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Notice by the People's Bank of China of Launching the Two-Way Settlement of HKD Checks Between Guangdong and Hong Kong [Effective]
中国人民银行关于开办粤港港币支票双向结算业务的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the People's Bank of China of Launching the Two-Way Settlement of HKD Checks Between Guangdong and Hong Kong 


(No. 26 [2002] of the People's Bank of China, February 1, 2002) (2002年2月1日 中国人民银行发布 银发[2002]26号)

The People's Bank of China Guangzhou Branch: 中国人民银行广州分行:
The State Council has granted approval for the launch of the two-way settlement of HKD checks between Guangdong and Hong Kong. The Measures for the Administration of the Joint Settlement of HKD Checks Between Guangdong and Hong Kong and the Interim Measures for the Foreign Exchange Administration of the Joint Settlement of HKD Checks Between Guangdong and Hong Kong are hereby issued for your implementation. Please ensure the smooth operation of the settlement of HKD checks between Guangdong and Hong Kong. 开办粤港港币支票双向结算业务已经国务院批准。现将《粤港港币支票联合结算管理办法》和《粤港港币支票联合结算业务外汇管理暂行办法》印发给你分行,请组织实施,确保粤港港币支票结算业务的顺利运行。
Annexes: 附件:
1. Measures for the Administration of the Joint Settlement of HKD Checks Between Guangdong and Hong Kong 1、《粤港港币支票联合结算管理办法》
2. Interim Measures for the Foreign Exchange Administration of the Joint Settlement of HKD Checks Between Guangdong and Hong Kong 2、《粤港港币支票联合结算业务外汇管理暂行办法》
Measures for the Administration of the Joint Settlement of HKD Checks Between Guangdong and Hong Kong 粤港港币支票联合结算管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are developed for the purposes of guaranteeing the safe, efficient and orderly operation of the settlement of HKD checks between Guangdong and Hong Kong and promoting the economic exchange and development of Guangdong and Hong Kong.   第一条 为确保粤港港币支票结算的安全、高效、有序运作,促进粤港两地经济交流和发展,特制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, “HKD check between Guangdong and Hong Kong” means a negotiable instrument issued by a drawer in Guangdong province (including Shenzhen City, hereinafter referred to as the “Guangdong side”) or Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as the “Hong Kong side”), upon presentation of which the authorized bank in Guangdong province or Hong Kong conducting check deposit business shall unconditionally pay a definite amount to the payee or holder.   第二条 本办法所指粤港港币支票是广东省内(含深圳市,以下统称粤方)或香港(以下统称港方)出票人签发的,委托办理支票存款业务的广东省内或香港的银行在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人的票据。
Article 3 A drawer on the Guangdong side shall not issue any check to a payee on the Hong Kong side in violation of the state's legislation on foreign exchange administration.   第三条 粤方出票人不得违反国家外汇管理有关规定对港方的收款人签发支票。
Article 4 The People's Bank of China (“PBC”) Guangzhou Branch shall be responsible for the coordination of the settlement of checks between Guangdong and Hong Kong and the administration of the Guangdong side, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (“SAFE”) Guangdong Branch shall be responsible for the administration of the clearing of funds of the Guangdong side (the SAFE Shenzhen Branch shall be responsible for the administration of the clearing of funds within the jurisdiction of Shenzhen City), and the Guangzhou Electronic Banking Settlement Center (“GZEBSC”) and the Shenzhen Finance Electronic Settlement Center (“SZFESC”) shall be responsible for organizing the local exchange of HKD checks and other operations.   第四条 中国人民银行广州分行(以下简称人行广州分行)负责粤港支票结算业务的协调与粤方的管理,国家外汇管理局广东省分局负责粤方的资金清算管理(深圳市分局负责深圳市辖内的资金清算管理),广州市银行电子结算中心和深圳金融电子结算中心负责组织所在地港币支票的交换及其它操作事宜。
Article 5 A bank on the Guangdong side shall conduct the exchange of HKD checks between Guangdong and Hong Kong under the principle that “payment is available only after it is received from the drawer and the bank provides no advances.”   第五条 粤方银行对粤港港币支票交换遵循“收妥抵用、银行不垫付”原则。
Chapter II Basic Rules 

第二章 基本规定

Article 6 To participate in the joint settlement of HKD checks between Guangdong and Hong Kong, a bank within the jurisdiction of the Guangdong province must meet the following conditions:   第六条 广东省辖内银行参加粤港港币支票联合结算业务必须具备以下条件:
(1) It holds a Business Permit for Financial Institutions issued by the PBC and a Business License issued by the administration for industry and commerce of the state, and is granted approval to conduct the settlement of foreign exchange deposits and foreign exchange negotiable instruments. (一)持有中国人民银行颁发的《金融机构营业许可证》及国家工商行政管理机关颁发的《营业执照》,并经批准办理外汇存款、外汇票据结算业务。
(2) It complies with the Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China, the Implementation Measures for the Administration of Negotiable Instruments, the Measures for Payment and Settlement, and other laws and regulations. (二)遵守《中华人民共和国票据法》、《票据管理实施办法》和《支付结算办法》等法律法规。
(3) It attends the exchange on time, makes accounting entries in a timely manner, and completes the formalities for returning checks appropriately. (三)按时出场,及时记账并办妥退票手续。
(4) It complies with the applicable provisions on the exchange of negotiable instruments. (四)遵守票据交换的有关规定。
Article 7 For the settlement of HKD checks between Guangdong and Hong Kong, a bank within the jurisdiction of Guangdong province shall apply to the PBC Guangzhou Branch or the PBC Shenzhen Central Sub-branch by completing the Application Form for Participating in the Exchange of HKD Checks Between Guangdong and Hong Kong in triplicate, with two photocopies of its Business Permit for Financial Institutions (duplicate) and Business License attached, and may participate in the exchange only after obtaining the approval of the PBC Guangzhou Branch or the PBC Shenzhen Central Sub-branch.   第七条 广东省辖内申请粤港港币支票结算的银行,应向人行广州分行或中国人民银行深圳市中心支行(以下简称人行深圳中支)提出申请,填制《参加粤港港币支票交换业务申请表》一式三份,附《金融机构营业许可证》(副本)和《营业执照》复印件各两份,经人行广州分行或人行深圳中支审核批准后才能参加交换。
Article 8 A bank applying for exiting the exchange of HKD checks between Guangdong and Hong Kong shall file a written application with the PBC Guangzhou Branch or the PBC Shenzhen Central Sub-branch, stating the reasons for exit, and upon approval, shall no longer present any HKD negotiable instruments between Guangdong and Hong Kong other than the returned checks.   第八条 申请退出粤港港币支票交换的银行,应向人行广州分行或人行深圳中支提出书面申请,说明退出原因,经批准后不得再提出除退票外的粤港港币票据。
Article 9 The validity period of a check participating in the exchange of HKD checks between Guangdong and Hong Kong shall be governed by the law of the place of issuance of the check, and the date of presentation of the check shall be the time when the bank accepts the check. The validity period of a check issued by a drawer on the Guangdong side shall be one month; and the validity period of a check issued by a drawer on the Hong Kong side shall be six months. If the expiry date falls on a holiday, it shall be postponed until the next day.   第九条 参加粤港两地港币支票交换的支票,其付款期适用出票地法律,以银行受理时间为准。粤方出票人签发的支票,付款期为一个月;港方出票人签发的支票,付款期为六个月。到期日遇节假日顺延。
Chapter III Exchange of Negotiable Instruments 

第三章 票据交换

Article 10 HKD checks between Guangdong and Hong Kong shall be subject to two-way exchange, mutual provision of bags, and a dual sorting process. The checks issued in Hong Kong which are cleared by banks on the Guangdong side shall, after the first sorting by the GZEBSC or the SZFESC, be delivered to Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited for the second sorting; and the checks issued on the Guangdong side which are cleared by banks on the Hong Kong side shall, after the first sorting by Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited, be delivered to the GZEBSC or the SZFESC for the second sorting.   第十条 粤港港币支票交换实行双向交换、互设口袋、二级清分。粤方各银行代付香港的支票,经广州、深圳电子结算中心进行第一次清分后,交付香港银行同业结算有限公司进行第二次清分;港方各银行代付粤方的支票,由香港银行同业结算有限公司进行第一次清分后,交付广州、深圳电子结算中心进行第二次清分。
Article 11 One round of exchange of negotiable instruments shall be arranged for on each business day. If a day is a public holiday in Hong Kong or Guangdong, a Typhoon Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted in Hong Kong, or a Typhoon Signal No. 4 or Blue Rainstorm Pre-warning is hoisted in Guangzhou (or Shenzhen), no negotiable instruments shall be exchanged on that day, and the time of availability of funds from negotiable instruments presented on the previous business day shall be postponed until the next day. The GZEBSC or the SZFESC shall notify exchanging banks of the aforesaid in a timely manner.   第十一条 每工作日安排一场票据交换。遇香港或广东公众节假日、香港悬挂八号台风或黑色暴雨警告信号、广州(深圳)悬挂四号台风或蓝色暴雨预警信号,则当天不进行票据交换,前一工作日提出票据的资金抵用时间顺延。以上规定,由广州、深圳结算中心及时通知各交换行。
Article 12 A special seal for exchange of negotiable instruments between Guangdong and Hong Kong must be affixed to a check presented for exchange, and magnetic coding information shall be printed on the designated area of the check.   第十二条 提出交换的支票须加盖粤港票据交换专用章,并在指定位置打印磁码信息。
Article 13 Returned checks shall be limited to the bounced negotiable instruments, negotiable instruments with signatures or seals inconsistent with the specimen ones, expired negotiable instruments, negotiable instruments with incomplete elements, and other unlawful negotiable instruments.   第十三条 退票限于空头、票据签章与预留印鉴不符、超付款期、要素不全等不合法票据。
When a check is returned, a certificate of nonpayment must be attached. 退票时必须附上拒绝付款证明书。
Article 14 The negotiable instruments accepted by an exchanging bank each day shall be presented for exchange on the day, or if it is unable present them on the day, present them on the next day, without any backlog or delay.   第十四条 交换银行受理的票据应于当天提出交换,当天提不出交换的应于次日提出交换,不得积压、延误。
Chapter IV Clearing of Funds 

第四章 资金清算

Article 15 The funds clearing institutions shall be the banking institutions designated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the SAFE Guangdong Branch and Shenzhen Branch. The respective funds clearing institutions in Guangdong and Hong Kong shall clear the funds by mutual netting.   第十五条 资金清算机构为香港金融管理局、国家外汇管理局广东省分局和深圳市分局指定的银行机构。粤港各自的资金清算机构相互采取轧差方式进行资金清算。
Article 16 The branches of wholly state-owned commercial banks and the head offices and branches of joint-stock commercial banks in Guangzhou and Shenzhen shall serve as the funds clearing banks on the Guangdong side, responsible for clearing the funds for their respective subordinate exchanging banks.   第十六条 广州、深圳地区的各国有独资商业银行分行、股份制商业银行总行、分行作为粤方资金清算银行,负责所属交换行的资金清算。
A funds clearing bank on the Guangdong side shall open a funds clearing account for HKD checks at the funds clearing institution on the Guangdong side, and clear the funds by netting. The time of clearing shall be the deadline for returned checks. 粤方资金清算银行应在粤方资金清算机构开立港币支票资金清算账户,采取轧差方式清算资金,清算时间为退票截止时间。
Article 17 After presenting a HKD check, the presenting bank (collecting bank) may credit the depositor's account only after confirming that the check is not returned upon expiry of the time for returning checks by fax on the next business day (D+1).   第十七条 提出银行(收款银行)提出港币支票后,必须在第二个工作日(D+1)的传真退票时间过后确认无退票,才能贷记存款人账户。
Article 18 A clearing bank shall guarantee that there is a sufficient balance in its funds clearing account for paying the exchange difference.
   第十八条 清算银行应保证其资金清算账户有足够的余额支付交换差额资金。

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