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Administrative Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Funeral and Interment (2004 Amendment) [Revised]
深圳经济特区殡葬管理条例(2004修正) [已被修订]

Administrative Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Funeral and Interment 


(Adopted at the Thirty-seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the Second Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on January 11, 2000. As revised at the Thirty-second Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on June 25, 2004)
(2000年1月11日深圳市第二届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十七次会议通过 2004年6月25日深圳市第三届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十二次会议修正)

Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to promote the reform of funeral and interment, strengthen the administration of funeral and interment, accelerate the construction of socialist spirit and civilization, these regulations are formulated according to relevant laws, regulations of state and combining with the actual circumstances of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (hereinafter referred to as Special Zone)。   第一条 为推进殡葬改革,加强殡葬管理,促进社会主义精神文明建设,根据国家有关法律、法规,结合深圳经济特区(以下简称特区)实际,制定本条例。

Article 2 The administrative policy of funeral and interment is to exercise overall cremation, forbid arbitrary bury, abolish the bad habits of funeral and interment, and advocate civil and thrifty funeral.   第二条 殡葬管理的方针是:全面实行火葬,禁止乱埋乱葬,革除殡葬陋俗,提倡文明节俭办丧事。

Article 3 The people's governments at all levels shall attach importance to the work of funeral and interment, strengthen the administration of funeral and interment, and exercise the responsibility system of administration of funeral and interment.   第三条 各级人民政府应当重视殡葬工作,加强殡葬管理,实行殡葬管理责任制。

Article 4 The civil department of Shenzhen Municipality and district (hereinafter referred to as the civil department) is the competent department of funeral and interment, which shall perform the following administrative powers and duties of funeral and interment according to law:   第四条 深圳市、区人民政府民政部门(以下简称民政部门)是殡葬工作的主管部门,依法履行下列殡葬管理职责:

(1) to draw up the development plan of the cause of funeral and interment, and to enact the construction plan of funeral and interment facilities together with relevant departments; (一)拟订殡葬事业发展计划,会同有关部门制定殡葬设施建设规划;

(2) to examine and approve the construction of funeral and interment facilities and the service business of funeral and interment according to legal purview and procedure; (二)依照法定权限和程序审批殡葬设施建设和殡葬服务业务;

(3) to administer and supervise the service business of funeral and interment, and to investigate into and deal with the malfeasance of funeral and interment; (三)管理、监督殡葬服务业务,查处殡葬违法行为;

(4) other administrative powers and duties of funeral and interment as provided in laws and regulations. (四)法律、法规规定的其他殡葬管理职责。

The civil department may entrust the institution of funeral and interment, which satisfies legal requirements, to exercise punitive power to the act violating the administrative laws and regulations on funeral and interment according to law.

Article 5 The administrative department of public security, industry and commerce, land plan, environmental protection, health, city management, transport, national and religious affairs and so on shall assist to perfect the administration of funeral and interment within their respective powers and duties.   第五条 公安、工商、规划国土、环境保护、卫生、城市管理、运输和民族宗教事务等行政管理部门,应当在各自职责范围内协同做好殡葬活动管理工作。

Article 6 The whole society shall support the reform of funeral and interment, observe the administrative laws and regulations on funeral and interment, support and assist the work of funeral and interment unit and its employee.   第六条 全社会应当支持殡葬改革,遵守殡葬管理法律、法规,对殡葬单位及其职工的工作给予支持和配合。

Chapter Ⅱ Administration of Funeral and Interment 

第二章 丧葬管理

Article 7 If citizen dies in this municipality, the corpse shall be cremated, except the person of the minority who may be inhumed as provided by the State. If the person of the minority exercise the reform of funeral voluntarily, others shall not interfere.   第七条 公民在本市死亡的,尸体应当实行火化,但国家规定可以土葬的少数民族人员除外。少数民族人员自愿实行丧葬改革的,他人不得干涉。

The remains of the dead, who is affirmed by the administrative department of national and religious affairs and the civil department to accord with the conditions of inhumation as provided in the preceding paragraph, shall be buried in the special cemetery park that is approved to be established by government.

Article 8 The corpse of the person, who dies in this municipality, shall be cremated and shall not be transported out of this municipality, except that laws and regulations provide otherwise.   第八条 凡在本市范围内死亡的人员,应当实行火化的,其尸体不得运出本市,但法律、法规另有规定的除外。

Article 9 The heir of the dead shall be the undertaker of funeral.   第九条 死者的继承人为其丧事承办人。

If the dead has no heir, his supporter by legacy or the unit that he belongs to during his lifetime or the urban residents' (villagers‘) committee of his deathbed habitation is the undertaker of funeral.

If corpse is not claimed, the civil department, public security organization or hospital shall be in charge of funeral according to different circumstances. The fees shall be disbursed from finance.

Article 10 If the dead died at home, the undertaker of funeral shall report to the public security organization instantly, go through the formalities of death certificate and inform funeral home to transport corpse within 2 hours from knowing the death.   第十条 死者在家中死亡的,丧事承办人应当即时向公安机关报告,办理死亡证明手续,并在自知道死亡之时起12小时内通知殡仪馆接运尸体。

If the dead dies in hospital, the hospital shall issue Death Certificate and inform funeral home to transport corpse within 8 hours from the death. The donation of remains and the death involving medical accident shall be conducted according to relevant provisions.

If the dead dies at other place, the public security organization or the judicial ogan shall issue the death certificate and inform funeral home to transport corpse.

The corpse of person, who is involved in criminal case and dies abnormally, shall be accepted, preserved, examined and appraised gratuitously, and be handed over to funeral home for treatment after being collected evidence by the public security organization.

Article 11 Funeral home shall transport corpse within 4 hours from receiving information.   第十一条 殡仪馆应当自接到通知后4小时内接运尸体。

When transporting corpse, funeral home shall take necessary technical treatment to it, in order to prevent environmental pollution.

Article 12 Funeral home, hospital and other units having the business of reserving corpse shall establish the registration system of corpse and take effective measure to strengthen the management of corpse in order to prevent the corpse from being illegally transported out of this municipality.   第十二条 殡仪馆、医院和其他有保管尸体业务的单位应当建立尸体登记制度,采取有效措施加强尸体管理,防止尸体违法运出本市。

Article 13 Any one, who goes through the formality of cremation, shall submit the following documents:   第十三条 办理火化手续应当提交以下文书:

(1) The undertaker of funeral shall submit effective identity document and the death certificate issued by hospital or the public security organization of district or higher level and sign written opinion about the disposition of corpse when going through the formalities of cremation; (一)丧事承办人办理火化手续的,应当提交有效身份证件和医院或者区级以上公安机关出具的死亡证明并签署尸体处理意见书;

(2) Hospital, public security organization, judicial organ or civil department shall submit written opinion about the disposition of corpse when going through the formality of cremation. (二)医院、公安机关、司法机关或者民政部门办理火化手续的,应当提供尸体处理意见书。

Corpse cannot be cremated by funeral home until the preceding requirements are satisfied.

Article 14 The corpse that shall be cremated as provided in these regulations shall be cremated within 10 days from being transported to funeral home, except that the public security, judicial organ or hospital needs to examine or appraise it. If the undertaker of funeral shall go through the deferring formality if he requires to defer the cremation for special circumstances.
   第十四条 本条例规定应当火化的尸体,除公安机关、司法机关或者医院检验、鉴定需要外,应当自运至殡仪馆后10日内火化。丧事承办人因特殊情况要求延期火化的,应当办理延期火化手续。

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