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Regulation on the Administration of Ozone Depleting Substances (2018 Revision) [Revised]
消耗臭氧层物质管理条例(2018修订) [已被修订]

Regulation on the Administration of Ozone Depleting Substances



(Promulgated by Order No. 573 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on April 8, 2010; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations on March 19, 2018.) (2010年4月8日中华人民共和国国务院令第573号公布 根据2018年3月19日《国务院关于修改和废止部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 To strengthen the administration of ozone depleting substances, fulfill the obligations of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, protect the ozone layer and eco-environment, and maintain people's health, this Regulation is formulated pursuant to the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China.   第一条 为了加强对消耗臭氧层物质的管理,履行《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》和《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》规定的义务,保护臭氧层和生态环境,保障人体健康,根据《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》,制定本条例。
Article 2 The term “ozone depleting substances” as mentioned in this Regulation refers to chemicals which damage the ozone layer and are in the Checklist of Ozone Depleting Substances under National Control.   第二条 本条例所称消耗臭氧层物质,是指对臭氧层有破坏作用并列入《中国受控消耗臭氧层物质清单》的化学品。
The Checklist of Ozone Depleting Substances under National Control shall be made, adjusted and published by the environmental protection department under the State Council together with other competent departments under the State Council. 《中国受控消耗臭氧层物质清单》由国务院环境保护主管部门会同国务院有关部门制定、调整和公布。
Article 3 This Regulation shall apply to the production, sales, consumption and import/export of ozone depleting substances inside the People's Republic of China.   第三条 在中华人民共和国境内从事消耗臭氧层物质的生产、销售、使用和进出口等活动,适用本条例。
The term “production” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the producing activities of ozone depleting substances. The term “consumption” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the use of ozone depleting substances for productions and business operations, excluding the use of products containing ozone depleting substances. 前款所称生产,是指制造消耗臭氧层物质的活动。前款所称使用,是指利用消耗臭氧层物质进行的生产经营等活动,不包括使用含消耗臭氧层物质的产品的活动。
Article 4 The environmental protection department under the State Council is in charge of the supervision and administration of ozone depleting substances around the whole nation.   第四条 国务院环境保护主管部门统一负责全国消耗臭氧层物质的监督管理工作。
The commerce department under the State Council, the General Administration of Customs and other relevant departments shall, under this Regulation, take charge of the supervision and administration of ozone depleting substances within their respective scope of functions and duties. 国务院商务主管部门、海关总署等有关部门依照本条例的规定和各自的职责负责消耗臭氧层物质的有关监督管理工作。
The environmental protection departments and commerce departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, under this Regulation, take charge of the supervision and administration of ozone depleting substances in their respective administrative regions within their respective scope of functions and duties. 县级以上地方人民政府环境保护主管部门和商务等有关部门依照本条例的规定和各自的职责负责本行政区域消耗臭氧层物质的有关监督管理工作。
Article 5 The state will gradually reduce ozone depleting substances used as refrigerants, foaming agents, extinguishing agents, solvents, detergents, processing agents, pesticides, aerosols and expansion agents till they are finally eliminated.   第五条 国家逐步削减并最终淘汰作为制冷剂、发泡剂、灭火剂、溶剂、清洗剂、加工助剂、杀虫剂、气雾剂、膨胀剂等用途的消耗臭氧层物质。
The environmental protection department under the State Council shall, together with other relevant departments under the State Council, draft a National Plan for Gradually Eliminating Ozone Depleting Substances (hereinafter referred to as the National Plan) and implement it upon the approval of the State Council. 国务院环境保护主管部门会同国务院有关部门拟订《中国逐步淘汰消耗臭氧层物质国家方案》(以下简称国家方案),报国务院批准后实施。
Article 6 The environmental protection department under the State Council shall, together with other relevant departments under the State Council, based on the National Plan and the elimination progress of ozone depleting substances, determine and publish a category of construction projects producing or consuming ozone depleting substances whose building, rebuilding or expansion is restricted or prohibited, and make and publish a category of ozone depleting substances whose production, consumption or import/export is restricted or prohibited.   第六条 国务院环境保护主管部门根据国家方案和消耗臭氧层物质淘汰进展情况,会同国务院有关部门确定并公布限制或者禁止新建、改建、扩建生产、使用消耗臭氧层物质建设项目的类别,制定并公布限制或者禁止生产、使用、进出口消耗臭氧层物质的名录。
Any party that needs to produce or consume for special purposes any ozone depleting substances whose production or consumption is prohibited under the preceding paragraph shall submit an application to the environmental protection department under the State Council and other relevant departments under the State Council for approval pursuant to the special purpose provisions of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. 因特殊用途确需生产、使用前款规定禁止生产、使用的消耗臭氧层物质的,按照《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》有关允许用于特殊用途的规定,由国务院环境保护主管部门会同国务院有关部门批准。
Article 7 The state exercises total quantity control and quota management to the production, consumption and import/export of ozone depleting substances. The environmental protection department under the State Council shall, based on the National Plan and the elimination progress of ozone depleting substances, decide and announce the national annual production, consumption and import/export quota of ozone depleting substances together with other relevant departments under the State Council   第七条 国家对消耗臭氧层物质的生产、使用、进出口实行总量控制和配额管理。国务院环境保护主管部门根据国家方案和消耗臭氧层物质淘汰进展情况,商国务院有关部门确定国家消耗臭氧层物质的年度生产、使用和进出口配额总量,并予以公告。
Article 8 The state encourages and supports the scientific research, technological development, promotion and application of substitutes and substitution technologies of ozone depleting substances.   第八条 国家鼓励、支持消耗臭氧层物质替代品和替代技术的科学研究、技术开发和推广应用。
The environmental protection department under the State Council shall, together with other relevant departments under the State Council, make, adjust and publish the National Catalogue of Recommended Substitutes for Ozone Depleting Substances. 国务院环境保护主管部门会同国务院有关部门制定、调整和公布《中国消耗臭氧层物质替代品推荐名录》。
The development, production and consumption of the substitutes for ozone depleting substances shall conform to the national industrial policies, and enjoy preferential policies according to the relevant state provisions. The state will give rewards to entities and individuals that make extraordinary achievements in the elimination of ozone depleting substances. 开发、生产、使用消耗臭氧层物质替代品,应当符合国家产业政策,并按照国家有关规定享受优惠政策。国家对在消耗臭氧层物质淘汰工作中做出突出成绩的单位和个人给予奖励。
Article 9 Entities and individuals have the right to report violations of this Regulation to the environmental protection departments or other relevant departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level. These departments shall, immediately after receiving tip-offs, investigate and handle them, keep confidential the tipsters' information, and give rewards to them if the reported violations are verified as true.   第九条 任何单位和个人对违反本条例规定的行为,有权向县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门或者其他有关部门举报。接到举报的部门应当及时调查处理,并为举报人保密;经调查情况属实的,对举报人给予奖励。
Chapter II Production, Distribution and Consumption 

第二章 生产、销售和使用

Article 10 Entities producing or consuming ozone depleting substances shall obtain a production or consumption quota permit under this Regulation. However, if a consumer is under any of the following circumstances, it is not required to get a consumption quota permit:   第十条 消耗臭氧层物质的生产、使用单位,应当依照本条例的规定申请领取生产或者使用配额许可证。但是,使用单位有下列情形之一的,不需要申请领取使用配额许可证:
1. A maintenance entity needs to use ozone depleting substances to maintain the cooling devices, cooling systems or extinguishing systems; (一)维修单位为了维修制冷设备、制冷系统或者灭火系统使用消耗臭氧层物质的;
2. A lab needs to use a small quantity of ozone depleting substances for experimental analysis; (二)实验室为了实验分析少量使用消耗臭氧层物质的;
3. An entry/exit inspection and quarantine body needs to use ozone depleting substances for quarantine purposes to prevent the entry or exit of harmful organisms; or (三)出入境检验检疫机构为了防止有害生物传入传出使用消耗臭氧层物质实施检疫的;
4. Any other circumstances under which the party concerned is not required to get a consumption quota permit as specified by the environmental protection department under the State Council. (四)国务院环境保护主管部门规定的不需要申请领取使用配额许可证的其他情形。
Article 11 Entities producing or consuming ozone depleting substances shall meet the conditions prescribed by laws and administrative regulations and also:   第十一条 消耗臭氧层物质的生产、使用单位除具备法律、行政法规规定的条件外,还应当具备下列条件:
1. Have made achievements in the legal production or consumption of the ozone depleting substances in question; (一)有合法生产或者使用相应消耗臭氧层物质的业绩;
2. Have sites, facilities, equipment and professional technicians for the production or consumption of the ozone depleting substances in question; (二)有生产或者使用相应消耗臭氧层物质的场所、设施、设备和专业技术人员;
3. Have environmental protection devices; and (三)有经验收合格的环境保护设施;
4. Have sound management rules for production and business operations. (四)有健全完善的生产经营管理制度。
Item 1 of the preceding paragraph is not applicable to entities which use ozone depleting substances for the special purposes as mentioned in Article 6 of this Regulation. 将消耗臭氧层物质用于本条例第六条规定的特殊用途的单位,不适用前款第(一)项的规定。
Article 12 An entity producing or consuming ozone depleting substances shall submit a written application to the environmental protection department under the State Council for the production or consumption quota of the next year before October 31 of each year, and submit evidentiary materials to prove that it meets the conditions prescribed in Article 11 of this Regulation.   第十二条 消耗臭氧层物质的生产、使用单位应当于每年10月31日前向国务院环境保护主管部门书面申请下一年度的生产配额或者使用配额,并提交其符合本条例第十一条规定条件的证明材料。
The environmental protection department under the State Council shall, based on the annual total quota of the state for the production or consumption of ozone depleting substances and the applicant's achievements made in the production or consumption of the ozone depleting substances in question, decide the applicant's production or consumption quota of the next year, and finish the examination before December 20 of each year. If the applicant meets the prescribed conditions, it shall issue a production or consumption quota permit for the next year to the applicant, publish an announcement and make a copy to other relevant departments under the State Council and the environmental protection department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government at the locality of the applicant; if not, it shall notify the applicant in writing and give reasons. 国务院环境保护主管部门根据国家消耗臭氧层物质的年度生产、使用配额总量和申请单位生产、使用相应消耗臭氧层物质的业绩情况,核定申请单位下一年度的生产配额或者使用配额,并于每年12月20日前完成审查,符合条件的,核发下一年度的生产或者使用配额许可证,予以公告,并抄送国务院有关部门和申请单位所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府环境保护主管部门;不符合条件的,书面通知申请单位并说明理由。
Article 13 A production or consumption quota permit shall contain:   第十三条 消耗臭氧层物质的生产或者使用配额许可证应当载明下列内容:
1. The name, address, legal representative or person in charge of the producer or consumer;

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