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Provisional Regulations on Institution Of Labour Contract System In State-Owned Enterprises [Expired]
国营企业实行劳动合同制暂行规定 [失效]




(Issued by the State Council on July 12, 1986)
(一九八六年七月十二日国务院发布 国发[1986]77号)


第一章 总 则

Article 1 The present Regulations are specially drawn up for the purpose of reforming the labour system in State-owned enterprises, strengthening their vitality, tapping to the full the initiative and creativeness of the workers, protecting their legitimate rights and interests, and promoting socialist modernization.  第一条 为改革国营企业(以下简称企业)的劳动制度,增强企业活力,充分发挥劳动者的积极性和创造性, 保障劳动者的合法权益, 促进社会主义现代化建设,特制定本规定。

Article 2 Enterprises recruiting workers for regular jobs within the targets of the State labour and wage plans shall practise the unified labour contract system, except otherwise stipulated by the State. The form of employment can be varied in accordance with the needs and characteristics of work and production. It can be long-term workers of five years and more, short-term workers from one to five years, and workers on a regular rotation basis. However, a labour contract shall be signed for all of these forms in accordance with the Regulations.  第二条 企业在国家劳动工资计划指标内招用常年性工作岗位上的工人,除国家另有特别规定者外, 统一实行劳动合同制。 用工形式,由企业根据生产、工作的特点和需要确定,可以招用五年以上的长期工、一年至五年的短期工和定期轮换工。不论采取哪一种用工形式,都应当按照本规定签订劳动合同。

The contract is also applicable to casual and seasonal workers with terms of less than a year.

Article 3 Workers under the labour contract system enjoy equal rights as permanent workers to labour, work, study, participation in democratic enterprise management, and acquiring political honours and material incentives.  第三条 劳动合同制工人与所在企业原固定工人享有同等的劳动、工作、学习、参加企业的民主管理、获得政治荣誉和物质鼓励等权利。


第二章 招收录用

Article 4 In recruiting labour-contract workers, the enterprises shall, under the guidance of local labour administration, follow the principles of open competition, application on a voluntary basis, overall evaluation of moral characters, intelligence and physique, and giving priority to the best. The employment procedure shall be completed by the enterprise with local labour administration. The focus for evaluation of re-employed workers shall be on their skills. Those who are qualified shall be given the priority.  第四条 企业招用劳动合同制工人,应当在当地劳动行政主管部门指导下,贯彻公开招收、自愿报名、德智体全面考核、择优录用的原则。由企业向当地劳动行政主管部门办理录用手续。对重新就业的工人,企业应当注重实际技能的考核,经过考核合格的,优先录用。

Article 5 A Labour Manual system shall be introduced for labour-contract workers.  第五条 对劳动合同制工人,应当建立《劳动手册》制度。

The Labour Manual will be issued by the Ministry of Labour and Personnel Affairs.

Article 6 While recruiting labour-contract workers, the enterprise shall state explicitly in the contract a probational period. It can be between three and six months, to be decided by the enterprise in line with different kinds of job.  第六条 企业招用劳动合同制工人,应当订明试用期。试用期为三个月至六个月,由企业根据不同工种具体确定。


第三章 劳动合同的订立、变更、终止和解除

Article 7 When signing the labour contract, the enterprise and the workers shall abide by State policies and regulations, persist in the principles of equality, voluntariness and negotiations, and state in written form the responsibility, obligations and rights of both parties. Once the contract is signed, it comes under the protection by the law, requiring strict observance by the parties involved.  第七条 企业与被招用的工人签订劳动合同时,必须遵守国家政策和法规的规定,坚持平等自愿和协商一致的原则,以书面形式明确规定双方的责任、义务和权利。劳动合同一经签订,就受到法律保护,双方必须严格遵照执行。

Article 8 The contents of the labour contract shall include:  第八条 劳动合同的内容应当包括:

(1) Quantity and quality targets of production, or the task to be completed; (一) 在生产上应当达到的数量指标、质量指标,或应当完成的任务;

(2) The length of probation and contract; (二) 试用期限、合同期限;

(3) Conditions of production and work; (三) 生产、工作条件;

(4) Remuneration, insurance and benefits; (四) 劳动报酬和保险、福利待遇;

(5) Labour discipline; (五) 劳动纪律;

(6) Responsibility to be taken by violators of contract; (六) 违反劳动合同者应当承担的责任;

(7) Other matters that are deemed necessary by the two parties. (七) 双方认为需要规定的其他事项。

Article 9 The length of the labour contract shall be determined by the enterprise and the worker through negotiations.  第九条 劳动合同期限,由企业和工人协商确定。

Execution of the labour contract shall terminate at its expiration. It can be renewed with full agreement of both parties in accordance with the needs of production and work.

The labour contract for workers on rotation must be terminated upon its expiration.

Article 10 The related contents of the contract can be modified when the enterprise, with the approval of competent authorities at the higher levels, has to change the line of production, readjust production tasks, or when the situation changes, through negotiations by the two sides.  第十条 企业经上级主管部门批准转产、调整生产任务,或者由于情况变化,经合同双方协商同意,可以变更合同的相关内容。

Article 11 The transregional transfer of a contract worker, owing to needs of production and work, or government regulations, shall be approved by the labour administration of the regions concerned, and move with his residence registration and retirement pension fund. He can terminate his contract with his enterprise and sign another contract with the receiving unit.  第十一条 劳动合同制工人因生产、工作需要,或按照国家有关规定,需要跨地区转移工作单位时,经有关地区劳动行政主管部门协商同意,并办理户口和退休养老基金的转移手续,可以与所在企业解除劳动合同,与所需单位签订劳动合同。

Article 12 The enterprise can terminate the labour contract in any of the following situations:  第十二条 在下列情况下,企业可以解除劳动合同:

(1) It is discovered that the contract worker does not qualify for the employment requirements; (一) 劳动合同制工人在试用期内,经发现不符合录用条件的;

(2) The contract worker is unable to take up the original job at the end of a medical treatment period for illnesses and non-work-related injuries; (二) 劳动合同制工人患病或非因工负伤,医疗期满后不能从事原工作的;

(3) Dismissals in line with the Provisional Regulations of the State Council on Dismissal of Discipline-Violating Workers and Employees in State-Owned Enterprises;
 (三) 按照《国务院关于国营企业辞退违纪职工暂行规定》,属于应予辞退的;

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