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Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Insurance Adjusters [Effective]
保险公估人监管规定 [现行有效]

Order of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission 


(No. 2 [2018]) (〔2018〕2号)

The Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Insurance Adjusters, as adopted at the 6th chairman's executive meeting of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on January 17, 2018, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on May 1, 2018. 《保险公估人监管规定》已经2018年1月17日中国保险监督管理委员会第6次主席办公会审议通过,现予公布,自2018年5月1日起实施。
Vice Chairman: Chen Wenhui 副主席 陈文辉
February 1, 2018 2018年2月1日
Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Insurance Adjusters 保险公估人监管规定
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the acts of insurance adjusters, protecting the lawful rights and interests of the parties to the insurance adjustment activities and public interest, and maintaining the market order, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Insurance Law”), the Asset Appraisal Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Asset Appraisal Law”) and other laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了规范保险公估人的行为,保护保险公估活动当事人的合法权益和公共利益,维护市场秩序,根据《中华人民共和国保险法》(以下简称《保险法》)《中华人民共和国资产评估法》(以下简称《资产评估法》)等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Provisions, “insurance adjustment” means the appraisal, survey, identification, loss assessment, claim settlement and relevant risk assessment conducted in respect of the subject matters of insurance or insurance accidents by appraisal institutions and their appraisal professionals on a commission basis.   第二条 本规定所称保险公估,是指评估机构及其评估专业人员接受委托,对保险标的或者保险事故进行评估、勘验、鉴定、估损理算以及相关的风险评估。
“Insurance adjusters” means appraisal institutions specialized in the aforesaid business, including insurance adjustment institutions and their branches. 保险公估人是专门从事上述业务的评估机构,包括保险公估机构及其分支机构。
Insurance adjustment institutions include insurance adjustment companies and insurance adjustment partnerships. 保险公估机构包括保险公估公司和保险公估合伙企业。
Article 3 For the purposes of these Provisions, “insurance adjustment practitioners” means employees of an insurance adjuster who provide clients with services such as pre-underwriting and post-underwriting inspection, valuation and risk assessment of the subject matters of insurance, post-claim survey, inspection, loss assessment and claim settlement in respect of the subject matters of insurance as well as disposition of their residual value, and risk management consulting.   第三条 本规定所称保险公估从业人员是指在保险公估人中,为委托人办理保险标的承保前和承保后的检验、估价及风险评估,保险标的出险后的查勘、检验、估损理算及出险保险标的残值处理,风险管理咨询等业务的人员。
The insurance adjustment practitioners shall include accredited adjustment practitioners and other appraisal practitioners with professional knowledge and practical experience in adjustment. 保险公估从业人员包括公估师和其他具有公估专业知识及实践经验的评估从业人员。
Article 4 “Accredited adjustment practitioners” means insurance adjustment practitioners that have passed the adjustment practitioner accreditation examination.   第四条 公估师是指通过公估师资格考试的保险公估从业人员。
Citizens that have an educational background of junior college or above may participate in the national uniform adjustment practitioner accreditation examination. 具有高等院校专科以上学历的公民,可以参加公估师资格全国统一考试。
Article 5 To engage in insurance adjustment business within the territory of the People's Republic of China, insurance adjusters shall satisfy the requirements as prescribed in the Asset Appraisal Law, meet the conditions as prescribed by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CIRC”), and undergo the business recordation formalities with the CIRC and its local offices.   第五条 保险公估人在中华人民共和国境内经营保险公估业务,应当符合《资产评估法》要求及中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称中国保监会)规定的条件,并向中国保监会及其派出机构进行业务备案。
Article 6 Insurance adjusters and their practitioners shall comply with the laws, administrative regulations, and the relevant provisions issued by the CIRC, and follow the principles of independence, objectiveness and impartiality.   第六条 保险公估人及其从业人员应当遵守法律、行政法规和中国保监会有关规定,遵循独立、客观、公正的原则。
Article 7 The insurance adjustment business legally carried out by insurance adjusters and their practitioners shall be protected by the law, and no entity or individual may interfere therewith.   第七条 保险公估人及其从业人员依法从事保险公估业务受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得干涉。
Article 8 The CIRC shall supervise and administer insurance adjusters as authorized by the State Council in accordance with the Insurance Law and the Asset Appraisal Law.   第八条 中国保监会根据《保险法》《资产评估法》和国务院授权,对保险公估人履行监管职责。
The local offices of the CIRC shall perform their regulatory duties as authorized by the CIRC. 中国保监会派出机构在中国保监会授权范围内履行监管职责。
Chapter II Operating Conditions 

第二章 经营条件

Section 1 Business Recordation 

第一节 业务备案

Article 9 Insurance adjusters shall, in accordance with the law, adopt the partnership or corporate form, employ insurance adjustment practitioners to carry out the insurance adjustment business.   第九条 保险公估人应当依法采用合伙或者公司形式,聘用保险公估从业人员开展保险公估业务。
An insurance adjuster in the form of partnership shall have two or more accredited adjustment practitioners; and two thirds or more of its partners shall be the accredited adjustment practitioners who have three or more years of work experience and have not been subject to the punishment of suspension of practice in the last three years. 合伙形式的保险公估人,应当有2名以上公估师;其合伙人三分之二以上应当是具有3年以上从业经历且最近3年内未受停止从业处罚的公估师。
An insurance adjuster in the corporate form shall have eight or more accredited adjustment practitioners and two or more shareholders; and two thirds or more of its shareholders shall be the accredited adjustment practitioners who have three or more years of work experience and have not been subject to the punishment of suspension of practice in the last three years. 公司形式的保险公估人,应当有8名以上公估师和2名以上股东,其中三分之二以上股东应当是具有3年以上从业经历且最近3年内未受停止从业处罚的公估师。
Where an insurance adjuster has two partners or shareholders, the two partners or shareholders shall be the accredited adjustment practitioners who have three or more years of work experience and have not been subject to punishment of suspension of practice in the last three years. 保险公估人的合伙人或者股东为2名的,2名合伙人或者股东都应当是具有3年以上从业经历且最近3年内未受停止从业处罚的公估师。
Article 10 To form an insurance adjuster, the applicant shall apply to the administrative department for industry and commerce for registration.   第十条 设立保险公估人,应当向工商行政管理部门申请办理登记。
Article 11 The registered capital of an insurance adjuster shall be the amount of subscribed capital contribution registered with the enterprise registration authority.   第十一条 保险公估人的注册资本为在企业登记机关登记的认缴出资额。
Article 12 An entity or individual falling under any of the following circumstances shall not become a shareholder or partner of any insurance adjuster:   第十二条 单位或者个人有下列情形之一的,不得成为保险公估人的股东或者合伙人:
(1) The entity or individual has been subject to criminal punishment or major administrative punishment in the last five years. (一)最近5年内受到刑罚或者重大行政处罚;
(2) The entity or individual is under investigation by the relevant department for being suspected of involvement in any serious violation or crime. (二)因涉嫌重大违法犯罪正接受有关部门调查;
(3) The entity or individual is determined by the relevant entity of the state as an object subject to joint punishment for serious dishonesty and shall be subject to corresponding penalties in the insurance field, or has other bad records of serious dishonesty within the last five years. (三)因严重失信行为被国家有关单位确定为失信联合惩戒对象且应当在保险领域受到相应惩戒,或者最近5年内具有其他严重失信不良记录;
(4) The entity or individual is not allowed to invest in any enterprise according to the laws and administrative regulations. (四)依据法律、行政法规不能投资企业;
(5) Other circumstances under which the entity or individual is inappropriate to become a shareholder or partner of an insurance adjuster as determined by the CIRC under the principle of prudential regulation. (五)中国保监会根据审慎监管原则认定的其他不适合成为保险公估人股东或者合伙人的情形。
Article 13 Where an employee of an insurance company or a practitioner of a professional insurance intermediary institution makes investment in an insurance adjuster, a written certificate showing that his or her employer is aware of the investment shall be provided. Where a director, supervisor or senior executive of an insurance company or professional insurance intermediary institution makes investment in an insurance adjuster, the consent of the shareholders' meeting or the general meeting of shareholders of the company or institution shall be obtained according to the relevant provisions.   第十三条 保险公司的工作人员、保险专业中介机构的从业人员投资保险公估人的,应当提供其所在机构知晓其投资的书面证明。保险公司、保险专业中介机构的董事、监事或者高级管理人员投资保险公估人的,应当根据有关规定取得任职公司股东会或者股东大会的同意。
Article 14 The name of an insurance adjuster shall include the words “insurance adjustment.”   第十四条 保险公估人的名称中应当包含“保险公估”字样。
The name of an insurance adjuster shall not be the same as that of an existing professional insurance intermediary institution, except when an insurance adjuster has the same actual controller as the professional insurance intermediary institution. 保险公估人的字号不得与现有的保险专业中介机构相同,与保险专业中介机构具有同一实际控制人的保险公估人除外。
Article 15 Insurance adjustment institutions shall be classified into national insurance adjustment institutions and regional insurance adjustment institutions. A national insurance adjustment institution may carry out business within the territory of the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions), and form branches outside the territory of the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or city under separate state planning where its industrial and commercial registration is conducted. A regional insurance adjustment institution may only carry out business and form branches in the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or city under separate state planning where its industrial and commercial registration is conducted, unless otherwise prescribed by the CIRC.   第十五条 保险公估机构分为全国性保险公估机构和区域性保险公估机构。全国性保险公估机构可以在中华人民共和国(港、澳、台地区除外)范围内开展业务,并可以在工商注册登记地所在省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市区域之外设立分支机构。区域性保险公估机构只能在工商注册登记地所在省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市区域内开展业务、设立分支机构,中国保监会另有规定的除外。
Where an insurance adjustment institution adopts the corporate form, it shall undergo the business recordation formalities with the CIRC if it is a national institution, or undergo the business recordation formalities with the local office of the CIRC at the place where its industrial and commercial registration is conducted if it is a regional institution. An insurance adjustment institution adopting the form of partnership shall undergo the business recordation formalities with the CIRC. 保险公估机构采用公司形式的,全国性机构向中国保监会进行业务备案,区域性机构向工商注册登记地中国保监会派出机构进行业务备案。合伙形式的保险公估机构向中国保监会进行业务备案。
Article 16 To carry out insurance adjustment business, an insurance adjustment institution shall meet the following conditions:   第十六条 保险公估机构经营保险公估业务,应当具备下列条件:
(1) Its shareholders or partners satisfy the requirements of these Provisions and make capital contribution with self-owned, true and legal funds, other than bank loans or any other form of non-self-owned capital. (一)股东或者合伙人符合本规定要求,且出资资金自有、真实、合法,不得用银行贷款及各种形式的非自有资金投资;
(2) According to the business development plan, it has the working capital required for routine business operation and assumption of risks. A national institution shall have working capital of two million yuan or more and a regional institution shall have working capital of one million yuan or more. (二)根据业务发展规划,具备日常经营和风险承担所必需的营运资金,全国性机构营运资金为200万元以上,区域性机构营运资金为100万元以上;
(3) The custody of its working capital complies with the relevant provisions issued by the CIRC. (三)营运资金的托管符合中国保监会的有关规定;
(4) The business scope recorded in the business license does not exceed the scope as prescribed in Article 43 of these Provisions. (四)营业执照记载的经营范围不超出本规定第四十三条规定的范围;
(5) Its bylaws or partnership agreements comply with the relevant provisions. (五)公司章程或者合伙协议符合有关规定;
(6) Its enterprise name satisfies the requirements of these Provisions. (六)企业名称符合本规定要求;
(7) Its board chairman, executive director and senior executives meet the conditions set forth in these Provisions. (七)董事长、执行董事和高级管理人员符合本规定的条件;
(8) It has a governance structure and internal control system in compliance with the provisions issued by the CIRC, and scientific, reasonable and feasible business model. (八)有符合中国保监会规定的治理结构和内控制度,商业模式科学合理可行;
(9) It has a fixed domicile suitable for its business scale. (九)有与业务规模相适应的固定住所;
(10) It has business and financial information management systems in compliance with the provisions issued by the CIRC. (十)有符合中国保监会规定的业务、财务信息管理系统;
(11) It meets other conditions as prescribed by laws, administrative regulations, and the provisions issued by the CIRC. (十一)法律、行政法规和中国保监会规定的其他条件。
Article 17 An insurance adjustment institution that forms a branch in a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or city under separate state planning other than the place where its industrial and commercial registration is conducted shall designate a branch as a provincial branch to be responsible for handling the formation and recordation of the branches within its jurisdiction, submitting regulatory reports and statements and other relevant matters, and be responsible for managing other branches.   第十七条 保险公估机构在工商注册登记地以外的省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市设立分支机构的,应当指定一家分支机构作为省级分支机构,负责办理辖区内分支机构设立及备案、提交监管报告和报表等相关事宜,并负责管理其他分支机构。
The branches of an insurance adjustment institution shall include branch offices and business departments. 保险公估机构分支机构包括分公司、营业部。
Article 18 To form a new branch to carry out insurance adjustment business, an insurance adjustment institution shall meet the following conditions:   第十八条 保险公估机构新设分支机构经营保险公估业务,应当符合下列条件:
(1) The insurance adjustment institution and its branch have not received criminal punishment or major administrative punishment in the last year. (一)保险公估机构及其分支机构最近1年内没有受到刑罚或者重大行政处罚;
(2) The insurance adjustment institution and its branch are not under investigation by the relevant department for being suspected of involvement in any violation of law or crime. (二)保险公估机构及其分支机构未因涉嫌违法犯罪正接受有关部门调查;
(3) A branch formed in the last two years did not exit market after operation for less than one year. (三)最近2年内设立的分支机构不存在运营未满1年退出市场的情形;
(4) It has a sound branch management system. (四)具备完善的分支机构管理制度;
(5) A newly formed branch has qualified business premises, business financial information system, and other facilities matching the business operation. (五)新设分支机构有符合要求的营业场所、业务财务信息系统,以及与经营业务相匹配的其它设施;
(6) It meets other conditions as prescribed by the CIRC. (六)中国保监会规定的其他条件。
An insurance adjustment institution that is determined by a relevant entity of the state as an object subject to joint punishment for serious dishonesty and shall be subject to corresponding penalties in the insurance field, or has other bad records of serious dishonesty in the last five years shall not form any new branch to carry out insurance adjustment business. 保险公估机构因严重失信行为被国家有关单位确定为失信联合惩戒对象且应当在保险领域受到相应惩戒的,或者最近5年内具有其他严重失信不良记录的,不得新设分支机构经营保险公估业务。
Article 19 To engage in insurance adjustment business, an insurance adjustment institution shall, within 30 days from the date of obtaining the business license, undergo the recordation formalities with the CIRC and its local office through the regulatory information system prescribed by the CIRC and concurrently submit paper materials as required.   第十九条 保险公估机构经营保险公估业务,应当自领取营业执照之日起30日内,通过中国保监会规定的监管信息系统向中国保监会及其派出机构备案,同时按规定提交纸质材料。
Article 20 A branch of an insurance adjustment institution shall, within ten days from the date of obtaining a business license for branch, undergo the recordation formalities with the local office of the CIRC through the regulatory information system prescribed by the CIRC and concurrently submit paper materials as required.   第二十条 保险公估机构分支机构应当自领取分支机构营业执照之日起10日内,通过中国保监会规定的监管信息系统向中国保监会派出机构备案,同时按规定提交纸质材料。
Article 21 The CIRC and its local offices shall conduct recordation in accordance with the division of regulatory duties. When an insurance adjuster submits the recordation materials, the CIRC and its local office shall, by interview, correspondence, on-site inspection and other means, understand and examine the business records and business motive of the shareholders or partners, the market development strategy, business development plan, internal control system building, personnel structure, information system configuration, operation and other relevant matters, and conduct risk testing and warning.   第二十一条 中国保监会及其派出机构按照监管职责划分开展备案工作。保险公估人提交备案材料时,中国保监会及其派出机构应当采取谈话、函询、现场查验等方式了解、审查股东或者合伙人的经营记录、经营动机,以及市场发展战略、业务发展规划、内控制度建设、人员结构、信息系统配置及运行等有关事项,并进行风险测试和提示。
Article 22 Where the recordation materials are complete and satisfy the requirements, the CIRC and its local offices shall, on the website of the CIRC, announce the recordation information to the public and handle the recordation formalities. After the recordation is announced, an insurance adjuster may download the recordation form for the insurance adjustment business (hereinafter referred to as the “recordation form”), and shall not carry out insurance adjustment business before the recordation is announced.   第二十二条 备案材料完备且符合要求的,中国保监会及其派出机构应当在中国保监会网站上将备案情况向社会公告,完成备案。保险公估人在备案公告之后可下载经营保险公估业务备案表(以下简称备案表),在备案公告之前不得开展保险公估业务。
Article 23 An insurance adjuster falling under any of the following circumstances shall, within five days from the date when its industrial and commercial registration is modified or a resolution of change is made, report through the regulatory information system as specified by the CIRC and make public disclosure in accordance with the relevant provisions:   第二十三条 保险公估人有下列情形之一的,应当自工商登记变更或者变更决议作出之日起5日内,通过中国保监会规定的监管信息系统报告,并按照规定进行公开披露;
(1) The name, domicile or business premises are changed. (一)变更名称、住所或者营业场所;
(2) A shareholder or partner is changed. (二)变更股东或者合伙人;
(3) The registered capital or organizational form is changed. (三)变更注册资本或者组织形式;
(4) A shareholder or partner changes its or his name or amount of contribution. (四)股东或者合伙人变更姓名或者名称、出资额;
(5) The bylaws or partnership agreement is amended. (五)修改公司章程或者合伙协议;
(6) Equity investment is made and an overseas insurance institution or non-for-profit institution is formed. (六)股权投资,设立境外保险类机构及非营业性机构;
(7) The insurance adjuster is divided, combined or dissolved, or a branch terminates the insurance adjustment business activities. (七)分立、合并、解散,分支机构终止保险公估业务活动;
(8) Its board chairman, executive director or senior executive is changed. (八)变更董事长、执行董事和高级管理人员;
(9) The insurance adjuster is subject to administrative punishment or criminal punishment or under investigation for being suspected of involvement in any violation of law or crime. (九)受到行政处罚、刑罚或者涉嫌违法犯罪正接受调查;
(10) Other reporting matters as prescribed by the CIRC. (十)中国保监会规定的其他报告事项。
An insurance adjuster falling under the relevant circumstances as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall comply with the relevant provisions issued by the CIRC. 保险公估人发生前款规定的相关情形,应当符合中国保监会相关规定。
Article 24 Where an insurance adjustment institution in the form of partnership is changed to an insurance adjustment institution in the corporate form or an insurance adjustment institution in the corporate form is changed to an insurance adjustment institution in the form of partnership, it shall submit the resolution of transformation adopted at the partners' meeting or the shareholders' meeting when undergoing the formalities of modification.   第二十四条 合伙形式的保险公估机构转为公司形式的保险公估机构,或者公司形式的保险公估机构转为合伙形式的保险公估机构,办理变更手续应当提供合伙人会议或股东(大)会审议通过的转制决议。
A resolution of transformation shall specify the succession relationship between the institution after transformation and the institution before transformation in terms of creditor's rights and debts, archives safekeeping, adjustment business and practicing responsibilities, among others. 转制决议应当载明转制后机构与转制前机构的债权债务、档案保管、公估业务、执业责任等承继关系。
Article 25 During the process of carrying out the insurance adjustment business, an insurance adjuster shall not:   第二十五条 保险公估人在开展公估业务过程中,不得有下列行为:
(1) Seeking illicit benefits by taking advantage of its business. (一)利用开展业务之便,谋取不正当利益;
(2) Permitting another institution to carry out business in its name, or carrying out business by illegally using the name of another institution. (二)允许其他机构以本机构名义开展业务,或者冒用其他机构名义开展业务;
(3) Soliciting business by illicit means such as maliciously beating down prices, offering kickbacks, conducting false publicity or disparaging or defaming any other adjustment institution. (三)以恶性压价、支付回扣、虚假宣传,或者贬损、诋毁其他公估机构等不正当手段招揽业务;
(4) Accepting any business to which it is an interested party. (四)受理与自身有利害关系的业务;
(5) Accepting the authorization of both parties to the conflict of interest respectively and conducting appraisal of the same appraisal object. (五)分别接受利益冲突双方的委托,对同一评估对象进行评估;
(6) Issuing any false adjustment report or any adjustment report with material omission. (六)出具虚假公估报告或者有重大遗漏的公估报告;
(7) Retaining or designating a person who does not comply with the provisions to carry out adjustment business. (七)聘用或者指定不符合规定的人员从事公估业务;
(8) Committing any other violation of law or administrative regulation. (八)违反法律、行政法规的其他行为。
Section 2 Practitioners 

第二节 从业人员

Article 26 An insurance adjuster shall employ insurance adjustment practitioners of good character. An insurance adjuster shall not employ any person falling under any of the following circumstances:   第二十六条 保险公估人应当聘用品行良好的保险公估从业人员。有下列情形之一的,保险公估人不得聘用:
(1) He or she is given a criminal punishment due to intentional crime or due to criminal negligence in appraisal, finance, accounting and auditing activities, and it has not been five years since the date of completion of the execution of the sentence. (一)因故意犯罪或者在从事评估、财务、会计、审计活动中因过失犯罪而受刑事处罚,自刑罚执行完毕之日起不满5年;
(2) He or she has been prohibited from entering the financial and asset appraisal industry during a certain period as decided by the regulatory authority, and the period has not expired. (二)被监管机构决定在一定期限内禁止进入金融、资产评估行业,期限未满;
(3) He or she is determined by a relevant entity of the state as an object subject to joint punishment for serious dishonesty and shall be subject to corresponding penalties in the insurance field, or has other bad records of serious dishonesty in the last five years. (三)因严重失信行为被国家有关单位确定为失信联合惩戒对象且应当在保险领域受到相应惩戒,或者最近5年内具有其他严重失信不良记录;
(4) Other circumstances as prescribed by laws, administrative regulations, and the provisions issued by the CIRC. (四)法律、行政法规和中国保监会规定的其他情形。
Article 27 An insurance adjustment practitioner shall have the professional capability required for engaging in insurance adjustment business. An insurance adjuster shall strengthen the pre-post training and follow-up education for insurance adjustment practitioners. The training shall at least include professional knowledge, legal knowledge and professional ethics.   第二十七条 保险公估从业人员应当具有从事保险公估业务所需的专业能力。保险公估人应当加强对保险公估从业人员的岗前培训和后续教育。培训内容至少应当包括业务知识、法律知识及职业道德。
An insurance adjuster may entrust a self-regulatory organization in the insurance intermediary industry or any other institution with the training. 保险公估人可以委托保险中介行业自律组织或者其他机构组织培训。
An insurance adjuster shall establish complete archives on the training of insurance adjustment practitioners. 保险公估人应当建立完整的保险公估从业人员培训档案。
Article 28 An insurance adjustment practitioner carrying out the insurance adjustment business shall join an insurance adjuster. An insurance adjuster shall conduct practicing registration for its insurance adjustment practitioners in accordance with the relevant provisions.   第二十八条 保险公估从业人员从事保险公估业务,应当加入保险公估人。保险公估人应当按照规定为其保险公估从业人员进行执业登记。
An insurance adjustment practitioner may only carry out business in one insurance adjuster, and may only conduct practicing registration through one insurance adjuster. 保险公估从业人员只能在一家保险公估人从事业务,只限于通过一家保险公估人进行执业登记。
Where an insurance adjustment practitioner changes his or her insurance adjuster, the new insurance adjuster shall conduct practicing registration for him or her, and the original insurance adjuster shall cancel the practicing registration in a timely manner. 保险公估从业人员变更所属保险公估人的,新所属保险公估人应当为其进行执业登记,原所属保险公估人应当及时注销执业登记。
Article 29 An insurance adjustment practitioner shall enjoy the following rights:   第二十九条 保险公估从业人员享有下列权利:
(1) Requiring the client to provide the relevant ownership certificate, financial accounting information and other materials, and necessary assistance required for the implementation of fair appraisal procedures. (一)要求委托人提供相关的权属证明、财务会计信息和其他资料,以及为执行公允的评估程序所需的必要协助;
(2) Consulting documents, certificates and materials required for conducting business from the relevant state authorities or any other organization in accordance with the law. (二)依法向有关国家机关或者其他组织查阅从事业务所需的文件、证明和资料;
(3) Rejecting illegal intervention in the adjustment acts and adjustment results of the client or any other organization or individual. (三)拒绝委托人或者其他组织、个人对公估行为和公估结果的非法干预;
(4) Signing adjustment reports in accordance with the law. (四)依法签署公估报告;
(5) Other rights as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (五)法律、行政法规规定的其他权利。
Article 30 An insurance adjustment practitioner shall perform the following obligations:   第三十条 保险公估从业人员应当履行下列义务:
(1) Being honest and trustworthy, and legally conducting business in an independent, objective and impartial manner. (一)诚实守信,依法独立、客观、公正从事业务;
(2) Abiding by the appraisal standards, performing the investigation functions, conducting independent analysis and estimates, and carrying out business in a diligent and prudential manner. (二)遵守评估准则,履行调查职责,独立分析估算,勤勉谨慎从事业务;
(3) Completing required continuing education, and maintaining and improving professional capability. (三)完成规定的继续教育,保持和提高专业能力;
(4) Checking and verifying the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of relevant documents, certificates and materials used in adjustment activities. (四)对公估活动中使用的有关文件、证明和资料的真实性、准确性、完整性进行核查和验证;
(5) Keeping confidential state secrets, trade secrets and personal privacy to which he or she has access in the adjustment activities. (五)对公估活动中知悉的国家秘密、商业秘密和个人隐私予以保密;
(6) Disqualifying himself or herself if he or she is an interested person with respect to the client or any other relevant party or the adjustment object. (六)与委托人或者其他相关当事人及公估对象有利害关系的,应当回避;
(7) Accepting the self-regulation of the self-regulatory organization in the insurance intermediary industry, and performing the obligations prescribed by the bylaws. (七)接受保险中介行业自律组织的自律管理,履行章程规定的义务;
(8) Performing other obligations prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (八)法律、行政法规规定的其他义务。
Article 31 During the process of carrying out the adjustment business, an insurance adjustment practitioner shall not commit any of the following conduct:   第三十一条 保险公估从业人员在开展公估业务过程中,不得有下列行为:
(1) Accepting authorization in private to engage in business and collect fees. (一)私自接受委托从事业务、收取费用;
(2) Engaging in business for two or more insurance adjusters concurrently. (二)同时在两个以上保险公估人从事业务;
(3) Soliciting business by illicit means such as fraud, inducement or coercion, or disparaging or defaming any other adjustment practitioner. (三)采用欺骗、利诱、胁迫,或者贬损、诋毁其他公估从业人员等不正当手段招揽业务;
(4) Permitting any other person to conduct business in his or her own name, or conducting business by illegally using any other person's name. (四)允许他人以本人名义从事业务,或者冒用他人名义从事业务;
(5) Signing any adjustment report on the business which he or she has not undertaken. (五)签署本人未承办业务的公估报告;
(6) Demanding, accepting or demanding or accepting in any disguised form remuneration and property other than those agreed upon in contracts, or seeking other illicit benefits. (六)索要、收受或者变相索要、收受合同约定以外的酬金、财物,或者谋取其他不正当利益;
(7) Signing any false adjustment report or any adjustment report with major omissions. (七)签署虚假公估报告或者有重大遗漏的公估报告;
(8) Committing any other conduct in violation of any law or administrative regulation. (八)违反法律、行政法规的其他行为。
Section 3 Senior Executives 

第三节 高管人员

Article 32 For the purposes of these Provisions, “senior executives” of an insurance adjuster means the following persons:   第三十二条 本规定所称保险公估人高级管理人员是指下列人员:
(1) The general manager and deputy general manager of an insurance adjustment company.

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