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Official Reply of the State Council to the Plan for Deepening the Reform and Promoting the Comprehensive Pilot Program of Expanding Opening-up in the Service Industry of Beijing Municipality [Effective]
国务院关于深化改革推进北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点工作方案的批复 [现行有效]

Official Reply of the State Council to the Plan for Deepening the Reform and Promoting the Comprehensive Pilot Program of Expanding Opening-up in the Service Industry of Beijing Municipality 


(Letter No. 86 [2017] of the State Council) (国函〔2017〕86号)

The People's Government of Beijing Municipality and the Ministry of Commerce: 北京市人民政府、商务部:
Your request for instructions on the comprehensive pilot program for expanding opening-up in the service industry of Beijing Municipality has been received. The following official reply is hereby offered: 你们关于深化改革推进北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点的请示收悉。现批复如下:
I . It is hereby approved to continue deepening the reform and promoting the comprehensive pilot program of expanding opening-up in the service industry during the period of the pilot program of expanding opening-up in the service industry of Beijing Municipality. The Plan for Deepening the Reform and Promoting the Comprehensive Pilot Program of Expanding Opening-up in the Service Industry of Beijing Municipality (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") is hereby approved in principle and you shall conscientiously organize the implementation thereof.   一、同意在北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点期内继续深化改革推进服务业扩大开放综合试点。原则同意《深化改革推进北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点工作方案》(以下简称《深化试点工作方案》),请认真组织实施。
II . You shall further implement the spirit of a series of important speeches and new concepts, thoughts and strategies of managing state affairs of General Secretary Xi Jinping, conscientiously implement the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, closely center on the urban strategic positioning of the Capital and the strategy of coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, build a new system of open economy, further deepen the comprehensive pilot program of expanding opening-up in the service industry of Beijing Municipality, further explore the open mode of service industry, highlight the reform of systems and mechanisms for the service industry, accelerate the building of a basic framework for the opening-up of the service industry compatible with the international rules, and further enhance the development of the modern service industry and trade in service of Beijing, so as to make the comprehensive pilot program of expanding opening-up in the service industry of Beijing Municipality become an important practice of the state for promotion of the supply-side reform and all-around active opening-up and to contribute to the comprehensive deepening of reform and the exploration for the building of a new system of open economy.   二、要深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和治国理政新理念新思想新战略,认真落实党中央、国务院决策部署,紧紧围绕首都城市战略定位、京津冀协同发展战略、构建开放型经济新体制,进一步深化北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点,深入探索服务业开放模式,突出服务业体制机制改革,加快构建与国际规则相衔接的服务业扩大开放基本框架,进一步提升北京现代服务业和服务贸易发展水平,使北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点成为推进供给侧结构性改革和国家全方位主动开放的重要实践,为全面深化改革、探索开放型经济新体制作出新贡献。
III . The People's Government of Beijing Municipality shall strengthen the organization of and leadership to the implementation of the Plan, and under the principle of controllable risks, conduct meticulous organization, be bold in practice, highlight focuses, and make efforts to make new progress and breakthroughs in such aspects as the expansion of the market access to the service industry, the acceleration of the reform of systems and mechanisms, and the promotion of the building of auxiliary supporting systems.   三、北京市人民政府要加强对《深化试点工作方案》实施的组织领导,在风险可控的前提下,精心组织,大胆实践,突出重点,努力在放宽服务业市场准入、加快体制机制改革、推动配套支撑体系建设等方面取得新进展、新突破。
IV . The relevant departments of the State Council shall, according to the division of duties and responsibilities, actively support Beijing Municipality in deepening the reform and promoting the comprehensive pilot program for expanding opening-up in the service industry, and first test certain important measures for reform and opening-up. The Ministry of Commerce shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, strengthen the guidance and coordinated promotion, and organize the supervision, inspection, and assessment, to ensure that various reform and opening-up measures of the Plan are implemented effectively.   四、国务院有关部门要按照职责分工,积极支持北京市深化改革推进服务业扩大开放综合试点,先行试验一些重大的改革开放措施。商务部要会同有关部门加强指导和协调推进,组织开展督查和评估工作,确保《深化试点工作方案》各项改革开放措施落实到位。
V . During the period of the pilot program, the implementation of some provisions in relevant administrative regulations, documents of the State Council and departmental rules approved by the State Council shall be temporarily adjusted, and the State Council shall issue the specific adjustments separately. The relevant departments of the State Council shall, in accordance with the Plan, make corresponding adjustments to the rules and regulatory documents developed by them. The People's Government of Beijing Municipality and the Ministry of Commerce shall report any major problem encountered in the implementation thereof to the State Council for instructions in a timely manner.   五、试点期间,暂时调整实施相关行政法规、国务院文件和经国务院批准的部门规章的部分规定,具体由国务院另行印发。国务院有关部门根据《深化试点工作方案》相应调整本部门制定的规章和规范性文件。试点中的重大问题,北京市人民政府、商务部要及时向国务院请示报告。
Annexes: 附件:
1. Plan for Deepening the Reform and Promoting the Comprehensive Pilot Program of Expanding Opening-up in the Service Industry of Beijing Municipality 1.深化改革推进北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点工作方案
2. A New Round of Opening-up Measures in the Comprehensive Pilot Program of Expanding Opening-up in the Service Industry of Beijing Municipality 2.北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点新一轮开放措施
State Council 国务院
June 25, 2017 2017年6月25日
Annex 1 附件1
Plan for Deepening the Reform and Promoting the Comprehensive Pilot Program of Expanding Opening-up in the Service Industry of Beijing Municipality 深化改革推进北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点工作方案
In May 2015, the State Council replied and approved to launch a three-year comprehensive pilot program of expanding opening-up in the service industry of Beijing Municipality. In the past two years, the comprehensive pilot program has been in service of the strategy of coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the building of a new system of open economy in the country. Focusing on reform and innovation and striving to create an environment, the pilot program has made new progress and breakthroughs in relaxing market access for service industry, speeding up institutional and mechanism reforms, and promoting the construction of supporting systems, also facilitated the service industry to develop toward a high-end, modernized, agglomerated and international direction, with the internationalization level of the service industry and trade in service being continuously improved. This Plan is developed in order to further deepen the reform and promote the comprehensive pilot program of expanding opening-up in the service industry of Beijing Municipality. 2015年5月,国务院批复同意在北京市开展为期3年的服务业扩大开放综合试点。两年来,综合试点服务于京津冀协同发展战略和国家构建开放型经济新体制,聚焦改革创新,着力营造环境,在放宽服务业市场准入、加快体制机制改革、推动配套支撑体系建设等方面取得了新进展、新突破,促进了服务业加快向高端化、现代化、集聚化、国际化发展,服务业和服务贸易的国际化水平不断提升。为进一步深化改革,推进北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点工作,制定本方案。
I. General Requirements   一、总体要求
The spirit of a series of important speeches and new concepts, thoughts and strategies of managing state affairs of General Secretary Xi Jinping shall be carried out in depth, the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council shall be conscientiously implemented, the philosophy of innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development shall be kept firmly in mind and put into practice, the urban strategic positioning of the Capital shall be based on, the national strategic layout for opening-up to the outside world in a new era shall be served, the spirit of "Official Reply of the State Council to the Plan for Deepening the Reform and Promoting the Comprehensive Pilot Program of Expanding Opening-up in the Service Industry of Beijing Municipality" (Letter of the State Council [2015] No. 81) shall be followed, so as to promote the supply-side reform of the service industry as guidance, expand the opening-up of the service industry in a broader field and at a deeper level, continue to strengthen the opening-up and development of the service industry and innovative development momentum, and improve the quality and benefits of service supply. The reform of "simplification of administrative procedures and decentralization of powers, combination of decentralization and appropriate control, and optimization of services" shall be further deepened, the innovation of the systems and mechanisms shall be promoted, the creation of an international, market-oriented and legal business environment shall be emphasized more specifically, the market vitality of the service industry shall be stimulated, the radiating and leading role of the pilot program of expanding opening-up in the service industry of the Capital shall be emphasized more specifically, so as to improve the capacity of the pilot program in serving the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the construction of the Xiong'an New Area, create a new highland for expanding regional opening-up and a new platform for foreign cooperation, and strive to accumulate new, replicable and extensible experiences for the opening-up of China's service industry. 深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和治国理政新理念新思想新战略,认真落实党中央、国务院决策部署,牢固树立和贯彻落实创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,立足首都城市战略定位,服务新时期国家对外开放战略布局,按照《国务院关于北京市服务业扩大开放综合试点总体方案的批复》(国函〔2015〕81号)精神,以推动服务业供给侧结构性改革为引领,在服务业更宽领域、更深层次扩大开放,持续增强服务业开放发展、创新发展动能,提升服务供给的质量和效益。进一步深化“放管服”改革,促进体制机制创新,更加注重营造国际化、市场化、法治化营商环境,激发服务业市场活力,更加注重发挥首都服务业开放试点的辐射带动作用,提高试点工作服务京津冀协同发展、雄安新区建设的水平,打造区域扩大开放新高地和对外合作新平台,努力为国家服务业对外开放积累新的可复制可推广经验。
II. Main Tasks and Measures   二、主要工作任务和措施
(I) Continue to relax market access restrictions in key fields of the service industry. (一)持续放宽服务业重点领域市场准入限制。
1. Further expand opening-up of key fields of the service industry to the outside world. A new round of measures to expand opening-up of the service industry shall be rolled out. In the fields of scientific and technological services, foreign investment shall be allowed to enter the air transport sales agency industry, and the qualification requirements for foreign-funded construction and engineering design enterprises shall be relaxed. In the fields of cultural and educational services, foreign investors shall be allowed to invest in the production of audiovisual products in specific areas; in specific areas where the cultural and entertainment industry is concentrated, foreign investors shall be allowed to establish business entities of performance venues and entertainment sites without limits on investment proportion. In the fields of financial services, researches shall be carried out on allowing solely foreign-funded banks or Sino-foreign joint venture banks which are newly formed or formed after restructuring to apply for the RMB business at the same time when filing an application for business opening. In the fields of business and tourism services, the access threshold shall be further lowered for foreign investment in investment companies and talent intermediary agencies, and ways and mechanisms shall be explored for close cooperation in business between Chinese law firms and foreign, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan law firms. In the fields of healthcare and medical services, clinical trials in Beijing shall be allowed for eligible drugs which are researched and developed abroad. 1.进一步扩大服务业重点领域对外开放。滚动推出新一轮服务业扩大开放措施。在科学技术服务领域,允许外资进入航空运输销售代理行业,放宽外商投资建设工程设计企业的资质要求。在文化教育服务领域,允许外商在特定区域投资音像制品制作业务;选择文化娱乐业聚集的特定区域,允许外商投资设立演出场所经营单位、娱乐场所,不设投资比例限制。在金融服务领域,研究允许新设或改制成立的外商独资银行或中外合资银行在提交开业申请时可以同时申请人民币业务。在商务和旅游服务领域,进一步降低投资性公司、人才中介机构的外资准入门槛,探索密切中国律师事务所与外国及港澳台地区律师事务所业务合作的方式与机制。在健康医疗服务领域,允许在京对符合条件的在国外研发的药品开展临床试验。
(II) Continue to deepen the reform of the outbound investment administration system. (二)不断深化对外投资管理体制改革。
2. Further promote the overseas investment facilitation. The capable and eligible enterprises shall be supported to carry out real and compliant outbound investment activities. On the basis of implementing the management mode of filing supplemented with approval for overseas investment, the authenticity verification of overseas investment projects of enterprises shall be strengthened. Adhering to the principle of improving the efficiency of public services in the fields of overseas investment and accelerating the formation of a convenient business environment, the coordination among different government departments shall be enhanced to effectively prevent risks and perfect the collaborative service mechanisms for major overseas investment projects. 2.继续推进境外投资便利化。支持有能力、有条件的企业开展真实合规的对外投资活动。在对境外投资实行备案为主、核准为辅管理模式的基础上,加强对企业境外投资项目的真实性审核,本着提高境外投资领域公共服务效率,加快推动形成便利化营商环境的原则,加强部门联动,有效防范风险,完善境外重大投资项目协同服务机制。
3. Promote the extension of outbound economic cooperation in the service industry to a higher level. Multiple ways such as investment-driven project contracting and public-private partnership (PPP) shall be combined, so as to realize the transformation and upgrading of outbound contracted projects as well as the extension to the high end of the international industrial chain, drive technologies, products, equipment and services to go global, and promote major breakthroughs in the application of Chinese technologies and standards in overseas construction projects.

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