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General Flight Rules of the People's Republic of China (2001 Revision) [Revised]
中华人民共和国飞行基本规则(2001修订) [已被修订]

General Flight Rules of the People's Republic of China 


(Promulgated by Decree No.288 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China on July 24, 2000, and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council and the Central Military Commission on Amending the General Flight Rules of the People's Republic of China on July 27, 2001)
(2000年7月24日中华人民共和国国务院、中华人民共和国中央军事委员会令第288号公布 根据2001年7月27日《国务院、中央军委关于修改〈中华人民共和国飞行基本规则〉的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则

Chapter II Airspace Management 第二章 空域管理

Chapter III Flight Control 第三章 飞行管制

Chapter IV Operations within Aerodrome Areas 第四章 机场区域内飞行

Chapter V Operations on Airways and Air Routes 第五章 航路和航线飞行

Chapter VI Flight Separation 第六章 飞行间隔

Chapter VII Flight Command 第七章 飞行指挥

Chapter VIII Handling of Special Situations in flight 第八章 飞行中特殊情况的处置

Chapter IX Support of Communication, Navigation, Radar, Meteorology and Aeronautical Information 第九章 通信、导航、雷达、气象和航行情报保障

Chapter X Special Provisions Governing Foreign Aircraft 第十章 对外国航空器的特别规定

Chapter XI Legal Liability 第十一章 法律责任

Chapter XII Supplementary Provisions 第十二章 附则

Appendix I Symbols and Signals for Auxiliary Command and Liaison (1)
附件一 辅助指挥、联络的符号和信号(一)

Symbols and Signals for Auxiliary Command and Liaison (2)

Appendix II Flight Level Allocation Criteria Illustration Diagram
附件二 飞行高度层配备标准示意图

Appendix III The Maneuvers and Signals for Intercepting Aircraft and Intercepted Aircraft
附件三 拦截航空器和被拦截航空器的动作信号

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

   第一条 为了维护国家领空主权,规范中华人民共和国境内的飞行活动,保障飞行活动安全有秩序地进行,制定本规则。
Article 1 These Rules are formulated with a view to safeguarding the sovereignty of territorial airspace of the State, standardizing the flight activities within the territory of the People's Republic of China and ensuring the safe and orderly conduct of the flight activities. 

   第二条 凡辖有航空器的单位、个人和与飞行有关的人员及其飞行活动,必须遵守本规则。
Article 2 All units and individuals with aircraft under their charge and all flight-related persons and their flight activities shall abide by these Rules. 

   第三条 国家对境内所有飞行实行统一的飞行管制。
Article 3 All flights within the territory of the People's Republic of China are under the unified control of the State. 

   第四条 国务院、中央军事委员会空中交通管制委员会领导全国的飞行管制工作。
Article 4 The flight control throughout the country is under the leadership of the Air Traffic Control Commission of the State Council and the Central Military Commission. 

   第五条 航空单位的负责人对本单位遵守本规则负责。机长对本空勤组成员遵守本规则负责。
Article 5 The principal of each aviation unit shall be responsible for his unit's abidance by these Rules. The pilot-in-command of each aircraft shall be responsible for his crew's compliance with these Rules. 

   第六条 各航空单位在组织与实施飞行中,应当协调配合,通报有关情况。
Article 6 All aviation units shall coordinate with each other and exchange associated information in their organization and conduct of flight operations. 

   第七条 组织与实施飞行,应当按照飞行预先准备、飞行直接准备、飞行实施和飞行讲评等阶段进行。飞行阶段的具体内容和要求,由各航空管理部门自行规定。
Article 7 Flights shall be organised and conducted in line with the phases such as preliminary flight preparations, pre-flight preparations, execution of flight and flight debriefing. Specific contents and requirements for each flight phase shall be stipulated by each aviation administration department of its own accord. 

   第八条 与飞行有关的所有单位、人员负有保证飞行安全的责任,必须遵守有关规章制度,积极采取预防事故的措施,保证飞行安全。
Article 8 All flight-related units and individuals shall have responsibilities to ensure flight safety, follow relevant rules and procedures, and take preventive measures on own initiative to ensure flight safety. 

The aerodromes and departments concerned shall render effective organization, command and support to approved flights.

   第九条 飞行人员在飞行中,必须服从指挥,严格遵守纪律和操作规程,正确处置空中情况。遇到特殊情况,民用航空器的机长,为保证民用航空器及其所载人员的安全,有权对民用航空器作出处置;非民用航空器的机长(或者单座航空器飞行员,下同)在不能请示时,对于航空器的处置有最后决定权。
Article 9 During flights, the crew members shall follow the instructions, strictly observe the discipline and operating procedures and correctly handle aerial situations. In case of emergency, the pilot-in-command of a civil aircraft has the right to dispose of his aircraft for the safety of the aircraft and the persons on board; the pilot-in-command (or the pilot of a single seat aircraft, the same below) of a non-civil aircraft has the right to make the final decision as to the disposal of his aircraft when a request for instructions is impracticable. 

   第十条 各航空管理部门制定与飞行有关的规范,应当符合本规则的规定。
Article 10 Flight-related norms formulated by any aviation administration department shall conform to the provisions ofthese Rules. 


第二章 空域管理

Chapter II Airspace Management   第十一条 空域管理应当维护国家安全,兼顾民用、军用航空的需要和公众利益,统一规划,合理、充分、有效地利用空域。

Article 11 Airspace shall be managed in the interest of the national security and with due consideration to the needs of civil and military aviation and the interests of the public and shall be planned in a unified manner to allow its rational, sufficient and effective utilization.   第十二条 空域的划设应当考虑国家安全、飞行需要、飞行管制能力和通信、导航、雷达设施建设以及机场分布、环境保护等因素。

Article 12 The establishment of airspace shall take into consideration such factors as the national security, the flight requirements, the capability of flight control, the availability of communication, navigation and radar facilities and the locations of aerodromes and environment protection. 

The airspace is usually divided into aerodrome flight airspace, airways, air routes, prohibited areas, restricted areas and danger areas. Air corridors, fuel dumping areas and temporary flight airspace may be established when necessary for the need of airspace management and flight missions.
   第十三条 空域的划设、调整,应当按照国家有关规定履行审批、备案手续。

Article 13 The establishment and adjustment of airspace shall go through formalities for approval and record in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.   第十四条 机场飞行空域应当划设在航路和空中走廊以外。仪表(云中)飞行空域的边界距离航路、空中走廊以及其他空域的边界,均不得小于10公里。

Article 14 Aerodrome flight airspace shall be established off airways and air corridors. The horizontal separation between the limits of instrument (in clouds) flight airspace and those of the airways, air corridors and other airspace shall not be less than 10 kilometres. 

Normally aerodrome flight airspace includes such flight airspace as flying techniques (aerobatic, formation, instrument) flight airspace, scientific research test flight airspace, firing flight airspace, low-level flight airspace, super-low-level flight airspace, aeromarine flight airspace, nighttime flight airspace and holding airspace.

Holding airspace is usually established over the navigational aid; it may be established in the vicinity of the airspace of the aerodrome with heavy air traffic. The vertical clearance from the lowest holding level to the highest ground obstacle shall not be less than 600 metres. At or below 8,400 metres, the flight levels in the holding airspace shall be separated by 300 metres; above 8,400 metres, the flight levels in the holding airspace shall be separated by 600 metres.

The plan for establishment of an aerodrome flight airspace shall be put forward by the aviation unit stationed at the aerodrome and submitted for approval to the corps-level aviation unit of the People's Liberation Army or the Air Force of the major military command in the locality.

The flight airspace of adjacent aerodromes may be adjusted for use among themselves.
   第十五条 航路分为国际航路和国内航路。

Article 15 Airways are categorized into international and domestic ones. 

The width of an airway is 20 kilometres, extending 10 kilometres laterally from the centerline of the airway to each side. When restricted by conditions, the width of a certain airway segment may be reduced but shall not be less than 8 kilometres. The upper and lower limits of an airway shall be also defined.
   第十六条 航线分为固定航线和临时航线。

Article 16 Air routes are categorized into permanent and temporary ones. 

Normally temporary air routes shall not intersect airways or permanent air routes, or pass over aerodromes that have heavy air traffic.
   第十七条 国家重要的政治、经济、军事目标上空,可以划设空中禁区、临时空中禁区。

Article 17 Prohibited areas and temporary prohibited areas may be established over important political, economic or military objects of the State. 

No aircraft may enter prohibited areas or temporary prohibited areas without special approval obtained in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
   第十八条 位于航路、航线附近的军事要地、兵器试验场上空和航空兵部队、飞行院校等航空单位的机场飞行空域,可以划设空中限制区。根据需要还可以在其他地区上空划设临时空中限制区。

Article 18 Restricted areas may be established over important military places or weapon test fields located in the vicinity of airways or air routes or in the aerodrome flight airspace of aviation units such as military air units and flying schools. Temporary restricted areas may also be established over other areas when needed. 

Within the specified time limits, no aircraft may enter restricted areas or temporary restricted areas without permission from the flight control department.
   第十九条 位于机场、航路、航线附近的对空射击场或者发射场等,根据其射向、射高、范围,可以在上空划设空中危险区或者临时空中危险区。

Article 19 Danger areas or temporary danger areas may be established over air shooting ranges or launching sites located in the vicinity of aerodromes, airways or air routes in light of their firing directions, heights and scopes. 

Within the specified time limits, no unauthorized aircraft may enter danger areas or temporary danger areas.
   第二十条 空中禁区、空中限制区、空中危险区的划设、变更或者撤消,应当根据需要公布。

Article 20 The establishment, adjustment or withdrawal of prohibited areas, restricted areas or danger areas shall be made public as required.   第二十一条 空中走廊通常划设在机场密集的大、中城市附近地区上空。

Article 21 Air corridors shall usually be established over areas in the vicinity of large and/or medium-size cities with a concentration of aerodromes. 

The orientation, width and flight altitudes shall be clearly defined in the establishment of air corridors with due consideration to the easy access for inbound and outbound aircraft.

Normally the width of an air corridor is 10 kilometres, extending 5 kilometres laterally from the corridor centerline; when constrained by conditions, it shall not be less than 8 kilometres.
   第二十二条 空中放油区的划设,按照国家有关规定执行。

Article 22 The establishment of fuel dumping areas shall conform to the relevant provisions of the State.   第二十三条 临时飞行空域的划设,由申请使用空域的航空单位提出方案,经有关飞行管制部门划定,并通报有关单位。

Article 23 The plan for establishment of temporary flight airspace shall be put forward by the aviation unit requesting the use of the airspace, and its establishment shall be made by the relevant flight control department and notified to the units concerned. 

The establishment of temporary flight airspace is prohibited in areas within 10 kilometres on China's side from the national border (frontier). Where there is a special need for general aviation operations, it may be established by the relevant flight control department with approval from the major military command in the locality.
   第二十四条 在机场区域内必须严格执行国家有关保护机场净空的规定,禁止在机场附近修建影响飞行安全的射击靶场、建筑物、构筑物、架空线路等障碍物体。

Article 24 The provisions of the State on protection of aerodrome clearance zone shall be strictly abided by. It is prohibited to construct in the vicinity of aerodromes obstacle objects affecting flight safety such as shooting ranges, buildings, construction structures and overhead power lines. 

Outside the airport and its obstacle clearance protection zone defined according to the provisions of the State, flight obstacle lights and marks shall be installed and shall be kept in normal condition in line with the relevant provisions of the State on high buildings or facilities that will possibly affect flight safety.
   第二十五条 在距离航路边界30公里以内的地带,禁止修建影响飞行安全的射击靶场和其他设施。

Article 25 The construction of shooting ranges or other facilities that will possibly affect flight safety is prohibited within the area 30 kilometres from the edges of an airway. 

Construction of permanent or temporary shooting ranges in areas other than those prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to approval in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. The shooting or launching directions of shooting ranges or the direction in which aircraft approach the target shall not intersect airways.
   第二十六条 修建各种固定对空射击场或者炮兵射击靶场,必须报国务院、中央军事委员会批准。设立临时性靶场和射击点,经有关飞行管制部门同意后,由设立单位报所在省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和大军区审查批准。

Article 26 The construction of any kind of permanent ground-to-air shooting ranges or artillery shooting ranges shall be submitted for approval to the State Council and the Central Military Commission. The setup of temporary shooting ranges or spots shall first obtain the consent of the relevant flight control department, and then the proposing unit shall submit it for approval to the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government and the major military command in the locality. 

The management units of permanent or temporary ground-to-air shooting ranges, launching fields, artillery shooting ranges or shooting spots shall be responsible for setting up effective communication liaison and establishing a system of cooperation and notification with the flight control department of the area; when shooting or launching is in progress, a sky watch shall be kept to ensure flight safety.
   第二十七条 升放无人驾驶航空自由气球或者可能影响飞行安全的系留气球,须经有关飞行管制部门批准。具体管理办法由国务院、中央军事委员会空中交通管制委员会会同国务院民用航空主管部门、中国人民解放军空军拟定,报国务院、中央军事委员会批准实施。

Article 27 The launching of unmanned free balloons or captive balloons, which may affect flight safety, shall be subject to approval by the relevant flight control department. Specific measures shall be drafted by the Air Traffic Control Commission of the State Council and the Central Military Commission jointly with the competent civil aviation authority of the State Council and the Air Force of the People's Liberation Army, and shall be implemented after submission to and approval by the State Council and the Central Military Commission. 

第三章 飞行管制

   第二十八条 中华人民共和国境内的飞行管制,由中国人民解放军空军统一组织实施,各有关飞行管制部门按照各自的职责分工提供空中交通管制服务。
Chapter III Flight Control 

   第二十九条 飞行管制的基本任务是:
Article 28 The overall flight control within the territory of the People's Republic of China is under the unified organization and implementation of the Air Force of the People's Liberation Army, and the various relevant flight control departments shall provide air traffic control service in accordance with their respective division of responsibilities. 

Article 29 The basic tasks of flight control are: 

(1) supervising aircraft in strict adherence to their approved flight plans, maintaining order of flights, and preventing unapproved flights of aircraft; 

(2) preventing unapproved entries of aircraft into prohibited areas, temporary prohibited areas and unapproved entering or leaving the national border (frontier); 

(3) preventing collision between aircraft or their crash onto ground obstacles; and 

   第三十条 在中华人民共和国境内,按照飞行管制责任划分为:飞行管制区、飞行管制分区、机场飞行管制区。
(4) preventing inadvertent firings at aircraft by ground-to-air weapons or devices. 

Article 30 Within the territory of the People's Republic of China, flight control areas, flight control sub-areas and aerodrome flight control areas shall be established according to their respective responsibilities of flight control. 

High altitude control areas, medium and low altitude control areas, terminal (approach) control areas and/or aerodrome tower control areas shall be established in areas of airways and air routes and/or in civil aerodrome areas.
   第三十一条 各类管制区的划设,应当按照国家有关规定审批。

Flight information areas shall be established over the territory of the People's Republic of China, its contiguous zones, its exclusive economic zones and the high seas adjacent to it.

   第三十二条 各类管制区的飞行管制,由有关飞行管制部门按照职责分工实施。
Article 31 The establishment of various control areas shall be subject to approval in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. 

   第三十三条 中华人民共和国境内特定地区以及执行特殊任务的飞行,应当执行特种飞行管制规定。
Article 32 Flight control in various control areas shall be implemented by the relevant flight control departments in accordance with division of responsibilities. 

   第三十四条 担负飞行管制任务的航空管理部门及航空单位,应当按照各自的职责权限,根据本规则制定飞行管制的具体实施办法。
Article 33 Flights within specially-designated areas or on special missions in the territory of the People's Republic of China shall observe special flight control provisions. 

Article 34 Aviation administrative departments and aviation units in charge of flight control shall, within the scope of their power and functions, formulate specific flight control measures in accordance with these Rules.   第三十五条 所有飞行必须预先提出申请,经批准后方可实施。

The co-ordination system shall be set up among related flight control departments.

Article 35 All flights shall be applied for in advance and be implemented only after approval. 

For aircraft approved to fly into or out of the territorial airspace of the People's Republic of China, their flights into or out of the territorial airspace of the People's Republic of China or their flights across flight control areas shall be subject to approval by the Air Force of the People's Liberation Army; their flights across the flight control sub-areas within the same flight control area shall be subject to approval by the department responsible for the flight control of that flight control area; their flights within one flight control sub-area shall be subject to approval by the department responsible for the flight control of that flight control sub-area.
   第三十六条 战斗飞行按照战斗命令执行,飞机起飞前或者起飞后必须及时通报飞行管制部门。

Scheduled civil flights shall be made along designated airways or air routes and by the timetable; non-scheduled civil flights shall be subject to approval by the competent civil aviation authority of the State Council and shall be filed with the Air Force of the People's Liberation Army; and be filed with other aviation administrative departments when concerned.

   第三十七条 对未经批准而起飞或者升空的航空器,有关单位必须迅速查明情况,采取必要措施,直至强迫其降落。
Article 36 Combat flights shall be conducted in compliance with the combat orders and be notified in time to the flight control departments before or after their takeoff. 

   第三十八条 转场航空器的起飞,机场区域内、外飞行的开始和结束,均应当遵守预定的时间;需要提前或者推迟起飞时间的,应当经上一级飞行管制部门的许可。
Article 37 For any unapproved takeoff or liftoff of an aircraft, the relevant unit shall find out the causes immediately and take necessary measures up to the extent of forcing it to land. 

Article 38 The departure of ferry flight, the start and finish of such flight within or out of the aerodrome area shall conform to the pre-determined schedule; any advancement or postponement of the departure time shall be subject to permission by the flight control department at the next higher level.   第三十九条 组织与实施通用航空飞行活动,必须按照有关规定履行报批手续,并向当地飞行管制部门提出飞行申请。飞行申请的内容包括:任务性质、航空器型别、飞行范围、起止时间、飞行高度和飞行条件等。各航空单位应当按照批准的飞行计划组织实施。

Where a ferry flight fails to depart within one hour after the scheduled departure time and makes no request for a delay, its original flight application shall become annulled.

   第四十条 航空器飞入相邻管制区前,飞行管制部门之间应当进行管制移交。管制移交应当按照程序管制或者雷达管制的有关规定实施。
Article 39 The organization and implementation of general aviation flight activities shall go through the formalities for approval in accordance with the relevant provisions, and a flight application shall be submitted to the local flight control department. The flight application shall contain such information as the nature of mission, type of aircraft, scopes of operation airspace, start and finish time, flight levels and flight conditions. Each aviation unit shall conduct the flight in accordance with the approved flight plan. 

   第四十一条 在中华人民共和国领空飞行的航空器,必须标明明显的识别标志,禁止无识别标志的航空器飞行。
Article 40 Before an aircraft enters the adjacent control area, the flight control departments concerned shall transfer their control. The control transfer shall be effected in accordance with the relevant provisions for procedural control or radar control. 

Article 41 Aircraft operating within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall bear distinct identification marks. Aircraft without identification marks are forbidden such flight. 

Aircraft without identification marks shall, when in need of such flight due to special circumstances, be subject to approval by the Air Force of the People's Liberation Army.
   第四十二条 空中交通管制员、飞行指挥员(含飞行管制员,下同)应当按照国家有关规定,经过专门培训、考核,取得执照、证书后,方可上岗工作。

The identification marks of aircraft shall be subject to approval in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.


第四章 机场区域内飞行

Article 42 Air traffic controllers and flight commanders (including flight controllers, the same below) shall, according to the relevant provisions of the State, receive special training and qualifications assessment, and be allowed to take up their working posts only after they have obtained licences or certificates.   第四十三条 机场区域是指机场和为该机场划定的一定范围的设置各种飞行空域的空间。

Chapter IV Operations within Aerodrome Areas 

Article 43 An aerodrome area refers to the aerodrome and the airspace with certain dimensions which is defined for the establishment of various flight airspace for the aerodrome. 

The establishment of aerodrome areas shall be based on the factors such as the terrain around the aerodrome, types and missions of aircraft for which the aerodrome serves, the locations and runway directions of adjacent aerodromes, the locations nearby the aerodrome of national border (frontier), prohibited areas, ground-to-air shooting ranges or launching fields, airways and air corridors, and the public interests and safety ensuring.
   第四十四条 机场区域内飞行,应当遵守机场使用细则。

A joint aerodrome area may be established for adjacent aerodromes that are too close to have separate aerodrome areas.

The limits of aerodrome areas shall normally coincide with those of the aerodrome flight (tower) control area.

   第四十五条 飞行人员飞行时,必须按照规定携带必备的资料、文书和证件。
Article 44 Flights within an aerodrome area shall follow specific aerodrome operations instructions. 

Specific aerodrome operations instructions shall be formulated, submitted for approval and the record in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
   第四十六条 飞行准备以及保障飞行的准备工作,必须在飞行开始前完成。在各项准备和天气情况符合飞行要求时,飞行方可开始。

Article 45 When flying, the crew members shall carry with them the necessary information, documents and certificates in accordance with the provisions. 

   第四十七条 昼间飞行,在航空器起飞、降落前,水平能见度小于2公里的,应当打开机场全部障碍标志灯;水平能见度小于l公里的,起飞时还应当打开跑道
Article 46 The flight preparations and the preparatory work of flight support shall be completed prior to the commencement of the flight. Flights shall commence only when all preparations and the weather conditions meet the flight requirements. 

The aerodrome accepting the landing of a ferry flight aircraft shall finish all the preparations necessary in support of the landing at least 30 minutes prior to its arrival.

   第四十八条 飞行人员自起飞前开车起到着陆后关车止,必须同空中交通管制员或者飞行指挥员保持无线电通信联络,并且严格遵守通信纪律。
Article 47 When the horizontal visibility is less than 2 kilometres during daytime, all the obstruction lights of the aerodrome shall be switched on before any takeoff or landing of aircraft; when the horizontal visibility is less than 1 kilometre, the runway lights shall be switched on at the time of takeoff and all the flight support lights in the landing direction of the aircraft (the reverse direction of landing) shall be switched on at the time of landing. 

Article 48 The crew members shall, from engine start before takeoff to engine shutdown after landing, keep radio communication contact with the air traffic controller or flight commander and strictly observe the communication discipline.   第四十九条 飞行员开车滑行,必须经空中交通管制员或者飞行指挥员许可。滑行或者牵引时,应当遵守下列规定:

Aircraft without radio equipment or aircraft experiencing radio failure shall make contacts in accordance with the provisions in Appendix I to these Rules.

Article 49 The pilot shall not start engine(s) and taxi without the permission from the air traffic controller or flight commander. An aircraft when taxiing or being towed shall comply with the following provisions: 

(1) An aircraft shall taxi or be towed along the specified route or the route assigned by the air traffic controller or flight commander. 

(2) Aircraft, when taxiing, shall comply with the taxi speed restrictions laid down in the corresponding aircraft operations manual or in pilot flight rules; the taxiing speed shall not exceed 15 kilometres per hour while taxiing in the proximity of obstructions. 

(3) When two aircraft are approaching head-on, each shall keep to the right and maintain the required safe separation. When two aircraft are crossing, the pilot who sees the other aircraft on his left shall stop taxiing and give way to the other. 

(4) When two or more aircraft are taxiing in succession, the succeeding aircraft shall not overtake the preceding one, and the longitudinal separation between them shall not be less than 50 metres. 

(5) When taxiing or being towed during night-time, the navigational lights of the aircraft shall be switched on. 

(6) Helicopters may fly at a height of 1 to 10 metre(s) instead of ground taxiing.   第五十条 通常情况下,准备起飞的航空器,在起落航线第四转弯后无其他航空器进入着陆时,经空中交通管制员或者飞行指挥员许可,方可滑进跑道;跑道上无障碍物,方准起飞。

Seaplanes, when approaching head-on or crossing with a ship while taxiing or being towed, shall follow the avoidance procedures as appropriate for such occasions when two aircraft meet.

Article 50 Under normal conditions, an aircraft intending to depart shall not enter the runway unless there is no other aircraft on the final leg of the traffic circuit and clearance has been obtained from the air traffic controller or flight commander, and shall not take off unless the runway is free from obstacles.   第五十一条 机场的起落航线通常为左航线;若因地形、城市等条件的限制,或者为避免同邻近机场的起落航线交叉,也可以为右航线;起落航线的飞行高度,通常为300米至500米。

Succeeding aircraft shall maintain the specified safe separation from the preceding aircraft during takeoffs or landings.

Article 51 An aerodrome traffic circuit shall normally be left-hand one. It may be a right-hand traffic circuit if itis constrained by the conditions of terrain or city location or if it is for sake of avoiding crossing with the traffic circuit of the adjacent aerodrome. The height of traffic circuit shall normally be 300 metres to 500 metres. 

An aircraft on traffic circuit is forbidden to overtake another aircraft of the same type. Aircraft shall maintain a minimum separation of 1,500 metres between them on the same traffic circuit. However, aircraft of higher speed may, with the clearance of the air traffic controller or flight commander, overtake another of lower speed from the outer side before base-turn while maintaining a minimum lateral separation of 200 metres. No aircraft shall overtake the preceding one from the inner side unless an immediate landing is imminent.
   第五十二条 航空器起飞后在机场区域内上升或者降落前在机场区域内下降,必须按照空中交通管制员或者飞行指挥员的指示进行。

Aircraft shall join the traffic circuit only after it has been cleared by the air traffic controller or flight commander and in the same direction as that of the circuit. No crosswise cut-in is allowed.

Article 52 Aircraft climb after takeoff or descent before landing in the aerodrome area shall be made in compliance with instructions from the air traffic controller or flight commander.   第五十三条 相邻机场的穿云上升航线、穿云下降航线互有交叉,飞行发生矛盾时,由负责该地区飞行管制的部门调整。

Aircraft joining an airway or air route from the aerodrome or leaving an airway or air route for the aerodrome shall climb or descend in accordance with the air routes and altitude/height specified in the specific aerodrome operations instructions or departure/arrival procedures.

   第五十四条 航空器进行空域飞行时,应当按照规定的航线(航向)、高度、次序进入空域或者脱离空域,并且保持在规定的空域和高度范围内飞行。

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