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Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Imported and Exported Grain (2018 Second Amendment) [Revised]
进出境粮食检验检疫监督管理办法(2018第二次修正) [已被修订]

Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Imported and Exported Grain 


(Promulgated by Order No. 177 of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on January 20, 2016; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules by Order No. 238 of the General Administration of Customs on April 28, 2018; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules by Order No. 240 of the General Administration of Customs on May 29, 2018) (2016年1月20日国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第177号公布 根据2018年4月28日海关总署令第238号《海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定》第一次修正 根据2018年5月29日海关总署令第240号《海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定》第二次修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 Under the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Quarantine of Imported and Exported Animal and Plant and the Regulations for the Implementation, the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations for the Implementation, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Inspection of Imported and Exported Commodities and the Regulations for the Implementation, the Regulations on the Safety Management of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms , the Special Rules of the State Council on Strengthening the Supervision and Management of the Safety of Food and Other Products , and other laws and regulations, these Measures are developed.   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》及其实施条例、《中华人民共和国食品安全法》及其实施条例、《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》及其实施条例、《农业转基因生物安全管理条例》《国务院关于加强食品等产品安全监督管理的特别规定》等法律法规的规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the supervision and administration of the inspection and quarantine of imported and exported (including transit) grain.   第二条 本办法适用于进出境(含过境)粮食检验检疫监督管理。
For the purpose of these Measures, grain means the seeds of cereal grain crops, leguminous grain crops, oil plants, and other crops, as well as the roots and tubers of potatoes, among others, for processing, other than reproduction. 本办法所称粮食,是指用于加工、非繁殖用途的禾谷类、豆类、油料类等作物的籽实以及薯类的块根或者块茎等。
Article 3 The General Administration of Customs shall be uniformly in charge of the supervision and administration of the inspection and quarantine of imported and exported grain across the country.   第三条 海关总署统一管理全国进出境粮食检验检疫监督管理工作。
The competent customs offices shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the inspection and quarantine of imported and exported grain in their jurisdictions. 主管海关负责所辖区域内进出境粮食的检验检疫监督管理工作。
Article 4 The General Administration of Customs and the competent customs offices shall conduct risk management for the quality safety of imported and exported grain, including organizing and conducting inspection and quarantine access of imported and exported grain, on the basis of risk analysis, including analysis on risks of products carrying pests, evaluation and examination of the supervision system, determination of the inspection and quarantine requirements, and registration of overseas manufacturing enterprises, among others.   第四条 海关总署及主管海关对进出境粮食质量安全实施风险管理,包括在风险分析的基础上,组织开展进出境粮食检验检疫准入,包括产品携带有害生物风险分析、监管体系评估与审查、确定检验检疫要求、境外生产企业注册登记等。
Article 5 Consignees and consignors, manufacturing, processing, storage, and transportation enterprises of imported and exported grain shall carry out production and operation activities according to the law, establish and implement the grain quality safety control system and the epidemic prevention and control system, be responsible for the quality safety of imported and exported grain, be honest and trustworthy, accept social supervision, and assume social responsibility.   第五条 进出境粮食收发货人及生产、加工、存放、运输企业应当依法从事生产经营活动,建立并实施粮食质量安全控制体系和疫情防控体系,对进出境粮食质量安全负责,诚实守信,接受社会监督,承担社会责任。
Chapter II Entry Inspection and Quarantine 

第二章 进境检验检疫

Section 1 Registration 

第一节 注册登记

Article 6 The General Administration of Customs shall implement the registration system for overseas manufacturing, processing, and storage enterprises of imported grain (hereinafter referred to as “overseas manufacturing and processing enterprises”).   第六条 海关总署对进境粮食境外生产、加工、存放企业(以下简称境外生产加工企业)实施注册登记制度。
Overseas manufacturing and processing enterprises shall meet the relevant requirements of the laws and regulations, and standards of the exporting countries or regions, and meet the requirements of the relevant Chinese laws and regulations and mandatory standards. 境外生产加工企业应当符合输出国家或者地区法律法规和标准的相关要求,并达到中国有关法律法规和强制性标准的要求。
Overseas manufacturing and processing enterprises of imported grain for which registration management is conducted shall be recommended to the General Administration of Customs after passing the examination of the competent departments in the exporting countries or regions. The General Administration of Customs shall conduct examination confirmation upon receipt of the recommendation materials, and the qualified overseas manufacturing and processing enterprises in the countries or regions shall be registered. 实施注册登记管理的进境粮食境外生产加工企业,经输出国家或者地区主管部门审查合格后向海关总署推荐。海关总署收到推荐材料后进行审查确认,符合要求的国家或者地区的境外生产加工企业,予以注册登记。
The registration of an overseas manufacturing and processing enterprise shall be valid for 4 years. 境外生产加工企业注册登记有效期为4年。
Where an overseas manufacturing and processing enterprise needs to extend the period of validity, the competent department in the exporting country or region shall apply to the General Administration of Customs for extension 6 months before the expiry of the period of validity. Upon confirmation by the General Administration of Customs, the period of validity of registration shall be extended for 4 years. When necessary, the General Administration of Customs may dispatch experts to the exporting countries or regions to conduct retrospective examinations of the supervision system, and conduct random inspections of the overseas manufacturing and processing enterprises applying for extension. 需要延期的境外生产加工企业,由输出国家或者地区主管部门在有效期届满6个月前向海关总署提出延期申请。海关总署确认后,注册登记有效期延长4年。必要时,海关总署可以派出专家到输出国家或者地区对其监管体系进行回顾性审查,并对申请延期的境外生产加工企业进行抽查。
Where grain exported by a registered overseas manufacturing and processing enterprise to China disqualifies the inspection and quarantine and the circumstances are serious, the General Administration of Customs may revoke its registration. 注册登记的境外生产加工企业向中国输出粮食经检验检疫不合格,情节严重的,海关总署可以撤销其注册登记。
Article 7 An overseas manufacturing and processing enterprise exporting grain to China shall obtain recognition of the competent department in the exporting country or region, have screening and impurity clearing, stoving, testing, epidemic prevention, and other quality safety control facilities and quality management systems, and be prohibited from adding impurities.   第七条 向我国出口粮食的境外生产加工企业应当获得输出国家或者地区主管部门的认可,具备过筛清杂、烘干、检测、防疫等质量安全控制设施及质量管理制度,禁止添加杂质。
As the circumstances may require, the General Administration of Customs shall organize experts to conduct systematic inspection overseas, carry out investigation of the epidemic situation, and conduct examination, pre-inspection, and inspection of storage of the manufacturing, processing, and storage enterprises, among others. 根据情况需要,海关总署组织专家赴境外实施体系性考察,开展疫情调查,生产、加工、存放企业检查及预检监装等工作。
Section 2 Inspection and Quarantine 

第二节 检验检疫

Article 8 The General Administration of Customs shall implement a quarantine access system for imported grain.   第八条 海关总署对进境粮食实施检疫准入制度。
For import of a kind of grain from an exporting country or region for the first time, the official competent authority in the exporting country or region shall file a written application with the General Administration of Customs, and provide the type of pests occurred during the process of planting and storage of the grain, the extent of harm and the information on prevention and control, the quality safety control system, and other technical materials. Under exceptional circumstances, the importing enterprise may file an application and provide technical materials. The General Administration of Customs may organize the analysis on the risks of imported grain, on-site inspection, and external negotiation. 首次从输出国家或者地区进口某种粮食,应当由输出国家或者地区官方主管机构向海关总署提出书面申请,并提供该种粮食种植及储运过程中发生有害生物的种类、为害程度及防控情况和质量安全控制体系等技术资料。特殊情况下,可以由进口企业申请并提供技术资料。海关总署可以组织开展进境粮食风险分析、实地考察及对外协商。
The General Administration of Customs shall, in accordance with the mandatory requirements of the national laws and regulations and technical specifications, among others, develop specific requirements of inspection and quarantine for imported grain, and announce the types of grain allowed to be imported and the list of the source countries or regions. 海关总署依照国家法律法规及国家技术规范的强制性要求等,制定进境粮食的具体检验检疫要求,并公布允许进境的粮食种类及来源国家或者地区名单。
For the type of grain allowed to be imported and corresponding source countries or regions, the General Administration of Customs shall, according to the overseas epidemic dynamics, interception and capture of importing epidemic situation, and other quality safety status, organize and carry out retrospective examination of the specific inspection and quarantine requirements of imported grain, and dispatch experts to conduct on-site investigation, pre-inspection, inspection of storage, and external negotiations overseas, if necessary. 对于已经允许进境的粮食种类及相应来源国家或者地区,海关总署将根据境外疫情动态、进境疫情截获及其他质量安全状况,组织开展进境粮食具体检验检疫要求的回顾性审查,必要时派专家赴境外开展实地考察、预检、监装及对外协商。
Article 9 Imported grain shall enter the territory from ports designated by the General Administration of Customs. The conditions and management specifications of the designated ports shall be developed by the General Administration of Customs.   第九条 进境粮食应当从海关总署指定的口岸入境。指定口岸条件及管理规范由海关总署制定。
Article 10 The General Administration of Customs shall implement a quarantine license system for imported grain. A consignor of imported grain shall, before signing a trading contract, apply for handling quarantine approval procedures under the Administrative Measures for the Approval of the Quarantine of Imported Animals and Plants and other provisions, obtain a Quarantine License of the People's Republic of China for Imported Animals and Plants (hereinafter referred to as the “Quarantine License”), and list the requirements of national grain quality safety, plant quarantine requirements, and the relevant requirements as prescribed in the Quarantine License in the trading contract.   第十条 海关总署对进境粮食实施检疫许可制度。进境粮食货主应当在签订贸易合同前,按照《进境动植物检疫审批管理办法》等规定申请办理检疫审批手续,取得《中华人民共和国进境动植物检疫许可证》(以下简称《检疫许可证》),并将国家粮食质量安全要求、植物检疫要求及《检疫许可证》中规定的相关要求列入贸易合同。
Due to port restrictions and other reasons, imported grain shall be transported to designated storage and processing places meeting the epidemic prevention and supervision conditions (hereinafter referred to as “designated enterprises”). When handling a Quarantine License, the consignor or its agent shall specify the designated places and provide the relevant certified documents. 因口岸条件限制等原因,进境粮食应当运往符合防疫及监管条件的指定存放、加工场所(以下简称指定企业),办理《检疫许可证》时,货主或者其代理人应当明确指定场所并提供相应证明文件。
Grain without a Quarantine License shall not enter the territory. 未取得《检疫许可证》的粮食,不得进境。
Article 11 The Customs shall, in accordance with the following requirements, conduct inspection and quarantine of imported grain:   第十一条 海关按照下列要求,对进境粮食实施检验检疫:
(1) The relevant requirements determined by bilateral agreements, protocols, memoranda, and other bilateral agreements signed by and between the Chinese government and the governments of the grain exporting countries or regions. (一)中国政府与粮食输出国家或者地区政府签署的双边协议、议定书、备忘录以及其他双边协定确定的相关要求;
(2) The mandatory requirements of Chinese laws and regulations, and national technical specifications, and the inspection and quarantine requirements as prescribed by the General Administration of Customs. (二)中国法律法规、国家技术规范的强制性要求和海关总署规定的检验检疫要求;
(3) The quarantine requirements as listed in the Quarantine License. (三)《检疫许可证》列明的检疫要求。
Article 12 A consignor or its agent shall, before import of grain, apply to the inspection and quarantine department at the port of entry for inspection and quarantine and provide the following materials as required:   第十二条 货主或者其代理人应当在粮食进境前向进境口岸海关报检,并按要求提供以下材料:
(1) the plant quarantine certificate issued by the competent department in the grain exporting country or region; (一)粮食输出国家或者地区主管部门出具的植物检疫证书;
(2) the certificate of origin; (二)产地证书;
(3) the trading contract, bill of lading, packing list, invoice and other trading certificates; (三)贸易合同、提单、装箱单、发票等贸易凭证;
(4) Other certificates as determined by the bilateral agreement, protocol, and memoranda and as prescribed by the General Administration of Customs. (四)双边协议、议定书、备忘录确定的和海关总署规定的其他单证。
An importer of genetically modified grain shall also provide the Safety Certificate for Genetically Modified Organisms and other relevant documents of approval. 进境转基因粮食的,还应当提供《农业转基因生物安全证书》等相关批准文件。
A consignor shall be encouraged to obtain quality certificates, sanitary certificates, fitness certificates, weight certificates and other documents issued by the competent departments in the exporting countries or regions or third-party testing institutions from overseas grain exporters. 鼓励货主向境外粮食出口商索取由输出国家或者地区主管部门,或者由第三方检测机构出具的品质证书、卫生证书、适载证书、重量证书等其他单证。
Article 13 Imported grain may be subject to fumigation treatment with the vessel.   第十三条 进境粮食可以进行随航熏蒸处理。
Before the on-site inspection, an imported grain carrier or its agent shall declare the information on the fumigation treatment of the imported grain with the vessel in writing to the Customs at the port of entry and conduct ventilation in advance. If it fails to declare such information, the Customs shall not conduct on-site inspection; where fumigant residual is found in the on-site inspection or the fumigation residual gas concentration exceeds the safety limit, inspection and quarantine and relevant on-site inspection activities shall be suspended; and only when the fumigant residual is effectively removed and the fumigation residual gas concentration is lower than the safety limit, may the on-site inspection be resumed. 现场查验前,进境粮食承运人或者其代理人应当向进境口岸海关书面申报进境粮食随航熏蒸处理情况,并提前实施通风散气。未申报的,海关不实施现场查验;经现场检查,发现熏蒸剂残留物,或者熏蒸残留气体浓度超过安全限量的,暂停检验检疫及相关现场查验活动;熏蒸剂残留物经有效清除且熏蒸残留气体浓度低于安全限量后,方可恢复现场查验活动。
Article 14 Where a vessel is used for loading of imported bulk grain, the Customs shall conduct inspection and quarantine for the surface layer of goods at anchorage grounds; the vessel may enter the port only when there is no major abnormality of quality safety; and bulk grain shall accept inspection and quarantine at the port.   第十四条 使用船舶装载进境散装粮食的,海关应当在锚地对货物表层实施检验检疫,无重大异常质量安全情况后船舶方可进港,散装粮食应当在港口继续接受检验检疫。
Direct inspection and quarantine at berth, if required, shall be subject to the consent of the Customs in advance. 需直接靠泊检验检疫的,应当事先征得海关的同意。
Grain imported by vessel containers, trains, cars and other means shall be subject to inspection and quarantine conducted at the inspection places designated by the Customs and shall not be arbitrarily removed without consent of the Customs. 以船舶集装箱、火车、汽车等其他方式进境粮食的,应当在海关指定的查验场所实施检验检疫,未经海关同意不得擅自调离。
Article 15 The Customs shall conduct on-site inspection and quarantine of the imported grain. On-site inspection and quarantine includes:   第十五条 海关应当对进境粮食实施现场检验检疫。现场检验检疫包括:
(1) Verification of goods and documents. The certificate and the name and quantity (weight) of goods, the name of export storage processing enterprise, the registration number, and other information shall be verified. For loading in a vessel in bulk, the information on goods loaded in the previous voyage and the clearance inspection shall be verified, and the quality safety risks of the grain loaded shall be evaluated; and for loading in a container, the number of the container, sealing and other information shall be verified. (一)货证核查。核对证单与货物的名称、数(重)量、出口储存加工企业名称及其注册登记号等信息。船舶散装的,应当核查上一航次装载货物及清仓检验情况,评估对装载粮食的质量安全风险;集装箱装载的,应当核查集装箱箱号、封识等信息。
(2) On-site inspection. Key inspection shall be conducted on whether the grain is wet with water, moldy, or deteriorated, whether the grain carries insects, weed seeds, or other pests, and whether the grain has mixed cereal grains, plant residues, soil, fumigant residues, seed coating pollution, animal carcasses, animal wastes, and other objects prohibited from entering China, among others. (二)现场查验。重点检查粮食是否水湿、发霉、变质,是否携带昆虫及杂草籽等有害生物,是否有混杂粮谷、植物病残体、土壤、熏蒸剂残渣、种衣剂污染、动物尸体、动物排泄物及其他禁止进境物等。
(3) Taking samples. Samples shall be taken under the relevant provisions and standards to laboratories for detection. (三)抽取样品。根据有关规定和标准抽取样品送实验室检测。
(4) Other on-site inspection activities. (四)其他现场查验活动。
Article 16 The Customs shall, under the relevant working procedures and standards, send samples taken upon on-site inspection and suspicious objects found to laboratories for detection and identification, and issue the inspection and quarantine results.   第十六条 海关应当按照相关工作程序及标准,对现场查验抽取的样品及发现的可疑物进行实验室检测鉴定,并出具检验检疫结果单。
Laboratory detection samples shall be appropriately stored and shall be retained for at least 3 months. Where a uniform certificate needs to be issued in the event of any abnormality detected, samples shall be retained for at least 6 months. 实验室检测样品应当妥善存放并至少保留3个月。如检测异常需要对外出证的,样品应当至少保留6个月。
Article 17 Under one of the following circumstances, imported grain shall, under the supervision of the Customs, be subject to fumigation, disinfection or other harm-elimination treatment at the port anchorage grounds, ports or designated quarantine supervision places:   第十七条 进境粮食有下列情形之一的,应当在海关监督下,在口岸锚地、港口或者指定的检疫监管场所实施熏蒸、消毒或者其他除害处理:
(1) Quarantine pests or other living harmful insects with quarantine risks are found and may cause spreading. (一)发现检疫性有害生物或者其他具有检疫风险的活体有害昆虫,且可能造成扩散的;
(2) Excessive seed coating, fumigant pollution, toxic weed seeds, and other safety and sanitation problems are found, and there are effective technical treatment measures. (二)发现种衣剂、熏蒸剂污染、有毒杂草籽超标等安全卫生问题,且有有效技术处理措施的;
(3) Other causes make quality safety of grain be in jeopardy. (三)其他原因造成粮食质量安全受到危害的。
Article 18 Under one of the following circumstances, imported grain shall be returned or destroyed:   第十八条 进境粮食有下列情形之一的,作退运或者销毁处理:
(1) It is not listed in the entry access list of the General Administration of Customs, is unable to provide the Plant Quarantine Certificate issued by the competent department of the grain exporting country or region and other certificates, or has no Quarantine License.

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