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Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of the Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China [Expired]
最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》若干问题的解释 [失效]

Announcement of the Supreme People's Court 


The Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of the Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 1,648th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on April 20, 2015, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on May 1, 2015. 《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国行政诉讼法〉若干问题的解释》已于2015年4月20日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1648次会议通过,现予公布,自2015年5月1日起施行。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
April 22, 2015 2015年4月22日
Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of the Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China 最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》若干问题的解释
(Adopted at the 1,648th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on April 20, 2015, Interpretation No. 9 [2015] of the Supreme People's Court) (2015年4月20日最高人民法院审判委员会第1648次会议通过 法释〔2015〕9号)
For the correct application of the Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China as amended according to a decision made at the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress, in light of the practices of the people's courts in the trial of administrative cases, the following issues concerning the application of the relevant clauses of the law are hereby interpreted: 为正确适用第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议决定修改的《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》,结合人民法院行政审判工作实际,现就有关条款的适用问题解释如下:
Article 1 A people's court shall docket a complaint which meets the conditions for filing a complaint to legally safeguard the exercise of litigation rights by the parties.   第一条 人民法院对符合起诉条件的案件应当立案,依法保障当事人行使诉讼权利。
For cases legally filed by the parties, a people's court shall, without exception, receive the written complaints in accordance with Article 51 of the Administrative Litigation Law. The people's court shall register and docket a complaint on the spot if it can determine that the complaint meets the conditions for filing a complaint; or decide whether to docket the complaint within seven days of receipt of the written complaint if it cannot determine on the spot whether the conditions for filing a complaint are met; and if it still cannot make a determination within the seven days, shall docket the complaint. 对当事人依法提起的诉讼,人民法院应当根据行政诉讼法五十一条的规定,一律接收起诉状。能够判断符合起诉条件的,应当当场登记立案;当场不能判断是否符合起诉条件的,应当在接收起诉状后七日内决定是否立案;七日内仍不能作出判断的,应当先予立案。
Where there is any missing content or material in the written complaint, the people's court shall notify the party at one time of all necessary supplements and corrections and the time limit for submitting them to the court. The people's court shall register and docket the complaint if such supplements and corrections are submitted to the court within the specified time limit and the conditions for filing a complaint are met. If the party refuses to submit such supplements and corrections or still fails to meet the conditions for filing a complaint after submitting such supplements and corrections, the people's court shall enter a ruling not to docket the complaint, stating the reasons for not docketing the complaint. 起诉状内容或者材料欠缺的,人民法院应当一次性全面告知当事人需要补正的内容、补充的材料及期限。在指定期限内补正并符合起诉条件的,应当登记立案。当事人拒绝补正或者经补正仍不符合起诉条件的,裁定不予立案,并载明不予立案的理由。
The party may file an appeal against the ruling not to docket the complaint. 当事人对不予立案裁定不服的,可以提起上诉。
Article 2 In item (3) of Article 49 of the Administrative Litigation Law, “specific claim” means:   第二条 行政诉讼法四十九条第三项规定的“有具体的诉讼请求”是指:
(1) A claim for a judgment to revoke or modify an administrative action (一)请求判决撤销或者变更行政行为;
(2) A claim for a judgment requiring an administrative agency to perform its statutory duties and responsibilities or payment obligation. (二)请求判决行政机关履行法定职责或者给付义务;
(3) A claim for a judgment to confirm that an administrative action is illegal. (三)请求判决确认行政行为违法;
(4) A claim for a judgment to confirm that an administrative action is void. (四)请求判决确认行政行为无效;
(5) A claim for a judgment requiring an administrative agency to make compensation or indemnification. (五)请求判决行政机关予以赔偿或者补偿;
(6) A claim for the resolution of a dispute over an administrative agreement. (六)请求解决行政协议争议;
(7) A claim for the concurrent review of a regulatory document lower than administrative rules in legal effects. (七)请求一并审查规章以下规范性文件;
(8) A claim for the concurrent settlement of the relevant civil dispute. (八)请求一并解决相关民事争议;
(9) Any other claim. (九)其他诉讼请求。
Where the party fails to correctly express its claims, the people's court shall provide explanation to the party. 当事人未能正确表达诉讼请求的,人民法院应当予以释明。
Article 3 Under any of the following circumstances, if a complaint has been docketed, the people's court shall enter a ruling to dismiss the complaint:   第三条 有下列情形之一,已经立案的,应当裁定驳回起诉:
(1) The complaint does not comply with the provision of Article 49 of the Administrative Litigation Law. (一)不符合行政诉讼法四十九条规定的;
(2) The complaint is filed beyond the statutory time limitation for filing a complaint without a good reason. (二)超过法定起诉期限且无正当理由的;
(3) The plaintiff names a wrong defendant, and refuses to change it. (三)错列被告且拒绝变更的;
(4) The litigation is not conducted by the legal representative, designated representative, or representative according to the law. (四)未按照法律规定由法定代理人、指定代理人、代表人为诉讼行为的;
(5) The plaintiff fails to first apply to the administrative agency for reconsideration in accordance with laws and regulations. (五)未按照法律、法规规定先向行政机关申请复议的;
(6) The plaintiff files a repeat complaint. (六)重复起诉的;
(7) The plaintiff files a complaint again without a good reason after withdrawing the complaint. (七)撤回起诉后无正当理由再行起诉的;
(8) The alleged administrative action evidently has no practical impact on the plaintiff's lawful rights and interests. (八)行政行为对其合法权益明显不产生实际影响的;
(9) The subject matter of litigation has been bound by an effective adjudication. (九)诉讼标的已为生效裁判所羁束的;
(10) Any other statutory condition for filing a complaint is not met. (十)不符合其他法定起诉条件的。
Where the people's court deems it unnecessary to try a case in court after reviewing the case file, conducting investigation, and questioning the parties, it may directly enter a ruling to dismiss the complaint. 人民法院经过阅卷、调查和询问当事人,认为不需要开庭审理的,可以迳行裁定驳回起诉。
Article 4 Where a citizen, a legal person, or any other organization files a complaint in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 47 of the Administrative Litigation Law against an administrative agency for its failure to perform its statutory duties and responsibilities, the complaint shall be filed within six months upon expiry of the time limit for the administrative agency to perform its statutory duties and responsibilities.   第四条 公民、法人或者其他组织依照行政诉讼法四十七条第一款的规定,对行政机关不履行法定职责提起诉讼的,应当在行政机关履行法定职责期限届满之日起六个月内提出。
Article 5 In paragraph 3 of Article 3 of the Administrative Litigation Law, “person in charge of an administrative agency” means the person in charge of the administrative agency who is a chief or deputy chief. Where the person in charge of the administrative agency appears in court to respond to the complaint, the administrative agency may retain one or two litigation representatives in addition.   第五条 行政诉讼法三条第三款规定的“行政机关负责人”,包括行政机关的正职和副职负责人。行政机关负责人出庭应诉的,可以另行委托一至二名诉讼代理人。
Article 6 In paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Administrative Litigation Law, “reconsideration agency's decision sustains the original administrative action” includes the reconsideration agency's dismissal of a reconsideration application or a reconsideration claim, except that the reconsideration authority dismisses a reconsideration application on the ground that the application fails to meet the conditions for acceptance.   第六条 行政诉讼法二十六条第二款规定的“复议机关决定维持原行政行为”,包括复议机关驳回复议申请或者复议请求的情形,但以复议申请不符合受理条件为由驳回的除外。
In paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Administrative Litigation Law, “reconsideration agency's decision modifies the original administrative action” means that the reconsideration agency changes the handling result in the original administrative action.

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