deferred for those failing to meet the conditions. Those with outstanding achievements in work may be promoted in advance upon approval.   第十三条 二级关务督察以下关衔的海关工作人员,晋级期限届满,经考核具备晋级条件的,应当逐级晋升;不具备晋级条件的,应当延期晋升。在工作中有突出功绩的,经批准可以提前晋升。

Article 14 Customs functionaries of Grade One Customs Supervisor and the higher titles shall be promoted on a selective basis, within the range of the customs titles based on their post ranks, according to their demonstration of ethics and talent and their actual achievements.   第十四条 一级关务督察以上关衔的海关工作人员晋级,在职务等级编制关衔幅度内,根据其德才表现和工作实绩实行选升。

Article 15 Where a customs functionary's post is promoted, but his/her customs title is lower than the lowest customs title of the titles based on the new post rank, he/she shall be promoted to that lowest customs title.   第十五条 海关工作人员提升职务,其关衔低于新任职务等级编制关衔的最低关衔的,应当晋升至新任职务等级编制关衔的最低关衔。

Article 16 In case of promotion from Customs Officer to Customs Inspector, from Customs Inspector to Customs Supervisor, and from Customs Supervisor to Customs Overseer, the persons must receive training and be qualified before they may be promoted.   第十六条 关务员晋升关务督办,关务督办晋升关务督察,关务督察晋升关务监督,经培训合格后,方可晋升。

Article 17   第十七条 关衔晋级的批准权限适用本条例第十一条的规定。


Chapter 5 Reservation, Demotion and Cancellation of Customs Titles 第五章 关衔的保留、降级、取消

Article 18 After retirement, customs functionaries may reserve their customs titles, but may not wear the symbols.   第十八条 海关工作人员退休后,其关衔予以保留,但不得佩带标志。

In case of transfer, resign or dismissal, customs functionaries may not reserve their customs titles.

Article 19 Where a customs functionary is demoted to a lower post for incompetence for the current post, if his/her customs title is higher than the highest title of the titles based on the new post rank, he/she shall be demoted to that highest title. The authority for approval of demotion of customs title is the same as that for approval of the original customs title.   第十九条 海关工作人员因不胜任现任职务被调任下级职务的,其关衔高于新任职务等级编制关衔的最高关衔的,应当降级至新任职务等级编制关衔的最高关衔。关衔降级的批准权限与原关衔的批准权限相同。

Article 20 Where a customs functionary is given the administrative sanctions e.g. demotion or removal from the post, his/her customs title shall be demoted accordingly. The authority for approval of the demotion of customs title shall be the same as that for approval of the original customs title. Where a customs title is demoted, the period for promotion shall be calculated anew according to the demoted customs title.   第二十条 海关工作人员受到降级、撤职行政处分的,应当相应降低关衔。关衔降级的批准权限与原关衔的批准权限相同。关衔降级后,其关衔晋级的期限按照降级后的关衔等级重新计算。

Demotion of customs title shall not be applied to Grade Two Customs Officer.

Article 21 If a customs functionary is given the administrative sanction of dismissal, or is deprived of political rights or is given a criminal punishment heavier than fixed-term imprisonment, his/her customs title shall be cancelled, and no approval formalities are required.   第二十一条 海关工作人员受到开除行政处分的,因犯罪被依法判处剥夺政治权利或者有期徒刑以上刑罚的,其关衔相应取消,并且不再履行批准手续。

The preceding paragraph shall be applicable to retired customs functionaries who commit crimes.


Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions 第六章 附则

Article 22 The patterns and methods of wearing the symbols of customs titles shall be provided for by the State Council.   第二十二条 海关关衔标志式样和佩带办法,由国务院规定。

Article 23 These Regulations shall come into force on the day of their promulgation.

   第二十三条 本条例自公布之日起施行。

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