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China's Intellectual Property Protection in 2011

China's Intellectual Property Protection in 2011



(State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China) (中华人民共和国国家知识产权局)
Table of Contents 
II. Examination and Registration 
III. Enforcement 
IV.Construction of Mechanism and Capability 
VI.Education and Training 
VII.International Cooperation 
China's Intellectual Property Protection in 2011 七、国际合作
2011 was the opening chapter for the 12th Five-year Plan and the key year to fully implement the five-year tasks set in the Outline of the National Intellectual Strategy. Focusing on the transferring of economic development mode, Chinese government followed out the Outline of the National Intellectual Strategy in line with scientific development to aggressively step up IPR protection. Remarkable achievements were made in legislation, examination and registration, enforcement, construction of mechanism and capabilities, publicity, education and training, international exchange. 2011年是“十二五”规划的开局之年,也是实现《国家知识产权战略纲要》五年工作目标的关键一年,中国政府以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,贯彻落实《国家知识产权战略纲要》,大力推进知识产权保护工作,在立法、审批登记、执法、机制和能力建设、宣传、教育培训、国际交流合作等方面均取得了长足进展。
I. Legislation 一、立法
In 2011, a series of laws, regulations and rules were made according to the needs of economic and social development with the outcome of a further improved IP law system. 2011年,立足经济社会发展需要,通过制定修订一系列法律法规规章,中国知识产权法律体系得到进一步健全和完善。
The State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) finished the Revision Draft of Regulations on Patent Commissioning (draft revised for approval) and submitted it to the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council and played an active role in examination and discussion process. SIPO finished the drafting of the Regulations on Service Invention (draft revised for discussion) and the amendment of the Measures on Registration of License Contract on Patent Implementation. In addition, SIPO accelerated the drafting and revision of a host of departmental regulations, and the Regulations on Priority Examination of Patent Application, Measures on Patent Markings and Labeling, Measures on Compulsory Licensing of Patent Implementation, and Administrative Reconsideration Procedures by State Intellectual Property Office. 国家知识产权局起草《专利代理条例修订草案(送审稿)》,报请国务院审议,积极配合开展相关审议工作;完成《职务发明条例(讨论稿)》的起草和《专利实施许可合同备案办法》的修订,同时加快《专利申请优先审查管理办法》、《专利标识标注办法》、《专利实施强制许可办法》、《国家知识产权局行政复议规程》等部门规章的起草、修订。
The State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) played active role in promoting the revision of Trademark Law in collaboration with the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council. After thorough study and argumentation on such issues like trademark opposition with reference to public opinions, SAIC formulated the Trademark Law (the Revised Draft for Second Round of Public Comment )and further solicited opinions from the public in October,2011. 国家工商行政管理总局积极配合国务院法制办推进《商标法》修订工作,结合公众意见反馈,就商标异议等问题进行充分研究论证,修改形成《商标法(修订草案第二次公开征求意见稿)》,并于2011年10月再次公开征求社会意见。
The National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC) initiated the third revision of Copyright Law, issued the Notice on Further Regulating Relevant Affairs Related to Works Registration Procedure, worked out Guiding Opinions on Copyright Enforcement and Regulations on Legal Payment for Textbook, embarked on the study and drafting of the Ordinance on Software Application in Governments, and participated in the revision of implementing opinions on provisions related to copyright in the criminal law. 国家版权局正式启动了《著作权法》第三次修订工作,颁布《关于进一步规范作品登记程序等有关工作的通知》,起早《版权执法指导意见》、《教科书法定许可付酬办法》,研究、起草《政府机关使用计算机软件条例》,并参与刑法有关著作权条款实施意见的修改等。
The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) conducted survey and studies on the revision of Regulations on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants and completed the draft for revision; formulated the Naming Regulations on Agricultural Varieties of Plants' promoted the study on relevant laws and international pacts on IP protection of biological genetic resources and organized the drafting of Regulations on Registration and Management of Agricultural Genetic Resources Rights (draft). 农业部开展了《植物新品种保护条例》修订调研,并形成了修订意见稿;制定了《农业植物品种命名规定》;推进生物遗传资源知识产权保护相关法律和国际公约的研究,组织起草了《农业遗传资源权属登记管理办法》(草稿)。
The Supreme People's Court (SPC) issued the Opinions on Issues in Utilizing IP Trial to Promote the Great Development and Prosperity of Socialist Culture and Facilitate the Free and Coordinated development of Economy; intensified the investigation into and study on core issues in IP Trial by drafting three regulatory documents for discussion-Supreme People's Court's Interpretation Concerning Several Issues in the Application of Law During Adjudication of Civil Disputes of Infringing On-line Information Dissemination, Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Administrative Cases Involving Patent Licensing and Confirmation, and the Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Disputes Involving Patent Infringement. 最高人民法院发布《关于充分发挥知识产权审判职能作用推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣和促进经济自主协调发展若干问题的意见》;大力加强知识产权审判核心业务领域的调研,起草《关于审理侵犯信息网络传播权民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的规定》、《关于审理专利授权确权行政案件若干问题的意见》和《关于审理侵犯专利权纠纷案件若干问题的意见》3个规范性文件讨论稿。
II. Examination and Registration 二、审批登记
The year 2011 witnessed the remarkable advances in IP examination and registration and new breakthroughs in terms of quality and effectiveness in China. 2011年,中国知识产权审批登记能力建设取得显著进展,审批登记质量与效率均有新突破。
In 2011, patent application in China maintained a rapid growth with 1,633,000 patent applications in total, which achieved a sound opening for the IP development in the 12th Five-year Plan. Among them,526,000 were patents for invention, a year-on-year increase of 34.5%;585,000 were patents for utility model, a year-on-year increase of 42.7%;521,000 were patents for industrial design, a year-on-year increase of 23.8%. 2011年,中国专利申请量快速增长,全年达到163.3万件,实现了“十二五”知识产权事业发展的良好开局。其中发明专利申请52.6万件,同比增长34.5%;实用新型专利申请58.5万件,同比增长42.7%;外观设计专利申请52.1万件,同比增长23.8%。
By the end of 2011, there were 2,740,000 valid patents in total granted and maintained by SIPO. Among them, 697,000 were patents for invention, accounting for 25.4% of the total; 1,121,000 of which were patents for utility model, representing 40.9% of the total;922,000 of which were patents for industrial design, representing 33.7% of the total. Among the valid patents maintained by SIPO, 2,303,000 were owned by domestic right holders, amount to 84.1% of the total; 437,000 were from abroad, amount to 15.9% of the total. With regard to the valid patents for invention, 351,000 pieces or 50.4% were owned by domestic right holders, exceeding for the first time the total number by foreign owners in China. 截至2011年底,经国家知识产权局授权并维持有效的专利共计274万件,其中发明专利69.7万件,占25.4%,实用新型专利112.1万件,占40.9%,外观设计专利92.2万件,占33.7%。维持有效的专利中,国内专利230.3万件,占84.1%,国外专利43.7万,占15.9%。有效发明专利中,国内拥有35.1万件,占50.4%,首次超过国外在华有效发明专利数量。
In 2011, China further promoted patent examination and approval. The examination and conclusion of patent by SIPO maintained a steady increase. There were 271,202 patents for invention,443,676 patents for utility model, and 502,828 patents for industrial design substantively examined, with a year-on-year increases of 14.3%,14.6%,and 14.2% respectively. In the meantime, the pendency for patent examination was reduced steadily to 22.9 months for invention patents,4.7 months for utility model patents, and 2.6 months for industrial design patents respectively. 2011年,中国专利审批能力持续提高。国家知识产权局专利审查结案量继续稳定增长,共完成发明实质审查271202件,同比增长14.3%;完成实用新型专利审查443676件,同比增长14.6%;完成外观设计专利审查502828件,同比增长14.2%。专利审查周期稳中有降,发明专利实审审查周期缩短为22.9个月,实用新型专利审查周期为4.7个月,外观设计专利审查周期为2.6个月。
In 2011, SIPO received a total number of 17,473 international applications under PCT, a year-on-year increase of 35.3%.66,320 international applications entered into China's national phase, a year-on-year increase of 6.0%,including 65,996 invention patent applications and 324 utility model patent applications. 2011年,国家知识产权局共受理依据《专利合作条约》(PCT)提出的国际申请17473件,同比增长35.3%;进入中国国家阶段的国际申请66320件,同比增长6.0%,其中发明专利申请65996件,实用新型专利申请324件。
In 2011, SIPO accepted 12,946 requests for reexamination, a year-on-year increase of 4.7%. As many as 2,749 requests for invalidation were accepted, a year-on-year increase of 14%. In 2011, SIPO accepted 1,464 applications for registration of layout design of integrated circuits, and 1,329 registrations were published and certificates issued. 2011年,国家知识产权局全年受理复审请求12946件,同比增长4.7%;受理无效宣告请求2749件,同比增长14%。全年收到集成电路布图设计登记申请1464件,予以公告并发出证书1329件。
There were 1,416,785 trademark applications in China in 2011, a year-on-year increase of 32.14%. That volume was twice of that in 2008, which made China rank No.1 in the world for ten consecutive years. SAIC successfully completed the examination of trademark registration in 2011 after thoroughly eliminating the sluggishness in trademark examination in 2010. A total number of 1,205,529 trademark registrations were examined with shortened examination duration of 10 months.56,829 applications for opposition were settled, a year-on-year increase of 75.14%. By the end of 2011, there were 9,712,000 trademark applications, 6,651,000 registered trademarks and 5,510,000 valid registered trademarks in total in China, all ranking first in the world. In terms of geographical indication, SAIC registered and preexamined 341 applications for geographical indication in 2011, which made the total number of registration and preexamination reached 1,381. In 2011, SAIC authenticated 3,187 well-known trademarks for higher-level protection as well. 2011年,中国商标注册申请量达1416785件,同比增长32.14%,比2008年翻一番,连续10年位居世界第一。国家工商行政管理总局在2010年彻底解决商标审查积压的基础上,圆满完成2011年商标注册审查工作,全年共审查商标注册申请1205529件,商标注册审查周期继续保持在10个月之内;裁定异议56829件,同比增长75.14%;截至2011年底,中国商标累计申请量971.2万件、累计注册量665.1万件、有效注册商标551万件,均居世界第一;在地理标志和驰名商标方面,2011年共核准注册和初步审定地理标志341件,地理标志注册及初步审定总量达到1381件;全年共对3187件商标通过驰名商标认定进行了扩大保护。
Chinese nationals filed 2,053 applications of Madrid international registrations for trademarks, a year-on-year increase of 12.8%. The registration volume exceeded 2,000 pieces in total since China joined the Madrid in 1989 with an accumulative number of 13,297 pieces which made China No.7 in the world and No.1 among developing countries. Foreign applicants filed 18,724 applications of Madrid international registration for trademarks, a year-on-year increase of 16%. The accumulative number totaled 167,025 which made China No.7 for seven consecutive years. 2011年,国内申请人马德里商标国际注册量2053件,同比增长12.8%,自1989年中国加入马德里联盟以来年注册量首次突破2000件,累计已达13297件,位居世界第七,在发展中国家排名第一;国外申请人通过马德里体系在华申请商标注册18724件,同比增长16%,累计已达167025件,连续七年位居世界第一。
In 2011, SAIC accepted 74,000 new applications for trademark review in total, a year-on-year increase of 2.7%. By the end of 2011, a total number of 35,043 cases involving trademark review were examined. Among them, 26,840 cases were rejected for retrial;8,203 complex cases involved disputes. The examination was concluded within 18 months. 2011年,国家工商行政管理总局新收商标评审案件7.4万件,较2010年同期增长2.7%。截至2011年底,共审理评审案件35043件,其中驳回复审26840件,涉及双方当事人的复杂案件8203件,案件审理周期仍控制在18个月以内。
In 2011, NCAC regulated the works registration by studying and promulgating the Notice on Further Regulating Relevant Affairs Related to Works Registration Procedure, which regulated the nationwide registration of works in terms of acceptance, examination, registration, certificating, information collection, and stimulation policy. These measures significantly advanced the public service functions and development of copyright industry. The total registration volume of copyrighted software reached 109,300, a year-on-year increase of 33.4%. 2011年,国家版权局规范作品登记工作,研究制定并颁布了《关于进一步规范作品登记程序等有关工作的通知》,从受理、审查、登记、证书、信息统计以及鼓励政策等方面统一规范了全国的作品登记工作,使版权公共服务和产业发展迈出重要一步,全年软件著作权登记量达到10.93万件,同比增长33.4%。
In 2011, MOA and the State Forestry Administration (SFA) steadily promoted the protection of new varieties of plants. MOA accepted a total number of 1,045 applications for new varieties of plants, exceeding 1,000 pieces again; preexamined 1,179 applications for new varieties of plant rights and granted 180 ones.213 new geographical indications for agricultural produce in total were published in 2011, adding the total number to 748. The MOA accepted 8,807 applications for new variety rights since it took charge of relevant application, granted 3,713 new varieties of plants, and tested 6,487 new varieties of plants. SFA accepted 139 applications for new forestry variety rights in 2011, a year-on-year increase of 56.2%. Also,52 such applications were substantively examined and 15 batches of granted rights were published. 2011年,农业部和国家林业局在植物新品种保护方面稳步推进。农业部已受理植物品种权申请1045件,再次突破1000件,完成初步审查1179件,授权180件;全年累计新公告颁证农产品地理标志产品213个,累计公告颁证农产品地理标志产品748个。自受理申请以来,累计受理申请8807件,授权3713件,测试6487个植物新品种。国家林业局全年共受理林业品种权申请139件,同比增长56.2%,实质审查植物新品种权申请52个,发布公告15批。
In 2011, the General Administration of Customs (GAC) examined and approved 3,532 applications for recordation of customs IPR protection by IP right holders, adding the total number to 24,000. 2011年,海关总署共核准知识产权海关保护备案3532件,累计核准总量24000件。
III. Enforcement 三、执法
A. Special operation 1.专项行动
The Chinese government launched a 9-month-long nationwide Special Operation against IPR Infringement and Counterfeits (Hereinafter referred to as the Special Operation) from October, 2010 to June,2011. 2010年10月至2011年6月,中国政府在全国集中开展了为期9个月的打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品专项行动(以下简称“专项行动”)。
The Chinese government gave high priority to the Special Operation. Premier Wen Jiabao attended and addressed the nationwide digital video conference for IPR protection and enforcement to deploy relevant tasks. He also wrote foreword for the online exhibition for achievements by the Special Operation. Vice Premier Wang Qishan, head of the national leading group for the Special Operation, chaired several plenums to discuss and deploy the key steps. Due to the elaborate arrangements and aggressive efforts by various regions and IP-related departments, a large number of high-profile cases involving IPR infringements and manufacturing and sale of counterfeited goods were cracked. A huge number of criminals were punished. In the meantime, a wide range of publicity activities were also carried out. During the Special Operation, administrative enforcement authorities at all levels registered 156,000 cases involving 3,430,000,000 yuan and raided 9,135 businesses manufacturing or selling counterfeit commodities. The Special Operation effectively deterred the rampant IPR infringements and manufacturing and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods. 中国政府对专项行动高度重视,温家宝总理亲自出席全国知识产权保护与执法工作电视电话会议并作重要讲话,动员部署相关工作,并为专项行动成果展题写导语,王岐山副总理担任全国专项行动领导小组组长,多次主持召开会议,研究部署工作。各地区、各有关部门精心组织、扎实推进,查处了一批侵犯知识产权、制假售假大案要案,严惩了违法犯罪分子,广泛开展了宣传教育。专项行动期间,各级行政执法部门共立案15.6万件,涉案金额34.3亿元,捣毁窝点9135个,遏制了侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品多发的势头,取得了显著成效。
The Special Operation responded to the IPR concern in China by the international community and enhanced the government's reputation. It also met the demand for China to develop an innovation-oriented country and enhanced international competitiveness. Basically, the Special Operation fulfilled the expectations. 专项行动回应了国际社会关切,维护了良好国家形象,顺应了中国建设创新型国家、增强国际竞争力的内在要求,达到了预期目的。
During the Special Operation, as many as 167,000 person times of enforcement officials were dispatched, over 2,286,000 pieces of goods were checked,2,572 patent cases were investigated into and settled in total, over 80,000 pieces of infringing goods were confiscated;665 cross-department and 1,092 cross-region enforcement actions were launched. A sound market environment was effectively guaranteed. 专项行动期间,全国知识产权系统共出动执法人员16.7万余人次,检查商品228.6万余件;查处各类专利案件2572起,罚没物品8万多件;跨部门执法协作665次,跨地区执法协作1092次,有效维护了健康的市场环境。
During the Special Operation, administrations for industry and commerce (AICs) at all levels across China dispatched a total number of 3,978,000 person times of enforcement officials, inspected 9,226,000 businesses and 802,000 various markets like wholesale and retail markets and fairs.4,966 businesses manufacturing or selling counterfeit commodities were raided.1,745 business licenses were revoked.90,700 infringement or counterfeiting cases were investigated and settled, including 13,800 cases involving infringements of well-known trademarks,13,200 case involving exclusive rights of international trademarks,648 cases involving exclusive rights of geographical indication trademarks, and 757 cases were transferred to judicial organs. 专项行动期间,全国工商系统共出动执法人员397.8万人次,检查经营户922.6万户,检查批发零售市场和集贸市场等各类市场80.2万个,捣毁制假售假窝点4966个,吊销营业执照1745户。立案查处商标侵权假冒案件9.07万件,其中侵犯驰名商标专用权案件1.38万件,涉外商标专用权案件1.32万件,地理标志商标专用权案件648件,移送司法机关757件。
The General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP), NCAC, and the National Anti-piracy and Pornography Office (NAPO) gave high priority to key tasks like source administration, market regulation, crackdown on illegal websites, investigation and settlement of key cases. During the Special Operation, local administrations registered, investigated, and settled 3,381 cases, transferred 179 cases to judicial organs for criminal investigation.692,560 person times of enforcement officials were dispatched to inspect 334,920 publishing and duplicating businesses, wholesale markets for books, software, audio-video products, and logistics businesses. Also, 663 illegal business premises were raided and 6,194 illegal stands were banned with seizure and confiscation of 13,360,000 pieces of pirated products. 新闻出版总署、国家版权局、全国“扫黄打非”办公室开展抓源头、清市场、打网络、查办大要案等重要工作。专项行动期间,各地共立案查处3381起案件,移送司法机关追究刑事责任案件179起,共出动各类检查人员692560人次,检查各类印刷复制企业、图书、软件、音像制品等出版物批销场所和物流企业334920家,捣毁各类窝点663个,取缔非法摊点6194个,收缴、罚没侵权盗版制品1336万余件。
To address the pressing issues relating to IPR protection in cultural market, Ministry of Culture (MOC) deployed and launched special IP protection operation targeting cultural market with focus on key sectors like infringing online game, web music and cartoons, electric games, key areas circling Bohai Sea, Changjiang River Delta, Pearl River Delta, performance, entertainment, and web culture, high-profile typical cases. During the operation, cultural administrations and cultural market enforcement authorities nationwide dispatched over 8,220,000 person times of enforcement officials, registered, investigated and settled 5,532 IP cases involving 28,571,600 yuan. In addition, MOC closed down 314 illegal music websites, raided 951 workshops producing infringing and pirated products, confiscated over 9,530,000 pieces of articles. 文化部结合文化市场领域知识产权保护存在的突出问题,以打击网络游戏、网络音乐、网络动漫、电子游戏及卡拉OK歌曲等的侵权盗版行为为重点内容,以环渤海、长三角和珠三角地区为重点地区,以歌舞娱乐、游艺娱乐、网络文化为重点领域,以社会反响较为强烈的典型案件为重点抓手,相应部署开展了文化市场知识产权保护专项执法行动。在此期间,全国文化行政部门和文化市场综合执法机构共出动执法人员822万余人次,立案查处涉及知识产权案件5532件,涉案金额2857.16万元,同时关闭非法网络音乐网站314家,捣毁侵权制假窝点951个,罚没物品953万余件。
SFA drafted implementation program of special operation against infringements of new varieties of forest plants in line with the national Special Operation. SFA called a digital video conference to ensure the success of the special operation. SFA supervised the safeguarding and enforcement of new varieties rights of Beauty Elm and Red Poplar by forestry administrations in Hebei province and Henan province, which effectively deterred the rampant infringement of new varieties of forest plants. 国家林业局结合全国专项行动开展,制定了打击侵犯林业植物新品种权专项行动实施方案,组织召开了国家林业局电视电话会议,确保林业系统专项行动工作顺利开展。重点督导河北省和河南省林业行政主管部门开展“美人榆”、“全红杨”新品种维权执法工作,有效遏制了林业植物新品种侵权行为的多发势头。
During the Special Operation, China Customs inspected 12,205 batches of infringing cargo and detained over 76,150,000 pieces of infringing articles in imports and exports, which effectively combated the infringements. 全国海关在专项行动期间共查获进出口侵权货物12205批,扣留侵权商品7615多万件,有力打击了进出口侵权货物违法活动。
Public security authorities nationwide launched the Operation “Strike of the Sword” against IPR infringements and manufacturing and sale of fake and shoddy products. During the Operation, public security authorities nationwide uncovered 43,550 cases involving IPR infringements and production of shoddy goods worth 24,150,000,000 yuan or over 500,000,000,000 yuan in the value of genuine goods. Also, public security authorities seized and arrested 54,658 and 19,131 suspects respectively, and wiped out 7,731 wholesale gangs engaged in selling infringing and counterfeiting goods. The statistics were 10 times that in counterpart periods of previous years. 全国公安机关组织开展打击侵犯知识产权和制售伪劣商品犯罪“亮剑”行动,共破获侵犯知识产权和制售伪劣商品犯罪案件43550起,涉案总价值达241.5亿元,按正品价格计算超过5000亿元,抓获犯罪嫌疑人54658名,已逮捕19131名,打掉批发、销售侵权伪劣商品犯罪团伙7731个,总体战果超过往年同期的9倍。
During the Special Operation, the procuratorate organs nationwide accepted 4,006 arrest approval applications relating to IPR infringement and counterfeits with 7,307 suspects involved in, prosecuted 2,986 cases involving 5,740 suspects. Among them, arrest approval applications of 2,374 cases involving 4,103 suspects were approved for IPR infringement, year-on-year increases of 108.4% and 121.3% respectively.1,712 cases involving 3,093 suspects were prosecuted for infringing IPR, year-on-year increases of 36.3% and 42.8% respectively. Procuratorate organs nationwide advised 1,197 suspects in 1,627 cases relating to IPR infringement and manufacturing and sale of counterfeited and shoddy goods transferred from administrative authorities for examination and prosecution. Also, procuratorate organs supervised the registration of 86 cases involving 111 suspects relating to IPR infringement by the public security authorities and designated 6 batches of 205 key cases for special supervision. Among such cases, arrest applications for 88 cases involving 218 suspects relating to IPR infringement were approved and 65 cases involving 173 suspects were prosecuted. 专项行动期间,全国检察机关共批捕涉嫌侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品犯罪案件4006件7307人,起诉2986件5740人。其中批捕侵犯知识产权犯罪案件2374件4103人,同比分别增长108.4%和121.3%,起诉1712件3093人,同比分别增长36.3%和42.8%;检察机关共建议行政执法机关移送涉嫌犯罪的侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品犯罪案件1197件1627人,监督公安机关立案侵犯知识产权案件86件111人;会同有关部门对6批205件重大案件进行挂牌督办。督办案件中,侵犯知识产权案件已批捕88件218人,起诉65件173人。
B. Regular enforcement 2.日常执法
In 2011, IP-related departments strengthened regular enforcement with remarkable strength and effectiveness. 2011年,知识产权各相关部门加强日常执法,执法力度和效率均有大幅提高。
SIPO published a host of documents, like the Decision on Strengthening Patent Administrative Enforcement, formulated Guidelines on Patent Administrative Enforcement, and the Registration Form for Patent Administrative Enforcement to effectively advance and regulate the nationwide patent enforcement. In 2011, nationwide IP offices settled 3,017 patent cases, a year-on-year increase of 65.5%; settled 1,110 cases involving patent infringements on exhibitions.175,432 person times of enforcement officials were dispatched to inspect business premises 12,346 times and 2,507,859 pieces of goods. Furthermore, in 2011, nationwide IP offices transferred 7 cases to public security authorities, accepted 14 cases transferred from other departments, launched 623 cross-department and 875 cross-region enforcement actions. 国家知识产权局颁布了《关于加强专利行政执法工作的决定》,制定印发《专利行政执法操作指南》、《专利行政执法文书表格》等文件,有效推进和规范全国执法工作开展。2011年,全国知识产权系统办理专利案件3017件,同比增长65.5%;同期,还办理展会专利投诉案件1110件。全年共出动执法人员175432人次,检查商业场所12346次,检查商品2507859件,向公安部门移交案件7件,接受其他部门移交案件14件,跨部门执法协作623次,跨地区执法协作875次。
In 2011, AICs at all levels across China investigated and dealt with 79,021 cases of trademark violations, a year-on-year increase of 41.02%. Among them, 10,185 were general violations of trademark, and 68,836 were related to trademark infringement and counterfeiting. Among the cases involving trademark violation, 17,022 foreign-related trademark cases were investigated and handled.11,802,249 illegal trademark labels were seized and removed.415 suspects in 421 cases were transferred to judicial authorities for suspected trademark criminal violations. 2011年,全国各级工商行政管理机关查处各类商标违法案件79021件,同比增长41.02%,其中查处一般违法案件10185件,商标侵权假冒案件68836件。在查处的各类商标违法案件中,查处涉外商标案件17022件,共收缴和消除违法商标标识11802249件,涉嫌商标犯罪移送司法机关案件421件,商标犯罪嫌疑人415人。
In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), NCAC launched the 6th and 7th Sword net Operation for cracking down on the online infringement and piracy. During the operation, local relevant authorities registered, investigated and settled 1,148 cases involving IPR infringement and piracy, among which 466 cases were subject to administrative punishment and 36 cases were transferred to judicial organs for criminal punishment. In addition, NCAC intensified proactive supervision on online copyright of 18 most popular video websites, like SINA and YOUKU to effectively regulate the copyright operation among these websites. Also, NCAC made stage achievements in promoting the application of legal software, from central government to local governments, from governmental agencies to public institutions and state-owned enterprises. The inspection and regulation of application of legal software among 135 agencies under Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council were completed before the end of May, 2011. Relevant work was also being carried out in local governments progressively. Application of legal software in enterprises was also spread broadly. The headquarters of all state-owned key enterprises and most of second-and third-class affiliated enterprises as well as large-scale banks and insurance corporations had already applied legal software. Key industries such as coal mining, tourist hotels, Internet Cafes, and survey and design institutions also made breakthrough in application of legal software. 国家版权局联合公安部、工业和信息化部开展第六次、第七次打击网络侵权盗版专项治理“剑网”行动。在“剑网”行动中,各地共立案查处网络侵权盗版案件1148起,对466起案件依法作出行政处罚,将36起案件移送司法机关追究刑事责任。加强网络版权主动监管工作,对新浪、优酷等18家重点视频网站进行主动监管,有效规范了视频网站行业的版权经营秩序。同时,政府机关软件正版化检查整改工作取得阶段性成效,135家中央和国家机关按时完成软件正版化检查整改工作,地方政府机关软件正版化检查整改工作正在积极推进;企业软件正版化工作向纵深推进,中央企业总部完全实现软件正版化,中央企业二、三级企业、大型银行机构和保险企业基本实现软件正版化,煤炭、旅游饭店、网吧、勘察设计等重点行业取得了突破性进展。
MOC issued quarterly key enforcement tasks and notice on general enforcements to guide local cultural administrations and general enforcement agencies for cultural market to launch regular enforcement and severely punish infringements and piracy in cultural business. To address the pressing issues in cultural markets like online music and games, MOC published 9 batches of blacklists involving illegal online cultural products and illegal cultural websites to further intensify the enforcement for online cultural market and protect online cultural IPR. According to statistics, cultural administrations nationwide and cultural market enforcement agencies for cultural market dispatched over 12,251,000 person times of enforcement officials in 2011, up 50.4% compared with that in 2010. These administrations and agencies inspected over 7,419,000 businesses on cultural market, ordered the regulation of over 208,000 businesses, accepted over 48,500 pieces of complaints and reports, registered and investigated over 63,700 cases, transferred over 3,504cases, concluded 57,000 cases, warned over 102,000 business times, imposed over 191,000,000 yuan in fine, confiscated illegal incomes valued at more than 4,109,000 yuan, closed down over 17,500 businesses for regulation, revoked 376 licenses. 文化部按季度下发综合执法工作要点、综合执法工作情况通报,指导各地文化行政部门和文化市场综合执法机构开展日常执法工作,加大对侵权盗版等违法文化经营活动的打击整治力度。针对当前网络音乐、网络游戏等市场存在的突出问题,文化部陆续下发了9批次的非法网络文化产品或违法网络文化单位黑名单,部署各地进一步加大网络文化市场执法工作力度,保护网络文化市场知识产权。据统计,2011年全国文化行政部门和文化市场综合行政执法机构出动执法人员1225.1万余人次,比2010年增加50.4%;检查文化市场经营单位741.9万余家次,责令经营单位改正20.8万余家次,受理举报4.85万余件,立案调查6.37万余件,移交案件3504件,办结案件5.7万余件,警告经营单位10.2万余家次,罚款1.91亿余元,没收违法所得410.9万余元,责令停业整顿1.75万余家次,吊销许可证376家。
In 2011, MOA intensified IPR protection in agriculture via strengthened source regulation. MOA conducted the supervision on seed production license after the release to focus on the inspection of granting license without right holders' consent. Accordingly, over 470 such licenses were revoked and withdrawn. In addition, agricultural administrations launched comprehensive inspection on markets.38,000 batches of seed samples were collected, over 450 businesses involved in infringement and counterfeiting were spotted, among which over 300 businesses were informed and warned for their misconducts.19 business licenses were revoked. MOA, in the meantime, severely punished the cases involving variety right infringements. According to incomplete statistics, MOA investigated and settled 123 such cases in total in 2011, involving 2,000,000 kilograms of infringing or fake seeds valued at more than 30,000,000 yuan, and disclosed over 20 businesses which produced and sold infringing and fake seeds. To combat the rampant production and sale of infringing and fake seeds, MOA delivered comprehensive identification service for genuine variety rights and strengthened the whole-process supervision on seed industry in line with the principles of “synchroinspection and crackdown and localized administration” to protect new variety of plant rights and maintain a fair and orderly environment for seed industry.

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