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2012 Intellectual Property Rights Protection in China

2012 Intellectual Property Rights Protection in China



(Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China) (中华人民共和国国家知识产权局)
Table of Contents 目录
I .System Construction 一、制度建设
II. Approval and Registration 二、审批登记
III. Law Enforcement 三、执法
IV. Mechanism and Capacity Building 四、机制和能力建设
V. Publicity 五、宣传
VI. Education and Training 六、教育培训
VII. International Cooperation 七、国际合作
2012 Intellectual Property Rights Protection in China 二〇一二年中国知识产权保护状况
Ushering in the 12th Five-Year Plan, 2012 is crucial to deepening the reform and opening and accelerating the transformation of economic development pattern. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China successfully held, reaffirming the overall objective of “building a comprehensive well-off society” and incorporating “implementing the intellectual property rights (IPR) strategy and strengthening the IPR protection” into the overall deployment of the innovation-driven development strategy. In line with the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and in accordance with overall requirements of National Intellectual Property Strategy Outline, the Chinese Government has achieved remarkable progress in IPR system construction, approval and registration, law enforcement, mechanism and capacity building, publicity, education and training, and international cooperation. 2012年,是“十二五”时期承前启后的重要一年,也是深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的关键一年,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会胜利召开,再次明确了“为全面建成小康社会而奋斗”的整体目标,将“实施知识产权战略,加强知识产权保护”纳入创新驱动发展战略整体部署当中。中国政府积极贯彻党的十八大精神,按照《国家知识产权战略纲要》的总体要求,在知识产权制度建设、审批登记、执法、机制和能力建设、宣传、教育培训、国际合作等方面均取得显著进步。
I. System Construction 一、制度建设
In 2012, the IPR-related departments made a new step forward in the IPR system building by constantly improving relevant laws, regulations and policies according to the practical needs of social development. 2012年,各知识产权部门根据社会发展实际需求,不断健全完善相关法律法规及政策体系,知识产权制度建设工作迈出新步伐。
The Legislative Affairs Office (LAO) of the State Council coordinated with relevant departments to make revisions to a series of administrative laws and regulations on the amount of fines, such as Regulation for the Implementation of the Copyright Law, Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Transmission Right, Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software, Regulations on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants. 国务院法制办会同有关部门认真做好“一揽子”修改《著作权法实施条例》、《信息网络传播权保护条例》、《计算机软件保护条例》、《植物新品种保护条例》等行政法规关于罚款数额的规定工作。
The State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) actively pushed forward the process of amending the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China and solicited public comments for the draft amendment. To actively promote the amendment to Regulations on Patent Commissioning by the Legislative Affairs Office (LAO) of the State Council, SIPO solicited the opinions from relevant departments, agencies, experts and the public. SIPO also drafted Regulations on Service Invention (Draft),and completed the amendment to Measures for labeling Patent Marks, Measures on Patent Compulsory Licensing, and Regulation on Administrative Review of SIPO. 国家知识产权局积极推动《专利法》的修改工作,完成《专利法(修改草案)》的公开征求意见;积极配合国务院法制办推动《专利代理条例》修订工作,就修订内容征求相关部门、机构、专家及社会公众意见;起草《职务发明条例(草案)》,完成《专利标识标注办法》、《专利实施强制许可办法》和《国家知识产权局行政复议规程》的修订工作。
The State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) made active efforts to promote the amendment to Trademark Law by LAO. Amendment to the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft), adopted based on deliberations by the State Council executive meeting, was submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC). Meanwhile, SAIC drove ahead the steady progress in the amendment to Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law and other supporting regulations, and developed and released Measures for the Management of Trademark Agency Business of Law Firms jointly with the Ministry of Justice. 国家工商行政管理总局积极配合国务院法制办做好《商标法》修改工作,《商标法修正案(草案)》经国务院常务会议审议通过,提交全国人大常委会审议;稳步推进《商标法实施条例》等配套法规规章的修改工作;与司法部联合制定发布了《律师事务所从事商标代理业务管理办法》。
The National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC) earnestly made the third amendment to the Copyright Law, revised Measures on Published Text Remuneration Measures for the Management of National Copyright Demonstration Cities, Bases, U- nits (Parks), and drafted Measures for the Payment of Compensation for Use of Works in Textbooks, Measures for Copyright Supervision and Management in the Internet Dissemination of Film and Television Works (Draft) and Copyright Enforcement Guidance. 国家版权局认真做好《著作权法》第三次修改工作,修订《出版文字报酬规定》、《全国版权示范城市、基地、单位(园区)管理办法》,起草《教科书法定许可使用作品支付报酬办法》、《互联网传播影视作品著作权监督管理办法(草案)》、《版权执法指导意见》。
The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) drafted the Views of Ministry of Agriculture on Further Strengthening the Agricultural IPR Management. promulgated Regulations on the Naming of Agricultural Plant Varieties,developed the draft directory of the 9th batch of plant varieties under protection, legislated Registration Procedure for Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products, Regulations on the Use of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products, Guidelines for the Registration and Review of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products,revised Regulations on the Expert Review of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products and Administrative Measures for Inspector Registration for Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products. 农业部组织起草《农业部关于进一步加强农业知识产权管理的意见》,颁布《农业植物品种命名规定》,起草制定第九批植物品种保护名录,制定《农产品地理标志登记程序》、《农产品地理标志使用规范》、《农产品地理标志登记审查准则》,修改《农产品地理标志专家评审规范》、《农产品地理标志核查员注册管理办法》。
The State Forestry Administration (SFA) completed the collection and validation of the 5th batch of new forestry varieties under protection and organized the formulation of Measures for Acquisition and Benefit Sharing of Forestry Biological Genetic Resources (Draft). 国家林业局完成了第五批林业植物新品种保护名录的征集审定工作,组织起草完成《林业生物遗传资源获取和惠益分享管理办法(征求意见稿)》。
The General Administration of Customs (GAC) kicked off the amendment to Measures for the Implementation of Regulations on Customs Protection of IPR, and rolled out draft supporting measures. 海关总署启动《〈知识产权海关保护条例〉的实施办法》修改工作,并形成了有关配套办法草案。
The Supreme People's Court (SPC) built the basic framework and system for China's anti-monopoly civil procedure by formulating the Regulations on the Application of Laws in Hearing Civil Disputes Induced by Monopolistic Behavior, which lays the actionable basis for hearing monopoly civil disputes. SPC also specified the rules for Internet copyright cases with the introduction of Regulations on the Application of Laws in Hearing Civil Disputes about the Infringement of Information Network Transmission Rights, to facilitate the protection of information network dissemination rights according to the law. 最高人民法院出台《关于审理因垄断行为引发的民事纠纷案件应用法律若干问题的规定》,建立起我国反垄断民事诉讼的基本框架和制度设计,为垄断民事纠纷案件的审理提供可操作的具体依据;出台《关于审理侵害信息网络传播权民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的规定》,明确网络著作权案件审理的具体规则,依法保护信息网络传播权。
II. Approval and Registration 二、审批登记
2012 witnessed new breakthroughs in the IPR approval and registration in China, with a substantial increase in the number of IPRs for approval and registration and a significant improvement in the examination quality and efficiency. 2012年,中国知识产权审批登记数量大幅增加,审查质量及审查工作效率显著提高,审批登记工作取得新突破。
Patent applications accepted by SIPO mounted up to 2.051 million in China, a year-on-year increase of 25.5%. More specifically, there were 653 thousand applications for invention patents, 740 thousand for utility model patents, and 658 thousand for design patents, up by 24.0%, 26.4% and 26.1% year-on-year increases respectively. 中国专利申请受理量增长迅速,全年达到205.1万件,同比增长25.5%。其中,发明专利申请65.3万件,同比增长24.0%;实用新型专利申请74.0万件,同比增长26.4%;外观设计专利申请65.8万件,同比增长26.1%。
In 2012, China further promoted patent examination and approval capacity. In total, SIPO accomplished substantial examination for 345 thousand invention patents, examination for 673 thousand for utility model patents, and examination for 562 thousand for industrial design patents, with year-on-year increases of 27.0%, 51.8%, and 11.8% respectively. The pendency for patent examination was reduced steadily, 22.6 months for invention patents, 4.4 months for utility model patents, and 2.9 months for industrial design patents respectively. SIPO granted a total number of 217 thousand invention patents, 571 thousand utility model patents and 467 thousand industrial design patents in 2012, up by 26.1%, 40.0% and 22.8% year on year increases respectively. By the end of 2012, there were totally 875 thousand valid invention patents granted and maintained by SIPO, a year-on-year increase of 25.6%. 中国专利审批能力继续提高,全年累计完成发明专利实质审查34.5万件,同比增长27.0%;共完成实用新型专利审查67.3万件,同比增长51.8%;共完成外观设计专利审查56.2万件,同比增长11.8%。专利审查周期稳中有降,发明专利实审审查周期缩短为22.6个月,实用新型专利审查周期缩短为4.4个月,外观设计专利审查周期控制在2.9个月。全年共授权发明专利21.7万件,同比增长26.1%;授权实用新型专利57.1万件,同比增长40.0%;授权外观设计专利46.7万件,同比增长22.8%。截至2012年底,经国家知识产权局授权并维持有效的发明专利为87.5万件,同比增长25.6%。
SIPO accepted a total of 19,926 international applications under Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), a year-on-year increase of 14.0%.70,221 international applications entered into the national phase in China, an increase of 5.9%, including 69,693 applications for invention patent and 528 applications for utility model patent. 国家知识产权局全年共受理依据《专利合作条约》(PCT)提出的国际申请19926件,同比增长14.0%;进入中国国家阶段的国际申请70221件,同比增长5.9%,其中发明专利申请69693件,实用新型专利申请528件。
In 2012, there were 17,320 requests for reexamination and 2,941 requests for invalidation accepted, year-on-year increases of 33.8% and 7% respectively. SIPO also received 1,778 applications for the registration of layout designs of integrated circuits, and issued 1,629 public notices and certificates. 全年共受理复审请求17320件,同比增长33.8%;受理无效宣告请求2941件,同比增长7%。全年共收到集成电路布图设计登记申请1778件,予以公告并发出证书1629件。
China also made great breakthroughs in trademark application and examination, with 1.648 million applications for trademark registration accepted in 2012, a year- on-year growth of 16.3%. SAIC examined a total of 1.227 million applications for trademark registration, up by 1.8% year on year, and the pendency for trademark registration maintained within 10 months. SAIC also accepted 36 thousand applications for opposition, a decrease of 5.8% year on year, and decided 73 thousand opposition cases, up by 28.7% year on year. In the aspect of geographical indications and trademarks of agricultural products, a total of 1,754 trademarks for geographical indications were approved for registration and preliminarily examined, including 42 foreign trademarks. Agricultural product trademarks registered amounted to 1.2815 million. In addition, 1,298 well-known trademarks were identified in the trademark management, opposition, review and dispute procedures in 2012. By far, SAIC expanded the protection to 4,486 trademarks through well-known trademark identification. China has a total of 11.36 million trademark applications, 7.656 million registered trademarks, and 6.4 million effective registered trademarks, ranking first in the world. 商标申请和审查工作取得明显突破。全年共受理商标注册申请164.8万件,同比增长16.3%。国家工商行政管理总局共审查商标注册申请122.7万件,同比增长1.8%,商标注册审查周期继续保持在10个月之内;受理商标异议申请3.6万件,同比减少5.8%;裁定异议案件7.3万件,同比增长28.7%;在地理标志和农产品商标方面,累计核准注册和初步审定地理标志商标1754件,其中国外商标42件;农产品商标累计注册量达到128.15万件。在驰名商标认定方面,在商标管理、异议、复审和争议程序中认定了1298件驰名商标,对4486件商标通过驰名商标认定进行扩大保护。我国商标累计申请量1136万件,累计注册量765.6万件,有效注册商标640万件,继续保持世界第一。
There were 2,100 Madrid international trademark (one for various categories) applications from domestic applicants and 20,121 applications from foreign applicants in 2012, ranking consecutively 7th and 1st in the Madrid Union respectively. A total of 181,659 trademarks filed by foreign applicants have been registered under the Madrid system. 国内申请人全年马德里国际商标申请量2100件(一标多类),继续位列马德里联盟第七位;国外申请人通过马德里体系在华申请商标注册20121件,继续保持马德里联盟第一位,累计注册量为181659件。
SAIC accepted 88,400 new trademark review and adjudication cases, a year-on- year growth of 19%, of which the objection review cases and complex cases increased by 79% year on year. SAIC heard a total of 52.5 thousand review cases, a year-on-year growth of 50%, of which 42.8 thousand cases were dismissed and 9.7 thousand complex cases involved the parties. 国家工商行政管理总局新收商标评审案件8.84万件,同比增长19%,其中异议复审案件和复杂案件同比增长79%;共审理评审案件5.25万件,同比增长50%,其中驳回复审4.28万件,涉及双方当事人的复杂案件0.97万件。
NCAC issued the Notification on the Registration of Works^ approving the development and construction of the website of National Copyright Registration Database and Bulletin by Copyright Protection Center of China (CPCC) to further standardize and promote the registration of works. In 2012, a total of 687,651 works copyrights and 139,228 software copyrights were registered, with year-on-year increases of 49.05% and 27.33% respectively. 国家版权局发布《关于作品登记工作有关情况的通报》,批准中国版权保护中心开发建设“全国作品著作权登记数据库及公告查询网站”,进一步规范和推动作品登记工作。2012年,全国作品著作权登记量达687651件,同比增长49.05%;软件著作权登记量达139228件,同比增长27.33%,均达历史新高。
MOA accepted 1,361 applications for plant variety rights throughout 2012. There were 212 new geographical indications of agricultural products registered, making a cumulative total of 1,047 registered products. 农业部全年受理植物新品种申请1361件。新登记农产品地理标志产品212个,累计登记产品1047个。
In 2012, SFA accepted 148 applications for forestry variety rights, including 101 applications for ornamental plants, and making a cumulative total of 1,010 applications. SFA accepted 26 foreign applications, making a total of 223 foreign applications. SFA preliminarily examined 137 applications for new varieties, completed the on-site expert examination of 96 varieties on specificity, consistency and stability, and carried out 68 field tests.169 forestry varieties were granted in 2012, making a total of 500 forestry variety rights. 国家林业局共受理林业品种权申请148件,其中观赏植物101件,累计申请总数达到1010件;共受理国外申请26件,国外申请总量累计达到223件;全年完成137个新品种权申请的初步审查,完成96个申请品种的特异性、一致性、稳定性专家现场审查,开展田间测试68个;全年授权169件,共授予林业品种权达到500件。
Applications for IPR customs protection recordation rose rapidly. GAC accepted 5,560 applications, and approved 4,379 applications within the year, with year-on- year increases of 26.2% and 27.7% respectively. In addition, GAC accepted more than 1,400 recordation-related applications and 6 applications for revocation. The accumulative number of approved recordation applications reached 28 thousand, keeping an annual growth of above 25%. 知识产权海关保护备案申请数量增长迅速。海关总署年内受理知识产权海关保护备案申请5560件,同比增长26.2%,核准通过4379件,同比增长27.7%,受理其他与备案相关的申请1400余件,受理撤销备案申请6件。海关累计核准备案申请2.8万件,保持年均25%以上的增长速度。
III. Law Enforcement 三、执法
In 2012, the Leading Group for National Cracking Down on IPR Infringement and Counterfeit and Shoddy Goods investigated and deployed key tasks quarter by quarter, and issued key works and relevant arrangements within the four quarters for cracking down on infringement and counterfeit and shoddy goods in the name of General Office of the State Council and Leading Group respectively. Member agencies of the Leading Group for National Cracking Down on IPR Infringement and Counterfeit and Shoddy Goods seriously implemented the arrangements by the State Council in accordance with Observations on Better Work in Cracking Down on IPR Infringement and Counterfeit and Shoddy Goods. They aggressively cracked down on various infringements and counterfeiting with focus on pressing issues to actively defend the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and create a favorable market environment for innovation and investment. National IP administrative departments of law enforcement filed 325,271 cases of IPR infringement and counterfeit and shoddy goods involving RMB 8.89 billion, settled 203,107 cases and transferred 6,999 cases to judicial organs and destroyed 20,721 dens. In total, national public security organs cracked 43,773 cases of IPR infringement and counterfeiting involving RMB 11.31 billion and arrested 60,306 suspects. National prosecutor organs approved the arrest of 14,842 suspects in 8,194 IPR infringement and counterfeiting cases and prosecuted 28,429 persons involving 16,143 cases. National judicial departments accepted 15,121 criminal cases of IPR infringement and counterfeiting cases, concluded 14,662 cases, and made effective legal judgment to 17,869 people. 2012年,全国打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品工作领导小组逐季研究部署重点工作,以国务院办公厅名义印发了打击侵权假冒工作要点,以领导小组名义印发了四个季度的打击侵权假冒重点工作安排。领导小组各成员单位认真贯彻国务院工作部署,积极落实国务院《关于进一步做好打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品工作的意见》,针对突出问题加大整治力度,严厉打击各类侵权假冒违法行为,积极维护消费者合法权益,营造有利于创新和投资的市场环境。全国行政执法部门共立侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品案件325271件,涉案金额88.9亿元,办结203107件,移送司法机关6999件,捣毁窝点20721个。全国公安机关共破获侵权假冒犯罪案件43773件,抓捕犯罪嫌疑人60306人,涉案金额113.1亿元;全国检察机关批捕侵权假冒案件8194件、犯罪嫌疑人14842人,审查起诉案件16143件、28429人;全国审判机关共受理侵权假冒刑事案件15121件,审结14662件,生效判决人数17869人。
1. Administrative Law Enforcement 1.行政执法
SIPO issued the Special Action Program for IPR Enforcement and Protection in 2012 focusing on patent enforcement and rectification in circulation and production processes. In 2012, the national IPR system accepted 2,510 patent dispute cases, including 2,232 patent infringement cases and 278 cases of other patent disputes, and investigated and punished 6,512 patent counterfeiting cases. In total, there were 9,022 cases handled, a year-on-year increase of 199%. 国家知识产权局印发《2012年知识产权执法维权“护航”专项行动方案》,针对各地流通环节、生产环节开展专利执法重点整治,全国知识产权系统全年共受理专利纠纷案件2510件,其中专利侵权纠纷案件2232件,其他专利纠纷278件,查处假冒专利案件6512件,办案总量9022件,同比增长199%。
SAIC enhanced the coordination and cooperation with relevant departments, developed relevant documents with GAC, and enhanced the cooperation in trademark right enforcement. In 2012, the national industry and commerce system investigated 120,400 infringement and counterfeiting cases and confiscated RMB 851 million, and legally transferred 1,576 alleged trademark criminal cases involving RMB 2.024 billion to the judicial authorities. 国家工商行政管理总局加强与相关部门的协调配合,会同海关总署制定相关文件,加强保护商标专用权执法合作。全国工商系统全年共立案查处侵权假冒案件12.04万件,罚没金额8.51亿元;依法向司法机关移送涉嫌商标犯罪案件1576件,涉案金额20.24亿元。
NCAC deployed a special joint action against online piracy in collaboration with Ministry of Public Security (MPS), Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), and State Internet Information Office (SIIO). A total of 282 online piracy cases were investigated, including 210 closed administratively and 72 cases transferred to judicial organs to be held criminally responsible.93 servers and related equipment were confiscated and 129 websites shut down. In total, copyright enforcement departments in China investigated 2,249 cases, of which 1,524 cases were closed administratively and 858 cases transferred to judicial organs to be held criminally responsible. 国家版权局联合公安部、工信部、国家互联网信息办公室部署打击网络侵权盗版专项治理“剑网行动”,共查办网络侵权盗版案件282件,其中行政结案210件,移送司法机关追究刑事责任72件,没收服务器及相关设备93台,关闭网站129家。各地版权执法部门全年共查办案件2249件,其中行政结案1524件,移送司法机关追究刑事责任858件。
NCAC also actively promoted authorized software application in government departments and enterprises. In 2012, the central and provincial government agencies completed on schedule the inspection and rectification task, with more than half of municipal governments, and nearly one third of county governments completing tasks in advance. Software used in central enterprises at level three or above are basically licensed and those used in policy banks, large-scale commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, postal savings banks, large and medium-sized insurance companies as well as enterprises in the news publishing industry are fully licensed. 国家版权局积极推进政府及企业使用正版软件工作。2012年,中央、省级政府机关按期完成检查整改任务,1/2以上的市级政府和将近1/3的县级政府提前完成检查整改任务。中央企业三级以上企业基本实现了正版化,政策性银行、大型商业银行、股份制商业银行、邮储银行、大中型保险企业和新闻出版行业企业集团全面实现正版化。
Ministry of Culture (MOC) issued the Notice on the Special Rectification Action on the Animation Market to meet the CPC 18th National Congress with special cultural market safeguard deployment focusing on online animation, music and games. MOC enhanced the infringement crackdown by releasing the 13th,14th,15th,16th blacklists of illegal Internet cultural activities and deploying the investigation to 388 online game business units including Game Wave (Beijing),67 animation websites including Hantang Cartoon, and 173 online music websites including Baizhao Music. Focus was put on supervision of major IPR cases. In the crackdown on the super large case of reproducing and wholesaling pirated and pornographic audio-visual products on March 23 in Jin'an District, Fuzhou City, Fujian,18 suspects were arrested and more than 210 thousand illegal audio-visual products were confiscated. In the crackdown on reproducing and selling pirated CDs in Huai'an, Jiangsu on March 28, more than 200 thousand illegal animation CDs were seized and confiscated, involving more than RMB 600 thousand. By the end of the year, a total of 12.1789 million person times of law enforcement officers were deployed from national cultural administrative departments and comprehensive law enforcement agencies for the cultural market. They filed 12,015 IPR cases, settled 9,492 cases, referred 865 cases to judicial authorities, and destroyed 1,088 infringement dens, involving RMB 24.473 million. 文化部针对网络动漫、网络音乐、网络游戏等重点领域,印发《关于开展动漫市场专项整治行动的通知》,开展动漫市场专项整治行动,组织部署迎接党的十八大文化市场专项保障行动。不断加大网络侵权打击力度,先后印发第十三、第十四、第十五、第十六批违法违规互联网文化活动黑名单,部署各地对趣游(北京)等388家网络游戏经营单位、汉唐动漫网等67家动漫网站以及百兆音乐网等173家网络音乐网站进行立案查处。重点督查知识产权大案要案,福建福州市晋安区查处“3·23”特大复制批销侵权盗版及淫秽音像制品案,抓获犯罪嫌疑人18名,查缴各类非法音像制品21万余张;江苏淮安查处“3·28”制售盗版光盘案,查缴非法动漫等光盘20余万张,涉案金额60余万元。截至2012年底,全国文化行政部门和文化市场综合执法机构共出动执法人员1217.89万余人次,涉及知识产权案件立案12015件,办结案件9492件,移交司法机关865件,捣毁侵权制假窝点1088个,总涉案金额2447.3万元。
MOA issued the MOA Implementation Plan on the Division of Tasks Embodied in the [2011] No.163 Document of the General Office of the State Council,2012 MOA Implementation Program for the Crackdown on IPR Infringement and Counterfeit and Shoddy Goods and MOA Work System for the Crackdown on IPR Infringement and Counterfeit and Shoddy Goods. It continued to strengthen the source governance, market checks and increased new plant varieties under protection by issuing Notice of General Office of MOA on Issuing the Scheme for 2012 Seeds Law Enforcement Activities. In comparison, the market order turned much better in 2012, with the number of counterfeit and pirated varieties down to about 10% from over 30% in 2011 and a significant improvement in the quality of seeds. Notice on Strengthening the After certification Management of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products was issued to further strengthen the registration and protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and after-certificate supervision. 农业部印发《农业部关于洛实国办函[2011]163号文件有关任务分工的实施方案》、《农业部2012年打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品工作实施方案》和《农业部打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品工作制度》。印发《农业部办公厅关于印发2012年种子执法年活动方案的通知》,不断加强源头治理、加强市场检查,加大植物新品种保护。与2011年相比,假冒侵权品种数量由30%以上下降到10%左右,种子质量明显提升,市场秩序明显好转。印发《关于加强农产品地理标志证后管理工作的通知》,进一步强化农产品地理标志登记保护,加强证后监管。
SFA launched a special action against the infringement of variety rights and issued the Notice on Cracking Down on the Infringement of New Plant Variety Rights. It conducted an investigation to the infringement of new plant variety rights through supervision and inspection, seminars, field surveys and questionnaires, in an enhanced effort to combat the infringement of new plant variety rights and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of forestry variety right holders. 国家林业局组织开展打击侵犯品种权专项行动,印发《国家林业局关于严厉打击侵犯植物新品种权行为的通知》,采用督促检查、召开座谈会、实地调查、问卷调查等形式组织开展林业植物新品种权侵权情况调查,不断加大打击侵犯林业植物新品种权行为的力度,有效保护林业品种权人合法权益。
GAC consolidated enforcement cooperation with relevant departments. For instance, with SAIC, to distribute the Provisional Regulations on Strengthening the Cooperation of Trademark Right Enforcement so as to strengthen the protection of well-known trademarks, famous trademarks, trademarks of geographical indications, and registered trademarks of export enterprises. It also strengthened collaboration with public security organs in combating infringement and illegal activities. According to incomplete statistics, customs departments reported more than 245 clues about infringement cases to public security organs in 2012, and provided active cooperation by introducing the early intervention system for the investigations of public security organs. In accordance with the priority work arrangements for cracking down on IPR infringement and counterfeit and shoddy goods, and the Border Shield action program, customs departments carried out special actions to combat the infringement of drugs, food, auto parts and electronic products, seized 3,000 batches of infringing goods and a total of 180 thousand products. Extensively influential cases include the counterfeit soy sauce case seized by Jiangmen Customs, the case of counterfeit rice flour and other food seized by Fuzhou Customs, the case of counterfeit diesel engine and auto parts seized by Shanghai Customs and a series of cases of fake motorcycle accessories seized by Tianjin Customs.“Special Action Month” for IPR protection and “Winter Action” checked and detained 15 thousand batch-times of infringing goods, involving more than 91 million products. 海关总署加强执法协作,会同国家工商行政管理总局印发《加强保护商标专用权执法合作的暂行规定》,加强对驰名商标、著名商标、地理标志商标和出口企业注册商标的保护;加强与公安机关在打击侵权违法活动方面的合作。据不完全统计,年内全国海关共向公安机关通报侵权案件线索245起,并积极配合公安机关案件侦查工作,引入公安机关案件侦查提前介入制度。按照全国打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品工作重点工作安排和“国门之盾”行动方案,部署开展打击侵权药品、食品、汽车配件和电子产品的专项整治,查获相关侵权商品3000批次,涉及商品18万件,其中江门海关查获假冒酱油案、福州海关查获假冒米粉等系列食品案、上海海关查获假冒柴油机及假冒汽车配件案、天津海关查获系列假冒摩托车配件案等影响广泛。组织开展知识产权保护“特别行动月”和“冬季行动”,查扣侵权货物1.5万余批次,涉及商品9100多万件。
2. Judicial Protection 2.司法保护
In 2012, the judicial departments at all levels insisted the top priority of law enforcement and investigation and gave full play to the leading role in IPR judicial protection. 2012年,全国各级司法机关坚持执法办案第一要务,充分发挥司法保护知识产权主导作用。
Based on the function of trial, national courts at all levels gave full play to the advantages for comprehensive, final and effective IPR judicial protection, and seriously safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of IPR holders. Civil trials continued to consolidate the role as a major channel for IPR protection. In 2012, local courts around China accepted 87,419 new IPR civil cases of first instance and concluded 83,850 cases, up by 45.99% and 44.07% year on year respectively. To break it down, 9,680 patent cases,19,815 trademark cases,53,848 copyright cases, and 746 technology contract cases were accepted, year-on-year increases of23.80%,52.53%,53.04%, and 33.93% respectively. In addition, there were 1,123 cases of unfair competition (including 55 monopoly-related civil cases of first instance) accepted, down by 1.23% and 2,207 other IPR cases, an increase of 0.64%. In 2012, a total of 1,429 foreign-related IPR civil cases were concluded at the first instance, up by 8.18% year on year, and 613 IPR civil cases involving Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, a decrease of 3.46%, as well as 49 monopoly-related civil cases. Newly accepted and concluded IPR civil cases of second instance numbered to 9,581 and 9,292 respectively, year-on-year rises of 25.37% and 21.32%, and newly accepted and concluded retrial cases to 172 and 223 respectively, down by 41.50% and 0.45% year on year. 全国各级法院立足审判职能,充分发挥知识产权司法保护的全面性、终局性和实效性优势,切实维护知识产权权利人合法权益。民事审判在保护知识产权中的主渠道作用继续强化。2012年,全国地方法院共新收和审结知识产权民事一审案件87419件和83850件,同比分别增长45.99%和44.07%。其中,新收专利案件9680件,同比增长23.80%;商标案件19815件,同比增长52.53%;著作权案件53848件,同比增长53.04%;技术合同案件746件,同比增长33.93%;不正当竞争案件1123件(其中垄断民事一审案件55件),同比下降1.23%;其他知识产权案件2207件,同比增长0.64%。全年共审结涉外知识产权民事一审案件1429件,同比增长8.18%;审结涉港澳台知识产权民事一审案件613件,同比降低3.46%;审结垄断民事一审案件49件。全年共新收和审结知识产权民事二审案件9581件和9292件,同比分别增长25.37%和21.32%;新收和审结再审案件172件和223件,同比分别下降41.50%和0.45%。
Hearing quality and efficiency of IPR civil cases constantly improved. In 2012, the clearance rate of IPR civil cases of first instance was 87.61%, and the appeal rate fell from 49.65% in 2011 to 39.53% and the retrial rate from 0.51% to 0.20%. IPR litigation mediation also achieved significantly better effects. In 2012, the average withdrawal rate of IPR civil cases of first instance after mediation stood at 70.26%, and the clearance rate of IPR civil cases at the first instance within the time limit in local courts rose to 99.24% from 98.57% in 2011.

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