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Interim Regulation on Express Delivery (2019 Revision) [Effective]
快递暂行条例(2019修订) [现行有效]

Interim Regulation on Express Delivery 


(Promulgated by Order No.697 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on March 2, 2018; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend Certain Administrative Regulations on March 2, 2019)

 (2018年3月2日中华人民共和国国务院令第697号公布 根据2019年3月2日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For purposes of promoting the sound development of the express delivery industry, guaranteeing express delivery safety, protecting the lawful rights and interests of express delivery users, and strengthening the supervision and administration of the express delivery industry, this Regulation is developed in accordance with the Postal Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws.   第一条 为促进快递业健康发展,保障快递安全,保护快递用户合法权益,加强对快递业的监督管理,根据《中华人民共和国邮政法》和其他有关法律,制定本条例。
Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to the engagement in business operations, receipt of express delivery services, and supervision and administration of the express delivery industry in the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事快递业务经营、接受快递服务以及对快递业实施监督管理,适用本条例。
Article 3 Local people's governments at all levels shall create a good business environment for the express delivery industry, support enterprises engaged in express delivery business in innovating on business models and service modes, and in strengthening the management of service quality, improving rules and systems, and refining safety guarantee measures so as to provide users with fast, accurate, safe, and convenient express delivery services.   第三条 地方各级人民政府应当创造良好的快递业营商环境,支持经营快递业务的企业创新商业模式和服务方式,引导经营快递业务的企业加强服务质量管理、健全规章制度、完善安全保障措施,为用户提供迅速、准确、安全、方便的快递服务。
Local people's governments at all levels shall ensure that relevant government actions comply with fair competition requirements and relevant laws and regulations, maintain the competition order of the express delivery industry, and shall not issue any policy or measures which are contrary to fair competition, or which may result in regional blockades or monopoly of the industry. 地方各级人民政府应当确保政府相关行为符合公平竞争要求和相关法律法规,维护快递业竞争秩序,不得出台违反公平竞争、可能造成地区封锁和行业垄断的政策措施。
Article 4 No entity or individual may engage in any activity which endangers state security, public interests, or the lawful rights and interests of others, by mail, parcel, presswork, or any other delivery (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "parcels").   第四条 任何单位或者个人不得利用信件、包裹、印刷品以及其他寄递物品(以下统称快件)从事危害国家安全、社会公共利益或者他人合法权益的活动。
Except for the relevant authorities as authorized by the law, no entity or individual may illegally inspect the parcel of another person. No entity or individual may open, conceal, destroy, discard, or trade in a parcel of another person without permission. 除有关部门依照法律对快件进行检查外,任何单位或者个人不得非法检查他人快件。任何单位或者个人不得私自开拆、隐匿、毁弃、倒卖他人快件。
Article 5 The postal administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the express delivery industry nationwide. The public security, state security, customs, industrial and commercial administration, and other relevant departments of the State Council shall be responsible for relevant supervision and administration of express delivery within their respective functions.   第五条 国务院邮政管理部门负责对全国快递业实施监督管理。国务院公安、国家安全、海关、工商行政管理等有关部门在各自职责范围内负责相关的快递监督管理工作。
The postal administrative agencies of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the postal administrative agencies below the provincial level established as provided by the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the express delivery industry within their respective jurisdiction. Relevant departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for relevant supervision and administration of express delivery within their respective functions. 省、自治区、直辖市邮政管理机构和按照国务院规定设立的省级以下邮政管理机构负责对本辖区的快递业实施监督管理。县级以上地方人民政府有关部门在各自职责范围内负责相关的快递监督管理工作。
Article 6 The postal administrative departments of the State Council, the postal administrative agencies of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the postal administrative agencies below the provincial level (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "postal administrative authorities") shall cooperate with the public security, state security, customs, industrial and commercial administration, and other relevant authorities, establish and improve a regulatory mechanism for express delivery safety, strengthen the monitoring and advance warning of the safe operation of the express delivery industry, collect and share information related to the safe operation of the express delivery industry, and deal with events affecting the safe operation of the express delivery industry according to the law.   第六条 国务院邮政管理部门和省、自治区、直辖市邮政管理机构以及省级以下邮政管理机构(以下统称邮政管理部门)应当与公安、国家安全、海关、工商行政管理等有关部门相互配合,建立健全快递安全监管机制,加强对快递业安全运行的监测预警,收集、共享与快递业安全运行有关的信息,依法处理影响快递业安全运行的事件。
Article 7 An express delivery industry organization established according to the law shall protect the lawful rights and interests of enterprises, strengthen the self-regulation of the industry, promote the compliance, honesty, and safe operation of enterprises, urge enterprises to implement the primary responsibility for work safety, and guide enterprises in continuously improving the quality of and upgrading express delivery services.   第七条 依法成立的快递行业组织应当保护企业合法权益,加强行业自律,促进企业守法、诚信、安全经营,督促企业落实安全生产主体责任,引导企业不断提高快递服务质量和水平。
Article 8 The state shall strengthen the building of the credit system for the express delivery industry, establish and improve credit record, information disclosure, and credit rating systems for the express delivery industry, and implement joint disciplinary measures according to the law, so as to raise the trustworthy level of the express delivery industry.   第八条 国家加强快递业诚信体系建设,建立健全快递业信用记录、信息公开、信用评价制度,依法实施联合惩戒措施,提高快递业信用水平。
Article 9 The state shall encourage enterprises engaged in express delivery business and consignors to use degradable and recyclable environmentally-friendly packaging materials and encourage enterprises engaged in express delivery business to take measures to recover packaging materials for parcels, so as to achieve the reduced use and recycle of packaging materials.   第九条 国家鼓励经营快递业务的企业和寄件人使用可降解、可重复利用的环保包装材料,鼓励经营快递业务的企业采取措施回收快件包装材料,实现包装材料的减量化利用和再利用。
Chapter II Development Guarantees 

第二章 发展保障

Article 10 The postal administrative department of the State Council shall formulate a development plan for the express delivery industry to promote the sound development of the express delivery industry.   第十条 国务院邮政管理部门应当制定快递业发展规划,促进快递业健康发展。
Local people's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate the development of the express delivery industry into the national economic and social development plan at the same level and comprehensively consider the needs of large-sized distribution, sorting, and other infrastructure for parcels in urban and rural plans and overall land use plans. 县级以上地方人民政府应当将快递业发展纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划,在城乡规划和土地利用总体规划中统筹考虑快件大型集散、分拣等基础设施用地的需要。
Local people's governments at or above the county level shall establish and improve policies and measures for promoting the sound development of the express delivery industry, improve relevant supporting provisions, and legally protect the lawful rights and interests of enterprises engaged in express delivery business and of their practitioners. 县级以上地方人民政府建立健全促进快递业健康发展的政策措施,完善相关配套规定,依法保障经营快递业务的企业及其从业人员的合法权益。
Article 11 The state shall encourage enterprises engaged in express delivery business to develop express delivery service networks in rural areas and remote areas and improve the distribution of end express delivery outlets and give them support.   第十一条 国家支持和鼓励经营快递业务的企业在农村、偏远地区发展快递服务网络,完善快递末端网点布局。
Article 12 The state shall encourage and offer guidance to enterprises engaged in express delivery business so that they can adopt advanced technology and boost the promotion and application of automated sorting equipment, mechanized loading and discharge equipment, intelligent terminal service facilities, electronic waybills, and information technology-based parcel management systems, among others.   第十二条 国家鼓励和引导经营快递业务的企业采用先进技术,促进自动化分拣设备、机械化装卸设备、智能末端服务设施、快递电子运单以及快件信息化管理系统等的推广应用。
Article 13 The public security, transport, and other departments of local people's governments at or above the county level and the postal administrative authorities shall strengthen coordination and cooperation, establish and improve a transportation guarantee mechanism for express delivery, and safeguard the right of way and intermediate stop of express delivery service vehicles according to the law, and shall not prohibit express delivery service vehicles from passing in accordance with the law.   第十三条 县级以上地方人民政府公安、交通运输等部门和邮政管理部门应当加强协调配合,建立健全快递运输保障机制,依法保障快递服务车辆通行和临时停靠的权利,不得禁止快递服务车辆依法通行。
The postal administrative authorities shall, together with the public security and other departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level, regulate the administration and use of express delivery service vehicles according to the law, make provisions on the speed limit and load of express delivery-purpose electric tricycles, and strengthen the unified numbering and identifier administration of express delivery service vehicles. Enterprises engaged in express delivery business shall strengthen the road traffic safety training for their practitioners. 邮政管理部门会同县级以上地方人民政府公安等部门,依法规范快递服务车辆的管理和使用,对快递专用电动三轮车的行驶时速、装载质量等作出规定,并对快递服务车辆加强统一编号和标识管理。经营快递业务的企业应当对其从业人员加强道路交通安全培训。
Practitioners of express delivery shall abide by the provisions of road traffic safety laws and regulations and drive vehicles in a safely and civilized manner, and in accordance with the operating standards. If a practitioner of express delivery causes damage to any person when performing a task, the enterprise engaged in express delivery business, where the practitioner works, shall be liable for the tort in accordance with the laws relating to civil tort liability. 快递从业人员应当遵守道路交通安全法律法规的规定,按照操作规范安全、文明驾驶车辆。快递从业人员因执行工作任务造成他人损害的,由快递从业人员所属的经营快递业务的企业依照民事侵权责任相关法律的规定承担侵权责任。
Article 14 Enterprises, public institutions, and residential community management entities shall, in light of the actual circumstances, provide facilitation necessary for express delivery services, by executing contracts with enterprises engaged in express delivery business, setting up earmarked venues for consigning and taking parcels, and other means. Enterprises engaged in express delivery business shall be encouraged to share end-service facilities and provide users with convenient end-express delivery services.   第十四条 企业事业单位、住宅小区管理单位应当根据实际情况,采取与经营快递业务的企业签订合同、设置快件收寄投递专门场所等方式,为开展快递服务提供必要的便利。鼓励多个经营快递业务的企业共享末端服务设施,为用户提供便捷的快递末端服务。
Article 15 The state shall encourage the express delivery industry to establish a coordinated development mechanism with manufacturing, agricultural, trade, and other industries, promote the integrated development of the express delivery industry and e-commerce, enhance information exchange, and share facilities and network resources.   第十五条 国家鼓励快递业与制造业、农业、商贸业等行业建立协同发展机制,推动快递业与电子商务融合发展,加强信息沟通,共享设施和网络资源。
The state shall guide and promote the harmonization of the standards for the express delivery industry and those for railway, highway, waterway, civil aviation, and other industries and support the construction of parcel transportation channels and transshipment venues at transport hubs such as large-sized stations, terminals, and airports. 国家引导和推动快递业与铁路、公路、水路、民航等行业的标准对接,支持在大型车站、码头、机场等交通枢纽配套建设快件运输通道和接驳场所。
Article 16 The state shall encourage enterprises engaged in express delivery business to carry out inbound and outbound express delivery business according to law and support the construction of inbound and outbound parcel processing centers at priority ports and, as legally required, the formation of express delivery service institutions and establishment of parcel processing venues overseas.   第十六条 国家鼓励经营快递业务的企业依法开展进出境快递业务,支持在重点口岸建设进出境快件处理中心、在境外依法开办快递服务机构并设置快件处理场所。
Customs, postal administration, and other authorities shall establish a collaboration mechanism to improve the administration of inbound and outbound parcels and promote the achievement of easy customs clearance of parcels. 海关、邮政管理等部门应当建立协作机制,完善进出境快件管理,推动实现快件便捷通关。
Chapter III Businesses 

第三章 经营主体

Article 17 For engaging in express delivery business, an express delivery business permit shall be obtained in accordance with the law. The postal administrative authorities shall, in accordance with the conditions and procedures as provided in Articles 52 and 53 of the Postal Law of the People's Republic of China , confirm the business scope and geographical scope with respect to a business permit, disclose to the public the list of enterprises with an express delivery business permit, and update the list in a timely manner.   第十七条 经营快递业务,应当依法取得快递业务经营许可。邮政管理部门应当根据《中华人民共和国邮政法》第五十二条、第五十三条规定的条件和程序核定经营许可的业务范围和地域范围,向社会公布取得快递业务经营许可的企业名单,并及时更新。
Article 18 An enterprise engaged in express delivery business, or a branch office thereof, may establish an end express delivery outlet as needed for its business and shall file the outlet with the local postal administrative authority within 20 days from the date of establishment. An end express delivery outlet is not required to apply for a business license.
   第十八条 经营快递业务的企业及其分支机构可以根据业务需要开办快递末端网点,并应当自开办之日起20日内向所在地邮政管理部门备案。快递末端网点无需办理营业执照。

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