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Announcement No. 107 [2020] of the General Administration of Customs—Announcement on Relevant Matters Concerning Further Adjusting the Supervision of Means of Air or Water Transport Entering and Leaving China [Effective]
海关总署公告2020年第107号――关于进一步调整水空运进出境运输工具监管相关事项的公告 [现行有效]

Announcement of the General Administration of Customs 


(No. 107 [2020]) (2020年第107号)

For the purpose of implementing the requirements of the reform of “simplifying procedures, decentralizing powers, combining decentralization with appropriate control, and optimizing services,” optimizing the business environment at ports, and promoting logistics facilitation, the General Administration of Customs has decided to further standardize and streamline the requirements for declaration of electronic data on means of air or water transport entering and leaving China. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows: 为贯彻落实“放管服”改革要求,优化口岸营商环境、促进物流便利化,海关总署决定进一步规范和精简水空运进出境运输工具电子数据申报要求,现就有关事项公告如下:
I. With respect to the time limit for declaration, data items, and instructions for completion   一、关于申报时限、数据项、填制规范
Relevant enterprises shall, in strict accordance with the relevant provisions and the requirements of this Announcement for the time limit for declaration, data items, and instructions for completion regarding means of air or water transport entering or leaving China (see Annexes 1 to 15), declare to the Customs the electronic data on means of air or water transport entering or leaving China. 相关企业应当严格按照有关规定,以及本公告关于水空运进出境运输工具申报时限、数据项、填制规范(见附件1至15)的要求,向海关申报水空运进出境运输工具电子数据。
II. With respect to simplifying the declaration of vessels entering or leaving China for their continued driving within China   二、关于简化进出境船舶境内续驶申报
When vessels entering or leaving China undergo the entry declaration formalities, the voyage summary, the list of non-passenger personnel on board, and the data items of the list of articles of non-passenger personnel on board shall be filled out in a standardized manner; if there is no change in the relevant circumstances during the continued driving in China, the aforesaid data are not required to be filled out. 进出境船舶在办理进境申报手续时,应规范填报航次摘要、船上非旅客人员名单、船上非旅客人员物品清单数据项;境内续驶时相关情况如无变化,则无需填报。
III. With respect to adjusting the declaration for the transfer of empty containers between domestic coastal ports   三、关于调整境内沿海港口空箱调运申报
Where an international container liner company transfers its circulated empty containers and leased empty containers between domestic coastal ports, the person in charge of the means of transport shall only declare the electronic data on the declaration forms of empty containers transferred between domestic coastal ports to the customs office at the place of transfer-out, and is not required to make other declaration to the customs office at the place of transfer-in. 国际集装箱班轮公司在境内沿海港口之间调运其周转空箱及租用空箱的,运输工具负责人只需向调出地海关申报沿海空箱调运申报单电子数据,无需再向调入地海关申报。
IV. With respect to implementing the electronic customs clearance of means of transport entering or leaving China   四、关于推行进出境运输工具电子结关
After the loading or unloading of goods and articles or the embarking or disembarking of passengers is completed for any means of transport entering or leaving China, the person in charge of the means of transport shall file an application for customs clearance with the Customs. Where the Customs finds no error upon examination, the Customs shall send an electronic notice of customs clearance to the means of transport, and allow it to depart. 进出境运输工具在货物、物品装卸完毕或者旅客全部完成上下以后,运输工具负责人应当向海关提交结关申请;海关审核无误的,反馈运输工具结关电子通知,准予运输工具驶离。
For any means of transport only entering China (a port in China), such as that transporting across the border which changes its business into transport within China and that stopping after entering China, after the loading or unloading of goods and articles or the embarking or disembarking of passengers is completed, the person in charge of the means of transport shall file an electronic application for customs clearance of the means of transport with the Customs. Where the Customs finds no error upon examination, the Customs shall send an electronic notice of customs clearance to the means of transport, and allow it to lift customs supervision. 进出境运输改营境内运输、进境后停驶等仅进境(港)的运输工具,在货物、物品卸载完毕或者旅客全部下船(机)以后,运输工具负责人应当向海关提交运输工具结关电子申请;海关审核无误的,反馈运输工具结关电子通知,准予运输工具解除海关监管。
For any means of transport imported by lease or in another manner of trade, after the means of transport completes the customs declaration and release formalities, the person in charge of the means of transport shall file an electronic application for customs clearance of the means of transport with the Customs. Where the Customs finds no error upon examination, the Customs shall send an electronic notice of customs clearance to the means of transport, and allow it to lift customs supervision. 以租赁或其他贸易方式进口的运输工具,在运输工具完成报关放行手续以后,运输工具负责人应当向海关提交运输工具结关电子申请;海关审核无误的,反馈运输工具结关电子通知,准予运输工具解除海关监管。
V. With respect to simplifying the declaration of vessels on short-distance scheduled passenger routes   五、关于简化短途定期客运航线船舶申报
For a vessel entering or leaving China by water on scheduled passenger routes with a voyage of less than four hours, the person in charge of the means of transport shall only declare to the Customs such electronic data of each voyage as confirmation status of arrival at a port in China, confirmation status of departure from a port in China, declaration form for entry into China (a port in China), and declaration form for departure from China (a port in China), and also declare the navigation plans on the date of entering or leaving China (a port in China) before the voyages every day and submit the electronic data on the customs clearance application after the last voyage of departure from China (a port in China) every day, and is not required to declare to the Customs the arrival navigation plan, preliminary submission status of arrival at a port in China, preliminary declaration form for entry into China, and the departure navigation plan of each voyage. 航程在4小时以内的进出境水路定期客运航线船舶,运输工具负责人无需向海关申报每航次的抵港航行计划、抵港预报动态、进境预申报单、离港航行计划,仅需向海关申报每航次的抵港确报、离港确报及进境(港)申报单、出境(港)申报单等电子数据,并在每日航班开航前申报进出境(港)当日航行计划、在每日最后一次出境(港)航次执行后提交结关申请电子数据。
This Announcement shall come into force on December 1, 2020, upon which Announcement No. 127 [2018] of the General Administration of Customs shall be repealed concurrently. 本公告自2020年12月1日起施行。海关总署公告2018年第127号同时废止。
Annexes: 1. Provisions of the General Administration of Customs on the Declaration Time Limit for the Means of Air or Water Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 附件: 1.海关总署关于水空运进出境运输工具申报时限的规定
2. Recordation Data Items of the Means of Water Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 2.水运进出境运输工具备案数据项
3. Data Items of the Status of the Means of Water Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 3.水运进出境运输工具动态数据项
4. Declaration Form Data Items of the Means of Water Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 4.水运进出境运输工具申报单数据项
5. Declaration Data Items of Supply and Return of Materials for the Means of Water Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 5.水运进出境运输工具供退物料申报数据项
6. Customs Clearance Application Data Items of the Means of Water Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 6.水运进出境运输工具结关申请数据项
7. Declaration Form Data Items of the Means of Water Transport Entering and Leaving China for Transfer of Empty Containers along the Coast (Omitted) 7.水运进出境运输工具国内沿海空箱调运申报单数据项
8. Application Data Items of Sanitary Certificates for the Means of Water Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 8.水运进出境运输工具卫生证书申请数据项
9. Amendment Application Data Items of the Means of Water Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 9.水运进出境运输工具删改申请数据项
10. Instructions for Completing Data Items of the Means of Water Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 10.水运进出境运输工具数据项填制规范
11. Recordation Data Items of the Means of Air Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 11.空运进出境运输工具备案数据项
12. Data Items of the Status of the Means of Air Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 12.空运进出境运输工具动态数据项
13. Declaration Form Data Items of the Means of Air Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 13.空运进出境运输工具申报单数据项
14. Customs Clearance Application Data Items of the Means of Air Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 14.空运进出境运输工具结关申请数据项
15. Instructions for Completing Data Items of the Means of Air Transport Entering and Leaving China (Omitted) 15.空运进出境运输工具数据项填制规范
General Administration of Customs 海关总署
September 15, 2020 2020年9月15日
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