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Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Code of Conduct for Judges (for Trial Implementation) [Expired]
最高人民法院关于印发《法官行为规范(试行)》的通知 [失效]

Notice of the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Code of Conduct for Judges (for Trial Implementation) 


(No. 19 [2005] of the Supreme People's Court)

The higher people's courts of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Court of the People's Liberation Army; and the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region:

The Code of Conduct for Judges (for Trial Implementation) is hereby issued to you, and please organize all judges and other staff to study carefully and implement it. Please report to the Supreme People's Court in time for implementation status and issues in the implementation.

November 4, 2005

Code of Conduct for Judges (for Trial Implementation)


In order to regulate the basic acts of judges and guide judges to implement justice in a fair, efficient, clean and civilized manner, this Code is formulated according to the Judges Law of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws.



I. General Provisions   第一条 坚定政治信念

Article 1 A judge shall strengthen the political faith according to the following principles: (1)Adhering to the guidance of Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thoughts of “Three Represents”; (一)坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导;

(2)Adhering to firmly building up scientific perspectives of development, and striving for constructing a harmonious socialist society; (二)坚持牢固树立科学发展观,为构建社会主义和谐社会而奋斗;

(3)Adhering to the leadership of the CPC, and faithfully enforcing the Constitution and laws; (三)坚持党的领导,忠实执行宪法和法律;

(4)Making great efforts to fulfill the basic strategies of running state affairs according to law, and promoting the socialist democratic and political construction; and (四)努力实践依法治国基本方略,促进社会主义民主政治建设;

(5)Adhering to the working guidelines of “equity justice and serving the people wholeheartedly”; (五)坚持“公正司法,一心为民”的工作方针。

Article 2 A judge shall maintain the judicial impartiality and improve the judicial efficiency according to the following principles:   第二条 维护司法公正,提高司法效率

(1)Adhering to the working theme of “equity and efficiency”, and taking facts as the basis and laws as the criterion, so as to achieve the impartiality of the procedural part, substantive part and image part; (一)坚持“公正与效率”工作主题,以事实为根据,以法律为准绳,做到实体公正、程序公正、形象公正;

(2)Improving the quality of trials, and trying to achieve the organic unification of legal effects and social effects; (二)提高审判质量,努力追求法律效果和社会效果的有机统一;

(3)Strictly abiding by various limitations of actions as prescribed by laws, and timely performing duties within statutory time limits; and (三)严格遵守法律规定的各种诉讼期限,在法定时限内及时履行职责;

(4)Scientifically and reasonably arranging the work, improving the efficiency of trials, and saving judicial resources. (四)科学合理安排工作,提高审判效率,节约司法资源。

Article 3 A judge shall adhere to the judicial independence according to the following principles:   第三条 坚持审判独立

(1)Adhering to the judicial independence, and not being intervened by any administrative organ, social group or individual; (—)依法独立审判,不受任何行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉;

(2)Having the courage to adhere to correct opinions, voluntarily resisting the disturbance from the power, money, human relationship, social relations, etc.; (二)敢于坚持正确意见,自觉抵制权势、金钱、人情、关系等因素对审判活动的干扰;

(3)Maintaining the neutrality, and equally protecting the lawful rights and interests of any party involved, and not taking sides; and (三)保持中立,平等保护各方当事人合法权益,不偏袒一方;

(4)Not affecting any other case-handling judge or court in hearing cases, not asking about the details of a case for any party involved, agent or defender, and not providing the contact information of the case-handling judge or any other member of a collegial panel. (四)不得影响其他承办人或者其他法院审理案件,不为当事人、代理人、辩护人打听案情,不向其提供案件承办人和合议庭其他成员的联系方式,

Article 4 A judge shall preserve the judicial integrity according to the following principles: (1)Strictly abiding by the relevant provisions on judicial integrity, and not seeking for unjust interests for oneself or any other by making use of ones' authorities;   第四条 保持司法廉洁

(2)Not engaging in or taking part in any profitable activity or holding any concurrent job in an enterprise or any other profitable organization; (一)严格遵守有关廉政规定,不利用职务之便为自己或者他人谋取不当利益:

(3)Correctly handling the relations with the parties involved and their agents or defenders, not secretly meeting any party involved separately or providing consultancy opinions by violating the provisions, not recommending agents, defenders or intermediary institutions to any party involved or introducing cases to any lawyer or any other person; and (二)不从事或者参与营利性活动、在企业或者其他营利性组织中兼任职务,

(4)Resolutely refusing the gifts or bribes offered by any party involved, agent or defender and giving him criticism. (三)正确处理与当事人及其代理人、辩护人的关系,不得私下与一方单独会见,不得违反规定为其提供咨询意见,不得为当事人推荐介绍代理人、辩护人及中介机构,或者为律师、其他人员介绍办理案件;

Article 5 A judge shall strengthen the occupational ethics according to the following principles: (四)对当事人、代理人、辩护人的馈赠或者贿赂行为,应当果断拒绝并给予批评。

(1)Advocating the rule by law, and safeguarding justice;   第五条 加强职业修养

(2)Being impartial and integral, and advocating efficiency; (一)崇尚法治,维护正义;

(3)Speaking and acting cautiously, and being upright and never stooping to flattery; (二)公正廉洁,讲求效率;

(4)Being integral, good and human-oriented; and (三)谨言慎行,刚正不阿;

(5)Being diligent and dedicated to the work, and being loyal to posts. (四)正直善良,以人为本;

Article 6 A judge shall pay attention to clothes and appearance according to the following principles: (五)勤勉敬业,忠于职守。

(1)Strictly implementing the provisions on clothes, and keeping good figures;   第六条 注重着装仪表

(2)Wearing a set of uniforms at work; and looking clean and solemn when wearing casuals; (一)严格执行着装规定,保持良好形象;

(3)Not being richly attired and heavily made-up or wearing ornaments unsuitable for the status of judges; and (二)工作时间穿制服时,应当配套;穿便服时,做到整洁、庄重;

(4)Wearing judicial robes or uniforms according to the provisions when a court session is being opened. (三)工作时间不浓妆艳抹,不佩带与法官身份不相称的饰物;

Article 7 A judge shall restrict his words and deeds according to the following principles: (四)开庭时按规定着法袍或者穿制服。

(1)Speaking and acting cautiously, and not having any word or deed that damages the judicial impartiality or the image of judges;   第七条 约束举止言行

(2)Using civilized, normative and accurate languages; and (一)谨言慎行,不得有任何损害司法公正和法官形象的言行;

(3)Being mild in attitudes, behaving decently, being helpful, and not treating the mass rudely. (二)使用文明、规范、准确的语言;

II. Case Acceptance (三)态度温和,举止得体,乐于助人,不得粗暴对待群众。



Article 8 A judge shall accept cases according to the following basic requirements:   第八条 基本要求

(1)Safeguarding the parties involved to exercise their rights of action; (一)保障当事人依法行使诉权;

(2)Providing convenience for the mass to exercise their rights of action; and (二)便利人民群众诉讼;

(3)Ensuring the quality of case acceptance, and improving the efficiency of case acceptance. (三)确保立案质量,提高立案效率。

Article 9 Where a party involved files a lawsuit with the court, a judge shall:   第九条 当事人来法院起诉

(1)place the case on file within the statutory time limit if the conditions for commencing the action are met; (一)符合起诉条件的,在法定时间内及时立案;

(2)refuse to accept the case and explain reasons if the conditions for commencing the action are not met, and make a ruling of rejection if a party involved insists on filing the lawsuit; (二)不符合起诉条件的,不予受理并告知理由,当事人坚持起诉的,裁定不予受理;

(3)grant an approval if a party involved voluntarily quits the litigation; and (三)当事人自愿放弃起诉的,应当准许;

(4)provide the litigation guiding materials. (四)提供诉讼指导材料。

Article 10 Where a party involved files an oral lawsuit with the court, a judge shall:   第十条 当事人口头起诉

(1)inform him that a written petition shall be submitted; and (一)告知应当递交书面诉状;

(2)require the party involved to faithfully provide the details of the case and the contact information, record them down into the transcripts and read them out, and deliver them to the party involved for signature or fingerprint after they confirm that there is no error if the party involved can not write the petition and it is difficult for him to entrust any other to write the petition. (二)当事人不能书写诉状且委托他人代写有困难的,要求其如实提供案件情况和联络方式,记入笔录并向其宣读,确认无误后交其签名或者捺印。

Article 11 Where a party involved requires for home case acceptance, a judge   第十一条 当事人要求上门立案

(1)may, upon the strength of the actual situation, go to his home to accept the materials of complaint if the party involved can not go to the court to file a lawsuit and can not entrust an agent since he is handicapped in limbs and is inconvenient in whereabouts or is seriously ill and can not get up; and (一)当事人因肢体残疾行动不便或者身患重病卧床不起确实无法到法院起诉且没有能力委托代理人的,可以根据实际情况上门接受起诉材料;

(2)shall inform the party involved to file a lawsuit with the court if the party involved does not meet the aforesaid conditions. (二)对不符合上述条件的当事人,应当告知其到法院起诉。

Article 12 Where a party involved files a lawsuit with the people's court, the people's court that has the power to accept the lawsuit shall accept the materials of complaint and shall not ask the party involved to file the lawsuit with the local grassroots people's court.   第十二条 当事人到人民法庭起诉人民法庭有权受理的,应当接受起诉材料,不得要求当事人到所在基层人民法院立案庭起诉。

Article 13 Where a case is not subject to the charge of the court or the jurisdiction of this court, a judge shall:   第十三条 案件不属于法院主管或者本院管辖

(1)inform the parties involved of the reason why the case is not subject to the charge of the court or the jurisdiction of this court; (一)告知当事人不属于法院主管或者本院没有管辖权的理由;

(2)indicate the competent organ or the court with jurisdiction upon the strength of the actual situation of the case; or (二)根据案件实际情况,指明主管机关或者有管辖权的法院;

(3)not accept a case by violating the provisions on jurisdiction. (三)不得违反管辖规定受理案件。

Article 14 Where a party involved files the private prosecution for a case subject to public prosecution, a judge shall   第十四条 依法应当公诉的案件提起自诉

(1)transfer the case to the competent organ after accepting it, and inform the party involved; and (一)应当在接受后移送主管机关处理,并且通知当事人;

(2)take emergency measures first, and then transfer the case to the competent organ and inform the party involved if the circumstance is urgent. (二)情况紧急的,应当先采取紧急措施,然后移送主管机关并告知当事人。

Article 15 Where the contents or forms of a petition are not consistent with the provisions, a judge shall:   第十五条 诉状内容和形式不符合规定

(1)clearly inform the party involved to make corrections according to the relevant provisions once and for all; and (一)告知按照有关规定进行更正,做到一次讲清要求;

(2)not refuse to accept the case due to any reason other than the requirements for commencing an action. (二)不得因起诉要件以外的瑕疵拒绝立案。

Article 16 Where the evidence in the materials of complaint is not sufficient, a judge shall not refuse to accept the case due to the reason that the evidence for supporting the claim is insufficient.   第十六条 起诉材料中证据不足不能以支持诉讼请求的证据不充分为由拒绝立案。

Article 17 Where the decision on whether to accept a case can not be made on the spot due to a complex circumstance, a judge shall:   第十七条 遇到疑难复杂情况,不能当场决定是否立案

(1)accept the materials and issue a receipt, and inform the party involved to await the examination conclusion; and (一)收下材料并出具收据,告知等待审查结果;

(2)timely examine the case, and notify the conclusion to the party involved within the statutory time limit. (二)及时审查并在法定期限内将结果通知当事人。

Article 18 Where any collective dispute or any dispute that is easy to intensify the contradiction occurs, a judge shall timely report it to the leaders and contact the relevant department, actively do a good job in persuasion, and prevent the contradiction from becoming intensified.   第十八条 发现涉及群体的、矛盾易激化的纠纷及时向领导汇报并和有关部门联系,积极做好疏导工作,防止矛盾激化。

Article 19 Where a party involved inquiries whether the evidence is effective, whether he can win the lawsuit or any other substantive issue after a case is placed on file, a judge shall:   第十九条 当事人在立案后询问证据是否有效、能否胜诉等实体问题

(1)not provide orientation opinions to the party involved; and (一)不得向其提供倾向性意见;

(2)inform him of the fact that this kind of issues can be decided only by trials, and tell him to believe that the court will rule his case justly. (二)告知此类问题只有经过审理才能确定,相信法院会公正裁判。

Article 20 Where any party involved inquiries about the case-handling procedure or time limit after a case is placed on file, a judge shall tell that to him, and shall not refuse to answer this kind of questions with the excuse that this kind of questions are irrelevant to the case acceptance.   第二十条 当事人在立案后询问案件处理流程或时间告知案件处理流程和法定期限,不得以与立案工作无关为由拒绝回答。

Article 21 Where a party involved pays the litigation fee in advance, a judge shall:   第二十一条 当事人预交诉讼费

(1)determine the amount in strict accordance with the provisions, and shall not collect any extra fee or reduce the litigation fee at will; (一)严格按照规定确定数额,不得额外收取或者随意降低;

(2)inform the account number and place in a timely manner if the litigation fee shall be paid at a designated bank; and (二)需到指定银行交费的,及时告知账号及地点;

(3)issue a receipt according to the provisions where the people's court really needs to collect the litigation fee by itself. (三)确需人民法庭自行收取的,应当按规定出具收据。

Article 22 Where a party involved has difficulty in paying the litigation fee, a judge shall:   第二十二条 当事人交纳诉讼费有困难

(1)inform the party involved that he can apply for the deferment, deduction or exemption of the litigation fee if the conditions of legal aid are met; and (一)符合司法救助条件的,告知可以申请缓交或者减免诉讼费;

(2)inform, in a written form, the party involved that he shall pay the litigation fee within the statutory time limit and the case may be considered withdrawn if he does not pay the litigation fee without any justifiable reason where the conditions of legal aid are not met. (二)不符合司法救助条件的,可以书面形式通知其在规定期限内交费,并告知无正当理由不交诉讼费将按撤诉处理。

Article 23 Where a party involved applies for property or evidence preservation measure before the institution of an action, a judge shall:   第十三条 当事人申请诉前财产保全、证据保全等措施

(1)strictly examine the conditions and reasons for application, and timely make a ruling; (一)严格审查申请的条件和理由,及时依法作出裁定;

(2)timely implement the preservation measure if such preservation measure is ruled to be adopted; or patiently explain the reasons if the conditions for application are not met; and (二)裁定采取保全等措施的,及时依法执行;不符合申请条件的,耐心解释原因;

(3)not misuse the property or evidence preservation measure before the institution of an action. (三)不得滥用诉前财产保全、证据保全等措施。


III. Court Trials 三、庭审

Article 24 A judge shall try cases according to the following basic requirements:   第二十四条 基本要求


(1)Standardizing words and deeds for court trials, and building up good image; (一)规范庭审言行,树立良好形象;

(2)Strengthening the ability to control court trials, and ensuring the quality of court trials; (二)增强庭审驾驭能力,确保审判质量;

(3)Strictly following the procedures for court trials, and equally protecting the litigation rights of the parties involved; and (三)严格遵循庭审程序,平等保护当事人的诉讼权利;

(4)Maintaining the order of court trials, and safeguarding the smooth operation of trials. (四)维护庭审秩序,保障审判活动顺利进行。

Article 25 As to the preparations before court trials, a judge shall:   第二十五条 开庭前的准备

(1)inform all parties involved in proceedings of the hearing time and place within the statutory time limit; (一)在法定期限内通知诉讼各方开庭时间和地点;

(2)timely publicize the court trial if the court trial will be openly conducted; and (二)公开审理的,应当及时公告;

(3)timely conduct the examination if any party involved applies for private trial of the case; and shall openly try the case and explain the reasons if the statutory conditions for private trial are not met. (三)当事人申请不公开审理的,应当及时审查,不符合法定条件的,应当公开审理并解释理由。

Article 26 Where the original court trial needs to be postponed, a judge shall:   第二十六条 原定庭审需要延期

(1)not change the time for court trial without any justifiable reason; (一)不应无故更改开庭时间;

(2)immediately notify the parties involved and other participants in proceedings if the court trial needs to be postponed due to any special circumstance related to any party involved or witness; and (二)因当事人、证人原因等特殊情况确需延期的,应当立即通知当事人及其他诉讼参加人;

(3)arrange persons to make explanations to the parties involved and other participants in proceedings at the original court trial time and place if a notice can not be given. (三)无法通知的,应当安排人员在原定庭审时间和地点向当事人及其他诉讼参加人解释。

Article 27 When appearing in a court, a judge shall pay attention to the following matters:   第二十七条 出庭时注意事项

(1)Appearing in the court in time, and not being late or making default; (一)准时出庭,不迟到、缺席;

(2)Wearing judicial robes and keeping tidy and solemn before entering into the court if the judicial robes shall be worn as required; (二)规定着法袍的,应当在进入法庭前更换好并保持整洁和庄重;

(3)Walking to the court through the passage for judges if there is one; (三)设立法官通道的,应当走法官通道;

(4)Entering into the court after the parties involved, agents, defenders and public prosecutors, etc.; and (四)应当在当事人、代理人、辩护人、公诉人等入庭后进入法庭;

(5)Not showing the intimacy to any party involved in the litigation. (五)不与诉讼中的任何一方有亲近的表示。

Article 28 As to the words and deeds in court trials, a judge shall   第二十八条 庭审中的言行

(1)sit well, and stop any ungainly act; (一)坐姿端正,杜绝各种不雅动作;

(2)concentrate attention on the court trial, and not do anything not related to the court trial; (二)集中精力,专注庭审,不做与庭审活动无关的事;

(3)not use communication tools, smoke at the trial bench, or leave the trial bench at will; (三)不得使用通讯工具、在审判席上吸烟、随意离开审判席等;

(4)politely motion to the parties involved and other participants in proceedings to speak; (四)礼貌示意当事人及其他诉讼参加人发言;

(5)not use leading words to ask questions, and not argue or quarrel with any party involved or any other participant in proceedings; (五)不得用带有倾向性的语言进行提问,不得与当事人及其他诉讼参加人辩论、争吵;

(6)using gavels in strict accordance with the provisions, and the degree to beat gavels should reach the hearing of the persons in the auditing section; and (六)严格按照规定使用法槌,敲击法槌的轻重应当以旁听区能够听见为宜;

(7)not take part in the court trial after drinking alcohol. (七)严禁酒后参加庭审。

Article 29 As to the allotment and control of the time for statements and defenses of each party involved in the litigation, a judge shall:   第二十九条 对诉讼各方陈述、辩论时间的分配与控制

(1)fairly and rationally allot the time for statements and defenses of each party involved in the litigation on the basis of the details of the case and the requirements of hearing; (一)根据案情和审理需要,公平合理地分配诉讼各方在庭审中的陈述及辩论时间;

(2)not interrupt the statements of any party involved, agent or defender, etc. at will; and (二)不随意打断当事人、代理人、辩护人等的陈述;

(3)appropriately remind the party involved, agent or defender, etc. if he expresses repeated opinions or opinions not related to the case, but not criticize him by crude words. (三)当事人、代理人、辩护人发表意见重复或与案件无关的,应当适当提醒,不以生硬言辞进行指责。

Article 30 Where any party involved uses his dialect or language of his ethnic minority, a judge shall:   第三十条 当事人使用方言或者少数民族语言

(1)permit him if one party involved can only speak his dialect, and let the judge or clerk repeat it in mandarin if the other party involved can not understand dialect; and (一)诉讼一方只能讲方言的,应当准许;他方表示不通晓的,可以由法官或者书记员用普通话复述;

(2)prepare an interpreter for one party involved who uses the language of his ethnic minority for statements if the other party involved expresses that he can not understand such language. (二)使用少数民族语言陈述,他方表示不通晓的,应当为其配备翻译。

Article 31 Where any party involved is in a rage or cries out his grievances or against unfairness in the court, a judge shall:   第三十一条 当事人情绪激动,在法庭上喊冤或者鸣不平

(1)restate that the parties involved should abide by the courtroom disciplines and the court will give the time for him to make statements; (一)重申当事人必须遵守法庭纪律,法庭将会依法给予其陈述时间;



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