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World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control [Effective]
世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约 [现行有效]

World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 


May 21, 2003 (2003年5月21日 世界卫生组织批准)



The Parties to this Convention,
Determined to give priority to their right to protect public health,
Recognizing that the spread of the tobacco epidemic is a global problem with serious consequences for public health that calls for the widest possible international cooperation and the participation of all countries in an effective, appropriate and comprehensive international response,
Reflecting the concern of the international community about the devastating worldwide health, social, economic and environmental consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke,
Seriously concerned about the increase in the worldwide consumption and production of cigarettes and other tobacco products, particularly in developing countries, as well as about the burden this places on families, on the poor, and on national health systems,
Recognizing that scientific evidence has unequivocally established that tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke cause death, disease and disability, and that there is a time lag between the exposure to smoking and the other uses of tobacco products and the onset of tobacco-related diseases,
Recognizing also that cigarettes and some other products containing tobacco are highly engineered so as to create and maintain dependence, and that many of the compounds they contain and the smoke they produce are pharmacologically active, toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic, and that tobacco dependence is separately classified as a disorder in major international classifications of diseases,
Acknowledging that there is clear scientific evidence that prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke causes adverse health and developmental conditions for children,
Deeply concerned about the escalation in smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption by children and adolescents worldwide, particularly smoking at increasingly early ages,
Alarmed by the increase in smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption by women and young girls worldwide and
keeping in mind the need for full participation of women at all levels of policy-making and implementation and the need for gender-specific tobacco control strategies, 铭记妇女需充分参与各级决策和实施工作,并铭记需要有性别针对性的烟草控制战略,
Deeply concerned about the high levels of smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption by indigenous peoples,
Seriously concerned about the impact of all forms of advertising, promotion and sponsorship aimed at encouraging the use of tobacco products,
Recognizing that cooperative action is necessary to eliminate all forms of illicit trade in cigarettes and other tobacco products, including smuggling, illicit manufacturing and counterfeiting,
Acknowledging that tobacco control at all levels and particularly in developing countries and in countries with economies in transition requires sufficient financial and technical resources commensurate with the current and projected need for tobacco control activities,
Recognizing the need to develop appropriate mechanisms to address the long-term social and economic implications of successful tobacco demand reduction strategies,
Mindful of the social and economic difficulties that tobacco control programmes may engender in the medium and long term in some developing countries and countries with economies in transition, and recognizing their need for technical and financial assistance in the context of nationally developed strategies for sustainable development,
Conscious of the valuable work being conducted by many States on tobacco control and commending the leadership of the World Health Organization as well as the efforts of other organizations and bodies of the United Nations system and other international and regional intergovernmental organizations in developing measures on tobacco control, 意识到许多国家正在开展的卓有成效的烟草控制工作,并赞赏世界卫生组织的领导以及联合国系统其他组织和机构与其他国际和区域政府间组织在发展烟草控制措施方面所作的努力,
Emphasizing the special contribution of nongovernmental organizations and other members of civil society not affiliated with the tobacco industry, including health professional bodies, women's, youth, environmental and consumer groups, and academic and health care institutions, to tobacco control efforts nationally and internationally and the vital importance of their participation in national and international tobacco control efforts, 强调不隶属于烟草业的非政府组织和民间社会其他成员,包括卫生专业机构,妇女、青年、环境和消费者团体,以及学术机构和卫生保健机构,对国家和国际烟草控制努力的特殊贡献,及其参与国家和国际烟草控制努力的极端重要性。
Recognizing the need to be alert to any efforts by the tobacco industry to undermine or subvert tobacco control efforts and the need to be informed of activities of the tobacco industry that have a negative impact on tobacco control efforts,
Recalling Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 16 December 1966, which states that it is the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health,
Recalling also the preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, which states that the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition,
Determined to promote measures of tobacco control based on current and relevant scientific, technical and economic considerations,
Recalling that the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 18 December 1979, provides that States Parties to that Convention shall take appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in the field of health care,
Recalling further that the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 November 1989, provides that States Parties to that Convention recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health,
Have agreed, as follows:
Part I: Introduction 

第Ⅰ部分 引言

Article 1 nbsp; Use of terms   第1条 术语的使用
For the purposes of this Convention: 为本公约目的:
(a) "illicit trade" means any practice or conduct prohibited by law and which relates to production, shipment, receipt, possession, distribution, sale or purchase including any practice or conduct intended to facilitate such activity; (a)“非法贸易”系指法律禁止的,并与生产、装运、接收、持有、分发、销售或购买有关的任何行径或行为,包括意在便利此类活动的任何行径或行为;
(b) "regional economic integration organization" means an organization that is composed of several sovereign states, and to which its Member States have transferred competence over a range of matters, including the authority to make decisions binding on its Member States in respect of those matters;1 (b)“区域经济一体化组织”系指若干主权国家组成的组织,它已由其成员国让渡处理一系列事项,包括就这些事项做出对其成员国有约束力的决定的授权( 在相关处,“国家的”亦指区域经济一体化组织);
(c) "tobacco advertising and promotion" means any form of commercial communication, recommendation or action with the aim, effect or likely effect of promoting a tobacco product or tobacco use either directly or indirectly; (c)“烟草广告和促销”系指任何形式的商业性宣传、推介或活动,其目的、效果或可能的效果在于直接或间接地推销烟草制品或促进烟草使用;
(d) "tobacco control" means a range of supply, demand and harm reduction strategies that aim to improve the health of a population by eliminating or reducing their consumption of tobacco products and exposure to tobacco smoke; (d)“烟草控制”系指通过消除或减少人群消费烟草制品和接触烟草烟雾,旨在促进其健康的一系列减少烟草供应、需求和危害的战略;
(e) "tobacco industry" means tobacco manufacturers, wholesale distributors and importers of tobacco products; (e)“烟草业”系指烟草生产商、烟草制品批发商和进口商;
(f) "tobacco products" means products entirely or partly made of the leaf tobacco as raw material which are manufactured to be used for smoking, sucking, chewing or snuffing; (f)“烟草制品”系指全部或部分由烟叶作为原材料生产的供抽吸、吸吮、咀嚼或鼻吸的制品;
(g) "tobacco sponsorship" means any form of contribution to any event, activity or individual with the aim, effect or likely effect of promoting a tobacco product or tobacco use either directly or indirectly; (g)“烟草赞助”系指目的、效果或可能的效果在于直接或间接地推销烟草制品或促进烟草使用的,对任何事件、活动或个人的任何形式的捐助。
Article 2 nbsp; Relationship between this Convention and other agreements and legal instruments   第2条 本公约与其他协定和法律文书的关系
1. In order to better protect human health, Parties are encouraged to implement measures beyond those required by this Convention and its protocols, and nothing in these instruments shall prevent a Party from imposing stricter requirements that are consistent with their provisions and are in accordance with international law. 1.为了更好地保护人类健康,鼓励各缔约方实施本公约及其议定书要求之外的其他措施,这些文书不应阻碍缔约方实行符合其规定并符合国际法的更加严格的要求。
2. The provisions of the Convention and its protocols shall in no way affect the right of Parties to enter into bilateral or multilateral agreements, including regional or subregional agreements, on issues relevant or additional to the Convention and its protocols, provided that such agreements are compatible with their obligations under the Convention and its protocols. The Parties concerned shall communicate such agreements to the Conference of the Parties through the Secretariat. 2.本公约及其议定书的各项规定决不影响各缔约方就与本公约及其议定书有关的事项或本公约及其议定书之外的其他事项达成双边或多边协定,包括区域或次区域协定的权利,只要此类协定与本公约及其议定书所规定的义务相一致。有关缔约方应通过秘书处将此类协定通报缔约方会议。
Part II: Objective, guiding principles and general obligations 

第Ⅱ部分 目标、指导原则和一般义务

Article 3 nbsp; Objective   第3条 目标
The objective of this Convention and its protocols is to protect present and future generations from the devastating health, social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke by providing a framework for tobacco control measures to be implemented by the Parties at the national, regional and international levels in order to reduce continually and substantially the prevalence of tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke. 本公约及其议定书的目标是提供一个由各缔约方在国家、区域和全球各级实施烟草控制措施的框架,以便使烟草使用和接触烟草烟雾持续大幅度下降,从而保护当代和后代免受烟草消费和接触烟草烟雾对健康、社会、环境和经济造成的破坏性影响。
Article 4 nbsp; Guiding principles   第4条 指导原则
To achieve the objective of this Convention and its protocols and to implement its provisions, the Parties shall be guided, inter alia, by the principles set out below: 各缔约方为实现本公约及其议定书的目标和实施其各项规定,除其他外,应遵循下列指导原则:
1. Every person should be informed of the health consequences, addictive nature and mortal threat posed by tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke and effective legislative, executive, administrative or other measures should be contemplated at the appropriate governmental level to protect all persons from exposure to tobacco smoke. 1.宜使人人了解烟草消费和接触烟草烟雾造成的健康后果、成瘾性和致命威胁,并宜在适当的政府级别考虑有效的立法、实施、行政或其他措施,以保护所有人免于接触烟草烟雾。
2. Strong political commitment is necessary to develop and support, at the national, regional and international levels, comprehensive multisectoral measures and coordinated responses, taking into consideration: 2.在国家、区域和国际层面需要强有力的政治承诺以制定和支持多部门的综合措施和协调一致的应对行动,考虑:
(a) the need to take measures to protect all persons from exposure to tobacco smoke; (a)需采取措施防止所有人接触烟草烟雾;
(b) the need to take measures to prevent the initiation, to promote and support cessation, and to decrease the consumption of tobacco products in any form; (b)需采取措施防止初吸,促进和支持戒烟以及减少任何形式的烟草制品消费;
(c) the need to take measures to promote the participation of indigenous individuals and communities in the development, implementation and evaluation of tobacco control programmes that are socially and culturally appropriate to their needs and perspectives; and (c)需采取措施促进土著居民和社区参与制定、实施和评价在社会和文化方面与其需求和观念相适应的烟草控制规划;以及
(d) the need to take measures to address gender-specific risks when developing tobacco control strategies. (d)需采取措施,在制定烟草控制战略时考虑不同性别的风险。
3. International cooperation, particularly transfer of technology, knowledge and financial assistance and provision of related expertise, to establish and implement effective tobacco control programmes, taking into consideration local culture, as well as social, economic, political and legal factors, is an important part of the Convention. 3.结合当地文化、社会、经济、政治和法律因素开展国际合作,尤其是技术转让、知识和经济援助以及提供相关专长,以制定和实施有效烟草控制规划,是本公约的一个重要组成部分。
4. Comprehensive multisectoral measures and responses to reduce consumption of all tobacco products at the national, regional and international levels are essential so as to prevent, in accordance with public health principles, the incidence of diseases, premature disability and mortality due to tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke. 4.在国家、区域和全球各级采取多部门综合措施和对策以减少所有烟草制品的消费至关重要,以便根据公共卫生原则防止由烟草消费和接触烟草烟雾引起的疾病、过早丧失功能和死亡的发生。
5. Issues relating to liability, as determined by each Party within its jurisdiction, are an important part of comprehensive tobacco control. 5.各缔约方在其管辖范围内明确与责任相关的事项是烟草综合控制的重要部分。
6. The importance of technical and financial assistance to aid the economic transition of tobacco growers and workers whose livelihoods are seriously affected as a consequence of tobacco control programmes in developing country Parties, as well as Parties with economies in transition, should be recognized and addressed in the context of nationally developed strategies for sustainable development. 6.宜在国家制定的可持续发展战略框架下认识和强调技术和财政援助的重要性,以便帮助发展中国家缔约方和经济转轨国家缔约方因烟草控制规划而使其生计受到严重影响的烟草种植者和工人进行经济过渡。
7. The participation of civil society is essential in achieving the objective of the Convention and its protocols. 7.为了实现本公约及其议定书的目标,民间社会的参与是必要的。
Article 5 nbsp; General obligations   第5条 一般义务
1. Each Party shall develop, implement, periodically update and review comprehensive multisectoral national tobacco control strategies, plans and programmes in accordance with this Convention and the protocols to which it is a Party. 1.每一缔约方应根据本公约及其作为缔约方的议定书,制定、实施、定期更新和审查国家多部门综合烟草控制战略、计划和规划。
2. Towards this end, each Party shall, in accordance with its capabilities: 2.为此目的,每一缔约方应根据其能力:
(a) establish or reinforce and finance a national coordinating mechanism or focal points for tobacco control; and (a)设立或加强并资助国家烟草控制协调机构或联络点;和
(b) adopt and implement effective legislative, executive, administrative and/or other measures and cooperate, as appropriate, with other Parties in developing appropriate policies for preventing and reducing tobacco consumption, nicotine addiction and exposure to tobacco smoke. (b)采取和实行有效的立法、实施、行政和/或其他措施并酌情与其他缔约方合作,以制定适当的政策,防止和减少烟草消费、尼古丁成瘾和接触烟草烟雾。
3. In setting and implementing their public health policies with respect to tobacco control, Parties shall act to protect these policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry in accordance with national law. 3.在制定和实施烟草控制方面的公共卫生政策时,各缔约方应根据国家法律采取行动,防止这些政策受烟草业的商业和其他既得利益的影响。
4. The Parties shall cooperate in the formulation of proposed measures, procedures and guidelines for the implementation of the Convention and the protocols to which they are Parties. 4.各缔约方应开展合作,为实施本公约及其作为缔约方的议定书制定提议的措施、程序和准则。
5. The Parties shall cooperate, as appropriate, with competent international and regional intergovernmental organizations and other bodies to achieve the objectives of the Convention and the protocols to which they are Parties. 5.各缔约方应酌情同有关国际和区域政府间组织及其他机构合作,以实现本公约及其作为缔约方的议定书的目标。
6. The Parties shall, within means and resources at their disposal, cooperate to raise financial resources for effective implementation of the Convention through bilateral and multilateral funding mechanisms. 6.各缔约方应在其拥有的手段和资源范围内开展合作,通过双边和多边资助机制为本公约的有效实施筹集财政资源。
Part III: Measures relating to the reduction of demand for tobacco 

第Ⅲ部分 减少烟草需求的措施

Article 6 nbsp; Price and tax measures to reduce the demand for tobacco   第6条 减少烟草需求的价格和税收措施
1. The Parties recognize that price and tax measures are an effective and important means of reducing tobacco consumption by various segments of the population, in particular young persons. 1.各缔约方承认价格和税收措施是减少各阶层人群特别是青少年烟草消费的有效和重要手段。
2. Without prejudice to the sovereign right of the Parties to determine and establish their taxation policies, each Party should take account of its national health objectives concerning tobacco control and adopt or maintain, as appropriate, measures which may include: 2.在不损害各缔约方决定和制定其税收政策的主权时,每一缔约方宜考虑其有关烟草控制的国家卫生目标,并酌情采取或维持可包括以下方面的措施:
(a) implementing tax policies and, where appropriate, price policies, on tobacco products so as to contribute to the health objectives aimed at reducing tobacco consumption; and (a)对烟草制品实施税收政策并在适宜时实施价格政策,以促进旨在减少烟草消费的卫生目标;和
(b) prohibiting or restricting, as appropriate, sales to and/or importations by international travellers of tax- and duty-free tobacco products. (b)酌情禁止或限制向国际旅行者销售和/或由其进口免除国内税和关税的烟草制品。
3. The Parties shall provide rates of taxation for tobacco products and trends in tobacco consumption in their periodic reports to the Conference of the Parties, in accordance with Article 21. 3.各缔约方应根据第21条在向缔约方会议提交的定期报告中提供烟草制品税率及烟草消费趋势。
Article 7 nbsp; Non-price measures to reduce the demand for tobacco   第7条 减少烟草需求的非价格措施
The Parties recognize that comprehensive non-price measures are an effective and important means of reducing tobacco consumption. Each Party shall adopt and implement effective legislative, executive, administrative or other measures necessary to implement its obligations pursuant to Articles 8 to 13 and shall cooperate, as appropriate, with each other directly or through competent international bodies with a view to their implementation. The Conference of the Parties shall propose appropriate guidelines for the implementation of the provisions of these Articles. 各缔约方承认综合的非价格措施是减少烟草消费的有效和重要手段。每一缔约方应采取和实行依照第8条至第13条履行其义务所必要的有效的立法、实施、行政或其他措施,并应酌情为其实施直接或通过有关国际机构开展相互合作。缔约方会议应提出实施这些条款规定的适宜准则。
Article 8 nbsp; Protection from exposure to tobacco smoke   第8条 防止接触烟草烟雾
1. Parties recognize that scientific evidence has unequivocally established that exposure to tobacco smoke causes death, disease and disability. 1.各缔约方承认科学已明确证实接触烟草烟雾会造成死亡、疾病和功能丧失。
2. Each Party shall adopt and implement in areas of existing national jurisdiction as determined by national law and actively promote at other jurisdictional levels the adoption and implementation of effective legislative, executive, administrative and/or other measures, providing for protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor workplaces, public transport, indoor public places and, as appropriate, other public places. 2.每一缔约方应在国家法律规定的现有国家管辖范围内采取和实行,并在其他司法管辖权限内积极促进采取和实行有效的立法、实施、行政和/或其他措施,以防止在室内工作场所、公共交通工具、室内公共场所,适当时,包括其他公共场所接触烟草烟雾。
Article 9 nbsp; Regulation of the contents of tobacco products   第9条 烟草制品成分管制
The Conference of the Parties, in consultation with competent international bodies, shall propose guidelines for testing and measuring the contents and emissions of tobacco products, and for the regulation of these contents and emissions. Each Party shall, where approved by competent national authorities, adopt and implement effective legislative, executive and administrative or other measures for such testing and measuring, and for such regulation. 缔约方会议应与有关国际机构协商提出检测和测量烟草制品成分和燃烧释放物的指南以及对这些成分和释放物的管制指南。经有关国家当局批准,每一缔约方应对此类检测和测量以及此类管制采取和实行有效的立法、实施和行政或其他措施。
Article 10 nbsp; Regulation of tobacco product disclosures   第10条 烟草制品披露的规定
Each Party shall, in accordance with its national law, adopt and implement effective legislative, executive, administrative or other measures requiring manufacturers and importers of tobacco products to disclose to governmental authorities information about the contents and emissions of tobacco products. Each Party shall further adopt and implement effective measures for public disclosure of information about the toxic constituents of the tobacco products and the emissions that they may produce. 每一缔约方应根据其国家法律采取和实行有效的立法、实施、行政或其他措施,要求烟草制品生产商和进口商向政府当局披露烟草制品成分和释放物的信息。每一缔约方应进一步采取和实行有效措施以公开披露烟草制品有毒成分和它们可能产生的释放物的信息。
Article 11 nbsp; Packaging and labelling of tobacco products   第11条 烟草制品的包装和标签
1. Each Party shall, within a period of three years after entry into force of this Convention for that Party, adopt and implement, in accordance with its national law, effective measures to ensure that: 1.每一缔约方应在本公约对该缔约方生效后三年内,根据其国家法律采取和实行有效措施以确保:
(a) tobacco product packaging and labelling do not promote a tobacco product by any means that are false, misleading, deceptive or likely to create an erroneous impression about its characteristics, health effects, hazards or emissions, including any term, descriptor, trademark, figurative or any other sign that directly or indirectly creates the false impression that a particular tobacco product is less harmful than other tobacco products. These may include terms such as "low tar", "light", "ultra-light", or "mild"; and (a)烟草制品包装和标签不得以任何虚假、误导、欺骗或可能对其特性、健康影响、危害或释放物产生错误印象的手段推销一种烟草制品,包括直接或间接产生某一烟草制品比其他烟草制品危害小的虚假印象的任何词语、描述、商标、图形或任何其他标志。其可包括“低焦油”、“淡味”、“超淡味”或“柔和”等词语;和
(b) each unit packet and package of tobacco products and any outside packaging and labelling of such products also carry health warnings describing the harmful effects of tobacco use, and may include other appropriate messages. These warnings and messages: (b)在烟草制品的每盒和单位包装及这类制品的任何外部包装和标签上带有说明烟草使用有害后果的健康警语,并可包括其他适宜信息。这些警语和信息:
(i) shall be approved by the competent national authority, (ⅰ)应经国家主管当局批准,
(ii) shall be rotating, (ⅱ)应轮换使用,
(iii) shall be large, clear, visible and legible, (ⅲ)应是大而明确、醒目和清晰的,
(iv) should be 50% or more of the principal display areas but shall be no less than 30% of the principal display areas, (ⅳ)宜占据主要可见部分的50%或以上,但不应少于30%,
(v) may be in the form of or include pictures or pictograms. (ⅴ)可采取或包括图片或象形图的形式。
2. Each unit packet and package of tobacco products and any outside packaging and labelling of such products shall, in addition to the warnings specified in paragraph 1(b) of this Article, contain information on relevant constituents and emissions of tobacco products as defined by national authorities. 2.除本条第1(b)款规定的警语外,在烟草制品的每盒和单位包装及这类制品的任何外部包装和标签上,还应包含国家当局所规定的有关烟草制品成分和释放物的信息。
3. Each Party shall require that the warnings and other textual information specified in paragraphs 1(b) and paragraph 2 of this Article will appear on each unit packet and package of tobacco products and any outside packaging and labelling of such products in its principal language or languages. 3.每一缔约方应规定,本条第1(b)款以及第2款规定的警语和其他文字信息,应以其一种或多种主要语言出现在烟草制品每盒和单位包装及这类制品的任何外部包装和标签上。
4. For the purposes of this Article, the term "outside packaging and labelling" in relation to tobacco products applies to any packaging and labelling used in the retail sale of the product. 4.就本条而言,与烟草制品有关的“外部包装和标签”一词,适用于烟草制品零售中使用的任何包装和标签。
Article 12 nbsp; Education, communication, training and public awareness   第12条 教育、交流、培训和公众意识
Each Party shall promote and strengthen public awareness of tobacco control issues, using all available communication tools, as appropriate. Towards this end, each Party shall adopt and implement effective legislative, executive, administrative or other measures to promote: 每一缔约方应酌情利用现有一切交流手段,促进和加强公众对烟草控制问题的认识。为此目的,每一缔约方应采取和实行有效的立法、实施、行政或其他措施以促进:
(a) broad access to effective and comprehensive educational and public awareness programmes on the health risks including the addictive characteristics of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke; (a)广泛获得有关烟草消费和接触烟草烟雾对健康危害,包括成瘾性的有效综合的教育和公众意识规划;
(b) public awareness about the health risks of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke, and about the benefits of the cessation of tobacco use and tobacco-free lifestyles as specified in Article 14.2; (b)有关烟草消费和接触烟草烟雾对健康的危害,以及第14.2条所述的戒烟和无烟生活方式的益处的公众意识;
(c) public access, in accordance with national law, to a wide range of information on the tobacco industry as relevant to the objective of this Convention; (c)公众根据国家法律获得与本公约目标有关的关于烟草业的广泛信息;
(d) effective and appropriate training or sensitization and awareness programmes on tobacco control addressed to persons such as health workers, community workers, social workers, media professionals, educators, decision-makers, administrators and other concerned persons; (d)针对诸如卫生工作者、社区工作者、社会工作者、媒体工作者、教育工作者、决策者、行政管理人员和其他有关人员的有关烟草控制的有效适宜的培训或宣传和情况介绍规划;
(e) awareness and participation of public and private agencies and nongovernmental organizations not affiliated with the tobacco industry in developing and implementing intersectoral programmes and strategies for tobacco control; and (e)与烟草业无隶属关系的公立和私立机构以及非政府组织在制定和实施部门间烟草控制规划和战略方面的意识和参与;以及
(f) public awareness of and access to information regarding the adverse health, economic, and environmental consequences of tobacco production and consumption. (f)有关烟草生产和消费对健康、经济和环境的不利后果信息的公众意识和获得。
Article 13 nbsp; Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship   第13条 烟草广告、促销和赞助
1. Parties recognize that a comprehensive ban on advertising, promotion and sponsorship would reduce the consumption of tobacco products. 1.各缔约方认识到广泛禁止广告、促销和赞助将减少烟草制品的消费。
2. Each Party shall, in accordance with its constitution or constitutional principles, undertake a comprehensive ban of all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. This shall include, subject to the legal environment and technical means available to that Party, a comprehensive ban on cross-border advertising, promotion and sponsorship originating from its territory. In this respect, within the period of five years after entry into force of this Convention for that Party, each Party shall undertake appropriate legislative, executive, administrative and/or other measures and report accordingly in conformity with Article 21. 2.每一缔约方应根据其宪法宪法原则广泛禁止所有的烟草广告、促销和赞助。根据该缔约方现有的法律环境和技术手段,其中应包括广泛禁止源自本国领土的跨国广告、促销和赞助。就此,每一缔约方在公约对其生效后的五年内,应采取适宜的立法、实施、行政和/或其他措施,并应按第21条的规定相应地进行报告。
3. A Party that is not in a position to undertake a comprehensive ban due to its constitution or constitutional principles shall apply restrictions on all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. This shall include, subject to the legal environment and technical means available to that Party, restrictions or a comprehensive ban on advertising, promotion and sponsorship originating from its territory with cross-border effects. In this respect, each Party shall undertake appropriate legislative, executive, administrative and/or other measures and report accordingly in conformity with Article 21.

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