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Regulation on the Quality Management of Construction Projects (2017 Revision) [Revised]
建设工程质量管理条例(2017修订) [已被修订]

Regulation on the Quality Management of Construction Projects



(Promulgated by the Order No. 279 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on January 30, 2000; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend Certain Administrative Regulations on October 7, 2017) (2000年1月30日中华人民共和国国务院令第279号发布 根据2017年10月7日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the management of construction project quality, ensuring the quality of construction projects and protecting the safety of people's lives and property, this Regulation is formulated in accordance with the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China.   第一条 为了加强对建设工程质量的管理,保证建设工程质量,保护人民生命和财产安全,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》,制定本条例。
Article 2 All those engaging in activities of the new construction, expansion, change of construction projects as well as supervision and management of the quality of construction projects shall abide by this Regulation.   第二条 凡在中华人民共和国境内从事建设工程的新建、扩建、改建等有关活动及实施对建设工程质量监督管理的,必须遵守本条例。
The construction projects as mentioned in this Regulation refer to the projects of civil construction, construction works, installation of wires, pipelines and equipment, and decoration. 本条例所称建设工程,是指土木工程、建筑工程、线路管道和设备安装工程及装修工程。
Article 3 The construction project owners, survey entities, design entities, construction entities and construction project supervision entities shall be responsible for the quality of construction projects.   第三条 建设单位、勘察单位、设计单位、施工单位、工程监理单位依法对建设工程质量负责。
Article 4 The construction administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the supervision and administration over the quality of construction projects.   第四条 县级以上人民政府建设行政主管部门和其他有关部门应当加强对建设工程质量的监督管理。
Article 5 Those engaging activities of construction project shall strictly comply with the fundamental construction procedures and shall stick to the principle of surveying first, then designing and then constructing.   第五条 从事建设工程活动,必须严格执行基本建设程序,坚持先勘察、后设计、再施工的原则。
No people's government at or above the county level or none of its relevant departments may ratify any construction project by surpassing power or illegally streamline the fundamental construction procedures. 县级以上人民政府及其有关部门不得超越权限审批建设项目或者擅自简化基本建设程序。
Article 6 It is encouraged by the state to take advanced scientific technologies and management methods to enhance the quality of construction projects.   第六条 国家鼓励采用先进的科学技术和管理方法,提高建设工程质量。
Chapter II Responsibilities and Obligations of Construction Project Owners 

第二章 建设单位的质量责任和义务

Article 7 A construction project owner shall contract out its project to an entity with the corresponding grade qualification.   第七条 建设单位应当将工程发包给具有相应资质等级的单位。
No construction project owner may contract out a construction project by dividing it into several parts. 建设单位不得将建设工程肢解发包。
Article 8 A construction project owner shall invite bids for the survey, design, construction, supervision of a construction project, as well as for the purchase of important equipment and materials relating to the project construction.   第八条 建设单位应当依法对工程建设项目的勘察、设计、施工、监理以及与工程建设有关的重要设备、材料等的采购进行招标。
Article 9 A construction project owner shall provide the entities of survey, design, construction and construction supervision with the original materials relating to the construction project.   第九条 建设单位必须向有关的勘察、设计、施工、工程监理等单位提供与建设工程有关的原始资料。
The original materials shall be authentic, accurate and complete. 原始资料必须真实、准确、齐全。
Article 10 No construction project contracting-out entity may force the contractor to compete for a bid at a price below the cost or arbitrarily cut down the reasonable time period for the construction of the project.   第十条 建设工程发包单位不得迫使承包方以低于成本的价格竞标,不得任意压缩合理工期。
No construction project owner may expressly instruct or give hint to the relevant entity to violate the mandatory standards on project construction, and lower the quality of the project. 建设单位不得明示或者暗示设计单位或者施工单位违反工程建设强制性标准,降低建设工程质量。
Article 11 The specific measures for the examination of construction drawing design documents shall be developed by the construction administrative department of the State Council and other relevant departments of the State Council.   第十一条 施工图设计文件审查的具体办法,由国务院建设行政主管部门、国务院其他有关部门制定。
Without examination and approval, no construction drawing design documents may be used. 施工图设计文件未经审查批准的,不得使用。
Article 12 For a project to be subject to supervision, the construction project owner shall authorize a project supervisory entity with the corresponding qualification grade to supervise it, or may authorize the project design entity, which has the corresponding project supervision qualification grade but does not have subordination relationship or any other interested relationship with the construction contracting entity, to supervise it.   第十二条 实行监理的建设工程,建设单位应当委托具有相应资质等级的工程监理单位进行监理,也可以委托具有工程监理相应资质等级并与被监理工程的施工承包单位没有隶属关系或者其他利害关系的该工程的设计单位进行监理。
The following construction projects shall be subject to supervision: 下列建设工程必须实行监理:
(1)The key construction projects of the state; (一)国家重点建设工程;
(2)The large and medium public utility projects; (二)大中型公用事业工程;
(3)The construction projects of residential areas developed in vast stretches; (三)成片开发建设的住宅小区工程;
(4)The construction projects with loans or aiding funds from foreign governments or international organizations; and (四)利用外国政府或者国际组织贷款、援助资金的工程;
(5)Other projects that shall be subject to supervision as provided for by the state. (五)国家规定必须实行监理的其他工程。
Article 13 Before a construction project owner fetches a construction license or report on construction start-up, it shall go through the formalities for the supervision over the project quality in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.   第十三条 建设单位在领取施工许可证或者开工报告前,应当按照国家有关规定办理工程质量监督手续。
Article 14 If, under the contractual stipulations, the construction materials, components, fittings and equipment are to be purchased by the construction project owner, it shall ensure that they conform to the design documents and contractual requirements.   第十四条 按照合同约定,由建设单位采购建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备的,建设单位应当保证建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备符合设计文件和合同要求。
The construction project owner may not expressly instruct or give hint to the construction entity to use any substandard construction materials, components, fittings and equipment. 建设单位不得明示或者暗示施工单位使用不合格的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备。
Article 15 For a decoration project involving the change of the main part and load-bearing structure of the building, the construction project owner shall, prior to the start-up of decoration, entrust the original design entity or another design entity with the corresponding qualification grade to put forward a design scheme. The decoration project shall not be started without a design scheme.   第十五条 涉及建筑主体和承重结构变动的装修工程,建设单位应当在施工前委托原设计单位或者具有相应资质等级的设计单位提出设计方案;没有设计方案的,不得施工。
No user of a building may, during the course of decoration, illegally change the main part and load-bearing structure of the building. 房屋建筑使用者在装修过程中,不得擅自变动房屋建筑主体和承重结构。
Article 16 After the construction project owner receives a project completion report, it shall organize the entities of design, construction, project supervision, etc. to conduct completion-based check and acceptance.   第十六条 建设单位收到建设工程竣工报告后,应当组织设计、施工、工程监理等有关单位进行竣工验收。
The construction project for completion-based check and acceptance shall satisfy the following conditions: 建设工程竣工验收应当具备下列条件:
(1) The work included in the relevant design and stipulated in the contract must have been completed; (一)完成建设工程设计和合同约定的各项内容;
(2) There must be complete technical archives and construction management materials; (二)有完整的技术档案和施工管理资料;
(3) There must be reports on into-spot tests of major construction materials, components, fittings and equipment used for the construction project; (三)有工程使用的主要建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备的进场试验报告;
(4) There must be a quality conformity document as signed respectively by the entities of survey, design, construction, supervision, etc.; and (四)有勘察、设计、施工、工程监理等单位分别签署的质量合格文件;
(5) There must be a guarantee for the repair of construction project as signed by the construction entity. (五)有施工单位签署的工程保修书。
The construction project shall not be delivered for use unless it has passed the completion-based check. 建设工程经验收合格的,方可交付使用。
Article 17 The construction project owner shall, in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the state governing archives, timely gather and arrange the documents and materials formed in various links of the construction project, establish sound archives for the construction project and timely transfer the archives of the construction project to the construction administrative department or other relevant departments.   第十七条 建设单位应当严格按照国家有关档案管理的规定,及时收集、整理建设项目各环节的文件资料,建立、健全建设项目档案,并在建设工程竣工验收后,及时向建设行政主管部门或者其他有关部门移交建设项目档案。
Chapter III Quality Responsibilities and Obligations of the Survey and Design Entities 

第三章 勘察、设计单位的质量责任和义务

Article 18 An entity engaging in the survey or design of construction projects shall obtain a qualification certificate of the corresponding grade and shall undertake projects within the scope licensed by its qualification grade.   第十八条 从事建设工程勘察、设计的单位应当依法取得相应等级的资质证书,并在其资质等级许可的范围内承揽工程。
It is forbidden for a survey or design entity to undertake any project beyond the scope licensed by its qualification grade or on behalf of any other survey or design entity. It is forbidden for a survey or design entity to allow any other entity or individual to undertake any project on behalf of it. 禁止勘察、设计单位超越其资质等级许可的范围或者以其他勘察、设计单位的名义承揽工程。禁止勘察、设计单位允许其他单位或者个人以本单位的名义承揽工程。
No survey or design entity may sub-contract or illegally contract out any project undertaken by it. 勘察、设计单位不得转包或者违法分包所承揽的工程。
Article 19 A survey or design entity shall, in accordance with the mandatory project construction standards, complete the survey or design work and shall be responsible for the quality thereof.   第十九条 勘察、设计单位必须按照工程建设强制性标准进行勘察、设计,并对其勘察、设计的质量负责。
The certified architects, certified structural engineers and other certified practitioners shall affix their signatures to the design documents and shall be responsible for these design documents. 注册建筑师、注册结构工程师等注册执业人员应当在设计文件上签字,对设计文件负责。
Article 20 The survey results of geology, measurement, hydrology, etc. provided by the survey entity shall be genuine and accurate.   第二十条 勘察单位提供的地质、测量、水文等勘察成果必须真实、准确。
Article 21 The design entity shall complete the design for a construction project on the basis of the documents on the survey results.   第二十一条 设计单位应当根据勘察成果文件进行建设工程设计。
The design documents shall satisfy the design depth requirements of the state and shall indicate the reasonable use period of the project. 设计文件应当符合国家规定的设计深度要求,注明工程合理使用年限。
Article 22 The specifications, models or performances and other technical indicators of the construction materials, components, fittings and equipment as chosen by the design entity shall be indicated in the design documents and the quality requirements therefor shall conform to the national standards.   第二十二条 设计单位在设计文件中选用的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备,应当注明规格、型号、性能等技术指标,其质量要求必须符合国家规定的标准。
Except for the specially required construction materials, special equipment and production line, a design entity shall not designate any producer or supplier. 除有特殊要求的建筑材料、专用设备、工艺生产线等外,设计单位不得指定生产厂、供应商。
Article 23 The design entity shall make detailed explanations to the construction entity about the construction drawing design documents that have passed the examination.   第二十三条 设计单位应当就审查合格的施工图设计文件向施工单位作出详细说明。
Article 24 The design entity shall participate in the analyses of construction project quality accident and shall put forward a corresponding technical settlement plan for any quality accident due to design.   第二十四条 设计单位应当参与建设工程质量事故分析,并对因设计造成的质量事故,提出相应的技术处理方案。
Chapter IV Quality Responsibilities and Obligations of the Construction Entity 

第四章 施工单位的质量责任和义务

Article 25 A construction entity shall obtain the qualification certificate of the corresponding grade and shall undertake projects within the scope licensed by its qualification grade.   第二十五条 施工单位应当依法取得相应等级的资质证书,并在其资质等级许可的范围内承揽工程。
It is forbidden for a construction entity to undertake the construction of any project beyond the scope licensed by its qualification grade or on behalf of any other construction entity. It is forbidden for a construction entity to allow any other entity or individual to undertake any project on behalf of it. 禁止施工单位超越本单位资质等级许可的业务范围或者以其他施工单位的名义承揽工程。禁止施工单位允许其他单位或者个人以本单位的名义承揽工程。
No construction entity may sub-contract or illegally contract out any project undertaken by it. 施工单位不得转包或者违法分包工程。
Article 26 A construction entity shall be responsible for the construction quality of the construction project.   第二十六条 施工单位对建设工程的施工质量负责。
The construction entity shall establish a quality responsibility system. It shall determine the project manager, technical manager and head of construction management of a construction project. 施工单位应当建立质量责任制,确定工程项目的项目经理、技术负责人和施工管理负责人。
For the construction project under a general contract, the prime contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the whole construction project. For the construction project survey, design, construction and equipment purchase, if one or several of the aforesaid tasks is/are under a general contract, the prime contracting entity shall be responsible for the quality of the construction project contracted by it or equipment purchased by it. 建设工程实行总承包的,总承包单位应当对全部建设工程质量负责;建设工程勘察、设计、施工、设备采购的一项或者多项实行总承包的,总承包单位应当对其承包的建设工程或者采购的设备的质量负责。
Article 27 If the prime contracting entity contracts out the construction project to another entity in accordance with the law, the subcontracting entity shall, under the contractual stipulations, be responsible for the quality of the project subcontracted by it to the prime contracting entity. The prime contracting entity and the subcontracting entity shall be jointly and severally responsible for the quality of the aforesaid project.   第二十七条 总承包单位依法将建设工程分包给其他单位的,分包单位应当按照分包合同的约定对其分包工程的质量向总承包单位负责,总承包单位与分包单位对分包工程的质量承担连带责任。
Article 28 A construction entity shall carry out the construction according to the project design blueprint and construction technical standards. It shall not illegally modify the project design, nor jerry-build the project.   第二十八条 施工单位必须按照工程设计图纸和施工技术标准施工,不得擅自修改工程设计,不得偷工减料。
If the construction entity finds, during the process of construction, that there is any error in the design documents and blueprint, it shall put forward its opinions and proposal in a timely manner. 施工单位在施工过程中发现设计文件和图纸有差错的,应当及时提出意见和建议。
Article 29 The construction entity shall, according to the project design requirements, construction technical standards and contractual stipulations, check the construction materials, components, fittings, equipment and commodity concrete. It shall make a written record for the check, which shall be signed by a person specially assigned for the task. Any construction materials, components, fittings, equipment or commodity concrete that have not been checked or fail to pass the check shall not be used.   第二十九条 施工单位必须按照工程设计要求、施工技术标准和合同约定,对建筑材料、建筑构配件、设备和商品混凝土进行检验,检验应当有书面记录和专人签字;未经检验或者检验不合格的,不得使用。
Article 30 The construction entity shall establish a sound construction quality inspection system, shall strictly follow the construction procedures and shall check the quality of the hidden parts and make records. It shall, before hiding the parts to be hidden, notify the project owner and construction project quality supervisory institution.   第三十条 施工单位必须建立、健全施工质量的检验制度,严格工序管理,作好隐蔽工程的质量检查和记录。隐蔽工程在隐蔽前,施工单位应当通知建设单位和建设工程质量监督机构。
Article 31 For the test-blocks, test-pieces and other materials relating to the structural safety, the construction personnel shall take samples in the presence of the construction entity or project supervisory entity and shall have them tested by a quality testing entity with the corresponding qualification grade.
   第三十一条 施工人员对涉及结构安全的试块、试件以及有关材料,应当在建设单位或者工程监理单位监督下现场取样,并送具有相应资质等级的质量检测单位进行检测。

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